How to slow dance with a girl. What does it take for a slow dance to be performed beautifully and gracefully? What to talk about while dancing

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The origin of the waltz is still debated, but it was popularized in Austria in the 18th century, and then spread to other countries. Its name comes from the German word "walzen", which means "to whirl".

This dance was not immediately accepted by the upper class of society and was even considered indecent due to the close contact of dance partners. However, now the waltz is known, loved and danced in many countries around the world. Today we will talk about how to dance the waltz.

A distinctive feature of this dance is that it should be danced in three-quarter time, that is, there are three steps for each measure. Try counting out loud: “one, two, three”, “one, two, three”, with amplification of “one” - this is one beat.

Types of waltz

  • It was the Viennese waltz that was preferred to be danced at high-ranking balls in Europe, and it also adorns the annual Vienna Ball. The number of beats of this dance is about 60 per minute. In fact, it is quite difficult compared to other dance styles, since it is a fast waltz, which is also accompanied by a series of rapid turns. The Viennese Waltz is included in the European program of ballroom dancing competitions.

  • The slow waltz differs from the Viennese waltz in the tempo of its execution; it must be danced twice as slow - about 30 beats per minute. The Boston waltz is also a slow type of waltz. Just like the Viennese waltz, the slow waltz is included in the ballroom dance program of Europe.
  • The figure waltz is a variation of the Viennese waltz, but is distinguished by the presence of additional figures: swinging the leg, jumping on one knee and the other.
  • Tango waltz, or Argentine waltz, is a hybrid of waltz and tango. The movements of this dance are basically the same as in tango, but it is performed in ¾ time and from third position, like a waltz, but waltz severity is not at all characteristic of it.

How to dance a slow waltz

These are the basic waltz figures for beginners. Start the waltz in a square, then alternate right and left turns with changes and paths. Having mastered these figures, you can move on to studying more complex ones, such as temple, weave, spin turn, impetus turn, chasse, telemark and others.


Ah, slow dancing: you've probably either loved it or hated it since middle school. No dance could be that romantic, and yet, many people who have no problem shaking their buttocks all night long are benched when the music slows down. But don't worry - even if you don't know how to slow dance, you don't have to sit on the sidelines at the end of the evening. If you want to know how to slow dance, you just have to master a few basic steps, trust your partner, and glide gracefully to the music. If you want to master slow dancing in the time it takes for K-Ci & Jojo to play "All My Life", just follow these steps.


1 get ready to slow dance

  1. slow dance 1 Ask someone to dance. If you want to start slow dancing correctly, then you must ask the person to dance as gracefully as possible. If you are the man asking her out on a date, you can wave your hand to her and say, “Let's dance?” If you are a girl who has a date, then gently take your partner's hand and pull him as you ask him to dance. Even if you don't have a partner, you should still look the person straight in the eye when you want to dance with her or him, and even smile or grin at him or her playfully.
    • Don't worry if you're nervous - chances are the other person is nervous too. Hide your nervousness by smiling and asking with confidence.
  2. slow dance 2 Smoothly escort your partner to the dance floor. Once your partner has accepted your tempting offer, you should accompany him or her to the dance floor slowly and gently - there is no need to rush. Don't forget to savor the moment. If you know the person well, or you're dating, you can hold hands or join elbows as you head towards the dance floor. The man should lead the way to the dance floor and on floor, so the guy should clasp his partner’s right hand with his left hand, lifting it slightly, and lead the girl to the dance floor.
    • Girls, if your partner will not automatically lead you to the dance floor, give him your right hand and turn your elbow towards his elbow and walk to the dance floor.
    • If you are already on the dance floor, the task is hold yourself and your partner on the dance floor is not an easy task if one or both of you are nervous about slow dancing. If your partner is nervous, smile and tell him or her that there is nothing to worry about.

2 slow dance

  1. slow dance 1 Position your hands. Proper hand position is essential to start the slow dance properly. For a traditional slow dance position, the man should place his right hand on the left side of his partner's thigh or midway down his partner's upper back, and his left hand should gently grasp his partner's right hand and support it at approximately the level of the taller partner's shoulder. so that the arms of both partners are bent upward from the elbow. You should stand between 30 and 15 cm away from your partner, depending on the level of intimacy you want to create.
    • A woman's left hand is usually located on her partner's shoulder. This is a traditional ballroom dance position (as well as a safe dance position for middle school), and you should still stand 30cm away from your partner.
    • If the two of you are in a romantic relationship, you can even get into a position where the guy has his arm around the girl's waist and the girl has her arm around the guy's shoulders. These are also common moves for middle school and even high school because it's a little easier to get into this position - but it gets a little tricky for a guy to lead the dance.
    • Don't let your hands wander. Even if your partner doesn't mind, it throws off other dancers and is just not stylish.
  2. slow dance 2 Place your feet in position. Stand facing your partner so that your head is approximately 30 or 60 cm away from him or her. The face-to-face position is not the optimal position - you need to give yourself space to move your legs without bumping into your partner's legs. Some couples stand at an angle, with each's right foot in the middle of the other's; some partners may place the woman's legs in the middle of the man's.
    • Your feet should be at least 30 to 45 cm apart so that you can move comfortably from side to side.
  3. slow dance 3 Improve your movements. Luckily for you non-dancers, slow dancing is about as easy as it gets. The movements should be slow and smooth, and you don't need to move too much. (Swinging back and forth as you move in a circle is perfectly acceptable.) Simply shifting your weight back and forth, however, is the language everyone speaks. To change, move or rotate, lift your leg slightly, eliminating your weight, and move that leg slightly forward, backward, or to the side.
    • As you improve your slow dancing skills, you can master the "step step": simply step to the right with your right foot, then follow with your left foot, touch the ground, and then step left with your left foot, and then follow your left foot with your right foot touching the floor again before you go back.
    • You and your partner's legs should be in sync when you step into the side step, or even when you swing your leg.
    • Your hands should remain in place except when the guy is pulling on the girl's hand to take her in a new direction.
    • If you are close to the person you are dancing with, you can look directly at each other, placing your faces just a few centimeters apart. Otherwise, you may move your head a little to the left and your partner moves their head to the right, or vice versa, so you are not facing each other.
  4. slow dance 4 Leading the dance (for guys). Traditionally, the man leads the dance and the woman follows his movements. This means that not only does the man need to give signals for the couple to turn or move to a new position, but also the girl must allow herself to be led. If you are a guy, then you should lead your partner, and not move her around the dance floor like a broom. You need to be confident enough in your movements to show her when you want to turn or move in a new direction. Here are some other things to keep in mind as you lead a girl:
    • The easiest way to lead a girl is to subtly push or pull her right hand (if you are holding it in your left hand) in the direction you want to go.
    • However, make sure you don't just lead with your hands; if your body is doing one thing and your hands are doing another, you will look pushy or like you don't know what you're doing.
    • Instead, lead with your whole body: keep your shoulders and elbows firm but elastic, and then step in the direction you want to lead your partner.
    • You can lead your partner in a new direction and continue to turn in a rectangle shape so that you continue the slow dance, keeping things interesting as you move your bodies.
    • You can also simply move your partner to the right, left, or back or forward if you want to find a less crowded spot on the dance floor, or if you just want to mix up the moves.
  5. slow dance 5 Be a follower (for girls). Although you girls may not want to give up control of your dance to your partner, you should trust him and hope that he will give his best effort. If you try to control him when he tries to control you, then you will end up in an awkward tug-of-war situation and neither of you will be able to truly move and enjoy the dance. Here are some things to keep in mind when you allow yourself to be led:
    • If you're lucky enough to have a partner who leads - even if it's awkward - don't fight him. In fact, do your best to follow along; The more clearly you show that he is in charge, the more he will try to lead you better.
    • If your partner moves his leg, then you should praise his action: for example, if the leader moves his right leg back, you should move his left leg.
  6. slow dance 6 Move to the beat. Your steps should move roughly in time with the music, so that you take a step to every beat or so. This is not as difficult as it may seem as the music will be nice and slow and easy to follow. If the song speeds up its rhythm at any point, then speed up the "side step" or swaying motion of your legs in accordance with the music - make sure you And your partner and speed up and slow down when necessary.
    • If the music suddenly slows down, or if you guys are just feeling playful, then you can turn your partner around mid-dance.
  7. slow dance 7 Talk to your partner. For most of us, slow dancing is more about intimacy with our partner and getting to know each other than it is about movement. Feel free to talk to your partner, study his or her eyes and, if the situation is right, steal a kiss or two. Chatting with your partner will make you feel more at ease during the dance process, whether you know each other well or not.
    • Don't feel the need to constantly talk - this can ruin the flow of the dance and can make things awkward if you don't hear each other very well. Just a little conversation every now and then will make the experience more fun and comfortable.

3 finish strong

  1. slow dance 1 Thank your partner for dancing. Whether you're dancing with your 60-year-old spouse or with someone you've never met before, thank your partner. You can simply say, “Thank you for the dance,” or “I hope we can do this again, thank you,” to make your partner feel special. If you're a guy and you're feeling playful, you can even bow a little to the girl as you thank her to make her feel special and show how much fun it brought you.
    • If you finish the dance in this subtle way, the person will most likely dance with you in the future.
  2. slow dance 2 Move on to the next dance or step back gracefully. Once you've started slow dancing confidently, you won't want to leave the dance floor as quickly as possible: one dance is just the beginning. However, if you've danced enough at this point, step away from the dance floor. And if you haven't had a great time slow dancing with this person, taking a break is a good way to keep this person on track.
    • Offer to escort your partner to his or her table or wherever he or she wants to go or ask him or her if they would like to take a break if you would like to do so.
    • If you've been enjoying slow dancing and the music speeds up, fear not. You can continue dancing to uptempo music with the same dance partner as long as you're both in the mood to dance some more.
  • Make eye contact with your partner often, as this strengthens the relationship and makes dancing more comfortable.
  • Let the conversation happen. Many people will slow dance just to get a chance to talk to you. If the conversation flows naturally, let it go. If you let it go quietly, be genuinely interested in the conversation, or be genuinely interested in your partner.
  • Show respect.
  • Try sliding your legs instead of lifting them. This way, you are less likely to step on your partners' feet.
  • Make sure you don't stare too much at your partner.
  • Make sure your dance position is comfortable. Position your legs so that you don't have to strain or stretch them as you dance.
  • Don't try to kiss him/her right away. When the dance is over, slowly stretch. If your partner steps back, stop. If you lean over or close your eyes, kiss.
  • If you really know how to dance, either well or at a beginner level, instead of assuming anything about your partner, ask him or try it out. Girls, don't be shy to ask your partner if he knows how to dance. If he knows how and you don't, ask him to teach so you can get the opportunity for a few more dances during the evening and a date in the future if you want.
  • Try to learn more about your partner - it could help you become less awkward.
  • When the dance is over, give him a hug or even steal a kiss if that's appropriate.
  • If your partner makes mistakes and accidentally steps on you, try not to get angry! Slow dancing is probably a little scary for him.
  • Girls, if you really can't stand the guy you're dancing with, just say your feet hurt and gently walk away.
  • Girls, make sure the guy you're dancing with isn't dancing with you just because his friends forced him to. If you see in his eyes that he is interested in you, then he is reliable.
  • Girls, if you feel comfortable, some girls will rest their heads on the shoulders of the guy they are dancing with. After the dance is over, you can hug or chat with each other, or even dance together to up-tempo songs.
  • Guys, be polite. Girls love it and it's attractive.
  • Sometimes look into each other's eyes to show that you are interested.
  • Guys don't have to ask a girl to dance. Girls, go ahead and ask him to dance if you feel that he is inclined to do so.


  • If you step on someone's toes, apologize, and for God's sake, try not to do it again. If someone steps on your feet and asks for forgiveness, forgive. Most likely this happened by accident.
  • Talk and look at your partner, not your friend's partner! Looking over your partner's shoulder at someone else can end badly.
    • If you hurt her, she probably won't dance with you again, and she'll probably tell her friends, who won't either. Worst case scenario, she'll tell security and then you'll be in trouble.
    • That beautiful woman you're dancing with may not feel the same way about everything as guys do, which means a sudden jerk of the arm might startle her and won't give her a good laugh.
  • Practice truly makes perfect. She may not dance with you ever again, but maybe the cutie in the cocktail dress will just notice that you treated the dance like a gentleman... and she'll be looking the next time you go free.

Slow dance is the most romantic dance in the world; no other dance can compete with it in romance. Some loved him, some hated him, ever since middle school. But still, most people who had no problems dancing to fast music went to the bench when the slow music started playing. But don't worry, even if you can't or don't know how to dance a romantic slow dance, you don't have to sit on the sidelines at the end of the dance party. If you want to learn how to slow dance correctly, then you just need to master a few basic rules, trust your partner and glide very gracefully to the music.

How to invite to a slow meeting?

Ask someone to dance with you. If you want to start slow dancing correctly, you need to ask your partner to dance as gracefully as possible. If you are a guy who has asked a girl out on a date, you can wave your hand to her and say, “Let’s dance?” If you are a girl who has made a date herself, then you should gently take your partner's hand and gently pull it, so you ask him to dance with you. Even if you are without a partner, you should still look the person straight in the eyes if you plan to dance with him or her, you can even grin or grin at her or him playfully.

There is no need to worry, if you are nervous, then most likely the other person is just as nervous as you. It is better to hide your nervousness and ask with confidence while smiling.

How to dance correctly?

You need to smoothly accompany your partner on the dance floor. Once your partner has accepted the tempting offer you have made to him or her, you need to accompany her or him on the dance floor gently and slowly, there is no need to rush. Don't forget to savor the moment. If you are dating or know a person very well, you can hold hands or join elbows as you head towards the dance floor. On the way to the dance floor, the man must lead in front of him too, so the man must clasp the right hand of his partner with his left hand, and slightly lift it, and so lead the girl to the dance floor.

  • Girls, if your partner on the dance floor does not automatically lead you, then give him your right hand and turn your elbow to his and go to the dance floor.
  • If you are already on the dance floor, then the main task is to keep your partner and yourself on the dance floor, the job is not easy, if one of you is worried about the slowness, two can also worry. If you notice that your partner is nervous, smile at her or him and tell her that there is nothing to worry about.

How to behave correctly while dancing

Position your hands correctly. The correct position of your hands plays a big role in starting a slow dance correctly. For the traditional slow pose, a guy should place his right hand on the middle or upper back or left side of his partner's thigh, and with his left hand, gently grasp his dance partner's right hand and hold it at approximately level with the taller partner's shoulders, thus so that the arms of the two partners are bent upward from the elbow. You need to stand at a distance of twenty to ten centimeters from your partner, depending on the level of intimacy you plan to create.

  • As a rule, the girl's left hand should be placed on her partner's shoulder. This is considered a traditional ballroom dance position, and a safe dance position for school, namely middle school, and you still need to stand at least twenty centimeters away from your partner.
  • If you and your partner are in a romantic relationship with her, or with him, then you can safely take the position when the man hugs the girl around the waist, and the girl hugs her boyfriend by the shoulders. This is considered the traditional slow pose for middle and high school students, it is much easier to get into this position, but it is very difficult for the one leading the dance.
  • Hands are not allowed to wander. Even if your partner doesn't mind at all, it has the potential to throw off other dancers, and it's not pretty.

How to drive slow

This is the custom, traditionally the guy should lead the dance, and the woman should follow his movements. This means that not only does the guy have to give the signals that cause the couple to move or turn to a new position, but the woman has to allow herself to be led. If you are a man, then you must lead your partner throughout the dance, and not move her around the dance floor like a broom. You need to be very confident in your movements to show your lady when you want to move or turn to a new position. Here is a list of actions that you should know if you are leading a girl and dancing:

  • The easiest and most effective way to lead your partner is to subtly pull or push her right hand in the direction you plan to move.
  • However, you need to make sure that you are not just doing it with your hands; if your body is doing one thing and your hands are doing another, then you will look like you don't know what you are doing or very pushy.
  • Instead, lead with your whole body, keep your elbows and shoulders stable and elastic, and then engage in the direction in which you plan to lead your partner.
  • In the new direction, you can continue to lead your partner, and turn so that you can continue the slow dance.
  • You can also move your partner forward or backward, left or right if you want to find a more or less crowded spot on the dance floor, or if you just want to mix up the moves.

What to talk about while dancing

You need to talk to your partner. Most people are more concerned about getting to know each other and being intimate with their partner than about getting the moves right. There is no need to be shy about your partner, talk to him, study his eyes, if the situation is right, then you can steal a few kisses. Talking to your partner while dancing will make you feel more at ease, whether you know each other or not.

There is no need to feel the need to constantly talk, this can ruin the whole dance process, or make some things awkward, especially since it often happens that it is very difficult to hear each other because of the music. Just a little conversation every now and then will make your dancing more comfortable and fun.

Slow dance finale

You definitely need to thank your partner for dancing. No matter who you danced with, you must thank your partner for dancing. You can simply say, “Thank you for the dance,” or “I hope we do it again,” this will make your partner feel somehow special. If you are a man and feeling playful, you can easily bow slightly in front of your girlfriend as you thank her to make her feel special and show that you really enjoyed the dance. If you finished the dance in this way, then your partner will definitely dance with you in the future and more than once.

  • It is recommended to make eye contact with your partners as often as possible, because this makes the dance more comfortable and strengthens the relationship.
  • Show maximum respect.
  • Be sure to talk. Many people just ask you to slow dance because of this, just to talk to you. If the conversation works out on its own, then let it go.
  • It is recommended to try sliding your legs rather than lifting them. Thus, the chance of stepping on your partner's toes is significantly reduced.
  • Be sure to make sure your dance position is comfortable for both of you. It is advisable to position your legs so that you do not have to stretch or strain them while dancing.
  • Don't try to kiss her or him right away. after the dance is over, you should slowly stretch; if your partner starts to step back, then stop. If you close your eyes or stop, then continue.
  • If your partner makes one serious mistake after another, then you should not be angry with him, he probably does it accidentally, or he is very nervous.
  • If a girl really can't stand the guy she's dancing with, just tell him that your legs hurt a lot and carefully walk away.

When invited to a party or club, we often find ourselves confused, because there we will not only have to communicate, but, most likely, also dance. Perhaps there will be people present at the event who will need to express their respect and show politeness in this way. And if a passion is present at this party, the question of how to dance correctly and gracefully becomes even more important.

Of course, this had to be done back in school or university years, but then everything was different, and now going “into the world” will require more serious skills.


No disco is complete without it, especially if you need to get to know and chat better with a member of the opposite sex you like. Often, guys are embarrassed to approach girls, and the latter are embarrassed to respond to the invitation, if it does take place, with consent.

Most often, the reason lies in lack of confidence in one’s abilities. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the process itself - you simply swing left and right, moving in a circle in time with your partner. The slow dance itself is not difficult, the main thing is to know how to behave correctly when invited, during the dance itself and after it ends.


If you, even being very modest, decide to take the initiative, do not show that you are worried. Please note that a man may also become agitated by such a proposal.

What is important to remember:

  • Smile. This will allow you and your partner to worry less;
  • The man is in front. Regardless of which of you initiated the dance, the young man must lead the girl by the hand onto the dance floor. At this point, awkwardness may arise. To avoid it, simply take his hand, and then slow down on the way to the dance floor, letting him pass ahead;
  • Seeing your partner's undisguised excitement, tell him directly that there is nothing to worry about, and that you are not a professional dancer either.

If the young man himself invited you, you just need to smile, extend your hand in response to the guy’s outstretched right hand and follow him to the site. Of course, you shouldn’t show excessive slowness, but you shouldn’t jump up from your chair before the guy has even voiced his proposal, and walk in front of him either.

Feel free to invite your crush, but it is advisable to do this when the “white” dance is announced. Don't worry if you think you haven't yet learned how to dance properly, because your gesture itself will be highly appreciated.


The position of the hands plays an important role in it. The woman's right hand should be in the man's hand, and his right hand should be on the girl's back (closer to the middle). The woman's left hand should be positioned at the level of her partner's shoulder. The clasped hands should be bent at the elbows, and the hands should be at a level just below the shoulders.

The music itself will tell you how to dance to this or that composition, and in the meantime you control your position and your behavior:

  • Watch your hands. Movements will lose style if the hands wander or hang unattractively. It is also important to watch a man’s hands - if you are unfamiliar, it is unacceptable for them to fall below the waist. Do not be afraid to offend the young man by hinting about decency - in this way you will not offend him, but show prudence;
  • The distance between the dancers should be 15-30 cm. If you are not in a love relationship with your partner, you cannot shorten the distance; it should be at least 30 cm. As a couple in love, you can get closer to each other, hug, but still have respect for to those around you - restrain your romantic impulses;
  • It is also important to take care of your feet. They should be spaced at a distance of about 30-40 cm so that it is convenient for you to take steps. As a rule, in the starting position and during movement, the girl’s legs are between the young man’s legs;
  • You can look each other in the face if you know the person well or are in a loving relationship with him. Otherwise, a girl can tilt her head a little to the left, and a man - to the right (you can do the opposite, if it’s convenient).

Your arms, torso and legs should move in the same direction, creating a single composition of movements. Otherwise, you will cause discomfort to both yourself and your partner.

Having decided to move a little, you can, without stopping the slow motion, move in the desired direction, temporarily taking the initiative into your own hands. You can inform your partner about your intention so that there are no misunderstandings or awkwardness.

A girl on the move is always a follower. Don't try to lead, even if you find the leader a little awkward. The most important thing is to remember to listen to the music and move in time with it. Sluggishness is usually an occasion for communication, so talk to your partner, especially if you are interested in him as a member of the opposite sex.

After the dance

Show respect for the person you danced with. A girl just needs to smile; a man usually nods his head or bows deeply.

It is good form for a young man to be grateful for the dance. If a guy plans to continue communicating with a girl, he needs to take her to the table.

But various events are not always attractive.


The ability to express yourself in this passionate dance may be necessary if you are going, for example, to a theme party. It is often danced at weddings, corporate parties and other events.

In this folk dance, the leading role went to the man, who through the lezginka shows his feelings for the woman. The dynamic and fiery movements of girls should also be graceful and beautiful. At the same time, the partner should be modest, her eyes should look at the floor, and only occasionally should they be raised to give her partner a languid look.

Lezginka is an expression of emotions, but the girl’s hands, hair and even her outfit should not touch the man. Like oriental young women, you must show chastity when dancing.

In general, the meaning of the dance is the man’s desire to block the girl’s path, and the partner must avoid any touching him. But you can learn more about how to dance Lezginka correctly for a guy and a girl in lessons at a choreographic school or from video lessons.


This style has been known for a long time and does not lose its popularity. At any disco you can show your talent by performing this dance. It is attractive for its rhythm and the fact that hip-hop can perform various movements borrowed from other styles. It is believed that this name refers only to the direction in music, and the dances are called “street”.

Despite the fact that hip-hop is freedom of movement, the basics still need to be learned - with a coach or through video lessons, as is the case with Lezginka and many other genres.

Having studied the basics, you will understand what the performance technique is, which will help you fully master the genre and independently select dance elements that must be interconnected when composing a composition.

If you are seriously interested in hip-hop, remember that you will need special clothes - sportswear, loose-fitting. All street dance performers wear a baseball cap and sneakers. For hairstyles, you can choose a short haircut or dreadlocks. Heavy metal jewelry will complement this look.


Every dance begins with an invitation. It is not at all necessary to immediately ask the name of the person you like. Since the music in clubs is usually loud, it can be difficult to hear anything even with quiet music. But this is an excellent reason to lean closer to the girl’s face and, citing the noise, ask where she works, studies, how often she goes to nightclubs, what interests her in life, and so on. Of course, you don’t need to ask all this at once, otherwise it won’t be a dance, but an interrogation. Remember that you have less than 5 minutes to study your partner and earn her affection.

Half a minute after the start of the dance, start talking about how long ago you danced to this melody for the first time. Of course, the song you're dancing to must be an old hit. Tell us that back then you danced at a pioneer distance, but now you are not interested in it. If by this moment she has already relaxed, then it will be easy for you to lead her. Since you have to lead, you need to learn a couple of movements in advance. However, slow dance is an expression of emotions, so it cannot be specific in advance.

Turn a couple of times. How you succeed will depend not only on your experience, but also on the degree of alcohol intoxication, mood, and liberation of you and your partner.

Then start moving slowly, the slower you move, the more it will turn the girl on. Incorporate hip movements. Left-right, figure eight. At this time, “explore” her body with light touches.

When the music ends, you both will continue to return from the world of sensations for some time. It is not necessary to stay after the dance for closer communication. Sneak away for a few minutes. If you did everything correctly, the girl will be looking forward to your return.


  • how to learn slow dance

The famous phrase “the girls stand, stand on the sidelines” does not apply to modern discos and dance evenings. It has long been no longer considered something shameful to invite the girl herself guy on dance. Moreover, in every self-respecting nightclub and even at a school disco, the DJ will announce “white” at least once during the evening. dance", when ladies invite gentlemen. And yet, not everyone dares to take the first step and say to the young man “let's dance.” But in vain, because, most likely, he will say “yes.”


The simplest and surest way is to act directly. That is, go up to him and simply invite him to go dance. But to be sure to get consent, proceed carefully. It is best if the young man is not in the company at this time: in this case, he will most likely be shy and refuse. Or maybe he won’t want to interrupt the conversation. Also, do not rush into an invitation if he is clearly heading somewhere from the hall: perhaps he is in a hurry to go to the toilet and is not in the mood for dancing right now. But if your chosen one is standing or sitting alone and looking at the dancing couples, feel free to go to him. Smile and look the guy straight in the eye and say, “Shall we go and dance?”

If you have time to spare, start from afar. Sit down the person you want to invite to dance, and start a conversation about the party, mutual friends. Chat casually, and when slow music starts, as if suddenly exclaiming: “This is my favorite! Let’s go dance!” If the young man starts to resist, saying that he doesn’t know how, or, assure him that you are not waiting for a master, you just want to move to a beautiful melody. And since you’re sitting next to each other anyway, why not dance?

If you are not sure that the guy will say yes, resort to a little. Approach him when he is alone, or call him away from the company under the pretext that you need to say something important. And then tell her that your friend took you “weakly”, saying that you would never invite someone like him. Men love flattery, and he probably won’t let this one go unnoticed. Next, let the guy know that only he can help you out now. As a final argument, you can bat your eyelashes helplessly and say: “Oh, please.” It is unlikely that he will dare to refuse.

Video on the topic


Psychologists do not advise starting a question with denial. That is, you don’t need to ask a guy “Do you want to dance?”, because it’s easier to answer such a phrase: “I don’t want to.” Say better: “Let’s go dance” or “I want to dance with you.”

Helpful advice

Remember that any guy will gladly go dancing first of all with the girl who smiles and smells nice. So don’t forget about your smile and personal hygiene.


  • "Social Dance Etiquette"

There are people who don't care whether they can dance or not. Often they are simply sure that as soon as a beautiful melody starts playing, they will spin around in a slow dance. But, unfortunately, it happens that a person looks clumsy and awkward. Therefore, in order to master the art of dance, it is important to remember some rules.


Each consists of several simple figures. Anyone can master them. Of course, there are movements, but at first you need to master the simple ones. Therefore, do not rush and do not rush things. In order to become a great dancer, remember your mother’s advice to keep your back straight. After all, it is a straight back and a raised head that compensate for clumsy steps and failures to fall into the musical rhythm. When starting, you need to listen to the beat and repeat smoothly, without fuss. And you will succeed.

Keep your distance. Maintain a small space between you and your partner so you can easily follow your partner's movements. And remember, the main thing is to look at your partner while doing it. It is very important that you carry yourself with confidence. Relax and don't skimp on your smiles.

Learn a few exercises that will help you learn different dance moves. To give flexibility, the “Eiffel Tower” exercise is suitable: your feet rest on the floor and your body stretches upward. Then, without leaving the floor, lean in different directions. To make your arms flexible, you can do the following: take turns raising your arms and making circular movements with them, starting with the hand and ending with the entire arm.

There is no clear answer to who is in charge. As for the partner, he must lead his partner politely and subtly. Everyone likes gallantry and, of course, compliments, but everything needs to be done in moderation. You shouldn’t press it too hard, but you shouldn’t drive it too sluggishly. The main thing is to keep in rhythm. There is only one piece of advice for your partner: to carefully capture every movement of your partner and give him the opportunity to lead you.

If you decide to learn to dance from professionals, take someone you know with you to your first lessons. Such viewers will always be able to evaluate you from the outside and support you with the necessary advice.

Slow music, smooth movements, and there is no one on earth except you two... Slow dancing is not only a way to get acquainted or get closer, but also a step towards reconciliation and even a reason to propose marriage. But in order to cast an aura of romance over these moments, you need to at least learn to dance.


Many people think that there is nothing easier than dancing slow. Well, probably yes, if in your mind this romantic moment looks like a banal “trampling” in one place to the music. In fact, dance contains many subtleties, such as the position of the hands. If the couple is not (or corporate), the partner’s hands should be on the waist, and not slide lower, even if you really want to.

Keep your distance and try to look your partner in the eyes. This speaks, if not of love feelings, then of showing respect for her. If you ignore her while looking at the neighboring couples, or praise the beauty of her eyes while staring at her cleavage, then why did you ask her to dance in the first place?

Don't be afraid to make an awkward move or step on your foot. In the end, it happened to everyone, and there’s nothing wrong with it. It will be enough to apologize, and maybe you will laugh together at your own clumsiness. Would it be better if you were bored at the party without having danced with the one with whom you had wanted to do it for so long?

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