How to fill out a work book. Work book - a sample of filling out a job application

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It is issued by the employer upon first employment after execution of the contract. An order is issued based on this fact. Based on it, an entry is made in the form no later than five days.

The absence of a work record when applying for a job is not a basis for refusal of employment. A citizen may not have a document, because he had not worked before. To get one, a person needs to write an application addressed to the employer with a request to issue a form (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Entries are made in Russian in blue or black ink.

Filling begins with the title page:

    The employee's full name is entered from the passport.

    Date of birth.

    Information about education.

    Profession and specialty are entered based on the diploma.

If the employee is under 18 years old and continues his education, the education line is not filled in until he receives a diploma (see paragraph 2).

The citizen puts a signature on the title page, confirming the correctness of the information entered.

The personnel employee indicates the date of completion, affixes the organization's seal and signature.

Design of the job information section

According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, registration of a work book when applying for a job is a prerequisite.

In everyday work, HR officers often use a sample work book when applying for a job. Let's imagine it using the example of an appointment for a seamstress in a work book:

    In the “Work Information” section, the name of the company is indicated: “Limited Liability Company “Pion” (LLC “Pion”);

    In the first column under the company name, the entry number is indicated in order.

    In the second, the actual date of commencement of work is entered in Arabic numerals.

    In the third, information about employment is entered indicating the position: “Hired to the workshop for sewing women’s light clothing as a seamstress”;

    In the fourth, the details of the order are indicated.

Sample information filling

Design rules

Entries are made on the form no later than 5 days from the date of employment. If the contract is terminated - on the day of dismissal.

The employee is familiarized with each entry on the form and personal card against his signature.

Registration of a work book for subsequent employment

Entering information for subsequent employment follows the same procedure, with the exception of the title page.

If a citizen says that he has lost a document, he can write a statement addressed to the employer with a request to issue him a form. Based on the application, a new one will be issued to him. But sometimes employees do this in order to get. It may be needed to work simultaneously on two forms in different organizations. However, we must remember that this is illegal.

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Registration of a work book when applying for a job: general provisions

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation places the obligation to conduct labor on the organization or individual entrepreneur whose citizens work at their main place of work. There are 2 regulatory documents in this area:

  • Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules);
  • Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

When hiring new employees, you must follow a certain sequence and timing of actions (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. Sign an agreement with the new employee.
  2. Issue an acceptance order (based on the contract) no later than on the 1st day of work, familiarize the employee with it within 3 days from the start of work.
  3. Make an entry in the work book based on the order (paragraph 3, clause 3.1 of the Instructions). This must be done no later than 1 week from the date of commencement of work (clause 10 of the Rules). Taking into account Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to fill out the labor report on the 6-7th day from the 1st working day.

Technical requirements for filling out a work book

Any entries are made in the labor record taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 1.1 and 1.2 Instructions. The main ones are the following:

  • Handle type requirement. You are allowed to use a gel pen, as well as a ballpoint pen and even a fountain pen.
  • Requirements for the color of entries. Blue, black or violet light-fast ink/paste is acceptable. This is necessary to avoid loss of information from the work record under the influence of moisture, light, etc.
  • Requirements for clarifications and adjustments. In sections where information about work and awards is provided, it is prohibited to cross out anything (you must first make an entry under the next serial number to cancel the erroneous entry, and only then make a correction under the next number). But on the title page, cross out the incorrect full name. or date of birth, if they subsequently changed, you can. In this case, you need to enter new information next to it, and make a link to the supporting document in accordance with clause 2.3 of the Instructions.
  • Prohibition on reductions.
  • Requirement for accuracy. It means, among other things, the clarity of handwriting, which means unambiguous reading and the inadmissibility of incorrect interpretation.

The procedure for filling out a work book when applying for a job

The instructions establish requirements for filling out the work section when hiring an employee:

  • Column 3 contains the full name of the employer (for an individual entrepreneur - full full name). If the constituent documents contain an abbreviated name, it is also indicated, usually in parentheses (clause 3.1 of the Instructions).
  • On the next line, the entry number is entered in column 1. The order of the entries must not be disturbed.
  • In column 2 on the same line (at the number level) the date of reception is indicated - this is the employee’s 1st day at work (this should not be confused with the date the order was issued). The entry is made in Arabic numerals (day and month - 2 digits each, year - 4).
  • On the same line (at the level of the record number and date), a record of admission is entered in column 3: the position of the employee according to the staffing table, the department, if it is mentioned in the employment contract (clause 3.1 of the Instructions) is indicated. If a profession entails benefits, compensation, or restrictions, its name should sound the same as in qualification reference books (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • In column 4 on the same line (at the level of number, date, appointment record) the basis for employment is given, most often the number and date of the order.

The employer's stamp and signature are not placed on the appointment record (clause 3.1 of the Instructions). This way only records of termination of employment relations are certified (clause 35 of the Rules), and a seal is affixed if the employer has one.

Registration of a work permit when hired for the first time or when it is lost

If an employee is employed for the first time, the employer is obliged to issue him a new work book (Part 4 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An appointment is made in a manner similar to that described in the previous section. Additionally, you need to fill out information about the owner of the work permit.

If a working employee has reported loss or damage to his work permit, he also needs to get a new one. But before that, he must submit an application and explain his lack of a book (Part 5 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Labor records of citizens of countries that are former republics of the USSR are used if they correspond to the forms in force in the Russian Federation (work records in the form of 1974 and 2004 are valid). Thus, in Belarus the form of 1974 is used, therefore, a citizen of this country does not need to get a new book in Russia. On the contrary, Ukrainian labor records in the form adopted in a sovereign state are not applicable in the Russian Federation, and a citizen of Ukraine will need to obtain a Russian labor record book (letter of Rostrud dated June 15, 2005 No. 908-6-1).

IMPORTANT! According to clause 8 of the Rules, a new work book must be issued no later than 1 week from the day the employee was hired.

Rules for filling out the title page of the work

The instructions establish the procedure for filling out information about the employee on the title page of the work book:

  • Personal data (full name, date of birth) are entered, as a rule, from the passport in strict accordance with it. They cannot be shortened or changed (paragraph 2, clause 2.1 of the Instructions).
  • Records about the level of education, profession, specialty are made on the basis of educational documents in strict accordance with them (paragraphs 3-5 of clause 2.1 of the Instructions).
  • The date of filling out the work book is indicated, with the month written in words (based on the form of the line). Since the deadline for issuing a book is 1 week from the start of work, the registration date must be later than the reception date, but no more than 7 days. The date on the title page may differ from the day the work began, which is quite acceptable.
  • The signature of the owner of the work record on the title page is required to confirm the entered data (clause 8 of the Rules).
  • The person who filled out the work book must put his signature and the employer’s seal (if any). It must be appointed by order and be responsible for the work books of employees (clause 45 of the Rules). Often this is an employee of the HR department, but there may also be another person (for example, an accountant), including a manager.

Peculiarities of filling out a labor form upon admission in some cases

It is necessary to mention the most common features of registering the employment of employees and making such entries in work books:

  • According to clause 20 of the Rules and para. 7 clause 3.1 of the Instructions, if the employee expressed a desire and brought supporting documents, the employer at the main place of work enters into the labor record about the employee’s part-time work, putting the following number in the job information. In this case, the name of the employer does not need to be indicated as a separate heading.
  • By virtue of clause 6.1 of the Instructions, if an employee is hired through a transfer from another employer, an indication of this is made in column 3 of the job information.
  • When registering the appointment of the head of an organization, some personnel officers indicate in column 4 the details of the owners’ decision (letter of Rostrud dated March 11, 2009 No. 1143-TZ), although in practice there is also a reference to the order of appointment, which is drawn up on the basis of the decision and only after the issuance of which the director is considered employed.

Thus, filling out a work book in terms of timing and procedure for making entries is strictly regulated by by-laws. On controversial issues not reflected in the Instructions and Rules, you can get advice from Rostrud or take advantage of the advice given earlier in one of the department’s letters.

The book must be filled out by the employer personally. If the structure of the organization provides for the presence of a special department for working with personnel or a separate employee in charge of personnel records, responsibility is assigned to the personnel service or personnel employee.

At the same time, his activities must be supervised by the employer, since he is entrusted with responsibility for working with documents of increased reporting and control, which include work books and inserts for them.

If the staffing table does not provide for the position of a personnel officer, all entries are made by an authorized person who is appointed by order of the manager. After this appointment, the specialist will have to receive information about the correct maintenance and completion of the technical documentation and other important documents, since he will be responsible for them along with the manager.

What records should be in the TC?

The work record of each employee must contain certain information about him, which indicated on the title page:

  • personal data (full name);
  • date of birth;
  • education;
  • speciality;
  • date of completion.

This information should include:

  • appointment date;
  • date of dismissal;
  • information about work;
  • subdivision;
  • rank or position;
  • grounds for hiring or dismissal.

For examples of records of various professions, such as driver, accountant, collective farmer, etc., see.

If the work book has expired, how can I continue recording? Under no circumstances should you:

  1. Continue making entries in the Labor Code, correcting the inscription “information about the award” to “information about the work.”
  2. Paste in blank sheets of labor forms or lined sheets on a computer (by hand) yourself.

If the work book runs out of pages of information about the work, you must sew in a completed insert.

Deadlines for making entries in the work book: When hiring an employee, an entry in his book must be made within a calendar week or within 5 working days, but no later.

– on the day of dismissal, in some cases – no later than 3 working days.

If hiring is carried out, an appointment can be made on the day of the appointment, since the employer is obliged to employ such an employee. Naturally, if it is done within the organization, the recording must be made on the same day. It must be the day of transfer.

At the request of the employee, a record can be made about. It is not worth taking such an initiative on your own, since the length of service at your permanent place of work will be taken into account.

The following information is not included in the TC:

  • about sick leave;
  • on maternity leave and child care leave;
  • about labor holidays and business trips.

Information about the probationary period when hiring is also not included.

In this case, a certain algorithm is used based on the corresponding order.

What pen should I use to fill out a work book?

When entering information about work into a book or insert, as well as when filling out the title page, entries must be made carefully, without any erasures. To do this, the personnel officer must have ballpoint pen blue, purple or black, which does not smudge, and is not too pale.

The recording must last a long time and be clear. If it gets smeared, it will have to be restored. They can rewrite the entry and declare it invalid even if the color of the information text is excessively dull, which makes it difficult to read.

The instructions also cover the use of ink. Currently, this permission is actively neglected by personnel officers, since there are practically no specialists left who master calligraphy, which requires the use of ink. If an ink blot is created when using them, the book may be considered damaged.

Is it possible to fill out a work book with a gel pen? Regarding helium pens, there are no direct instructions prohibiting their use. At the same time, their use is strictly not recommended:

  1. Their use can lead to damage to the work page, where entries have already been made on the reverse side. Helium paste can damage them, making the text illegible.
  2. Helium paste does not always make the recording legible, as it leaves a wider groove.
  3. Gel pastes are more easily smeared and even erased, which can ultimately render the TC unusable.

If the pen is used improperly or if smudged or poor-quality notes are made, the labor inspectorate may impose a fine.

How to fill out a work book correctly: nuances in examples

No work book entry can be made arbitrarily. All of them are strictly regulated by specialized, legally approved rules and standards. The Labor Code, in chapters 10 and 11, examines the main provisions relating to personnel records management. Work with filling out the labor report is reflected in Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The main provisions of the norms under consideration reflect the Rules and Instructions:

  1. The rules for maintaining and storing TC were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225.
  2. Instructions for filling out the Labor Code have been approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Development of the Russian Federation 10.10.03 for No. 69.

— Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 N 69
“On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 11, 2003 N 5219)

The rules for filling out a work book determine by law all the details related to organizational work with the Labor Code, and also indicate how, in general, work books should be filled out and stored. The rules have the form of a legislative document that regulates almost all actions performed with books, with inserts and forms of labor and inserts for them.

They regulate:

  1. Deadlines for making entries.
  2. The nature and completeness of the information entered in the work columns and on the title page.
  3. No abbreviations in entries.
  4. Necessary for signature with the entries made.
  5. The procedure for entering information about incentives and awards.
  6. The procedure for purchasing work forms and inserts.
  7. Rules and regulations for correcting errors in records.
  8. The question of responsibility for compliance with the Rules.

Unlike the Rules, the Instructions determine the nuances of making entries, the nature of their content and the acceptable form. It defines normative phrases that can be used in certain cases when making entries.

Following the Instructions is not only necessary, but also very convenient, since the main points are defined here in a ready-made form. When making entries, you only need to be guided by the fact that due to the Instruction, which defines:

  1. The procedure for entering information about work.
  2. Using continuous sequential numbering in Arabic numerals.
  3. Recording dates using Arabic numerals.
  4. Corresponds to the date entered in the Labor Code - the first day of going to work.
  5. Form of information about work that is entered into the Labor Code.
  6. Correctness of wording and references to articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  7. The correctness of entering the order for admission (dismissal).
  8. Missing dots when making entries.
  9. Lack of numbering when entering the name of the organization.
  10. No stamp upon hiring.
  11. Availability of a seal upon dismissal from a position.

Based on the instructions, see an example of filling out a work book:

The entries made in the work book must follow one after another, and each employer or personnel officer must ensure that all serial numbers are present.

Is it possible to make an entry in the work book retroactively? In some cases, the entry is made “retroactively”. This is not surprising, considering that entries can be made within 5 working days after hiring the employee.

The main thing is that the date in the column does not differ from the date specified in the employment contract. If, judging by the documents, the employee does not inspire confidence, it is quite advisable to make an entry in the work book on the fifth day, but not earlier.

In practice, there are often cases when undisciplined workers did not come to work on the second or third day. And the recording made turned out to be a burden on the employer’s conscience.

But if the entry has already been made, you will have to enter information about dismissal for absenteeism, based on the dismissal rules.

Special rules for filling out the Labor Code are provided for directors and individual entrepreneurs who are founders of organizations.

It is not uncommon for an employee to die without retiring. In this case, the TC is also drawn up in accordance with a certain algorithm. A record of death is made in it, and the book is given to the relatives of the deceased employee or transferred to the archive.

Filling out a work book - sample filling:

First entries in the Labor Code: features of entry

To make the first entry in the work book, which is opened at the enterprise by the employer or an authorized person, certain requirements must be met. Information is entered on the basis of documents:

  • passports;
  • diploma or certificate;
  • certificates, certificates, etc.

When filling out, the presence of the person who owns the work book is required. After filling out the title page, we proceed to entering information about the work. If, before entering work, a citizen studied at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, this fact must be reflected before making all entries, putting the first serial number. The first entry in the work book is a sample “I had no experience before joining”:

How to correctly fill out a work book sample:

If, before entering work, a citizen is in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, then the first entry, also made under serial number No. 1, will be a record of service.

date Information about hiring, translation... Name No. and date of document...
number Months year
1 01 10 2015 Service in the Russian Armed Forces Military ID
Federation from 09/20/2014 to 09/24/2015 ST No. 987654
Limited Liability Company
"Gran" (LLC "Gran")
2 01 10 2015 Accepted as assistant reupholsterer Order dated 10/01/2015
upholstered furniture No. 77-K

After entering information about education or military service, enter the name of the organization without a serial number, and then the first entry about employment. If a citizen applying for a job:

  • did not work anywhere;
  • not trained;
  • did not serve in the RF Armed Forces,

then this (and other) information is not indicated.

Some inexperienced personnel officers believe that an explanation must be given regarding a citizen’s previous work history.

Therefore, it is completely unlawful for them to enter into the employment record for No. 1 that they had no work experience before starting work. This post is deeply flawed. should not be present in documents due to its inappropriateness.

If a citizen who was employed for the first time actually had no work experience, then this should be clear from the context, due to the lack of records. In this case, a record of employment must be directly made for No. 1.

Please note that if the position does not require qualifications, and the organization does not have departments, the job information will not contain them.

What to do if an entry is missed?

Entries must not violate serial numbers. If this happens, making an entry should be based on the general algorithm in the TC. That is, under the next serial number you need to make an entry stating that an error was made (an entry was missed), and under the next serial number you need to make it.

But such actions cannot be carried out arbitrarily. In order for such an error to be corrected, a special order and grounds for correction are required. If the entry was missed by another employer, you must:

  1. Make a request regarding an error.
  2. Receive the necessary documents from the person responsible for the error.
  3. Force him to correct his mistake.

Keep in mind that the mistake must be corrected by the employer who made it. In some difficult cases, it is necessary to seek correction of the error through the courts. Arbitrary interference is unacceptable.

This is very important because a missing entry can appear in two cases:

  1. By mistake of one of the employers.
  2. In case of fraudulent transactions with the work book on the part of the employee himself.

In both cases, vigilance and caution must be exercised.

Peculiarities of entering certain types of entries into the Labor Code

The book contains information both about disciplinary violations. It must be entered on the basis of an order. In the event that an award order is issued, but no entry is made, GIT inspectors will impose a lawful fine. Penalties themselves are punishment and are not included in the Labor Code.

Other violations may be made, depending on what they are. For example, almost all personnel officers know that recording a dismissal based on violations is made on the basis of an “article.”

That is, when dismissing such an employee, the grounds indicate that he was “dismissed for absenteeism,” “dismissed due to disciplinary action,” etc. This type Dismissals must be accompanied by documents:

  • acts;
  • reports or memos;
  • explanatory;
  • by decision of the CCC or the disciplinary commission.

The employer has no right to make such entries in the work book at his own whim.

A reprimand is not entered in the book (as well as a remark). As a disciplinary sanction, it can be entered in a personal file, in accordance with the order and properly executed documents.

Its validity period is 1 year.

In the column profession, specialty, qualifications are indicated:

  • by diploma;
  • for courses with a total volume of at least 70-100 teaching hours;
  • based on work experience.

This information should always be up to date. If an employee is employed in a specialty that is not reflected in the information about the profession, it must be added by entering it, separated by commas, to the existing information.

The book must necessarily reflect information that is preferential in nature upon retirement. To do this, it is necessary to use the Classifier of Occupations and qualification directories, making entries in strict accordance with the standards established in it.

Also the nature of the work must be indicated, which involves permanent work, work during maternity leave, seasonal work, etc. Other insignificant information is not indicated in the Labor Code, but can be specified in detail in the employment contract.

It is mandatory to indicate in what position and in what department the employee is accepted. Shift work refers to information that, in the opinion of many employers, is not required. But this opinion is ambiguous.

After all, a shift is not only working conditions, it is a determination of the place of work in the absence of any other reference to the unit. That's why an indication of shift work is appropriate in two cases:

  1. At the request of the employee.
  2. If necessary, instead of specifying another unit.

Is it possible to skip lines in TC?

Inscriptions must be made without skipping lines. However, if there is a stamp on the previous entry that takes up one or two lines, then they need to be skipped.

It is unacceptable to enter information about your organization on someone else’s seal.


Working with technical documentation is a very painstaking task that requires careful handling of the document. In this work, almost all forms of making entries are regulated, and the slightest defects will be subject to correction and may be punished by the labor inspectorate.

An unlawful entry discovered in advance will be fraught with fines for the employer, with the ensuing administrative consequences for the personnel employee.

Registration of a work book: basic rules

The procedure for filling out a work book is regulated by:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF);
  • Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On work books” dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules, Resolution No. 225);
  • Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Social Development dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

Unfortunately, one often encounters contradictions between the mentioned documents. Thus, a record of voluntary dismissal according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be entered into the document in strict accordance with the wording of the code (Part 5 of Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the Rules say that it is necessary to write down the wording in accordance with the dismissal order.

Responsible employees should focus on the hierarchy of regulations. If other acts contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they should not be applied. In the case described above, it is necessary to formulate an order (and then an entry in the labor record) in accordance with the code.

We list the basic rules that will tell the personnel officer how to fill out a work book:

  • a work permit is issued for everyone who works at the enterprise for more than 5 days;
  • the period for which an entry must be made is 7 days;
  • Arabic numerals must be used in entries;
  • You can write with a black, blue, or purple pen;
  • Abbreviations and corrections are prohibited (corrections are allowed only in the manner prescribed by clause 27 of the Rules, and only in the sections “Information about work” and “Information about awards”);
  • Each entry must have a serial number.

How to fill out sections of a work book: an example of filling out in 2018-2019

The document form was approved by Resolution No. 225 - where to get the form is described in the article The procedure for acquiring, storing and filling out a work book form (nuances). Thus, the labor report consists of several sections that help to identify the employee, learn about his profession, qualifications, length of work experience and awards received. These sections contain:

  • personal data;
  • information about work activity;
  • information about incentives (except bonuses).

Along with the above general rules, for each section the legislator has developed specific rules for filling out, which we will consider below.

How to fill out a labor cover page

Information about the employee is indicated on the title page of the document. Guided by paragraph 2 of the Instructions, the personnel officer must enter:

  • personal data of the employee as they are indicated in the passport, without abbreviation;
  • information about education, if the employee has the appropriate document;
  • the name of the profession in which the person will work at the enterprise;
  • date of completion of the document.

All records must be certified by the signatures of the employee and the personnel officer, as well as the seal of the organization (if any). The title page is filled out at the person’s first place of work.

If an employee’s personal data has changed, HR staff can cross out this data with one line and indicate new ones. To do this, the employee must submit official documents confirming the change in personal data, and the personnel officer must copy the information from these documents onto the inside cover of the work book. For more information about correcting the surname in the work book, see the article Record of changing the surname in the work book - sample.

If desired, the employer can place a hologram on the title page - what a holographic sticker is used for is described in the article Where to correctly place a hologram in a work book - sample?

How to format the “Job Information” section correctly

Personnel department employees must know how to correctly draw up a work book, including the section where information about the work is indicated.

Need to hire someone? In this case, the personnel service employee must be guided by paragraph 3 of the Instructions and write down in the work book under the serial number:

  • name of the organization in full and abbreviated form;
  • the name of the structural unit where the person gets a job;
  • the name of the profession in which the employee will work;
  • the date the employee started working.

If a person works successfully, acquires a new rank or class, this must be recorded in his work book.

Under the serial number, the HR department employee writes:

  • information about assignment to an employee of a higher rank or class;
  • information about additional professions or qualifications of the employee.

If the employment relationship has exhausted itself and the time has come to part with the employee, the employer must correctly record his dismissal in accordance with the requirements of clause 5 of the Instructions.

To do this, in the “Work Information” section, under the appropriate serial number, you need to indicate:

  • reason for dismissal;
  • end date of the employment relationship;
  • name, number and date of the employer’s decision on the basis of which the dismissal occurs.

IMPORTANT! The information in the document must be specified accurately, and the wording must comply with labor legislation. All entries must be confirmed with the seal of the organization (if any) and the signature of its head.

The procedure for filling out the section “Information about awards”

Another important section of the work book contains information about the awards that the employee has earned in the process of work. In accordance with clause 4 of the Instructions, information is indicated in the following format:

  • record number;
  • name of the organization;
  • information about the award;
  • information about who awarded the employee;
  • information about the merits for which the person was awarded;
  • link to the document on the basis of which the award was made.

The HR employee must fill out this section carefully and correctly, since data on awards affects the employee’s career and provides more opportunities for his further employment.

How to document special cases in a work book

Some cases in labor relations are documented in the work book in a special way. Such cases include part-time work. In accordance with clause 3.1 of the Instructions, the work book must be kept at the place of main work. But a part-time worker may ask the personnel service to add additional information to the work book. To do this, it is enough to confirm the fact of additional work. You can, for example, present as evidence an employment contract with another organization.

Transferring to another job is a fairly common occurrence. Such changes in labor relations must also be recorded in the work book. In this case the following are indicated:

  • record number;
  • date of transfer;
  • transfer information;
  • the name of the new department or position;
  • information about the order on the basis of which the employee is transferred.

Responsibility of personnel workers

Correctly filling out a work book is an important component of labor relations. If the document is filled out incorrectly, it will be difficult for the employee to prove his or her work experience. In addition, he will suffer material losses, since he will not be able to get a job with a work book filled out with errors.

The following may be held liable for violations in this area:

  • enterprises (administrative under Articles 5.27 and 13.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for example, for failure to make the necessary entries in work books, or civil law, if the violation resulted in losses for the employee);
  • officials of the personnel service (administrative under the above-mentioned articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for similar violations, as well as material, if the violation of the personnel officer caused damage to the enterprise, and disciplinary).

HR department employees must fill out work books carefully and carefully, using samples of filling out work books drawn up in accordance with strict formalized rules that are binding on everyone. Errors and violations in this area entail administrative, civil, financial and disciplinary liability.

The work book stores all the information about the employee’s work activity and is used to determine the length of his work experience. The currently valid forms of work book and insert are established in the Post. No. 225 of April 16, 2003. How to correctly fill out a work book is indicated in Post. No. 69 of October 10, 2003. These resolutions contain discrepancies on some issues, which requires reference to the Labor Code and makes it even more difficult to draw up a work book.

This is especially true for private entrepreneurs who are forced to take on the responsibility of maintaining personnel records. The slightest deviation from the standards for filling out a work book leads to the invalidity of the information entered, as well as various errors made in the entries themselves. To eliminate the consequences, corrections are made to the relevant columns strictly according to the established pattern. In exceptional cases, the employee is issued a duplicate.

When does it open

Each work book has its own number, is issued to the employee for life and cannot be replaced with the exception of certain cases. If a recently hired employee does not have this document, you need to open a new one for him. If there was one, but for some reason cannot be provided, this information is reflected in the act, which is certified by the signatures of: the person issuing the new work book, the employee and the witness.

The document is issued for an employee who has worked for the company for at least six days, and must be completed within a week from the date of his employment. This procedure is carried out in the presence of an employee, from whose salary the cost of the form is subsequently deducted.

Work book, sample filling when applying for a job:

How to fill out

All entries in the work book are entered by an official of the organization authorized to do so by order of the manager, most often by an employee of the personnel department. In his absence, this may be an accountant or director of the enterprise. The document is subject to registration in the accounting book and is kept by the employer until the employee is dismissed or transferred to another place of work. If necessary, the employee is given an extract from the book at the place of request.

Extract from the work book - sample filling:

Records are kept in legible handwriting, all words are given in full, without any abbreviations. The numerical expression of dates, characteristics and other information is indicated only in Arabic numerals. Also, you cannot write the name of the month in words. The correct format for filling in the date is 03/05/2019. It is acceptable to use ballpoint, gel and fountain pens. The paste, gel and ink they contain must be highly resistant to water and ultraviolet rays. The optimal colors are blue, dark purple and black shades of coloring pigment.


To fill out a work book you need:

  • employee's passport (or other identification document);
  • diploma of education;
  • work record book;
  • certificate of individual entrepreneur or Charter of the organization;
  • official seal.

For details on how to fill out the title page of the work book, watch the video.

The work book is divided into three parts:

  1. A title page containing information about the owner of the document.
  2. Information about the work, including the name of the enterprises where the work was carried out and the duration of such work.
  3. Awards section.

Please note that the rules for filling out work books oblige you to make adjustments in case of possible changes:

  • company name (including legal form);
  • type of printing (using different ones in one book is unacceptable!).

Front page

On the first page of the work book you need to indicate all the information about the employee, based on the documents provided by him. It should contain:

  • Owner's full name;
  • date of birth (in numerical terms);
  • level of education (secondary, specialized secondary, higher);
  • name of the profession indicated in the diploma;
  • date of opening of the work book;
  • employee signature;
  • signature of the person filling out the document;
  • official seal of the organization.

Title page of the work book, sample filling 2019:

Job details

Each page of the middle and most extensive section consists of four columns containing:

  1. The serial number of the entry (from No. 1 onwards).
  2. Hiring date and other events.
  3. The record itself, which represents information about the organization (its full and abbreviated name), job title (indicating qualifications) and department. In addition to the fact of hiring, cases of transfer to another position and dismissal are also recorded here. Information about this must be entered in the column within 7 days from the date the order is issued, with the exception of the record of dismissal, which is drawn up directly on the day of its commission.
  4. Documentary evidence of the entry - the name of the order, the date of its issue and number (in that order).

For details on how to make notes about work in the work book, watch the video

More information

  1. At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is entered into it. The entry is made on the basis of documents provided by another enterprise where the employee is employed in a combined position. In this case, the same principles for filling out the column are used as when entering information about the main work. The work book must be kept by the employee of the personnel department at the place of main work, who is the only one who has the right to enter any information into it.
  2. Acquisition of a second profession, obtaining a rank, and advanced training are also reflected in this section.
  3. If a renaming of an enterprise takes place, a corresponding entry is made indicating the document that served as the basis for this. This information will be able to explain the discrepancy in the seals given during the employment and dismissal of the employee. The same steps are performed when renaming a position.
  4. In case of reorganization of the enterprise, the section notes the dismissal of the employee with his subsequent employment in the new company.

Sample of filling out a work book during the liquidation of an LLC:


A. S. Kopacheva joined the position of legal adviser at Avelan OJSC on February 27, 2016. On August 12, 2016, she was transferred to the position of senior legal adviser. This fact was reflected in the “Work Information” section.

When dismissing an employee, in column No. 3 you must indicate the regulatory act of the Labor Code, according to which this measure was applied. The entry must be confirmed by the seal of the company or human resources department and the signature of the person who filled out the work book. The employee must also sign in this column, thereby confirming his agreement with the entries made during his work.

A. M. Sholokhov served as a salesman at CJSC Continent. On March 6, 2017, he was fired for absenteeism without a valid reason. The dismissal order was signed on the same day.


This section contains information about the titles assigned to the employee, diplomas, certificates and other awards provided for by the company’s internal regulations and legislation. These do not include verbal gratitude from management, as well as regularly paid cash bonuses included in the payroll system. Which explains the complete lack of information in this section, which is found in the work books of most workers. Moreover, various certificates and diplomas issued to an employee without issuing a corresponding order are also only a nominal expression of gratitude, not reflected either in the work book or in the personal file.

Filling out a work book 2019, sample:

Insert design

If all the free spaces in the work book have been used up and there is nowhere to make new entries, the insert opens. Usually it is sewn into the end of the document, since there are no specific instructions about this in the instructions for filling out work books. A stamp is placed on the title page (or cover) of the main book about the issue of the insert, indicating its series and number.

The rules for maintaining both documents are identical; the title page of the insert must also be completed. The numbering of entries continues after the number at which filling out the work book ended. If errors were made when filling out the insert, it will be disposed of in the presence of the commission by drawing up a report. The same applies to rejected or outdated work records.

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