What documents are needed to open a nail bar? Feedback on a business plan for opening a hookah bar

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Recently, it has become extremely popular to open a new interesting version of the salon business - various nail bars, which are a cozy modern express manicure salon, are increasingly found in the premises of large shopping centers. This type of business is becoming more and more common and allows you to receive a stable and high income based on the natural desire of women to look attractive. Here you can quickly get your nails in order during the pause between visits to the boutiques of a large shopping center.

Such a mini-nail salon is usually not so crowded, there is no pre-registration, and the absence of a queue is easily ensured by the fact that several nail technicians are working behind the counter at the same time. A distinctive feature of a nail bar is a counter similar to a counter in a cafe, only on the side where bartenders usually stand, manicurists are located, and clients sit in comfortable chairs on the other side of the counter, in the hall. A cozy sofa for those waiting their turn in the event of a short rush hour is located nearby. To prevent visitors from getting bored, the hall should have a good flat screen and the ability to prepare any type of coffee.


You can open a nail bar without having any special knowledge - just an entrepreneurial spirit and good orientation in places convenient for business. Many women come to business centers and shopping malls every day, and some of the visitors to the center are potential clients who need to be attracted and interested. You need to thoroughly think through the premises for the future nail bar - it should be located in a comfortable place in the building or shopping center so that visitors feel quite free and relaxed. When setting up, it is worth remembering that women look into such corners of the store in order to relax and at the same time get their nails in order, drink coffee and watch a pleasant video. The future level of income often depends on the correct selection of premises. For a comfortable nail sconce, there should be a room of 10-20 square meters.

Starting capital for opening:

Start-up capital these days ranges from about 25 to 30 thousand dollars - this depends on the rent of the premises and the cost of designing the bar counter and furniture. The payback period for such a project, with a successful combination of circumstances, a competent business plan and carefully thought-out service, usually ranges from several months to six months. Experts in this type of business believe that such conditions are the most acceptable entry threshold, because setting up a nail design salon in the city will cost many times more.

Nail bar equipment:

After the necessary premises have been found, you need to think about the salon equipment and footage. A nail bar is usually designed like this:

1. The central place of the mini-salon is occupied by a convenient and practical bar counter, which is a mini-showcase and a table for the master’s work. A modern manicure stand inside should be practical for placing various manicure samples and equipped with drawers and shelves of different sizes for manicure accessories, and on the client side the stand should have a neat barrier facade. The facade of the counter can be designed in accordance with the atmosphere of the shopping center or play on contrasts. In any case, the counter is the main piece of furniture in a mini-salon; it should be in harmony with the design of the room and attract customers with its unusual and pleasant appearance. You should not skimp on finishing the counter; the number of clientele and reviews of the establishment depend on this.

2. Comfortable armchairs and chairs should encourage seated clients to relax and feel comfortable, and pleasant music, a modern coffee maker or coffee machine will complement the atmosphere of the salon.

3. Modern equipment for manicure, a large selection of nail polishes and products, tips and materials for painting - everything should be at the highest level, because only with materials and devices of good quality can you work uninterruptedly and serve visitors quickly and efficiently. , we have already looked at it, so we recommend that you read it.

4. All clients must have access to manicure samples, from which the desired option will be selected and ordered. Well-thought-out hygiene and aesthetics of the procedure will attract more clients. It is usually customary to use individual sterilized instruments for each client, which the craftsmen remove from sealed craft bags when starting work.


You should be especially careful in the selection of personnel - you only need experienced manicurists who work quickly and efficiently. The determining and most important factor when hiring a master should be, first of all, skill and good appearance, and they must also constantly lead. Manicurists must be able to provide classic manicure, nail extension and correction services at a professional level. The hired cleaner must ensure the ideal cleanliness of the salon, since in case of problems with garbage, the sanitary and epidemiological station may close the salon.

In order for all this to provide stable income, you need to attract regular customers. This can be done through various promotions, discounts on services, advertising and good reviews from the first clients who will be happy to spread the information to their friends and recommend it to their friends. Remember, the higher the quality of service and the more comfortable the nail bar, the higher and more stable the income. Opening even in capitals and large cities will make sense, despite the competition, there will be enough clients for everyone.

Time is rightfully considered the most valuable resource we have. It will never lose its relevance and can serve as a good basis for a very successful business offering services for its preservation.

One of the variations of this kind of idea is express manicure stands. For the first time, these “mini-branches” of beauty salons appeared on the streets of cities that are leaders in the global fashion industry – New York and London.

Own Nail Bar: where to start?

For a young entrepreneur who has decided to try himself in something new, the idea of ​​a nail bar will be very interesting. However, oddly enough, although there are no fewer points of service provision, many leave this business without lasting even six months. What's the problem? Lack of practical experience in a beauty salon or an incorrectly drawn up business plan? Let's try to figure it out.

Firstly, you need to understand what is special about express manicure salons and what advantages they have over beauty studios. In modern society, where a beautiful appearance has long moved from the category of luxury to the category of necessity, there is a strong belief that a lot of time must be spent on personal care and cosmetic procedures. Nail bars are designed to break these stereotypes and prove to everyone that a beautiful manicure does not require an appointment or a long wait. And why not do it during the favorite pastime of most girls - shopping? It is this combination of ease of obtaining and quality of execution that your business plan should reflect in your resume.

Next, you need to decide what goals you are pursuing. Will this salon be a simple source of additional income, or do you have fabulous plans to turn one small stand into a whole chain of salons across the country? The legal form of the future enterprise will directly depend on the answer to this question. For a single point, the best option would be an individual entrepreneur, while for a chain of salons, an LLC would be much better suited.

Analyzing the market

The next step on the path to creating your own express manicure salon and an item that must be included in the business plan is an analysis of the market, target audience and competitors. Consider all possible options for renting a space. First of all, it is worth considering shopping and shopping and entertainment centers, because people visiting them are not only ready to spend money, but also want to relax. Discard all positions with low traffic, and for the remaining ones, try to contact landlords. Check the places available for rent. You shouldn’t opt ​​for the back streets, but there’s no need to be located in the very center. The ideal option would be an “island” with an area of ​​about 12 m2 in a place with high traffic and, as an option, not far from the children’s corner. Young mothers will be much more willing to devote time to themselves if their children are under supervision at this time, and not hovering under their feet.

In addition, you should immediately clarify whether the landlord takes care of all issues with documents, or whether you will have to resolve all the issues yourself. Another important point that must be included in the business plan is the presence of competitors.

We purchase equipment

A good business plan must contain a technological and operational plan. At this stage, it is necessary to attend to the selection of the required equipment (depending on the range of services planned for sale), furniture and cosmetic products. Carefully consider the entire process of providing the service. This will determine whether a regular stand for an express manicure with three seats will be enough for you, or whether your business plan will have to include an additional expense item for the purchase of sofas for waiting, specialized equipment, if you also decide to sell drinks and snacks (with all the ensuing this is the registration of permits, etc.).

Purchasing and installing a rack and equipment is quite expensive. Therefore, in order to avoid force majeure situations, discuss their appearance with the landlord in advance. Be sure to include the costs of its development in your business plan. It is not uncommon for situations when, due to the fact that the express manicure counters’ design did not fit into the overall concept of the shopping center, their owners were asked to make changes that entailed additional costs.

It is better to purchase equipment from one manufacturer. Made in a harmonious, unified style, it will make a much greater impression on visitors than a jumble of diverse units that create the effect of “everything out of the ordinary.” Moreover, you can either buy a ready-made kit or order a solution developed specifically for you. The price will vary quite slightly.

But the purchased products should be given special attention. When purchasing materials for work, you must carefully check the availability and order of all accompanying documentation. This will not take much time, but it will provide reliable protection against serious problems that may be encountered during the next unscheduled inspection. Choosing little-known brands at a lower price or purchasing products from well-known brands is entirely your choice. However, do not forget that in addition to the main materials, you will need a lot of secondary ones, for example, uniforms for staff, napkins, towels, etc. This part of the costs will also take over a fairly significant part of your revenue.

We select personnel

The number and level of skill of the future salon’s employees is determined at the stage when the business plan is still in development. This is the so-called personnel plan. Don’t try to save money; the quality of service the client receives will determine whether he comes next time or not. On average, employee remuneration is 30% of the order cost. For generalists, it would be wise to increase this bar somewhat. If the initial level of the masters is not high enough, try to help them gain experience by sending them to training or offering your help in practice. Before hiring, check the availability and authenticity of all permits, especially the health certificate.

Gaining fame

Advertising costs must be included in the business plan. Pay special attention to advertising on the Internet (social networks, blogs, etc.) and word of mouth. Make sure your technicians always have business cards available. Develop your own name, logo and corporate identity.

Summing up

By drawing up a business plan taking into account all the points discussed above, you have a good chance of getting the go-ahead for your endeavor. The average payback period for an express manicure salon is from 1.5 months to six months. And then it will depend only on you whether a small “island” can grow into a whole “empire”

The article will discuss the main stages and features of the manicure business using the example nail bar business plan. Nail services are in significant demand among the female population. At the same time, visiting traditional salons is not always convenient and requires a significant amount of time, and the new format nail bars involves receiving their services while shopping in large shopping and entertainment centers, which significantly saves time.

Technologically, this business differs from the traditional one only in the format, when all services are provided in specialized “islands”, in the form of a bar counter with chairs. The organization of such a company will require investment, to attract which it will be necessary to develop an appropriate business plan. It is also important to choose the right place and find professional and experienced nail service technicians.

If you are looking for investment to implement your entrepreneurial idea, then a ready-made nail bar business plan will be the best way to solve this problem.

Key features of a nail bar business plan with calculations

Business plan for a nail bar as a means of creating commercial projects

Despite the fact that outwardly such a business looks quite simple, it nevertheless contains a large number of nuances and its design will require a large amount of resources, knowledge and relevant experience. It is important to choose the right location, assess the market dynamics, and make the correct calculations and planning of all major financial, economic and investment indicators, taking into account risks. Best suited for this nail bar business plan.

This method of designing investment plans is widely used in all areas of business, it allows you to take into account all the nuances of entrepreneurship and will serve as an excellent tool for convincing future investors of the effectiveness and efficiency of your ideas. He also has a proven and functional apparatus for marketing and financial analysis.



Features of working in the chosen field

The project provides for the opening nail bar in one of the large shopping and entertainment centers, in a place with good traffic. The main type of services is traditional manicure, nail extensions and other operations. The main category of clients are women who are not ready to waste their time going to special offices and cosmetic companies.

Stages of work:

  • choosing a shopping center and a place to install a counter and bar equipment;
  • recruitment and testing of employees;

opening and commencement of services.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to launch a nail bar business plan

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan development nail bar business plan

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a nail bar business plan

7 – Conclusions

The nail bar business plan is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the business planbar opening

As a result of fruitful cooperation with Plan-Pro a loan of 10.3 million rubles was agreed upon. A business plan, which contained detailed calculations and their rationale, as well as detailed analysis, helped us implement the project of opening a sports bar.

Kravtsov Igor Ivanovich, Rostov region

Feedback on a sports bar business plan

What was especially pleasing about the business plan that we bought on the website was that there was no “water”. Everything is short, clear and to the point. The calculations are detailed, but at the same time capacious and simple. You can make changes: we have slightly adjusted the investment plan and the cost of food.

The business plan helped us analyze a new direction and improve our development strategy for the future.

Tamara and Dmitry Mikhailets, Moscow region.

Feedback on a business plan for opening a hookah bar Received private investments in the amount of 57 million rubles

.. The business plan was made in just 8 days, all our wishes and requirements were taken into account.

Sumyatin O.V., individual entrepreneur, Novosibirsk region

Review of a nail bar business planIn the process of negotiations with a potential investor, we needed to quickly provide a project that would justify the investment attractiveness of our business. For this purpose, a ready-made business plan for a nail bar was purchased from the Plan Pro company, in the process of studying which we were able to evaluate the simplicity and structure of the presentation, as well as the validity of the main parameters and the ease of calculations in the financial model in the format Excel

. As a result, we received investments in the amount of 9 million rubles. to open our company.

Bolshova M., entrepreneur, Krasnoyarsk region

Preparatory activities To ensure the smooth start and execution of activities within business plan nail bar, you should take care in advance to complete all organizational and legal procedures for the creation, registration and organization of the company’s activities:

  1. Register your business as a legal entity.
  2. Conclude an agreement for settlement and cash services with a banking organization and register for tax purposes.
  3. Study rental offers and evaluate their attractiveness in terms of population and traffic.
  4. Assess labor market offers and identify possible sources of team formation.
  5. Determine the potential range of possible sources of attracting external financing.

Stages of creating a business plan for opening a nail bar

The first stage will be setting the goals and objectives of the project and a brief description of its essence and characteristics, then the results of marketing research and market analysis will be consistently revealed, and a financial model of the project will be formed.

About company

Neil bar in the “island” format, in one of the shopping centers, with an area of ​​XXX sq.m. providing a full range of nail services.

  • assessing the attractiveness of the market based on its dynamics and possible development options in the future;
  • calculation investment component of the project;
  • technology, tools and equipment;
  • operating cost plan;
  • volume and structure of revenue;
  • issues of personnel and their financial motivation;
  • marketing plan;
  • calculation company's payback period.

Market assessment

Based on marketing research, a general assessment of the market, main competitors and consumers, product and pricing policies is formed. Also, in the process of working on an investment project nail bar, those competitive advantages of the company are determined that will be its drivers in the processes of achieving the planned market share and sales volumes:

  • speed and quality of service provision;
  • convenient location for clients;
  • the cost is lower than traditional nail salons;
  • modern materials and unique nail designs;
  • attractive appearance of the bar and its employees.

Investment part of a business plan for opening a nail bar

The problem of attracting investment in new types of business is the most difficult one a new entrepreneur will have to face. Considering the level of commercial activity of citizens, the number of projects is growing multiple times every year, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for investors to choose truly worthy ones. To attract the attention of capital owners, download a sample of a ready-made full-fledged nail bar business plan, With calculations main financial and economic indicators. A high-quality project will highlight your business and will allow you to attract the necessary investments in a short time.

Structure of investment expenses:

  • production and purchase of furniture and design elements nail bar– XXX rub.
  • delivery and installation in the premises of a shopping and entertainment center - XXX rub.
  • tools and materials – XXX rub.
  • advertising structures for navigation – XXX rub.;
  • hiring and training point staff – XXX rub.;
  • financial reserves – XXX rub.

In total, to fully invest in the project, you will need from 50 to 120 million rubles.

Technology and equipment used

Technological stages: removal of old coating, treatment of nails and cuticles, preparation for applying a new manicure, painting, formation of patterns and decorations, drying.

For implementation To ensure the smooth start and execution of activities within upon opening nail bar required:

  • bar counter and furniture;
  • manicure tools;
  • compositions for nail extensions and coloring;
  • cash registers and office equipment;
  • showcases for selling related products and accessories;
  • safe;
  • alarm button;
  • TV.

Economic and financial parameters of a business plan for investing in a nail bar

Operating expenses

In order for ongoing activities after the implementation of the investment project Neila Bara has been provided with the necessary amount of funding, it is necessary to plan and carry out calculations volume of current expenses:

  • payment for rental services of a shopping center - XXX rub.;
  • utility component of payments - XXX rub.;
  • purchase of materials and tools – XXX rub.;
  • wage fund and deductions from it – XXX rub.;
  • tax payments – XXX rub.;

In total, the amount of monthly operating costs will be XXX rubles.

Revenue from the sale of services within the framework of a business plan for financing a nail bar

Profitability is a multifactorial concept. It is influenced by the occupancy of the shopping center, the correct choice of location for the bar, seasonal and weather factors, the level of competition, etc. In order to correctly calculate the profitability of a nail bar investment project, we will determine the main factors that determine profitability and form the structure of sales of services.

Profitability factors:

  • place;
  • service list;
  • price;
  • experience and qualifications of craftsmen;
  • the quality of the materials used and the service in general.

Sales structure:

  1. Simple manicure – XXX rub.
  2. Nail extension – XXX rub.
  3. Individual design and coloring – XXX rub.

In total, sales income for the project should amount to XXX rubles. monthly.

Issues of remuneration and number of personnel

Project nail bar does not require a large number of employees, it is important to ensure shift work in a shopping center mode in order to attract and simultaneously serve a certain number of customers while maintaining the level of quality of work:

  • administrator - XXX rub.;
  • nail service master – XXX rub.;
  • recruitment and training specialist – XXX rub.;
  • supply manager – XXX rub.;
  • marketing specialist - XXX rub.;
  • accountant – XXX rub.;
  • cleaner – XXX rub.

Calculation of the payback period for a business plan for opening a nail bar

Compliance with the planned costs and revenues will allow the project to reach self-sufficiency within 3 to 5 years. There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download ready nail bar business plan with financial calculations and Excel financial model

The service sector does not require extremely complex calculations, as is the case with large manufacturing companies, however, its fate and attracting the attention of potential investors depends on the quality of the details and calculations of the parameters of the investment attractiveness of the project. Therefore, it is better to entrust the planning processes to professionals and get a guaranteed high-quality result.

To do this, download from our website a ready-made structured nail bar business plan containing calculations important financial and economic indicators. As an alternative, you can order an individual turnkey business plan, which will take into account all the features of your field of activity. This will ensure the speedy launch of the project due to timely and complete investment.

Neil bar is a modern type of traditional services that can attract more customers and provide the necessary traffic and revenue. The persistence and perseverance of an entrepreneur, his organizational skills, together with a professional investment project, will allow him to achieve success in any endeavor and capture the required market share.

Business in the beauty industry is often profitable. One of the successful ideas is opening a nail bar. What it is? Nail bar is a workshop with a limited number of nail care services. Employees offer manicures, extensions, and corrections.

Your own business: nail bar

The success of an organization depends on the availability of potential customers. In Russia, this type of business is relatively new, although abroad it has become commonplace. If you translate the phrase, the user will receive the not very euphonious phrase “nail bar.” In colloquial speech, English transcription is usually used. Sometimes this service is called a “bar manicure.”

The atmosphere is reminiscent of a regular bar. There are soft chairs and a counter. Instead of a bartender, there is a master at the table. Customers sit on the opposite side. Visitors do not need to sign up in advance, as in salons, and wait for their turn.

Business plan: nail bar. Selecting a location

What subtleties should be taken into account when opening a studio? The premises are usually located in large shopping centers. Services provided by the nail bar: manicure, several types of nail extensions, hand massage. Some specialists offer pedicures and artificial tanning.

The nail bar is always located in a quiet place to make visitors feel comfortable. The salon's clients include business women, shopping center employees and students.

Where should I start?

The user needs to register an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. The second option is chosen by people who want to open a chain of establishments.

Then you need to develop a design for the room. The idea is completely new, so it is recommended to choose a high-tech style. The entrepreneur must follow the rules of interior decor and furniture, otherwise the establishment will not fit into the general format of the shopping complex.


You don't need a license to open a business. This makes the task much easier. An entrepreneur must obtain permission from the SES and State Fire Service. The user must comply with a number of conditions for the design of the establishment, enter into agreements for the maintenance of the studio by technical staff and take care of medical books for employees. After this, the entrepreneur will receive permission to open the salon.

Next you need to find a room with an area of ​​20 square meters. It is worth taking care of ventilation and water supply. SES employees may require a partition to be made, a bathroom to be organized and a room to be allocated for staff. Each individual case has its own requirements. This issue should be resolved with the SES.

The nail bar should be located in the most visited areas of the shopping center or next to the food area. A translucent partition will separate the salon from the rest of the world and make the stay of visitors more comfortable. The cost of renting premises in small towns is 22 thousand rubles. In large cities the figure increases by 1.5 times.


To create the appropriate atmosphere of comfort and coziness, an entrepreneur will need a small flat-screen TV, speakers and a stereo system, a coffee machine, a sofa or several armchairs with a coffee table. A nail bar can offer simple dishes. Manicure and nail modeling take some time. Therefore, the bar counter should be comfortable and functional. In order for clients to have access to manicure materials, it is recommended to purchase glass display cases with good lighting.


While the craftsmen are working on the hands of customers, they can drink a cup of tea, coffee or fruit juice. Therefore, the nail/beauty bar is made for two or three seats. The counter has two tabletops located at different levels. At the top there are lamps for drying, varnishes and other cosmetics. There should be room nearby for magazines or a cup of tea.

The craftsman's tools lie on the lower tabletop. The coating is made of materials that are resistant to any chemical influences. The double salon occupies only 6 m². Installations can be either portable or stationary. It is not recommended to build equipment into a bar counter.

The entrepreneur has access to both imported and domestic furniture. Manicure nail bar can be made to order. You will have to pay 250,000 rubles for the equipment. It is worth noting that opening a full-fledged nail salon will cost 2-3 times more. Statistics show that there is demand for nail bar services in all major shopping centers, but there is often no supply.


Nail technicians do not work as bartenders. They carry out their direct duties, and the head administrator serves drinks. An entrepreneur may encounter difficulties in finding qualified craftsmen. In order for the salon to be profitable and comply with the key concept of the project, four people need to be hired. You also need to find two administrators and a cleaning lady.

When planning a shift schedule, it should be taken into account that at least three foremen must work on each shift. Qualified and polite staff are the key to the establishment’s success and high profits. Technical workers can be offered a fixed salary (12-18 thousand rubles). Manicurists receive 20 percent of daily revenue. The salon owner purchases supplies and does accounting.

Selection of advertising strategy

Shopping centers themselves generate a flow of customers. You should not spend a lot of money on large-scale advertising of the establishment. The entrepreneur’s task is to satisfy the needs of customers visiting the salon and to make visits to the studio a mandatory condition in the program for visiting the shopping center. You can limit yourself to distributing leaflets and coupons in the area adjacent to the shopping center. The discount card will be a pleasant surprise for regular customers.

Income and expenses

To start your own business, an entrepreneur will need at least 20 thousand dollars. We must not forget that prices for services should be lower than in regular beauty salons. The user must understand how much middle-class women in his region can pay for a manicure. Such a business pays off within 0.5-1 year. The timing depends on the availability of a busy client flow and the professionalism of the studio workers.

Therefore, you need to try to pay special attention to the issue of personnel selection. It is necessary to test the work of each employee. Masters must have high-level professional skills, be able to prepare delicious coffee and be excellent conversationalists.

Many experts believe that a nail bar can attract clientele from regular nail salons. If there are no similar establishments in the city, then the user should think about opening his own business.

For most women, beauty comes first, so the beauty market is developing even during a crisis. As you know, a person’s age is first revealed by his hands. That is why for many, a visit to the nail salon is a must in their daily routine. Despite the large number of existing salons and nail bars, new entrepreneurs try themselves in this field every year. Some manage to build a stable business, while others close down without even working for a year. But don’t let numerous competitors and difficulties scare you, as there are few real professionals in this segment.
Manicure and pedicure salons. My business:

Concept development

Two formats have taken root in the Russian market - these are standard services in a separate building or department of a shopping center, which are distinguished by a variety of services. In such establishments, the pricing policy is different and depends on many factors, but most often the prices are high. The main staff often includes true professionals in their field, masters with various awards. Most often they work by appointment. Such organizations also provide related services (eyelash lamination, piercing, etc.).

Nail bar is an express nail care service. The concept of nail bars differs from a standard salon in that it is democratic and fast in providing services. Here, customers do not have to wait or make an appointment in advance. Nail bars are located in shopping centers in the form of a manicure stand.

Stages of building a business

Before you open a nail salon from scratch, you need to build a plan - step-by-step instructions:

  • analysis of the market, the influence of internal and external factors, assessment of competitors;
  • development of a development concept, choice of format (whether it will be a classic studio or a nail bar providing express manicure);
  • choosing premises, concluding a lease agreement or acquiring ownership of retail space;
  • business registration;
  • recruitment;
  • conducting an advertising campaign;
  • management and control of the studio's work.

Financial plan

To implement the project, it is necessary to draw up a rough business plan for a nail salon with calculations.

Start-up costs:

  1. opening an individual entrepreneur – 800 rubles;
  2. purchase of a quartz sterilizer – 9800 rubles;
  3. equipping a manicure table (4 sets) – 160,000 rubles;
  4. furniture (cabinets, shelves) – 54,000 rubles;
  5. 4 paraffin furnaces – 16,000 rubles;
  6. 4 ultraviolet lamps – 24,000 rubles;
  7. 4 Frasers – 48,000 rubles;
  8. uniform (4 pieces) – 10,800 rubles;
  9. reception desk - 45,000 rubles;
  10. chairs for the master’s work (4 pcs.) – 26,000 rubles;
  11. chairs for the client – ​​4 pcs. – 26,000 rubles.

Approximate expenses at the opening stage are 420,400 rubles.

How much does it cost to run a studio like this? Fixed expenses (per month):

  1. rent payment – ​​50,000 rubles;
  2. purchase of consumables – 40,000 rubles;
  3. wages of craftsmen - 140,000 rubles;
  4. payment of taxes – 40,000 rubles;
  5. marketing – 13,000 rubles;
  6. other costs (tea/coffee for clients, office supplies, utility bills, etc.) – 8,000 rubles.

Total - 291,000 rubles.

With four craftsmen working, the average monthly revenue is 450,000 - 500,000 rubles. This level can only be achieved after forming a permanent customer base. To do this you need to spend at least 4 months. If you reach an income of 450,000 rubles in the fifth month, the payback period for the project will be 7 months.
Organization of a nail business. How much is your time worth:


To open a manicure and pedicure studio from scratch, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To carry out the activity, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  • registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • permission to operate from the fire service;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • contract for disinfection, disposal of fluorescent paws, garbage removal;
  • employment contracts with personnel;
  • sanitary books of masters.

Premises requirements

Providing manicure services and nail extensions as a business does not require separate regulations and organizational rules. Primary requirements:

  • the area per master should not be less than 6 m²;
  • the premises cannot be a basement;
  • the presence of a ventilation system;
  • each employee must have a health certificate and undergo a medical examination once every six months;
  • if you plan to equip an apartment, it must be transferred to non-residential stock;
  • furniture must be made of materials that can be sanitized;
  • mandatory attributes - a sterilizer and a sink for washing hands (since it is difficult to organize access to water in a shopping center, many people simply buy and install a cooler);
  • All instruments must undergo disinfection with special preparations, then thermal sterilization after each client.

A manicure studio is a prime example when the success of a project largely depends on the location. City center, busy streets, high-traffic areas - the optimal location.
Manicurist's workplace:

Equipment, inventory

Equipment for a manicure salon is one of the most expensive parts of a business plan. At the start you need to buy:

  • mirror;
  • manicure chairs and tables;
  • shelves, cabinet, refrigerator for storing consumables and extension materials;
  • rollers, stands;
  • autoclave;
  • UV camera;
  • manicure equipment for nail extensions;
  • a set of tools (brushes, files, scissors, polishing blocks);
  • sterilizer;
  • Fraser;
  • consumables.

How to choose a manicure machine:

Pedicure room equipment:


Nail salon workers shape the image of the establishment. The number of clients will depend on their work. Responsibly approach the selection of personnel; they must be masters of their craft, responsible workers. To operate a classic nail salon, 4 nail technicians and an administrator are enough.


At the start, not every company can afford large advertising costs. Therefore, you need to choose only effective marketing methods - distributing leaflets and flyers, introducing discounts and bonus programs, bright signage, creating groups on social networks, etc. It is important to have a high-quality portfolio to indicate the professionalism of the salon. The best type of advertising is word of mouth. Having provided quality services to one client, she will tell her friends about it, who will definitely visit the establishment.

Business Features

Experienced players in this market advise:

  1. the profit from each service provided should not be less than 30%;
  2. after a year of work, the number of regular visitors from the total clientele should be at least 65%;
  3. It is recommended to pay staff a certain amount plus a percentage of the services provided;
  4. the administrator's salary should consist of the basic rate plus 1-2% of monthly revenue;
  5. if the level of production of a certain master has decreased, it means that he is luring clients to the house;
  6. in the first months, expenses will be higher than income;
  7. To recoup the project, you need to provide only high-quality services and organize the right advertising campaign.

Availability of franchises

Leading nail salon franchises in Russia:

  • network of Lena Lenina's manicure studio;
  • Studio Star Beauty – manicure, pedicure and nail modeling services;
  • "Fingers" - a chain of manicure salons;
  • "Silk" is a manicure salon offering partnership under franchising terms.

Possibility of combining with another type of business

While nail bars are focused exclusively on express manicure services, classic studios often expand their activities. In addition to standard services, they provide:

  • pedicure services;
  • nail extensions;
  • eyelash extensions as a business;
  • conducting courses and master classes on nail care.

Organization of a home workplace for a nail technician:

Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchisee in this field, then write to us through the Contact page. Below we will post information about your offer and your contacts.
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