What equipment to install on the hundred 1. Historical background and general information

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The ST class, which is located at level 8 and, being on the test server, has already been dubbed the leader among all similar models. The fact is that all the characteristics of this combat vehicle are far superior to the current leader, so in terms of combat effectiveness we don’t even need to start a conversation. The technique itself is the crowning achievement of the Japanese designers, since during the entire creation process it received only a single negative in terms of armor. As for the other indicators, it is worth noting first of all its penetration, which has reached a leadership position and is now the highest indicator of level 8.

STA-1 is a tank that almost everyone will have in their hangar. Considering that it will be very comfortable to play on, you don’t even have to think about other representatives. Speed, maneuverability, damage - all this together makes up an excellent picture of an ideal combat vehicle. Of course, it will be a little difficult in comparison, but having such excellent weapons, you won’t even have to think about buying gold, which means that the tank will bring a stable income during normal play.

The Japanese representative has a 90 mm gun, which reaches damage of 240 HP and has a penetration of 218 mm. The rate of fire reaches 8 rounds per minute. Based on this, we can conclude that in terms of damage, this tank also outperformed all its competitors, since the maximum damage rating was 380.


  • Hull: forehead – 45 mm, sides – 35 mm, stern – 25;
  • Turret: front - 70 mm, sides - 60 mm, rear - 35.

Yes, Japanese armor leaves much to be desired, which is why strong armor is not found on any model of this nation. But, despite this, the STA-1 can be excellent for tanking on the turret, since the gun mantlet has a 124 mm screen, and this, combined with the tilt and the main armor indicator, allows you to block damage. It is also worth considering that the tower has a rather smooth shape, and this increases the likelihood of ricochets.

Additional equipment and equipment STA-1

As for additional equipment, the following modules should be installed: vertical stabilizer, rammer and stereo tube. Our representative will have to practice shots wherever possible, if the city is quite predictable, then in the open spaces of fields and desert, it will be best if you have an inflated visibility indicator.

The equipment has a standard layout for Japan: a small repair kit, a small first aid kit and rolls.

Comparison with similar combat vehicles

As mentioned above, the Japanese tank STA-1 received universal recognition from players and on this occasion (and the comparison) it also became the leader among all similar levels. This is quite natural, since the tank is superior to other levels both in rate of fire, and in accuracy, and in terms of damage, and in terms of penetration, I think. These indicators are enough to prove its superiority. He shifted all the tanks to a lower level, so now second place belongs to. They were also assigned to him. And the last positions still belong to , and .

P.S: The comparison series is in strict order of comparison with the main tank that we are considering, so the series of positions may change in the guides, there is nothing strange about it.

Video review of STA-1

Tactical use of the STA-1

The tactical use of this universal tank is not strictly targeted; most likely, it can be given a mixed style of tactics. That is, you will have to act depending on the situation in battle. But the main thing to remember is that you shouldn’t rush forward and face several opponents at once; you need to play carefully using cover and your vision. A rather vague recommendation will actually allow you to realize yourself in the way that is most convenient for you. This military equipment excels in any tactical action. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and you will succeed.


    Tank has been in this game for quite a long time, but there hasn’t been a theme here yet. Nothing surprising.

    What you need to know about the Pershing before you buy it and upgrade it yourself (which is extremely unwise. I know. I upgraded.)

    What's good about the tank:
    + Excellent UVL at -10/+20 degrees.
    + View of 400 meters.
    All. Then there are continuous disadvantages.

    Poor penetration by a basic 190mm projectile. If you want results, download full BC gold. But still there won’t be these results.
    - After all, the tank has no stabilization at all, and the already bad (for almost all ST-8) aiming suffers from this, so forget about the rotators and when stopping, aim for about three seconds. Otherwise you will never get there. Without complete information, this tank will not hit.
    - Lack of armor. Everyone doesn’t have it, but you could at least tank someone above lvl 7 with a mask.
    - The tank's mobility is depressing. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t spin in place, there’s simply no mobility.
    - Critical with every shot.
    - Hefty.

    It would seem - nothing unusual, many ST-8s are something like this, but this piece of shit has a destructive effect on me, after several battles on the Pershing I simply don’t want to play on any other tanks.

    Pershing is a crappy tank, I highly recommend not playing it in random games, it’s better to play it in LF, but it sucks even there.


    Although I rarely hang out at lvl 2-3, sometimes after getting burned at high levels I want to switch to something sandy. And in general, I try not to put labels like “there are no interesting cars at low levels” (I found at least 3, and this is not counting the pop “M2-let”). Here, for example, is Ha-Go from the sub-branch of Japanese LT levels 2-4.
    1. Mobility
    At first I thought that it was weak, like the ST: specific power 16, maximum speed 40. But after riding, I noticed that level 2 is full of such dynamics, so I usually have time to fly to points, even to the Rudnikov hill I can be the first to arrive and not grab it.
    2. Survival
    The amount of HP is average for the hospital, there is, as usual, no armor in the hull, but the turret can please you with 25-35 mm at level 2, you can tank the machine gunners. The most common type of crits is to concuss the commander and break the engine (transmission at the front).
    3. Visibility and camouflage
    300 m - nothing surprising for level 2, camouflage is also average. There is no LT class bonus to camouflage while moving.
    4. Weapon
    Here I found something interesting. 37-mm guns are in the bathhouse, they don’t stand out in any way, at the top we have a 57-mm howitzer. Taking into account the fact that these levels are full of cardboard, you can get decent damage with 3 hits of 95 alpha, classmates usually end up with 2 hits. There is no special point in carrying an AP with you, the penetration of a land mine is 28 mm, that of an armor-piercing weapon is 30 (alpha 75), rarely will these blanks save you, and with land mines you can inject at least 20-30 damage into the enemy. Gold cumulatives (55 breakdowns) can be useful if someone armored falls on you, although there will still be problems with the Tier III AMX-38. Another advantage of the Ha-Go cannon is its declination of -15 degrees; several times it was already possible to leave the “Rudnikov” down the mountain, or shoot through a roll from a low point.
    5. Conclusion
    It seems to me that not all low-level clunkers are alike. Here Ha-Go combines acceptable mobility, small size (unlike the British) and a pretty cool high-explosive weapon.
    Well, one replay with “Master”. The fight turned out to be not particularly bending, and I didn’t screenshot the first “Master”, taken about a week ago, they say, “it would be something to brag about - bending over in the sandbox.”


    For my first attempt at creating topics about tanks, I decided to choose some little thing. If he comes in, I’ll try to tell you more about something.
    In the process of passing "Charioter" and "Conway" I wanted to take a break from high levels - I decided to start poking around the Japanese TT branch. I got through level 2 in 3 battles, I only remembered that the 57 mm gun behaves like a high explosive. I skipped level 3 in just 1, but the battle was tough (fortunately, the top gun and radios were unlocked from medium tanks). And now I’ve reached level 4, which is no longer possible to fly by on a greyhound - you’ll have to stop and think about how to play it. Fortunately, again, at least I got the top gun from the medium tanks already open. Based on the results of the playthrough, I think that the main problem of this tank, which causes negativity in the player, is its extreme narrow specialization, especially determined by the weapon.
    I. Mobility.
    Low. The maximum speed is 25 km/h, which is already sparse, and taking into account the low specific power, we rarely develop it - we usually go 22-23. The agility coupled with the turning of the turret seemed to me to be minimally necessary, but I still want more.
    II. Survival.
    The only plus in survivability is a lot of HP, as much as 440 (like the best result at the level). And then the bad news begins: the tank is big and slow, which means you won’t be able to dodge; At the same time, there is really no armor anywhere - 35 mm in the thickest place of the forehead will allow you to knock off some of the bullets from the Pz.I Ausf.C machine gun, but you shouldn’t count on more. The sides are high and even worse armored, so landmines are very willing to fly into them with full damage.
    III. Overview and camouflage.
    On the one hand, there is the best visibility among TT4 at 340 m, but on the other hand, it is very poor and, in principle, cannot be invisible.
    IV. Weapon.
    Here we are tempted to draw analogies with its predecessor in the Type 91 branch. It has almost the same problems that I listed above, but it has a fairly accurate, very fast-firing and penetrating 47-mm hole punch (IMHO, it lacks a little information with a stub, so what if suddenly there are such “lovers” of this tank, the drives, the valve and, probably, the horns will remove most of the problems of the Type 91), which allows it not to get too close to the enemy, and the bullet flies fast enough to hit the auto-aim. As for me, the 57-mm gun from Ke-Ho would have looked the most logical at level 4, but instead they brought us a 75-mm short barrel. It is this that imposes peculiarities on the gameplay: the gun is not very accurate, the projectile flies slowly and along a very tilted trajectory, penetration with a basic projectile has become even worse than it was at level 3. In return, we get a rare combination of a good alpha of 110 for level 4 and excellent DPS (as for me, high damage per minute in small, and therefore cramped, towers of Japanese TTs looks funny. But I don’t mind). We add to this good aiming with stabilization and excellent gun declination angles with a small turret (and here we get a small “up” compared to its predecessor: the small turret in front greatly interferes with its existence, because in its zone the gun is instead of the usual -12 degrees declination suddenly it gives only -3. And on the Type 95 the turret on the front reduces the excellent UVN -12 to just a good -8) - this is where our gameplay emerges.
    V. Tactics.
    Due to the oblique weapon, our effectiveness at long distances is very low. In addition, often in such conditions the enemy will dismantle us from invisibility, because he has camouflage, and we are a barn without stealth. So at the beginning of the battle, our task is at any cost (with our “potato cravings”, yeah) to get to a position from which we can exchange fire with the enemy from less than 100 m. It’s great if we find a shelter/hill there, on which we can shoot from the UVN, fortunately the tower is small, and if we dance, it will be quite difficult to hit it. And then the gameplay boils down to trying to trivially exchange your HP, taking advantage of the high damage per minute. The arrogance of our opponents can also play into our hands: it often happens that some T-34 sees us and thinks: “Yeah, a free frag!” - and simply focuses on us, without worrying about decoys. And then he wonders why his strength points fall off so quickly and, with 2 shots left, he retreats into a corner. It’s great if there are opponents on the flank without serious armor, so that you can confidently pick at them with BB guns; With the same T-34, problems will already arise in the forehead - it will have to be pierced into the hull with a cumulative weapon. Butting against truly armored tanks, such as the KV-1 or our successor O-I Exp, is initially a dead end: we can penetrate them even with gold, well if every other time, and they can (if with a land mine) pick us up in one hit. So we try to avoid head-on firefights with them - it’s better (no matter how ridiculous it may sound) to go with medium tanks, maybe the allies won’t merge until we crawl, and then we’ll shoot something. Naturally, trying to plug the flank with your carcass is pointless - there is no armor. So you have to play almost point-blank, without exposing your huge body. Not only is this not easy, but there is practically no alternative, which is what causes rejection among players. The tank cannot change style on the move, and when it gets into uncomfortable situations (say, caught in a roll), it turns out to be practically helpless.
    Personally, I passed the tank without any problems, so I can’t say that it’s a complete cactus (M3 Lee, IMHO, is much worse), but, of course, I can’t say that the tank is terrible. An ordinary passerby.

5 years ago Comments: 2

This post-war tank was developed on the basis of American vehicles, taking into account the specifics of the Japanese mountainous terrain and the Japanese crew. There is only one copy in the world, which was released in December 1956.


STA-1 opens after Chi-Ri for 111,000 experience, and from now on we find ourselves in a world of pain. Due to the fact that we have to study all the modules in full, since we didn’t get anything from the previous tank, playing on the STA-1 seems unbearable. Penetration of a stock gun has only 155mm. Ours is pure cardboard, but you can get used to it thanks to good vertical down angles -10° from which we can play, taking advantage of the folds of the terrain.

In order to smooth out our negative feelings, we must quickly bring our tank to the top. If you have long wanted to buy this tank and are waiting for the promotion, I say in advance, start accumulating free experience, we will need it immediately after purchase to study the top turret and gun, thank you to the developers for the fact that the stock chassis allows us to do this. Then we can safely explore the remaining modules. Being in top condition, we see a completely new tank with new sensations, but somewhat similar to the American M26 Pershing.


According to paper characteristics, our tank should surpass all medium tanks of its level, but in practice and from the experience of players who have already researched the STA-1, it has its own disadvantages that it should not have.

For example:

Our top engine has a chance of catching fire 12% , but in practice, almost every third battle we burn (the engine compartment takes up almost 1/2 of the tank). In comparison, the engine has a chance of catching fire 20% , but playing almost 300 battles on this tank, I burned out a maximum of 10 times.

Now about accuracy. According to technical characteristics, the spread of the top gun is only 0.36m, but in practice our shells often fly where we didn’t want to shoot at all. Therefore, it is better to always make sure that we will get there.


  • Fast recharge – 7.5s
  • Large penetration – 218mm
  • Ricocheting turret forehead (screens present)
  • Excellent gun declination angle – -10°
  • Good view – 390m
  • Good – 240 damage
  • Excellent gun stabilization


  • Weak hull armor – 45/35/25mm
  • Not high maximum speed – 45km/h
  • High chance of module damage and crew concussion
The tank does not have large dimensions, so it makes sense to buy camouflage, which will have a better effect on its combat qualities.


1.Rammer– to increase our rate of fire, damage per minute;
2.Horizontal stabilizer Mk 1– to improve stabilization to the maximum;
3.Horns (stereo trumpet)– to improve our visibility to the maximum;
4.Optics– can also be used as an alternative.

Crew Skills

The skills will depend on your playstyle, if you play the tactics described below, it is best to learn:

1. A light bulb- to the commander, Disguise– other crew members;
2. The Brotherhood of War– all crew members;
3. Disguise- to the commander, King of off-road- driver mechanic, Sniper- to the gunner, Non-contact ammunition rack– to the loader.


The tactical use of this versatile tank is not strictly focused, rather it can be given a mixed style of tactics. That is, you will have to act depending on the situation in battle and depending on your skill. But still, the best, in my opinion, tactics will be tactics. All our characteristics hint to the player that we should work at medium-long distances from behind the bushes. Head-on clashes with heavy tanks are strictly prohibited for us, especially on urban maps. Excellent visibility allows us to meet any tank that comes within our range of vision. High breakdown and fast reloading allows us to dismantle or at least scare the tank approaching us while remaining unexposed.


The tank is very specific, needs a good player with good hands. When playing it, you need to have patience at the right time STA-1 capable of changing the outcome of a battle. He feels best in a platoon with heavy tanks, serving as long-range support and light, or in a platoon with the same tanks. By itself, it is very comfortable to drive. If you have mastered it fully, then you have in your hands one of the best level eight.

Prepared by: Wolfrick

23-05-2016, 19:59

Hello, tankers and everyone who likes to play medium tanks! Today we will talk about a rather exotic vehicle, because it belongs to the Japanese development branch, a level eight medium tank - this is the STA-1 guide.


You can immediately say about this Japanese that it has one big drawback - the lack of reservation. Indeed, the STA-1 tank is very cardboard, absolutely everything can penetrate it, land mines cause full damage, and only the gun mantlet, which is the strongest place in all this cardboard, is sometimes capable of hitting something.

Here we will finish with the obvious shortcomings and move on to more pleasant details. In terms of mobility, the STA-1 has very good performance and although the top speed is somewhat limited, the excellent dynamics of 16.73 horsepower per ton of weight exceed all expectations. Despite its rather large dimensions, this unit turned out to be very dynamic and maneuverable.

Otherwise, we have a good overview, which is important, and a standard safety margin for the eighth level.


In terms of weapons, everything is somewhat ambiguous. On the one hand, the STA-1 gun has impressive strengths, such as decent armor penetration (gold is only needed against levels 10) and a high rate of fire. At the same time, our alphastrike is not very large, but this does not prevent the tank from reaching 1920 units of damage per minute without taking into account perks and equipment.

In terms of accuracy characteristics, everything is average: the dispersion that is familiar to most tanks of its classmates, the well-known aiming time and not the best stabilization. But on the other hand, the STA-1 WoT gun has amazing vertical aiming angles - 10 degrees down when facing the target from the front or side. But here again it’s worth making a reservation: if you look back, the gun will only lower by two degrees, because it will be hampered by the engine compartment superstructure.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can see, this Japanese unit, like all tanks in our game, has its strengths and weaknesses. But in order not to get confused and for ease of perception, let's break everything down.

Excellent indicators of mobility, maneuverability and dynamics;
Good review;
High attack speed and damage per minute;
Excellent gun declination angles when positioned forward and side;
Decent armor penetration parameters.

Complete lack of armor;
Not very high one-time damage;
Large dimensions

It is very important to learn to use your advantages and smooth out your shortcomings, because this is the only way to achieve serious results.

Equipment for STA-1

To get the most out of the tank, the equipment on the STA-1 should be installed carefully, but at the same time the choice will be very simple, one might even say standard:
, , .
Instead of the last module, you can install without fear, perhaps this option will be even preferable, because we get a good boost to all characteristics.

Crew training

Another unspoken standard is crew training on this vehicle. For STA-1, perks are selected to make the process of dealing damage more enjoyable, increase survivability, and not forget about enhancing general characteristics.

Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for STA-1

Another standard in our case is STA-1 equipment. For those who want to save money, but at the same time feel quite comfortable in battle, you can put , and . However, a much stronger option that significantly increases survivability would be, and. By the way, a strong choice would be to install instead of the last consumable, because this is a significant strengthening of the machine.

Tactics for playing STA-1

In order to carry out battles as effectively as possible, bring benefits to the team and cause decent amounts of damage, you should learn to use your advantages and try to neutralize your disadvantages.

Based on the fact that our main disadvantage is the lack of armor, on STA-1 combat tactics are based primarily on sticking to the second line. Here you need to take an advantageous position and fire at your own and allied light.

A good option that should also be used would be to play depending on the terrain, because the Japanese STA-1 tank has excellent elevation angles. In this case, you need to lean out, take a shot and go to reload, waiting for the next good opportunity to cause damage.

At the same time, the STA-1 World of Tanks tank is an excellent support vehicle; we feel very comfortable behind the backs of the allied heavy forces. The main thing is to select the right moments for an attack, wait until the enemy takes a shot at an armored teammate and implement your DPM, always trying to protect your safety margin.

Otherwise, when playing on STA-1 WoT, always look at the mini-map, assess the situation in battle, change flanks, help push directions or return to defend the base from capture, mobility allows this.

The ST class, which is located at level 8 and, being on the test server, has already been dubbed the leader among all similar models. The fact is that all the characteristics of this combat vehicle are far superior to the current leader M26 Pershing, so in terms of combat effectiveness we don’t even need to start a conversation. The technique itself is the crowning achievement of the Japanese designers, since during the entire creation process it received only a single negative in terms of armor. As for the other indicators, it is worth noting first of all the penetration, which has reached a leadership position and is now the highest indicator among ST 8 level.

A little about the STA-1 technique

STA-1 is a tank that almost everyone will have in their hangar. Considering that it will be very comfortable to play on, you don’t even have to think about other representatives. Speed, maneuverability, damage - all this together makes up an excellent picture of an ideal combat vehicle. Of course, compared to the TT it will be a little difficult, but having such excellent weapons, you won’t even have to think about buying gold, which means that the tank will bring a stable income during normal play.

The Japanese representative has a 90 mm gun, which reaches damage of 240 HP and has a penetration of 218 mm. The rate of fire reaches 8 rounds per minute. Based on this, we can conclude that in terms of damage, this tank also outperformed all its competitors, since the maximum damage rating was 380.


  • Hull: forehead - 45 mm, sides - 35 mm, stern - 25;
  • Turret: front - 70 mm, sides - 60 mm, rear - 35.

Yes, Japanese armor leaves much to be desired, which is why strong armor is not found on any model of this nation. But, despite this, the STA-1 can be excellent for tanking on the turret, since the gun mantlet has a 124 mm screen, and this, combined with the tilt and the main armor indicator, allows you to block damage. It is also worth considering that the tower has a rather smooth shape, and this increases the likelihood of ricochets.

Additional equipment and equipment STA-1

As for additional equipment, the following modules should be installed: vertical stabilizer, rammer and stereo tube. Our representative will have to practice shots wherever possible, if the city is quite predictable, then in the open spaces of fields and desert, it will be best if you have an inflated visibility indicator.

The equipment has a standard layout for Japan: a small repair kit, a small first aid kit and rolls.

Comparison with similar combat vehicles

As mentioned above, the Japanese tank STA-1 received universal recognition from players and on this occasion (and the comparison) it also became the leader among all similar levels. This is quite natural, since the tank is superior to other levels both in rate of fire, and in accuracy, and in terms of damage, and in terms of penetration, I think. These indicators are enough to prove its superiority. He moved all tanks to a lower level, so now second place belongs to the American M26 Pershing. The Soviet T-44 and the German Panther II with Indien-Panzer were assigned to it. And the last positions still belong to the Soviet Object 416, the English Centurion Mk. I and the Chinese T-34-2.

P.S: The comparison series is in strict order of comparison with the main tank that we are considering, so the series of positions may change in the guides, there is nothing strange about it.

Video review of STA-1

Tactical use of the STA-1

The tactical use of this universal tank is not strictly targeted; most likely, it can be given a mixed style of tactics. That is, you will have to act depending on the situation in battle. But the main thing to remember is that you shouldn’t rush forward and face several opponents at once; you need to play carefully using cover and your vision. A rather vague recommendation will actually allow you to realize yourself in the way that is most convenient for you. This military equipment excels in any tactical action. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and you will succeed.

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