What is the next year of which animal? Main characteristics

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Along with the first snow, the time for the most fun and favorite holiday of the year is approaching - New Year. What it will be like, what it will bring with it, how to celebrate the New Year - many are already thinking about this. New Year 2017 according to the eastern calendar will be the year of the Red (or Fire) Rooster.

Rooster - symbol of 2017
New Year 2017 will be held under the symbol of the red Rooster according to the Eastern or Chinese horoscope. The time of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar will be January 27 next year. The Eastern or Chinese horoscope has existed for more than 2000 years and is based on the same 12 cycles as the zodiac, but it is counted not by months, but by years. Each year of the Chinese horoscope has its own totem animal, and accordingly, has the character of this animal. Also, the year belongs to one of the five elements, which also interact with each other - harmonize and complement, or come into conflict and oppress. The Chinese horoscope can be used to understand what animal year is coming, what astrological trends of the year will prevail, what it will bring to us, what to expect from the new 2017 Rooster, and what to fear. If you know in advance the characteristics of the upcoming Year of the Rooster, its symbols and the nature of the year and the animal of the Rooster, the color of 2017, then you can already plan gifts in the Year of the Rooster, New Year's table dishes in the Year of the Rooster, and also understand your horoscope in advance for the new 2017 Year of the Rooster!

2017 Year of the Red Rooster. Characteristics of the year: what awaits us and what to prepare for

2017 will pass under the sign of the fiery or red Rooster. The rooster is a bird with a loud voice, bright plumage, it brings new life, cheerfulness, drives away darkness and evil spirits. The rooster always brings something new - hewakes up with the first rays of the sun and informs everyone about the coming of a new day.

This totem of 2017 can be compared to a person’s character - he distinguished by iron willpower. Roosters of the element of Fire have bright leadership qualities, a strong-willed, stubborn character, so everything they undertake, they bring to the end, and, moreover, successfully. They always achieve their goals. The Rooster of the fire element is not afraid to express his opinion, and he does it quite loudly and openly. The element of Fire itself adds energy to the already active Roosterand, what is more valuable, determination. This Rooster knows where to put his strength and what to strive for. An additional supply of energy makes him an inexhaustible source of activity; this Rooster will be able to infect large crowds of people with his ideas and optimism; he can become a real spontaneous leader with high charisma. All this has a very beneficial effect on his affairs and projects.

The Rooster signifies hard work, assertiveness and ambition. If he has set a goal for himself, he will overcome all obstacles and achieve his goal. The Rooster is ready to win at any cost. In love, representatives of this year show great selfishness, so building partnerships with them is not easy.

The element of fire in the eastern horoscope is also considered uncontrollable and unpredictable; depending on the method of use and application, fire can either warm and give warmth and food, or burn home and earth. In such overly active and energetic years, you can dramatically change your life in the most unexpected direction, realize your most cherished and long-standing dreams, and begin your movement towards real success.

In order to catch the year of the red fire Rooster by the tail, you will only need to understand his character and become as active and assertive as the Rooster himself. In this case, the Rooster's reward will not bypass you side, and success in business and plans will be ensured. The Monkey gives his sympathy and rewards to the strong, who are not afraid of difficulties and, in spite of everything, move forward towards their goal, their dream, casting aside fears and doubts about failures.Especially generously in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be rewarded for those who do not look for easy ways and bypasses, do not violate moral and legal laws, say little and do a lot, and persistently, grain by grain, create the foundation for their success and well-being.

If you like to wait for the right moment and calculate every step in advance, then this year will not please you with anything. Here you will need to act quickly, actively and spontaneously, without worrying about the consequences. In this case, the winnings will be guaranteed. The symbol and concept of the year of the fiery Rooster can be summed up in the words: “Live to the fullest now.”

There are also negative aspects of the Rooster’s character that you should avoid in your life in 2017.It’s better to be determined to spend this year as responsibly and seriously as possible, in balance and with a clear, well-thought-out plan. Beware of rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts - the Rooster is almost the biggest fan of sorting things out among all the signs. Therefore, in 2017, he will often arrange situations in which it will be easy to start conflicts.Be careful, vigilant and reasonable, behave wisely, do not make hasty decisions!He who is forewarned is forearmed.

The Rooster loves scope and globality in everything - both in thinking, earnings, career, shopping, and in general political events of the year. In the Year of the Rooster, large and significant events of an international scale take place that affect the lives of all countries of the world. The previous years of the Rooster have already proven this to us: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Horoscope 2017 Year of the Rooster

Symbols of 2017: color, stone, material
The main symbol of 2017 will be the element of fire, which is part of the five-year cycle of elements - Fire, Water, Air, Wood, Metal. Fire is a strong element and it is best to handle it carefully and carefully, in which case it will bring all the good that it possesses.

The main colors of 2017 will be all associated with fire - red and orange, as well as all sorts of shades of these colors.
The talisman stones of 2017 are also painted in all shades of red - the king of stones is the bloody ruby, deep cherry garnet, and fire opal. This also includes all stones whose origin is also associated with the element of fire, for example, volcanic glass obsidian. The natural mineral amber is also suitable for the Rooster. To celebrate the New Year 2017, you can choose all these stones and shades of color.

How to celebrate 2017 the year of the red rooster

To celebrate the new 2017 Rooster, choose clothes in bright, colorful and memorable colors - the Rooster will pay attention to everything bright, lush and shiny. The best way to celebrate the New Year itself is in society, very fun and joyful - at a carnival evening, a costume party, where you can show off your bold and unusual outfit. The colors of the year should prevail in clothes and in the interior of New Year's Eve. The biggest chic will be New Year's costumes of all kinds of colors, with natural bird prints - peacock feathers.

The most important details of the New Year's outfit will be the decorations - jewelry and costume jewelry. Choose natural red stones: blood ruby, cherry garnet, fire opal. Classic amber can also be a beautiful addition to your New Year's look.

Anything unusual is also suitable as a hairstyle to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - do yourself something that you usually don’t have time or money for. The rooster loves big bouffants, false tails, and decorations in his hair. Don’t forget about the convenience and practicality of your outfit. You should feel as free as possible in it in order to please the owner of the coming year with fun and dancing.

What to give for 2017 Red Rooster
New Year's gifts for family and friends this year should also be unusual and extravagant. Therefore, you should approach the choice of gifts carefully and responsibly. The most important condition for choosing a gift for the Year of the Rooster is practicality, that is, your gift should not only please, but should also find practical application in the life of the one whom you will congratulate on the Year of the Rooster.

Jewelry, various certificates for cosmetic services or sets, and travel vouchers are suitable gifts for a woman.

For a gift for a man, look for something that will most bring him joy to his soul. For example, something for his hobby or hobby. Don’t forget also that the gift can be men’s cosmetics or clothing. In the New Year of the Rooster, you can give household appliances to your parents. And children will be happy with any toys that are fun and interesting for the mind. All unusual souvenirs are suitable for gifts in the work team - show your ingenuity and creative talent. A box of chocolates, fireworks and candles, decorative jewelry, certificates for a fitness center, business accessories, etc.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Most people know about the existence of the eastern horoscope. It represents a 12-year cycle, each year in this cycle passes under the sign of some animal. It is believed that this animal symbol influences both what happens on Earth and each person individually. This is why it is so important to know what year 2017 is according to the eastern horoscope.

Characteristics of 2017

The Eastern calendar claims that in 2017 the Red Fire Rooster will come into its own. It is believed that this will be the time when everyone will have a chance to change something in their life. Someone may decide to move to another city, someone will start looking for another job, and someone will change their marital status. What to expect from the Rooster in different areas?

  1. Health. The stars predict not the best time for people's physical condition. To maintain the health that you have, you need to invest energy in it: show up at all doctors on time, strengthen your immune system, and play sports. However, towards the end of the year, the number of injuries may increase, so even with an active lifestyle you should be careful.
  2. Finance. The money situation will be much more favorable than the health situation. Despite the fact that the Rooster is impulsive by nature, he is at the same time hardworking. Therefore, with effort, you can achieve significant success. It is not recommended to take loans or invest money in dubious projects.
  3. Personal life. In the love sphere, it is impossible to give any definite forecasts for 2017. Everything is very individual and depends on how this or that person behaves. Those who are persistent and correct will have better luck. But those who are too straightforward will have to postpone organizing their personal lives until better times.

It must be taken into account that the Rooster respects family values, so he will be favorable to those who take care of their relatives. This bird will also give good luck to hardworking people, especially if they prefer physical labor to mental labor.

For every element

In addition to the eastern horoscope, there is also a zodiac one. It has 12 signs, which are divided into 4 elements: Air, Fire, Water and Earth. What will the next year be like according to the horoscope for 2017 for representatives of each of these elements?

Of course, only professional astrologers can draw up a more detailed horoscope for 2017 based on zodiac signs, but whether to contact them or not is everyone’s personal choice. After all, many believe that they create their own destiny, go against all recommendations and often turn out to be right.

In 2017, many will celebrate 12, 24, 36, 48 years, etc. This means that they were all born in the year of the Rooster. How can you characterize such people? Do they have anything in common? And what does the Red Fire Rooster prepare for representatives of his sign?

  1. Undoubtedly, the symbol of 2017 will help those born in 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, etc. In this regard, all these people will feel unprecedented harmony with themselves and with the world around them.
  2. The Rooster does not like lazy people, so you should not waste your time on trifles; all actions should be aimed at realizing one most important dream.
  3. There are qualities that can prevent you from achieving your goals: excessive straightforwardness, eccentricity, vulnerability, and sometimes aggressiveness, which usually manifests itself if something does not work out for those born in the year of the Rooster.

Roosters know how to make friends, and in 2017 they will have the opportunity to demonstrate this. Not only old friends will once again be convinced of the devotion of representatives of this sign, but also new acquaintances will understand that they can be trusted.

Even helping your “brothers” in everything from the Fire Rooster will not mean that the year will be easy. Still, you have to work a lot (including on yourself) to achieve something.

You ask - 2017 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope, who will replace the babbling Monkey? We are predicted to have the patronage of the Red Fire Rooster. By the way, there are also several Roosters: Metal, Water, Wood, Earth and Fire. Of these, the brightest and most interesting is precisely the last one, into whose power we will enter after the Year of the Monkey.

The eccentric, cunning, unbalanced Fire Monkey - a traveler and a fidget - in 2017 will give way to a pet, a knight, the most hardworking of all the signs of the Chinese horoscope.

Desperate workaholic and homebody

The Red Rooster is a desperate workaholic, ready to get up before dawn to find a few seeds for his large family, which in 2017 according to the eastern calendar will come after the reign of the Monkey, is already ready to accept the scepter of the ruler today. This is a very hardworking sign, you will have to work a lot in 2017, be prepared. This year Mars will be especially influential - active and invincible. Therefore, prefer red to all clothes - you will be simply irresistible in it, and the Fire Rooster will appreciate your desire to please him.

Let's get acquainted - the head of a large family, a father of many children, working for everyone and looking after everyone and managing not only to put things in order in his “chicken coop”, but also to plan big things. A sharp beak, a sharp eye, powerful spurs - you hardly want to meet such an opponent in a dark alley.

He is as beautiful as a picture, every feather shines, he stands proud and has the same proud gait - all his chickens will stand up like a mountain for their master. This is the Rooster of 2017, his patronage and his power await us. What is a person born in this year like? Please note that the Chinese cycle means that in 2017 those born in 1957 will celebrate their most important birthday, the spiral is closed. As you reach your sixtieth birthday, triumph awaits you—this will be your year.

He chooses the only thing for the rest of his life - to be in charge

The Rooster is sincerely confident that those around him, those whom he has chosen on his life’s path, are the best. The Rooster will try to create the most comfortable conditions for his environment; he will work without sparing himself, often without even breaks for lunch and sleep. The Rooster has a small drawback - he is very loving. If he wants to have another family, he will not stop unless a wise adviser (adviser) is nearby. An upset Rooster is scary - he hits with his beak, and quite painfully. Only he should always be the master of the situation - it cannot be otherwise! Otherwise, his mood will deteriorate, he will look for someone to blame and will still find him, rest assured.

In his family, the Rooster, especially the Fire Rooster, is a dictator. He can silently listen to his interlocutor, but he will act in his own way, because he is one hundred percent sure that he is right. Yes, he is the most caring family man, but it is simply useless to argue with him. Stubborn and hardworking - he will fight against the same wall in order to break through it to the end. And after such a beautifully completed work, he will again spread his wings and show off in front of you - after all, he was the one who was able to achieve the result.

Painstaking, successful and very talented

Roosters are excellent leaders and wonderful organizers. Everything that involves painstaking work is just for them. These are the best teachers in the world, the most talented musicians (please, do not forget to remind them of this regularly!). Getting along with the Rooster is not easy, but if you earn his trust, then you simply will not find a better friend and caring colleague.

When celebrating the New Year, especially knowing that 2017 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope, and this is the Red Rooster, prepare a bright robe. This hero is very particular about his appearance - all feathers must be well-groomed, his comb must be polished, his beak must be sharpened. Don't neglect gold jewelry - no matter how much you have, they will all come in handy. Try to avoid even the slightest hint of a predator in your clothing - the Rooster is a poultry, he definitely will not like such accessories.

Celebrate the New Year at home with your family

You shouldn't leave home on New Year's Day. Even if you were planning a trip with friends, postpone it for at least a few days, and let the New Year be spent with your family. Make sure there is a cake on the table; try not to cook poultry dishes. The best choice for a New Year's treat is a lot of salads, especially vegetables, fish and pork may be present.

All year the Fire Rooster will strive for success. He simply tends to look for and find even the most hidden opportunities to make money. Yes, he is sometimes petty, but this is only because he strives to become perfect. The magic of attraction of people born under this sign is so strong that they, without meaning to, envelop people with their charm.

If the Metal Rooster is simply a worker and a hard worker, a very good businessman, if the Water Rooster is a talker (read - chatterbox), the Wooden Rooster is a successful businessman, then nature has given the Fire Rooster everything in abundance. Beauty, charm, charm, strong character. He is a little straightforward, but everything is forgiven for him just for his smile. The Earth Rooster remains - a very good financier, smart and patient.

So, if you are asked about the year of which animal 2017 is, then answer that the restless Monkey will be replaced by the Rooster - he will have a lot to do, but the most important thing is that he will cope with any task!

Many people are curious - 2017, what animal is according to the horoscope? Each of the twelve signs of the eastern calendar annually rules the roost, influencing the main events of the year. In 2017 the main sign will be Fire Rooster.
The Year of the Rooster, which begins in 2017, is marked by the element of fire. It is the element of fire that gives decisive character traits to the character of people born this year, and sets the dynamic development of events in the coming year.

Characteristics of the sign of the year - the Fire Rooster

The main color of the coming year will be red, symbolizing fire, personifying the energy of the sun. The fire element of the sign encourages development, bold and energetic movement forward in one’s plans and intentions. Only such a decisive approach will bring success. Red color will also bring passion, temperament and trepidation to love relationships.

The rooster is a bright bird, with a ringing voice, persistent and cheerful, and what can we say about the fiery rooster? His character is difficult. And this means that we should start our day on a high this year. We set ourselves the most impossible tasks, and these bold undertakings will be fruitful.

Those born in the year of the Fire Rooster have a purposeful character and unbending willpower. These are leaders at their core. It is unacceptable for the owner of this sign to abandon a task halfway; his character is persistent and punchy. Representatives of the sign are so straightforward that they get into trouble because of this. This sign has very few friends, all because of its character, but if there are friends who understand the Fire Rooster, then this is a real unshakable friendship for life.

A person who belongs to this zodiac sign can be seen immediately, after a few minutes of communication - his energy is off the charts, and fatigue and depression do not apply to him at all. Energy pours out of him, charging everyone around with a fighting spirit.

Assertive, loving life, hardworking and able to overcome all obstacles along the way. But this is not only a positive quality of this sign; it very often happens that a person born under it becomes very gambling and restless. She loves to compete and strives to win in everything, this applies to work, family relationships and love interests. But, despite this, it is very difficult for the Fire Rooster to build long-term relationships, since another trait of his character is selfishness, in its most powerful manifestation.

What will the 2017 Year of the Rooster bring?

What year is 2017 according to the horoscope? Let’s look at the forecasts. The normal state of a person born this year is struggle, elements and fire. The color that will rightfully be considered a symbol for this sign is bright red. And according to forecasts, there will be a lot of this shade everywhere: clothes, accessories, interiors, in addition to bright, unforgettable events and experiences.

This sign will come into force on January 28, 2017, and until that time it will fight with the Fire Monkey, who will not want to give up its position. But those who were born this year should be very attentive to the people who are nearby, excluding their arrogance and intolerance.

It is worth saying that with a high probability, this year may bring conflicts and “cockfights” between countries, but let’s hope that people are very wise and will be able to withstand conflict situations. In general, the year will pass on a general upswing, bright, colorful and positive.

What qualities are inherent in people born in the year of the Rooster?

People born under the sign of the Rooster are obsessed with their appearance. They constantly look back at the opinions of others. They care about how and what they say and think about them.

As for the financial issue, there are some nuances. At first glance, these are very thrifty people who know how to manage financial matters. But this is far from true. Owners of this sign are able to make a fortune just so that their image matches their ideas. This is of course not entirely wasteful, but nonetheless. This happens for the reason that the Rooster always wants to be a leader, at the top. For this reason only, only the best is selected and purchased. Representatives of this sign are ready to waste a lot of time in order to buy the thing they need. Once the purchase is made, they begin to feel satisfied and proud of themselves.

Forcing the Rooster to do something is simply not realistic if he doesn’t want it. Only the opinions of others can motivate him to take action. The very first character trait of representatives of this sign is independence. They will not carry out the decisions of other people, unless, of course, they are given undeniable arguments and, so to speak, are pushed to the wall. But even in this case, the Rooster will look for a way out of this situation.

If the Rooster is correctly and competently guided, then he will be able to reach insurmountable heights. But he will decide which road he should take. And nothing will stop them from doing this. These people can make dizzying successes, but they just need to be given some time for this, so that they can find the best option.

How to celebrate 2017

Year of the Fire Rooster, 2017 – we meet in the company of friends and relatives. As for gifts, they should not be expensive, and they must carry a useful load, since the rooster does not tolerate wastefulness if it does not concern his image.

Clothing should be very bright, preferably red, orange, bright yellow tones. The splendor of dresses, the beauty of jewelry, everything bright and shiny will be appropriate for this year’s celebration. You just need to avoid cat prints, as this bird and cats do not have a very good relationship and a conflict may arise.

The rooster is a unique bird; it not only loves to gather a large number of people around itself, but also cares and protects them. Therefore, all loved ones of a person with this sign will feel quite comfortable this year. Colleagues at work should listen to the opinion of the owner of this sign, since he has his own instinct and vision of the situation, which is beyond the reach of others. At times it may seem that a person of this sign is afraid of something and cannot make the right decision, but this is only an appearance, since many solutions to one problem arise in his head and he chooses the optimal one.

There are several legends explaining the reasons why each year of the Eastern horoscope is named after an animal. For example, 2017. Which animal was chosen as the main animal this year? It turns out that 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster and especially active Mars!

What features of the rooster bird does the Eastern horoscope recommend paying special attention to? The rooster is the head of a large family! Or always strives to have one. What’s sad is that you may have more than one favorite chicken! Has many children (chickens). Carefully monitors order in the chicken coop. He works all day to get food. And the gait, the position, the proud carriage of the head! And the plumage is feather to feather! Ready for a fight in any case of infiltration into one’s territory or sphere of influence. In the heat of battle, he “loses his head”, all his practicality and conservatism, and fights to the end, no matter what it turns out to be. Armed with a sharp beak, sharp claws and spurs. You have to be careful around him!

What qualities are inherent in those born under this sign?

Let's translate all of the above into the plane of human character. What can you expect from a person born in the year of the Rooster?

Pros. A good family man is caring, serious, responsible. Knows how to be first in the family and in the service. Conservative. Ready to be responsible for yourself and those around you. He is handsome, knows how to maintain a status appearance, and attaches great importance to appearance. I am absolutely sure that not only he, but his entire family are the best in the world! He is ready to do a lot for his loved ones and to achieve his goals.

Minuses. May have more than one family. He considers only his own plans and ideas to be constructive and correct. Has difficulty listening to objections. Does not tolerate an equal partner next to him. Even if the Rooster did not have natural beauty, the issue of appearance is of great importance to him! The feathers should be beautifully arranged, and the comb should stand beautifully on the head! If this is not the case, then putting yourself in order can take a long time and cause a bad mood. And when the Rooster is upset, those around him can expect a blow with his “beak”! Confidence in the exclusivity of oneself and one’s family can smoothly turn into family dictatorship. Only he (or she, if the Rooster is she) knows what needs to be done for the family to live in abundance. Only he will determine how, where and why the entire family will move. Any other opinion is impossible because it is wrong! The willingness to “die” in caring for the family and defending the interests of the family can lead the Rooster to serious illness.

The Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 promises to be very turbulent. A fire sign of any animal means that everything will be "too much." Pros and cons will be with an infinity sign. People born under the sign of the Fire Rooster receive minuses “without a bottom” and pluses “above the roof”! The task of the parents and the Rooster himself is to cope with the disadvantages and calculate the strength to master the advantages.

Areas of activity of the Fire Rooster

Successful top-level organizers: directors, businessmen, career military personnel. Better, of course, are organizers in a large team. Doctors whose activities are related to surgery and active treatment methods. Teachers of a wide profile, not necessarily just school ones.

What should a person born in the year of the Fire Rooster think about? About attention to the opinions of others, about monogamy in family life, about the ability to maintain a reasonable world without conflicts and wars of any scale, about the right attitude towards one’s own health.

What should people who find themselves next to the Fire Rooster think about? About supporting him in good deeds, taking care of his health. Be ready to defend your own opinion throughout your life. If you are a subtle diplomat, you can get along with the Rooster!

How to meet 2017 so that the Fire Rooster becomes your friend for the whole year?

First, you need to seriously think about your New Year's outfit. A bright, expensive and fashionable outfit should please the Rooster. Clothes must contain red, orange or yellow. Let's not forget about neatness and smartness. Every detail must be in its place! The Rooster will also appreciate carefully selected gold jewelry. Any hints of predators in clothing and accessories are completely excluded. They are the enemies of the Rooster.

It is better to celebrate the New Year in a large company of family and friends. Gifts should be useful, but not very expensive. The Rooster does not approve of unnecessary expenses.

Knowing the difficult character of the Fire Rooster, try to control yourself this year and not needlessly offend others. 2017 provides great opportunities for self-realization. It is important to correctly calculate your strength and not cause harm to your health in the process of mastering these capabilities.

In 2017, changes are expected in the life of the entire Earth, a possible deterioration in relations between countries, and the struggle of individual states for dominance in the world. In general, this year could become an arena for cockfights between countries. We can only hope that both the person and the whole world will be able to cope with themselves, and 2017 will become “fiery” in name only in the Eastern horoscope.

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