Kipchak Crimea map. Kipchak Bay in Crimea

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Kipchak Bay in Crimea will be a wonderful place for active recreation, here you can catch fish, crabs, and rapans. And from local fishermen you can buy mullet, sturgeon and much more for a small price. Naturally, you have to bargain, otherwise some prices are higher than in the city. Camping in these parts will give you unforgettable emotions and memories. You will feel the beneficial effects of nature on a person from the very first minutes of your arrival.

The best vacation with a family of “savages,” in my opinion, can be spent in Kipchak Bay, which is located on the Tarkhankut Peninsula. In general, there is no direct road to the place, but this does not stop hundreds of tourists from visiting it every year. You won’t have much difficulty finding a well-worn road to the beach; in extreme cases, you can ask the village residents, they will tell you the best way to get there. Before the trip, you can also look at photos of the route on the Internet, having previously drawn up a route for yourself. From the village of Chernomorskoye you should move through the old cemetery and turn right at all intersections. The road will not be easy, but you will have to travel about 8 km. The worst place along the way, in my opinion, is the descent, which only takes 100 m of the journey, but the time spent on it is about 20 minutes if you drive a sedan.

Upon arrival, it was not difficult to find a place, since it was only the beginning of the season. I want to say right away that there is no mobile communication in this bay. Maybe for some this will be a minus, but for me with my work it was a plus. Peace and quiet awaits you on this cape. You will also have to entertain yourself, since the only civilization there is is a small cafe. You can, of course, go to Chernomorskoye, but there won’t really surprise you with anything there either. Although you can go to a disco. Also in this article you will find a complete photo report of this picturesque place.

When going to the event, make a list of things you should take with you. My list included a gas stove, a couple of gas cylinders, a barbecue, a deck chair, dishes, two tents, and sunscreen. You should also definitely take a canopy, since there are no trees in the bay and there is open space everywhere, a canopy is simply an irreplaceable thing.

By the end of the holiday there were already quite a lot of people, but there was enough space for everyone. After all, the beach covers a huge area. Don’t be afraid to take your tablet with you so you can watch a movie in the evening; you can charge it at the nearest store. If you don’t want to waste time traveling from the bay to the city, but there is a need for something, then you can order it from the sellers from the store. But it’s better to go to the city at least once every couple of days and buy groceries at the supermarket.

As for the sea, it is clean and very calm. The fact that the beach is sandy is a big plus for children. It is much easier for them to enter the water on sand, unlike pebbles. The water is warm almost all the time and heats up quickly in the morning. You can also entertain yourself by horseback riding, it won’t cost you much. Dolphins can also be seen very often in this bay.

Vacationers in Kipchak try not to litter; there are trailers where you can throw garbage, they are taken out every day. Taking a shower is also possible. Near the cafe you will find a paid shower and toilet. If you need drinking water, you can always get it from a well.

In general, all vacationers are satisfied. But before you go there, you must fully understand that you will have to live without civilization. Although, since you can only get there by car, there will be no problems with food. Conveniences also generally depend on you.

And the best thing is that this type of vacation will not cost you much. It will be a wonderful break from the noisy city. The absence of civilization will help you get closer to your family. You also decide how long you will stay there; it can be a weekend getaway or a long-term trip. Having returned home, you will definitely have a desire to return to Cape Tarkhankut more than once. Because there you will find a carefree pastime, unencumbered by everyday affairs.

Gully Kipchak (Kypchak, Kopchak). Located nine kilometers southwest of the village of Chernomorskoye on Tarkhankut.

It is named after the peoples and tribes of Desht-i-Kipchak. S.N. Pushkarev claims that “the Kypchaks were the most numerous tribe in the southeast, so it was no coincidence that the Russians called the Golden Horde Kypchak, and the Turkestans - Dasht-i-Kypchak.”

In the 15th century, the Kipchaks were divided into several parts. Having received the privileges of the Crimean khans, some of them settled here.

As is known, in the middle of the 11th century, nomadic Polovtsians invaded the southern Russian steppes and then Crimea from the east. Their habitat in the North-Western Crimea is confirmed by numerous surviving stone sculptures, the so-called Polovtsian women. The villages of Gromovo, Rybatskoe, Ogni and others formerly bore the name Kipchak - clearly of Polovtsian origin. On the “Topographic Map of the Crimean Peninsula” of 1842, the village of Kypchak is listed as destroyed.

The Kipchaks were the ethnic basis for the formation of the Nogais, nomadic Uzbeks, as well as Karakalpaks and Kazakhs. The Kipchaks at one time played a significant role in the ethnogenesis of the Turks of the peninsula. According to researchers, the ethnonym “Kypchak” in the list of 1783 is reflected in 22 names of Crimean villages. The author of the General History of Islam until 1324, Baybars-al-Mansuri, in his work “The Cream of Thoughts on the History of the Hijra,” cited the names of 11 Kipchak tribes, some of which are mentioned in Russian chronicles.

There are a large number of wells in the gully, two of which, located near the sea, are filled with fresh water.

Mount Kipchak. Located south of the village of Chernomorskoye within the Tarkhankut Upland. Height 119 meters above sea level.

On the 1926 map there are two Kipchak farms. One is located in the area of ​​the modern Kipchak ravine, and the second is located north of the modern village. Maryino.

Balka and Kipchak Bay on the map

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Kipchak Bay is located on the Tarkhankut Peninsula, and of course is in great demand among people who like to relax at sea as “savages”. This is facilitated by the colorful microclimate of the Crimean steppes, as well as the clear and warm sea.
Get to the bay not so simple, because There is no road as such, but only a well-trodden track in the steppe. The best way to get to the bay is from the village of Chernomorskoye. It is necessary to go around the village and at the fork where the road goes to the village of Olenevka, turn into the village of Kalinovka, and then approximately in the middle of the village there will be a turn to the right and you will see how the road goes straight into the steppe. Along this road along the forest plantation, about 5 - 6 km. and here is Kipchak.

First of all Kipchak stands out for its size, there is a quite spacious beach, which is almost never deserted at the height of the summer season. Among the benefits of civilization, there is a small well with completely drinkable water and a couple of food stalls. The water in the sea is crystal clear and warms up quite quickly.
In the sea, next to the bay, there are local fishermen who can always please you with local delicacies such as mullet. If you have the desire and skill, you can dive near the coastal rocks and, if possible, catch mussels and rapana.

Holidays with “savages” as an option to save money

With the start of the swimming season a secluded bay, protected from storms by boulders and rocks, comes to life, a tent city populated by lovers of “wild recreation” and a car camping site grows along the beach. Many come with children - the shore is shallow, the bottom is flat, sandy, and the water is so clear that stones are visible at a depth of 10 meters. The beach is very clean, littering is not allowed here - there are trailers nearby where garbage is removed daily. There is a paid shower next to the shops.

Products You can buy or order in shops; many times every few days they buy the necessary food in the nearest village of Chernomorskoye. Everyone cooks food on supplied gas stoves with cylinders. Laptops and mobile phones are charged in stores, but communication and the Internet are not available in the bay - you have to climb up the slope to a higher point of the relief, so you need to take care of the film repertoire for your laptop before leaving for vacation.

Fishing, diving and entertainment

To Kipchak Bay Fans of windsurfing, diving, and kiting come here. In addition to deep scuba diving, Kipchak Bay has excellent opportunities for underwater fishing - there are a lot of mussels and rapans. The depths of Kipchak Bay are suitable for underwater photography.

For fishing This place is famous, you can find mullet, garfish, bonito, goby, flounder, sturgeon, but even if you don’t fish, you can bargain with local fishermen and buy fresh fish from them. A little further from the beach there is a mullet fishing farm. And for visiting fishermen, the mullet season begins towards the end of August - in September.

From entertainment– completely inexpensive horse riding, which children perceive with delight. Causing everyone's admiration, they often swim into the bay.

Bored for fun parties they go to the Black Sea. Traveling through quicksand at night in an SUV sometimes turns into an extreme adventure.

Nearest attractions

Tarkhankut Peninsula rich in interesting natural objects. For a variety of recreation in Kipchak Bay, a trip to the Atlesha rocks is interesting - a unique “paleontological museum” in the open air with imprints of fossil fish, algae, bizarre stone formations, arches turning into tunnels, creating an unusual magical ensemble of the unity of sea and stone. Episodes of the films “Amphibian Man”, “Men and Dolphins”, “Pirates of the 20th Century” were filmed near the Atlesh rocks.

Cup of Love– a heart-shaped stone water tank created by nature. Romantic tourists came up with a beautiful legend - if the two of you jump from the cliffs, without letting go, into a lake, then your whole life will pass together, happily, in love and mutual understanding.

Main items, without which you cannot go on vacation to Kipchak Bay - a canopy, sunscreen and mosquito repellent. There are no trees in Kipchak Bay, the area is open, and it’s easy to get sunburned on the first day, ruining your further vacation. Experienced “savages” take with them sun loungers, a barbecue, a gas stove with 2 cans, and dishes.

– tent- everyone takes it with them, there can be no other options. It’s 8 km to Chernomorskoye, and it’s simply pointless to combine settlement in the village and relaxation in Kipchak Bay - Chernomorskoye has its own recreational opportunities.

How to get to Kipchak Bay

Russia, Crimea, Kipchak Bay

No other transport , except for a car - a taxi or your own, preferably with all-wheel drive, does not go to Kipchak Bay. Before the bay itself, you will have to overcome a difficult steep descent of 100-150 m in length, which requires the driver’s experience behind the wheel, especially after the rains.

To Black Sea Buses run regularly from Yevpatoria and Simferopol every hour and a half, the fare from Simferopol is about 145 rubles, travel time is 3 hours; from Evpatoria - 80 rubles, travel time - 1.5 hours, by taxi - from 2300 to 4400 rubles, depending on the class of car.

To Simferopol Airliners make regular flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other cities, the cost of the flight is 6-13 thousand rubles.

From Anapa and Krasnodar via the Port Caucasus - Kerch ferry to Simferopol it will cost passengers 350 and 750 rubles, to Evpatoria - 420 and 820 rubles.

Own car on the Kavkaz-Kerch ferry - 1190-2490 rubles depending on the length of the car. Drivers and passengers of vehicles buy a ferry ticket separately - adults 162 rubles, children 81 rubles. The ferry crossing takes 30 minutes. But you must register your car 35 minutes before the departure of the ferry, which runs 24 hours a day at intervals of 1 hour.

From Kerch to Chernomorskoe approximately 350-360 km through Feodosia and Simferopol.

Kipchak Tarkhankut Bay

If you want to escape away from the delights of civilization, annoying mobile phones and the ubiquitous Internet, there is only one way out - to Kipchak Bay on the Tarkhankut Peninsula of the western coast of Crimea, or more correctly - “Beautiful Harbor”, National Natural Park.

Sea, wind, steppe and sun - nothing else on the gently sloping sandy shore, just a well with spring water and two shops.

Holidays with “savages” as an option to save money

With the beginning of the swimming season, a secluded bay, protected from storms by boulders and rocks, comes to life, a tent city populated by lovers of “wild recreation” and a car camping grow along the beach. Many come with children - the shore is shallow, the bottom is flat, sandy, and the water is so clear that stones are visible at a depth of 10 meters. The beach is very clean, littering is not allowed here - there are trailers nearby where garbage is removed daily. There is a paid shower next to the shops.

Groceries can be bought or ordered in shops; many people buy the necessary food in the nearest village of Chernomorskoye every few days. Everyone cooks food on supplied gas stoves with cylinders. Laptops and mobile phones are charged in stores, but communication and the Internet are not available in the bay - you have to climb up the slope to a higher point of the relief, so you need to take care of the film repertoire for your laptop before leaving for vacation.

Fishing, diving and entertainment

Fans of windsurfing, diving, and kiting come to Kipchak Bay. In addition to deep scuba diving, Kipchak Bay has excellent opportunities for underwater fishing - there are a lot of mussels and rapans. The depths of Kipchak Bay are suitable for underwater photography.

There are excellent places for fishing here, there are mullet and sturgeon, but even if you don’t fish, you can bargain with local fishermen and buy fresh fish from them. A little further from the beach there is a mullet fishing farm. And for visiting fishermen, the mullet season begins towards the end of August - in September.

For entertainment, horseback riding is absolutely inexpensive, which children enjoy with delight. Dolphins often swim into the bay, causing everyone's admiration.

Those who miss fun parties go to Chernomorskoye to discos. Traveling through quicksand at night in an SUV sometimes turns into an extreme adventure.

Nearest attractions

The Tarkhankut Peninsula is rich in interesting natural sites. For a variety of recreation in Kipchak Bay, a trip to the Atlesha rocks is interesting - a unique “paleontological museum” in the open air with imprints of fossil fish, algae, bizarre stone formations, grottoes, arches turning into tunnels, creating an unusual magical ensemble of the unity of sea and stone. Episodes of the films “Amphibian Man”, “Men and Dolphins”, “Pirates of the 20th Century” were filmed near the Atlesh rocks.

The Cup of Love is a heart-shaped stone reservoir of water created by nature. Romantic tourists came up with a beautiful legend - if the two of you jump from the cliffs, without letting go, into a lake, then your whole life will pass together, happily, in love and mutual understanding.

The Tarkhankut Underwater Museum was conceived by enthusiastic divers with a sense of humor. At a depth of about 12 m, busts of Soviet-era leaders are lined up. The underwater exhibition is replenished annually with new exhibits brought from different cities of the former republics of the USSR.

Useful tips for tourists

The main items without which you cannot go on vacation to Kipchak Bay are a canopy, sunscreen and mosquito repellent. There are no trees in Kipchak Bay, the area is open, and it’s easy to get sunburned on the first day, ruining your further vacation. Experienced “savages” take with them sun loungers, a barbecue, a gas stove with 2 cans, and dishes.

Housing - a tent - everyone takes with them, there can be no other options. It’s 8 km to Chernomorskoye, and it’s simply pointless to combine settlement in the village and relaxation in Kipchak Bay - Chernomorskoye has its own recreational opportunities.

How to get to Kipchak Bay

Russia, Crimea, Chernomorskoe village, Kipchak Bay

No other transport except a car - a taxi or your own, preferably with all-wheel drive - goes to Kipchak Bay. Before the bay itself, you will have to overcome a difficult steep descent of 100-150 m in length, which requires the driver’s experience behind the wheel, especially after the rains.

Buses from Yevpatoria and Simferopol regularly run to Chernomorskoe every hour and a half, the fare from Simferopol is about 145 rubles, travel time is 3 hours; from Evpatoria - 80 rubles, travel time - 1.5 hours, by taxi - from 2300 to 4400 rubles, depending on the class of car.

Airliners from Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other cities make regular flights to Simferopol; the cost of the flight is 6-13 thousand rubles.

A transfer from Anapa and Krasnodar via the Port Caucasus - Kerch ferry to Simferopol will cost passengers 350 and 750 rubles, to Evpatoria - 420 and 820 rubles.

The cost of ferrying your own car on the Kavkaz-Kerch ferry is 1190-2490 rubles, depending on the length of the car. Drivers and passengers of vehicles buy a ferry ticket separately - adults 162 rubles, children 81 rubles. The ferry crossing takes 30 minutes. But you must register your car 35 minutes before the departure of the ferry, which runs 24 hours a day at intervals of 1 hour.

From Kerch to Chernomorskoye it is approximately 350-360 km through Feodosia and Simferopol.

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