Kir Bulychev is a guest of the future fb2. Guest from the future

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Kir Bulychev




Kolya’s parents are relatively old - they are not yet forty. And they consider themselves very young, they bought a boat, paint it and take care of it, drag it ashore, lower it into the water, repair the engine, call guests to barbecue and sing tourist songs. But they are worthless travelers, they don’t know how to take advantage of their happiness at all. Last year we drove along the Volga for two weeks, but we only swam a hundred kilometers - you could die of laughter. Kolya is not interested in them. Their romance doesn’t suit him; it’s too comfortable. So on that April Sunday, he flatly refused to go with them to paint the precious “Seagull”. He said he had a test tomorrow. His parents were so touched by his conscientiousness that they did not pester him. And Kolya found himself with a completely free Sunday, without parents, without anything to do, he could live for his own pleasure, like the Greek philosopher Epicurus.

When Kolya woke up, his parents were no longer there. There was a note on the table asking him to go get some kefir and a ruble.

In the morning, the free day seems endless. That's why Kolya was in no hurry. He turned on the radio at full volume and began to think about who to call. But it was still early, all his friends were asleep, and Kolya decided to go get some kefir. He took the ruble, the bag, the empty bottles and went out onto the stairs.

Two orderlies walked straight up the stairs towards him, carrying a folded stretcher. The orderlies were elderly, strong, similar to loaders, only in uniform caps and white coats. Kolya stopped. And then he noticed that the door to the neighboring apartment was slightly open and voices were coming from there. The orderlies carried the stretcher through that door. Something happened to the neighbor, Nikolai Nikolaevich.

The neighbor lived alone, often went on business trips, and Kolya did not know where he worked. Kolya decided to wait. Soon the door opened and the orderlies carried a stretcher out onto the stairs. Nikolai Nikolaevich lay on a stretcher, pale, covered with a sheet almost to his throat. A young doctor walked behind him with a thick suitcase. The doctor stopped at the door and asked:

What to do with the apartment?

At that moment Nikolai Nikolaevich saw Kolya and was delighted.

“Hello, namesake,” he said quietly. - It's good that you met me. You see, my heart sank. Such a misfortune!

It’s okay,” Kolya said, “you’ll get better.”

Thank you for your kind words. I have a request for you: take my key. One of these days a friend is supposed to come to me from Murmansk. He knows that if I'm not home, you have the keys.

Kolya escorted the stretcher with Nikolai Nikolaevich to the street. The orderlies carefully placed them in the ambulance. The hearts need complete rest.

When should we expect it? - he asked Nikolai Nikolaevich, who was already lying in the car.

In a month. Maybe sooner. I'll call you as soon as I get up.

Call me, I’ll visit you,” Kolya said. - Maybe we should buy some fruit? Don't be shy.

My friend from Murmansk should bring me medicine. I hope for your mediation.

“Don’t doubt it,” said Kolya. - My old people are also happy to help you.

The ambulance suddenly took off and rushed off to the Sklifosovsky clinic, as the doctor told Kolya goodbye. Kolya stood and looked after the car. He felt sorry for Nikolai Nikolaevich. The neighbor was a decent person, he never pretended to be a mentor to young children, he did not teach them how to live, and it was interesting to talk to him. Then Kolya went to the store and bought kefir. When I was paying at the cash register, I felt the key to Nikolai Nikolaevich’s apartment in my pocket and thought - I shouldn’t forget to hang it in the corridor in a visible place: when a friend arrives from Murmansk, the key will be immediately found. But when he returned home, Kolya did not hang up the key. He had a thought.

The fact is that on Nikolai Nikolaevich’s desk there was a model of a frigate. It was made of wood, fabric sails, twine shrouds, real copper cannons. Nikolai Nikolaevich once said that the frigate was made of two thousand parts and was exactly copied from the real one. Kolya loved to look at the frigate. If you sit down a little and squint your eyes, you can imagine that a frigate is sailing on the ocean, and the sails are drooping because it has been calm for the second week.

When Fima Korolev from Kolya’s class found out about the frigate, he began to ask to visit Nikolai Nikolaevich, but Kolya was in no hurry to take him on a visit. It is dangerous to take Fima on a visit, because he is terribly impudent, clumsy, and will definitely grab something and break it. Fima got tired of being reminded, and he said:

Take my measurements from the frigate. I'm going to build a sailboat, but there is not enough literature. What should you do to help a person!

The conversation with Fimka took place yesterday, and today Nikolai Nikolaevich fell ill. In the evening, the parents will arrive, they can hide the key, and Fima will never believe that his neighbor is in the hospital - he will decide that Kolya is making it up again.

For this reason, Kolya went home, took a sheet of paper, a ruler and a pencil and opened the door to his neighbor.

At that moment he didn't think he was doing anything wrong. After all, if he had asked Nikolai Nikolaevich for permission, he probably would not have refused.

Kolya closed the door behind him, hid the key in his pocket, turned on the light in the corridor to admire the African masks that hung on the wall and showed their teeth.

Then Kolya slowly walked into the large room, which was Nikolai Nikolaevich’s office and bedroom. The bed on the sofa was not made, the sheets were wrinkled, the telephone receiver was dangling near the floor. Kolya imagined Nikolai Nikolaevich reaching for the phone and dialing “03”. Kolya hung up the phone. Kolya had never been alone in this apartment, and it, essentially ordinary, seemed too deserted and even a little ominous. Standing in the middle of the room, Kolya felt that he had not acted quite right, and he wanted to leave and not take measurements of the frigate.

But he didn’t leave because there was an old flintlock pistol hanging on the wall. Nikolai Nikolaevich gave it to Kolya to hold in his hands, but half the pleasure is lost if they look at you at the same time. Kolya took the pistol off the wall, pulled back the firing pin and aimed at the window. A crow flew outside the window. Kolya pulled the trigger and the pistol clicked softly. Of course, with bullets and gunpowder the shot would have been louder.

Kolya hung the gun back and then saw the door to the back room. The door was like a door, but it had a peculiarity: it was always locked. How many times Kolya visited his neighbor, he never saw this door open. Kolya had long wondered what could be hiding behind the door, and once asked Nikolai Nikolaevich:

What do you have there?

Have you read about Bluebeard? - Nikolai Nikolaevich asked in response.

You're not married.

Curious boys are hidden there,” said Nikolai Nikolaevich. - Seven pieces. There is space available for an eighth.

The conversation ended there. Kolya didn’t ask anymore. Everyone has their own pride.

And now Kolya saw that a key was sticking out of the white door. Apparently, Nikolai Nikolaevich did not expect that he would get sick, and then forgot to take it out.

Kolya went to the door and began to think. Probably some documents, papers or valuables. Or maybe a stamp collection. And in general, if they don’t show you a room, there’s no point in going there.

Kolya wanted to return to the frigate, but suddenly he thought: what if the neighbor kept some rare animal in the back room? So rare and dangerous that you can’t even show it to anyone. Let's say an anaconda snake is twelve meters long. And now this rare animal sits hungry and does not know that there is no one to feed it for a whole month. If it is an anaconda or a camel, it is not so scary, they can do without food and water, but if it is a tiger, then it will rush around the room for several days and, if it is not possible to break the walls, it will die of hunger. And if it succeeds, it could end even worse. After all, he will jump from the second floor onto the lawn, crush the flowers of the pensioner Chuvpilo, swallow the pensioner, then eat an ice cream kiosk and get a sore throat.

Of course, Kolya did not seriously think that the tiger would be flattered by the evil pensioner Chuvpilo, who complains that Kolya stomps too loudly. He just wanted to look into the secret room, but he needed a moral justification for this. And caring for a hungry animal is the best moral justification.

Kolya stood under the door for a while, listening to see if there was any breathing or rustling behind it, but everything was quiet.

Then Kolya turned the key and opened the door.


Kolya thought that he would just take one look and lock the door again. Unless, of course, the hidden camel asks for a drink.

He opened the door about five centimeters, no more. Nothing happened. He opened the door wider, again nothing happened. Then Kolya stuck his head inside, and it turned out that the room was almost empty.

It was a small room with green walls. The window is covered with a thick curtain, but there is enough light inside to see everything.

The film is based on the book “One Hundred Years Ahead” by the author Kir Bulychev. When sixth grade student Kolya was getting ready to go to the store for kefir, he could not even imagine that this ordinary trip would turn into an unexpected journey for him, filled with adventures, dangers and new, very unusual acquaintances. He will have to fight terrible space pirates, travel through time and meet Alisa Selezneva, a girl from the future. This is how trips for kefir sometimes end.

Interesting facts:

  • Over the two years of filming, the young actors in the film have grown up, and sometimes this is quite noticeable on camera. For example, the very first episode of the film was shot, where Alice and Julia in the third episode are chosen from...
  • Over the two years of filming, the young actors in the film have grown up, and sometimes this is quite noticeable on camera. For example, the very first episode of the film was shot, where Alice and Yulia in the third episode climb out of the hospital window into the courtyard. You can notice that the pajamas on Natasha Guseva were too big for her, while in the ward they clearly fit - the episodes in the ward were filmed a year later, when the girl had time to grow up.
  • According to the plot of the film, the characters study at Moscow School No. 20. The school scenes were actually filmed in the building of this school in Vspolny Lane.
  • Grandfather Pavel says that he studied at school No. 59. This is the school where Kir Bulychev studied.
  • Natalya Shanaeva (Lena Dombazova) also auditioned for the role of Alice. In total, there were at least a dozen contenders for this role.
  • In the scene where Alice’s father talks to the “scientist” Rat in his native language, the backwards phrase “The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field” is used to imitate alien speech.
  • Werther, about to resign, says: “I’ll write a statement to Litvak today.” This is a kind of “joke for our own people”: during the years of the film’s creation, Mikhail Litvak was the director of the First Creative Association of the Gorky Film Studio.
  • Alexander Lysykh, who played the episodic roles of a passerby who grabs girls and a disgruntled resident who sends schoolchildren “to play war games on the boulevard,” is also one of the film’s cameramen.
  • The character of Andrei Gradov (whose last name is Ishutin is mentioned only in the credits), sitting on a bench, reads the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food.” The same book was given to his character Zhenya Maslovsky in the film “Take Care of Women” - a journalist posing as a cook. In the story, Ishutin is a cook, which is not directly stated in the film.
  • The Soviet "Guest from the Future" (1984) was filmed eight years earlier than the Australian television series "The Girl from Tomorrow" (1992) - a film with quite similar content about the movement of the girl Alana from the year 3000 to 1990 and about subsequent adventures related, in particular, with the loss and search for a valuable technical device.
  • In the fall of 2001, in the Moscow Friendship Park near the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, a rowan alley named after Alisa Selezneva was laid out, the opening of which was attended by Kir Bulychev.
  • The song "Beautiful Far Away" can be heard in a heavily muted version on the track "There's Nothing"s Left In Ths World" by industrial/ambient band Brighter Death Now.

Kir Bulychev's books about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva are considered classics of children's literature. One of his brightest books was “Guest from the Future.” It is filled with goodness and warmth, instills faith in the best, and lifts your spirits. This is just the book you need in damp and cold weather, when everything seems dull and joyless. It will be of interest to children, teenagers and adults - everyone will find something for themselves in it. The author not only tells an interesting story about the adventures of children, but also touches on important themes of good and evil, friendship and support, wrong actions and responsibility.

The narrative is divided into two parts. The first of them tells about the boy Kolya, who, because of his curiosity, ended up in the future. He lived in Soviet times, but ended up in the 21st century. And an amazing picture appeared before his eyes, everything here is completely different. He couldn’t immediately return home, he had to study everything, look at people and more, try new flavors of ice cream. Kolya even managed to get into trouble caused by dangerous space pirates who wanted to take possession of the wonderful device.

The second part tells about the adventures of Alice, who, following Kolya, went back in time and ended up in the 70s of the 20th century. Here she will meet Kolya’s classmates and some other people. They will all find themselves embroiled in adventures they will never forget. And the most important thing is that they will help each other, knowing that friendship and mutual assistance are very important.

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Apr 10, 2017

Guest from the future Kir Bulychev

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Title: Guest from the Future

About the book “Guest from the Future” Kir Bulychev

Kir Bulychev is an outstanding Soviet science fiction writer, playwright and literary critic. His sensational book entitled “Guest from the Future” is part of the author’s series of works “Alice’s Adventures”. The main character of this story, a girl named Alisa Selezneva, lives in the 21st century, in a civilization that has reached its maximum progress, in which there is almost no division into social classes, military operations, or various types of serious illnesses. Alice is very interested in science and discoveries in the field of space zoology, as a result of which she encounters numerous troubles. For example, one day she becomes involved in the pursuit of space pirates, as a result of which she ends up in the 70s of the twentieth century, where she meets her peers - ordinary Moscow schoolchildren. Together, they block pirates’ access to some unique invention. And over time, the guys begin to understand how different the representative of the future is from the present, and how hard they need to try to grow up worthy of the “beautiful distant one.” Thanks to its informative and rich ideological content, reading the story will be interesting not only for children, but also for older people.

Kir Bulychev divides his book “Guest from the Future” into two parts. In the first part, a boy named Kolya incredibly moves into the future a hundred years into the future. However, he is in no hurry to return. After all, you need to visit the cosmodrome, visit the space zoo, and take a ride on the latest transport. Thus, our hero manages to do absolutely everything in less than 24 hours: see people, show himself off, and even get involved in an unprecedented adventure. As for the second part of the work, here the author tells us directly about the main character Alice, who is transported to the past. This is where many minor characters get involved. Among them: an entire class of a Moscow school, teachers and several citizens of the Russian capital who happened to be nearby. The adventures of the heroes begin to gain momentum, and I want to find out as soon as possible how it all ends. In his book, Kir Bulychev very skillfully recreated not only the daily life of Soviet schoolchildren, but also simply wonderfully depicted the beautiful distant future. Therefore, reading this work will be very informative and exciting for anyone who is tired of gloomy dystopias and who wants to be filled with optimism and a positive approach to life.

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