When does Peter's Fast begin and what can you eat? Peter's fast for the laity. What can you eat on Petrov fast? Petrov post what

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Petrov's fast in 2018 lasts from June 4 to July 11. The fast before the day of Peter and Paul is not very strict. We will tell you what you can and cannot eat during the Petrine Fast, and we will also offer a nutrition calendar for the days of the Apostolic Fast, according to the monastery charter.

How to properly hold the Petrovsky fast in 2018

Petrov's fast was established to cleanse after the celebration of the Trinity before the day of Peter and Paul. The apostolic fast is not the strictest of the year. On many of its days you can eat fish, porridge with vegetable oil, and mushrooms.

Most people no longer doubt the beneficial effects of fasting on a person’s soul and body. Even secular doctors recommend fasting as a diet, noting that temporary abstinence from animal proteins and fats has a beneficial effect on the body. But for a believer, any fast, including Petrovsky’s, is, first of all, not a diet, but a spiritual feat.

Petrov fast in 2018: nutrition calendar by day

  • June
    25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    1 2 3 4 5
  • July
    29 30
    1 2

Attention! Below are the dietary rules for monks. They are more stringent than for lay people - ordinary people and contain six degrees of fasting. In modern monastic practice, it is possible to soften some nutritional standards.

  • Easter
  • Today
  • June
    25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    1 2 3 4 5
  • July
    29 30
    1 2

What date is Petrov's fast in 2020?

It begins on Monday, the 57th day after Easter (a week after Trinity). The last day of fasting is July 11th. In 2020 it lasts 27 days: from June 15 to July 11.

People call this post Apostolic or Petrovka.

The essence of Petrov's fast

Petrov fast prepares Christians for the day of remembrance of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. It was installed in memory of how the apostles fasted before preaching Christianity. Its essence is to achieve self-improvement through voluntary abstinence. Through fasting, a person strives for spiritual and physical purity. Refusal of certain types of food, prayer, repentance, compassion and a humane attitude towards others helps to feel unity with God. Fasting also unites Christians and allows them to feel like they are part of the Church.

History of Petrov's Fast

The history of Peter's Fast goes back to the first centuries of Christianity. Initially, it was intended for people who, for some reason, could not fast during Lent. He was most revered in Constantinople and Rome, where churches were built and consecrated in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul. The final approval of the Apostolic Fast dates back to the end of the 4th - beginning of the 5th centuries. In Rus', the Petrov fast was introduced after the adoption of Christianity. He came to replace the pagan Kupala rituals.

Rules of conduct and traditions of Peter's Fast

Petrov's fast implies restrictions that are aimed at cleansing the body and soul of a person. During this period, it is necessary to abstain from certain types of food and daily activities that can lead to a sinful state.

  • Meat, eggs and dairy products are excluded from the diet. On Wednesday and Friday it is also prohibited to eat fish and seafood, hot food seasoned with oil.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking. A small amount of wine is allowed on Saturday, Sunday and temple holidays.
  • It is necessary to limit attendance at entertainment events. It is better to celebrate holidays in the family circle, without noisy feasts, dancing, songs and games.
  • You should not allow bad thoughts, swear, quarrel with people around you, envy and judge.
  • You should limit watching TV, using the Internet and social networks.
  • According to church canons, the sacrament of marriage (wedding) is not performed during the period of fasting.
  • It is forbidden to tell fortunes or perform magical rituals and ceremonies.
  • Spouses are advised to refrain from intimate relationships and conceiving a child. It is permissible to perform marital duties by mutual consent.

What can you eat on Petrov fast: nutritional rules

Peter's Fast, unlike the Great Fast, is not so strict. During this period, you also cannot eat meat, dairy products, eggs, but fish is allowed on some days of the week. The basis of the Lenten table is greens and dishes made from them (cabbage soup, okroshka, botvinya), cereals, and berries.

During this fast, the consumption of hot food without oil is prescribed on Monday, fish is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, and dry eating (bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey) is allowed on Wednesdays and Fridays. Wine is allowed on weekends.

On the church holiday of the Nativity of John the Baptist (July 7), you can eat fish (regardless of what day of the week it falls on).

The Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul (July 12) is not included in Lent. However, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday, then it is fast (low degree of strictness - foods with oil and fish are allowed).

According to the monastic Charter, the above rules are mandatory for observance among monks. Laymen do not have to adhere to the strictness of fasting. Parishioners coordinate the nutrition calendar with spiritual mentors, taking into account all life circumstances, health conditions and body characteristics.

The article provides a calendar of the monastic Rules, which gives an idea of ​​the degree of severity of fasting by day. Each person individually, together with his confessor, determines the degree of severity of his fast. People who have chronic diseases should first consult their doctor to prevent possible risks to the body.

For some categories of people, a relaxation of the fast is allowed: military personnel, students and people engaged in heavy physical labor. Pregnant and lactating women are exempt from gastronomic restrictions. It is better not to limit children to meat and dairy foods. Other dietary restrictions can be introduced for them. For example, give less sweets.

How to prepare and smoothly enter the fast

Petrov's fast is not strict. In the summer, there is an abundance of vegetables, fruits, and herbs on the tables, which allows you to eat varied and tasty without feeling hungry or uncomfortable. Petrov's fast does not require careful preparation, however, for people who are fasting for the first time or have a hard time with gastronomic restrictions, it is better to adhere to some rules:

  • It is better to start preparing for fasting 1-2 weeks in advance. Gradually reduce meat and dairy products in your diet. Increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits.
  • Get your body used to fiber. The basis of a lean diet is plant foods, which contain dietary fiber in large quantities. To avoid discomfort associated with digestion, eat salads daily and add bran or fiber to prepared meals.
  • Drink enough fluids. Drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily will improve intestinal function, eliminate dehydration and experience less hunger.
  • Maintain the balance of intestinal microflora. A sudden change in diet can disrupt the microflora. To populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria, consume fermented milk products daily: starter cultures, bifidoyogurts and kefirs, fermented baked milk, yogurt.
  • Lenten foods are lower in calories. In order not to feel hungry in the first days of fasting, you can increase portions, add additional meals or snacks of fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Who is allowed not to fast?

For physiological, medical and age-related reasons, it is better for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, people with metabolic disorders, people with diabetes, people with digestive diseases, cancer patients, those suffering from kidney dysfunction, undergoing post-operative rehabilitation, people with chronic diseases and acute respiratory infections.

Nutrition calendar by day

for 6 degrees of fasting severity

June 15 Mon
June 16 W
June 17 Wed
June 18 ThuFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
June 19 FriDry eating is the consumption of uncooked food of plant origin: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey.
June 20 SatFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
21st of June SunFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
22nd of June MonHot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil is allowed (porridge, soups, stewed vegetables, mushrooms).
June 23 WFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
June 24 WedDry eating is the consumption of uncooked food of plant origin: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey.
June 25 ThuFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
June 26 FriDry eating is the consumption of uncooked food of plant origin: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey.
27th of June SatFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
June 28 SunFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
June 29 MonHot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil is allowed (porridge, soups, stewed vegetables, mushrooms).
30 June WFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
July 1 WedDry eating is the consumption of uncooked food of plant origin: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey.
July 2 ThuFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
3 July FriDry eating is the consumption of uncooked food of plant origin: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey.
4th of July SatFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
5'th of July SunFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
July 6 MonHot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil is allowed (porridge, soups, stewed vegetables, mushrooms).
July 7 WNativity of John the Baptist
Fish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
July 8 WedDry eating is the consumption of uncooked food of plant origin: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey.
July 9 ThuFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.
July 10 FriDry eating is the consumption of uncooked food of plant origin: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey.
July 11 SatFish – you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes.

Is it possible to eat fish
Fish is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays and on the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist (July 7).

Can I drink wine?
The consumption of this alcoholic drink is allowed in small quantities on Saturdays and Sundays and on the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist.

Allowed products during Peter's Fast

  • Vegetables and fruits. They make up the bulk of the lean diet. In the summer, there is an abundance of seasonal vegetables and fruits, from which you can prepare side dishes, salads, desserts, and snacks. This allows you to eat varied and tasty.
  • Cereals. Porridge is the second most popular Lenten dish. Rice, buckwheat, wheat derivatives, bulgur, corn grits, oatmeal, quinoa serve as side dishes and the main source of complex carbohydrates, which provide a feeling of fullness and give energy. By seasoning porridge with fruits, honey and nuts you can get a delicious dessert.
  • Fish and seafood. Allowed on all days of fasting except Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Serve as the main source of protein. When cooking fish, it is recommended not to fry and not to get carried away with spices. It is better to give preference to boiled, stewed or steamed dishes.
  • There is little vegetable matter. Allowed on all days except Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Olive, sunflower, and flaxseed oils are the main source of fats, which are necessary for the absorption of many vitamins. They season salads and side dishes.
  • Legumes. Peas, beans, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and lentils are additional sources of protein and an alternative to meat. For those who cannot abstain from dairy products for a long time, milk, yogurt, kefir, and soy cream can be purchased in large supermarkets and specialized stores.
  • Confectionery and bakery products. Products that do not contain dairy products and eggs are allowed. During fasting, it is recommended to refrain from excessive consumption of confectionery products.
  • Mushrooms. This is an additional source of vegetable protein. They are used to prepare main dishes, side dishes, and add to salads and appetizers.
  • Dried fruits and nuts. Walnuts, almonds, cashews, dates, figs, prunes, dried apricots, and raisins become the main delicacies during fasting. For many they replace desserts. They are often eaten as a snack or added to salads or cereals.
  • Honey. It makes an excellent dessert and is used in baking and other desserts.
  • Wine. 1-2 glasses are allowed on Saturday and Sunday.

What you can and cannot do during Peter's Fast

Peter's fast is not only abstinence from certain types of food, with the purpose of bodily cleansing and cultivating willpower. First of all, it is aimed at developing human spirituality. During fasting, it is forbidden to engage in activities that could lead to a state of sinfulness or distract from prayer and repentance.

During the fasting period, you should avoid noisy companies and parties, and try not to quarrel.

It is not advisable to cut your hair, otherwise your hair will become thin.

Is it possible to travel
During the fasting period, it is better to refrain from trips, trips and business trips. It is better to spend your free time at home with your family or dedicate it to good deeds. Trips related to pilgrimages to holy places are welcome.

Is it possible to conceive a child?
During fasting, it is better to abstain from intimacy. It is possible for a husband and wife to perform marital duties by mutual consent. During the fasting period, it is better not to plan to conceive a child, but if such a situation does occur, then nothing threatens the unborn baby.

Is it possible to read secular literature?
The fast does not include the ban on reading literature. Confessors recommend paying attention to books that have spiritual content. Such works can be found in classical Russian literature.

Is it possible to baptize a child
Baptism of children is allowed absolutely on any day of the year.

Is it possible to have a wedding?
Registration of marriage is allowed, but if the young people are believers, then it is advisable to postpone the wedding to other days of the year. The Church does not bless this event during the period of Lent. There is a belief that a couple who tied the knot on fasting days will not be able to find happiness in family life. Weddings do not take place during Peter's Fast.

How to avoid feeling hungry while fasting

As a rule, lean foods are lower in calories. It is quickly absorbed, which leads to a quick feeling of hunger. To avoid discomfort, you should increase the number of meals and add snacks. To avoid overeating and feel full faster, it is recommended to chew your food thoroughly. This allows you to stretch out the time of eating, thanks to which the center of the brain, which is responsible for hunger, has time to receive a signal from the receptors in the stomach, preventing overeating.

Sayings and signs

  • Petrovka (Petrov post) - hunger strike, Spasovka (Uspensky) - gourmet.
  • Petrovka is on a hunger strike for bread.
  • Noble blood even freezes (chills) in Petrovka.

Peter's Fast for Catholics

Unlike the Orthodox Church, there is no Fast of Peter in the Catholic liturgical cycle.

This time it begins on Monday, June 15, and ends on Saturday, July 11. It is very important to understand the meaning of fasting, and also to know what you can and cannot eat on a daily basis.

  • Meaning
  • Nutrition calendar
  • Prohibitions


It is now believed that the apostles Peter and Paul fasted in order to prepare for preaching the Gospel. Therefore, over time, this period of abstinence from modest food was established in memory of them.

Around the 3rd century, when mentions of fasting first began to appear, it was not associated with the apostles. He was considered a kind of “compensation” for Christians. That is, those who, for certain reasons, missed Lent before Holy Easter, received the opportunity after the end of the church series.

There is evidence that until about the year 1000, believers excluded July from it. Then its first part began to end on the 12th day, and the second formed the Assumption Fast, which began on August 14th.

Nutrition calendar

Peter's Fast is somewhat different from Great Lent, if only because it has much fewer restrictions on food. The diet contains all healthy foods for the body, with the exception of meat.

1. Monday. At first (June 15, 22, 29, July 6) on this day of the week you will have to exclude fat from your diet. The menu should consist of bread, cereals, raw or stewed vegetables, and fruits. And already in July (2, 9) you are allowed to enjoy a small piece of fish.
2. Tuesday. Throughout Lent (June 16, 23, 30, July 7), the main products of Tuesday will be fish and seafood dishes. When cooking, they can be seasoned with sunflower oil.
3. Wednesday. On June 17 and July 24, when preparing Lenten dishes, a little vegetable oil is allowed (frying, dressing porridges, salads). On other dates (July 1, 8) - only baked goods without sugar, vegetables and fruits.
4. Thursday. These days (June 18, 25, July 2, 9), as well as on Tuesday, the main thing on the dinner table should be fish (even canned food). Cereals cooked in water, salads and seafood snacks seasoned with sunflower oil will serve well as a complement.
5. Friday. On June 19, 26 and July 3, 10, everything is the same as on Monday. Only uncooked food is allowed. If desired, you can add dried fruits, natural honey, and walnuts to bread, fresh vegetables and fruits.
6. Saturday (June 20, 27, July 4, 11) and Sunday (June 21, 28, July 5) can rightfully be considered more “free” days. In addition to fish and seafood, you are allowed to drink a little church wine.

Petrov's fast ends on July 11 - the day of Peter and Paul. It turns out that the strictest days will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Eating is allowed only once a day after 15:00. If it’s too difficult, then on Mondays you can cook hot first and second courses, naturally, without oil.


During Petrov Fast you need not only to carefully select food products and prepare them properly, but also to monitor the size of the portions you eat. Frequent overeating is very harmful to the body.

In addition to meat products, alcohol is undesirable. This refers to vodka, beer, cocktails with a degree. But if any church holiday falls during this period, then you can drink a little wine.

Petrov's fast allows you to cleanse yourself of negativity. All true Christian believers will certainly strictly observe every rule regarding food. With its help, it is possible to get rid of most bad habits.

To decide what you can eat during the Petrov Fast, you will first need to decide when exactly the fast begins. Will we count this date ourselves? Why not, because it’s quite easy to do.

Friday. Another strict day of fasting along with Wednesday. Food cannot be cooked; any animal products, as well as vegetable oil, are strictly prohibited.

Saturday and Sunday. You can safely eat, in addition to products of plant origin, fish dishes and seafood. Food can be prepared by adding vegetable oil to dishes.

Now you can create a menu yourself, Petrov fast, what you can eat by day. Summer has already arrived, so it will be possible to give preference to various seasonal vegetable dishes. If there are any winter snacks left in the cellar, then now is the best time to eat them.

Petrov fast that you can eat fish on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Lent is mild because in the summer people have always done a lot of work on the land and around the house. While the weather is good, you want to put your house and household in order, and this requires strength.

Important! On July 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of John the Baptist. On this day, regardless of what day of the week it is, you can eat fish and any dishes based on fish and seafood.

Perhaps these are the basic rules, Peter's Fast, what you can eat. The ban applies to products of animal origin (except fish on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday). Animal products include dairy ingredients and eggs. Also, during the fasting period, you should completely abstain from alcohol and, if possible, quit smoking.

The Church reminds us that fasting is a time of spiritual repentance. So, physical fasting must be combined with work on yourself, on improving your soul.

Fasts in Orthodoxy have a special meaning and differ from each other in the severity of their restrictions. What is allowed and not allowed to eat during Peter’s Fast, how many days does it last? My spiritual father, to whom I turned for clarification, told me about the importance of apostolic fasting. It turns out that there are concessions for believers on Petrovka, and you can eat fish and vegetable oil if you wish. In the article I will tell you how to fast, what restrictions exist besides food.

The importance of Peter's fast lies in the preparation of believers for the holiday honoring the supreme apostles Peter and Paul. On the fiftieth day after Easter, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of a flame, which testified to God's grace. On this day, about 3,000 people believed, which became the basis of the first Christian church. Peter's Fast is actually equal in significance to the Great Fast, since it anticipates one of the main church holidays.

Previously, the Fast of Peter was called the Fast of Pentecost.

Why is fasting called apostolic, Petrovka or Peter and Paul fast? Because it is dedicated to the founding of the church and the main disciples of Jesus Christ. This post takes place in the summer, so it has its own differences and features. Dairy and meat foods are not allowed, but fish is allowed on weekends. This is a significant relaxation, in contrast to Lent before Easter - it is more strict. Some Orthodox believers see some symbolism between the Apostle Peter and permission to eat fish: he was a fisherman.

On days of fasting you can receive unction.

Post history

Prohibitions and restrictions

The church prohibits fish dishes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It is also prohibited to consume oil and wine drinks. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays it is forbidden to eat fish dishes. And on Saturday/Sunday and days of honoring saints or church holidays, the restriction on fish is lifted. On Wednesdays and Fridays, dry eating (eating cold, raw food) is recommended. However, during Peter's Fast there is a relaxation, so you can eat fish and vegetable oil.

During Petrov Fast they do not eat meat, eggs or dairy foods. It is also not recommended to eat sweet pastries and fast food.

What do they eat on Petrovka? It can be empty cabbage soup, okroshka, salads, mushroom caviar, green dishes, fish pies.

In addition to dietary restrictions, spiritual prohibitions are also imposed during fasting. Believers must pray intensely and avoid sins. Also prohibited in this post:

  • gossip and discuss someone;
  • to be jealous and angry;
  • tell a lie;
  • attend parties;
  • to sit back and indulge in idle laziness.

If a person indulges in sin, then there is no point in fasting.

Popular beliefs say that during the apostolic fast you cannot cut your hair, do handicrafts or lend money. Also, no weddings took place at this time, since feasts and parties were prohibited.

Bottom line

Fasting in Orthodoxy calls for taming the flesh and strengthening the spirit. The Church Fathers teach that without fasting, spiritual life is impossible. It is during a refusal to eat or food restriction that a person can think about the meaning of his life. Fasting teaches humility and makes us remember the martyrdom of the first Christians. During food restriction, the spirit, which is the basis of morality, is strengthened: the believer learns to subordinate his carnal desires to spiritual values.

Peter's Fast is not strict like the Great Fast, however, there are strict restrictions for monks. Christians must understand that fasting is not carried out to reduce weight, but to elevate the spirit over the flesh.. Therefore, during fasting, Christians sincerely repent of their sins, take communion and remain in prayer. If a person is prohibited from fasting for medical reasons, you can limit yourself to watching TV shows or chatting on social networks.

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