When was Nikolai Gnatyuk born? Filmography of Nikolai Gnatyuk

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Famous performer Nikolai Gnatyuk was born on September 14, 1952 in the Ukrainian village of Nemirovka. Mother was a teacher in primary school, and my father presided over the collective farm. After graduating from school, the young man chose to enter a pedagogical institute, where he chose the music and pedagogical faculty. Already at that time future singer I knew for sure that I wanted to connect my life with music. He wanted to realize his dream at all costs. Nikolai Gnatyuk’s wife met him during an interview.

Nikolai took his first steps on the path to success as part of the ensemble “We are Odessa residents.” Even while he was serving in the army, the guy did not stop taking the first steps towards success. He demonstrated his vocals in the ensemble of the combined arms guards army.

After completing his service, Gnatyuk continued to improve his skills and began taking lessons in the studio of the Leningrad Music Hall. In parallel with this, he had the opportunity to tour the cities of the Union with the Druzhba ensemble.

Despite significant experience and experience in musical activity, Nikolai gained real popularity only in 1978. It was then that he won his first significant victory at a competition in Zaporozhye. This was followed by new competitions and competitions, as well as new victories. The peak of its popularity occurred in the early eighties. Throughout the USSR, songs performed by him were heard from radio receivers. Light melodies were quickly remembered by listeners.

Besides solo career Nikolai, at the peak of his creativity, also collaborated with various ensembles. These included the most popular ensembles of the time, with which any performer dreamed of working. It was during this period that the singer released his first record.

Soon after the release of the first record, Nikolai met the composer Alexander Morozov, who played in his creative destiny huge role. He is the author of the hit “Crimson Ring”. It was this composition that was recognized as one of Gnatyuk’s most successful songs. Older generation still remembers his hits. However, soon after this, the artist moved to live in Germany and for a long time disappears from the sight of fans.

In 1993, Nikolai returned to his homeland. He released new hit, and three years later it was released on cassette new album. The most popular song of this period performed by him was “Oh, Smereka!” In the Transcarpathian region it became a kind of anthem. After some time, the artist paid attention to his spirituality and entered the theological seminary. This could not but affect his work.

The personal life of Nikolai Gnatyuk is ambiguous. The artist was married only once, but got divorced and never entered into an official relationship again. He constantly attracted the attention of the fair sex, but he truly loved only his Natalia. They met during one of the interviews. The smart, charming and plump girl impressed him. The young people began dating, and after some time they legalized their relationship.

Nikolai and Natalya had a son, Oles, but even his appearance could not save the marriage from collapse. After the Chernobyl accident, the boy and his mother moved to Germany, and his father often visited him. That is why there are so many photographs of German sights in Gnatyuk’s archives.


Born into the family of a collective farm chairman and a rural teacher. Graduated from the Rivne Pedagogical Institute (music and pedagogical faculty). Creative career started in the ensemble “We are Odessa residents.” He studied in the studio of the Leningrad Music Hall and at the same time toured with the oldest VIA “Friendship” in the USSR.

The success of an accidental recording with the Rostislav Babich orchestra and his telegenic nature quickly made him a welcome guest in the studios - “The Girl from Apartment 45”, “Wings of Fortune”, “At the Merry Maple Tree”, “If the City is Dancing” sounded from the screen.

In 1978, he became the winner of the second competition of Ukrainian pop artists in Zaporozhye. In 1979, Gnatyuk took third place at the VI All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, this opened the way for him to go abroad. David Tukhmanov’s song “I’m dancing with you” brings him the Grand Prix of the pop song competition in Dresden, and “Dance on the Drum” by R. Pauls - first place at the Intervision festival in Sopot in 1980. A year later, Gnatyuk had another super hit - “Bird of Happiness”.

In 1980, he sang briefly with VIA Malvy, then with his ensemble “Benefit,” and then with the strong jazz-rock team “Crossword,” with which he recorded his first solo record with translations of French chansons. And again a change of groups: the State Variety Orchestra under the direction of A. Anufrienko, VIA “Mriya”, its own ensemble “Prazdnik”.

Gnatyuk’s songs “Dance on the Drum” (R. Pauls - A. Voznesensky), “Bird of Happiness” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) are widely known. In a television interview with D. Gordon, Nikolai Gnatyuk told a story that happened to him in Sopot. Then prima donna Soviet stage headed the jury of the competition, while pushing through her candidacy, and Gnatyuk simply decided to remove her. The method used was simple - she invited Nikolai to a party in a restaurant on the eve of the competition performance. But the guy turned out to be no slouch: he left the hall through the back door and straight into the hotel, then went down from the room and told the receptionist that he was going for a walk, and he slipped back into the room and locked himself. There he slept peacefully, and at this time the prima donna raised everyone to their feet in search of Gnatyuk. But to no avail. The next day, Gnatyuk performed very successfully, which upset his ill-wishers.

Coming to Faith

At the age of 47, he entered the missionary department at the Belgorod Theological Seminary. Songs appear in his repertoire spiritual content. One of the last music albums singer is called “Lord, have mercy”, and latest version came out with additions called “Lord, save, save.” This latest album includes songs based on poems by Vadim Krischenko: Vera (music by Gnatyuk), Pochaev, Monks, Small Motherland, Time for Repentance (by Hieromonk Roman), Blessed Xenia (arranged by Gnatyuk), Raspberry Ringing, Ave Maria (words by Gnatyuk), and a song about St. Nicholas (music and words by Gnatyuk). The recording was released by the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra.

Nikolay Gnatyuk Nikolay Gnatyuk Career: Singer, singer
Birth: Ukraine" Nemirovka, 14.9.1952
Nikolai Gnatyuk - Soviet and Ukrainian singer, People's Artist of Ukraine. Born on September 14, 1952. Nikolai Gnatyuk sang with VIA Malvy, with the Benefis ensemble, and with the jazz-rock team Crossword. To a wide circle Nikolai Gnatyuk is known to listeners for such songs as: Dance on the Drum (R. Pauls - A. Voznesensky), Bird of Happiness (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov).

He received his first fame by winning the Ukrainian pop artist competition in Zaporozhye in 1978. This was followed by a third place at the VI All-Union Variety Artist Competition in 1979, the Grand Prix at the pop song competition in Dresden and the Intervision festival in Sopot (1980). The artist's popularity peaked in the 1970s and 80s. During that same period of time in the Soviet Union, such songs as The Girl from Apartment 45 (A. Mazhukov M. Plyatskovsky), Dance on the Drum (R. Pauls A. Voznesensky), Bird of Happiness (Pakhmutova A. Dobronravov N.) were widely known. ), If the hail is dancing (A. Zhurbin I. Reznik). Characteristic feature Most of Gnatyuk's songs had easy, catchy melodies and words. In the first half of the 1980s. the artist worked with many groups, including VIA MALVI, VIA MRIYA and the jazz-rock group CROSSWORD. With the latter group he recorded his first solo record (minion), which included translations of French songs. The second EP, including songs by Evgeny Shiryaev and recorded with the participation of the Tashkent group LABYRINTH, was released in 1985. New round Gnatyuk's popularity is associated with the appearance of songs by composer Alexander Morozov in his repertoire. In 1987 Gnatyuk performed Raspberry Trezvon (A. Morozov A. Poperechny). Soon two giant discs will be released: Raspberry Ring and Don’t Leave Me. At the turn of the 1980-90s. years Gnatyuk moved to live in Germany and stopped his extensive concert business for a few years. The return to Ukraine occurs in 1993, when it gains widespread popularity new song It's time for the river to flow. In 1996, the album of the same name was released on CD. At the end of the 1990s. Gnatyuk roughly changes his orientation creative activity. At the age of 47, he entered the missionary department at the Belgorod Theological Seminary. From now on, he perceives all related work as missionary work. His repertoire is filled with songs of spiritual content. Currently, Gnatyuk appears infrequently on television, performing mainly on the radio and with concerts in different cities Ukraine. Discography: NIKOLAY GNATYUK AND THE CROSSWORD GROUP (minion, 1980) NIKOLAY GNATYUK AND THE LABYRINTH ENSEMBLE (minion, 1980) CRASPBERN RING (1988) DON’T LEAVE ME (1989) CHAS RIKOYU PLIVA (1996).

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The name of Soviet pop star Nikolai Gnatyuk is known to many. A tall, cheerful young man with a shock of curly hair (this image of him can be seen in photos of past years), a perky smile and a ringing voice literally blew up the stage from the very first moments.


Songs from his repertoire (“Dance on the Drum”, “Bird of Happiness”) were sung by everyone in the 80s. Until now, the artist, who has already received the title of People's Artist, is popular. Of course, fans of his work are interested in his biography, personal life Nikolai Gnatyuk. This will be discussed below.

The artist's childhood and youth

The biography of Nikolai Gnatyuk began in 1952. The singer’s birthplace was Ukraine, Khmelnitsky region, the village of Nemirovka. From the very beginning of his life he showed a desire to sing. Although it is not clear who his singing talent was: his mother worked as a teacher junior classes, dad occupied important position in the village - the chairman of the collective farm. The boy sang everywhere: at school, at home, on the street. His parents sent him to music school, where he learned the basics musical literacy and vocals.

In the photo of his childhood, a funny and mischievous boy diligently sits at the instrument and plays music. Later, when Kolya grew up, he entered the vocal ensemble"We are Odessa residents."

Nikolai Gnatyuk in his youth

After graduating from school, the young man, without thinking twice, since he had long ago chosen the type of activity in life for himself, entered the Pedagogical Institute at music department in Rivne.

After studying at the university was behind him, the young man was called up to serve in the ranks Soviet army. The resilient young man sang there too, as part of a soldier’s ensemble. His service took place in Germany in the city of Weimar.

The beginning of a creative career

Upon returning from the army, Nikolai settled in St. Petersburg, where he could take lessons in a music hall studio. At the same time, he entered the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Druzhba”. The team toured extensively throughout the country and abroad.

Nikolai Gnatyuk in his youth

In the late seventies, Nikolai was lucky: he made several recordings with an orchestra conducted by R. Babich. Soon, thanks to his personal charm and beautiful voice Nikolai Gnatyuk became a frequent guest on television. The songs performed by him became hits:

  • “The girl from apartment forty-five”:
  • “At the Merry Maple Tree”;
  • "If the city is dancing";
  • “Wings of Fortune”, etc.

But the greatest popularity in creative biography the singer was honored after participating in a pop song competition in Dresden. There he received high reward The Grand Prix.

Before that, in his life there was a victory at the Ukrainian singing competition and third place at the All-Union. In the photo from the competition, Nikolai looks very young, a little skinny, but happy.

Peak of popularity

The artist decided not to stop there, but took part in the Intervision festival in Sopot, which took place in 1980. And again - victory! The song “Dance on the Drum” by composer Raimond Pauls brought the singer unprecedented popularity. A cheerful, catchy, rhythmic melody, a melodic chorus and, of course, the performer’s unique voice made this song a real hit. In the eighties, it was played endlessly in discos, young people and older people danced to the beat of the melody.

Famous musician on the stage

Nikolai said in an interview interesting story which happened to him at a competition in Sopot. For some reason, the prima donna of the Soviet stage “had a grudge” against the aspiring singer and tried in every possible way to prevent his victory at this competition. Before an important tour, she invited Nikolai to a party in a restaurant and tried to get her rival drunk. However, he was not a fool; he quietly ran away from Pugacheva, left the restaurant by the back door, returned to the hotel and got a good night’s sleep before the performance.

The next song that brought good luck to the singer was “Bird of Happiness” by Alexandra Pakhmutova. It is still performed by various singers and groups.

In general, all the songs of this talented composer based on the poems of her husband Nikolai Dobronravov are successful and famous. But this song, especially performed by Nikolai Gnatyuk, sounds simply amazing. She has optimism, humor, youthful enthusiasm.

The singer often performed these songs on television and recorded discs. For a short time he sang with the group “Malva”, then created his own group, which was called “Benefit”. Then, with the group “Crossword,” I recorded several French songs in Russian translation on a disc.

N. Gnatyuk is the author of many popular songs

In the mid-eighties, Gnatyuk’s second disc was recorded with the Labyrinth group. It featured songs by composer E. Shiryaev, and Nikolai also began to compose songs himself. But gradually the excitement around the talent of this singer began to gradually subside. To support Nikolai, popular composer A. Morozov wrote the song “Crimson Ring” for him. It worked, the soulful, quiet melody and heartfelt lyrics resonated with the listeners, and the second wave of popularity began for the singer.

Then Morozov gave Gnatyuk his second song, “White Shutters,” which was also a success with Russian listeners. Touching poems about father's house, a melody that brings tears to your eyes, made this song performed by Gnatyuk another hit. The soulful song he performed, “Don’t Leave Me,” was also a success.

Return to the Russian stage

At the peak of his popularity, the singer suddenly disappears from the stage and goes abroad for several years. The reason for this is family circumstances; he lived with his wife in Germany for several years.

Nikolai returned to the Russian stage in 1993 with a song on native language“Time floats like a river.” Of course, fans happily greeted the return of their favorite singer. Later, Nikolai’s disc was recorded, which included the song “Oh, Seven!”, popular in Ukraine.

With Natalya Varleya

Unexpectedly for many, Gnatyuk turned to Orthodox faith and even entered the theological seminary. At this time, songs about faith, about God, and prayer appeared in his repertoire. These are the songs of Hieromonk Roman, as well as own songs Nicholas.

In 1980, Gnatyuk was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. Eight years later he becomes People's Artist. The singer is also an honorary citizen of the city of Mogilev. He was awarded the Order of F. Skorina for his contribution to the development of Belarusian-Ukrainian relations.

Nikolay Gnatyuk on the radio

Personal life

The personal life of Nikolai Gnatyuk interests fans no less than his biography. Many people are concerned about the question: is he a relative of People’s Artist Dmitry Gnatyuk. This can be answered in the negative.

Admirers of the singer's talent noticed some changes in his appearance in the photo. Nikolai became sadder and more thoughtful. There was a small hint left from the lush hair. What's the matter, what happened in the singer's life? After all, changes in the soul always lead to changes in appearance person.

With son Oles

In the last few years, Nikolai experienced a personal tragedy, which ultimately led him to believe in God. His only loved one and support in life was his wife.

Nikolai met Natalya (that was the name of the singer’s only wife) when she interviewed him. She was an attractive girl, and also highly intelligent.

Cosmonaut Georgy Grechko introduced Gnatyuk to his wife

The singer fell in love, but did not know how to become closer to her. He had great shyness in his youth. Helped him with a personal problem famous astronaut Grechko. In a restaurant, the singer accidentally revealed his soul to him, and he immediately got up and went to Natalya as a matchmaker, buying a box of apples along the way.

Nikolay Gnatyuk today

So, thanks to the participation of the astronaut, the young people got married. The marriage produced a son, Oles, and the couple were happy. But after the Chernobyl accident, the wife hastily decided to leave for Germany. Nikolai hurried after his beloved wife and son, abandoning his successful singing career. But for an unknown reason, the marriage broke up in the 90s. This plunged Nikolai into deep depression, he returned to Russia, but sometimes the singer still comes to Germany to see his son.


Born into the family of a collective farm chairman and a rural teacher. Graduated from the Rivne Pedagogical Institute (music and pedagogical faculty). He began his creative career in the ensemble “We are Odessa residents.” He studied in the studio of the Leningrad Music Hall and at the same time toured with the oldest VIA “Friendship” in the USSR.

The success of an accidental recording with the Rostislav Babich orchestra and his telegenic nature quickly made him a welcome guest in the studios - “The Girl from Apartment 45”, “Wings of Fortune”, “At the Merry Maple Tree”, “If the City is Dancing” sounded from the screen.

IN 1978 year he became the winner of the second competition of Ukrainian pop artists in Zaporozhye. IN 1979 year, Gnatyuk took third place at the VI All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, this opens the way for him to go abroad. David Tukhmanov’s song “I’m dancing with you” brings him the Grand Prix of the pop song competition in Dresden, and “Dance on the Drum” by R. Pauls - first place at the Intervision festival in Sopot 1980 of the year. A year later, Gnatyuk had another super hit - “Bird of Happiness”.

IN 1980 In the year he sang briefly with VIA "Malvy", then with his ensemble "Benefit", and then with the strong jazz-rock team "Crossword", with which the first solo record was recorded with translations of French chansons. And again a change of groups: the State Variety Orchestra under the direction of A. Anufrienko, VIA "Mriya", its own ensemble "Prazdnik".

Gnatyuk’s songs “Dance on the Drum” (R. - A. Voznesensky), “Bird of Happiness” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) are widely known. In a television interview D. Nikolai Gnatyuk told a story that happened to him in Sopot. Then the diva of the Soviet stage headed the jury of the competition, while pushing through her candidacy, and Gnatyuk simply decided to remove her. The method used was simple - she invited Nikolai to a party in a restaurant on the eve of the competition performance. But the guy turned out to be no slouch: he left the hall through the back door and straight into the hotel, then went down from the room and told the receptionist that he was going for a walk, and he slipped back into the room and locked himself. There he slept peacefully, and at this time the prima donna raised everyone to their feet in search of Gnatyuk. But to no avail. The next day, Gnatyuk performed very successfully, which upset his ill-wishers.

IN 1985 This year, Gnatyuk’s second album comes out with songs by Evgeny Shiryaev, recorded with the Tashkent VIA “Labyrinth”. By that time, the excitement around Gnatyuk’s work was fading and he, rarely appearing on television screens, gradually lost popularity - his own attempts as a composer did not help. But in 1987 year, he unexpectedly finds his song - Alexander Morozov writes “Crimson Ringing” for him, a year later “White Shutters” - the second wave of his popularity begins, he is awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. Taking advantage of this, Gnatyuk, with an interval of a year, records two long-playing records - “Crimson Ringing” and “Don’t Leave Me” and unexpectedly leaves for several years Ukrainian stage(for family reasons he lives in Germany, where he went ex-wife with son).

His return to 1993 year, fans greeted it with enthusiasm, and the Ukrainian-language song “Chas rikoyu plive” (“Time floats like a river”), as they say, went to the people. The album of the same name (on cassette and CD) was released in the summer 1996 year with the label "NAK", marking another return of Gnatyuk to the domestic pop scene.

One of the most melodic songs written during the revival period can be called “Oh, Smereka!”

Gnatyuk’s repertoire is almost equally composed of Ukrainian (mostly post-Soviet) and Russian (mostly Soviet) songs.

Gnatyuk’s son grew up in Germany, in a virtually Germanized family, and has no plans to return to Ukraine. Gnatyuk periodically meets with his son and strives to maintain in him the flame of love for his small Motherland. Probably, it was to his son that Gnatyuk dedicated one of his most powerful Ukrainian-language lyrical songs- “Turn around, sinu” (“Come back, son”), in which there is a call to return from foreign lands to their historical homeland.

In life, he often had to answer negatively to a stupid question about family ties with opera singer, People's Artist USSR by Dmitry Gnatyuk.

IN 2002 Nikolay Gnatyuk was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Mogilev” for his great contribution to the development national cultures Belarus and Ukraine.

At the age of 47, he entered the missionary department at the Belgorod Theological Seminary. Songs of spiritual content appear in his repertoire. One of the singer’s latest music albums is called “Lord, have mercy,” and the latest version was released with additions called “Lord, save, save.” This latest album includes songs based on poems by Vadim Krischenko: Vera (music by Gnatyuk), Pochaev, Monks, Small Motherland, Time of Repentance (by Hieromonk Roman), Ksenia the Blessed (arranged by Gnatyuk), Raspberry Ringing, Ave Maria (words by Gnatyuk), and the song about Saint Nicholas (music and lyrics by Gnatyuk). The recording was released by the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra.

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