When is the graduation party of the year? Homecoming Day: Why Some Ignore It and Others Don’t

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Every year on the first Saturday of February, the bell rings in the schools of our country and it is not boys and girls who appear on the doorstep, but completely grown-up respectable men and beautiful ladies. This day is called Homecoming Day, when students who graduated from school long ago, having said goodbye to their youth, come back to their native walls to see familiar faces, recognize the one with whom they sat at the same desk for 10 years, present flowers and shower words of gratitude to their beloved class teacher.

The evening of the meeting reminds of youth, first love, first confessions and kisses, notes across desks, a blackboard rubbed with soap, and buttons on the teacher’s chair. Even years later, when they come to school, former students seem to be immersed in childhood, making promises to each other, exchanging news. Some people brag about how they went abroad, others about how they raise children, or do business or creative work. The whole atmosphere of the holiday is saturated with memories and everywhere one hears “Do you remember?”, “How are you?”, “Where do you live?”, “Are there any children?” etc.

Homecoming Day is a tradition passed on from one school generation to another. At the same time, a cheerful and sad holiday shows us how fleeting time is, how years fly by and people change. Moreover, with each celebration this is felt more and more. But such an event is an excellent occasion to see former friends, girlfriends, roommates again and just spend a pleasant evening in the circle of once close people.

Homecoming Day 2020 - Congratulations

The school remains somewhere far away,
Many years have passed since then
When life was bright and easy for us,
When I met a spacious school yard.

And we'll meet today, friends,
And we will remember our youth!
I wish you good luck on this day
And wish you good health!

Let's pour strong wine into glasses,
And we will remember the teachers!
Ah, the wonderful time of school!
Today we will talk about her!

Without unnecessary tears, without unnecessary words
I want to congratulate
Today to all graduates,
We were like family!

Yes, many years have passed since then
How we graduated!
But years are just nonsense
When hearts are full

Enthusiasm, vivacity, kindness -
The soul wants to sing!
I'm happy to see you, friends,
Look at you all!

Today we finally meet
We are former graduates!
Our eyes touch each other,
There are lights shining in the eyes.

We had so much in common
At least we were not alike!
I know they were all good
And everyone is born for happiness!

Please accept my congratulations,
Let you, old friends,
Warmth and luck await you in life,
Always be happy!

It's always a little exciting
Come to meet the past.
What if you can’t recognize Seryozha?
And talk to him.
What if we have changed a lot,
Can't find the words?
And from such excitement
Suddenly you feel dizzy
Will treacherously protect the heart
And it will become difficult to breathe...
And the sign hangs on the door,
That the issue is already 25!
Why are you so excited though!
We all have something to chat about
We remain young at heart,
Although not 25 anymore.
Everyone has children, even grandchildren,
And there are many different achievements!
And every path will now tell
There were so many wonderful things to do!
Let's go on this wonderful evening
We'll raise a glass to the meeting,
And the whole company is big
Let's rest our souls!

Scenario for alumni evening 2018.

"Evening of friends"


Music is playing in the school foyer. Graduates are greeted at the entrance by ninth graders. Registration of former graduates is underway. All of them are given the emblem of the evening - a bell with the year of graduation.
Music plays in the festively decorated assembly hall while guests take their seats in the hall. And then first-graders run onto the stage - a girl and a boy. They hold the school bell and ring the bell for the start of the holiday. Then they go down from the stage, walk along the hall, go out into the school corridor, without stopping ringing.

Q.1 Hello, dear friends: graduates, teachers and guests!
Q.2 Good evening, friends, good evening!

IN 1. This school bell sounded for you. After all, everyone remembers how he rang the bell, calling you to class, and how they waited for him to let you leave the lesson.
AT 2. According to school tradition, after the bell it is necessary to note those present, but for sure we will have latecomers, so we will do this a little later. And now a little information:

IN 1. Based on the results of the registration, 95_ graduates are present in the hall.

2013 -5 years - 10 guests
2008 -10 years - 10 guests
2003 -15 years -20 guests
1998 - 20 years - 16 guests
1993 - 25 years - 14 guests
1988 - 30 years - 15 guests
1983 -35 years - 10 guests

The most numerous is the edition of __2003_. We ask them to indicate their presence applause, shouts of “Hurray for all of us!” or just stand like all the students in class.

If they stand up, the presenter says: “Let's welcome the most disciplined episode.”

AT 3. Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet with friends and teachers.

B.1 We are waiting for you here as welcome guests,
We think about you very often,
We speak from the heart - come soon!
Together: We begin the evening of meeting friends

Q.2 The person who will now take the stage is a former student of our school. He has been working as a teacher for many years, and since this year he has been heading our school. The school principal must be strong, patient, fair, strict, but kind. Our director is exactly like that! The floor is given to the school director Vitaly Alexandrovich Nosko.


Q 1. Today, teachers who gave many years of their lives to the school and to you came to meet you, graduates. It was they who raised and educated the future of our country. Only people with a subtle soul and a huge store of knowledge could convey the most important things to young minds and hearts, helping with kind words and wise advice. We welcome you:

5. Babich

Today, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you - thank you! We love you very much! And we are very grateful that you devoted so many years to your native school raising your children.

Ved.1: We ask them to come up on stage. Please accept our congratulations. (It is possible to simply put them in places of honor and not take them on stage, but approach them with a microphone)

- Do you remember all your students?

- How many graduations did you have and how many guys did you graduate?

- Did you have any favorites, who were they?

- What can you wish for teachers who are currently working at school?

We wish you good health, family well-being, good spirits and good mood. We ask you to go into the hall. (Give flowers)

Q.1 Some a year ago, some 5, some 30 years ago,
Having walked his way, he left these walls.
And here the bells are still ringing,
Lessons are going on, changes are rushing.

AT 2. Our guys have prepared a musical number “Boogie-Woogie” for you???

Q.1 We are glad that graduates from different years came to us today. For us, you are all equally dear. But there are those among you for whom this is an anniversary year.

Speech by graduates.

IN graduates of 1983 35 years

Graduates of 1988 30 years

Graduates of 1993 25 years

Graduates of 1998 20 years

Graduates of 2003 15 years

Graduates of 2008 10 years

Graduates of 2013 5 years

Look into the eyes of your classmates, you know them, you remember them, because the eyes and that mischievous light do not change at all. Our school choir, today's students, have prepared a song and really hope that you will sing along with them. (The lyrics should be displayed on the projector)


Q.1 Human memory is amazing, it takes us back to the past and gives us nostalgia for those wonderful days. We suggest refreshing your memories a little and looking through the school yearbook.

(Slideshow “School Album”)

Presenter 2. The history of the school consists of numerous issues. These are thousands of graduates scattered throughout our country. And you probably managed to notice how our school has changed during this time.

Presenter 1.We have someone to be proud of! These are our graduates, among them are gold and silver medalists, good specialists, famous athletes and, of course, excellent teachers, some of whom have been working at the school for more than 40 years. (Photo by teachers)

On September 19, 2017 our school celebrated its anniversary! 40 years since the opening of this school!
Our school is quite young. But how rich is its history!
Presenter 2
Moshoy Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, one of the teachers who stood at the origins. She remembers the exciting moment when the school opened its doors to excited children and proud teachers.
For 42 years now, this sincere teacher who loves his students has been producing literate, inquisitive and active children.
We give the floor to Moshoy Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

Ved.1: Now let’s remember the teachers who taught us, but today they are no longer with us, they are gone, but their memory will remain in us forever :

Let's honor minute silence memory about those who gave their lives to the school.
Song "Cranes", presentation "Gone Teachers:"

Watch the video

Q.1: Dear graduates! Each of you spent ten, eleven, eight or nine years in our school. And all this time the teachers were nearby.

AT 2. How much affection and care is needed -
Help everyone and understand everyone.
Grateful and difficult work -
Teach to read, count, write.

IN 1. Of course, we are all grateful to you.
It's hard to even find a word.
And today on our festive evening
I would like to say thank you.

Gift for graduates. TANGO DANCE OF LOVE!

Ved.2: It turned out to be a good evening. We remembered our school days, joked, were sad and had fun.

There is another good tradition at school: leaving your wishes in an album. These could be warm words about teachers, classmates, or parting words for future students. Share your fond memories of your school years.


This concludes the solemn part of the holiday. We invite you to go up to your offices, sit at your desks, walk around the school, chat .

Typically, alumni reunions in all schools in the country take place on the first Saturday, and the date is different every year. It is on this day that schools open their doors to those who once studied there. For this occasion, a concert program is being prepared, in which schoolchildren, teachers and graduates themselves take part. The meeting may take place in the evening or during the day, depending on the director's orders.
Some schools set their own day for an alumni reunion. It can also take place not within the walls of the school, but in the main square of the city.

How is the event going?

After all the events at school, graduates go to continue the celebration at some night establishment: bar, night club, restaurant. Here, in an informal atmosphere, you can properly relax, have a heart-to-heart talk with near and dear classmates, eat delicious food and dance, and celebrate a meeting.

An alumni reunion is a great occasion to see your first love. After all, it’s interesting to see how a person looks after so many years, how much his worldview has changed. Sometimes it helps to reunite people as a couple. Once classmates meet and begin a relationship. Such love stories are not uncommon.

Full moon(or Full moon) is the phase of our natural satellite, repeating every 29 days, in which the Earth is located exactly between the Moon and the Sun. The visible lunar hemisphere is 100% illuminated at this moment, so the lunar disk looks completely round and shines very brightly.

When there is a full moon, the moon is visible in the sky all night, since it rises simultaneously with sunset, and sets, accordingly, simultaneously with sunrise. Sometimes, at moments of total phase, our satellite falls into the shadow (or penumbra) of the Earth, and then lunar eclipses can be observed. By the way, during 2020 there will be 4 lunar eclipses (as well as 2 solar eclipses - total and annular). To make sure you don't miss these entertaining astronomical events, subscribe to .

The Full Moon has a noticeable effect on the behavior of living beings, in particular humans and animals. The influence of the earth’s satellite on plants is also noticeable, so the phases of the Moon should be taken into account when carrying out any gardening work.

With this in mind, it is important to know When will the full moon be (by month) in 2020?. Below we present the dates on which full moons occur for each month of 2020, as well as what time they will be (the time indicated is Moscow everywhere).

Dates and times of full moons in 2020 (dates/hours/minutes):

* January 10, 2020 at 10:20 pm- January full moon.
Simultaneously with this full moon you can observe.

* February 9, 2020 at 10:35 am- February full moon, with which a 2-week meeting in China ends , and also noted Lantern Festival(which is an official holiday in China).

* April 8, 2020 at 05:35- April full moon. Coincides with the second Supermoon in 2020.

* October 2, 2020 at 00:05- first October full moon.
* October 31, 2020 at 5:50 pm- second October full moon.

Note that In 2020, the tradition of celebrating the New Year according to the old style turns 102 years old!

Start, maximum and end times of the lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020:

The first lunar eclipse of 2020 will occur on the night from Friday January 10 to Saturday January 11, 2020.

The start, maximum and end times of the lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020 are the same for any observation location.

The lunar eclipse will last 244 minutes and 35 seconds. It will start Moscow time on January 10, 2020 at 20:07, and end on January 11, 2020 at 00:12. Maximum - at 22:10.

That is, what time will the lunar eclipse be visible on January 10, 2020:
*start time - 20:07 Moscow time.
* maximum - 22:10 Moscow time.
* end time - 00:12 Moscow time.

May holidays.

Since the weekends from January 4th and 5th have been moved to May, they do not extend the New Year's holiday. Therefore, January 8, 2020 is the last day of the New Year holidays, and Thursday 9 and Friday 10 January 2020 - working days.

That is, Friday January 10th in 2020 is a working day or a day off:
* January 10, 2020 is a working day.

We previously wrote in detail:


Presenter 1: Good evening!

Presenter 2 : Hello!

Presenter 1:

There is a special day in February.

Bright, sunny, big.

The day the school celebrates

All your graduates!

Presenter 2:

Graduates of different years, favorite teachers!

We are happy to greet you!

Presenter 1:

Welcome to the evening meeting

To my home school this evening.

Presenter 2 : Once again our school has warmly opened its doors to you.

Presenter 1 : After all, school was once your second home. Remember?

Presenter 2: Let's greet each other with loud applause!

Presenter 1 : And now only those who are in a good mood applaud!

Presenter 2: Those who are happy to meet friends!

Presenter 1 : And now stormy, prolonged applause for our teachers and guests of the holiday!

Presenter2: In a word, we welcome everyone gathered in this room

Thank you for coming to the holiday,

They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.

Presenter 1:

Your friends in class and school,

You will see your teachers again.

Today, like many years ago,


"Welcome! We are glad to see you!"

Presenter 2: With love and gratitude, we are pleased to welcome veterans of teaching work, teachers who have retired, who devoted their entire lives to the school and its students. We welcome those who work today in our school and not in our school, giving children their talent, soul and heart, and for whom the school has become a second home.


Presenter 2: Dear teachers! A vocal number performed for you

Presenter 1: We dedicate this evening to all those present in this hall, and to all those who, due to current circumstances, could not come or come, but their thoughts are with us. We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall!

Presenter 2: Do you know everyone?

Presenter 1: Yes, sure! It’s written all over their faces that they are theirs! You can immediately see creativity, positivity and communication! Because they all graduated from Komsomol school!

Presenter 2: And how great it is that they are all here today!

Presenter 1: Remember friends and first love, teachers and your desk, remember the exciting trill of the school bell

Presenter 2: After all, each of you was waiting for her at one time or another... True, mostly from class, and very rarely to class!

Presenter 1: We are also waiting for this call today, it will start our holiday!

(Bell. The school bell rings)

A primary school student appears on stage without announcement.


What's going on at our school?!
I can't figure it out!
They say that today they are visiting
Uncles and aunts will come to us.
Their names are so strange
However, sooner or later
I will understand this too.
Here you are, uncle, tell me,
And don’t bend your heart.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?
(Passes the microphone to a graduate in the hall. He answers .)
Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Keep your answer simple.
Alumna's response )
I liked the answers
I'll say hello now.
I will grow urgently
To come to school big.

Presenter 2: Dear graduates!ShCola in your memory is bright classrooms, a blackboard covered with chalk, strict teachers.

Presenter 1: A diary lost somewhere, parental lectures, and first love...

Presenter 2: How long ago, girls, did you play hopscotch?
Did the boys play their football?
Classmates dispersed around the world
And the train of childhood left forever.

Presenter 1: Children's fun is forgotten forever,
But how I sometimes want to play pranks!
Celebrate all school holidays noisily,
And with a friend

Presenter 2: What are we talking about here, because we are all adults,
What holidays? - Family, work, home...
Only at night, on a virtual island,
You and Odnoklassniki are back in that world!

Presenter 1: But let’s not talk about sad things, and now let’s all play a greeting game together, we will ask you questions, and those to whom they relate should answer in unison: It’s me, it’s me, I’m glad to see everyone here, friends!

Presenter 2: Do you remember? Let's repeat it all together again:(slowly) It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends! So, let's start!

GAME “It’s me, it’s me, glad to see everyone here, friends!”

(questions are asked by the presenters in turn)

1. Who does not change his roots,

glorifies the native village,
Praise, honor and honor to you,

who settled here?

2. Who built himself a house,
celebrated a housewarming party in the house
and now he lives in it,
survived this fun?

3. There is nothing more beautiful in this world -
than living in your own apartment!
Who is the owner?
Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

4. Who became mom and dad a little early,
Whose children are older than 10 years old?

5. Let's continue about children
heroic families -
Who the hell has the wrong one?
The large family?

6. Who is still single,
Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
to whom I wish happiness,
To start a family faster?

7. Live and learn
who has a life like this?
Are there any students among you?
Who is this, answer now?

8. Who is on the site, on the famous one,
Lovely classmates,
Is he trying to find everyone?
Who hangs up on the network?

9. Who, despite the burden of life,
I found the opportunity, the means, the time,
And today I’m very happy
Take many years back?

Presenter 1: Dear graduates, now we invite you to go back in time and remember your school life. We ask you to answer our questions:

    A place that students don't like to go to. (Board).

    Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button).

    Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).

    Flat globe. (Map).

    Album for parents' autographs. (Diary)

    From 2 to 5. (Grade).

    A place where children serve 11 years. (School).

    A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Call)

    School-wide president. (Director).

    This is in every class. (Board).

    All teachers are looking forward to this. (Vacation).

Presenter 2: Dear graduates, you are greeted by the deputy director of the school

(Speech by the head teacher)

Presenter 1: The pride of our school house is its graduates. They are all different, but for all of them there is a place in the huge heart of our home. Graduates always return here because it was at school that they left a piece of their heart and said goodbye to a bright and carefree childhood.

Presenter 2: We are glad that graduates from different years came to us today. For us, you are all equally dear. But there are those among you for whom this year is an anniversary!

Presenter 1: The guests of honor today are graduates who graduated from school 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago!

Presenter 2: Let's say helloyoungest school graduatesanniversary 2013. Are you glad that you were able to come to us? We are also very glad to see you.

(On screen Photos of the 2013 issue)

We ask the graduates of 2013 to rise to theprice - let them tell us whether their dreams of enrolling in school have come true, and, of course, whether they miss their home school!

EXITING the stage of the 2013 Edition.

Your class teacher and first teacher are proud of you. Applause to your awesome moms!

Presenter 1: We congratulate you on your 5th year graduation anniversary. We have a surprise for you! 5 years ago, at your school graduation party, you enclosed your letters with a dream about the future in this envelope. We present you with this envelope, today, you can compare your reality with the dreams you dreamed of 5 years ago.

(Envelope presentation)

Presenter 2: Can I ask you a few questions?Share with us how your life turned out after school.

- Do you miss school?

- Did you manage to go where you dreamed?

-Did you tear out pages with bad grades from your diary?

- Did you like performing on the school stage?

- Were you an example for your classmates?

-Have you ever had to disrupt your lessons?

- A slob and a loser - is this about you?

- What event at school do you remember most?

Presenter 1: For you we have prepared musical entertainment “Remember the Music”. You needguess what the song is, putting your words into lines, and sing it.

(Take verses of your favorite school songs, print them in large letters, cut the text into words. For each graduate)

Bravo! You sing beautifully!!! Thank you, and now I think you have something to say to your teachers.

Presenter 1: Dear teachers, what can you say about the graduates, what were they like at school?

And a photo for memory. We ask you to take your seats in the hall!

Presenter 2: All our graduates' destinies turned out differently. Different paths have been chosen. Among them are doctors, builders, executives, teachers, and lawyers.

Presenter 1: Representatives of blue-collar professions, entrepreneurs, athletes, law enforcement officers. And each of them is a person with a capital letter.

Presenter 2: And now is the most exciting moment, because we want to greet the oldest graduates-anniversaries of this evening - this is the Class of 1998! This year marks exactly 20 years since they graduated from our school!

(On screen Photo from 1998 issue)

The first teacher of the 1998 graduates is the class teacher. Unfortunately, they cannot attend the meeting tonight.

We invite graduates to the stage. We really want to knowHow did your life turn out after school?What professions have you chosen?

(Word of graduates)

Presenter 1: We have prepared a quick survey for frankness for you.

Have you ever had to hide around the corner of a school with a cigarette?

Have you ever played gambling in class?

Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

Do you often run away from class?

Have you copied your homework?

Have you put buttons on chairs?

Have you often fallen in love?

Did you sleep during class?

Did you spy in the locker room?

Have you used cheat sheets?

Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?

In what subject did you get a first A?

What did you like to eat most in the school canteen?

Did you carry your classmate's briefcase when you saw her off after class? Do you remember what her name was?

Do you remember, dear graduates, what games you played during breaks?

Which lesson did you skip?

What's your favorite place in school?

Presenter 2: Thank you, dear heroes of the day, for your frankness. And now we will give you a lesson about the world around us, the topic of which is“Hat Geography”.

What is the name of the country that has the name of the headdress?(Panama )

Whose cap is striped?(Pinocchio)

Name a hero who always got into trouble, knew nothing but boasting, and wore a huge brimmed hat?(Dunno)

This lady always had a slingshot with her and wore a black hat?(Shapoklyak)

Amazing! What would you wish for your teachers, classmates and school? Thank you!

Presenter 1: Dear teachers, so many years have passed, what can you say about the graduates, how do you remember them?

(Teachers optionally talk about graduates)

Allow me to take a photo for memory. We ask you to take your seats in the hall.

Presenter 1: It's been 15 years since the graduation party, and we are pleased to welcome the anniversary Class of 2003.

(On screen Photo from 2003 issue)

She was the class teacher of the 2003 graduates.

On this day, we cannot help but remember the first teacher who dedicated her life to the school, Nina Petrovna Lyzhina, who, unfortunately, is no longer with us. I propose to honor her memory with a minute of silence.

Presenter 2: Dear heroes of the day, graduates of 2003, we ask you to get up on stage, you have the floor!

EXIT to the stage of the Issue – 2003.

This year marks 15 years since you graduated from your home school. Have you had a unique opportunity to tell the whole world a secret about yourself, what are you doing now?

Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?

Have you peeked at your neighbor's tests?

Did you hide your diary from your parents?

Have you broken windows at school?

Are you capable of a noble deed?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you remember the birthdays of your classmates?

Presenter 1: Dear ladies and gentlemen, or simply our graduates, Do any of you have a craving for poetry? Whose poems do you like to read the most? So, for you, lovers of POETRY, the next task is to come up with a quatrain, well, or a small verse, with the following words:

SCHOOL, DIRECTOR, TEACHER, CLASSMATES and you have one minute for everything. Ready?

Please, your answers.

(poems read out)

What would you like to wish your teachers and classmates?

Presenter 1: I think teachers have something to say about your graduation.

(Teachers optionally talk about graduates)

Presenter 2: Thank you, dear graduates. And according to tradition, a photo for memory. You can take your seats in our hall.

Presenter 1: 10 years have flown by like birds... But how much can you do during this time, for example, serve in the army or graduate from college and finally get married. Applause for the 2008 anniversary issue.

(Photo from 2008)

And we are pleased to once again give the floor to graduates. And we invite the graduates of 2008 to the stage!


10 years ago the last school bell rang for them!

The first teacher, became their second mother. Class teachers,

1. Having received an invitation to the meeting evening, what feelings did you experience, what thoughts came to you at that moment?

What was your favorite subject at school? Why?

2. Who was your favorite teacher?

3. What did you dream of becoming when you were in school? Has your dream come true?

4. Who influenced your choice of profession?

5. Do you like your profession?

6. What is your wish for the graduating class of 2018?

7. Do you have bad habits of smoking, exercising, arguing with your boss, or coming to work on time?

8. Do you continue to communicate with your classmates?

9. Have you lost your sense of humor?

10. What is your most vivid memory from your school life?

Presenter 2: We offer you a small competition called “Memory Test”!

Which song or poem begins with the following question words?(options are possible)

- Where? (“...childhood is leaving”)

- Who? (“...invented you”)

- Where? (“...wood firewood”)

- Where? ("…It was")

- When? (“…let’s leave the school yard”)

- What? (“...you look greedily at the road”)

Presenter 1: And of course, you have something to say to teachers, 10 years later.

Dear teachers, over to you, what do you remember about our graduates, what were they like at school?

(Teachers optionally talk about graduates)

Thank you. For the school archive, a photo as a keepsake. We ask you to take your seats in the hall.

Dear teachers, graduates, please accept musical congratulations

Presenter 2: Dear graduates! Many years have passed since your graduation ceremonies, and we have just received statistical data from them and more!

And now we will announce them. And so, according to the Prom Statistics Bureau, at each of your proms you had:(one by one)

At least 5 kg of cosmetics. And all these kilograms fit on the faces of your beautiful classmates!

At least 10 liters of perfume. That's exactly how much the boys poured on themselves to please the girls.

Each girl came to prom with her own purse. And the total weight of all the bags was 100 kg. Whereas our girls went to school for lessons with bags, each of which weighed only half a kilo!

1000 millimeters per hour! This is exactly the speed of thinking the boys had when they were told that there would be no lesson and you had free time!

When the teacher asked who wanted to go to the board, the average height of the girls’ raised hand was 30 cm, while for the boys it barely reached 30 mm.

60 km per hour! This is exactly how fast the boys from our school ran to the cafeteria!

10 steps per hour - and this is the speed of walking to class!

100 - that’s how many smiles you gave each other every lesson!

Presenter 1: These are the statistics they provided us with!

Presenter 2: Looking through the photographs, we were pleasantly surprised that entire generations study at our school.

Presenter 1: And today in our hall there are graduates of children who study at our school. Therefore, there is no doubt that school love is eternal. Are there such graduates in our hall? Please stand up. Applause for you!

Presenter 2: Eh, I wish I could start all over again... But time cannot be turned back. Only memories remain in memory.Each of you will forever remember your school years.

We invite you today to plunge into your school years. To do this, we invite 5 graduates to the stage.

(Graduates exit)

Presenter 1: Tell me, please, did you attend a theater club?(Improvisation)

Imagine that you are actors in a theater group and you just have to act out what you hear.

Characters: Grandfather, Woman, Horse, Bull, Goat


“Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a playful Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field to catch their favorite cattle and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother were doing exercises, and Horse, Bull and Goat were running nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather bent over, but his back caught and he couldn’t straighten up. Grandma came up, gave him a gentle massage, and then pressed her knee into Grandfather’s back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandma and began scratching behind the ears of his pets Horse and Bull. Out of pleasure, the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat its hoof, and the Bull began to spin around and moo invitingly. From these sounds, Grandma began to hiccup, and the Goat began to wink hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and the Bull tried to playfully butt. Grandma, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and lightly pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to end the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took on Grandfather, Horse took on Baba, Goat took on Horse, and Bull took on Goat, and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.”

Presenter 2:

Applause to our actors!

Dear graduates! At your graduation ceremony, you promised not to forget your school and your teachers who were always there for you. We say “thank you” to you for coming to this evening, and therefore keeping your word. It’s great that you don’t forget your home school and come here. Here they always remember you, love you and wait for you!

Take in the performance of the Selyavi dance group

Presenter 1: Today, when communicating with each other, you say the words: “Do you remember...?”

Of course, you remember hikes, interesting evenings, school pranks, and your teachers.

And we hope that our evening will remain in your memory.

Presenter 2:

Thanks everyone for coming again

You came to the meeting

The warmth of your hearts

They brought it with them!

Presenter 1:

But exactly one year later we will be glad to see you againwallsour home school.

When graduates meet after a year, they kiss and hug...

- When they meet five years later, they hug and exclaim: “Bah, what people!!” and then they go somewhere together.

After 10 years, they smile broadly and say: “How many years, how many winters!!!” and share the news with interest.

After 20 years, they say hello while running and say: “We need to get together somehow,” and run away without agreeing on a meeting.

After 30 years, they almost sincerely say: “You look great,” and immediately start talking about their grandchildren.

After 50 years, they open their eyes wide and in response to a greeting they ask: “Who are you?”

I want to wish you that in 50 years you will be happy with each other, as in the first years after leaving school!”

Presenter 2: The holiday is over, have a good time

You can't finish without a song

At the moment of parting

Let's sing goodbye

See you next time, friends!

(Final song “It’s great that we are all here today)

Presenter 1:

The evening of the meeting does not end there,

It continues in your former classes!

TOGETHER: See you again!

tell friends