Artillery reconnaissance complexes of the Zoo family.

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Artillery of Russia and the world, guns photos, videos, pictures watch online, along with other states, introduced the most significant innovations - the transformation of a smooth-bore gun, loaded from the muzzle, into a rifled gun, loaded from the breech (lock). The use of streamlined projectiles and various types of fuses with adjustable settings for the response time; more powerful propellants such as cordite, which appeared in Britain before the First World War; the development of rolling systems, which made it possible to increase the rate of fire and relieved the gun crew from the hard work of rolling into the firing position after each shot; connection in one assembly of a projectile, propellant charge and fuse; the use of shrapnel shells, which, after the explosion, scatter small steel particles in all directions.

Russian artillery, capable of firing large shells, acutely highlighted the problem of weapon durability. In 1854, during the Crimean War, Sir William Armstrong, a British hydraulic engineer, proposed a method of scooping wrought iron gun barrels by first twisting iron rods and then welding them together using a forging method. The gun barrel was additionally reinforced with wrought iron rings. Armstrong created a company where they made guns of several sizes. One of the most famous was his 12-pounder rifled gun with a 7.6 cm (3 in) barrel and a screw lock mechanism.

The artillery of the Second World War (WWII), in particular the Soviet Union, probably had the largest potential among European armies. At the same time, the Red Army experienced the purges of Commander-in-Chief Joseph Stalin and endured the difficult Winter War with Finland at the end of the decade. During this period, Soviet design bureaus adhered to a conservative approach to technology.
The first modernization efforts came with the improvement of the 76.2 mm M00/02 field gun in 1930, which included improved ammunition and replacement barrels on parts of the gun fleet, the new version of the gun was called the M02/30. Six years later, the 76.2 mm M1936 field gun appeared, with a carriage from the 107 mm.

Heavy artilleryall armies, and quite rare materials from the time of Hitler’s blitzkrieg, whose army crossed the Polish border smoothly and without delay. The German army was the most modern and best equipped army in the world. The Wehrmacht artillery operated in close cooperation with the infantry and aviation, trying to quickly occupy territory and deprive the Polish army of communication routes. The world shuddered upon learning of a new armed conflict in Europe.

The artillery of the USSR in the positional conduct of combat operations on the Western Front in the last war and the horror in the trenches of the military leaders of some countries created new priorities in the tactics of using artillery. They believed that in the second global conflict of the 20th century, mobile firepower and precision fire would be the decisive factors.

"Zoo-1", according to GRAU - 1L219M, is a reconnaissance and fire control radar complex (radar station for counter-battery warfare). Necessary for calculating the trajectories of missiles and shells, reconnaissance of the positions of enemy fire weapons (mortar and artillery positions, launchers of air defense systems and tactical missiles, multiple launch rocket systems, etc.), monitoring drones and tracking airspace, as well as adjusting friendly fire funds.

1. Photos

2. Video

3. History

The start of development of the complex dates back to the late 80s. He was required to replace the ARK-1 1RL239 Lynx artillery radar complex. The same complex became the basis for the new one. Therefore, the “Zoo” is similar in appearance to the “Lynx” and is also based on the MT-LBu tractor.

In post-Soviet times, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute “Strela” modernized the “Zoo”. The changes include, for example, improvements to the software and hardware of the communication system and computer. In Soviet times, the development of two complexes of the same purpose was carried out at once - Zoo-1 and 2. The main developer of Zoo-1 was the Strela Research Institute (Tula Region), and Zoo-2 (1L220) - NPK Iskra ( Zaporozhye). A different serial number was assigned simply because of the second order. The differences between the complexes in relation to each other were given in the tactical and technical specifications for them. The collapse of the USSR was the reason that each of the “Zoos” remained in different states, which began to independently continue to create complexes. After development, the Ukrainian complex was named 1L220U, and was put into service in 2003.

In the summer of 2013, the Almaz-Antey air defense concern presented to the general public the modernization of the Zoo-1M artillery and missile location reconnaissance complex. He was assigned the index 1L260.

4. Purpose

The main function of the “Zoo” is fire adjustment and reconnaissance of enemy fire weapons.

The radar station finds ammunition in the air and calculates the trajectory. Thanks to this, it allows you to determine the area of ​​impact and the shooting point. Because of this, you can make high-quality corrections to the activities of your artillery systems and find enemy firing positions.

The fairly high performance of the computer complex and radar station makes it possible to calculate the coordinates of all enemy fire weapons, including under conditions of massive shelling, as well as to provide distributed target designations and eliminate fire weapons before they leave their firing positions.

Radars of this type are necessary for peacekeepers in order to control the cease-fire regime over a large area.

Such properties of the Zoo as short deployment time and its autonomy allow it to be operated from the march with synchronous deployment of weapons. This is important when reinforced troop groups are introduced and columns of equipment are highly vulnerable.

All data is automatically sent to the control panel. Through the troop control interface, target designation of artillery systems is carried out, thanks to the creation of a semi-automatic system for suppressing and detecting enemy firing points.

This radar station is multifunctional and can provide control signals to drones. Her abilities also include monitoring the airspace in her area of ​​responsibility, escorting civil aircraft or enemy aircraft.

“Zoo” can also warn civilians and the army about rocket and mortar attacks. Moreover, a quick calculation of the trajectory makes it possible to accurately determine the point where the ammunition will fall.

The complex also has high survivability due to the fragmentation and bulletproof protection of the equipment and crew, the ability for its members to quickly exit it and the frequency maneuver of the radar station.

5. Performance characteristics

5.1 Main characteristics

  • Type: counter-battery self-propelled radar station
  • Crew, people: 3
  • Deployment time, min.: over five
  • Productivity, min.: less than seventy positions
  • Number of tracked targets: four, in the second modification up to 12
  • Time for complete trajectory calculation: over 20 seconds.

7. Current state

For the first time, information about the fact that the “Zoo” was adopted into service appeared in the media in 2004. But most likely, then the equipment entered the troops for military testing. All tests were completed at the beginning of 2008.

8. Export

There are plans to sell this complex to foreign countries. Since 2002, it began to be demonstrated at international and domestic arms exhibitions.






The new radar system for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions, Zoo-1M, went unnoticed at the MAKS 2013 air show.
The close attention of ordinary visitors was attracted by the flights of various aerobatic teams and aviation equipment at the demonstration site.
At the same time, the Almaz-Antey air defense concern publicly demonstrated for the first time the modernized Zoopark-1M radar system for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions.

Military personnel of the motorized rifle formation of the Southern Military District, stationed on the territory of the Chechen Republic, during the training of artillery units, practiced the skills of using the latest mobile radar complex (RLK) for reconnaissance and fire control "Zoo-1". The Zoo-1 radar detects shells fired by enemy artillery in flight and calculates their flight trajectory. The data obtained makes it possible to detect the firing positions of the opposing side and effectively adjust the operation of their fire weapons.


This year, rocket and artillerymen of the Eastern Military District will receive the latest Zoo-1M reconnaissance radar system.
The special software of the complex uses unique adaptive target search algorithms, as well as the latest methods of digital information processing, which make it possible to increase the accuracy of coordinate determination and the likelihood of target detection and recognition.
The radar station provides protection for the crew and equipment from the damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction, small arms, mine and shell fragments.
The complex provides the ability to train crews with simulated flight of all types of firing systems against the background of a surrounding interference environment.
Press service of the Eastern Military District

A motorized rifle unit stationed in the Moscow region received BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket systems and a Zoo counter-battery reconnaissance and fire control radar station, TASS reports, citing the head of the press service of the Western Military District, Oleg Kochetkov.
“The uniqueness of the Zoo radar is its ability to simultaneously detect up to 70 different artillery positions of a mock enemy and provide their coordinates within the first 20 seconds after the salvo. The complex provides reconnaissance and fire control of main artillery systems of various calibers, including multiple launch rocket systems with a caliber of up to 240 millimeters,” explained O. Kochetkov.
In addition, he said, the complex can monitor drones of a mock enemy, determine their coordinates, and then transmit the data to the control point of the artillery battalion.
The motorized rifle formation also received BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket systems, the district representative added.


According to the blog, the 1L261 radar vehicle of the 1L260 “Zoo-1M” missile and artillery position reconnaissance complex was filmed by Western journalists on the road near Syrian Palmyra. At the same time, in the official statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation it was noted that “over the past three days, three modern complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles and two radar stations for detecting small targets have been additionally relocated to the Khmeimim airfield, making it possible to detect the use of artillery weapon systems by terrorists.” Military experts suggest the possibility of a Zoo-1 type radar being transferred to Syria.

Moscow, October 19. Military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces tested the Zoo-1M installation in Syria, which is rightly called the “curse of artillery,” the Russian Ministry of Defense reports.

This radar complex for artillery and missile positioning reconnaissance is considered the best of its kind by both Western and domestic experts. The most powerful sensitive radar is installed on a fast and maneuverable self-propelled tracked chassis, which reaches speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour. The radar complex identifies firing points from which enemy artillery is firing, and promptly transmits information to friendly artillery. Enemy positions are destroyed after the first shots.

“Zoo” is in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces base in Khmeimim and does not give the slightest chance to terrorist artillery crews.

Radar complex for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions. Developed by NPO "Strela" (Tula) of the air defense concern "Almaz-Antey". The contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for the supply of 1L260 radar systems was probably concluded in November 2011. In 2012, production of the complexes is underway. Probably, in 2013 the complex is undergoing military tests (see below).

Radar vehicle 1L261 of the 1L260 "Zoo-1M" ​​complex at the MAKS-2013 air show, Ramenskoye, August 26-31, 2013 (

Radar vehicle 1L261 of the 1L260 "Zoo-1M" ​​complex (

Radar capabilitiesand its features: The special software of the complex uses the latest adaptive algorithms for searching, tracking and compensating for active interference from any direction throughout the entire reconnaissance sector, as well as adaptive methods of digital information processing, which allow increasing the accuracy of determining coordinates, the likelihood of detecting and recognizing targets.

The complex provides for the possibility of training crews using standard means with simulating the flight of all types of firing systems against the background of a surrounding interference environment. The radar station provides protection for the crew and equipment from the damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction, small arms, mine and shell fragments.

The complex includes:
- radar station for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions 1L261;
- maintenance vehicle 1I38;
- reserve power station ED60;
It is possible to perform tasks without auxiliary units of equipment - only with the help of the 1L261 radar.

Chassis -The radar of the 1L261 complex is located on the GM-5955 universal tracked chassis produced by the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant ( ).

Assembly of the GM-5955 chassis at the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant, 2012-early 2013. (photo - Vyacheslav Nesterov,

"Zoo-1" (GRAU index 1L219M) - reconnaissance and fire control radar (counter-battery radar). The radar complex is designed for reconnaissance of enemy missile and artillery firing positions (mortar positions, artillery positions, MLRS positions, tactical missile launchers and air defense systems). “Zoo-1” calculates the trajectories of missiles and shells, is capable of adjusting the fire of its artillery weapons, monitoring the airspace and monitoring unmanned aerial vehicles.

The complex began to be designed in the USSR in the 1980s to replace the ARK-1 complex (GRAU index 1RL239, “Lynx”) in the artillery forces, which was developed in the late 1970s. The new complex was placed on the chassis of the MT-LBu tractor, due to which it has an external resemblance to the ARK-1. To carry out the work on creating the Zoo, 2 enterprises were involved - the Strela Research Institute and the Iskra Research and Production Company. The collapse of the USSR that soon followed led to the fact that these two enterprises ended up in different countries, where they continued to work independently of each other, now being competitors. NPK "Iskra", which found itself on the territory of Ukraine, continued work on the creation and modernization of the 1L220-U "Zoo-2" complex, based on a different chassis, with a greater target detection range, but less throughput and other hardware and software solutions.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute "Strela" from the city of Tula continued work on modernizing the Zoo-1 complex (in particular, work was carried out to improve the communication system and software and hardware of this complex). The new complex developed by the enterprise received the index 1L219M (modernized) and was first presented to media representatives in 2002. Most likely, in 2004, a number of these complexes in single copies were transferred for military testing to the Russian Armed Forces. The end of military testing of the complex officially ended on February 19, 2008; a year earlier, the complex had already been adopted by the Russian army. It is assumed that several similar complexes could have taken part in the August 2008 events in South Ossetia. As part of modern Russian brigades, the complex is part of a control and artillery reconnaissance battery, which according to the state must have 3 such complexes.


The purpose of the automated radar complex "Zoo-1" is to determine the coordinates of enemy fire weapons (firing mortars, artillery pieces, multiple launch rocket systems and tactical missile launchers) after a shot or launch. Having recorded a shot and tracked the flight path of a projectile/missile, the complex issues target designations to its own fire weapons and monitors the effectiveness of their firing.

“Zoo-1” is able to simultaneously detect up to 70 different artillery positions per minute and give out their coordinates before the shells fall (within the first 20 seconds after the salvo), conduct simultaneous tracking of 12 targets, and carry out automated exchange of incoming information with the control command post. “Zoo-1” is able to provide reconnaissance/control of 81-120 mm caliber mortar firing positions at a range of 20 km / 22 km, 105-155 mm caliber artillery firing positions at a range of 15 km / 20 km, 122-240 caliber MLRS firing positions mm at a range of 30 km / 35 km, tactical missile firing positions 40 km / 40 km. The complex has high noise immunity and modular design.

If necessary, this complex can be used to control the flight of UAVs, as well as monitor the control of their movement or control the flight of other aircraft in the area of ​​​​responsibility. When located at the airfield, tracking and precise determination of the coordinates of aircraft can be provided with subsequent transmission of data to the control point online.

“Zoo-1” has a fairly high survivability, which is achieved through a short operating time of the radar for radiation, the use of means to counter unintentional and intentional electronic interference, and rapid tuning of the carrier frequency. The crew of the complex - 3 people - is protected by bulletproof and anti-fragmentation armor.

RLC "Zoo-1" in camouflage coloring

Composition of the complex

The Zoo-1 radar complex is located on one transport unit - an MT-LBu armored high-passage tracked tractor. At its base, radar equipment, autonomous orientation and navigation aids, communications equipment, devices for inputting and processing digital maps of the area, as well as power supplies are deployed, which gives the complex high mobility.

The complex includes a radar station 1L259M based on the MT-LBu tracked tractor, a maintenance vehicle (MTO) of the complex for repair and maintenance work 1I30 based on the Ural-43203 vehicle, a power station ED30-T230P-1 RPM-1 on a trailer 2- PN-2 for carrying out routine and training work, as well as autonomous means of topographical reference and orientation.

1L259M is a 3-coordinate monopulse radar with a phased array antenna (PAA), which provides combat operation together with a high-speed digital computer system with advanced software. The radar station provides an overview of the area of ​​responsibility in target search or fire control mode using discrete scanning with an electric beam in a sector of up to 90 degrees in the horizontal plane and up to 1.8 degrees in the vertical plane with a constant elevation angle of 40 degrees. The radar is able to automatically detect flying mines, shells and missiles, track them and carry out trajectory measurements.

Based on the results of these measurements, the movement of the projectiles is assessed, the class of firing systems is determined, and the coordinates of enemy firing positions are calculated with an accuracy sufficient to carry out effective counter-battery warfare (in target reconnaissance mode). The impact points of own weapons are also calculated (in control mode). At the same time, messages are generated and transmitted with data on enemy firing positions, as well as the results of firing of own weapons at the command posts of automated missile systems and an artillery battalion.

The 1L259M radar contains autonomous means of topographical location, orientation and navigation, which provide determination of the azimuth and coordinates of the station location in a unified coordinate system during movement or parking. The radar is equipped with an interface for operation in the troop control system.

The central military system of this complex provides high automation of the entire process of combat work and allows you to detect and track up to 12 targets simultaneously, as well as reveal the coordinates of enemy firing positions from which simultaneous, intense fire is being fired.

The MTO based on the Ural is designed to perform repair and maintenance work aimed at maintaining the radar equipment in combat-ready condition and has all the necessary equipment for this.

The complex is powered using a mobile power station EDZO-T230P-1RPM with a power of 30 kW (during crew training and routine maintenance work) or from a generator that takes power from the propulsion engine (during the combat operation of the complex).

RLC "Zoo-1" provides

1. Mobility

The deployment and deployment time of the radar without the crew exiting takes no more than 5 minutes.
Driving speed on land is up to 60 km/h.
The complex is able to overcome water obstacles by swimming.
The complex is passable on any type of road.
The range with a full charge is 500 km.
The complex is able to operate at altitudes up to 3000 m above sea level
Operation is possible when exposed to all types of precipitation, dust and strong winds up to 30 m/s.
Operation at ambient temperatures from -45 to +50 degrees Celsius.
Possibility of transportation by all modes of transport: rail, air, road, water.
Autonomous topographical reference and orientation.

2. Vitality

Frequent change of carrier frequency.
Short radiation time.
Protection against exposure to electromagnetic pulses.
High noise immunity.

3. Crew protection

From damage from small arms fire and shell fragments
From damage by bacteriological and chemical weapons.
From exposure to low and high ambient temperatures.

4. Ease of management

Full automation by radar control.
Providing comfortable conditions for the crew (ventilation, heating, air conditioning).
Built-in automated control of the complex's performance.
The complex is transferred from the traveling position to the combat position and back without the crew leaving the MT-LBu.
Autonomous power supply.

Workplace of the commander of the radar complex "Zoo-1"

Operating modes of the radar complex "Zoo-1"

1. Exploration

In the “Reconnaissance” mode, the coordinates of the firing positions of enemy artillery systems are determined. The product sequentially scans the space above the terrain, covering a sector 90 degrees wide. In this case, the probing beam, performing electronic scanning over the masking surface, forms the so-called “potential search barrier”.

At the moment the projectile crosses the specified barrier, it is detected, captured and tracked, followed by extrapolation of the trajectory to the point of departure of the projectile.

2. Control

In the “Control” mode, the coordinates of the impact points of the projectiles of your firing weapons are determined. Based on the initial data entered into the computer control device (CCU), the coordinates of the starting points for tracking projectiles, which appear in the working sector, are calculated. The VUU sets a probing beam in the direction of the expected meeting point and organizes an electronic search for the expected projectile. When a projectile is detected in the area of ​​the meeting point, it is captured, tracked and extrapolated to the point of its impact.

3. Functional control

In the “Functional control” mode, diagnostics of the complex equipment (down to the lowest level module) is carried out using a digital computer control device (DCU). “Functional control” is carried out both before the start and during combat work.

Sources used:
Materials from the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia"

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