Concentration on the blackhead. Practices of the Kailash School

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The scientist has studied the Black Hole almost all his life. He tried to solve its riddle. Many books have been reread, rewritten and written on this topic. He was awarded prizes for various hypotheses. But this was not enough for him, because he believed that he was beating around the bush, not finding the main essence of this hole. They whispered behind his back that he was obsessed, that he couldn’t calm down. Although the scientist was old, everyone believed that he could achieve much more if he moved on, leaving the Black Hole alone. The old scientist knew this. He couldn't just leave it all without finding the truth.
One day, entering his office, I saw that he had thrown away all his last papers and notes. I knew that he was preparing another dissertation, so I was a little surprised by what was happening.
- What's happened?
The scientist looked up at me, smiled and said.
- Young children are still many times smarter than the smartest scientists.
I didn't ask him. I haven’t seen him so happy for a long time, or rather never. Leaving the office, I saw a little girl running past me. I followed her. She ran into one of the corridor doors. Opening the same door, I saw a little girl sitting on the floor and drawing on paper with colored pencils.
“Hello,” the girl said and continued drawing.
“Hello,” I answered. There was no one in the office except this girl. Looking at the sign on the door, I found out that the office belonged to one of the female scientists.
- Aren’t the adults watching you?
- I’m with my grandmother, and her aunt called her somewhere.
I walked up to the girl and sat down next to her. She drew animals from her imagination.
- Why were you running along the corridor?
- I was tired of drawing and decided to take a walk.
-Have you visited your scientist grandfather?
- Yes.
I realized that this child forced the old man to refuse to continue the research.
- What did you tell him?
The girl stood up and looked at me.
- This grandfather is very strange. He told me that he has been staring at a black hole all his life. He is so stupid, but I explained everything to him.
The girl took a blank piece of paper, put it in front of me and drew a black bold dot with a black pencil. I began to look at this point and tried to understand what this girl meant.
- He also began to look at this point. There is only one on a large sheet of paper, so it attracts and prevents you from looking at the rest of the sheet. Grandfather spent his whole life trying to look at exactly the same point, but bigger, and there were a lot of other interesting things around, but he sat and looked at it. You can do other things, fill this piece of paper with beautiful drawings.
The girl took the piece of paper from me and began to draw a field, flowers and the sun on it.
At that moment an elderly woman came in.
- And here is my grandmother.
I asked her forgiveness and hurried to leave. I couldn't hide my smile. This girl brought a dying old man back to life.

Friends, what do you see in front of you? Although, perhaps you know this parable and most likely answer correctly...

A group of students were asked to take a short, simple test. They were given blank pieces of paper with a task written on the back. Turning over the sheets, the students saw a black dot on a white field. The task was the same for everyone. The essence of the test boiled down to the following: it was required to describe what everyone sees.

And everyone, to the best of their imagination, tried to describe this fattest black dot, its shape, size, position, even trying to fantasize about its purpose...

The answers were different, but NO ONE wrote about the WHITE piece of paper, no one even mentioned it. It was as if they had not noticed the white field, its perception was so familiar and ordinary.

The same thing happens in our lives - we all focus on the black dots, and accept the white as quite ordinary and present by default.

Our life is a gift given to us by our parents, and to be more precise, apparently, by God himself. God gave us the happiness of being here, breathing, seeing, loving and hating, rejoicing and being sad, triumphing and being sad. However, for some reason, we most often focus on the negative aspects of our lives - black spots.

We see the same thing in relationships. Here a person does a lot of good things, he suits us in everything, he is perceived by us as the best, the real, the reliable… And suddenly one incident, an action, one wrong thing, a wrong word spoken, as they say “a fly in the ointment”…. All! The label is stuck for years! It’s bitter to realize this, after all, we are only people and must be ready or able to give another a chance to express themselves fully...

After all, the dark spots are so small in comparison with the joyful and bright things that fate gives us, but why are they so attractive? Maybe it’s still worth changing the focus, noticing not only the black dots, but also what’s around them. No, I am not calling for turning a blind eye to evil, but there is no need to inflate it to the size of the Universe.

Let's expand our horizons of perception of the world and enjoy every happy moment in our lives. Let's look at life more broadly, more deeply and try to be more lenient!

"One wise man, having called his disciples,

He showed them a blank sheet of paper.

"Tell me who is ready to answer me,

What do your keen eyes see?"

“I see a point,” says one.

“Yes, a black dot,” said another.

Then the old man cried sadly

And he began to shake his bowed head.

“What are you crying about, Father, tell me!”

"The reason for my tears is quite simple -

You were only able to see the point,

Without seeing the huge leaf"

How often and hastily do we appreciate

For the minor shortcomings of a person,

Without catching the spiritual beauty,

And without seeing the pouring Light."

Zinaida Polyakova

Spiritual Practices of Concentration on the Black Point - Duiko | Bhagawan Shree Rajneesh - Osho | Sri Chinmoy.

| This technique is very important and effective. It has yogic roots and originates in India. Clairvoyance through voluntary trance– this is the purpose of this practice. Although clairvoyance is just a side effect of this technique.

The main effect is concentration and ordering of thoughts wandering in the head, raising the level of consciousness.
The ability to see things clearly in everyday life.

By doing this technique, you will be surprised at how beautiful and melodic your speech will become. While performing this exercise, tears often come from the eyes and discharge from the nose, do not be afraid of this. In fact, it helps treat sinus diseases, maxillary sinuses, and sinusitis.

| So, draw on white paper, preferably at least A4 in size, in the very center of a black dot 3-4 cm in diameter.

We sit down at a distance of 2 meters from her and begin to look at her motionless.

In this, as in all subsequent exercises, it is very important not to strain and constantly monitor the relaxation of your body. We look as if your head is slightly bent, your body is completely relaxed. We look closely at the center of the black dot. Tears may come, we wipe them away and continue to watch again. Are you ready for what's happening? This is what will happen.

    1 A white glow will appear around the black dot– aura. Perhaps this glow will move around the point. Already at this stage of viewing, you may encounter errors; let’s look at them. First: the point begins to bifurcate or turns into several points. This should not be allowed; as soon as it appears, immediately close your eyes, rest and look again. Second: you do an exercise and - oh, suddenly you start to see something, your heart rate quickens, your breathing quickens, you are tense. We remember that tension is the most important mistake that is possible. So we relax and look further.

    2 Let's look at the black dot further: dark pictures begin to appear at the black point, images, we don’t pay attention to this.

    3 After a while everything around you starts to get dark, the whole outside world goes dark. Don’t worry – this is cutting you off from the outside world. This should happen in waves and compact into a certain tunnel or transparent ball at a distance of 10-20 cm from your point. The main thing is not to pay attention, but to look further.

    4 A dark spot appears around the point, and in the middle of the point there is a bright white spot with a black outline glowing along the outline of the dot.

    5 The dark outline in the form of a stripe stretches and forms the appearance of an eye with dark dense energy around it, and this energy moves quite quickly. A silver or blue glow may appear in the middle of the white eye. You should know: at this stage you are already quite deep in a trance state. As a rule, the next stage goes completely unnoticed for us and follows two scenarios where:

    6-A You, without knowing or understanding how, close your eyes and there see a bright blue or silver screen, at the same time, self-awareness comes to you or the memory that you were looking at the black dot at the beginning. Certain events take place on the screen. This screen is an arbitrary projection of the screen broadcast. At this moment, the most important thing is not to be afraid. Very often at this moment panic appears, slight amnesia is possible, and you stop identifying yourself. All this stops after you open your eyes.

    6-B You you just fall asleep and, after a short time, wake up. This is a fairly common occurrence at the first stage. You will notice that the dream that occurs during this exercise is very bright and colorful. Always after this short sleep there is a feeling of a surge of energy.

| Last tip: when you look at a blackhead, say to yourself: “I'm looking at a blackhead, I'm looking at a blackhead,” and so on many times.
And under no circumstances allow negative thoughts to enter your mind; they become very dense during this practice.

| What happens during this exercise has been tested by thousands of practitioners. It is amazing! Practice and see for yourself.

Parable from Gibran Kahlil Gibran

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...let alone touch! The inkwell heard what the paper was saying, and in her black heart she laughed at it, but when she got closer
... but they didn’t dare approach her either. And the snow-white sheet of paper remained clean and unspoiled forever - clean and unspoiled - and empty

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    ... or a flaw. He is purity itself and the embodiment of perfection. On this sheet the Master can depict anything - a child’s smile,
    ... the gullibility of an animal, and the cold coolness of a stream, and a leaf falling from a tree, and the face of a dying man twisted in pain, and the first ray

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