Abstract and presentation for a lesson on artistic culture on the topic: Arab artistic culture." Artistic culture of the Muslim East; the logic of abstract beauty

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Lesson objectives:

  1. To acquaint children with the masterpieces of Islamic architecture, with the work of the poet, scientist, philosopher Omar Khayyam, with the ancient form of Persian poetry - rubai;
  2. Develop a love of beauty, instill aesthetic taste, and the ability to work with texts;
  3. Cultivate love and respect for cultural heritage humanity.


  • multimedia projector,
  • multimedia presentation,
  • individual handouts,
  • book exhibition on this topic,
  • structural and logical diagram of Islam.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher's word: Assalamualaikum! Hello! It was no coincidence that I started our lesson with an oriental greeting.

The East has long captivated travelers original culture, wealth and some kind of secret. Eastern beauty, oriental songs, dances, poems - all this amazed those who visited eastern countries. Refinement in everything: in aromas, in clothes, in manners.

Many call the East wise, some call it treacherous, many call it beautiful! Today we will try to look under the mysterious veil of Eastern culture.

1st slide– the topic of the lesson is announced:

« Art culture Islamic East"

But before we talk about cultural achievements, let's remember the religion that dominated the East.

3. Checking homework.

Task No. 1. Blitz - survey.

  • name the youngest religion in the world (Islam)
  • when did she appear? (In the 7th century AD)
  • where did Islam originate? (On the Arabian Peninsula)
  • Is Islam a belief in one God or polytheism? (In Allah, 1 god)
  • main centers of Islam? (Mecca and Medina)
  • holy book Muslims (Koran)
  • name the five pillars of Islam (confession of faith; hajj; prayer five times a day; zakat (charity, sadaqah); fasting).
  • Muslim holy day (Friday)

Task No. 2. Correct errors in the text (underline identified errors)

Islam as a religion appeared in III millennium BC. It originated in Mesopotamia and spread throughout the world. The founder of Islam was Sindhartha Gautama. During his meditations, he saw a vision of Allah, who spoke prophecies. Subsequently, these prophecies were compiled into the holy book of Muslims, the Talmud. The main Muslim centers are Athens and Rome, where Muslims gather once a year. Gautama was called a prophet. All Muslims must keep the 10 commandments. (Write them in the blank lines).

On Sunday, a holy day for all Muslims, believers must pray and fast.

4. New topic.

The teacher’s word: “West is West, East is East, they will never meet…”. These words spoken by R. Kipling, fortunately, did not turn out to be prophetic. Eastern culture did not develop in isolation from culture European countries. Having absorbed many of its features, it at the same time had a significant influence on general character cultures of the peoples of Europe. According to the Great silk road, which passed through many states in ancient times, for two millennia not only the exchange of goods took place, but also the interpenetration of the cultures of the peoples of the East and West. For a long time Eastern culture remained behind seven seals. It began to be studied relatively recently, in the 19th century. And now we will take a step towards understanding the mysterious and unique eastern, Islamic culture.

Slide 2: Arab Caliphate (the teacher tells the children about the formation of the Arab Caliphate).

Slide 3: Ulugbek Madrasah in Samarkand

Guys, we are now going to have a little research work. There are texts in front of you, you read them and answer the questions given after the text. Some architectural elements mosques need to be shown on screen.

Sheet No. 2

The most early creation Muslim architecture was a mosque where believers gathered for prayer. Initially, it was a square courtyard or hall surrounded by galleries on pillars or columns. The beam ceilings of the galleries are located on pointed or horseshoe-shaped arches supported by small columns. On one of the walls there is an altar niche (mihrab), facing Mecca, the holy city of Muslims. The main facade of the entire structure from the street side was decorated with an iwan, i.e. arched portal of large scale. In addition, it was complemented by minarets - slender towers, from the top platform of which the priest (muezzin) called believers to prayer five times a day.

Madrasah is spiritual, educational institution, differs from a mosque in that the courtyard gallery is divided into small rooms - hudjras, in which seminarians live.

Questions to the text:

  1. Where did Muslims pray?
  2. What is the mosque, what does it look like?
  3. What is the name of the altar niche?
  4. Which direction does the altar niche face?
  5. How was the main façade from the street designed?
  6. What was added to the mosque?
  7. Who called for prayer?

5. Teacher: Guys, you have done research work at home and prepared reports on the pearls of Islamic architecture.

Children's performances:

  • 4th slide:“Taj Mahal” - Yakovshchenko Anastasia.
  • 5th slide:“Bibi Khanum” - Anastasia Seredinskaya.
  • 6th slide:"Kaaba" - Kismetov Aman.

6. Relaxation.

Teacher: The East is famous not only for its monuments, but also wonderful music and dancing. We invite you to watch this dance.

(Children dance dance).

7. Work on slide 7:

The rubai of Omar Khayyam is displayed on the screen, the teacher reads: -

We are the purpose of creation, its meaning is excellent,
The gaze of the deity and the essence of the seeing eyes.
The circle of the world is a precious ring,
And we are in that ring - a set diamond.

Teacher question: Who do you think these words belong to?

(Children's answers).

Teacher: Indeed, these words belong to Omar Khayyam.

(Teacher reads a poem):

The pen gives birth to the word, and the word itself
Everything was pronounced with the same word.
Through the word glory came to life,
The word lifted the veil from the mystery.
Without living words and the song is dead,
If you throw words out of music.
Under the sky you can call it perfection.
Breath is life, the law of the living,
This idea is confirmed by the word.

Teacher: The word, especially poetic, has always been valued in the East. When peace came, poets performed at folk holidays with their own improvisations, competing in this skill with newcomers from other cities. Connoisseurs especially appreciated the precision and brevity of poetic forms (rubai, ghazal, qasida), which became widespread throughout the Arab world. In short poetic lines, poets sought to convey a complete thought and describe the whole range of feelings and moods characteristic of man.

8. Teacher: Guys, you have prepared a biography of Omar Khayyam. Let's listen to who he was and fill out the table, which is called “Biography of Omar Khayyam.” Open sheet No. 3.

Biography of Omar Khayyam.

(Students are speaking and filling out the table).

9. Work on slide 8:

Teacher: What are rubai? Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary

Rubai are philosophical maxims. The word "sentiments" has 2 meanings.

  1. A saying of a moral nature, moral teaching;
  2. Legal verdict.

Teacher: Rubais have been called the flying form of Persian poetry. Representing one of ancient forms Persian poetry, the quatrain came to written literature from oral folk art.

Khayyam's rubai amazes with its extreme logical precision, philosophical weight, and dark and daring irony. These verses are a dispute with God about the reasonableness and justice of the world order, a dispute that the fearless scientist, always doubting and rebellious, waged throughout his life. Khayyam saturates the folk song form with previously uncharacteristic themes of reflective lyrics, characteristic of other types of poetry. He was the pioneer of these themes in the rubaiyat, mastering the tiny enclosed space of four lines to talk with God about man's place in the universe. Small poetic form requires extreme economy in the use of poetic expressive means and a high concentration of meaning. Relying on his analytical, sharp mind, using the experience of folk and literary eloquence. Khayyam created an amazingly flexible genre form, capable of containing depths philosophical thought, an evil epigram, a table couplet, a love sketch.

10. Independent work. Sheet No. 4.

We present to your attention rubai. You need to read them carefully and arrange them in a table by number.

11. Work on slides No. 9, No. 10, No. 11.

Reading and analysis of rubaiyat.

12. Lesson summary.

Teacher: The rubai of Omar Khayyam are a striking phenomenon in the culture of the Muslim East. They amaze with their wisdom and desire for harmony, which Great master knew how to see the world. Much in the work of the great genius has not yet been fully understood and appreciated; his personality remains a mystery. This lesson is just a glimpse into the world of one of the titans of an amazing era. I wish you to open “the doors to the Universe, whose name is Omar Khayyam.”

In the artistic culture of mankind, one of the most important places belongs to the Arab-Muslim culture, which was created by Arab tribes (from the word "Arab", that is, a brave rider). Mecca, where the sanctuary of the Kaaba was located

In Arabic, “Islam” means “submission,” and the name “Muslims” comes from the word “Muslim” (those who have surrendered themselves to Allah). The founder of Islam was the Arab merchant Muhammad. Muhammad's means of uniting the numerous Arab tribes into single state Islam became the new Muslim religion. Islam ISLAM

The basis of the beliefs of Islam is its so-called “five pillars”: belief in one god Allah and his prophet Muhammad; daily prayer five times a day; annual fasting in the month of Ramadan Eid; obligatory almsgiving, zakat tax for the benefit of the poor; pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime, hajj. The Koran (Arabic: أَلْقُرآن) is the holy book of Muslims. The word "Quran" comes from the Arabic "reading aloud", "edification"

Sufism (Arabic: تصوف)) is a mystical-ascetic movement in Islam, one of the main directions of classical Muslim philosophy. The generally accepted point of view, expressed by medieval Muslim authors, is that the word Sufism comes from the Arabic “suf” (Arabic صوف wool). Within Islam, such movements arose as: Sunnism - the choice of a ruler from the family of Muhammad; Shiism – the divine nature of power; Sufism is Muslim mysticism.

ARAB ARCHITECTURE Typology of buildings CULT STRUCTURES (Mosque, minaret, madrasah) SECULAR STRUCTURES (caravanserais (roadside hotels) and covered markets, palaces of rulers and nobility, fortified citadels, city walls with towers and gates, majestic bridges, etc.)

PANEGYRIC is the main genre of Arabic poetry of the 7th-8th centuries. PANEGYRIC is the main genre of Arabic poetry of the 7th-8th centuries. KYTA - a poem of lines with a single content; KYTA - a poem of lines with a single content; RUBAI - a poetic aphorism of four lines; RUBAI - a poetic aphorism of four lines; GAZELLES - lyrical love songs GAZELLES - lyrical love songs Classic genres poetry of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Artistic culture of the Muslim East: the logic of abstract beauty

IN VI c.c.e. The Arabian Peninsula was considered the "end of the world." Most The population of the village consisted of Bedouin tribes who called themselves Arabs, which meant “dashing riders”. Only in Yemen did the culture exist that created a large number of trading cities.

  • The territory included Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, part of Transcaucasia, Central Asia, North Africa, Spain.
  • The first leader is Muhammad.
  • Arabic became the language of international communication, a powerful factor uniting all Arab countries.
  • In the 10th century AD broke up into separate independent parts - emirates, but arab culture remained united thanks to Islam.

  • Islam translated from Arabic means “submission, devotion.” It arose at the beginning of the 7th century AD.
  • Muslims believe in one God - Allah.
  • The followers of Islam were called “Muslims” (“submissive to God”), hence the name “Muslims” (“those who have surrendered themselves to Allah”).
  • The last and main prophet, founder - a real man– Muhammad (570-632).
  • In 610, the prophet preached for the first time in Mecca; in 622, he and his followers moved to the city of Medina, the city of the prophet.
  • Muslim chronicles begin from this year.

  • Muhammad brought the words of Allah to people. His speeches were recorded by his disciples and collected in the Koran. All written sayings are called revelations, all others are called traditions.
  • The entire Koran was collected after the death of Muhammad.
  • The contents of the Qur'an highlight suras(chapters) and lines(poetry).
  • Never illustrated.
  • Contents of the Quran: After a person’s death, God’s judgment awaits him, and then his fate will depend on what deeds he did during his lifetime.
  • The second source of Muslim doctrine is the Sunnah, sacred tradition, examples from the life of Muhammad.

  • Mandatory five times daily prayernamaz, ablution before prayer and in some other cases, annual fasting, which is required to be performed from sunrise to sunset, pilgrimage to Mecca - hajj, at least once in a lifetime.

Calligraphic inscriptions have become one of the forms of ornament

Calligraphic inscriptions on the walls of mosques are the only decoration; the word and letter of the Koran are the only approach to God. Allah cannot be seen or touched, the power of influence is in sacred word. Hence the ban on the image visible world and living beings in religious art.

Architectural monuments.

The building for prayer is a mosque (from Arabic “masjid” - place of worship).

  • Omeya Mosque (687-691) in Jerusalem

The huge building, topped with a golden dome, is located in the Old City, where the grand temple of King Solomon once stood, destroyed by the Romans, and where Jesus Christ delivered his sermons. It is called the "Dome of the Rock", the Mosque of Omar.

Minarets are towers from which the muezzin called believers to prayer.

The minaret was built next to the mosque.

The shapes were round, square, multifaceted.

Madrasahs are Muslim educational institutions.

Artistic creativity Arab world -

  • arts and crafts.

Technique ornamentabstract shapes, bright colors.

The complex weaving of lines and colors that the artist recreated on a plane - arabesque.

From the middle VIII V. capital of the caliphate - Baghdad

  • He was famous for the fantastic luxury of decoration of the caliph's palace and the houses of rich people.
  • The caliphs cared about the development of education. In count public libraries, accessible to literate people, Baghdad surpassed imperial Rome.


according to Islamic tradition was considered as one of the forms scientific knowledge.

The Arabs highly valued musical improvisation (both vocal and instrumental).

Musical instruments

various (drums, tambourines), oud

(the predecessor of the European lute) and the bowed rebab.

A combination of instrumental music

singing and dancing are not found among the Arabs.

Music was created on the basis of canonical rules - maqama, determining the modal and rhythmic features of compositions.

Moorish style- art created by masters of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Southern Spain.

The Moors (from the Greek “dark”) are a North African people related to the Arabs.

X century - the formation of a caliphate centered in Cordoba (a consequence of the expansion(spreading) these peoples to Southern Spain).

In 785 - the cathedral mosque in Cordoba.

Its peculiarity is 850 columns made of pink and blue marble and granite, stretching in 19 rows from north to south and 36 rows from east to west. The colonnade was illuminated by hundreds of silver lamps.

The last stronghold of Islamic culture on Spanish soil was the Emirate of Granada (end X V.)

Alhambra – architectural ensemble: World Courtyard of the Comares Palace and Lion's Courtyard.

The peoples of the Iranian group contributed to the development of Islamic medieval artistic culture

In the VII-VIII centuries. a single literary languageFarsi.

Art of Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Central Asia - reflection Iranian (Persian) classical poetry.

  • The founder of poetry - Rudaki. According to legend, he composed about a million poems. He was a singer-improviser, he sang his poems, accompanying himself on string instrument. The poems are full of bitter reflections on the injustice of life, as a result of which he was expelled (blinded).
  • Poet Ferdowsi Abulqasim composed the poem “Shahname” (revealed the roots of evil leading the country to decline). Three parts: mythological, heroic, historical (about 28 rulers royal dynasty). He repeated the fate of Rudaki.

3) Scientist, astronomer, creator of an accurate calendar, mathematician, original poet - Omar Khayyam. The works are imbued with the spirit of freethinking, protesting against hypocrisy and hypocrisy. The poet's ideal is justice, freedom, joy of life, honesty. The only form of poetry he had was rubai(quatrains).

4) Poet Saadi - collection of parables in verse and prose “Gulistan” (“ Blooming garden"). He denounced hypocrisy and hypocrisy and preached eternal values.

5) To the poet Hafiz Shamseddin brought gazelles- short poems about love.

6) Poet Nizami Ganjavi- poem “Leili and Majnun” (eastern “Romeo and Juliet”).

Applied arts Muslim countries Middle East

Products made of glass, metal, wood, fabric, clay, weapons were highly valued on the world market.

It was customary to give brocade, satin, and velvet to guests and ambassadors.

The Persian carpet was most famous.

Book miniature of the Muslim East

Artistic culture of the Muslim East. Pray to the Creator; He is powerful, He rules the wind, and on a hot day He sends clouds to the sky; Gives the earth tree shade. He is merciful; He opened the shining Koran to Mohammed, May we also flow to the light. And let the fog fall from your eyes. A.S. Pushkin.

Muslim East. In the 6th century AD The Arabian Peninsula was considered the "end of the world." Most of the population of the village were Bedouin tribes who called themselves Arabs, which meant “dashing riders.” Only Yemen had a culture that created a large number of trading cities. In the 6th century AD The Arabian Peninsula was considered the "end of the world." Most of the population of the village were Bedouin tribes who called themselves Arabs, which meant “dashing riders.” Only Yemen had a culture that created a large number of trading cities.

Islam. Its origin and role in the formation of Arab culture. Translated from Arabic it means “submission, devotion.” It arose at the beginning of the 7th century AD. Translated from Arabic it means “submission, devotion.” It arose at the beginning of the 7th century AD. The followers of Islam were called “Muslims” (“submissive to God”), hence the name “Muslims” (“those who have surrendered themselves to Allah”). The followers of Islam were called “Muslims” (“submissive to God”), hence the name “Muslims” (“those who have surrendered themselves to Allah”). The founder is a real person - Muhammad (g.g.). The founder is a real person - Muhammad (g.g.). In 610, the prophet preached for the first time in Mecca; in 622, he and his followers moved to Yathrib, which would be called Medina, the city of the prophet. In 610, the prophet preached for the first time in Mecca; in 622, he and his followers moved to Yathrib, which would be called Medina, the city of the prophet. Muslim chronicles begin from this year. Muslim chronicles begin from this year.

Arab Caliphate. The first leader is Muhammad. The first leader is Muhammad. The territory included Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, part of Transcaucasia, Central Asia, northern Africa, and Spain. The territory included Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, part of Transcaucasia, Central Asia, northern Africa, and Spain. Arabic has become the language of international communication, a powerful factor uniting all Arab countries. Arabic has become the language of international communication, a powerful factor uniting all Arab countries. In the 10th century AD broke up into separate independent parts - emirates, but Arab culture remained united thanks to Islam. In the 10th century AD broke up into separate independent parts - emirates, but Arab culture remained united thanks to Islam.

Qur'an ("reading"). Muhammad was revered as the last prophet of humanity, who brought the words of Allah to people. His speeches were recorded by his disciples and collected in the Koran. All written sayings in which the speaker is not Muhammad, but Allah, are called revelations, while all others are called traditions. Muhammad was revered as the last prophet of humanity, who brought the words of Allah to people. His speeches were recorded by his disciples and collected in the Koran. All written sayings in which the speaker is not Muhammad, but Allah, are called revelations, while all others are called traditions. The entire Koran was collected after the death of Muhammad. The entire Koran was collected after the death of Muhammad. The second source of Muslim doctrine is the Sunnah, sacred tradition, examples from the life of Muhammad. The second source of Muslim doctrine is the Sunnah, sacred tradition, examples from the life of Muhammad.

General provisions Qur'an Muslims believe in one God - Allah. Muslims believe in one God - Allah. The last and main prophet is Muhammad. The last and main prophet is Muhammad. After a person’s death, God’s judgment awaits him, and then his fate will depend on what deeds he did during his lifetime. After a person’s death, God’s judgment awaits him, and then his fate will depend on what deeds he did during his lifetime. Muslims believe in heaven and hell, but they believe that the fate of man, as well as everything that happens in the world - good and evil - is predetermined by the Almighty. Muslims believe in heaven and hell, but they believe that the fate of man, as well as everything that happens in the world - good and evil - is predetermined by the Almighty. The basis of the Koran is the commandments, sermons, ritual and legal institutions, prayers, edifying stories and parables of Muhammad. The basis of the Koran is the commandments, sermons, ritual and legal institutions, prayers, edifying stories and parables of Muhammad.

Practical ritual commandments of Islam. Mandatory five times daily prayer - namaz, ablution before prayer and in some other cases, annual fasting, which is required to be performed from sunrise to sunset, pilgrimage to Mecca - hajj, at least once in a lifetime. Mandatory five times daily prayer - namaz, ablution before prayer and in some other cases, annual fasting, which is required to be performed from sunrise to sunset, pilgrimage to Mecca - hajj, at least once in a lifetime.

What currents have emerged in Islam? There are three main directions into which Islam split in ancient times: Sunnism, Shiism and Kharijism. There are three main directions into which Islam split in ancient times: Sunnism, Shiism and Kharijism. Sunnis (from Arabic: “people of tradition”) - advocate the power of the caliph, who must belong to the Quraish family and be a theologian highest rank, fair and wise. Shiites believe that state and religious power is of a divine nature and can only belong to the heirs of Muhammad. Recognized form government- imamate, imam - secular and spiritual head communities. Kharijites believe that any devout Muslim can be elected head of a religious community.

The Omar Mosque was built in the years during the reign of the caliphs from the Umayya clan. The huge building, topped with a golden dome, is located in the Old City, where the grand temple of King Solomon once stood, destroyed by the Romans, and where Jesus Christ delivered his sermons. The huge building, topped with a golden dome, is located in the Old City, where the grand temple of King Solomon once stood, destroyed by the Romans, and where Jesus Christ delivered his sermons.

Calligraphic inscriptions became one of the forms of ornament. Calligraphic inscriptions on the walls of mosques are the only decoration; the word and letter of the Koran are the only approach to God. Allah cannot be seen or touched; the power of influence is in the sacred word. Hence the ban on depicting the visible world and living beings in religious art. Calligraphic inscriptions on the walls of mosques are the only decoration; the word and letter of the Koran are the only approach to God. Allah cannot be seen or touched; the power of influence is in the sacred word. Hence the ban on depicting the visible world and living beings in religious art.

Moorish style. Cathedral Mosque in Cordoba. Cathedral Mosque in Cordoba. Its peculiarity is 850 columns made of pink and blue marble, jasper, granite, porphyry, stretching in 19 rows from north to south and 36 rows from east to west. The colonnade was illuminated by hundreds of silver lamps.

  • Music and architecture of the Muslim East.
The musical instruments of the Arabs were very diverse. These include all kinds of percussion (drums, tambourines, timpani), and the oud, the predecessor of the European lute, and the bowed rebab. The musical instruments of the Arabs were very diverse. These include all kinds of percussion (drums, tambourines, timpani), and the oud, the predecessor of the European lute, and the bowed rebab. Professional Arabic music, both vocal and instrumental, was created on the basis of the canonical rules of maqam (makoma, mugham), which determines the modal and rhythmic features of the composition. Maqamat culture, born in the Islamic world in
  • ancient times
, gave rise to various national branches. Music created in the maqam tradition is often called the “symphony of Islamic peoples.”
  • The peoples of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Southern Spain wrote original pages in the history of medieval Muslim culture. The art created by the masters of these countries was called Moorish. Since antiquity, North African peoples related to the Arabs were considered Moors (from the Greek “dark”). The expansion of these peoples into Southern Spain resulted in the formation of a caliphate centered in Cordoba (10th century). The Islamic State of Cordoba became one of the strongest and most prosperous medieval states in Europe with a developed culture and an educated population. The city of Cordoba was distinguished by its beauty and civilization. The houses of the nobility were distinguished by the richness and diversity of their architectural appearance. The Caliph's palace was surrounded by green gardens and strange flowers; Legends were made about the beauty of the inner chambers of the ruler’s house.
In 785, a cathedral mosque of amazing beauty was founded in Cordoba. Its construction continued until the 10th century. The shape of the mosque corresponds to a columnar one classic style. It was surrounded by a wall of large golden honey blocks. The main space of the mosque was given over to a unique prayer hall: about 850 columns, stretching in 19 rows from north to south and 36 rows from east to west, filled its space from the inside. The columns, brought from Africa, France, and Spain itself, are made of pink and blue marble, jasper, granite, and porphyry. The central dome of the mosque is decorated with a huge “flower” - an octagonal star formed at the intersection of two squares. The colonnade was illuminated by hundreds of hanging silver lamps, creating a mood of detachment from everyday bustle and tranquility.
  • In 785, a cathedral mosque of amazing beauty was founded in Cordoba. Its construction continued until the 10th century. The shape of the mosque corresponds to the columnar classical style. It was surrounded by a wall of large golden honey blocks. The main space of the mosque was given over to a unique prayer hall: about 850 columns, stretching in 19 rows from north to south and 36 rows from east to west, filled its space from the inside. The columns, brought from Africa, France, and Spain itself, are made of pink and blue marble, jasper, granite, and porphyry. The central dome of the mosque is decorated with a huge “flower” - an octagonal star formed at the intersection of two squares. The colonnade was illuminated by hundreds of hanging silver lamps, creating a mood of detachment from everyday bustle and tranquility.
The last stronghold of Islamic culture on Spanish soil was the Emirate of Granada. “I am a garden that has been adorned by beauty, you will know my being if you look into my beauty” - these lines of the court poet Ibn Zumruk were preserved on the tiled panel of the Hall of the Two Sisters from the palace, part of the famous architectural ensemble of the Algrambra. Amazing sophistication appearance And artistic perfection the interior interiors of the emir's residence resemble the scenery of a magical oriental tales. Its main buildings are grouped around open courtyards - Myrtle and Lion's. The buildings are dominated by the mighty ancient tower of Comares, where the throne of the Caliph was located.
  • The last stronghold of Islamic culture on Spanish soil was the Emirate of Granada. “I am a garden that was decorated with beauty, you will know my being if you look into my beauty” - these lines of the court poet Ibn Zumruk were preserved on the tiled panel of the Hall of the Two Sisters from the palace, part of the famous architectural ensemble of the Algrambra. Striking with the sophistication of its external appearance and the artistic perfection of its interiors, the emir’s residence resembles the scenery of magical oriental fairy tales. Its main buildings are grouped around open courtyards - Myrtle and Lion's. The buildings are dominated by the mighty ancient tower of Comares, where the throne of the Caliph was located.

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