Abstract of OOD on artistic aesthetic development in the senior group. on the topic “Bread, bakery products

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for children of pre-school groups

Basic educational area:"Artistic creativity", drawing.

Integration with areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Music”, “Artistic creativity”.

Target: Teach children unconventional ways to draw an ear of wheat.

Program content:

- Cognition: expand and deepen children’s knowledge about a wheat ear and its appearance.

- Artistic creativity: strengthen your drawing skills by dipping the bristles of a brush.

- Socialization: increase the motivation of visual activity through awareness of its moral significance; improve gross and fine motor skills.

- Communication: activate adjectives in children’s speech (yellow, prickly, golden).

Educational tasks: to cultivate independence and focus in work, the ability to finish a job started, and accuracy when working with paints. Cultivate a caring attitude towards bread.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, illustrations on the theme “Bread is the head of everything,” ears of wheat, a chest.

Progress of activities.

The teacher tells the ancient legend about the ear of bread:

In ancient times, when God himself walked the earth, people's lives were easy and well-fed. It was summer all year round. When needed, it rained, when needed, the sun shone. Fruit trees grew in the forests. The animals were quiet, and all fed on grass. People knew no disease, no troubles, no hunger. The ear of grain was very large - there was almost no stalk, the grains started from the ground itself, and each grain was the size of a bean. There was so much bread that no one valued it. One day God walked the earth and saw how a mother wiped a soiled child with the edge of freshly baked bread and at the same time refused food to the wanderer. God got angry, ascended to heaven and deprived people of bread. The earth became like stone, the rivers dried up, the grass withered. Hunger has set in. Then the cat and dog went to God to ask for bread. He took pity and allocated a small ear on a long stem for the cat and dog's share. God made it so that summer began to occupy only half of the year. Winter is for people, and summer is for animals. When people baked fresh bread, they gave the first piece to cats and dogs. Now tell me, what does the legend teach?

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle, “a house grew up in a field, the house is full of grain” (ear of grain). Here is the spikelet as our guest today, let’s tell you what we know about it. Where does the spikelet grow? What plants still grow in the field that have spikelets?

Children: wheat, rye, barley.

Educator: guys, let's look at the picture of a wheat field. What's on the spikelet?

Children: grains (the teacher demonstrates a natural wheat ear)

Physical exercise to music:

A grain has fallen into the ground (children crouch),

It began to germinate in the sun (arms above head).

The rain watered the ground, and the sprout grew (the children get up slowly).

He was drawn to the light and warmth, and turned into a handsome man.

Educator: children, let's sit down at the table and try to draw a wheat field (at first we draw a stalk, and then by applying the bristles of a brush - a spikelet, at this moment calm melodic music sounds).


The teacher asks the children to imagine that he is a spikelet, and they are grains. Children slowly gather in a circle on the carpet, with the teacher in the center.

Guys, tell me what is made from wheat grains? (different types of flour)

What is made from flour? (baked goods)

Today our little spikelet has prepared a treat for you in the form of bagels.

When you eat, remember the legend of the ear of bread.

Sources of borrowed materials:

1. Aleshina N.V. “Familiarizing preschoolers with the environment and social reality. Senior group" - M.: Elise Trading LLC, 2001;

Elena Papenkina
Summary of a lesson in fine arts in the preparatory group “Bread, bakery products”

Summary of an art lesson in the preparatory group"Bread, bakery products"


1. Teach children to think about the content of their work based on personal experience.

2. Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about bakery products.

3. Develop the ability to convey the shape of familiar objects, their proportions, using previously learned modeling techniques.

Material and equipment: Images and illustrations on the topic « Bread» , dummies bakery products, salt dough, oilcloths, stacks, "Wand".

Preliminary work: reading Prishvin "Lisichkin bread» , Musatov A. - How bread has arrived on the table, G. Lagzdynia "Adventure bread man» , S. Shurtakov "The grain fell into the ground", Belarusian folk tale "Easy bread» . Learning sayings about bread, examination baked goods in a bakery store(excursion to bread store, reading poems by D. Kugultinov "Piece bread» , H. Myand « Bread» , K. Kubilinskas "Sheaves", story by E. Shim « Bread is growing» .

1. Organizational moment.

Little Red Riding Hood comes to visit the children, she explains to the children that she forgot the pies that her mother baked, and which she should take to her grandmother, somewhere in the forest when she was picking flowers.

The teacher calms Little Red Riding Hood and invites the children to help Little Red Riding Hood bake a treat for grandma.


Guys, can we help Little Red Riding Hood?

But first I want to play a game with you called "Wand".(the wand is passed in a circle, the child holding the magic wand calls bakery product.)

Educator: Well done guys, you know so much bakery products, please tell me what they are made of bakery products? Where does flour come from? What grain crops do you know? (wheat, rye, barley, oats, and who bakes bread? (bakers)

Today we will be bakers, we will make DIY bread products. Children look at dummies bakery products.

Finger gymnastics: "Kneading the dough"

We kneaded the dough, we kneaded the dough,

They asked us to knead everything thoroughly,

But no matter how much we knead and no matter how much we knead,

We get the lumps again and again.

Educator: Guys, Little Red Riding Hood says she has prepared riddles for you, oh bakery products. Listen attentively:

There's wheat in the mill

This is what's happening to her here!

They take it into circulation and grind it into powder!


It comes with rice, with meat,

It's sweet with cherries.

First they put him in the oven,

How will he get out of there?

Then they put it on a dish.

Well, now call the guys

They will eat everything one piece at a time.


I'm bubbling and puffing

I don't want to live in a kettle.

I'm tired of the sauerkraut

Put me in the oven.


What do you pour into the frying pan?

Yes, they bend it four times?


Small, tasty

The wheel is edible.


Educator: Well done guys, now we’ll sculpt with you bakery products, take a seat at the tables.

3. Practical work:

The teacher invites the children to think and choose which they will make baked goods. Remind different sculpting techniques.

4. Summary classes:

Well done guys, you did a great job today and helped Little Red Riding Hood. What was interesting today? class?

Guys, tell me why bread called the most important thing in the house?

How to treat bread?

Why you need to respect the work of people who grow bread?

At the end classes The teacher reviews with the children products, selects the best ones and leaves them to dry, so that at the next lesson to color the products.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 30 “Gvozdichka”

"Bread is the head of everything"

for children of senior preschool age

Prepared by: educators

first qualification category

Pozdyaeva Irina Nikolaevna

Danilova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna

Sarov 2013

"Bread is the head of everything"

Project participants : teachers, children of senior group No. 8 “Dandelion”, parents

Project type : educational and research, short-term

Implementation period : 1 week

Purpose of the project:

Systematize, generalize and expand children’s ideas about the process from the birth of bread to the arrival of bread on the table.

To create and provide conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and research abilities in the process of developing and conducting the child-adult project “Bread is the head of everything.”

Formation of knowledge about the diversity of cereals and bakery products

To form ideas about the long journey of bread from field to table. To promote the development of children's curiosity.

Develop an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding reality

  • Enrich children's vocabulary. Improve coherent speech skills.

  • Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in productive activities

  • Encourage active participation in joint activities with adults and children.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards bread and the work of people who create bread products.

Expected result:

  1. Children acquire the necessary knowledge about the production of bread and bakery products.

  2. To help instill in children a sense of respect for the hard work of people who grow bread.

  3. Involving parents in the pedagogical process.
Problem situation

Dima saw the thrown bread on the ground and asked: “Is it really possible to throw bread? How is it grown?”


Conversation about bread (preliminary, about children’s existing knowledge about the meaning of bread)

Memorizing thematic poems, proverbs, sayings, reading stories,

Educational lesson “Where did the bread come from”;

Organization of leisure activities “Guess the riddle by taste”


“What happens when you mix water, flour and salt”

View the presentation “The Journey of the Kolobok”

Watch the video “Where the bread came from”

Creation of a grain museum

Selection of books on the topic in the book corner.

An excursion for children of the middle group “All about bread” is conducted by children of the older group


Stage 1 – preparatory.

  • Selection of fiction for reading and memorizing poetry.

  • Development of lesson notes “Where did the bread come from”

  • Selection of illustrative material and presentations for project implementation.

  • .Making a didactic game “How to bake cookies” “Pick up a part”

  • Selection of cereals for the grain museum

  • Consultations for parents: “About the benefits of Bread” “A second life for stale bread”
Stage 2 - main

Educational area


Methods and techniques


-To form ideas about the path that bread takes to appear on our table, about the variety of bakery products,

Form and expand ideas about the properties of water, flour and salt

Introduce children to cereals and what they get from them

Introduce children to the history of bread, how bread was grown in the past, and develop curiosity

Teach children to guess the taste and name the types of baked goods; ability to solve riddles

Develop thinking skill

build logical chains,

NOOD “Bread is the head of everything”


"The Journey of a Kolobok"

"Where did the bread come from"


What comes out of flour, water and salt?
Viewing the herbarium “Cereal crops”

Visit to the grain museum

“How they used to grow bread”

Educational leisure “Guess the riddle by taste”

D/I “How to bake cookies” “Pick up a part”, “What is extra” “Confusion”


Studying the level of children's ideas on the topic. To cultivate love and respect for bread, respect for people who grow bread. Develop memory, the ability to retell short texts, cultivate respect for folk art

Develop intonation expressiveness. Develop speech and logical thinking

Preliminary conversation

"What do we know about bread"

Memorizing the poem (Ya. Akim) “Rye Bread”, proverbs and sayings about bread.
Retelling the story

Ya Thai "Everyone is here"

Compiling a story based on the painting “Cleaning”

Word game “Continue the proverb” “Who does what”


develop social skills: take into account the interests of a partner, defend your opinion, prove that you are right, arouse interest in the topic of the game, consolidate knowledge about the work of a baker, the sequence of his actions; strengthening ideas about the work of a seller, about the variety of cotton products, cultivating love and respect for bread, respect for people who grow bread

Role-playing game "Bakery" Bakery

Construction game "Grain bins"
Garages for combines and cars


What rules should adults follow when using a knife? Should children take it and why?

Watching bread cutting


Talk about the benefits of bread.

Conversation “The benefits of bread”

Artistic creativity

Learn to draw an ear of bread, strengthen the ability to paint with paints; Teach symmetrical cutting, make a group work; consolidate the ability to sculpt (rolling, unrolling, connecting parts), conveying the characteristic features of the shape and color of a particular bread product (for the game “Bakery”), develop creative abilities

Drawing on the theme: “Golden spikelet”

Collective application on the theme “Grain Field”

Modeling their salt dough: “Bread products”

Coloring salt dough products


Introduce children to the work of a cook and the process of kneading dough

arouse interest and respect for the work of adults

Continue to teach children to design from paper,

perform work in a certain sequence, based on the sample and diagram.

A tour of the kitchen

kindergarten "How to knead the dough"

Supervising the work of unloading a bread van

Manual labor “Grain box”


maintain interest in reading fiction, develop the ability to find answers to pre-posed questions in the text.

Ukr.s.s. "Spikelet"

R.s. "Twist and Vert"

Prishvin M.M.

"Light bread"

N. Samkova “About bread”

A. Musatova “Where the bread came from”

story by Y. Vanag “Grain Growers”,

G. Yurmina “Combine Operator”, L. Voronova “On the Far Field”,

Physical culture

practice the ability to move quickly on a signal

develop interest in competitive games, develop dexterity and speed

exercise the ability to answer an adult’s question with an appropriate movement, compare and classify objects according to a certain criterion (made from flour)

Develop fine motor skills

P/n Mousetrap"

“Who will transport the grain to the elevator faster?”

"Clap-stomp" -


Finger gymnastics “Baker” “Ladushki”

Lay out from counting sticks

"Mill." "Spikelet"


- develop singing skills in the process of learning a new song, the ability to listen to a piece of music. enrich musical impressions in the process of perceiving a musical work

Audio recording of G. Struve’s song “My Russia”,

Y. Frenkel "Russian Field"

folk song “Pancakes” by V. Arzukova Olga Voronets “Bread is the head of everything”

Stage 3 - final

  • Analysis and synthesis of acquired knowledge

  • Excursion for children of the middle group “Bread is the head of everything”, conducted by children of the older group
Interaction with parents

  • Learning proverbs and poems with parents

  • Offer to bring cereal seeds to create a “Grain Museum.”

  • Invite parents to create a photo report “Secrets of Family Baking”

  • Visit the bakery department in the city's supermarkets

  • - Offer to use the Internet to expand children’s knowledge about the variety of agricultural machinery;

  • Make up a story with the children “About cereal crops” “How bread was grown before”, “The path of bread”

The children's level of knowledge on this topic has increased. The children received new knowledge about the production of bread and bakery products, about people of different professions associated with growing and baking bread, that their work is necessary, but very difficult. The knowledge gained will have a great influence on the development of children's skills of tolerant attitude towards people of different professions.


1. Reader “Our Motherland”. –. ed. "Enlightenment" 1984

2.. Collection of riddles. Proverbs and sayings – M., “Exam” publishing house, 2008

3. Bread products in pictures. A visual aid for teachers. – M., 2004.

4 “Cereals” in pictures. A visual aid for teachers. – M., 2005

5. T.M. Bondarenko “Ecological activities with children 5-6 years old”

Voronezh 2006

6. Averyanova A.P. Visual activities in kindergarten. – M. 2001

7. Komarova T.S., Zaryanova O.Yu., Ivanova L.I., Karzina G.I., Milova O.M. Fine art for children in kindergarten and school. – M. 2000

9. Education and training program in kindergarten. (Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova - 2nd ed., revised and supplemented - M. 2005.

10. “Cereals. What are they like? Moscow ed. GNOM and D 2003

GCD for children in the pre-school group using ICT “Bread is the head of everything”

What do you know about bread?
(children's answers)
Guys, when I was your age, I often didn’t finish my bread, and so that adults wouldn’t find out, I threw the uneaten pieces into the trash can. But one day I heard from my grandfather, a former prisoner of a fascist camp, about the kind of bread they were fed in captivity...
I will tell you the recipe for the “Bread” of fascist concentration camps.
The fact is that the Nazis baked a special “BROD” for Russian prisoners of war according to a special recipe.
sugar beet pressing – 40%,
bran – 30%,
sawdust – 20%,
cellulose flour from leaves or straw - 10%.

"Bread of War" cannot leave any person indifferent, especially those who experienced terrible hardships during the war - hunger, cold, bullying. And my grandfather, by the will of fate, had to go through these torments of captivity.
“But that’s what they ate,” he said, “For a Russian, all food is bread and water,” and the water was also special, it accumulated after the rain in the puddles in which fascist soldiers washed their boots.
- “I move the mold with my hand, take some water in my palm, and it’s rotten, it smells like a swamp...”
and fell silent.
Prisoners of concentration camps know the price of bread and worship it.
“That’s it, my friend,” my grandfather added and smiled, but his eyes did not express any fun, and a stingy, masculine tear rolled down his cheek...
Since then, my attitude towards bread has changed a lot!
There is only one word equivalent to the word "bread". This word is “life”.
And no gold can outweigh a crumb of bread.
Today on our tables there is always crispy bread with an appetizing crust. But how does he appear? Where does it come from?
(children's answers)
Scientists believe that the first bread was baked at least 15 thousand years ago. The baker's profession is one of the oldest on earth.
Bread is hard and hard to come by. Many people help him “get” to the table.
I suggest planting a small seed and seeing what grows from it.

Physical education minute:
We planted the grain
What will come of it?
The rain waters the earth,
The sun gently warms
The grain grows -
Reached for the sun.
It plays with the wind,
The breeze shakes it
Presses low to the ground -
This is how fun it is to play!
Our sprout stretched out,
Turned into a spikelet.

Now I propose to take a virtual tour to learn everything about bread.
(view presentation)

1 slide
“Bread is the head of everything”
2 slide
Russia has long been famous for bread.
3 slide

Bread is still the wealth of our country.
4 slide

And the work of a farmer is the most important, because our life cannot be imagined without bread.
5 slide
It’s not for nothing that people have composed so many proverbs and sayings about bread:
6 slide

“One grain yields a handful”

What proverbs about bread do you know?

(children tell proverbs and sayings about bread)
Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father.
Lunch is bad if there is no bread.
Without a plow and a harrow, the king will not find bread.
Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless.
It’s bad to live without bread and near water.
They can't have lunch without bread.
If there is bread, there will be lunch.
In the field - for bread, in the forest - for firewood.
Plow deeper, chew more bread.
The work is bitter, but the bread is sweet.
Eat the pies, save the bread.
If you want to eat, you’ll start talking about bread.
A lot of snow - a lot of bread.
It is not the fur coat that warms you, but the bread.
If you don't work, you won't get bread.
Bread - grandpa rolls.
Bread and water - what is not food?
Bread and water are heroic food.
Bread is the head of everything.
7 slide
Bread products are not only tasty, but also nutritious. We eat bread every day, and it doesn’t get boring.
8 slide
How is it grown? Who should we thank for the bread on our table? Who knows what the people who grow bread are called?
(children's answers)
Slide 9
Let's go on a short trip to the field.
10 slide
In the spring, a special tractor is used to plow the land and sow wheat.
11 slide
The sun is shining, it's raining. Soon, green sprouts appear in the fields - shoots.
12 slide
In the summer, spikelets grow, and they contain many, many grains.
Slide 13
In autumn, the wheat ripens and the spikelets are harvested by machines - combines.

15 slide
The grains are taken out of the ears and threshed. That's how much grain you get.
16 slide
The grain is ground - ground and flour is obtained.
Add water and other products to the flour and knead the dough.
Slide 17
The dough is used to make bread, buns or flatbreads. The dough is placed in molds and baked in the oven or in the oven.
Guys, what is the name of the person who bakes bread?
(children's answers)
18 slide
And it turns out delicious, aromatic bread.
Slide 19
(child recites a poem)
Here it is - fragrant bread.
Here it is - warm, golden,
In it lies our health, strength,
There is wonderful warmth in it.
How many hands raised him,
protected, protected.

Guys, I really want to read you a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov
Three boys down the street
It's like playing football,
They pushed the bun back and forth
And they scored a goal with it.
An unfamiliar uncle walked past,
Stopped and sighed
And, almost without looking at the guys,
He reached out his hand to that bun.
Then, frowning angrily,
He blew the dust off her for a long time
And suddenly calm and open
He kissed her in front of everyone.
“Who are you?” the children asked,
Forgetting about football for a while.
“I’m a baker!” the man answered.
And he slowly left with the bun.
And this word smelled like bread
And that special warmth
Which are poured under the sky
Sea of ​​wheat golden.
Guys, at the end of our conversation, I would like to invite you to organize the project “Bread is Life!” Do you agree?
(answers, wishes, suggestions from children)
I invite you to depict in drawings what you remember most.
(Artistic creativity)

Presentation on the topic: Bread is the head of everything

In kindergarten, each school week has its own specific theme. These could be domestic or wild animals, vegetables or fruits, birds or insects, transport or adult professions. One of the mandatory themes for all age groups is “Bread is the head of everything.” All classes of the week reinforce this theme: speech development and familiarization with the environment and nature, conversations and observations. Art classes are also held on this topic. This week, children are making spikelets and In the article we will introduce parents to how drawing is carried out in the older group on the topic “Bread”.

Bakery products

Starting from the younger group, children learn to draw various subject and plot pictures on the theme “Bread is the head of everything.” By the older group, they already have the skills to draw a symmetrical spikelet, buns and bagels. During the week dedicated to bread, you can plan an exhibition of bakery products with the older children.

The teacher can decide who will draw which baked goods, or the children themselves can decide if they wish. Then, on separate sheets of paper, the guys draw a loaf, bread, bagel, bun, loaf, bagels, donuts and braids, etc. Then all the variety is hung on a stand in the corridor. You can invite children of the younger group, parents, and kindergarten staff to the exhibition of works.

Meeting guests

In our country there is a tradition, following which dear guests are greeted with bread and salt. They bring out a beautiful loaf on a clean embroidered towel. With five-year-old children in the older group, drawing on the theme “Bread” can be done after the teacher tells the story about the loaf and looks at the illustrations of welcoming guests. Separately, the children are shown a sample of a beautiful embroidered towel. The teacher explains how to draw a large decorated bread. A small salt shaker is placed in the middle of it. According to tradition, guests should break off a small piece of loaf, dip it in salt and eat it.

Following the example of the teacher, children first draw a semicircle of bread with light brown paint. The top of the loaf is decorated with spikelets or flowers of the same color. A white towel is drawn below. After drying, its edges are painted with geometric or floral patterns. At the end of drawing, a salt shaker is placed on top. White salt can be made by dipping a cotton swab.

Bread in a basket

The following can be planned for this topic:

1. First, children depict a basket. This can be an ordinary product woven from twigs. The child first draws the contours with a simple pencil, dividing it into sectors. Only then are small details painted over, alternating light and dark elements with each other.

2. Then, after complete drying, the bread and bagel are painted, shading the curves of the products with a lighter shade.

3. You can insert several spikelets into the basket in the background. To do this, you need to draw with a simple pencil and then paint, also alternating colors.

Such drawing in the older group on the topic “Bread” can be done using colored pencils or wax crayons. Because there are a lot of small details.

Please note: if you want to draw such a picture at home with your child, then five-year-old children should already understand the spatial arrangement of objects. What is closer is drawn in a larger size, what is further away is drawn in a small size. To draw a basket, use such an angle when the front of the wallet is located lower, not at the same level as the back side. The inside of the container is visible. You can draw a handle for it, or you can put a napkin on the bottom of the basket and draw the corners of the fabric hanging from the middle of it.

grain field

After a lesson on introducing the professions of adults, in which children observed how bread is made and what kind of people are involved in the process of creating such a main product on our table, you can consolidate the material in a drawing lesson in the senior group. Drawing a grain field is not difficult, but some preliminary work will be required.

First, the day before class, you will need to paint a blue background so that the paint dries well. The next day, the guys are already drawing the wheat itself growing in the field. You can draw yellow, fully ripened spikelets, or you can depict green shoots.

Children in the older group are already learning to depict the movement of objects. Therefore, you need to explain to the children that the wind sways the spikelets and they tilt in different directions. They can also be drawn in a semicircle, lowered down. When the spikelet ripens, the grains become heavy and pull it down. The lower part of the picture is filled with sticks on which the grains are held. On top of the blue sky you can draw white clouds and the sun.

Subject of drawing

The following options can be offered as additional options in the senior group on the topic “Bread”:

1. Treats for dolls.

2. Tea party with bagels.

3. Easter holiday.

4. Sandwich for breakfast.

5. Favorite donuts.

6. We bake bagels for grandma.

You can fantasize for a long time, which allows for a variety of bakery products. You can draw a sheaf in a field or spikelets in a vase. The main thing is that children learn that bread is an important product in a person’s life, so it must be protected and treated with respect.

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