Who are we, where did we come from and where are we going? The problem of the meaning of life: who are we, why are we here and where are we going? Hot North Pole.

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The asteroid belt located behind Mars is causing astronomers to argue about the exploded planet Phaeton. It is assumed that it was destroyed as a result of some kind of space war. Based on the fact that Mars today is a planet unsuitable for organic life, it is possible that when it was inhabited, it also participated in the war. Whether this is true or not is unknown. Only direct evidence obtained by interplanetary flight and landing of people on Mars can solve the mystery - was there life on Mars?

In the meantime, in the photographs of the famous “face” and the pyramids, and even some unknown structures, everything is not very clear. At high resolution, the details of the same stone face turn into jumbled piles of rock and sand. The robot landed on Mars by the Americans began work recently. Finally a successful attempt after many unsuccessful ones. Mars did not allow research vehicles to approach it; many of them disappeared on approach to the planet. NASA will apparently keep a lot of things secret again. It's their business. The world will still know these secrets someday. If humanity really appeared on Earth as a result of expansion from space, then from which planet?

People are eager to go into space, to set foot on the surface of other planets. Find out the truth - who we are and where we come from? It's like instinct. Ancient and awakening today. What is this? The desire to visit the homeland of distant ancestors? A solution once laid down at the genetic level pushes civilization towards travel. First, unknown territories were discovered on the Earth itself. Now we are expanding our sphere of influence. No matter how much militarization consumes resources, both moral and material, we have finally entered space! Even if it was on the shoulders of the military, they came out.

We send probes to the bodies of the solar system and study them. Astronomers are studying photographs of distant galaxies. Science and industry are producing increasingly powerful tools for studying the Universe. What is the value of one Hubble telescope, launched into space orbit and taking tens of thousands of photographs? The work on their analysis has not yet been completed and will continue for several years. Ground-based optical telescopes with a primary mirror diameter of up to hundreds of meters are being designed! New astronomical instruments more powerful than previous telescopes will be launched into low-Earth orbit.

Emissions from deep space will be analyzed. There is an urgent threat of asteroids from outer space hitting our planet. Didn't they destroy Phaeton and make Mars uninhabitable? If this is really the case, then the danger of a large asteroid falling should be prevented by all the efforts of science and technology of earthlings. Recently, fragments of a comet fell on Jupiter, this was captured in photographs taken through a telescope. Terrible explosions left spots on the surface of Jupiter.

If this happened to the Earth, all life would have disappeared on it long ago. Fate showed us what could happen in the future to any body in the solar system. It turns out that our civilization is on the right path of development. By developing technologies and equipment, sooner or later we will create reliable, figuratively speaking, shields for defense against asteroids and comets. An alternative, non-technogenic path of development presupposes the defeat of this civilization.

By the sea of ​​the deserted sea of ​​midnight
The young man stands sad.
There is anxiety in my chest, my head is full of doubts,
And he says gloomily to the waves:
"ABOUT! let me, waves,
The riddle of life -
Tell me, waves, what is a person?
Where did he come from? Where will it go?
And who lives above us in the stars?”
The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying,
The stars shine indifferently - cold...
And the madman is waiting for an answer!

The questions posed in the title of this text are among the most important, main questions: how does the world around us work, what is God, who are we as people, what is the meaning of life? The vast majority of people, whether they realize it or not, in the course of their lives are looking for answers to these questions, because the variety of types of behavior of people, their desires and ways of realizing these desires, their ideas about life and the quality of their own lives are largely determined by how a person answers these main questions. Buddha called people who do not try to find answers to these questions “two-legged,” emphasizing the fact that in their development these people are not far removed from animals for whom these questions do not arise. A “two-legged person” is like a person who gets behind the wheel of a car, when he not only does not know how to drive the car, but also does not know where to go. It’s obvious how this “ride” ends...
Only by answering the main questions at a sufficiently high level can a person expect to live his life with joy.
To the question: “What is a person?” The answer is given by the great Russian language with the word “man” itself. “Brow” in Sanskrit means spirit. And in the Italian language (Neo-Latin) “brow” (cielo) - sky,..., spirit. Thus, a person is a spiritual entity that is clothed in a physical body, a body of dense matter, for a “century” (the time of its life on Earth).
In German, “man” is “man”. This word contains information about one of the important properties of a person. The word “man” comes from the Sanskrit word “manas” - thinker and indicates that man is a thinking being (homo sapiens). However, the German word “man” does not penetrate as deeply into human nature as the Russian word “chelovek”, which indicates the main spiritual component of man, which we, unlike the physical body, do not perceive with the help of our senses.
“Man“ is a person in English, but phonetically this word sounds like , due to which it loses its original semantic meaning, its connection with the Sanskrit word “manas“.
A natural question arises: why does a spiritual essence, acquiring the status of a person, incarnate on Earth in a physical body? Obviously, in order to be able to live on Earth in an environment that is unnatural for a spiritual entity - in the world of dense matter. The physical body is a kind of “spacesuit” that provides this opportunity, but this spacesuit, unlike the spacesuit of a diver or astronaut, is alive. The physical body lives at the level of an animal, exhibiting the following basic functions: nutrition, sleep, reproduction and self-defense, which significantly complicates a person.
Without answering the more complex question for now: “Why does a spiritual essence need to live in the world of dense matter on Earth?”, let us consider in more detail the structure of man.
Man is multidimensional, he has seven bodies, which corresponds to seven planes of existence in which a person can manifest himself. This information, obvious to the East, is preserved in a Russian toy - a wooden nesting doll, which has seven nesting dolls (bodies) nested sequentially into each other.
In addition to the world of dense matter, there is a world of subtle matter and a spiritual world, which are stubbornly not recognized by the materialistic worldview of the West. It is no coincidence that I answered the question: “What is a person?” taken from the great Russian language. Language is one of the most important components of the mentality of the people, which is tens, or even hundreds, thousands of years old, while the materialism of the West began to take shape as a worldview only in the 18th century AD.
In the world of dense matter, a person has two bodies: a physical body, which we perceive with the help of the senses of our physical body, and an energy body (etheric body, body of life), inaccessible to the senses of the physical body. In the world of subtle matter, a person also has two bodies: the astral body (the body of emotions) and the mental body (the body of thoughts), both of these bodies are inaccessible to the senses of the physical body. In the spiritual world, a person has three bodies: manas, buddhi, atma. Naturally, these bodies, like the three previous ones, cannot be perceived by the senses of the physical body, since like is cognized by like. Why? Each plane of existence manifests itself in a certain range of frequencies, while the frequencies of even neighboring planes of existence differ significantly (by several orders of magnitude) from each other. The sense organs of each of our seven bodies can only perceive frequencies that are inherent in the plane of existence corresponding to this body. This is how we perceive sounds with the hearing organs of our physical body, the frequency of which does not exceed 10^5 hertz, and the frequencies of the closest to the physical plane of existence - the ethereal plane of existence - are on the order of 10^11 hertz. Therefore, we do not perceive with the senses of our physical body the etheric plane of existence, much less the subsequent planes.
Where did I get the order of frequencies of the etheric plane of existence – 10^11 hertz? The so-called “life frequency” is 4x10^10 hertz (millimeter waves). Such waves are not transmitted by the Earth’s atmosphere, therefore all life on Earth is reliably protected by its atmosphere from the effects of space, which could be destructive for the Earth’s biosphere. The impact on acupuncture points of the physical body, exerted using a low-power electromagnetic field with a “life frequency,” makes it possible to effectively treat many diseases. So, this effect is actually not on the physical body, but on the etheric body (energy body, body of life), which is not recognized by our orthodox, materialistic science, but it is in this body that the causes of the vast majority of diseases are located. Even Hippocrates (460-370 BC) said: “Remove the cause, the disease will go away.” Our modern medicine is not able to effectively treat even relatively simple diseases, because its doctors treat the physical body, and the causes of diseases of the physical body, as a rule, are located in the etheric (energy) body. With this treatment, the cause of the disease is not eliminated, but only its symptoms are temporarily removed, after which the disease returns, accompanied by other diseases resulting from the treatment, and these diseases may be more serious than the one that was treated.
So we have touched the “non-existent” etheric body. In the world of dense matter there are seven states of aggregation: solid, liquid, gaseous and four ethereal. The ethereal body consists of ethereal matter, which has a very low density - it is the energy double of the physical body, the energy frame is the matrix on which the physical body is built.
Interesting are the studies of the energy body and its connection with the physical body, conducted by Shafika Karagulla in the USA under the “Extrasensory Perception” program. These studies were carried out with the help of psychics. Psychics see the etheric body in the shape of a physical body, protruding 2-10 centimeters beyond the latter. It has a blue or silver color, something in it is constantly moving, circulating, reminiscent of light vibrations. The energy centers located in the etheric body - chakras - have the form of large vortexes - spiral cones, consisting of several smaller spiral cones embedded in them, the tops of which coincide with the top of the main cone (chakra). The movements of energy in the spiral cones that make up the chakras can be fast or slow, rhythmic or accompanied by sharp shocks. In addition to the chakras, the etheric system contains energy channels, which we call Chinese meridians. It is no coincidence that the etheric body is called the BODY OF LIFE. That which moves in the etheric body is prana. The Sanskrit word “prana” translated into Russian means the energy of life or simply life. So “life” (the energy of life) is in our etheric body (the body of life), and in the physical body physiological processes that preserve the physical body take place, supported by the energy of life circulating in the body of life. Therefore, the state of our physical body is inextricably linked with the state of the etheric body. As Shafiqa Karagulla's research has shown, diseases of the physical body are, as a rule, preceded by certain deviations from the norm that occur in the etheric body (lack of prana, ruptures in the tissue of the etheric body, blockage of energy in the Chinese meridians and chakras, etc.). A natural question arises: “In addition to the physical body and the etheric body, we have five more bodies, can reasons leading to diseases of the physical body also arise in them?” Yes, that's true. But deviations from the norm that arise, say, in the astral body are not transmitted directly to the physical body, but to the etheric body, which separates the astral body and the physical body. Therefore, in deviations from the norm of the etheric body, deviations from the norm of all other bodies are taken into account. The main goal of Shafiqa Karagula's research on the etheric body was to diagnose diseases of the organs of the physical body based on deviations from the norm observed in the etheric body, including diseases that may appear in the future, after significant periods of time. If anyone is interested in these studies, you can read about them in Shafiqa Karagula’s book “Breakthrough to Creativity (Your Extrasensory Perception).” Perhaps of greater interest are the possibilities of healing diseases of the physical body with the help of certain influences exerted on the etheric body. This important and interesting question will be discussed below.
The departure of prana from the body of life leads to the instant death of the physical body. On the other hand, the death of the physical body leads to the destruction (dispersion) of the life body.
I first learned about the existence of life energy (prana) in 1956. At this time, I had an irresistible desire to get acquainted with the yoga system. Since books on yoga were banned at that time, I turned to the special depository of the academic library of Kyiv, where I was given the opportunity to read the books of yogi Ramacharaka: “Hatha Yoga”, “Raja Yoga” and “Fundamentals of the Worldview of Indian Yogis”, published on Russian language in 1909-1912. Yogi Ramacharaka (American Atkins) was a student of the famous yogi Vivekananda (1863-1902). In hatha yoga there is a method of influencing the physical body with the help of breathing, called pranayama, which translated into Russian means regulation of prana. Here's a summary of what I learned on this issue. The easiest way for a person to obtain prana (vital energy) is through breathing exercises. In the process of breathing, we inhale prana along with air. Moreover, during normal, natural breathing for a person, the amount of prana he receives when he inhales is the same amount he exhales. If he breathes faster than usual, he will soon feel unwell (weakness, dizziness, etc.). Why? With rapid breathing, a person exhales more prana than he inhales, which leads to the loss of vital energy located in his energy body. And if a person breathes slower than usual, then he will exhale less prana than inhale. At the same time, his energy body will receive additional vital energy. Yogi Ramacharaka emphasized the benefits of slow breathing as follows: “God does not give a person a certain number of years of life, but a certain number of breaths.” Thus, the slower a person breathes, the longer he lives. Performing the breathing exercises contained in pranayama makes it easy to switch to slow breathing mode. Many years later, having already forgotten that in 1956 I did exercises to regulate prana, I discovered that while the norm for a person is 16 - 20 breaths per minute, I have only 10 breaths per minute. If what Yogi Ramacharaka writes is true, then by reducing the number of breaths from 20 per minute to 10 in 1956, by 2012 I had the potential to live 28 years longer than I would have lived with 20 breaths per minute. And in fact, even more than 28 years, since slowing down breathing leads to a decrease in body temperature. And biologists say: “If a person’s body temperature were three degrees lower, he would live 300 years.” In addition, when the energy body is fully supplied with vital energy, the physical body is more reliably protected from disease.
After getting my readers interested in the possibility of living longer, I simply have to describe a pranayama exercise that allows you to switch to slow breathing. The exercise is very simple. While you are walking, breathe as follows: inhale - 6 steps, hold your breath - 3 steps, exhale - 6 steps, hold your breath - 3 steps, etc. Thus, one breath takes time, measured in eighteen steps, while you take 3-4 breaths per minute, and the norm for a person is 16-20 breaths per minute. The main reason that I described in detail what can be read in hatha yoga is safety precautions. Hatha yoga exercises should be done carefully, very slowly increasing the time of practice, just as a person with an Eastern mentality does. Westerners strive for results, which often leads to serious consequences for those who are in a hurry to get tangible results, including injuries and mental disorders. Therefore, start doing the exercise described above, not exceeding five minutes per session, once or twice a day. You need to increase the time you perform the exercise very gradually. After a few months of training, you can try to switch sequentially to other breathing modes: 8 – 4 – 8 – 4 and 10 – 5 – 10 – 5. The main thing: do not rush. On the other hand, if someone finds it difficult to do the exercise in the 6 - 3 - 6 - 3 mode, start with the 4 - 2 - 4 - 2 mode. Lastly, do not do this beneficial exercise for more than 20 minutes a day. Why do you need a lot of vital energy? When a person has little vital energy, he gets sick, and when he has more vital energy than necessary, he also gets sick, and these diseases can turn out to be more dangerous than in the first case. Over time, when you get a steady slowdown in breathing, you should take prana only when you are in a state of extreme fatigue or hard work awaits you.
My acquaintance with the human etheric body and the vital energy contained in it did not end there. At the end of the seventies, I discovered that I had certain psychic abilities, and in 1980, close to a group of psychics working under the leadership of A.G. Spirkin in Moscow, psychic Iraida Viktorovna K. introduced me
with a method of healing patients, which is based on the effect on the etheric (energy) body of the patient. Here is a short description of this method. The psychic sends prana (vital energy) to the person being healed to the part of the body where the diseased organ of the physical body is located. This energy eliminates deviations from the norm in the energy body that caused illness in the physical body (lack of prana, disturbances in the circulation of prana due to ruptures in the tissue of the energy body, blockage of energy in the meridians and chakras, etc.). The transfer of energy by a psychic is carried out with the help of his hands, making certain rotational movements. Why rotational movements? As studies conducted by N.N. Sochevanov have shown, the movement of steam in a tube in the form of a cylindrical spiral causes a powerful flow of energy directed along the axis of the spiral. So powerful that this energy changes the half-life of a radioactive element deposited on a screen located perpendicular to the axis of the spiral. The landing of a UFO on the surface of the Earth and its take-off are always accompanied by the rotation of a certain element of the UFO's structure. The rotation of any object generates energy and information torsion fields.
I will give a typical case of a patient being healed using the method in question. One of my graduate students from Syria had a heart attack. He wanted to go home already, as severe pain in his heart did not allow him to sleep. An examination carried out at the Research Institute of Cardiology in Kyiv revealed serious abnormalities in the functioning of his heart. In the current situation, I was forced to use the method in question to heal my graduate student. After five minutes of my influence of prana on the energy body of my graduate student, the pain in his heart completely disappeared and did not return until the end of his stay in Kyiv. He left for Syria two years after the incident described, having defended his Ph.D. thesis in Kyiv. I am almost sure that even now he does not have heart problems, this is evidenced by my experience in treating heart diseases among my colleagues.
I understand that some of my readers will find it difficult to believe what I write, since such a healing would naturally be called a miracle. But a miracle is something that we cannot explain because we do not understand the mechanism that leads to what we call a miracle. In our case, everything is clear. Let us remember Hippocrates: “Remove the cause, the disease will go away.” The cause of my graduate student's heart disease was in his energy body, and the method used to heal him is precisely what eliminates abnormalities in the energy body that lead to illness in the physical body.
It must be admitted that methods of treating diseases in the physical body with the help of certain influences on the etheric body have been used in the East for centuries. This is an effect on acupuncture points located on energy channels (meridians) using acupuncture, acupressure, and moxibustion. Now this is electroreflexotherapy - the impact
on acupuncture points using electric current. A very large and interesting experience of influencing the etheric body for the treatment of a number of diseases of the physical body was obtained in the temporary scientific team “Response”, created in 1986 at Kiev University. This team united more than 350 specialists: physicists, biologists, doctors working in Kyiv, Moscow, Novosibirsk and other cities of the former USSR. The impact on acupuncture points was provided using a high-frequency electromagnetic field (millimeter waves), including the “frequency of life.”
How does the healing method I used to treat my graduate student differ from the methods listed above? Just as like is known by like, so like is healed by like. In the method I used, the influence on the etheric body is carried out with the help of prana (life energy), with the help of what circulates in the etheric body of the person being healed, the energy sent has a “life frequency” - 4x10^10 hertz. Prana is a universal medicine, which, unlike medicines bought at the pharmacy, helps with any disease and it does not cure, but HEALS. One inconvenience - you can't buy it. In the methods listed above, the influence on the etheric body of the person being healed is carried out with the help of foreign objects or foreign force fields that act only on acupuncture points. The above-mentioned advantages of the method I use, apparently, are the reason leading to “miraculous healings” in cases of more complex diseases than in the case described above. I was not fascinated by the possibility of successfully treating patients. I began to persistently search for an explanation of the mechanisms that underlie the “miracle” that I managed to touch. The materialistic worldview, which discards the most important planes of existence, reducing everything to the world of dense matter, and even here not taking into account the etheric aggregate state of matter, is not able to explain what I encountered. But materialism began to be introduced in the West only in the 17th century AD, and it received the status of a worldview in the 18th century AD. Before this, both in the East and in the West, they understood that in addition to the world of dense matter, there was a world of subtle matter and a spiritual world. Knowledge is divided into esoteric (hidden) and exoteric (for laymen). Esoteric knowledge allowed me not only to understand the mechanisms leading to “miraculous healings,” but also to receive answers to the “main questions” at a level accessible to me: how does the world around us work, what is God, who are we as people, what is the meaning of life? The present text is devoted to discussing fragments of these answers.
To be continued

No matter how busy a person is with his affairs, no matter how sad or happy his life is, the question still arises before him - what is all this for? Why do we live if we have to die anyway, moreover, if those we love inevitably die? This is the problem of the meaning of life - probably the same problem in an attempt to solve which philosophy itself arose. Because this problem contains everything that is most important and valuable for any person who is not afraid to think about it.

Any system of beliefs, worldviews and philosophies is ultimately based on an approach to solving this issue. This is not surprising, because in the end, all prohibitions and regulations, traditions and values ​​are justified only by why and for what they should be observed. That is why the meaning of life in philosophy and the attitude towards the finitude of life and death are very connected. In addition, this issue intertwines individual meaning - that is, the meaning of the life of a particular person - and social meaning - the meaning of the life of society or humanity as a whole. Historically, philosophy knows three types of approaches to this problem.

The first is the traditional faith-based approach. Life only makes sense when it is eternal. When all the best that you have does not disappear, when neither evil nor time no longer exists, but there is only eternal joy and fullness of being. But in order to achieve such a life - to be resurrected after physical death in another world - one must, during one’s lifetime, achieve unity with the gods or with God, and observe the instructions and restrictions given from above. With this approach, the problem of the meaning of life is removed by striving for God and eternal life. However, many religious systems demanded and demanded the renunciation of human individuality, or shared the provision of hell and eternal death for those who do not comply with divine regulations.

Associated with the religious, the secular approach says that the destiny of man is to arrange or reorganize the world in such a way that people do not suffer from fear or hunger, but live guided by brotherhood. It is for the sake of this progress that the individual lives. To some extent, this approach brings paradise from another world into the future. But if the religious approach often turns the individual with his shortcomings or lack of faith into an obstacle that needs to be overcome, then the problem of the meaning of life, when posing the question secularly, acquires an exclusively collective character, and people become something like humus for future generations.

Another, no less traditional approach puts forward the version that the meaning of life as such, emanating from any higher rules or values, does not exist, and human life is finite in principle. Therefore, we need to use it and give it the meaning that we ourselves want to give it. Thus, a person either drinks, eats and has fun, because tomorrow he will die, or consciously decides to fall victim in the struggle for his identity, but at the same time without hoping for anything. But the problem of the meaning of life in this case seems to recede into the background and is obscured, hidden. Not everyone has the courage to share the heroism of such an approach, and therefore supporters of this approach need to overcome despair and pain, especially since the approach, while reconciling with the existence of death, does not solve the problem of the death of loved ones.

The problem of the meaning of life in philosophy and its historical development also allow us to see that many famous personalities, famous for their wisdom, shared one or another approach. Thus, Diogenes, Epicurus, Nietzsche and, with certain reservations, Spinoza can be called supporters of the view that life has meaning in itself, and a person must realize and practice this, striving for happiness, inner peace, the realization of the “will to power” and so on . Aristotle, Marx, Feuerbach, Mill preferred to see the meaning of life in the realization of social aspirations. As for Egyptian, Indian, Socrates and Plato, various directions of Christian and Muslim philosophy, classical European philosophy, especially in the person of Kant, they in principle shared the religious approach, even if they often criticized many of its shortcomings. At the same time, representatives of which could also be guided by a secular, atheistic or religious approach stand somewhat apart. But their contribution to the study of this issue is to study the very process of a “borderline situation”, when a person suddenly finds himself in a critical, “near-death” state and, overcoming it, is able to gain freedom and understand the meaning of his own existence.

With the light hand of Charles Darwin, people have long recognized themselves as an improved version of the monkey. If we assume that we are primates, then it should be noted that we, the only ones of this biological species, have legs longer than our arms. We pay for this with back pain and shifts in the spine. And yet, unlike monkeys, humans have sparse body surface hair and subcutaneous fat.

Homo sapiens is the only primate in the world with such a large brain and fangs the same length as the rest of the teeth. In addition, it is the only one characterized by bradycardia, that is, an automatic slowing of the heartbeat in water. A person speaks solely thanks to the ability to consciously control his breathing and, thus, modulate the sounds of speech.

Attempts by enthusiasts to teach monkeys to speak were unsuccessful due to their inability to control their breathing. The difference from our hairy “relatives” is that we do not have seasonal mating, like other primates. In addition, the person has an elongated genital organ and protruding breasts.

According to the version put forward by scientists in 1960, the design of human genitals can be explained by the fact that our distant ancestors, like seals, led a semi-aquatic lifestyle, since the monkeys we are used to have them of a different design.

Homo sapiens aquatic

A relatively recent fashion has emerged: women are encouraged to give birth in water. Such births are much easier and, in addition, a child born in such conditions becomes much more resistant to any diseases. Apparently, in this case, the aquatic environment has a positive effect, since it is more natural for humans. Therefore, assumptions that humanity once led an aquatic lifestyle may have a basis in reality.

The aquatic theory is also supported by the fact that, according to experts, the skeleton of any land animal should be at least three times stronger. Anyone who lives in an aquatic environment does not need a particularly strong skeleton. But we, the descendants who moved to land, pay for this change with frequent injuries from jumps, falls and impacts. At the same time, in nature there are no species of monkeys leading a predominantly aquatic lifestyle.


Doubting our relationship with monkeys, scientists began to look for other relatives in the animal world. Thus, US biologists have discovered a great genetic similarity between a human cell and a gray rat cell. The similarity was so clear that it allowed them to conclude: rats and humans had common ancestors! The behavior of rats and people is also sometimes strikingly similar.

Rats are smart, quick-witted, learn quickly and apply the acquired skills in life (for example, it is enough for one rat to eat poisoned bait and die, and the whole flock begins to ignore the most tempting treats). Rat packs are very closed and recognize only their own; they simply kill strangers, that is, stray rats. Populations of rats have something very reminiscent of a social organization, and of an authoritarian, even fascist nature.

At the top of every society there is a strong male - a dominant, commanding a harem of females and a pair of deputies, somewhat inferior to him in strength. Below are powerless pariahs who are not even entitled to their own nests. The right to have a female is a reward “from the authorities.” At the same time, the leader himself is so busy asserting his power that sometimes he does not even have time for females: they are fertilized by his deputies. Whether these observations are enough to recognize rats and people as one family - judge for yourself.


According to geneticists, people in their modern form should have appeared on Earth at least 200 thousand years ago. But this period is five times longer than the “official” lifespan of the human race! However, there is reason to believe that our forgotten history is even older. The 200 thousand years proposed by geneticists is the point at which a branch of humanity separated from another, more ancient group of fairly intelligent beings. Strictly speaking, there are many reasons for such a conclusion.

In particular, there is the concept of forbidden archeology, which includes finds that cannot be explained from the point of view of modern science. Indeed, there are quite a few of them: these are traces of giants tens of millions of years old, preserved on petrified soil, and very ancient skeletons of absolutely incredible creatures similar to humans, and finds of artificial objects millions of years old.

Serious science does not consider such findings, perhaps for the reason that they cannot be “fitted” into any of the generally accepted theories. But nevertheless, an idea appeared and began to take root: once upon a time in the center of the Galaxy there was a mother planet on which humanity was born, which later settled across all habitable worlds. And then, for some unknown reason, the colonies created by the aliens lost civilization, degraded and became wild. Now their surviving and greatly changed descendants in different worlds are rebuilding their lives.


Among the seals belonging to the Sumerian civilization, images of flying objects, bird people, and even the solar system were repeatedly found. The latter is all the more surprising since telescopes were invented relatively recently. It is clear that the idea of ​​the interplanetary origin of man is far from new. It has been expressed in different terms and in different eras. This concept is actively developed in their works by science fiction writers and Hollywood, which has learned to make very realistic horror films.

But it cannot be denied that the idea itself did not arise out of nowhere. Against the background of this idea, the modern assumption that it was not man who descended from the ape, but the ape from man, sounds not so nonsense! That is, primates are a completely degraded, secondary branch of people. The authors of this theory very easily found proof for it.

It is known that during the process of intrauterine development, the embryo goes through all evolutionary stages. And it turned out: a person does not go through the “monkey” phase. But in the development of a monkey embryo, on the contrary, there is a period in which it is very similar to a human. And this is so clear that someone once described a person as “a sexually mature embryo of a monkey.”

At no stage of its development does the human embryo resemble a monkey.


Today, in addition to Darwinism and the Bible, there are a number of popular versions of the origin of man.

Alien version. This is one of the oldest alternative versions, with many variations to suit every taste, ranging from "They created us to relieve their endless boredom" to "We are a defective version of the higher intelligence." In addition, there is an assumption that aliens made an emergency landing on Earth, and we are their descendants. But in general, all the variations boil down to the fact that man is the fruit of the labor of some extraterrestrial civilization.

The Matrix and the like. Things get even more interesting here. Some - obviously not without the influence of the film of the same name - suggest that our world is not real. Others believe that the entire existing physical reality, including our body, is just a kind of “playground” created by us to gain additional life experience and skills. In reality, we are either disembodied energetic entities, or we simply look completely different.

Descendants of bats. It is said that once upon a time there lived on Earth creatures that combined the features of humans and birds, similar to the harpies from ancient myths. How exactly they evolved into humans is unknown. Let us note here that there are recorded eyewitness accounts claiming that half-humans, half-birds still exist.

Androgynes. There is an old Greek legend about how the gods originally created a race of people who had both male and female characteristics. But these creatures turned out to be so strong that they encroached on the power of the gods. Then Zeus decided to divide the androgynes in two in order to weaken them. That is why, according to legend, we are now doomed to spend our whole lives looking for our soulmate, which, by the way, is not far from the truth.

Giant people. The idea that our ancestors were giants has been expressed for a long time. According to myths, angels descended to earth, took human daughters, and from such connections a tribe of giants appeared. Well, over time, their descendants shredded and became similar to modern humans.


In the folklore of many peoples one can find references to a period that is commonly called “paradise”. This was the first phase of human existence. In those distant times, the climate on Earth was much warmer. Water occupied most of the earth's surface, and coastal areas were covered with many shallow, warm lagoons.

There was always a huge, seemingly motionless luminary in the sky, which everyone admired. It was called the “cosmic egg” or the “night sun.” All sources state the irregular shape of the star. It was indeed ovoid or oval in shape.

From an astronomical point of view, this may mean that there were two stars in the solar system, and the Earth was a smaller satellite. Thanks to her light, there was neither winter nor night in that world. The vegetation was lush and rich, its fruits could be eaten constantly without much effort. The mountains in those pristine times were small and rare, and the reservoirs were clean and shallow. Vast and stormy oceans simply did not exist then. Also, conflicts, especially bloody ones, between creatures and species were rare, and carnivores fed mainly on carrion.

The social structure of humanity was matrimonial, paternity was unknown and unimportant. Masculine traits, that is, strength and aggressiveness, were unnecessary, while feminine ones - tenderness, protection and consolation - were required everywhere. And there was no death in our understanding: the mythology of immortality could only appear in connection with mass longevity. But death was not something frightening, but was only a part of life.

This period ended with the death of the smaller Sun: the second star exploded. The inhabitants of the Earth fell “from the highest heavens to the lowest.” That is, according to some researchers, the Earth was thrown out of the region of Jupiter and began to rotate in a new orbit, closer to the Sun. At the same time, its rotation axis became inclined, and then the alternation of seasons appeared. Accordingly, the priorities of the intelligent beings inhabiting the Earth at that time also changed.


Representatives of the most ancient of all existing fields of knowledge - occultists - have their own view on the origin of modern man. They collected many of the most ancient legends - both about the origin of humanity and about the civilizations that once existed. These myths say that the oldest civilization that is remembered arose far to the north.

This happened long before the start of the Ice Age. The divine ancestors came from the “Land of the Gods,” the “Island of Immortality,” from “Mount Meru” and settled near the northern horizon, which, according to some researchers, meant the settlement of the Earth by creatures from outer space. Although, of course, nuances are possible - a developed culture that existed on a small island decided to expand its habitat area.

But this nuance means that the settlers were messengers of another, even more ancient civilization! The one about which we know nothing. The aliens settled the continent of Hyperborea, located around the North Pole.

Thus, the Hyperboreans lived on a continent where the Sun never set. Sometimes they were visited by Apollo on a golden arrow or in a carriage drawn by swans. Some researchers interpret this as an image of a spaceship. They also insist on the unearthly origin of the Hyperboreans, who colonized an area similar in climate to their homeland. It was said about the inhabitants of the mainland that they were tall and fair-haired. These people became the progenitors of the white race.

The continent of Hyperborea existed for a long time, and its history ended with a cataclysm: a comet or a fallen second Moon shifted the earth’s axis. The sun changed its path, and this marked the end of one of the eras in the history of our planet. According to occultists, after this catastrophe, which instantly destroyed the continent, the third cycle began on Earth.

A new race developed on a vast continent known as Lemuria, or Mu. Now in place of the sunken continent there is the Atlantic Ocean, but millions of years ago this entire ocean area was dry land. The mainland was filled with active volcanoes and was constantly subject to earthquakes.

It eventually broke up into islands and sank to the bottom of the ocean. Whether it will be found in the foreseeable future and whether school textbooks on biology will change - we can find out either tomorrow or never.


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