Who was born to Andrei Malakhov? Is it true that the famous showman became a father? Malakhov with his wife: wife, children.

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Natalya Shkuleva is a Russian publisher of Marie Claire, ELLE and Home magazines. Interiors plus ideas." Her professional biography is connected primarily with the publishing business, but in recent years the Russian public has been talking about her primarily in connection with her marriage. Since 2011, Shkuleva has been the wife of the popular TV presenter of the show “Let Them Talk.”

Natalya Shkuleva was born on May 31, 1980. This event took place in Moscow in a family that is directly related to the media. Viktor Shkulev, Natalya’s father, is busy working as president of Hearst Shkulev Publishing and general director of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. Tamara Shkuleva, the mother of the future celebrity, works with her husband in the Intermediagroup holding they created, dealing with public relations and recruiting personnel for the company.

Since Natalya’s parents are highly educated people, from an early age they taught their daughter that studying is the main thing in life. By the end of school, Shkuleva had a serious knowledge base, which made it possible to easily enter the Faculty of International Law at MGIMO, the most prestigious university in the country. But Natalya did not limit herself to one diploma and continued her education outside of Russia. The girl additionally completed a special business course at the International Printing Federation in London.

Publishing activities

As a student at MGIMO, Natalya Shkuleva began working in her specialty. The girl got a job as a lawyer at the Moscow publishing house AFS. Later, Natalya became an executive editor at this company, and also began to head the corporate department in her father’s holding company, Intermediagroup.

Since 2008, the young woman has been directly involved in publishing. Departures magazine became the first tabloid that Natalya began publishing. Then the projects “Home. Interiors plus ideas" and women's glossy magazines Marie Claire and ELLE.

Thus, Natalya Shkuleva supports the family publishing business, organized by her parents.

Personal life

In the personal life of Natalya Shkuleva, everything also turned out well. In 2011, the girl officially married her chosen one, the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, whom TV viewers know from the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

Natalya and Andrey met at work, since the man, in addition to television, collaborated with StarHit magazine, which is part of Viktor Shkulev’s holding company. Natalya and Andrey lived in a civil marriage for about a year, after which they legalized their relationship. The celebrity wedding took place at the Palace of Versailles. At the request of the family and the newlyweds themselves, the ceremony was carefully hidden from outsiders.

Before proposing to his bride, Malakhov introduced his chosen one to Lyudmila Nikolaevna, his mother, who had not previously approved of several of her son’s previous chosen ones. But the woman liked Natalya. And the TV presenter himself says that he cannot imagine another woman next to him, because his wife does not even consider the possibility of becoming a housewife and limiting her life only to caring for her family.

Despite the rapidly developing romance, Malakhov and Shkuleva did not think of abandoning their careers even for a day. Each of them lives their own busy professional life. Malakhov’s wife is no less successful at work than her husband, so they not only love, but also value and respect each other.

The press has repeatedly discussed the couple’s lack of children. The public constantly spread rumors that Natalya was pregnant. The last similar information was leaked to social networks in the summer of 2016. Allegedly Andrei Malakhov wrote online “ Instagram”under one of Shkuleva’s photographs, in which a woman poses in a loose dress, that they are expecting the appearance of “a little happiness.” But Natalya refuted these words and stated that both the phrase and the page on the social network itself were fake.

In 2013, Hello! included Natalya Shkuleva among the contenders for the title “The Most Stylish in Russia.” In addition to Natalia, other prominent representatives of Russian show business were nominated. Compared to other candidates, Andrei Malakhov’s companion looked decent, because the TV presenter’s wife has appeared at social events more than once in interesting outfits and prefers to dress in a classic style.

Andrei Malakhov even turned to his fans with a request that they had never heard from him before: the TV presenter asked to support his wife in the “fashion battle.”

“Support Natasha Shkuleva! Please! – Malakhov asked fans on the microblogging service “ Twitter ».

Natalya Shkuleva now

In recent years, fresh information about Natalya has rarely appeared on the Internet. Users of social networks hastened to make their assumptions regarding the lack of news about Shkuleva in the Russian media space.

Already in August 2017, Russian media reported that Natalya Shkuleva. This has become one of the most discussed topics in secular circles. After 6 years of family life, Malakhov’s wife is ready to give the popular TV presenter a child. Soon Andrei Malakhov confirmed on the StarHit website that.

“I hasten to please good citizens and those who, during the six years of our marriage, attacked my wife with unceremonious questions about the perinatal situation in the family. Yes, Natasha and I are expecting our first child!” – the TV presenter informed the Russian public.

According to the TV presenter, he did not expect that the main news on Russian TV would be his maternity leave. In turn, Natalya herself did not comment on press publications about her pregnancy.

August 10, 2017 in « Instagram“A joint photo of Malakhov and Shkuleva appeared. “A girl is waiting,” suggested Internet users, looking at photographs of the wife of a Russian TV presenter.

According to some Russian media reports, in the summer of 2017, Andrei Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva spent their vacation in Sardinia. Malakhov organized a romantic evening by candlelight for his beloved. Fresh photos of Shkuleva from her vacation appear on the Internet every now and then, showing a family idyll. The photo clearly shows that the TV presenter surrounded pregnant Natalya with care and love, fulfilling every whim of his beloved wife. For the couple, this child will be the first, and 45-year-old Malakhov himself does not hide his joy.

Despite the happy changes in her personal life, Natalia does not forget to attend cultural and social events. In June 2017, the French company Cartier organized a reception at the Arkhangelskoye museum-estate. In addition to Natalya Shkuleva, other prominent celebrities arrived at the event: Anita Gigovskaya, Pyotr Aksenov.

Guests of the evening were also presented with a one-act ballet “The Vision of the Rose” staged by the People's Artist of Russia. Anastasia Stashkevich and Vyacheslav Lopatin, soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, performed a performance in the Oval Hall of the estate museum. Guests of the event were pleased, noting in interviews with media representatives that they were ready to participate in similar initiatives again.

November 15, 2017 at the Lapino clinic near Moscow. The boy’s weight is 4.020 kg, height is 54 cm. Andrei Malakhov’s son Alexander was born at 23:30, while the TV presenter himself was waiting for his appearance in the ward.

Andrei Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva became parents for the first time after six years of marriage. The couple had a son.

The famous Russian TV presenter gave birth to his first child. Late in the evening of November 16, 2017, his wife gave birth to a boy.

A happy event in the Malakhov family occurred at 23:30 on November 16 at the Lapino clinical hospital near Moscow. The newborn’s weight is 4.020 kg, height is 54 cm. Mother and baby feel good.

Andrei was not present at the birth, but waited for the heir to appear in the ward. “We still have to choose the child’s name - we want to look at the baby’s character. I’m waiting for the moment when I can change my son’s first diaper!” Malakhov told reporters.

parameters of the newborn son of Andrei Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva

Let us remind you. The couple met within the walls of the Hearst Shkulev Media publishing house. Malakhov said that he usually took lunch with him, and on that fateful day he went to the dining room, where he met Shkuleva. Natalya does not hide the fact that it was a classic office romance. However, the first date truly surprised Shkuleva - it began with dinner in a train carriage, and ended in a rather unusual place for a rendezvous.

"He calls me and says, 'Will you come with me?' I ask: “Where?” - “This is a surprise. We’ll meet in an hour on Paveletsky.” I arrive, as agreed, at the station, and Andrei is already waiting for me with flowers. The date was in late spring, I was wearing a Chanel jacket, nice trousers, and ballet flats on my feet. We enter the SV, and in our compartment Jo Malone candles are burning and a “table” is set with French wine and cheeses. I still didn’t know where this train was going. We talked all night long! This is how our first date began. And then we actually ended up in Bryansk, in a maximum security men’s colony, where Andrei was filming a television story,” Natalya shared.

On October 4, 2010, the TV presenter proposed marriage to his chosen one. To do this, he chose one of the most fashionable restaurants in New York. Shkuleva said that Malakhov knelt down and presented the ring. This act of a loved one moved Natalya to tears. After she accepted the proposal, all the guests and waiters applauded the couple.

They registered their marriage on June 4, 2011. That day they did not organize a magnificent celebration, but made do with a modest family dinner. The newly-made husband and wife organized a big celebration a little later - on the 13th in Versailles. The couple love to travel everywhere, and therefore decided to hold the ceremony in one of the most beautiful places on earth - a palace in France. The celebration was attended only by relatives, as well as the couple’s closest friends and colleagues. Natalia looked flawless in a white wedding dress.

Malakhov, according to him, adores his wife and does not hide the fact that she changed his life.

“I wake up early in the morning and watch her sleep. My face breaks into a smile, and I gently stroke her hair, which after three days at sea has already faded in the sun. I like everything about her: kindness, taste, her ability to hear and listen, tenderness and independence,” said Andrey.

At the beginning of August this year, it became known that the couple were expecting their first child. Malakhov said: “But today the most popular publication in our family is “Happy Parents,” and conversations revolve around children. The last time we discussed which episode of the educational cartoon “Child. Einstein" is it better to start introducing the baby - Baby da Vinci, ready to send the baby on a musical journey from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, or limit himself to a video under the promising title "Baby Shakespeare"?

Natalia always supports her husband in everything. Despite the fact that Shkuleva was pregnant, she came to the shooting of the first program “Andrei Malakhov. Live" to see with your own eyes the beginning of the work of the TV presenter on the Russia-1 channel.

At one time, the news that the favorite of women, a talented TV presenter, a brilliant showman and simply a handsome man, Andrei Malakhov, was getting married literally shocked many TV viewers in the country. Malakhov always preferred not to talk about his personal life, leaving the ubiquitous paparazzi and curious fans in the dark. Such secrecy even gave rise to a number of rumors about the star’s non-traditional sexual orientation. And suddenly, in 2011, the famous TV presenter not only introduced the public to his beloved, but got married! The chosen one was Natalya Shkuleva - a pretty blonde with a strong character and the tenacious grip of a businessman. Having recovered a little from the shock, fans and journalists came to the conclusion that, most likely, the reason for such a sudden marriage was the bride’s pregnancy. However, this rumor will haunt the couple for another 6 years, until at the end of the summer of 2017, presenter Andrei Malakhov personally confirms the fact of his imminent paternity. Learn more about who Andrei Malakhov’s wife is (biography and photo from Instagram), how old she is, when she will give birth to a child and whether there are already children in the presenter’s family, and we’ll talk further.

Andrei Malakhov’s wife - Natalya Shkuleva: short biography and photo from Instagram

It cannot be said that before his marriage to Andrei Malakhov, his current wife Natalya Shkuleva was an unknown girl. Her name is well known to all fans of publications such as Marie Claire and ELLE, of which Natalya is the publisher. According to close friends of the family, Natalya Shkuleva achieved such heights in her professional activity largely due to her strong character, hard work and determination. But evil tongues do not miss the opportunity to hint that the reason for the young woman’s dizzying career is much more prosaic. The fact is that Natalya’s father, Viktor Shkulev, is the president of Hearst Shkulev Publishing, which includes all of the above magazines and many other popular publications. Natalya’s mother, Tamara Shkuleva, also works in this company, so we can confidently talk about the family publishing business, which in due course will be partially inherited by Malakhov’s young wife.

Brief facts from the biography of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, photo from Instagram

Here are some more interesting facts from the biography of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva and photos from her personal page on Instagram. Natalya received a law degree from MGIMO and even managed to work as a lawyer at the Moscow publishing house AFS. Over time, Shkuleva became an executive editor at this company - from this position her editorial career began. Malakhov’s wife began to engage in publishing activities in 2008, starting to publish the unique Departures magazine. This publication is dedicated to the luxurious lifestyle, travel, art, collecting and other attributes of luxury life.

The wife of presenter Andrei Malakhov Natalya Shkuleva is pregnant, photos and videos

Rumors that Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, was pregnant began to appear immediately after the wedding of the star couple. The ubiquitous paparazzi tried to see signs of Natalia’s interesting position not only in her voluminous outfits, but also in the constant silence on this topic in the spouses’ interviews. Six years have passed since the wedding of showman Andrei Malakhov, and the tabloids are again full of headlines about the expectation of the first child in the presenter’s family.

Is Natalya Shkuleva really pregnant, video

This time, Andrei not only did not deny rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, but also personally confirmed this information. The general public became aware of this fact in August 2017 after Malakhov’s wife appeared on one of the broadcasts of a new television show. Natalya had noticeably gained weight, and the voluminous dress barely hid the woman’s very rounded belly. In addition, a little later, Andrei Malakhov gave an official comment to one publication, in which he fully confirmed the fact of his imminent paternity.

When will Andrei Malakhov's wife give birth?

How old is the expectant mother? When will Andrei Malakhov's wife give birth? Who is the celebrity couple waiting for? Alas, fans of the presenter will be able to get answers to most questions only after the birth of the baby. The fact is that Natalya does not comment on her situation in any way, and Andrei prefers to ignore personal questions regarding the gender of the baby and the timing of his birth. Therefore, journalists and fans can only make assumptions. For example, after one of the joint photos with his wife appeared on the showman’s page on a social network, his followers suggested that the family was expecting a girl.

As for the timing of the baby’s appearance in the Malakhov family, journalists can only speculate on the possible date. The presenter himself does not comment on this issue, so we can only resort to the deductive method. Thus, based on a clearly visible belly, it can be assumed that at the time of the TV program’s appearance in the studio in August 2017, Natalya was approximately 6 months pregnant. Based on this, the Malakhovs expect the birth of their child in November 2017.

How old will the future mother Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, be when she gives birth?

Another question that interests many fans concerns the age of the expectant mother. From the biography of Malakhov’s wife it is known that Natalya Shkuleva was born on May 31, 1980. If we assume that the addition to the presenter’s family will happen in November of this year, then Natalya will become a mother at 37 years old.

Do TV presenter Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva have any other children?

Despite the fact that for TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva, their marriage is the first, the question of whether they already have children worries many. Most often, the reason for rumors about Malakhov’s illegitimate children is news related to the baptism of babies. The fact is that Andrei has already become a father 5 times, although only as a godfather. The presenter was lucky enough to have three daughters and two sons, including the children of Philip Kirkorov - Alla Victoria and Martin.

Did Natalya Shkuleva have children before her marriage to TV presenter Andrei Malakhov?

As for Natalya Shkuleva, there is no information about her godchildren. But Natalya definitely didn’t have any children of her own before her family with Andrey appeared. Therefore, all that remains is to wait until Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, who is definitely pregnant, gives birth to her husband’s child together. This event, after so many years of marriage of the star couple, will definitely not go unnoticed by journalists. Until then, rumors about the showman’s illegitimate children are unlikely to stop.

05.04.2018 |

Andrey Malakhov is an extraordinary and very interesting personality. Many Russian television viewers know and love him as the host of the talk show “Let Them Talk.” But what lies behind the mask of a pedantic journalist? Does he have a family and children? How long has Andrey been married? Today we will try to find out.

What kind of family did Andrei Malakhov grow up in?

Andrei Malakhov was taught the manners of a true gentleman in an intelligent Soviet family

Andrei’s father, a geophysicist by profession, instilled in the boy, along with truly masculine willpower, politeness and delicacy. Nikolai Malakhov is very reserved and patient. In addition, the manners of a true gentleman are not alien to him. Hence the high moral qualities of his son, whose name appears in the topic of our article.

Andrei Malakhov grew up in a simple Soviet family.

Andrei Malakhov’s mother is a simple kindergarten teacher. Unless, of course, we can say “simple” about a person with a medal for labor achievements. She is considered one of the best teachers in the city, and all thanks to the internal energy of Lyudmila Malakhova. Children love her, because almost every weekday in kindergarten turns into a fun game or even a theatrical performance for them. So Andrei Malakhov got the “fuse”, without which a journalist will never become a good journalist, from his mother.

Personal life of Andrei Malakhov

Andrey Malakhov does not like to cover his personal life, rare photos are an exception

The personal life of stars is always of interest to the public. Popular men from show business are especially attractive to young girls. And who is his chosen one? Women are tormented by this issue. Both fans and anti-fans dream about the slightest event. Andrey Malakhov is no exception. Andrey has always been reserved in his relationships with women; finding a worthy candidate, especially from his own circle, is not so easy.

Being a journalist himself, Andrei tries as best he can to hide his family life from prying eyes.

Of course, in our time this is hardly possible, as readers could see earlier. However, such secrecy reflects Malakhov’s feelings of dignity and delicacy. So, in a way, it also generates interest. The profession helped Malakhov here too, because he met his beloved in a work environment.

Malakhov's wedding

Malakhov's wedding was a bright and romantic event in the best classical traditions

The wedding took place back in 2011, and its circumstances will certainly be of interest to the reader. The celebration was scheduled for July, but in fact took place in June. And all because the media got wind of the original date. Not wanting to advertise such an important life event, the couple decided to postpone the date. This is a common tradition among stars who do not want to reveal aspects of their personal lives.

The wedding took place in an atmosphere of secrecy.

Only relatives and closest friends of the newlyweds were invited. The festive dinner took place at the Palace of Versailles, where renting one hall costs no less than 150 thousand euros.

And Andrei Malakhov and his wife Natalya spent their wedding night in one of the most expensive hotels in the world in romantic Paris, its name is also “shrouded in darkness.”

Who is she - the wife of Andrei Malakhov

Natalya Shkuleva is an example of a modern educated and business woman

Today (2016) it is known that Andrei Malakhov’s wife is Natalya Shkuleva. She was born into an intelligent Moscow family, graduated from MGIMO and is engaged in publishing, according to her father’s tradition. Natalya is the executive editor and publisher of such popular magazines as Marie Claire, Home. Interiors plus ideas" and publications of the "ELLE" group.

Natalya and Andrey are creative and original individuals.

Andrei and Natalya first appeared together in public back in 2009, at the wedding of their close friends, then after a year of civil marriage they got engaged. Andrei gave his future wife a diamond ring with a two-carat stone, and the couple went to Apatity for the blessing of Andrei’s mother. It’s interesting that Malakhov is used to valuing his mother’s opinion; she categorically refused to accept her previous lover. But the woman liked Natalya, she calmly gave her son into her hands.

Where does Andrei Malakhov's family live?

The couple maintains romance in their relationship by setting each other up on dates.

Andrei Malakhov lives with his wife in a luxurious Arbat apartment, but sometimes the couple even try to live a little apart. They go their separate ways to have romantic rendezvous, once again experiencing the fervor of first dates. That's how creative they are. A busy professional life, as the public assumes, does not yet allow the couple to have children. Or maybe Andrey and Natalya are not yet ready to create a full-fledged home?

“Natasha is truly the closest person to Andrei,” the words of his mother.

Natalya is successful and ambitious, she will never become a housewife, especially since any young woman would envy her career growth. Andrei’s family is based on mutual understanding and an alliance of like-minded people. Husband and wife, both media professionals, share common interests. Although any woman dreams of children, especially when her beloved and such a worthy man is nearby.

Natalia Shkuleva's loose clothing misled the public about her pregnancy

A question that interests millions of fans of the famous showman is how many children does Andrei have? The reason for the uncertainty of information, as often happens in the world of show business, is the lies and speculation of bewildered paparazzi. In 2015, a post appeared on Andrei Malakhov’s fake page on the popular Twitter network that the family was supposedly expecting a new addition. In this regard, the TV presenter, who usually does not communicate with the press, even decided to make an official statement, the essence of which is simple: “We don’t have children and don’t expect them yet.”

Is Andrei Malakhov's wife pregnant? – the fans asked.

However, soon the media again started talking about the fact that Andrei Malakhov’s wife was allegedly pregnant. This happened already at the beginning of 2016. Afterwards it became clear that the reason for this was precisely the negative statement made by Malakhov earlier, as we indicated above. For some reason, the public decided that in this way the journalist wanted to limit attention to his “pregnant” wife. This news again turned out to be a “duck”; Andrey often has to fight off such rumors.

Does Andrei Malakhov have children?

In the summer of 2016, people started talking about a possible addition to the family again. However, now there was no pseudo-news. The rumors arose due to the fact that Natalia Shkuleva’s followers on Instagram noticed a characteristic tummy in one of the photos. They even began to congratulate Malakhov’s wife on this.

Relatively recently, Natalya said that when the family is really expecting a new addition, the public will know about it.

Despite the huge number of media attempts to “spot” Shkuleva’s pregnancy, none of them were successful. The couple does not consider it necessary to hide such information.

Andrey Malakhov gave birth to a son

On November 16, 2017 at 23:30 Moscow time, Andrei Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva had a son. The birth took place at the Lapino clinical hospital in the Moscow region. The boy was born healthy, his weight is a little more than 4 kg, his height is 54 cm. Mom and son feel great. Andrey says that the baby’s name will be chosen based on his character. It soon became known that.

How many godchildren does Malakhov have?

Andrei Malakhov loves his godchildren and does not forget to give them gifts and warmth when they meet.

However, the interesting moments in Andrei Malakhov’s personal life do not end there. He has children, but only godparents. In 2016, the journalist christened two more girls. The first two were the children of Philip Kirkorov, Martin and Alla Victoria. The children love their godfather very much, who often gives them interesting gifts.

Andrey Malakhov is the godfather of five children.

In addition, Malakhov also baptized the son of his close friend Boris. The TV presenter’s new “children” are the granddaughter of the producer of the “Let Them Talk” program Natalia Galkovich and the daughter of the winner of the project “On Vacation with Andrei Malakhov.” Only two weeks passed between the two sacraments of the cross. Andrey is happy to give the warmth of his soul to his godchildren.

Andrey Malakhov left Channel 1

The news that Andrei Malakhov was leaving Channel One spread across social networks on July 31, 2017. Journalist Egor Maksimov claims that the star TV presenter is moving to VGTRK, but at the moment they are denying these rumors.

Sources of the leading TV channel say that Andrei left, slamming the door, due to a conflict in the team of the talk show “Let Them Talk.” A possible reason is the appointment of a new producer and the selection of other journalists. Malakhov has not yet commented on the situation. Viewers refuse to believe that their favorite program will be left without a host, who currently ranks 30th in the ranking of show business stars.

Interesting photos of Andrei and his wife Natalya Shkuleva appeared in some media. In the photographs taken during a holiday at the Cala Di Volpe hotel on the island of Sardinia, it is noticeable that Natasha is heavily pregnant. At the same time, the couple leads an active lifestyle, which is confirmed by their attendance at the gala dinner in honor of Gianluca Vacchi’s anniversary at the Billionaire club.

There have been suggestions that Malakhov will leave Channel 1 straight on maternity leave!

And again, sensational news - Malakhov’s “transfer” to Zenit, as reported by the football team itself. It is expected that the famous journalist will become the host of one of the television programs on the club TV of athletes from St. Petersburg.

7ya.ru is an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, raising children, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty and health, family relationships. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools, articles are published daily and competitions are held.

“This is a long-awaited event not only in the family of Andryusha and Natasha, but also for our large company, the country - after all, he is the favorite of millions of television viewers,” says actor and close friend of the couple Vyacheslav Manucharov. “I consider him my godfather on television, because it was with my parody of him that my television career began. Natasha is simply a miracle, fantastic, intelligent, beautiful, and she will be the same as her mother. This is a joy for everyone, because they are a wonderful, bright couple. I wish them happiness, health, strength for the mother after childbirth, and strength for the baby. As a father of three children, I can say that they will not stop there, I wish I could give birth to a second one right away! Of course, their lives will change in the best side, new colors will appear.”

At the age of 45, TV presenter Andrei Malakhov became a father for the first time. Natalya Shkuleva gave birth to a boy at half past eleven a couple of days ago. His weight was four kilograms, and his height was 54 cm. A joyful event occurred in one of the. It is known that the birth went well. Malakhov himself was not present, but dutifully waited in the corridor.

More six For years the family waited for the birth of their first child. For a long time, Malakhov and Shkuleva did not want to have a child because they were making progress in their careers. Many fans thought that their marriage was of convenience. But this version is wrong, and as proof of their sincere love, their son appeared.

On November 16, the main event happened in the life of the popular Andrei Malakhov. The wife gave the TV presenter a long-awaited son. Natalya Shkuleva, Malakhov’s wife, gave birth at about 12 o’clock at night.

By the way, Andrei and Natalya have been married for six years, but until this time the couple had not been able to give birth to a child. The presenter admits that he is incredibly happy about the birth of his long-awaited son and is already looking forward to babysitting.

“We still have to choose the child’s name—we want to look at the baby’s character.” I can't wait to change my son's first diaper! – Andrei Malakhov told the publication over the phone.

Throughout July, Andrei Malakhov’s departure from Channel One was discussed online. As you know, for 16 years the famous TV presenter hosted the popular program “Let Them Talk.”

After Andrei Malakhov announced paternity, social networks literally exploded with numerous congratulations from fans. Celebrities also expressed joy for the new parents through the microblog.

Famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov became a father for the first time. His wife Natalya Shkuleva gave birth to a boy on November 16, in the evening. As the publication StarHit, whose editor-in-chief is Malakhov himself, clarifies, the child was born on Thursday at 23:30 in one of the clinics in the Moscow region. The baby’s weight is 4.020 kg and height is 54 cm, Izvestia reports.

Natalya Shkuleva and Andrey. Breaking news.

Let us remind you that the fact that the wife of the popular showman gave birth to their first child became known a few hours after the baby was born. The birth went well, the boy and mother rested at night, and in the morning they were awaited by the first feeding and a joyful meeting with the father, who was unable to attend the birth itself. They started talking about Natalya Shkuleva’s pregnancy back in the spring of this year. But the star couple did not comment on the event until it became obvious.

Late the night before, TV presenter and editor-in-chief of the StarHit project Andrei Malakhov and his wife, brand director and publisher of the Russian version of ELLE magazine Natalya Shkuleva, . The boy was born in one of the prestigious perinatal centers in the Moscow region. Now the couple is accepting congratulations from colleagues and fans.

Natalya Shkuleva gave birth to a boy. (updated).

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The wife of the famous TV presenter Natalya Shkuleva gave birth to a son in one of the clinics in the Moscow region - the Lapino hospital, the Moscow Region Today correspondent reports with reference to Andrei Malakhov's StarHit magazine.

One of the first to congratulate Malakhov was Philip Kirkorov. He wrote congratulations on the Instagram page. The family of Malakhov and Shkuleva is popular and many stars congratulated them on the most important event in their lives.

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The day before it became known that popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov became a father for the first time. His beloved wife Natalya gave the man an heir. The “Live Broadcast” host has been married to his chosen one for six years, but they were in no hurry to have children. And now the long-awaited joyful event happened.

Meanwhile, while Natalya Shkuleva is still being prepared for discharge from the maternity hospital, Andrei is looking forward to when he will give the baby his first diaper. The happy father shared such sensitive moments.

Singer Alena Kravets also congratulated the TV presenter on the joyful event. “Congratulations to my dear Andrey and his beautiful wife Natalya on the birth of their long-awaited baby! I wish the happy parents and boy a bright future, health, and longevity! Let him grow up smart, healthy and happy to the delight of his parents! My heartfelt congratulations,” the artist hastened to leave warm wishes.

Natalya Shkuleva and Andrey Malakhov. Main news today 11/18/2017

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