Quest for school camp scenario fairy-tale city. Scenario of the quest holiday “Pirate Adventures”

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Quest game for schoolchildren "School of Young Scouts". Scenario

Description of material: the material can be used by teachers-organizers of educational institutions as an independent event or as part of a larger event, for example: the game “Zarnitsa”, the game “Memory Express” and others. In our institution of additional education, the quest “School of Young Scouts” was held as part of the regional gathering of search teams “Heirs of Victory.” 10 teams took part in the rally. Each detachment received a route sheet and performed various tasks at the stations. The quest script was prepared as quickly as possible in order to fill the gaps that occurred when the squads passed certain stations. The participants really liked the “School of Young Scouts” quest.
Target: civic-patriotic education of students.
– formation of knowledge about the military, about the defenders of the Motherland;
– development of physical and intellectual qualities of students
(dexterity, ingenuity, speed, etc.), ability to work in a team;
– development of children’s creative abilities;
– nurturing in students the qualities necessary for the future defender of the Motherland, a sense of mutual assistance, endurance, resourcefulness, courage, perseverance, the ability to act cohesively in difficult situations, a responsible attitude to the task at hand;
– nurturing love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions that evoke emotional experiences in them.

Equipment and materials: route sheets by the number of teams, in which the leader, after each completed task, notes the number of stars received, removes penalty points or, on the contrary, adds points for a perfectly completed task; stars (cut out of red cardboard); items necessary and unnecessary for a scout; chalk for depicting “bumps” of an improvised swamp on the asphalt of the playground; children's game "Darts" (gun with suction cups and target); inflatable water bombs; diplomas for the winners and participants of the game.
Location: Parking area of ​​the institution of additional education.

Progress of the game.

General formation of squads.
Leading. Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to the School of Young Scouts.
- Do you know who the scouts are?
- Scouts are very attentive, careful, and also reliable, specially trained people. There are special schools for intelligence officers. And today I invite you to go through military intelligence school and become real intelligence officers!
You have to complete difficult tasks and become real intelligence officers, and, as expected, receive prizes for good studies! For correctly and quickly completed tasks, the commander and squad will receive stars. Is the goal clear?
- But you don’t have a commander yet. I will ask questions and the one who gives the most correct answers will become a commander and lead the rest through the difficult but interesting everyday life of scouts!
1. What kind of headgear does a fighter wear during a fight to protect his head from injury? (helmet)
2. What do both the rifle and the tree have? (trunk)
3.A place where you can shoot at targets? (shooting gallery)

4. Heavy combat vehicle? ( tank)
Participants answer, if three or more children are selected, then two additional questions are asked to choose one
1. The cover from which the soldiers are shooting? (trench)
2. A soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland? (border guard)

Leading. Now you have a commander. And I want to meet him.
- What is your name? (commander's response)
- A wonderful name, but from now on you need to forget it.

Task 1. “My call sign”

Leading. When going on reconnaissance missions, scouts do not take with them documents confirming their identity, so that if they are captured, enemies will not be able to find out anything about them. And they don't use their real names when communicating with each other. So now we’ll come up with and remember your call signs together.
Participants come up with call signs for themselves and call them in turn; each next participant must repeat the call sign of the previous one and name their own.

Task 2. “Getting ready for reconnaissance”

Leading. Great! Before starting the operation, the scout must be properly equipped with all the essentials! You need to select from the proposed items only those without which the scout cannot go on reconnaissance, put them in a duffel bag and tie it correctly.
Items: Binoculars, weapons, compass, first aid kit, wallet, matches, shovel, telephone, passport, mirror. The squads choose what the scout needs, justify their choice, and correctly fold and tie the duffel bag.

The squad that completed the task correctly receives an asterisk.

Task 3. “Flash from the right!”

Leading. Now we will test your reaction and attention! A scout must have them well developed!
- Commander! Build a squad!
The commander builds a detachment and responds to the command “Flash from the left!” they must step to the right... up/down (bend down, jump).
1. Flash on the left! – go right
2. Flash from above! – bend down
3. Flash on the left! – go right
4. Flash from below! – jump
5. Flash from below! – jump
6. Flash from above! – bend down
7. Flash on the right! – go left

The squad that completed the task correctly receives an asterisk.

Task 4. “Walk through the swamp.”

Leading. Well done! You are well prepared and your squad of scouts is sent on a combat mission. You will need to cross the swamp, locate the enemy and destroy him. Conditions: you must move in complete silence so as not to be detected. Holding hands, walk the whole squad over the hummocks in such a way that the legs of two scouts stand on the same hummock at the same time.

The squad that completed the task correctly receives an asterisk.

Task 5. “Sniper”.

Leading. Well done! We passed through the swamp with/without losses (the presenter comments on the results of the passage).
You are at the target - the enemy positions are in front of you. Task: three players need to destroy the enemy with a pistol (darts) and three players to throw grenades at the enemy trenches (inflatable water bombs).

The squad that completed the task correctly receives an asterisk.

The game is summed up and the winner is determined based on the number of stars received.

While the results were being summed up, participants could take photographs in a specially prepared area.

Leading. Each of you today demonstrated how attentive and smart you are. Working in one team, you have proven your courage, perseverance and friendliness! You all went through the school of military intelligence and, while carrying out a combat mission, showed yourself to be real intelligence officers! I want to express my gratitude to you for the successfully completed task and reward the winners and participants.
Thanks to all!
Awards ceremony taking place

Recently, parents often choose quests as entertainment for children's parties. And this choice is completely justified. After all, what kids look forward to most at a holiday is entertainment; they want active recreation. And of course, children love to solve secrets and riddles. Therefore, a series of tasks united by a single goal or theme always delights children of any age.

Parents want the quest to be simple in terms of its implementation; it requires a minimum of props. This is especially true if the holiday will take place outdoors and a quest game is planned for children on the street.

This is exactly the quest scenario we want to present to you. It is designed for preschoolers and elementary school students who know letters, numbers, and can read and write. All the tasks are simple and can be solved by a preschooler or first grader.

The theme of the quest is animals, and the tasks are somehow related to them.

The quest is designed for one team, that is, all participants go through it together, everyone has a common goal, there are no winners and losers, which means no one will be offended.

An adventure can be organized in the forest, in the park. A prerequisite is the presence of trees, bushes, grass. Locations with tasks do not have to be far from each other, even if they are all within sight. Participants still don’t know in advance in what order they will go through the stages

Preparation and necessary props

First stage

You will need: an envelope, a sheet of paper with crossword puzzle tasks, a sheet with the crossword puzzle itself, a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen.

We hide the crossword and the tasks for it in an envelope. The envelope must be in the hands of the leader at the beginning of the quest.

Second phase

You will need: a file, a printed image of a goat, printed and cut out words and syllables, clothespins or paper clips to attach the words and syllables to the bush.

We are looking for a suitable tree with a bush growing next to it, or just a separately growing bush. We hide the file with the image of the goat and the text of the task in a file. We attach the file to a tree or bush with a rope or a button. We attach words and syllables to the bush with clothespins in random order. It is not necessary to hang everything in plain sight to make it more interesting; we hide several of them deep into the bush.

Third stage

Props: a file, a printed image of a fox, an envelope with a task, several matchboxes or Kinder Surprise capsules, printed clues and several empty pieces of paper that are hidden in matchboxes.

In the file we put an image of a fox, the text of the task and attach it to the tree.

There should be more boxes than clues. Some will have papers with hints, and some will have blank papers. This will complicate the search process and make it more interesting. We hide the boxes carefully; for this it is advisable to look for tall grass. Matchboxes can be replaced with Kinder Surprise capsules.

Fourth stage

We need: a file with a picture of a cat, an envelope with a printed assignment, several identical ropes, 9 mouse figures cut out of cardboard. Each mouse has a letter on it. From the letters you can form the word “treasure”.

We attach the file with the image of the cat and the task to the tree. We string mouse figures in random order onto ropes - 2-3 pieces on each rope. We wrap the ropes around the tree so that they are not too easy to unwind.

Here's a mouse template:

Fifth stage

Props: a file with images of mice and a task. You will also need a bucket of sand and a lockable box. The treasures will be hidden in the box. You can use sweets, small toys, souvenirs, stickers and other nice little things as treasures.

We hide the key to the castle in a bucket of sand.

Well, now we begin our quest for children in nature, the tasks have been prepared and are waiting for the participants.

Start of the adventure

The presenter holds the envelope with the first task. The envelope contains a crossword puzzle that needs to be solved. There are only four riddles in the crossword puzzle, the answers to which fit into the cells, and as a result, in the gray cells we should get a key word. It is this word that will lead us to the next task.


  1. There are ears on the top of his head, he sleeps on a pillow. Mice hunter, who is he? …….(Cat)
  2. Our grandmother is ready to give milk...... (Cow)
  3. He jumps very cleverly, he loves carrots (Hare)
  4. Barks loudly, guards, protects from villains. (Dog)

What word did we get? Goat! This means we are looking for the next task where the goat is drawn.

Location Goat

The guys run to a tree with a file with a picture of a goat attached to it. The following task is found in this file.

Text of the task: “Dear children! When I was grazing in the forest, I noticed that unusual leaves appeared on the bush. Apparently, forest animals left them here. You need to collect the leaves and figure out what is written on them.”

Participants collect pre-prepared leaves with words and syllables from the bush. Some syllables are missing in the words, they need to be inserted.



We insert syllables into words and get the names of animals:

  • squirrel;
  • hamster;
  • chipmunk;
  • chinchilla;

Host: Now let's see if there is anything in common between our animals? Maybe one of them is redundant?

Children must guess that almost all of the animals listed are rodents, except for the fox. If it is difficult for children to guess, the presenter can ask leading questions: what do all these animals eat, what is common in their appearance, etc. In the end, the children come to the conclusion that the fox is the odd one out on this list. This will be the key to the next task. Children are looking for a tree with a picture of a fox.

Location Chanterelle

Host: Let's take out the envelope and see what task the cunning fox has prepared for us.

The presenter takes out an envelope and reads the task: “Hello guys, I’m a little fox-sister. Help me in my trouble! I had some clues, but I ran, waved my tail, and the clues fell apart. Help me collect them!”

Children look for matchboxes with clues in the grass. Then they open each of them and figure out what is hidden in them.

And here are the tips themselves:

  • not water, but liquid, not snow, but white (milk)
  • lives in a river, but is not a frog (fish)
  • It can be for children, and it is also used to make cheesecakes (cottage cheese)
  • small and gray, but everyone is afraid of her (mouse)

Host: Well, the children, we helped the fox with the clues, but what is encrypted in them?

Children try to guess it themselves; if they don’t succeed, you can give them some advice. All the answers are the food of some animal. Which one exactly? That's right, cat! So now we need to look for a tree with a picture of a cat.

Location Cat

Host: Guys, let's see what kind of task the fluffy cat has prepared for us. We take out the text of the task from the envelope.

Text of the task: “Hello kids! I got lost in the forest and lost all my mice along the way. Help me find them. I know for sure that the mice must tell you something very important, but I don’t know what exactly...”

Kids unravel the rope on the tree, removing cardboard mice from it. When all the mice are removed from the rope, you need to make a word from the letters depicted on them. Participants form the word “Treasure”.

Host: What did we do? Treasure! What does it mean? That the treasure is somewhere close! And who gave us a hint about the treasure! Right! Mice! So we are looking for the next task from the mice.

Mouse Location

Children approach the tree with mice, the leader takes out the task from the file.

Text of the task: “Hello kids, we are mouse friends! The key to the treasure was hidden in our hole, but the hole was filled up and now the key is under the sand. Help me find the key, and as a reward you will receive treasures from the secret chest.”

Participants together look for a key in a bucket of sand. If you want to complicate the task, take several different keys and hide them in the sand. Then the guys will have to go through several keys before finding the right one.

When the key is found and the chest is opened, the kids happily take their treasure!


It’s good to organize such a quest when the holiday is coming to an end. Sweets found in the chest can complement the sweet table.

The duration of this quest is from half an hour to an hour. The duration of the event will depend on the participants themselves and on the presenter, in particular on whether he will give them prompts and ask leading questions.

If desired, you can supplement the children's quest on the street with a map. Make such a map based on the location of locations in your area. Although the map does not play a special role in the quest itself, it is rather for the general surroundings.

Almost all the props can be found in any stationery store, which greatly simplifies the organization of the quest. The exception is a bucket of sand and a box with a lock. If finding a bucket and sand is not a problem, then the box will have to be selected according to size, and perhaps decorate it, because it is, after all, a treasure. Well, you’ll have to use dad to attach the lock to the box.

We wish you a happy children's holiday!

New! Quest for children in nature “Summer Vacation” - a ready-made set of colorfully designed tasks with which you can organize an exciting quest to find hidden treasure for children in nature (at the dacha, in the village, on the street in the courtyard of a private house or cottage, in a children's camp, on the river or seashore, on seaside resort).

Quest for children in nature “Summer Holidays” is a great way to have fun with children in nature during the summer holidays.

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones based on keywords, print them out and immediately before starting the game, arrange them in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • The outdoor quest for children “Summer Vacation” includes a set of tasks, each of which is hidden in a specific place. The solution to each riddle reveals the location where the next clue is hidden. This creates a chain of tasks that must be completed step by step in order to find the hidden surprise.
  • The quest provides a wide variety of universal places in nature (at the dacha, in the village, on the street in the courtyard of a private house or cottage, in a children's camp, on the river or seashore, at a seaside resort), where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • The kit allows you to create your own unique search chain: tasks can be arranged in any order and can be completed in any number of stages, which is very convenient for the quest organizer.
  • The clues are colorfully designed and contain interesting puzzles and intelligence tasks based on word games. The set contains 8 types of tasks with different keyword options.
  • The kit is intendedfor children from 8 years old. The tasks are not primitive, they are selected in such a way that they will be interesting not only for children, but also for teenagers.

Using this kit you can organize a quest:

  • for two commands: each type of task is completed in two versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and intelligence of the players;
  • for one player or for one team of players: in this case, the game organizer will have a choice of the most convenient places in nature to create a search chain; in each type of task, you need to choose the option with the most suitable keyword.

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way using a special postcards. It's durable and takes just a few minutes to cook (details included), with the first clue in the middle; Postcard format - A4. When finished it looks like this:

completing assignments

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Parrot's hint ( package, post ). Interesting code.
  2. Confusion on the beach ( stone, flower bed). Observation task: you need to find slippers that do not have a pair.
  3. At sea (bag, hat ) . An interesting, colorfully designed task.
  4. Cloud Cipher ( coniferous tree, fruit tree). A task for attentiveness and concentration.
  5. Mysterious beasts ( magazine, newspaper) . A fun task, you need to figure out which animals are hidden in the picture.
  6. Giraffes clue ( water, bush). Testing your knowledge of the Russian language :)
  7. Wrong letters ( fencing,leading). To read the clue, you need to cross out all the wrong letters.
  8. Cache ( gate,porch). Original logic task.
  • postcard to start the quest
  • recommendations for preparing and conducting the quest
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(the card and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Set format: tasks and answers - 32 pages, instructions - 5 pages (pdf files), postcard for starting the quest (jpg file)

After clicking the button, you will be taken to the cart

Payment is made through the payment system Robo cash via a secure protocol. You can choose any convenient payment method.

Within an hour after successful payment, 2 letters from will be sent to your email address: one of them with a check confirming the payment made, another letter with the theme“Order on #N for the amount of N rubles. paid Congratulations on your successful purchase!” — It contains a link to download materials.

Please enter your email address without errors!

Ekaterina Konevskaya
Scenario of the quest holiday “Pirate Adventures”

Holiday scenario« Pirate adventures»


1. Promote a healthy lifestyle, encourage children to participate in physical education and sports.

2. Reinforce previously learned skills: running, jumping, hitting the target.

3. Comprehend and solve problems that arise under certain circumstances.

4. Develop the physical qualities of juniors schoolchildren: strength, endurance, speed. Courage, agility, confidence.

5. Create a positive mood and joy adventure.

Decor: draperies, paper anchor, net, Jolly Roger, checkboxes.

Suits pirates: hats, vests, vests, bondans, torn pants.

The progress of the holiday

(music sounds, appears pirate)


Hey half-hearted! All the way up!

What kind of joke? What kind of laughter?

We can't stand fun

We take what we want, we don’t ask.


Arguing with us is of little use,

There are no barriers to the sea WOLF.

We know the treasures of all the seas

In the holds of different ships.

Pirate 1: Guys, I want to tell you the good news, you have a treasure hidden somewhere. But only real people are allowed to look for treasure. pirates.

Who wants to become like that and find treasures?

Pirate2:Those who wish must undergo INITIATION PIRATES:

Pirate1:To sail on ships you need to be able to maintain balance during a storm.

Pirate2: Pirates must be sharp.

Pirate1: All seafarers must be able to listen to the captain and follow orders for the ship:

Left hand drive! - step to the left.

Right steering wheel! - step to the right.

Nose! - step forward.

Stern! - step back.

Raise the sails! - everyone stops and raises their hands up.

Scrub the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.

Cannonball! - everyone squats.

The admiral is on board! - everyone freezes, stands at attention and salutes.

Pirate 2: Let's all try to carry out my commands together, right rudder, stern, raise sails, cannonball, bow, admiral on board, scrub the deck, right rudder. Well done!

Pirate 1:Pirates must be cunning and not fall for tricks. You need to answer quickly and correctly puzzles:

Fastest from fear

Rushing (not a turtle, but a hare).

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot, brown... (not a wolf, but a bear)

In your warm puddle

Croaked loudly... (not a sparrow, but a frog).

Walked along a steep mountain

Overgrown with fur... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

In the thicket I raised my head,

Howling from hunger... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).

Like in a bus salon

Jumped into mom's bag... (not an elephant, but a baby kangaroo).

The sun's ray has gone out over the forest

The king of beasts is sneaking... (not a rooster, but a lion).

Having overcome all obstacles,

The faithful one hits with his hoof... (not a lion, but a horse).

He takes the hay with his trunk

Thick-skinned... (elephant, not hippo).

The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head.

There is no bird more beautiful than... (not a crow, but a peacock).

Who likes to run around on branches?

Of course, red... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

A simple question for kids:

“Who is the cat afraid of?”(not mice, but dogs)

Pirate2: Great team - everyone is so smart, cunning, dexterous! Future pirates are ready. But only the real ones can go in search of the real treasure. pirates, therefore all participants need to confirm the solemn oath:

"Joining the ranks pirates and I swear to honor treasure seekers pirate code“, don’t be a coward, don’t be discouraged, help your comrades, divide the found treasures according to honor and conscience, otherwise let me be deprived of my share of the treasures and thrown to the sharks.” We swear! We swear! We swear!

We raise the anchors

Let's go to the seas!

We are fearless guys.

Children: Because we pirates!

There is a menacing wave in the sea,

Hurricanes and storms

Well, we are sailing somewhere.

Children: Because we pirates!

We love all the animals

Inhabitants of the seas:

Octopus, dolphins, stingrays.

Children: Because we pirates!

We sharpened our knives

Those who didn't hide - tremble!

Only we are not to blame

Children: Because we pirates!

We're sailing straight to the island,

We'll find treasures there!

Let's live richly, friends.

Children: Because we pirates!

Pirate2: Now to find the treasure, you need to know where to look for it, if you complete all our tasks you will receive lines of verse from which you will compose a riddle and its solution - this will be the place where the treasure is hidden. Now you will be divided into teams. (To divide children into teams, you need to print two types of tokens in advance, the guys draw tokens from a hat and everyone stands on their team, each pirate will accompany his team to stations)

Pirate 1: And now each class must come up with a name for their team, choose a captain and come up with a motto. (invented, shouted)

Pirates 2: well, all the guys, and now on adventures!

(Tasks for stations, teams have waybills, the route is planned so that teams do not meet at stations)

Exercise 1 "ERUDITE" (Check for knowledge of maritime terms)

Sea vessel or otherwise... (ship)

The main person on the ship after the captain (boatswain)

Sailor Apprentice (cabin boy)

Tall wooden sail support (mast)

Launch board (ladder)

Sea robbers (pirates)

Ship's rudder (steering wheel)

Sun setting over the horizon (sunset)

Duty on the ship (watch)

Most famous pirate(Flint)

Ship's cook (cook)

Accommodation for captain or passengers (cabin)

A large body of salt water smaller than an ocean (sea)

The land is washed on all sides by what? What do you call something that is much larger than the sea? (ocean)

Stormy weather with thunder and lightning (storm)

Ship's rudder (steering wheel)

That which blows the sails (wind)

What does a sailor dream of doing after a long voyage? (shore)

Convenient harbor for a ship (bay)

Sea storm (storm)

Back of the ship (stern)

Kitchen on a ship (galley)

Task 2 "Sea Pearl"

Teams line up like a train and pass the ball back and forth, first above their heads, then from the side, then between their legs

Props: ball

Task 3. "sea" captains competition

On the table (chair or sturdy surface) two glasses are placed. A straw for cocktails is placed nearby. The task of the players is to pour water from one glass to another using a straw as quickly as possible.

Requisites:2 glasses, straws

Task 4. "Pier"

The teams are given paper clips and an anchor, they must connect all the paper clips in a minute and attach the anchor to the chain. Who has the longest chain? Each one in turn.

Props: paper clips, cardboard anchor 2 pcs.

Task 5. "Journey"

Teams receive a world map cut into several parts, which they must assemble like a puzzle in 1 minute.

Props:2 cards.

Task 6. « Pirate dancing»

Sea dance music sounds "Bullseye". All participants must dance it. Just dancing pirate may show some dance tricks or movements. After pirate commands: And now we dance shoulder to shoulder, and now back to back, knee to knee, foot to foot, forehead to forehead.

Task 7. "Fog"

Skittles will be required for this competition. The pins are being set up "snake" in front of the team. Only the captain's eyes are open, the participants cling to him like a train, the task is to try to go the distance without touching the pins with their eyes closed.

Props: skittles

Task 8. "Mark".

Team members line up one after another, each participant has a lump of newspaper in their hands, and take turns throwing the lumps into the bucket opposite, which team has more hits.

Props: 2 buckets, lumps from newspaper.

Task 9. "Island"

The team has laid out islands in front of them, the task is to get across one by one (jumping) across the islands from one shore to the other.

Props: islands cut from linoleum.

Pirate1: Guys, we had so much fun, I think friendship won. Let's open our treasure

(pirates give out gifts)

Pirate2:Did you guys like ours? adventure? Our journey is over for today, until we meet again.

(you can turn on the music to dance)


♦ cultivate a sense of collectivism in students;

♦ develop reaction speed;

♦ develop skills of mutual assistance and assistance;

♦ teach children to make their own decisions.

Description of the game.

In general, the idea for the game appeared thanks to the television program “Keys to Fort Boyard”. In this case, the players’ task can also be to collect keys or any other objects (in our case, these are rings). Several teams participate in the game. Since the game script was written for a children's organization, the participation of several units of the organization is implied. Squads can have from 6 to 10 people. The main condition is that all team members take part in overcoming the stages of the game, since at each stage one person from the squad participates. The task of the squad is to go through the stages as quickly as possible and not “lose” the participants.

So, at the start, participants are told that they must find a certain number of keys or some objects. This number depends on the number of stages, that is, at each stage you can get one key. One minute is given to complete the task of the stage; if the participant fails, he is sent to the “kingdom of shadows”, from where the team can help him out by guessing the riddle. After the teams complete all stages, the winner is determined. To find stages, you can give a map, or you can complicate the game by searching for them. The team that completes the tasks the fastest and has the most participants at the end of the game wins.

Then the team has the right to choose, but more on that below.

The game is designed to be played at school.

Stage options.

1. One of the participants is locked in an office where there are a large number of keys. His task is to choose the key and open himself.

2. There is a rope stretched at different levels in the room; you need to get to the ring by going through the ropes and without touching them. To make it more complicated, you can hang bells on the ropes.

3. At this stage the ring is put on a long and tangled rope. It must be removed by unraveling the rope,

4. The ring is suspended on a hanging rope, that is, you need to climb up the rope and remove the ring. (Held in the gym.)

5. There are many closed boxes in the room, each of which contains something. You need to find a ring that is hidden in one of the boxes.

6. At this stage, you need to look at the colored balls laid out in a certain order and after 30 seconds, also fold them.

7. The stage is taken from the game "Fort Boyard". You need to hammer in a nail, hitting it alternately with the head of this stage. The participant wins if his blow is the last.

8. There are boxes on the wall bars in the gym. One of them contains a ring. You can open the boxes only by going up and down the wall each time.

9. In the room, a net is stretched at a height of 50 cm from the floor (for example, from a football goal), and keys hang on it. You need to find the right key and use it to open the lock on which the ring hangs.

10. Draw a target with numbers from 1 to 5 marked on it. You need to knock out 50 points in one minute using a small ball.

11. At a certain height, for example in the gym on a basketball basket, a box with a ring is installed. You need to knock it down with a small ball.

You can come up with more stages, if you have the desire and the necessary equipment.

So, the stages have been completed, the winner has been determined. Now the winning squad faces the most difficult thing - choice. In front of the players of the winning squad are two rows of cards, the first row is open and the following inscriptions are on the cards:

After the winners choose their card, they can open a card from the second row:

The prize could be a cake, and the incentive prize could be candy. But this is up to you to decide for yourself.

For the game you will need a large number of assistants, those who will organize the completion of tasks at the stages, those who will take those who have dropped out of the game to the “kingdom of shadows”, the ruler of the “kingdom of shadows”. High school students will cope with this role.

tell friends