LENIN: why does the whole world want to watch a film that does not exist? LENIN: why does everyone want to watch a film that doesn’t exist? Spielberg will direct the film Lenin.

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He charmed the public from his first roles on the big screen. This handsome guy was especially remembered for his role in the disaster film Titanic. Then came roles no less colorful. Just the name Leo DiCaprio in the credits foreshadowed the success of any film project. And they turn out to be truly cult films, and not just box-office hits - “The Aviator”, “Shutter Island”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “The Wolf of Wall Street”... In total, the actor’s filmography includes 156 films - and not a single one that was unsuccessful!

Russian roots

This has been known for a long time, and the actor did not hide his origin, calling himself half Russian. However, this information shocked absolutely everyone. It turns out that news doesn't travel that fast. Five years ago, in an interview with a Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist, the actor admitted that he was attracted to the roles of great personalities, leaders. Then he said that he would love to play Stalin. Why?

“I’m very interested in the topic of Russian history,” DiCaprio replied. - My grandmother, my mother’s mother, is a Russian emigrant, Elena Stepanovna Smirnova. Her family emigrated to Germany after the October Revolution, and in 1955 my grandmother and my grandfather, Wilhelm Indenbirken, moved to America. She told me a lot about the trials that befell the country and its people during the Second World War and after it, about concentration camps, repressions and much more. And it would be interesting for me to embody the image of Stalin. But no one offers such a scenario!

In the same interview with KP, the actor gladly agreed that everyone tells him of his similarities with the leader of the world proletariat in his youth. One can only dream about this role too. There are no offers yet. To which the journalist reminded: you are a producer yourself, you can promote your ideas yourself. Leo thought about it. And he lied a little, keeping silent about the fact that such a scenario is brewing in the depths of Russian cinema, and he is even being invited to audition.

About Putin, Leo and tigers

That same year, the idol of millions of viewers met with Vladimir Putin at a forum to protect the Amur tiger. The press then loudly reported that the star was donating a million dollars to save the tiger. It is known that DiCaprio created his own charitable foundation for the protection of wildlife. And this summer he donated $15 million to environmental organizations. In 2014, it was this actor who became the UN climate envoy.

Many people remember the adventures with which Leonardo DiCaprio traveled to St. Petersburg. An emergency situation occurred with the plane en route; the pilots were forced to turn on the fire extinguishing system, and to do this they had to turn off all engines. So the plane was in free fall for some time. He had to make an emergency landing in Helsinki. DiCaprio did not fly back, but flew to Russia on another flight. Vladimir Putin with obvious pleasure told this story to the forum participants, while noting the composure of the pilots and, naturally, the courage of Leonardo DiCaprio, who not only arrived, but literally broke into St. Petersburg, showing that he is a “real man”!

During the conversation, Putin asked the actor if he speaks Russian. To which he replied that his grandmother, whom he dreamed of bringing home to St. Petersburg, would be happy to speak Russian, but, alas, she passed away in 2008.

Five years have passed

During this time, a lot has changed. One of the pleasant paradoxes of the five-year plan is that world celebrities began to declare their love for Russia with enviable frequency. And some expressed a desire to become Russians, or at least obtain Russian citizenship. And they got it - actors Gerard Deperdieu, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, this year boxer Roy Jones became a Russian. Another Hollywood tabloid star, Vin Diesel, writes on Instagram about his love for Russia “at first sight,” who posted a photograph taken in the center of Moscow. Perhaps someone thinks they are crazy. But they have their own reasons. It seems that Russia is becoming a kind of fashion brand for world celebrities.

And here’s a new sensation: Leonardo DiCaprio announced his desire to obtain Russian citizenship. He said this in an interview with Planet Today. He again recalled his Russian roots. There is no doubt that the actor did not forget the conversation five years ago with the KP correspondent; moreover, it can be assumed that all these years he nurtured and developed the same idea: to try on the images of Soviet leaders, namely Lenin and Stalin.

Will there be a movie?

The actor himself and God know this for now. One thing we know for sure: the role of Lenin is his cherished dream, and perhaps his fixation. However, back in 2008, the media reported that there was an idea to create a grotesque comedy “Lenin’s Brain” based on the script of Alexander Borodyansky. Naturally, the question of who would perform the role of leader was also discussed. And then it was just about the actor’s stunning resemblance to the young leader of the proletariat. So it is quite possible that we will see DiCaprio in the role of Lenin.

There is also no information yet about when and how Leonardo DiCaprio will receive Russian citizenship. But who can imagine that such a person will be denied the desire to receive a Russian passport?

Why doesn't Leo win an Oscar?

This, of course, outrages his fans. And he already has a Russian Oscar. In 2014, when the actor was once again “taken for a ride” with the Oscar, in Chelyabinsk they made their own figurine for him with the name “Askar”. This sculptural image of a cast iron bodybuilder, weighing 1 kilogram, was sent by post to America.

The next “phenomenon” of the public’s favorite to the Russian audience is coming very soon: on January 7, the film “The Revenant” with Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role will be released in Russia.

If you also noticed Leonardo DiCaprio in the image of Lenin on your Facebook and do not understand what is happening, welcome to our club. For several weeks now, the internet has been discussing the poster of a mysterious film by Steven Spielberg, a private screening of which was supposed to take place in one of the Moscow cinemas (which, however, existed during the years of the October Revolution). Surprised by the incredible resemblance of the Hollywood actor to the famous leader, ELLE finds out where the film LENIN came from, does it really exist and who needed all this? Looking ahead, we warn you that the story is quite mystical.

It happened like this: one evening DiCaprio appeared in our feed - it seemed like a common thing, but wait, where did this very familiar mustache come from? If you look closely, Leo's profile really resembles the legendary leader, and behind him flutters a real red banner. The name looks intimidating - LENIN - and above it is an equally promising slogan: “The dawn of millions in the hands of one.”

And while fans spent the whole night discussing the actor’s new role, finding out whether he could cope with “such an important role,” and at the same time trying on the images of Roosevelt and Leonardo da Vinci (he confirmed his participation in these biographical films), famous film critics woke up. The news excited both foreign and Russian film experts, and everyone unanimously repeated that the project does not exist, it’s all just another Internet joke, depicted, however, flawlessly.

The reaction of the mysterious “producers”, who allegedly announced the imminent release of the film, was not long in coming: first on American and then on Russian Facebook, an event appeared with a date, time and address, where anyone could attend. All you had to do was click on the “go” action and wait for the coveted date of the special screening of the event.

It turned out that in addition to DiCaprio, other Hollywood stars took part in the film: Daniel Radcliffe played the role of Leon Trotsky, Robert Downey Jr. played Yakov Sverdlov, Francois Arnault played Joseph Stalin, Scarlett Johansson played the role of Nadezhda Krupskaya, and Salma Hayek played Inessa Armand. “Not a cast, but a real meeting of the CPSU Central Committee,” wrote social network users.

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The description of the picture also turned out to be convincing:

“Steven Spielberg's film LENIN is a tragic love story between Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin and Inessa Armand, the daughter of the French opera singer Théodore d'Herbenville, which lasted almost until her death. According to some reports, the Leader of the October Socialist Revolution could not bear the loss and died 4 years later. Spielberg's new film, according to critics, deliberately understates the role of Lenin's wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, in his development as a revolutionary. Also, very little attention is paid to their family relationships. Many compare this work of the famous director with the infamous film “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel, which was released.”

The only thing that pointed to the prank (which was really a success, because many people ignored the year) was the date of the premiere: November 7, 1917, the date of the October Revolution.

Where the mysterious poster came from is still unknown, although film critics admitted that the work was done at a really high level - just look at the rare photographs of stars, as if they were taken recently. But there is no doubt about one thing - the box office receipts of the film about Lenin with DiCaprio in the title role will definitely exceed all expectations, so Hollywood producers should think about it.

For several weeks now, the internet has been discussing the poster of a mysterious film by Steven Spielberg, a private screening of which was supposed to take place in one of the Moscow cinemas (which, however, existed during the years of the October Revolution).

The resemblance between Leonardo and Vladimir Ilyich is simply incredible.
So where did the film LENIN come from, does it really exist and who needed all this?
The story is quite mystical.

And the slogan is “The dawn of millions in the hands of one.”

Mysterious producers allegedly announced the imminent release of the film; first, an event appeared on American and then on Russian Facebook with a date, time and address, where anyone could attend.
All you had to do was click on the “go” action and wait for the coveted date of the special screening of the event.

It turned out that in addition to DiCaprio, other Hollywood stars took part in the film: Daniel Radcliffe played the role of Leon Trotsky, Robert Downey Jr. played Yakov Sverdlov, Francois Arnault played Joseph Stalin, Scarlett Johansson played the role of Nadezhda Krupskaya, and Salma Hayek played Inessa Armand.

The description of the picture also turned out to be convincing:

“Steven Spielberg's film LENIN is a tragic love story between Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin and Inessa Armand, the daughter of the French opera singer Théodore d'Herbenville, which lasted almost until her death.

According to some reports, the Leader of the October Socialist Revolution could not bear the loss and died 4 years later.

Spielberg's new film, according to critics, deliberately understates the role of Lenin's wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, in his development as a revolutionary.

Also, very little attention is paid to their family relationships.
Many compare this work of the famous director with the infamous film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” that was released.”

The only thing that pointed to the prank (which was really a success, because many people ignored the year) was the date of the premiere: November 7, 1917, the date of the October Revolution.


Where the mysterious poster came from is still unknown, although film critics admitted that the work was done at a really high level - just look at the rare photographs of stars, as if they were taken recently.

But there is no doubt about one thing - the box office receipts of the film about Lenin with DiCaprio in the title role will definitely exceed all expectations, so Hollywood producers should think about it.

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