Leonardo DiCaprio interests and hobbies. Leonardo DiCaprio: biography

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Name: Leonardo DiCaprio

Age: 43 years

Place of birth: Los Angeles, USA

Height: 183 cm

Occupation: actor and producer

marital status: Not maried

Leonardo DiCaprio: biography

Having built a dizzying career and having earned a huge fortune, Leo still can’t make a choice future wife, but he’s already 43...

The only child of a judge's assistant and an illustrator was born in the poorest area of ​​Los Angeles. Leo is an American, but Italian, German and Russian blood flows in his veins: Leonardo's maternal grandmother Elena Smirnova was born in pre-revolutionary Russia.

A family legend says: the mother tried to develop the baby even before giving birth - during pregnancy she listened to Mozart, visited art galleries. The woman was admiring a painting by Leonardo da Vinci when she felt the first movement of the fetus. That is why the parents decided to name their son after the great artist.

Childhood, family

When Leo was only a year old, his parents separated, and the boy stayed with his mother, and his father visited him on weekends. He drew comics and early years I instilled in my son the idea: a rich imagination can give you any life you want.

At two and a half years old, Leo performed on a television show, where his father brought him, and at five he participated in another television project - however, he was soon kicked out of it for inappropriate behavior.

Leonardo grew up a loudmouth and an upstart, did not study well, for which his classmates nicknamed him “the brake.” He often ran away from class and retired to a park bench somewhere to daydream. I didn’t want to return to the dirty closet, which he and his mother always didn’t have enough money to pay for.


In their area, boys had only two ways to “rise up”: become a drug dealer and get prison term or rob people and, in the end, also go to jail. Leo swore to himself that he could escape from this criminal environment. At the age of 14, he already went to auditions for commercials and sometimes even got a job, and then he began to look for an agent.

The professionals laughed at him and advised him to change two things first: his unfashionable haircut and his wonderful name. This angered Leo, but he still found an agent who was quite happy with his hairstyle and name. DiCaprio got roles in several TV series, including Santa Barbara, and at the age of 17 he was invited to a big movie: it was comedy movie horror film "Zubastiki-Z".

The image of a handsome blond was in demand both in advertising and among film directors. But Leonardo craved serious, deep roles. After filming with Robert de Niro in the film This Boy's Life, he was invited to a duet with Johnny Depp in the drama What's Eating Gilbert Grape, where Leo played a rather complex role of a mentally retarded teenager. From that moment on, an endless series of DiCaprio nominations began - for the Oscar, the prestigious British BAFTA award, the Golden Globe - which gave rise to many jokes in Hollywood. And yet, time after time, he took only second place: there was always someone better.

Over the course of his many-year career, the actor managed to show himself in a variety of film genres, earned a lot of money, achieved world fame, but only became the first in terms of the number of unreceived awards. Even for the Titanic, which gave him the status of a sex symbol! The creators of the most romantic film experienced an embarrassment: they simply “forgot” to nominate Leo for an Oscar nomination. But after the film “Romeo + Juliet” DiCaprio was called the best Romeo in the history of cinema.

Leonardo took everything that happened with a grain of irony - and again plunged into work. His roles in the films “The Man in the Iron Mask”, “The Beach”, “The Aviator”, “The Great Gatsby”, “The Wolf of Wall Street” and others received different estimates critics, but were received with a bang by the audience.

Finally, in 2016, Leonardo managed to break through this wall - for the film “The Revenant,” the 42-year-old actor received his first Oscar. His fans rejoiced. Leonardo himself reacted to this event philosophically. Is this a joke or real fact, but there were rumors that he had forgotten his long-awaited golden statuette in the taxi.

In one ads Leonardo DiCaprio receives five million, his average fee per film is 20 million, and the star's entire fortune is estimated at $245 million. Raised in poor family, who barely scraped together money for food, today DiCaprio is buying luxury real estate in Manhattan and an island in the Caribbean - planning to build an eco-resort on it. After all, your true purpose Leonardo sees not the art of cinema, but the protection of the planet. His foundation raises tens of millions of dollars, and DiCaprio personally donated 15 million to protect African animals.

IN ordinary life Leonardo does not look like a millionaire: he wears clothes from non-prestigious brands, walks the streets of New York; he does not have collections of diamonds or cars - there is only one eco-car in the actor's garage. However, Hollywood jokers claim that Leo does have one hobby: he “collects” beautiful models.

Leonardo DiCaprio: biography of personal life

Leo usually chooses women of the same type, long-haired blondes. And although he was never a womanizer, he gained a reputation eternal bachelor: no matter how long his relationship lasted, the actor never invited his lovers down the aisle. The only love Leonardo was and remains his mother Irmelin. He always consults with her, including on matters of his personal life.

Young DiCaprio's first strong passion was the Danish model Helena Christensen, one of the few brunettes on his list of girlfriends, who was also five years older than the actor. She was replaced by the Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen, whose relationship lasted five years. Gisele has the status of the highest paid model on the planet, so her relationship with Leo was definitely not mercantile.

After breaking up with her in 2005, “ best Romeo“I fell in love with the Israeli model Bar Refaeli for three years and was even ready to marry her, but... I fell in love with the Russian beauty - model Anna Vyalitsyna. Leonardo honors his Russian grandmother and has a weakness for Russian women, but Anna only managed to interest him for six months. Lasted the same amount of time beautiful novel with actress Blake Lively, who was replaced by Victoria's Secret "angel" Erin Heatherton in 2011, then Toni Garrn, Lorena Ray, Kelly Rohrbach and Sarah Snyder (of course, also models). In response to the jokes of journalists, DiCaprio smiled: “For I don’t have the courage to get married!” And in a private conversation with friends he admitted: he values ​​freedom too much to let someone ring him.

Gossips insisted: the actor has developed a phobia towards women - he is afraid that they do not love him, but only his money. However, two years ago, in the midst of an affair with a young supermodel Nina Agdal (17 years younger than Leo), the artist unexpectedly proposed marriage to her - right in a road eatery where they were eating hamburgers. The news spread across all the world's tabloids, but the couple did not announce the wedding date. A year later, during a vacation in Malibu, the bride became jealous of Leo’s next blonde, which was the reason for the separation.

IN recent months Leonardo is seen in a relationship with Camila Morrone, a 20-year-old actress and model from Argentina. They say that the lovers were introduced by Al Pacino himself, who is dating Camila's mother. But, knowing DiCaprio’s habits, it cannot be ruled out that he will go in search of new lady hearts. So if you are a young, beautiful and slender blonde, then you may well win the heart of the most eligible bachelor in Hollywood!

Author of biography: Marina Soboleva 408

Ladies' heartthrob and seducer of models, Hollywood actor with many film awards and a huge list of roles. All this is about the most eligible bachelor - Leonardo DiCaprio. His thorny path in his career and personal life can become the basis for a full-fledged biographical novel.

We will try to tell you about the brightest moments of the star’s life. You will learn about ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments. Lots of interesting facts about someone whose name has long been synonymous with creative success. Meet Leonardo DiCaprio.

Wilhelm Leonardo DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974 into a family of creative hermits from Los Angeles who preached hippie ideology. Little Leo DiCaprio's mother and father divorced when the baby was barely one year old. The boy was left alone with his mother, who named him that way because, while still pregnant, she inspiredly watched a painting by the artist Leonardo da Vinci.

The father, who was quite good at drawing comics, also took part in raising his son. But he did not have enough finances to provide favorable conditions for Leo and his mother. Therefore, the actor himself recalls his childhood years in the ghetto neighborhoods of Los Angeles with undisguised disgust.

In order to somehow distract the child from all the dirt that was going on on the streets, the parents tried to place him in best schools cities. When the boy barely learned to read and speak, his father took him to a casting in a nursery. television show, where DiCaprio’s love for the acting profession was born.

Already at the age of 14, the young man had an irresistible desire to act in films. His first auditions took place in such popular television series as “Santa Barbara”, “Roseanne”, as well as many others, where young talent proved himself in front of the camera.

In 1991, DiCaprio can be seen in a cameo role in the thriller Critters 3. A couple of years later, Leo was able to fulfill his dream and starred in one of the main roles in the movie “This Guy's Life” with Robert De Niro.

First creative successes and recognition

Popular actor Johnny Depp becomes Leo's next star partner in the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Having brilliantly played the role of a mentally retarded child, Leonardo DiCaprio received a nomination for the prestigious American film award “Golden Globe”. Later, film critics wanted to award Leo an Oscar for his participation in the filming of this film, but the actor failed to win.

But that's it for ambition young talent did not end: roles followed in famous paintings, where the most famous personalities of Hollywood, such as Sharon Stone and Russell Crowe, starred with him.

Due to his extraordinary resemblance to the famous marginal poet Arthur Rimbaud, DiCaprio was approved for a role in the film “Total Eclipse”, in which for the first time in his career the young man had to neglect moral principles and depict the slow decomposition of personality, the process of self-destruction and feelings of same-sex love. He masterfully played the poet and showed not only him mental anguish, but also creative impulses, a destructive craving for alcohol, tobacco and young boys.

The most striking film where Leo was able to fully reveal his acting potential was the social drama directed by Jim Carroll “The Basketball Diary”. The film about a teenager who connected his life with drugs received positive reviews from a variety of film critics.


Many consider the main triumph in DiCaprio’s career to be the disaster film produced and directed by James Cameron, filmed in the USA in 1997. We are talking, of course, about Titanic, where, in tandem with Kate Winslet, Leo was able to present to the viewer a completely new level sensual acting in cinema.

The film itself was awarded 11 Oscar awards, but at the same time a scandal erupted around this event, because the film academy did not want to nominate DiCaprio for the prize for best actor. However, the consolation for the actor was the nomination for the Golden Globe and the fact that after Cameron's film, young Leo became the highest paid actor in Hollywood.

"Gangs of New York"

The most striking creative tandem of director and actor in the world of cinema can be called Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio. Their close collaboration began in 2002 during the filming of historical film“Gangs of New York”, the plot of which tells about the confrontation between groups of the indigenous population of America and visitors.

Leo's work was highly praised by many film critics, and Scorsese himself was delighted after filming. However, not everyone sang the praises to the young actor, because the talented Daniel Day-Lewis, who performed main role, played better (according to some critics).


Biographical drama about difficult fate American businessman, the brilliant inventor and director Howard Hughes, brought the actor considerable success. For the first time in his long career, he received a Golden Globe Award, for which he had been nominated many times before.

But the failures with the Oscars continued, because honorary award went to Jamie Foxx, who played in Taylor Hackford's film "Ray". However, the audience with their sympathy once again proved that prizes and various film awards do not confirm acting leadership and outstanding talents, because there is only one star on the Olympus of Hollywood - and that is Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Shutter Island"

In 2010, Leonardo again agreed to appear in front of the camera with his spiritual mentor and symbolic father in the world of cinema - Martin Scorsese, in his new picture, psychological thriller"Shutter Island".

Denis Lehane's own cinematic interpretation of the novel was so successful, shocking and confusing that viewers for a long time tried to find a clue to the plot of the film. Open final The pictures still make even the most experienced film experts think twice.

Leonardo DiCaprio, with his acting, once again proved his superiority to the whole world, which was also appreciated by the famous director Christopher Nolan and in the same year invited Leo to star in his scientific thriller “Inception” with elements of fantasy, which explores the subconscious and dreams.

"Django Unchained"

The desire to go beyond genre cinema and move away from the image of a romantic young man from the deck of a sinking ship led DiCaprio to meet the cult Hollywood personality - director Tarantino. In 2012, a Western film, seasoned with Quentin’s characteristic cruelty and aesthetically precise taste, “Django Unchained,” was released.

In the film, Leo for the first time tries himself in the role of a villain who cynically insults black slaves and gets in the way of the heroes, preventing them from achieving their goal. After filming the film, DiCaprio again reincarnated as a sweet and charming guy, who at the awards ceremony lost his award to actor Christopher Waltz.

"The Great Gatsby" / "The Wolf of Wall Street"

In films about luxurious life and prestigious status cannot be neglected cast. In particular, the candidate for the leading role must correspond to the concept of the film, as well as be the embodiment of grace and elegant style.

In the romantic tragedy film “The Great Gatsby,” DiCaprio appears in the role of a stately man who became famous thanks to lavish parties. The film adaptation of the immortal novel by writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald caused controversy in academic circles, but again Leo's performance was on point.

In the next film directed by Scorsese, Leonardo appears before the audience in the same role successful businessman, but hiding his true essence behind this success. For his role in The Wolf of Wall Street, the actor was again nominated for an Oscar, but black line his career did not end there, and Leo was again deprived of the main award.

Spectators and friends could only repeat: “We believe In Leonardo DiCaprio” (“We believe in Leonardo DiCaprio”).


And here it is - the moment of triumph. In 2015, an action-packed film directed by the famous director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu, “The Revenant,” was released. The success of the film cannot be called a triumph of one actor, because the filming process required enormous effort.

But only Leonardo DiCaprio could play the role of a man abandoned in the wild, ready to stoop to base instincts in order to survive, so believably.

His talent was once again appreciated by loyal fans and with bated breath they watched the Oscar ceremony, which decided the fate of the actor. But this time the film critics of the Academy of Cinematography lost the fight, because the statuette went to Leo quite deservedly and justifiably.

At the very beginning of his career, Leo received the Silver Bear award. He got it for his performance best role(Best Actor) in the film “Romeo Plus Juliet” at the Berlin Film Festival. The actor is also the winner of 3 Golden Globe awards, a BAFT award and, of course, the main cinematic award Oscar, to which the actor has been working for a very long time. Well, really, where would we be without her?

But over the course of a long career, the star also had funny cases. For example, in 1999, he was awarded a rather controversial and peculiar prize, namely the Golden Raspberry anti-award, or “Razzie,” for the worst role played in the adventure film “The Man in the Iron Mask.” Three years later, Leonardo was again nominated for this award, but this time as the performer of the worst role in the film “The Beach” by British director Danny Boyle.

Personal life of Leonardo DiCaprio

News about the personal life of a star appears in the press quite often. Hollywood Alley glory. We'll tell you about the most interesting things.

It is known that since 1990, the aspiring actor was in a romantic relationship with the famous Danish model Helen Christensen, after which in 2000 he started a new relationship, but with an angel model Victoria Secret- Brazilian Gisele Bündchen.

Leo's craving for beautiful women It didn’t end there, and from 2006 to 2009 he built a relationship with an Israeli top model named Bar Refaeli. There were difficult moments in their relationship, they broke up and made up again, and in the summer of 2010 they even planned to get married. However, a year later, all the headlines said that the couple had separated.

Without falling into depression, DiCaprio meets a new life partner in the person of actress Blake Lively, the relationship with whom also did not last long.

2013 brought back the actor’s former desire for model women, and news appeared in the press that the hero began dating German model Toni Garrn, but this “relationship” was only a light affair.

  1. The actor has Russian, German and Italian roots.
  2. Leo lived in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of Los Angeles. His mother worked several jobs at once to support her child.
  3. Leonardo DiCaprio said in one of his interviews that filming the film “The Revenant” was very grueling and unbearably difficult for him. The actor spent a total of film set longer than nine months.
  4. Leonardo is one of the main owners of the Venturi Grand Prix Formula E racing team.
  5. The actor takes an active life position, because he advocates the conservation of endangered animals and the cleanliness of the environment. In addition to material donations, he himself drives only environmentally friendly cars.

Leonardo DiCaprio now - latest news

IN Lately There is little news about one of the brightest actors of our time, because Leo simply needs a well-deserved rest after the grueling filming of “The Revenant.” But some details about his personal life still appear in the media headlines.

Most of all, netizens are discussing new pictures of DiCaprio at the resort with model and current lover Camila Morrone. But the actor even plans his vacation in between filming Quentin Tarrantino’s new film “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” where the actor will play one of the main roles in a duet with Brad Pitt.

Soon we will again see Leonardo's brilliant performance and again admire his talent. After all, we were lucky to live at the same time as a legend who gave cinema and all viewers personally many new emotions and bright colors who transform this world into better side. Thanks for this to Leonardo DiCaprio - actor, producer and just a good person.

On February 28, 2016, after 22 long years and 6 nominations, Leonardo DiCaprio finally received his first Oscar as best actor for the film "The Revenant". Since his latest triumph was highly anticipated, celebrated by millions of fans and became one of the main events of the 88th awards ceremony, we decided to pay tribute to this phenomenal actor by compiling a list of the most interesting and little-known things, things you might not know about Leonardo DiCaprio.

Did you like Leonardo as Jack Dawson in epic drama 1997 "Titanic" or Frank William Abagnale's crime drama 2002's Catch Me If You Can, or as Jordan Belfort in the 2013 dark comedy The Wolf of Wall Street or Hugh Glass in the 2015 Oscar-winning action-western The Revenant, this actor is undoubtedly one of the greatest the most famous modern Hollywood actors.

However, apart from its Hollywood fame Leonardo DiCaprio is also an active environmentalist and philanthropist. He has donated large sums of money to help save tigers, protect the ocean, and help those affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake. No wonder he made it to the list of the 50 most beautiful people planets according to People magazine.

Leonardo DiCaprio is constantly in the spotlight, so we hope you are a little familiar with this wonderful man. However, we are pretty sure that there are quite a few things that you might still not know about Leonardo DiCaprio, despite his fame.

From his first screen appearance to his unexpected and dangerous encounter with a shark, here are 25 interesting facts you may still not know about Leonardo DiCaprio.

25. Leonardo DiCaprio was born in California - an American, but a lot of different blood flows in his veins. His mother Imelin was born in Germany, his father George is half Italian, half German, and one of his grandmothers is Russian. In one of the interviews given during a trip to Russia, the actor even called himself “half Russian.”

24. A dedicated environmentalist, Leonardo donated $3 million to save tigers in Nepal in 2013, and another $3 million in 2014 to protect the ocean. He also donated $1 million in 2010 to help Haitians affected by the devastating earthquake.

23. Leonardo was named after the famous Italian polymath and universal genius Leonardo Da Vinci, because he first pushed into his mother’s stomach when she looked at the artist’s work in Uffizi Gallery in Florence, and the artist father considered this name successful and suitable.

22. When Leonardo began his acting career, his agent advised him to change his name to something more harmonious for Americans - Lenny Williams. Needless to say, the actor did not follow his advice.

21. Leo has an adopted daughter. During the filming of Blood Diamond, he worked with 24 orphans from the SOS Children's Village in Mozambique. The actor developed a close connection with one of the orphan girls, and he decided to adopt her. The actor sends her money for room and board every month and is said to call her regularly to keep in touch.

20. In 2009, Kate Winslet also helped pay for accommodation in a nursing home for the last surviving Titanic passenger, so she did not have to sell off her memorabilia.

19. The actor was offered the role of Patrick Bateman in the film American Psycho, but he turned it down, since at that time his fans were overwhelmingly teenage girls.

18. In 1997, the actor was offered to play the role of porn star Dirk Diggler in the film Boogie Nights, but almost at the same time he received an offer to star in Titanic. The role of Dirk Diggler eventually went to his friend Mark Wahlberg.

17. Instead of wasting money on expensive cars, Leonardo DiCaprio owns only one - an environmentally friendly Toyota Prius. Also, unlike other people of the same level of fame and wealth, he always flies commercial flights, not wanting to buy a private jet. This allows you to both save money and protect environment from excessive harmful emissions.

16. A Time newspaper journalist once called DiCaprio boring because the actor could name 20 species of endangered animals from memory.

15. Leonardo DiCaprio has 11 favorite films: The Bicycle Thieves (1948), The Third Man (1949), Sunset Boulevard (1950), East of Eden (1955), The Bodyguard (1961) ), "Lawrence of Arabia" (1962), "Eight and a Half" (1963), " Space Odyssey 2001" (1968), "Taxi Driver" (1976), "Manhattan" (1979) and "The Shining" (1980).

14. After finishing filming Revolutionary Road, which became the second film together between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, he gave it to his good friend Golden ring with secret engraving. The actress still keeps secret what exactly is written on the ring.

13. Now Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg - Good friends, but in a 2013 interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Wahlberg admitted that he and Leonardo initially hated each other when they starred in 1995's The Basketball Diaries.

12. In 2006, Leonardo DiCaprio had a close and dangerous encounter with a white shark. While practicing cage diving in the waters of Cape Town ( South Africa) a great white shark, which usually does not pay attention to divers, suddenly burst into Leo’s cage. According to the actor, the 6-meter predator climbed almost halfway into the cage and chattered its teeth at arm's length. Fortunately, Leo managed to keep a sufficient distance by sinking to the bottom of the cage and trying to lie flat, which saved him. Divers who witnessed the scene said they had not seen anything like it in 30 years. The actor did not receive a single scratch.

11. Leo also almost died during a tandem skydive. When the parachute did not open, the instructor simply cut off the lines, after which he pulled out a second parachute, the lines of which were also tangled. Fortunately, the lines were eventually untangled and both skydivers landed without injury.

10. Leonardo DiCaprio first appeared on screen at the age of 5 in the children's TV show Romper Room, but was fired for unruly behavior.

9. In 1998, Leonardo was named by People magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people on the planet.

8. His favorite actress of all time is Meryl Streep.

7. DiCaprio is a dedicated liberal Democrat who contributed both personally and financially to the campaigns and elections of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama.

6. Leonardo DiCaprio has dated many famous models, including Helena Christensen, Bar Refaeli, Erin Heatherton, Naomi Campbell, Toni Garrn and Gisele Bündchen.

5. Leo is an excellent athlete: he loves to play basketball, hockey, football, rollerblading and surfing.

4. At the Tiger Summit, held in St. Petersburg in 2010, Vladimir Putin called the actor a real man. “In our country, among the people, they say about such people as “real men.” And if the matter of protecting nature is in such hands, then we are simply doomed to success,” said the Russian president.

3. After his parents’ divorce, he stayed with his mother and German grandmother, who often took him with her to Germany. That's why the actor speaks German fluently.

2. In 2009, Leonardo DiCaprio purchased an island located off the coast of Belize. The actor plans to build an eco-resort on it.

1. In 2005, Leonardo DiCaprio's face was seriously damaged after model Aretha Wilson hit him on the head with a broken bottle at a Hollywood party. After pleading guilty in 2010, Wilson was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

I wonder what celebrities do when they are not in the spotlight?.. It turns out that many of them collect unique collections or are engaged unusual things, which over time arouse interest no less than the main activities of the stars. The passion of the stars for their meetings sometimes resembles madness, as, in fact, happens with ordinary people.

Why not? After all, stars are just as mortal, and they have the same right to a hobby. What distinguishes them is only the fact that they have much more opportunities to realize their passion.

As it turns out, many stars have hobbies. Some people simply collect antiques, others good guitars, some people madly love movies on video cassettes, while others don’t have enough time for such hobbies. It's amazing how they find time to add to their collections. Some meetings and activities are also quite unusual, which, without exaggeration, are simply confusing, and will be discussed below.

Johnny Depp

The actor became famous throughout the world not only for his talent for impersonation, but also for his love of collecting.

He collects guitars, Barbie dolls, fancy hats, which he wears at all public events, drawings of psychopathic killers, figurines of clowns, which he is deathly afraid of, collects dried bugs, bats, skeletons and stuffed animals, and this is probably far away not the whole list of strange hobbies.

And the celebrity’s latest hobby is diving in a pool with sharks, during which his instructor’s hand was bitten off by one of the sharks. So, it means that the person wanted a thrill.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio does not lag behind his colleague and does whatever his heart desires. True Passion actor - poker for money, where he loses and wins entire fortunes in the evening.

He gives himself over to this gambling hobby and free time, and during filming, and even traveling with charity events.

Leo also enjoys jumping without a parachute from various tall buildings. DiCaprio was repeatedly detained by the police for unauthorized entry into them.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Performer of the role of Carey Bradshaw in the series “Sex in big city“He hasn’t given up dancing, yoga, karate and cycling for many years.

But the actress has a special love for a very out-of-date hobby, unlike her fellow stars - knitting, and she knits most of the clothes that she then wears.

David Lynch

The famous director of the Twin Peaks series not only makes mystical films, but he also has plenty of horror in real life. Since childhood, he has been interested in collecting dead animals and flies, which he continues to collect to this day.

And while studying at the university, he visited the morgue where his friend worked to observe corpses, and at night he painted dead people.

Nicole Kidman

The very aristocratic and reserved Nicole Cadman lacks extreme sports in her life. Therefore, from time to time she jumps from a plane without a parachute. The rest of the time, the actress writes stories and collects ancient Jewish coins, which she can look at for hours between filming.

Tom Hanks

The actor has a passion for old typewriters. He even published an article for the newspaper The New York Times, where he wrote: “the sounds from the “flight” Smith Corona Skywriter are comparable to the muffled shots of James Bond’s “Walter”, and the half-century-old Royal - to human voice saying “so-so-so.”

In his collection there are cars with Latin, Russian and even Arabic letters. They say that Tom takes one of the cars with him on every trip. Its collection already numbers more than 200 exhibits.

Elton John

It’s hard not to notice that the singer has a special love for glasses, or rather unusual frames for them. Elton John spends a lot of money on this hobby. His collection contains such unusual pieces that they confuse the public, but the singer is absolutely not shy about wearing them on people.

Penelope Cruz

The Spanish actress surprised the world by admitting that she collects... hangers. On this moment she has about 500 pieces in her wardrobe, according to miridei.com.

Angelina Jolie

The sexiest woman on the planet has been collecting very unfeminine things - knives - since she was 12 years old. The actress received the first exhibit of her collection from her mother, and now she has passed on her passion for edged weapons to her eldest son Madox.

Rod Steward

There's a whole museum on the third floor of Rod Steward's house. railway. He recreated 1940s Chicago in it, where there are train terminals, parks, entire warehouses and much more.

The singer spends all his free time with trains, playing with them, and even takes some with him on tour.

And actively advocates for environmental protection? Let's get to know Leo better! Bubi presents to your attention 10 little known facts about DiCaprio.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio was named after Leonardo da Vinci

Leo's mother was standing in front of a painting by the great Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci when little DiCaprio first stirred in her belly.

2. DiCaprio suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder as a child, just like his character Howard Hughes in the film “The Aviator”

This role was not easy for Leo, because he had to “return” to his childhood and remember his OCD disease in order to get used to the character. However, it paid off - DiCaprio was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Howard Hughes... However, as you know, he did not receive the coveted statuette.

3. Leonardo DiCaprio refused to attend the Oscars after Titanic

Over the past 20 years, Leo has played more than one leading role in acclaimed films. However, he never received the main film award, which is why he even refused to attend the Oscar ceremony.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio has been interested in anthropology since childhood

Yours unusual hobby DiCaprio shares with another famous actor— Nicolas Cage. They go to auctions together and buy dinosaur remains for huge sums.

5. In 2012, Leo released his coffee

All profits from the sale of this coffee (under the name Lyon) go to finance environmental activities carried out by the DiCaprio Foundation and the World Wide Fund wildlife WWF.

6. At the beginning of his career, Leonardo DiCaprio was a regular at bars.

He hung out with guys including Tobey Maguire, Harmony Korine, David Blaine, and they even formed their own group called The Pussy Posse.

7. Leo and Tobey Maguire starred in a film that they are ashamed of

The film is called Don's Plum Cafe, and almost no one has heard of it. And all because Leo and Toby tried to do everything to prevent the picture from becoming widely known. They are simply ashamed of her!

8. Patrick DiCaprio was supposed to play Bateman in American Psycho

But Leo had a busy schedule at that time, and the role went to Christian Bale. However, many are sure that he simply did not want to kill young women in the film!

9. While preparing to film The Wolf of Wall Street, DiCaprio looked to YouTube videos for inspiration.

Leo had a hard time playing drunken scenes, so he watched The Drunkest Guy in video on repeat. the World(“The Drunkest Guy in the World”).

10. Leonardo DiCaprio is a big fan of electronic cigarettes

Despite the fact that he cares about the environment and is against smoking.

Was last modified: June 15th, 2016 by Olga Kulygina

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