Summer, painted with an artist's brush. Summer, painted by the artist Sunny Bunnies by Laurent Parselier

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A breath of fresh air for residents of air-conditioned offices. There are literally only a few days left until summer, and I already want to plunge into the coolness of June, the haze of July, and the fruity ripeness of August. Very soon - vacations, vacations and all kinds of joys that happen only in the sunny season. But while everyone is still waiting, we have chosen for you works by artists where you can practically feel, breathe and taste summer.

Village summer by Dmitry Levin

“There is something beautiful in summer, And with summer there is something beautiful in us”© Sergey Yesenin.

Dmitry Levin is a recognized master of Russian landscape, who has established himself as a talented representative of the Russian realistic school. The most important source of his art is his attachment to nature, which he loves tenderly and passionately and of which he feels himself a part. His summer paintings talk about what is close to each of us since childhood.

Sunny bunnies by Laurent Parselier

“Summer came, and the wind was summer - the warm breath of the world, unhurried and lazy. You just have to get up, lean out the window, and you’ll immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer.”© Ray Bradbury.

The painting of Laurent Parcelier is an amazing world in which there is neither sadness nor despondency. You won’t find gloomy and rainy pictures from him. His canvases contain a lot of light, air and bright colors, which the artist applies with characteristic, recognizable strokes. This creates the feeling that the paintings are woven from a thousand sunbeams.

Tender Summer by Abe Toshiyuki

“I drink summer like wild bees drink honey. I am collecting a huge lump of summer so that it will be enough for the time when there will be another time.”© Astrid Lindgren.

Abe Toshiyuki received an art education and devoted 20 years to teaching, never giving up his dream of becoming an artist. In 2008, he finally abandoned the teaching profession and devoted himself entirely to creative self-realization. “I believe that my watercolors are capable of expressing ideas of the elusive beauty and variability of nature. I try not to depict places in my paintings that are easily recognizable, so that the viewer does not have the effect of “déjà vu.” Painting should awaken living emotions from the very depths of the heart.”

Southern seaside of Yuri Obukhovsky

“Only in the harsh winter do I realize that there is eternal summer in my soul”© Albert Camus.

Yuri Obukhovsky's favorite genres are city and seascapes in the style of “romantic realism”. The artist paints his paintings in oils and watercolors. Filled with the sun, the play of light, very optimistic and positive, his paintings transport the viewer to the most beautiful places, taking them away from the routine and everyday life of gray everyday life.

Shady summer of Małgorzata Szczecinska

“I will love you all summer” - this sounds much more convincing than “all my life” and - most importantly - much longer!© Marina Tsvetaeva

Polish artist Malgorzata Szczecinska calls herself simply an “amateur.” “I paint mainly to capture the beauty of nature. I like to look at her, and I can do this for as long as I want. Whether I want it or not, I remember this whole tangle of leaves, branches, herbs, flowers, light and color, and I want to depict it.”

The Elusive Summer of Jean-Claude Papier

“Summer is the time of year when it is very hot to do things that were very cold to do in winter.”© Mark Twain.

Watercolor artist Jean-Claude Papeix lives and works in France. The main thing in his works is the feeling of air, the vibration of life. The artist felt a passion for drawing in early childhood, when he was on vacation in the village. He says that it was at that moment that he felt and fell in love with this special atmosphere of an early July morning.

Works dedicated to the wonderful time of summer. When everything blooms and smells. when life is brighter and warmer.

Village summer by Dmitry Levin

"There is something beautiful about summer,
And with summer there is beauty in us"

© Sergey Yesenin.

Dmitry Levin is a recognized master of Russian landscape, who has established himself as a talented representative of the Russian realistic school. The most important source of his art is his attachment to nature, which he loves tenderly and passionately and of which he feels himself a part. His summer paintings tell about what is close to each of us since childhood.

Sunny bunnies by Laurent Parselier

“Summer came, and the wind was summer - the warm breath of the world, unhurried and lazy. You just have to get up, lean out the window, and you’ll immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer.”© Ray Bradbury.

The painting of Laurent Parcelier is an amazing world in which there is neither sadness nor despondency. You won’t find gloomy and rainy pictures from him. His canvases contain a lot of light, air and bright colors, which the artist applies with characteristic, recognizable strokes. This creates the feeling that the paintings are woven from a thousand sunbeams.

Tender Summer by Abe Toshiyuki

“I drink summer like wild bees drink honey. I am collecting a huge lump of summer so that it will be enough for the time when there will be another time.”© Astrid Lindgren.

Abe Toshiyuki received an art education and devoted 20 years to teaching, never giving up his dream of becoming an artist. In 2008, he finally abandoned the teaching profession and devoted himself entirely to creative self-realization. “I believe that my watercolors are capable of expressing ideas of the elusive beauty and variability of nature. I try not to depict places in my paintings that are easily recognizable, so that the viewer does not have the effect of “déjà vu.” Painting should awaken living emotions from the very depths of the heart.”

Southern seaside of Yuri Obukhovsky

“Only in the harsh winter do I realize that there is eternal summer in my soul”© Albert Camus.

Yuri Obukhovsky's favorite genres are city and seascapes in the style of “romantic realism”. The artist paints his paintings in oils and watercolors. Filled with the sun, the play of light, very optimistic and positive, his paintings transport the viewer to the most beautiful places, taking them away from the routine and everyday life of gray everyday life.

Shady summer of Małgorzata Szczecinska

“I will love you all summer” - this sounds much more convincing than “all my life” and - most importantly - much longer!© Marina Tsvetaeva

Polish artist Malgorzata Szczecinska calls herself simply an “amateur.” “I paint mainly to capture the beauty of nature. I like to look at her, and I can do this for as long as I want. Whether I want it or not, I remember this whole tangle of leaves, branches, herbs, flowers, light and color, and I want to depict it.”

The Elusive Summer of Jean-Claude Papier

“Summer is the time of year when it is very hot to do things that were very cold to do in winter.”© Mark Twain.

Watercolor artist Jean-Claude Papeix lives and works in France. The main thing in his works is the feeling of air, the vibration of life. The artist felt a passion for drawing in early childhood, when he was on vacation in the village. He says that it was at that moment that he felt and fell in love with this special atmosphere of an early July morning.

(Abe Toshiyuki)

Sunny bunnies and mushroom rain, the coolness of a green grove and a sultry haze over a cornfield, a murmuring ribbon of a river and large stars in the summer sky... All the colors of summer can be found in the paintings of famous artists. The painters reflected all the diversity of this time of year on their canvases!

(Painting by I. I. Shishkin “Snowy grass”)

Here is a bright, young, not yet sun-bleached “Snowy Grass” by I. I. Shishkin: it seems that the whole picture is woven from cheerful green shades.

(Painting by I. I. Shishkin “Herbs”)

And here is a painting by the same artist, but done in a completely different palette: gray-yellow “Herbs”, scorched by the sun, giving up their colors to the drying summer heat...

(Painting by I. I. Shishkin “Path in the Forest”)

One of the artist’s most famous paintings is “Path in the Forest,” created in the contrasts of a dark, dense forest and a sun-drenched path. How wonderful it is to walk along such a forest path! It’s time to envy the heroes of the picture - a girl with an umbrella, a couple in love...

(Painting by V. D. Orlovsky “Summer Day”)

The air in V. D. Orlovsky’s painting “Summer Day” is transparent. The landscape is filled with light, and it seems that take a step and you will find yourself in this lazy heat, to a half-dried river, to slow cows, to a yellow-green meadow...

(Painting by G. G. Myasoedov “Time of Passion”)

G. G. Myasoedov’s painting “Time of Passion” is also full of heat. But here the atmosphere is filled not with the viscous summer laziness, but with the heat of hot bodies. Although there is no sun in the picture - it is on the other side of the blue sky, hot gold dominates the palette: ripe ears turn yellow to the horizon.

(Summer landscape in the painting by D. Levin)

Sun-filled summer also attracts the attention of modern landscape painter Dmitry Levin, a recognized master of realistic landscape. On his canvases you can see the June summer with bright green foliage permeated with light, and the hot July and August with sun-bleached meadows on which scarlet poppies are burning.

(Painting by Laurent Parselier “In anticipation of summer”)

Let's move to France and take a look at the paintings of Laurent Parselier! They are carefree, like sunbeams scattered on the walls, terraces and tablecloths.

(Summer in the painting by Abe Toshiyuki)

Tenderness fills the summer landscapes of contemporary Japanese artist Abe Toshiyuki. He paints in a European style, but his painting is characterized by the laconic aesthetics of Japanese art. This is expressed in the choice of palette: for example, the artist subtly plays with shades of two colors - green and white, creating either a grove filled with light or a scattering of white flowers in a meadow.

Artists from different countries create paintings dedicated to summer. Each of the painters sees this time in his own way, each captures individual moments of June, July and August, stopping the beautiful moments of summer with the help of a brush.

) in her expressive, sweeping works was able to preserve the transparency of the fog, the lightness of the sail, and the smooth rocking of the ship on the waves.

Her paintings amaze with their depth, volume, richness, and the texture is such that it is impossible to take your eyes off them.

Warm simplicity of Valentin Gubarev

Primitivist artist from Minsk Valentin Gubarev doesn't chase fame and just does what he loves. His work is incredibly popular abroad, but almost unknown to his compatriots. In the mid-90s, the French fell in love with his everyday sketches and signed a 16-year contract with the artist. The paintings, which, it would seem, should be understandable only to us, bearers of the “modest charm of undeveloped socialism,” appealed to the European public, and exhibitions began in Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain and other countries.

Sensual realism of Sergei Marshennikov

Sergei Marshennikov is 41 years old. He lives in St. Petersburg and works in the best traditions of the classical Russian school of realistic portraiture. The heroines of his canvases are women who are tender and defenseless in their half-nakedness. Many of the most famous paintings depict the artist's muse and wife, Natalya.

The Myopic World of Philip Barlow

In the modern era of high-resolution images and the rise of hyperrealism, the work of Philip Barlow immediately attracts attention. However, a certain effort is required from the viewer in order to force himself to look at the blurry silhouettes and bright spots on the author’s canvases. This is probably how people suffering from myopia see the world without glasses and contact lenses.

Sunny bunnies by Laurent Parselier

The painting of Laurent Parcelier is an amazing world in which there is neither sadness nor despondency. You won’t find gloomy and rainy pictures from him. His canvases contain a lot of light, air and bright colors, which the artist applies with characteristic, recognizable strokes. This creates the feeling that the paintings are woven from a thousand sunbeams.

Urban dynamics in the works of Jeremy Mann

American artist Jeremy Mann paints dynamic portraits of a modern metropolis in oil on wood panels. “Abstract shapes, lines, the contrast of light and dark spots - all create a picture that evokes the feeling that a person experiences in the crowd and bustle of the city, but can also express the calm that is found when contemplating quiet beauty,” says the artist.

The Illusory World of Neil Simon

In the paintings of British artist Neil Simone, nothing is as it seems at first glance. “For me, the world around me is a series of fragile and ever-changing shapes, shadows and boundaries,” says Simon. And in his paintings everything is truly illusory and interconnected. Boundaries are blurred, and stories flow into each other.

Love drama by Joseph Lorasso

An Italian by birth, contemporary American artist Joseph Lorusso transfers onto canvas subjects he has observed in the everyday lives of ordinary people. Hugs and kisses, passionate outbursts, moments of tenderness and desire fill his emotional pictures.

Country life of Dmitry Levin

Dmitry Levin is a recognized master of Russian landscape, who has established himself as a talented representative of the Russian realistic school. The most important source of his art is his attachment to nature, which he loves tenderly and passionately and of which he feels himself a part.

Bright East by Valery Blokhin

About summer nature! summer landscape!

“You can sing a lot about summer,
Write poems about this miracle,
How nice it is to sit under the sun,
And know that it won’t be cold.” (Alex Geras)

No matter how long summer lasts in Russia, there is never enough of it. Finally it came. Hot. It's stuffy in the city labyrinths. The asphalt melts underfoot. Sweat soaks clothes. The thunderstorm finally struck, and squalls of rain cleared the air. We just caught our breath a little. It's hot again. And again the air soaked in asphalt floats.
And how I want, I just unbearably want to fly away, to be carried away from the city. Get out to the river bank or go into the shade of the forest. Let it be a birch grove. Let it be a pine forest or a young spruce forest.
But we can’t always drop everything and rush out of town. Where there is water and coolness. Where a pleasant summer breeze constantly blows between the trees.
Summer! Ah, summer! It is beautiful and it is also terrible. And how he is missed in the cold, long winter!
Paintings of a summer landscape.
Summer landscape paintings will help you relax and warm up on long winter evenings, and dream about a summer holiday at sea or in the mountains.
Paintings of a summer landscape.
Summer landscape paintings will help you take a little break from the exhausting city heat and wait for the summer holidays or just a weekend.
Summer landscape paintings. Summer is just Summer!

Summer landscape paintings. These are pictures about a miracle.

“It’s so great when there are flowers all around,
And air butterflies above them,
And rainbow sky bridges,
And warm, welcoming showers.” (Alex Geras)

Summer landscape paintings. Pictures about summer will remind you of men's hobbies. For example, about fishing, fish soup and stories about “like this” fish. You can choose a painting with a summer landscape for yourself. With a forest lake or river. Where do you like to fish the most?

“How I like the whirlwind of summer,
I greatly respect summer fishing,
I love looking at a float in the water,
Of course, I love fresh ears.” (Alex Geras)

Paintings of a summer landscape. The paintings will remind you of the beauty of summer, of summer vacation. Choose your favorite summer landscape.

“How fun it is to swim, sunbathe,
Overeat with fragrant strawberries,
And write songs about all this,
And wander around the forest looking for mushrooms! (Alex Geras)

Paintings of a summer landscape. They are permeated with warmth, the joy of sunlight!
Nature in the paintings, the summer landscape enchants with the variety of its colors and shades! I want to take off my shoes and run through the rain-wet grass! Breathe the fresh meadow air! Pick a wildflower and bring it home!

“It’s so cool - barefoot in the meadow,
How happy the chamomile field is,
And in this field on horseback
To rush with the wind - this is freedom.” (Alex Geras)

Summer landscape paintings. Of course - they are wonderful!

“What a pity that summer is short,
Just three months of bliss
Autumn has suddenly arrived on the doorstep
And again I say goodbye to summer!” (Alex Geras)

Wonderful summer! Summer landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!
Summer landscape paintings are a great gift!
We love summer! We love the summer landscape!
Summer landscape paintings are a great choice!
Alex Geras agrees with this!

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