Lineage 2 revolution download latest version. How to set up controls

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Hail heroes! Of course, Lineage 2: Revolution is a game that takes a lot of time and attention. And you want to play it a lot and for a long time :) But not every phone can provide such a long game and good quality graphics. And the question comes to mind - is it possible to play Lineage 2: Revolution on PC? This is where the Bluestack emulator comes to our aid.

The guide will talk about how to play Lineage 2: Revolution on a PC, we will look at how to install the program and game on the emulator, how to configure it so that the game does not slow down, we will talk about fine tuning to your needs and something else.

System requirements


The installation is quite simple, you need to do the following:

1) You can download the program by clicking on the link.

In the window that opens, click on the Lineage 2: Revolution button on your PC to download Bluestacks immediately with the game.

2) After downloading, click on the downloaded program and in the next window, click run. After this, click on the Install button.

3) After installing the program, you need to enter your account information.

Setting up the emulator

By going to the settings, you can configure the program specifically for your computer.

It is better to choose the engine OpenGL, since in this case the drivers of your video card are used. Choose the number of cores depending on what processor you have. If you don't know, it's better to leave it as default.

It is better to set the RAM size in the range of 1536-2048 Mb.

Additional Settings

The game is controlled using a keyboard, which you can customize for yourself. By default the game comes with the following settings:

By clicking on a free part of the screen, you can always add additional keys for certain actions in the game. Unfortunately, I didn't find it possible to do macros.

If you played an MMORPG in the early 2000s, it was either WOW or Lineage 2. Each of these games has its pros, cons, and adherents who ardently defend their respective sides. But the truth is that both of these projects have already made history. It’s all the more pleasant that Lineage now has a mobile version - now fans of this game world can play anywhere! And for those who liked the mobile “line” as a separate project, we will attach instructions where we will tell you how to download Lineage 2: Revolution on a PC. Look for it at the end of the page - immediately after the review.

About the game.

Mobile Lineage 2 is not just an adaptation of a computer game for smartphones. The authors tried to create a separate project in the same world and with the same gameplay features. Playing Lineage 2: Revolution is very convenient and simple, which makes it possible to launch this game on handheld devices anywhere in the first free minute. After all, you can’t stay away when your clan begins a siege of the castle or when another important event occurs!

The game was created on the famous graphics engine Unreal Engine 4, thanks to which the rendering of landscapes and characters is at its best. You can admire the local beauties for a long time, however, there is no time for this - in the world of Lineage 2: Revolution something is constantly happening. You always have a main task and several side tasks; In addition, you can do other things - for example, managing your inventory or going to the PVP arena. There is also a castle siege mode, in which 50 fighters from each side will meet on the battlefield! You have never seen such epicness on the screen of your smartphone or tablet!

Game process.

When you first launch the game, you will be asked to download the necessary files. This is not surprising, because during installation, essentially only the launch application is downloaded, and the resources themselves are downloaded later. The game is very large, so you will have to wait a little for all the necessary files to download and unpack.

After this, you can begin character creation. However, first you need to select a server - the game itself offers the most optimal option based on your location, however, nothing prevents you from choosing another one. However, don’t be surprised later if Lineage 2: Revolution on your computer starts to slow down slightly - low ping, due to an excessively large distance to the server, has never helped anyone.

There are a total of five character classes available in the game. In addition to standard people, there are gnomes, elves - ordinary and dark, as well as orcs - where would we be without them! A small amount of customization is available for each hero, including choosing the type of warrior - mage or warrior - as well as hairstyle and movement options. The process ends by entering your nickname. It should be sonorous and memorable, because it is by this name that the entire gaming world will know you!

Installing Lineage 2: Revolution on PC.

The game runs on the most popular emulators today: Nox and Bluestacks. In this case, it is important to use the third version, since the application refused to work on the fourth. Knox doesn’t have such nuances - you can just download the latest version and play.

  1. Install the emulator and launch it. You can easily find instructions in the corresponding section of our website.
  2. Log in to the app store - you will need a Google services account to do this. The Bluestacks login window will appear the first time you launch it. In Knox, you first need to click on the Google Play icon.
  3. After that, use the store search to go to the application page.
  4. Click on the install button and wait for the game to download.

Control settings.

Lineage 2: Revolution is a very popular game, so control settings have been created for it in advance - you don’t need to do anything manually. Installed keys in Nox App Player:

  • movements – WASD;
  • abilities – 1,2,3,4,5;
  • hit - space.

The Q, E, R, Z, X and B buttons are also used.

Video about the game.


An excellent mobile version of the legendary MMORPG. If you haven't played Lineage 2: Revolution yet, we recommend that you immediately download it on PC to get a more familiar gaming experience.

Lineage 2 Revolution is an MMORPG, developed by the team Netmarble. The game is massive PvP (up to 200 people on screen), well-developed plot And the presence of clans.Download Lineage 2 RevolutionYou can download it to your computer completely free of charge.

The game has a unique level of graphics; all visual effects are made quite well and will not hurt your eyes. The world is completely open, but is divided into various locations with transition points.Separate zones are dungeons with monsters, from where players can obtain useful artifacts.

Lineage 2 Revolution is an adaptation of the legendary MMO, but the developers did not completely copy the gameplay and locations of the original. From time to time, players will have to visit already known places, as well as meet familiar enemies. This is where the similarities between the projects end.

WITH The story is a spin-off and tells the story of the decline of the Elmoreden Empire, which marked the beginning of a new dark era. Most of the territories were overwhelmed by the storm of civil war, many declared independence. In this situation, the Silver Light mercenaries appeared.They were organizedwizard Hardin, in order to contain the Society of Darkness, which had already established control over most of the fragmented empire.


The player will have to improve the skills and characteristics of his character. To do this, you need to increase its level by completing story quests and destroying monsters in dungeons and regular locations.

There are four races available: humans, gnomes, elves and dark elves. The bonuses the player receives when creating a hero will depend on the choice. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to create a highly specialized character that will be tailored only to a certain aspect of the game.

The presence of 24 classes allows you to choose the optimal playing style for any player. Each of them has two subclasses, in addition, additional skills can be easily acquired by simply joining one of the guilds.

Crafting system is another feature Lineage 2 Revolution. Every day, players can receive a special box from which weapon or armor parts drop out. Excess uniforms can also be disassembled for parts. As a result i.e. the player and “exchange » your old equipment for new, stronger ones.

ABOUT The training system deserves special mention. The tips are very detailed, so even beginners are able to quickly learn the basics of management and interface. For this intended a separate small plot with a huge amount of dialogue. The passage may seem tedious, but the player will come out of it having fully mastered all the important aspects necessary to understand the gameplay.

Features of the game on PC

Lineage 2 Revolution on PC has the following features:

  • excellent graphics;
  • social component, gamers can jointly go through raids, dungeons, unite in communities and guilds;
  • large-scale PvP battles 50 to 50;
  • offline arena;
  • castle sieges;
  • battles in real time.

The key advantage of the game is that the player does not need to be constantly online in order to keep up with the level of his rivals. The developers have implemented a system of daily tasks and rewards in such a way that the bonuses received by players who are online for a long time are significantly reduced. Accordingly, if a gamer devotes less time to the gameplay, then the bonuses will increase significantly.

How to install Lineage 2 Revolution on PC or laptop

To get started play Lineage 2 Revolution on PC, must be done in advance Play Market. Then you need to enter the name of the game in the search bar and confirmdownloading files.

N The user's computer must meet the minimum system requirements to run:

  • OS Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Vista SP2, XP SP3;
  • the user must have administrator rights;
  • at least 2GB of RAM (it is worth noting that 2GB of free hard disk space is not a replacement for RAM memory);
  • your hard drive must have at least 4GB of free space;
  • Video card drivers must support the current version of the Play Market, otherwise they will need to be updated to the latest version;
  • It is advisable to have a broadband Internet connection to access all available content.

The game can work on most configurations that meet the minimum system requirements, but no one gives a full guarantee that there will be no problems.

  • EvilBane: Rise of Ravens - role-playing slasher with three-dimensional graphics. AND There are dungeons, raids, various social features, clans and guilds, while the game itself is made in a pleasant visual style with spectacular battles.The player can combine more than 1000 items with each other to create the most powerful combination.
  • Seven Knights - RPG c three-dimensional battles, where the player will have to assemble a whole squad of heroes and create powerful ones out of them combinations. The game is characterized by high dynamics, the presence of mandatory strategic planning, as well as a heavenly dungeon - a place with gradually increasing difficulty of passage.
  • MARVEL Future Fight - Action-RPG, in which the player will be able to explore the world of comics Marvel, while simultaneously increasing the level and characteristics of your characters. Available PvP mode in 3 by 3 format, where anyone can demonstrate knows his skills fight friends and rivals. There is also a solo company.

Is it worth downloading?

Lineage 2: Revolution is one of the most developed MMORPGs available on the Play Market. The ability to devote a small amount of time to the game, while not falling behind in level and equipment, makes the project attractive m for the audience, not located A with a lot of free time. Advanced graphics, a strong plot, which is a spin-off of the main story, the presence of familiar locations ts and the abundance of special effects are some of the main advantages of the game. Besides, download Lineage 2 R evolution on computeris possible for free.

They removed orcs, tied professions to clans, successfully adapted controls, preserved the gameplay and clan system - these are just a small part of the features of Lineage 2 Revolution. The developers promise large-scale PvP battles, supporting up to 1600 people at a time.


Lineage 2 Revolution is developed on the basis of the second “Line” with optimization for mobile platforms. People, dark and light elves, and gnomes are still available, but orcs have been removed.

You can still choose classes (mages, warriors, assassins, etc.), but professions are now tied to races. Legendary locations are still available and a well-thought-out clan system operates.

For a long time, the game was available only in Korean, which, however, did not prevent the Russian-speaking community from settling on the fifth server and enjoying the gameplay in an excellently developed universe.

Game process

Lineage 2 Revolution offers a lot of possibilities. At a minimum, the developers promise the largest PvP battles with support for up to 1600 players simultaneously. So far, however, the possibility has not been verified - the corresponding “political” situation between the clans and races has not developed.

Adaptation for mobile platforms can be considered quite successful. The character is controlled using a virtual joystick in the lower left part of the screen and active skill keys on the right, with a central strike/defense key.

Most actions occur automatically - even when skills are activated, the character strives to move on his own.

You can download the original version of the game Lineage 2 Revolution on Android on our website absolutely free of charge!

About the game "Lineage 2: Revolution"

Immerse yourself in an exciting new fantasy world with stunning visual effects powered by Unreal Engine 4. Large-scale battles in an open world where two hundred players can fight on one screen in real time! Team up with strangers or create a clan with friends - and conquer epic raid dungeons, destroy fearsome boss monsters, or fight in intense battles with thousands of other players from around the world.

Lineage 2: Revolution is a completely new online role-playing game for mobile devices: with excellent visuals, a huge open world and large-scale PvP battles between players. Players will finally be able to experience what it's like to enjoy a great, full-featured classic-style MMORPG on their own smartphone, playing with millions of other people from all over the world!

The time has come for a new chapter in history and new heroes who will save the world from eternal darkness.

Join the revolution!


MASSIVE REAL-TIME BATTLES Fight against other players in exciting open-space PvP battles in real time - or join large-scale 50v50 battles in Fortress Siege mode!

BRILLIANT GRAPHICS The Unreal Engine 4 powering Lineage 2: Revolution pushes the boundaries of what computer graphics can do on mobile devices - you won't believe your eyes!

A COMPLETE OPEN WORLD A stunningly huge, vibrant open world where thousands of players can simultaneously explore a variety of places, discover new things and achieve victories.

Team up with your friends and clanmates, or thousands of other players from around the world, to battle epic bosses, take part in massive PvP battles, and earn trophies in raid dungeons.

Questions and Answers

Please check the link below for the latest news.


Official page on Facebook

※ Minimum system requirements: Android OS 4.4 or higher, 2GB RAM or higher.
※ You can also use the playback function as a tablet device.
※ In-app purchases are available for this game. This feature can be disabled in the device settings.
※ To save game data, the application requires access to the device storage.
You can be sure that they will only be used to store your game data.

[Access Permission Information]

Selective access
- Used for "Voice chat between players".

※You can use this feature even if you have not given your consent at this time.

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