Line in a drawing presentation. Line and its expressive possibilities

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  • A line in a work of art can be compared to musical sounds, and they should sound varied and colorful. Only in this case the drawing becomes alive and reverent.

Line is one of the artistic and expressive means of image, the main graphic element of linear graphics.

P. P. Chistyakov, a famous teacher in the field of fine arts of the 19th century, demanded “to draw not the bends of lines, but the forms that they form among themselves.”

Drawings by Nadya Rusheva. Nadya was born on January 31, 1952. She died at the age of 17, leaving behind 10 thousand works (100 folders of one hundred sheets each). She started drawing at a very early age. Fame came at the age of 12.

KRASAUSKAS (Krasauskas) Stasis (1929-77), Lithuanian graphic artist, People's Artist of Lithuania (1977). Easel engravings and illustrations are characterized by poetry, metaphorical imagery, expression of a white line on a black background

Stasis Krasauskas. "Youth". Linocut. 1961

In 1949, P. Picasso's poster for the World Peace Congress became widely known. Reproduced, perhaps in larger volumes than all reproductions of the artist’s paintings , "Dove of Peace" for many it is the main calling card of the artist

The line, like the melody, seemed to our hero as the trace of a moving point. Erokha knew that this was how the artist’s intention was expressed, and imagined bizarre patterns...remembered what he knew about them...

The line can be:

  • Contour (straight or wavy, as well as broken).
  • Turn into a stroke.
  • Create a spot (silhouette). A silhouette is a flat image of an object, its shadow side when details are not visible.

At the very beginning, it is very important to remember that, at the very first stages of the drawing, the line determines the size of the image on the sheet, its composition. The same object, depicted by a different line (soft wavy or hard - broken) is visually perceived differently, acquiring special artistic expressiveness. Look at these graphic fantasies:

Examples of designs with decorative texture are presented.

One day in the fall, a hedgehog walks through the forest and plays the balalaika. And Erokha went out into the forest with one single idea: how he could get himself a warm quilted blanket for winter. So that in the severe January frosts it both warms and does not interfere with sleep.

And Erokha didn’t yet know that he was carrying everything he needed behind his back. That the balalaika doesn’t just respond with strings to every gust of wind. And that she begins to weave a wondrous melody from the autumn wind, fallen leaves and Erokha’s wishes. And every sound is reflected in the sky in myriads of bright shades and halftones.

On the way, Erokha decided to visit his friends, who always, always helped him. He was not alone, but with a magical balalaika! And the wind continued to rustle in the leaves, among the branches and in the grass, filling the surrounding nature with harmony and euphony.

The living line of the drawing either thickens, emphasizing the form, or, getting lost, immerses it in space. So the line simultaneously sculpts a characteristic volume and space.

- Guys, let's try to depict gusts of autumn wind with different lines

Character and shape of lines:

  • sharp or smooth
  • sweeping or collected
  • rambling or orderly
  • thick and thin
  • straight and curved
  • zigzag and wave
  • spiral and curl
  • continuous and intermittent.

Opposite the tall oak tree grew a young pine tree. And Erokhin’s friends lived on it: the spider - Erokhin’s friend - many-limbed and many-armed. And everyone in the forest called the spider Composer, because he knew how to turn sounds into lines.

There lived a squirrel. Everyone in the forest called her Fesha, because Fesha had a valuable bag. Over the years, the bag has accumulated a lot of forest wealth: wool, hay, and moss.

And a friend owl also flew to that pine tree, and everyone in the forest called her Sophia.

When the friends saw Erokha, they were very happy and asked him to play the balalaika for them. Erokha sat down on a tree stump and began to jingle. While Erokha was playing, the spider wove a magical web from the hedgehog’s melody, such as the hedgehog had never seen in his life. Erokha finished playing, looked at the web, and marveled at the beauty of the spider’s work. He yawned and said - it’s late, I’ll go to bed.

Then an owl flew in, bowed its head, and sat looking at the web.


- great Erokha! Are you going to sleep?

-Yes. I guess I’ll go...winter is coming...

- yes,... but I don’t have a warm blanket... it’s just a disaster... okay Sophia, good night to you.

-Sleep well Erokha, see you tomorrow.

-Listen to Fesha, said the owl, you should help Erokha with the blanket, otherwise he might freeze...

“That’s right,” answered Fesha, we must!

The little owl looked sternly at her squirrel friend Fesha and asked:

-Where can we find material “suitable for blankets” now? After all, it’s already deep autumn... and now the snow will fall!

Fesha smiled coquettishly and replied:

- All summer I store food for the winter: pine cones, nuts, acorns, berries, dried mushrooms; and also... there are different bugs there... I don’t think we will need them, right?

In winter I don't sleep. I still have plenty of supplies throughout the forest: in the moss or in the hollows. I dry the mushrooms myself! I string the caps on sharp dry twigs, and hang the mushrooms fused with stems on the branches.

- What do you have in this bag? Sophia asked

-Ripe nuts, wool, and hay. Fesha answered. Help yourself, owl...

-The guys helped me break down all the material into 3 colors, like Erokha’s strings.

Guys, help Fesha select the necessary material from what she has collected. Let's take a look and divide all this wealth into the colors that Erokha's balalaika suggested to us.

The guys are asked to find the mistake (something is in the wrong color)!

And I have weaving experience! I made my nest from branches. It has the shape of a ball with a side entrance. So, you and I can definitely handle the blanket for Erokha... And the spider, our friend, will help us!

The forest friends “with dryers” hurried to their friend. And it turned out that he was just waiting for them.

Branch of Municipal Educational Institution Beloyarsk Secondary School, Letnikovskaya Secondary School

Fine arts teacher - Klimenko M.V.

Open lesson in fine arts

Topic: “Her Majesty’s Line”

Line and its expressive possibilities.

Target: familiarity with the role of line in the image and its expressive capabilities.


Educational objectives:

1. Introduce the concept of “line”.

2. Introduce the expressive possibilities of line in an image.

3. Develop the ability to find beauty and harmony in nature.

4. To form the experience of creative communication through collective activities.


1. Develop compositional skills.

2. Develop observation skills.

3. Develop creative imagination.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate an interest in art.

2. Cultivate artistic taste.

3. Cultivate motivation for learning activities.

4. Contribute to preserving and strengthening the health of students.

Lesson type: Lesson-fairy tale.

Teaching methods: verbal-visual, practical, dialogical.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, various art materials, drawings by the teacher, a sheet of paper for group work, paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, paints, gel pens, etc.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Greeting the class, getting to know the guys.
II. Lesson topic message. My dear children, There are many miracles in the world Three big friends - Point, line and stroke! A stroke is a piece from a line, A dot is a small circle, Well, the line is big, Both straight and curved Can turn into a ball And bend in zigzags, Can weave nets, After all, she is always on the go.

The teacher reads a poem while simultaneously drawing lines with chalk, a brush, or a felt-tip pen on a blackboard or sheet of paper..

Guess who the hero of our lesson is? That's right - Her Majesty's line.

III. Relevance of knowledge.

Remember what lines there are. Tell me where in life we ​​can see different lines? (The teacher’s words and student responses may be accompanied by a slide show)

IV. Presentation of new material.

Drawing with a pen or pencil consists mainly of lines - long or short, wavy or jerky, thick or thin. The lines are different in nature.

A line is a sign, it is conventional, invented by us as a way of designating

The language of lines is understood by people all over the world. Lines surround us everywhere. This is the line of the horizon, road, tree trunks, bridge, river bank, clouds... Having mastered the expressive capabilities of the line, you will be able to show almost everything in the drawing. The flash of lightning, fog, wind, the wonders of fairy tales and the dream of man. In this sense, fine art is close to literature, which tells but does not show. A drawing can show!

Just think, some lines, dashes, squiggles, you say. But no. I will show you and tell you a fairy tale. About what? You'll see.

(Presentation, nature slides, forest)


In some amazing world, in a valley spread among high and inaccessible mountains, there grew... Trees-Characters. These were extraordinary plants. Their appearance was a reflection of the characters of the people who lived far, far beyond the mountains.

Each Character Tree had four main branches and many small ones extending from its trunk. These four main branches had their own names: Attitude towards people, Attitude towards business, Attitude towards oneself, Attitude towards things. Each Tree-Character had its own, unique shape and peculiarity.

On one Character Tree, the branch of Attitude towards people was straight and directed upward, because it carried the trait of Truthfulness, and on the other it was twisted with a ring of Lies. Somewhere in her attitude towards herself she defiantly stuck out with Narcissism, somewhere she bent down to the ground from all Humiliation, and somewhere she calmly and confidently rose towards the sun as the embodiment of Dignity. The branches of the Relationship to Things on some Character Trees were twisted with greed, while on others they revealed their Generosity with an abundance of foliage.

Very different Character Trees grew in this magical forest. The ground cracked under some of the Characters - they were so heavy, but the light Characters literally floated in the air, barely clinging to the soil with their roots. There were Characters that were completely covered with needles - from the roots to the crown, and therefore they were very prickly. And others resembled telegraph poles with barely noticeable extensions - these were straight Characters. Even a chainsaw could not cut through hard Characters, and soft Characters were so malleable that their trunks could easily be crushed like clay. Among them there were very beautiful and ugly, tall and short, slender and even creeping along the ground.

The Trees-Characters were so different because they grew on different soils, the sun warmed them differently, the wind blew differently, and the rain did not provide moisture equally. But everything in life turns out differently for every person, right?

Sometimes a fierce storm flew into the magical valley, it fought fiercely against the Trees-Characters... Some were broken or uprooted, others were bent to the ground, but could not be broken. There were also those that did not bend under the strongest hurricane winds and only proudly straightened their mighty branches.

Teacher. Many people would like to visit this forest and see what their Character Tree looks like. But no one can get into this forest, and you can find out what kind of character you have only by studying yourself and your actions.

V. Completing a creative task.

Teacher. Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What is it about? Why is it called “The Tale of Character Trees?”

Children. There are no two identical trees in the world; each has its own characteristics. It’s the same with people – they are all different.

Do you think it would be interesting to live on the set if all the people and trees were the same?

Teacher. What means of expression helped show the character of the trees?

Children answer by analyzing the color, shape of trees, directions and thickness


Teacher. Her Majesty's line helped us see all this.

Now guys, let’s take a little rest and spend a little physical time with you.


We will conjure with our eyes

Let's draw a huge circle.

Let's draw a window

And a huge log

Let's draw elevators running.

Eyes down, eyes up

Everyone closed their eyes: one-two!

Head is spinning.

We blinked our eyes

Instantly the garlands sparkled

We look straight ahead -

It's a plane rushing...

Blink once, blink twice -

Our eyes were rested.

VI. Practical work.

Teacher. I suggest you create your own Magic Forest. Want to? Each person, making an individual drawing, will try to express their character in the form of a tree. Choose your own art material (paints, felt-tip pens, markers, etc.) At the end of the lesson, we will connect all the drawings. Remember that it will depend on each of you what the Magic Forest will be like. And music will help us with this too . (Turns on audio recording, children are working).

VII. Lesson summary.

The teacher and the students mount children's drawings against a common background.

Teacher. Please note: there is not a single ugly tree in our forest. They are all good in their own way. This means that you all did an excellent job. Well done!

A student survey is being conducted.

How did the line help you express your character?

Which work seems the most expressive and successful? Why? (Students, with the help of the teacher, analyze the color, shape of trees, technique of completing a task, accuracy of work, etc.)

Now do you guys understand why we called the line “Her Majesty” throughout the lesson today?


The teacher and students jointly decide who worked actively in the lesson, who more accurately expressed the essence of their character, who was especially hardworking and painstakingly did their work. If you have time, you can play the game “Guess the author of the drawing.” For example: “Here is a thin, delicate tree with smooth, wavy lines, whose character?”


Teacher. And now guys, I invite you to express your attitude to the lesson.

Do you think that our lesson was not in vain? Did you like the lesson? (choose a light wood).

If you think you've wasted your time? (choose dark wood). And we attach them to our “Magic Forest”.


Observe what colors surround us, ask your loved ones what colors they like and why? What the sky looks like at different times of the day, how objects change color depending on the lighting, etc.

Think about how a person can become a better person. What human qualities do you consider the most important? Write it down on paper and complete the answers with your own drawing.

I would like to wish you:Walk in the forests, breathe the air,Look closely at the cloudsListen to the birdsApply to the springsAfter all, nothing will happen again in life.I wish you good luck and say: “See you, dear friends!” 5

Lesson topic: Line and its expressive possibilities

Class: 6

Item : Art

The purpose of the lesson: introduce the expressive properties of line, types and character of line.

Lesson Objectives :

Personal : - to intensify cognitive activity and develop the creative potential of students;

Create conditions for the development of children’s intellectual and spiritual capabilities;

Continue to develop the ability for artistic and imaginative knowledge of the world, the ability to apply

knowledge gained in one’s own artistic and creative activities;

Metasubject : -develop skills of independent artistic and creative activity;

Improve students’ abilities to analyze, compare, summarize information, plan, monitor and evaluate the results of their educational, artistic and creative activities

Form communication competencies.

Subject: - form the concept of line as the main means of expressiveness in graphics;

To develop the ability to distinguish between the main types and genres of plastic arts, to characterize their specificity, the ability to express judgments about the artistic features of works depicting nature and man in different emotional states, the ability to use various materials and means of artistic expression to convey the idea in one’s own artistic activity.

Lesson equipment: Visual range: Linear drawings by artists: A. Rembrandt, V. Serov, A. Durer and others.

Musical series: Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, “Sentimental Waltz”, Chopin “Nocturnes”.

Literary works :, V. Rozhdestvensky. " Trees"

Computer, multimedia projector, screen. album, pencil, eraser, colored pencils

Lesson type : a lesson in discovering new knowledge

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Student activities

Teacher activities

Methodical comment

Organizing time

Target: Create conditions for the emotional mood of students.

Greeting from the teacher. students

getting ready to work.

Hello guys!

Regulatory Actions:

Providing students with organization of their educational activities. An emotionally positive attitude towards the lesson, creating a situation of success and trust.

Stage of motivation and updating of knowledge

Target: Creating conditions for external and internal psychological readiness for the lesson with the help of statements by artists about the role of line in the fine arts.

The artist Henri Matisse said: “The path to the final goal does not go through the accumulation of details, but through their selection. In a drawing, for example, the artist must choose from all possible lines the most expressive, the most saturated with life” (the epigraph is written on the board).Slide No. 1

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

Determining the topic and setting the lesson goal

Target: Creating positive motivation for working in the lesson and leading students to determine the topic of the lesson

“Discovery” of new knowledge by students

What do you think we will talk about in class today?

What do you have to learn about the line?

Indeed, today we will talk about the line.

The topic of our lesson is “Line and its expressive possibilities.” Slide No. 2

In today's lesson you will learn -

Expressive properties of line, types and character of line.

Involving students in the process of setting lesson goals and objectives helps to form regulatory learning activities.

Studying new educational material.

Goal: To form the concept of line as the main means of expressiveness in graphics.

For graphics

A type of fine art where the reflection of reality is achieved through drawing. The main means of expressing an idea are line, stroke, spot)

Sketch, sketch, sketch

Drawing begins with a line. The line is the beginning of all beginnings in the drawing

The first line is drawn quickly, it has a thin flying tail, it is very smooth - the hand does not have time to flinch at speed.

The second line is lighter than the others. This means that the pressure on it was less.

And the third is the slowest, with pressure. This can also be seen from the unevenness of the line.

Long short, straight, curved, wavy

Jerky, thin, thick.

The line can be confident, dashing, bold or strict, detailed, soft, hard, gentle, rough

Line is a means of creating an image;

To make the image more expressive

For what type of fine art is line the main means of expression?

What is graphics?

Slide No. 3

What types of drawing do you know?Slide No. 4

Drawing is the structural basis of any image in the fine arts. Drawing is a means of cognition and study of reality.

Do you know where any drawing begins?

The line itself can tell an attentive viewer a lot. About the character, mood, state of the person who painted it.

Each line is an imprint of our personality! After all, even based on our handwriting, a graphologist can reliably describe any of us. Same with any other line.

I drew three lines with one pencil at different speeds and pressures.Slide No. 5

Determine which is slow, which is fast, which is carried out easily, and which with pressure?

What lines do you know?

What kind of lines can be drawn?

Slide No. 6

Do you think the line might have a character?

What character can a line have?

I suggest you give the line the same character traits as a person. Come up with lyrical epithets to denote her character. (work with presentation)Slide No. 7

A line can sound like a string: accidentally plucked, expressively sounding, or hysterically screaming.

What do we mean with a line?

Why does an artist need so many different lines?

What does he use them for?

Interest in the expressiveness of a line gives rise to its character. The nature of the line expresses the emotions and feelings of the artist.

The method used - conversation, allows you to form a communicative educational action: the ability to express your thoughts, while hearing others

Problematic questions form the ability to enter into dialogue and express one’s point of view

The criteria for achieving the goals and objectives of this are active participation in the discussion of the topic, complete, detailed answers from students, the ability to evaluate the answers of comrades, independent thinking, and argumentation.

Looking at illustrations (visual range)

Goal: To create conditions for the development of the ability to distinguish between the main types and genres of plastic arts, to characterize their specificity, and the ability to express judgments about the artistic features of works depicting nature and man in different emotional states.

Looking at images.

expected student responses: gentle, mysterious, thoughtful, kind young woman.

We clearly see the differences in the style of their drawing, the author's temperament and character.

The magic of the creative act - the phenomenon of line - is impeccably conveyed in the works of many artists.

Check out some graphic sheets from different artists!

This is Rembrandt. What a dynamic line! What a lot of touches! Confidently and quickly they “sculpt” a three-dimensional shape.Slide No. 8

This is a portrait of the mother by Albrecht Durer. He became famous for his engravings. Isn't it a very calm, well-honed line? The work of an engraver requires perseverance - a line drawn with a cutter on metal cannot be corrected. Here you need to be confident in every movement!Slide No. 9

Another portrait. This is Nikolai Feshin, a magnificent painter and portrait painter of the early 20th century. His line is somehow weightless, sophisticated, very romantic.Slide No. 10

And one more artist whom I cannot ignore. Because his line is simply masterful! Dynamic, forming a silhouette and image in one movement. These are drawings by Valentin Serov.Slide No. 11

Look carefully at the picture.

“Woman with Flowing Hair” by A. Matisse.Slide No. 12

What are your impressions of this female image?

A. Matisse himself said: “I cannot add anything to this line, nor take anything away from it.”

Compare the pictures: how are they similar. is different?

Slide No. 13

I think now you will look differently not only at the graphic works of artists, but also at the drawings that you make yourself, that you see from your loved ones.

The method of immersion in the works of artists helps to form visual images

I use interactive technologies to determine the depth of knowledge of the material.

Dynamic pause

Draw different lines in the air with your hands. Show what lines you can use to draw good and evil. Imagine yourself as a thin birch tree; mighty oak; a weeping willow over the river; tree with a broken branch.

A change in activity is needed to relieve fatigue, improve posture, and prevent spinal curvature.

Consolidation of the studied material.

Creative work of students

Target: Identify artistic means in poetry and visual arts.

Creative work of students

Target: Organization of independent work of students

Students listen, analyze, compare, determine:

Do trees have their own character?

Oak branches are thick, gnarled, birch branches are thin, flexible, tender, hawthorn branches are prickly, hard, willow branches are flexible, smooth, long, etc.

Students are given a research assignment.

You know that a person can have an evil and kind character, gentle and hard. While listening to a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky (while the poem is being read, there is a slide show with photographs of various trees and works of artists), determine:

Do different trees have their own character?

by what artistic means the poet depicts this.Slide No. 14-21

Do you think branches have character? Consider the branches, compare.

Practical work: -

Using any convenient graphic material, depict good and evil with lines of different nature. To make it easier to cope with the task, we will convey these qualities through the image of a tree.

Exhibition of works

Students show their completed work.Choose the works you like and explain your choice.

What character did you try to convey in your drawing?

What difficulties did you encounter while completing the task?

Ability to formulate thoughts and participate in discussions.

Reflective Analysis



Students’ awareness of their educational activities, self-assessment of the results of their own and the entire class’s activities.

- The students' answers were consistent with the goal of the lesson and its objectives.

I think that today’s lesson was difficult, but also interesting, you learned something new. I suggest you evaluate your work in class by completing the phrases I suggested.

Finish the sentence:

I know…

I understand…

It was a discovery for me...

I managed…

I like it…

Identification and awareness by students of what has been learned in the lesson, awareness of the quality and level of what has been learned.

Sensemaking, i.e. the student asks the question: what did the lesson teach? NEqually ethical orientation, including assessment of assimilated content that ensures personal social choice.


Lesson summary.


Compare the obtained result with the predicted one.

Carry out self-assessment of creative activity.

Definition of homework

Today you learned that the main expressive means of drawing is line. Weaving into various shapes, the line can be exquisite and lacy, prickly and angry, delicate and velvety.

Let's return to the epigraph: “In a drawing, the artist must choose from all possible lines the most expressive, the most saturated with life.”

How do you now understand the meaning of the artist’s words?

Henri Matisse?Slide No. 22

Homework : I invite students to choose their homework from three proposed options:

    Draw a drawing of a pet

(completing this task corresponds to the mark “3”).

    Create a series of drawings of domestic animals (completing this task corresponds to the mark “4”).

    For children who have access to the Internet at home, I suggest creating a presentation about graphic artists (completing this task corresponds to the mark “5”).

All students: prepare graphic materials

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