The fox and the hare is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale. Fairy tale "Zaykina's hut": brief description and basic information

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Russian folk art very rich and varied. There are hundreds of different Russians folk tales, parables, signs, songs, etc. The main wealth is our children. This has been known for a long time. That is why Russian folklore contains so many instructive works from which a child can learn Eternal values, correct life principles and priorities. One of the most beloved and popular fairy tales is “Zaykina’s Hut,” which talks about honesty, mutual assistance and true friendship.

Author and original text

The fairy tale "Zaykina's Hut" is considered a Russian folk tale, and its original author is unknown. However, like original text this work. Now it is almost impossible to find. There are already dozens of different interpretations of this tale on the Internet. One option differs from the other not radically, but they are still different. And besides the Internet, when transmitting the text of a Russian folk tale from mouth to mouth, it is quite difficult to preserve the exact verbatim text. Therefore, the work has undergone slight changes both in the composition of the characters and in the plot itself.


The heroes of the fairy tale "Zaikin's Hut" are a variety of animals. The main characters are the Fox, the Hare and the Rooster. Even the name of this Russian folk tale has several variations. This tale can also be found under the title “The Fox and the Hare” or “The Hare, the Fox and the Rooster.” Besides these central characters, the work contains a Wolf, a Bear, a Bull, a Goat and a Dog. It should be noted that the main characters do not change. It is on their image that the narrative is built. The supporting animal characters are interchangeable and don't have much to play with. important role. In any of existing versions This Russian folk tale tells about 5-6 characters. Of these, 3 are central and another 2-3 secondary characters.

Fairy tale interpretations

The fairy tale "Zaikin's Hut" is so popular today and is considered instructive that plays have been written based on it for children attending kindergarten And primary school. In 1973, the first cartoon based on the text of the fairy tale was released. The work is called "The Fox and the Hare". Now exists more than a dozen various video variations based on the text of this tale. You can also find one of the versions of the text of the work set to poetry. Which is very good for small children. After all, a verse is much easier and more interesting to remember and learn than an ordinary text.

The fairy tale "Zayka's Hut" tells an instructive story about good and evil. Once upon a time the Hare and the Fox lived next door. Each of the heroes had their own own house, the Fox has a hut made of ice, and the Hare has a bast hut. During the winter, the cheat made fun of the oblique, praising her home. But spring came, the sun began to warm, the snow melted, as did the Fox’s house. Using cunning, she lured the Hare out of his hut and occupied it, driving the Hare out forever.

Kosoy was very upset and, walking through the forest, on his way he meets a Wolf, a Bear and a Bull in turn. Each of the animals sympathizes with the Hare and volunteers to help bring his home back. But no one succeeds. The fox turns out to be smarter than them. After three unsuccessful attempts to return his home, the Hare meets the Rooster on his way, who also decides to help him. What came of it? No matter how the Hare tried to dissuade the Rooster from helping him, he was more stubborn, and turned out to be absolutely right. He managed to lure the Fox out of the hut and scare her with his scythe. She ran away and never came back. And the Hare and the Rooster became friends and began to live together in a bast hut.

It is not difficult to figure out which characters are good and which are evil. Kids love this fairy tale very much. She teaches them not to envy, to help a friend in need and to appreciate those around them. And as always happens in good children's fairy tales, good defeated evil.

Lesson objectives:

  • formation of the concept of the distinctive features of a fairy tale;
  • development in schoolchildren through artistic details imagination and figurative perception;
  • expansion of personal emotional experience, development moral qualities and development spiritual world child.


  • M/m presentation.
  • Video film.


1. Organizing time

They stood up quietly, fell silent,
You got everything you need.
Prepared for the lesson
Otherwise there is no use to it.
Sit down quietly, everyone
Don't turn around anymore.
We'll start the lesson now
He is interesting to you.
Listen carefully
You will definitely understand everything.

2. Motivation for learning activities

Slide No. 1. "Country Literature"

– We continue our journey through the amazing country of Literature.

Slide number 2. “I do it myself; What I do not know?; I’ll find a way myself!”

– How will we structure our lesson? (Children read from the slide: “I do it myself; What don’t I know?; I’ll find a way myself!”).
“We will first have to understand what we don’t know, and then try to discover new knowledge ourselves.”
– Our friend Smiley is in a great mood, he came to our lesson again to gain new knowledge. Show what mood you are in, smile at each other, great, go ahead and get knowledge.

2. Updating knowledge.

-Where should we start working? (With repetition).

Slide number 3. "Folklore".

- Continue the sentence.
Songs, jokes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, counting rhymes, fairy tales, tongue twisters, ditties - this is (“oral folk art.”)

Slide number 4. "Folklore".

– What is another name for “Oral folk art”? (Folklore).
– What do you know about folklore - oral folk art? Why “Oral Folk Art”?
Oral – means word of mouth;
Folk – what the people created;
Creation- creating something new.
That’s right – this is the verbal creativity of the people, the experience of previous generations, reflecting the essence of their life. It arose long before people mastered in writing. They passed on their creativity to the next generation by word of mouth. This is where the name came from. Oral folk art gives the language brightness, beauty and expressiveness.
Today we will devote our lesson to one of your favorite genres of oral folk art, and you can guess which one yourself.

Slide number 5. "Words"

Read the words and tell me from which genre they are lost?
The beginning, repetitions, ending, saying, ... - this is a fairy tale.
- Absolutely right, this is, of course, a fairy tale.
-What is a fairy tale? A fairy tale is a fictional story.
– Name it distinctive features fairy tales, how does it differ from such genres as short stories and stories? Fairy tales have morals, magic, wisdom, main idea– good defeats evil, the presence of real and unreal heroes, magical objects; triple repetitions of feats, actions, events.
– What genre types of fairy tales do you know?

– That’s right, fairy tales are divided into author’s and folk. Already from the names it is clear that author's tales are those that were written by a specific famous writer-storyteller, and folk tales are those that do not have one author. Folk tales are passed down by word of mouth, from generation to generation, and the original author is unknown to anyone. (About animals, everyday, magical)

– What are the folk tales?
Kolobok, Geese-swans, Pockmarked hen, Turnip, Masha and the bear, Morozko, Vasilisa the Beautiful, At the behest of the pike, Sivka-burka, Wolf and seven kids, Fox and crane.
– What are the names of the most famous storytellers?
The most famous storytellers are A.S. Pushkin, Const. Dmitr. Ushinsky, Hans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault and many others.
Setting a learning task.
- Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales.
- Let's listen to one of the fairy tales and name its author.

Slide number 7. Fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut." Listening to an audio recording.

Slide number 8. Lesson topic: “Fox, hare and rooster.”

– Read the title of the fairy tale. What shelf do you think you will find this fairy tale on in the library? (Folk tales or author's tales).
Absolutely, right – this is a Russian folk tale.
Who will this tale be about? Can you tell by the name?

Working with the textbook

– Let's open the textbook on page 66 and look at the illustrations.
– Who, besides the fox, hare, rooster, is depicted in the illustration?
– What can you tell about the heroes of Russian folk tales?
– Who turns out to be cunning, stupid, evil in a fairy tale?

Main part of the lesson

Slide number 9. "Illustration for a fairy tale"

- Let's read a fairy tale. Reading a fairy tale in a chain.
– Did you like the fairy tale?
– Were your assumptions about the heroes of the fairy tale justified?
- Name all the heroes of the fairy tale. Why are not all of them included in the title of the fairy tale?
– Compare the fairy tale with the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, how are they similar and how are they different?
Similarities– plot and composition, language, idea – good defeats evil, the same beginning and end of the fairy tale.
Difference– the name of the fairy tale, more heroes.
– Why do you think these fairy tales are so similar? The fairy tales are very similar, because they are folk tales, people told them to each other, passed them on from generation to generation, and each author could add something of his own, even change the name of the fairy tale.
- Why do you think people called it that way? Maybe it could have been called differently, for example, “The Fox and the Hare.”

Work on the analysis of the fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”

Selective reading.

– Could the fairy tale be called “The Fox and the Hare”? Support your answer with text. (Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare.)
– Why did the unknown author name the fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”?
The main characters are precisely the ones stated in the title. A conflict develops between them. In addition to these heroes, there are also dogs and a bear in the fairy tale - they play a secondary role.

Slide number 10. "Characteristics of fairy tale heroes." Work on the characteristics of the heroes of Russian folk tales.

So, the main and minor characters fairy tales are animals. Moreover, the animals are unusual, they are endowed human qualities, they conduct a dialogue, speak like a person, which means they have character.
– Let’s work on the characters of the fairy tale heroes, the traits that characterize our heroes.

Slide number 11. "Research work". Work in pairs.

– Now let’s work in pairs, conduct research work: complete a task to search in the text for episodes, words, expressions that characterize this or that hero.
– Find in the text episodes, words, expressions that characterize the heroes of the fairy tale.

Selective reading.

Work in pairs. We continue to work in pairs.
– Match the qualities of fairy-tale characters. Support your answer with text.

Slide number 12. "Dictionary of qualities."

"Dictionary of qualities." (handouts on desk).

Fox Hare Dogs Bear Rooster
Confident in your abilities
Confident in your abilities
Confident in their abilities
Confident in your abilities
Confident in your abilities

Conclusion. So let's conclude:

Fox is cunning, smart, resourceful, confident in her abilities.
The hare is kind, sympathetic, cowardly, hardworking.
Dogs are brave, sympathetic, cowardly. confident in their abilities.
The bear is responsive, brave, confident in his abilities.
The Rooster is cunning, smart, resourceful, confident in his abilities.
Which characters have the same qualities?
The Fox is smart and cunning, and the Rooster is smart and cunning.

- Why does the Rooster win? The rooster wins because he stands guard over goodness, peace and justice, he protects the weak hare, which means he rightfully gets the victory.

Slide number 13. "Physical training minute."

Slide No. 14 “Plot and composition of a fairy tale.”

Working on the plot and composition of a fairy tale.

– Let’s analyze how the fairy tale is constructed, what its composition is.
- Tell me what happens in the fairy tale. What is it about? (The fairy tale tells how a rooster drove the fox out of the hare's house; at the end of the fairy tale, justice triumphed.)
– Can a fairy tale be divided into parts? There are several parts to a fairy tale.
– Now you yourself will re-read the fairy tale again and determine storyline, that is, divide it into semantic parts: determine the beginning, the development of the action and the denouement.

Independent reading of a fairy tale. ( Buzzing reading.) Students reread the fairy tale and use a pencil to divide it into semantic parts.

– Let’s check into what parts the fairy tale can be divided?
– Where does the fairy tale begin? A fairy tale begins with a beginning - this is part of the plot that outlines the initial situation: time, place of action, heroes of the work, their relationships.
– Read what words the first part ends with.

Part 1 - ... yes, she kicked him out of the hut.
– What event underlies the development of the plot, action?
– How is this event presented in the fairy tale? The development of the plot begins almost immediately, as soon as the fox asked to spend the night with the bunny. In the fairy tale, a conflict begins to develop between the hare, who was left without his house, and the fox, who kicked the bunny out of her hut.
– Read where you left off the second part.
Part 2 – The bear got scared and left.
Part 3 – Denouement.
– Who helps a bunny in trouble? Who was able to drive out the fox? Why? Other heroes of the fairy tale help the bunny: a dog and a bear, but none of the representatives of either domestic or wild animals can solve the problem created. The noisy rooster managed to help the bunny. It is he, the smart, cunning one, who drives the fox out of the house.

Slide number 15. Study of the language of fairy tales.

– Now let’s continue our study of the fairy tale and work on its language. We will conduct research work in groups.

Work in groups.

One group is looking for incomprehensible or unfamiliar words in a fairy tale, the second is looking for examples of small folklore genres (chants, sentences), the third is for repetitions.


Conclusion: A folk tale with its unique narrative, melodiousness characteristic of the Russian language, it contains many native Russian words, expressions, nicknames, sayings that the Russian people so often used in their speech.

Many original Russian words and expressions
Calls, sentences.

Slide No. 16-25. "Illustrations for a fairy tale." Dramatizing an excerpt from a fairy tale.

Slide number 26. Generalization on the topic of the lesson.

– The fairy tale is based on one event - the fox took the house from the hare, because her house, which was not built properly, melted. To restore justice, it is necessary to return the house to the hare.
The fairy tale is also unusual in terms of its structure. A fairy tale about animals, like other types of fairy tales, has a special beginning - a saying, a beginning; It is precisely this beginning that allows us to say that we are reading a fairy tale. It clearly distinguishes between positive and negative characters, and ends with the triumph of good over evil. This is what the people have always believed.
– Is it possible to say about the fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster” that “justice reigns in it”?
– Let’s remember, it’s a folk tale. The people believe in the victory of good over evil. Does this happen in life?
(“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”)
What does a fairy tale teach us?
(The fairy tale teaches: “Act justly - and victory will definitely be yours.”)

  • I can name the heroes of a fairy tale.
  • I can name the character qualities of the heroes of a fairy tale.
  • I can explain why the rooster won and not the fox.
  • I can retell a fairy tale.

– Find a book with Russian folk tales in your home library.
– Read one of the fairy tales. Tell adults what work was read in class and who the author is.
– Draw illustrations for your favorite episode.

Slide number 29. Mood.

Lived once fox and hare . The fox had an ice hut, the hare had a bast hut.

The red spring has come - the fox's hut has melted, but the hare's hut remains as before.

So the fox asked him to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut. A dear bunny walks and cries. A dog meets him:

Bang, bang, bang! What, bunny, are you crying?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked me to spend the night, but she kicked me out.

Don't cry, bunny! I will help your grief. They approached the hut. The dog barked:

Bang, bang, bang! Get out, fox! And the fox from the stove:

The dog got scared and ran away.

The bunny walks along the road again, crying. A bear meets him:

What are you crying about, bunny?

Don't cry, I will help your grief.

No, you won't help. The dog chased him, but he didn’t drive him out, and you can’t drive him out.

No, I'll kick you out!

They approached the hut. The bear will scream:

Get out, fox!

And the fox from the stove:

As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!

The bear got scared and ran away.

The bunny is coming again. A bull meets him:

What, bunny, are you crying?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked to spend the night and kicked me out.

No, bull, you can't help. The dog chased but didn’t drive him out, the bear chased him but didn’t drive him out, and you can’t drive him out.

No, I'll kick you out!

They approached the hut. The bull roared:

Get out, fox!

And the fox from the stove:

As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!

The bull got scared and ran away.

The dear bunny walks again, crying more than ever. A rooster with a scythe meets him:

Ku-ka-riku! What are you crying about, bunny?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked to spend the night and kicked me out.

Let's go, I'll help your grief.

No, rooster, you can't help. The dog chased but didn’t drive him out, the bear chased him but didn’t kick him out, the bull chased him but didn’t kick him out, and you can’t drive him out.

No, I'll kick you out!

They approached the hut. The rooster stomped his paws and beat his wings:

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm walking on my heels
I carry the scythe on my shoulders,
I want a fox,
Get down, fox, from the forest,
Get out, fox!

The fox heard, got scared and said:

Putting on my shoes...

Rooster again:

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm walking on my heels
I carry the scythe on my shoulders,
I want to whip the fox
Get off the stove, fox,
Get out, fox!

Lisa says again:

Getting dressed...

Rooster for the third time:

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm walking on my heels
I carry the scythe on my shoulders,
I want to whip the fox
Get down, fox, from the place,
Get out, fox!

The fox ran out unconscious, and the rooster then killed her with a scythe. And they began to live with the bunny in a bast hut.

Irina Zakharova
Introduction to the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Hare”.

Subject: Introduction to Russian folk tales« Fox and Hare» .

Goals: - continue acquaintance with the genres of Russian folklore;

Evoke an emotional response to fairy tale« Fox and Hare» ;

Develop children's coherent speech; correct sound pronunciation skills;

Develop imagination, activity and creativity;

Enrich lexicon children;

Learn to select synonyms for words;

Improve children’s ability to answer questions to text coherently

full sentences;

Improve the intonation side of speech;

Strengthen the use of simple and complex common words in children’s speech


Materials: magnetic board, magnets, pictures from fairy tales« Fox and Hare» , a book with Russian folk tale, heroes masks.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, today we will go to visit fairy-tale heroes , and will help us with this Russian folktale.

Let's remember who came up with it Russian folk tales? (people)

Right! They were passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, and many have reached us. Let's remember them.

("Kolobok", "Teremok", « Swan geese» , "Ryaba Chicken", "Masha and the Bear" etc.)

Well done boys! A lot of you know Russian folk tales. Today we let's meet another one. Guess what it's called. To do this you need to solve riddles.

Jumps across the field, hides his ears,

It will stand up like a column of ears. (hare)

What kind of forest animal is this?

Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree? And stands among the grass -

Ears higher than your head? (hare)

Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful! And her name is (fox) .

What is the name of fairy tale? (« Fox and Hare» )

Remember the nursery rhymes about the fox and the bunny.

A fox was walking along the bridge, carrying a bundle of brushwood.

I heated the bathhouse and gave Vanka a bath.

She sat me in a corner and gave me a sweet pie.

The cowardly hare ran across the field,

I ran into the garden. I found a carrot

I found cabbage. Sits, gnawing.

Go away - the owner is coming.

3. Reading fairy tales.

4. Work on fairy tale.

Did you like it fairy tale? Why did you like it? What does this teach us? fairy tale? (kindness, friendship, justice)

Think about what proverbs would be suitable?

(A friend in need is a friend indeed.

In true friendship, get lost yourself and help your friend out of trouble.

He who trembles is the one who runs.

The fox uses cunning.

Look for a friend, and if you find him, take care.)

Selection of synonyms for words from fairy tales:

How can say it differently?

(bast hut - made of wood; roared - growled;

cry, sob, whine, burst into tears.)

Sweet words: hare-hare, bunny, bunny, bunny, little bunny.

fox, little fox.

There are pictures on the board. We need to arrange them in correct sequence.

Physical exercise. « Hare and cabbage» .

The little bunny got up early

He went out into the clearing.

I walked along the edge of the forest towards the forest and found a large head of cabbage.

The little bunny began to crunch a head of cabbage.

Crunch-crunch, crunch-crunch.

He ate it, fell under a bush and fell asleep.

I woke up and stretched sweetly.

He leaned left and right and ran home.

5. Conversation on issues.

How it begins fairy tale?

Which dwelling did the hare have and which did the fox?

What happened in the spring?

What did you do fox?

What animals wanted to help the bunny drive out the fox?

Explain the words “pieces will go down the back streets”

Were they able to help him?

Who helped the bunny drive out the fox?

Explain the words “ran out without memory”.

What song was the rooster singing?

How did it end fairy tale?

Finger gymnastics: "Visiting the Bunny".

The animals came to visit the bunny,

They are a gift for the bunny brought:

Bear - blueberries, fox - blueberries,

Little Wolf - lingonberries, and little hedgehog brought strawberries.

The little bunny received his gifts,

And he treated his friends to honey and raspberries.

6. Retelling a fairy tale based on pictures.

7. Re-enactment fairy tales.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we do in class? (read fairy tale, arranged the pictures in the correct sequence, and answered questions. played a game retold a fairy tale)

tell friends