Literature of the 18th century works are small. Russian literature of the 18th century - general characteristics

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In Russian literature of the 18th century, the first independent direction began to take shape - classicism. Classicism developed based on examples ancient literature and Renaissance art. On the development of Russian literature in the 18th century, great influence provided, as well as the school of European education.

Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky made a significant contribution to the development of literature of the 18th century. He was a wonderful poet and philologist of his time. He formulated the basic principles of versification in the Russian language.

His principle of syllabic-tonic versification was the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line. The syllabic-tonic principle of versification, formulated back in the 18th century, is still the main method of versification in the Russian language.

Trediakovsky was a great connoisseur of European poetry and translated foreign authors. Thanks to him, the first fiction novel, exclusively secular themes. It was a translation of the work “Ride to the City of Love” by the French author Paul Talman.

A.P. Sumarokov was also a great man of the 18th century. The genres of tragedy and comedy developed in his work. Sumarokov’s dramaturgy contributed to the awakening in people human dignity and higher moral ideals. IN satirical works Russian literature of the 18th century was marked by Antioch Cantemir. He was a wonderful satirist, making fun of nobles, drunkenness and self-interest. In the second half of the 18th century, the search for new forms began. Classicism ceased to meet the needs of society.

He became the largest poet in Russian literature of the 18th century. His work destroyed the framework of classicism and brought alive colloquial speech into a literary style. Derzhavin was a wonderful poet, thinking person, poet-philosopher.

At the end of the 18th century, a literary movement called sentimentalism emerged. Sentimentalism - aimed at exploration inner world human, personality psychology, experiences and emotions. The heyday of Russian sentimentalism in Russian literature of the 18th century was the works of a and a. Karamzin, in the story, expressed interesting things that became a bold revelation for Russian society of the 18th century.

Literature and literary works- this is an opportunity to express one’s attitude to what is happening, to ridicule or glorify the events taking place, which is what the writers did different centuries. That's how it was Old Russian literature, it was replaced by the medieval one, and it was replaced by new literature and today we have to make a description of Russian literature of the 18th century.

Brief characteristics of Russian literature of the 18th and 19th centuries

Working on the characteristics of the literature of the 18th and 19th centuries, it should be noted that the development of literature is connected with the activities of Peter the Great. Now, when characterizing the literature of the 18th century in the 9th grade, it should be noted that among literary works started to appear scientific books and books of journalistic content. Foreign words began to be used in literature, and most importantly, now literature and works are written not in Church Slavonic, but in the common consumer language Russian. Now the Age of Enlightenment begins.

Doing general literature 18th century, I will say that in the eighteenth century, writers continue to use genres such as drama, poetry of Virsch form, story, that is, those genres that existed in the 17th century, but genres such as love lyrics are added to this list.

At the beginning of the 18th century, writers were mainly engaged in translations, and a little later they began to appear own works writers of that time. The writers' works were written in the spirit of classicism, where genres were divided into low genres, among which fable, satire, and comedy can be distinguished. Here the works are written in simple vernacular. Literature is also divided into high genres, which include odes, tragedies, heroic songs, which, unlike low genres, where the work is dedicated to life ordinary people or the bourgeoisie, where the state and the upper strata of society are praised.

All works of the 18th century had clear boundaries and were written according to the rule of three unities, that is, the work had one plot, basically the events described take place within one day, and in one place. In the literature of the 18th century one can clearly distinguish positive and negative heroes, all the heroes wear speaking names, for example, Starodum, Prostakova. Literature of the 18th century touches on such problems as the problem of education, and the works themselves have a simple plot, easy to understand and perceive. Who is the representative of classicism? Here it is worth remembering Krylov, Fonvizin, Derzhavin and other writers.

But classicism was not eternal and here it is replaced by sentimentalism, where in their works writers began to stop and concentrate attention on the feelings of the characters. Here we can highlight such writers as Kamenev, Karamzin, Zhukovsky.

And all the achievements of the Renaissance. The literature of the 18th century had a huge impact on societies, which made an invaluable contribution to world culture. The Enlightenment gave impetus to the Great french revolution, which completely changed Europe.

The literature of the 18th century performed mainly educational functions; great philosophers and writers became its heralds. They themselves possessed an incredible amount of knowledge, sometimes encyclopedic, and not without reason believed that only an enlightened person could change this world. They carried their humanistic ideas through literature, which consisted mainly of philosophical treatises. These works were written for quite wide range readers capable of thinking and reasoning. The authors hoped in this way to be heard by a large number of people.

The period from 1720 to 1730 is called Enlightenment classicism. Its main content was that writers ridiculed based on examples of ancient literature and art. In these works one can feel pathos and heroism, which are aimed at the idea of ​​​​creating a paradise state.

Foreign literature The 18th century did a lot. She was able to show heroes who are true patriots. For this category of people, Equality, Fraternity and Freedom are the main priority. True, it should be noted that these heroes are completely devoid of individuality, character, they are possessed only by sublime passions.

Enlightenment classicism is being replaced by educational realism, which brings literature closer to concepts closer to people. Foreign literature of the 18th century received a new direction, more realistic and democratic. Writers turn their faces to the person, describe his life, talk about his suffering and torment. Through the language of novels and poems, writers call on their readers to mercy and compassion. Enlightened people of the 18th century began to read the works of Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Montesquieu, Lessing, Fielding and Defoe. Main characters - ordinary people who cannot resist public morality, are very vulnerable and often weak-willed. The authors of these works are still very far from being realistic. literary images heroes of the 19th and 20th centuries, but a significant shift towards describing more life characters.

Russian literature of the 18th century began with the reforms of Peter I, gradually replacing the positions of enlightened classicism with realism. Prominent representatives this period there were such authors as Trediakovsky and Sumarokov. They created fertile soil on Russian soil for the development of literary talents. Fonvizin, Derzhavin, Radishchev and Karamzin are undeniable. We still admire their talents and civic position.

English literature The 18th century was distinguished by the formation of several various directions. The British were the first to use such genres as social and family novels, in which the talents of Richardson, Smollett, Stevenson, and, undoubtedly, Swift, Defoe and Fielding were revealed. Writers in England were among the first to criticize not the bourgeois system, but the bourgeois themselves, their moral and moral principles. True, Jonathan Swift aimed his irony at the bourgeois system itself, showing in his works its most negative aspects. English literature of the 18th century is also represented by a phenomenon called sentimentalism. It is filled with pessimism, disbelief in ideals and is aimed only at feelings, usually of love content.


Prepared by Alena Khasanovna Borisova,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Algasovskaya secondary school

Russian literature of the 15th-3rd century developed under the influence of the great changes that were introduced into the socio-political and cultural life countries of the reform of Peter I.

From the beginning of the XV I II century, old Moscow Rus' turned into Russian Empire. Peter I introduced something new that he considered necessary for the state.

The second third of the 18th century is an important period in the development of Russian literature

Appeared prominent figures Russian fiction(theorists and writers); an entire literary movement is born and takes shape, that is, in the work of a number of writers, common ideological and artistic features are revealed.

Literary directions XVIII century

The main direction was classicism

(from Latin classicus - exemplary).

Representatives of this direction proclaimed in the highest possible way artistic creativity Ancient Greece and Rome.

These works were recognized as classic, that is, exemplary, and writers were encouraged to imitate

them to create truly artistic works themselves.

Artist, in thought

the founders of classicism,

comprehends reality in order to

then display it in your work

not a specific person with his

passions, and the type of person is a myth.

If this is a hero, then he has no flaws,

if the character is satirical, then he is completely funny.

  • Russian classicism originated and developed on original soil. It was distinguished by its satirical focus and choice of national and historical themes.
  • Russian classicism attached special importance to “high” genres: epic poem, tragedy, ceremonial ode.

Since the 70s of the 18th century. a new direction is emerging in literature - sentimentalism

  • Placed in the center of the image daily life common man. His personal emotional experiences. His feelings and moods.
  • With it new genres appear: travel and sensitive story. Special merit in the development of this genre belongs to N. M. Karamzin (the story “Poor Liza”, “Letters of a Russian Traveler”). Intruded into literature new look to life, a new narrative structure arose: the writer looked more closely at reality and portrayed it more truthfully.

Antioch Kamtemir (1708-1744)

On January 1, 1732, A. Cantemir was appointed Russian ambassador in London. It was at this time that his literary talent blossomed. He writes and translates a lot.

A. Cantemir also wrote a religious and philosophical work

"Letters on Nature and Man".

Greek monastery.

V. K. Trediakovsky (1703-1768)

Poet and philologist Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky was born in Astrakhan, into the family of a priest. He received his education at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. In 1726 he fled abroad, to Holland, and later moved to France. At the Sorbonne he studied theology, mathematics and philosophy. In 1730 he returned to Russia, becoming one of the most educated people of his time and the first Russian academician. In the same year, he published his first printed work, “A Trip to the Island of Love,” a translation of an ancient book by a French author. There were also poems by Trediakovsky himself. The publication immediately made him a famous, fashionable poet.

Sincerely devoted to Russian literature, V.K. Trediakovsky was the author of dozens of volumes of translations and a brilliant expert on the theory of European poetry.

A. P. Sumarokov (1718-1777)

At the age of 13, A.P. Sumarokov was sent to the “knightly academy” - the Land Noble Corps. There were so many lovers of Russian literature here that a “society” was even organized: in free time The cadets read their works to each other. Sumarokov also discovered his talent; he became interested in French songs and began to compose Russian songs based on their model.

IN cadet corps for the first time they performed the tragedies of A.P. Sumarokov “Khoreev”, “The Hermit” (1757); “Yaropolk and Dimisa” (1758) and comedies. One of the best is “The Guardian,” staged in 1768.

Sumarokov rose to the rank of actual state councilor and became the most popular poet of his era. He also wrote philosophical and mathematical works.

M.V. Lomonosov (1711-1765)

Lomonosov was a brilliant son of the Russian people, who passionately loved his country. embodied in him best features, characteristic of the Russian people

The breadth, depth and variety of his scientific interests were amazing. He truly was the father of new Russian science and culture. The most remarkable thing about him was the combination of a scientist, public figure and a poet.

He wrote odes, tragedies, lyrical and satirical poems, fables, and epigrams. He carried out a reform of versification, outlined the theory of three “calms”

G. R. Derzhavin (1743-1816)

Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin was born in

Kazan in the family of an army officer. As a child

he was frail and weak, but he was different

“extreme inclination towards science.”

In 1759, Derzhavin nevertheless entered Kazan in

gymnasium In 1762 G. R. Derzhavin entered

for military service.

After ten years of military service, G.R.

Derzhavin was promoted to officer.

In 1784 G. R. Derzhavin was appointed Olonets

governor. Not getting along with the governor of the region, he was

transferred by the governor to Tambov.

He wrote the odes “Felitsa”, “Monument” and many poems.

D. I. Fonvizin (1745-1792)

D. I. Fonvizin was born in Moscow on April 3, 1745. In 1762, Fonvizin graduated from the noble gymnasium at Moscow University and entered the service of the College of Foreign Affairs.

Since 1769 he has been one of the secretaries of Count N.I. Panin.

In the mid-60s of the 18th century. Fonvizin becomes famous writer. The comedy “Brigadier” brought him fame. One of the most significant works of D.I. Fonvizina - comedy"Undergrown."

In 1782 he retired and decided to devote himself entirely to literature.

IN recent years During his life, D.I. Fonvizin thought intensely about the high responsibilities of the Russian nobility.

A. N. Radishchev (1749-1802)

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev was born in Moscow and spent his childhood on a Saratov estate. The richest landowners, the Radishchevs, owned thousands of serf souls.

During the Pugachev uprising, the peasants did not hand them over, they hid them in their yards, smeared with soot and dirt - they remembered that the owners were kind.

In his youth, A. N. Radishchev was the page of Catherine II. Together with other educated young men, he was sent to Leipzig to study, and in 1771, 22-year-old Radishchev returned to Russia and became a protocol officer for the Senate. As part of his job, he had to deal with a lot of court documents.

Based on the information received, he writes his own famous work"Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow"

Results of the development of literature XVIII century

Throughout the 17th century, Russian

Fiction has made significant progress.

Appear literary trends, dramaturgy, epic, lyricism develops

Russian literature of the 18th century, like many other cultural phenomena in Russia at that time, went through a long and complex path of intensive development. She is connected with the best traditions ancient Russian literature: its patriotism, reliance on folk art, growing interest in the human personality, accusatory orientation. Reform activities of Peter I, renewal and Europeanization of Russia, wide state building, the transformation of the country into a strong world power under the cruelty of the serfdom system - all this was reflected in the literature of that time. Classicism became the leading literary movement of the 18th century.

Classicism (from Latin classicus - exemplary) is a literary movement that developed in European literature XVII century and appeared in Russia in the XVIII century. It addressed ancient heritage as a norm and an ideal model. It is characterized by civic issues and educational tasks. The works of classic writers reflected the ideas of a strong independent state with the absolute power of the monarch, and the education of a citizen was considered main task. Therefore, the main conflict in the works of classicism is the conflict between duty and feeling. The aesthetics of classicism is based on the principle of rationality and strict normativity (hierarchy of genres, clear plot and compositional organization, division of heroes into positive and negative, schematism in their depiction, etc.). Material from the site

Classicism is a pan-European phenomenon. But in different countries it had its own characteristics. Russian classicism was closely connected with the ideas of the European Enlightenment about the need for fair laws, education, recognition of the value of the human person, the development of science and philosophy, revealing the secrets of the universe. At the same time, the decisive role in transforming the state on this kind of basis was assigned to the enlightened monarch, whose ideal Russian classicists saw in Peter I. But in modern times they did not find such a person, because great value in their works the social and moral education autocrats: an explanation of their duties towards their subjects, a reminder of their duty to the state, etc. On the other hand, the negative phenomena of Russian reality of this era were subjected to satirical ridicule and exposure, which further strengthened the connection of Russian classicism with modernity and gave it a satirical sharpness. Unlike European, Russian classicism is more closely related to folk traditions and oral folk art. He often uses material from Russian history rather than from antiquity. The ideal of Russian classicists is a citizen and patriot, striving to work for the good of the Fatherland. He must become active creative personality, fight with social vices and in the name of duty, give up personal happiness.

The achievements of Russian classicism are associated with poetic activity and theoretical works M.V. Lomonosov, poems by G.R. Derzhavin, fables by I.A. Krylov, comedies by D.I. Fonvizin and others. But already in the last quarter of the 18th century, the canons of classicism were largely shaken by the classicist writers themselves, such as I.A. Krylov, D.I. Fonvizin and especially G.R. Derzhavin.

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