Literary competition manuscript of the year. Literary competition “Manuscript of the Year”

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Year of Literature.RF has prepared a list of current literary awards for 2016

Text: Year of Literature.RF

(regardless of the place of residence of the authors and the subject of their works)

The oldest independent literary prize in modern Russia - first awarded in 1978 by the editors of the Leningrad samizdat almanac “The Hours”. Since that time, in accordance with the changing eras, it has gone through several transformations, but has retained unchanged the spirit of nonconformism and focus on the new and unusual. And also a corresponding unique “prize fund”: a bottle of vodka, one apple and one ruble. Despite this, the award enjoys constant respect in the professional community.

All-Russian poetry competition “Lost Tram” named after N. S. Gumilyov. Organized by the Organizing Committee of the international literary festival “Petersburg Bridges” and literary festival “Pieter”.
Anyone can take part in the competition, regardless of age, place of residence, fame, professional training, membership in creative unions, etc., with the exception of authors who have previously been winners of this competition.
A selection of works for the competition can be submitted by its author or the nominating organization (in agreement with the author).
The prize fund for 2016 is expected to be 60 thousand rubles. In addition, the winner of the competition, in case of personal participation in the final evening, receives a commemorative medal with the image of N.S. Gumilyov. Selection of prize winners and selected works of competition finalists are published in the magazines “New Coast” and “Northern Aurora”.
Deadline March 2, 2016.
Competition website:

(establishing a number of restrictions for authors)

The Russian Prize was established in 2005 and is one of the five most prestigious Russian literary awards. Authors who write in Russian and permanently reside outside the Russian Federation can be nominated. A partially rotating jury awards prizes in three categories - “short prose”, “large prose” and “poetry”, as well as a special prize for the preservation of Russian literature abroad. Nomination of manuscripts and autonomy are allowed. The cash value of the first prize in each category is 150,000 rubles. A publishing program is provided, carried out in partnership with the capital's publishing houses.
Among its laureates are Bakhyt Kenzheev, Boris Khazanov, Natalya Gorbanevskaya, Yuz Aleshkovsky, Anastasia Afanasyeva, Marina Paley, Andrey Ivanov, Margarita Meklina, Vladimir Lorchenkov, Mariam Petrosyan, Marianna Goncharova, Dina Rubina, Andrey Polyakov and others.

The 2015 laureates will be announced in April 2016, but for now they are only known.
Award website:

Awarded for the best philosophical essay. Established in 2013 “to support interest in philosophizing outside the professional philosophical community.” A special feature of the prize is that both fiction and non-fiction works can be nominated, as well as those written in Russian and translated (in this latter case, it is divided between the author, if he is alive, and the translator). The right to nominate is given to 49 nominators, whose names are published on the award website. The jury is appointed by the supervisory board. The monetary part of the award is 1 million rubles.

In 2015, in the second season of the award, the prize fund of the award doubled to two million rubles, since in 2014 the award was not awarded to any of the nominees. The short list included, and the prize for the best philosophical essay was received by translator Elena Dorman.
Award website:

International literary competition, organized by the Strelbitsky Multimedia Publishing House together with the Andronum Publishing Union.
The competition accepts works that meet the criteria of the “Detective” genre, written in any language, without restrictions.
The competition is apolitical and socially responsible. Texts containing profanity, scenes of violence, pornography, calls for war, national, religious or other intolerance, as well as immoral, offensive and degrading human dignity, etc., as well as texts with other content prohibited by law.
The main prize is 10,000 USD. 5 incentive bonuses of 500 USD. The works of the laureate, prize-winners and nominees are published at the expense of the publishing house.
The deadline for accepting works is September 10, 2016.
Competition website:


Established in 2009 by the children's publishing house Rosmen. First of all, to find new authors. In this regard, it allows and encourages self-nomination. The jury of the award consists mainly of Rosman employees and authors published there. There are three categories - for ages 2–8 years and 10–16 years, as well as (for artists). The main prize of the competition is a contract with Rosman to publish the winning book. However, editors sometimes take into work works from the short and long lists.

All-Russian competition for the best literary work for children and youth, organized by the Center for the Support of Russian Literature (which holds the Big Book Award). “Kniguru” is the only competition in the world that accepts both artistic and educational works, and the final decision is made by an open jury consisting of readers aged 10 to 16 years.
The winner receives 500,000 rubles, the second and third place holders receive 300,000 and 200,000 rubles, respectively.

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“And about gratitude... This is generally cool. We are not the Ministry of Culture. We are a commercial publishing house. We don’t thank authors, we pay them fees. Thank you doesn’t ring.”

That's what's commercial. And doesn’t gratitude in the form of royalties depend on circulation? The larger the circulation sold, the more gratitude rings :)


From my point of view, this promotion is very poorly developed in our country and there is a whole range of problems here.

0. This is exactly what Mr. and I are talking about. Anonymous. I hope that there will be at least some benefit; What I mean is that you will see what your customers think directly, and hopefully improve it.

1. Perhaps we attacked the wrong person. Editor. Are commercial aspects included in your competence? Hm. They're probably coming in. But not all?..

2.0. And we are talking about the simplest banality: basic business actions. (Hmm, if the concern is wasted, then... Tinkov was right about the infancy of the bookselling business)

2.1. More specifically:

Our goal is new names.

They awarded the prizes, so what? All the fuss is about this.
After all, the award is the promotion and promotion of worthy beginners. And you understand this, but not completely. Not completely, because you don’t do enough. Well, the worthy one got the Grand Prix, so what?

2.2. Hint: where is the pre-order button?

2.3. I know that the Ast-Letter goes back and forth. But come to an agreement with Ozone, damn it. Pre-order now. Pre-order with money reserved for that matter.
And don't say pre-order doesn't work. There are many millions on the ozone waiting list.
I personally waited three years for one book. And without a pre-order button, the client will forget in a day.

2.4. And next to it there should be a button to buy electronically. Just don't make fun of my slippers. Pirates. Now there are actually MILLIONS of people buying. If:
a) don't be greedy. Everyone pays 29 rubles, but on condition:
b) what is done conveniently, purchase in two clicks.

2.5. Yes, this is a manuscript. Editing, proofreading. Well, click the pre-order button for an electronic copy; _let_me_when_it_is_ready_. And as soon as - so immediately. Publishing an email takes less than a day.

2.6. Work throughout the country (or even wider). After all, the entire country is an order of magnitude larger than St. Petersburg. Ozone, etc.

2.7. And besides, now people are actively buying on Amazon. And translated into ours it’s 900 rubles; so there is a buyer.

3.0. I mean that in fact you are 90% of the effect of the bonus, how can I put it mildly...
3. 1. Well, get moving and set up a business. Your established business, what could be better for beginning authors.

4. I apologize for the possible rudeness of the tone; towards you personally, it’s not that there is no negativity, but on the contrary. I hope for improvements.

1. The Manuscript of the Year award is established as the Russian National Literary Prize. The founder of the award is the Astrel-SPb publishing house (Astrel-SPb LLC).

2. The award is annual.

3. Copyright-free manuscripts of authors whose works, with the exception of the nominated manuscript, have not previously been published in a circulation of more than 1000 copies, regardless of the year of publication, can be nominated for the prize. Publication on the Internet is not an obstacle to participation in the award.

4. Nomination list compiled in two ways:

1) automatically from manuscripts sent for consideration to the Astrel-SPb publishing house within the prescribed period (1 year);

2) nominators whom the Prize Organizing Committee appoints from among famous writers, journalists, cultural figures, etc. Each nominator has the right to nominate only one manuscript for the prize. Information about the nominators is published in advance in the media and/or the Internet.

5. Place of award: Saint Petersburg.

6. Award motto: Inspiration is not for sale! The purpose of the prize is to help talented authors achieve success and recognition in the literary world through the publication of their manuscripts.

7. Jury. The award jury consists of the Astrel-SPb editorial team. Information about the composition of the jury is published in the media and/or the Internet. The Jury has its own Chairman. In case of controversial issues, the Jury has the right to involve winners of previous seasons of the Award as Consultants.

8. At the end of each season the following are awarded: 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize, Grand Prix Award, and also prizes in special categories awards - “Plot”, “Language” and “Original Idea”. The organizing committee reserves the right to introduce additional prizes.

9. Longlist. Members of the Jury read all works included in the nomination list and collectively compose the Long List. Manuscripts nominated for the prize by nominators are automatically included in the longlist. The longlist is published in the media and/or the Internet.

10. Shortlist. From the Long List, the Jury selects no more than 10 manuscripts - this is how the Short List is formed. The shortlist is published in the media and/or the Internet.

11. Winners Announcement. Winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes, Grand Prix awards and winners in special nominations are determined by closed voting of the Jury members. Voting takes place before or during the Manuscript of the Year Award ceremony.

12. Bonuses. Winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes, Grand Prix awards and winners in special nominations receive the right to publish a manuscript in IG AST (Astrel-SPb) with a circulation of at least 3,000 copies. The publishing house undertakes to provide pre-press preparation, distribution of the book and a number of activities to promote the book within the AST holding. The works of the finalists are also subject to consideration by the Organizing Committee, although it does not make any preliminary commitments to them.

12. Deadlines various stages of the award in the current season:

Publication of the Shortlist –

Award Ceremony –

Publication of the award results – the day after the ceremony

The period for publication of the prized work is up to 12 months from the date of awarding the prize.

Dates are approximate and may be changed by the Prize Organizing Committee. Information about changes is published in the media and/or the Internet.



We are accepting works for the 11th season (until April 1, 2020)
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1. The Manuscript of the Year award is established as the Russian National Literary Prize. The founder of the award is the Astrel-SPb publishing house (Astrel-SPb LLC).

2. The award is annual.

3. Copyright-free manuscripts of authors whose works, with the exception of the nominated manuscript, have not previously been published in a circulation of more than 1000 copies, regardless of the year of publication, can be nominated for the prize. Publication on the Internet is not an obstacle to participation in the award.

4. Nomination list compiled in two ways:

1) automatically from manuscripts sent for consideration to the Astrel-SPb publishing house within the prescribed period (1 year);

2) nominators whom the Prize Organizing Committee appoints from among famous writers, journalists, cultural figures, etc. Each nominator has the right to nominate only one manuscript for the prize. Information about the nominators is published in advance in the media and/or the Internet.

5. Place of award: Saint Petersburg.

6. Award motto: Inspiration is not for sale! The purpose of the prize is to help talented authors achieve success and recognition in the literary world through the publication of their manuscripts.

7. Jury. The award jury consists of the Astrel-SPb editorial team. Information about the composition of the jury is published in the media and/or the Internet. The Jury has its own Chairman. In case of controversial issues, the Jury has the right to involve winners of previous seasons of the Award as Consultants.

8. At the end of each season the following are awarded: 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize, Grand Prix Award, and also prizes in special categories awards - “Plot”, “Language” and “Original Idea” and/or others. The organizing committee reserves the right to introduce additional prizes.

9. Longlist. Members of the Jury read all works included in the nomination list and collectively compose the Long List. Manuscripts nominated for the prize by nominators are automatically included in the longlist. The longlist is published in the media and/or the Internet.

10. Shortlist. From the Long List, the Jury selects no more than 10 manuscripts - this is how the Short List is formed. The shortlist is published in the media and/or the Internet.

11. Winners Announcement. Winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes, Grand Prix awards and winners in special nominations are determined by closed voting of the Jury members. Voting takes place before or during the Manuscript of the Year Award ceremony.

12. Bonuses. Winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes, Grand Prix awards and winners in special nominations receive the right to publish a manuscript in IG AST (Astrel-SPb) with a circulation of at least 2000 copies. The publishing house undertakes to provide pre-press preparation, distribution of the book and a number of activities to promote the book within the AST holding. The works of the finalists are also subject to consideration by the Organizing Committee, although it does not make any preliminary commitments to them.

12. Deadlines various stages of the award in the current season:

Publication of the Long List –

Publication of the Shortlist –

Award Ceremony –

Publication of the award results – the day after the ceremony

The period for publication of the prized work is up to 12 months from the date of awarding the prize.

Dates are approximate and may be changed by the Prize Organizing Committee. Information about changes is published in the media and/or the Internet.

The Manuscript of the Year award is established as the Russian National Literary Prize. The founder of the award is the Astrel-SPb publishing house (Astrel-SPb LLC).

Copyright-free manuscripts by authors whose works, with the exception of the nominated manuscript, have not previously been published in a circulation of more than 1,000 copies, regardless of the year of publication, can be nominated for the prize. Publication on the Internet is not an obstacle to participation in the award.

The nomination list is compiled in two ways:

1) automatically from manuscripts sent for consideration to the Astrel-SPb publishing house within the prescribed period (1 year);

2) nominators whom the Prize Organizing Committee appoints from among famous writers, journalists, cultural figures, etc. Each nominator has the right to nominate only one manuscript for the prize. Information about the nominators is published in advance in the media and/or the Internet.

Place of award: St. Petersburg.

The motto of the award is: “Inspiration is not for sale!” The purpose of the prize is to help talented authors achieve success and recognition in the literary world through the publication of their manuscripts.

The award jury consists of the Astrel-SPb editorial team. Information about the composition of the jury is published in the media and/or the Internet. The Jury has its own Chairman. In case of controversial issues, the Jury has the right to involve winners of previous seasons of the Award as Consultants.

At the end of each season, the following are awarded: 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize, Grand Prix Award, as well as prizes in special award categories - “Plot”, “Language” and “Original Idea” and/or others. The organizing committee reserves the right to introduce additional prizes.

Longlist. Members of the Jury read all works included in the nomination list and collectively compose the Long List. Manuscripts nominated for the prize by nominators are included in the longlist automatically. The longlist is published in the media and/or the Internet.

Shortlist. From the Long List, the Jury selects no more than 10 manuscripts - this is how the Short List is formed. The shortlist is published in the media and/or the Internet.

Announcement of the winners. Winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes, Grand Prix awards and winners in special nominations are determined by closed voting of the Jury members. Voting takes place before or during the Manuscript of the Year Award ceremony.

Bonuses. Winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes, Grand Prix awards and winners in special nominations receive the right to publish a manuscript in IG AST (Astrel-SPb) with a circulation of at least 2000 copies. The publishing house undertakes to provide pre-press preparation, distribution of the book and a number of activities to promote the book within the AST holding. The works of the finalists are also subject to consideration by the Organizing Committee, although it does not make any preliminary commitments to them.

The period for publication of the prized work is up to 12 months from the date of awarding the prize.

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