Lora zombie paintings.

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To look beyond is one of the strongest and most ancient desires of man. See the mechanism that rotates the Universe. Touch the gears that make our body work. And, of course, pull back the curtain hiding the artist. Understand what kind of magic pollen he uses instead of honey watercolors, and most importantly, how inspiration is born.

The holy of holies of any creative person - the workshop - will help lift the veil of secrecy. So, we have three young successful Russian artists and their studios. Let's see where and what they are working on! Smart, beautiful, self-taught artist and just a girl with blue hair - Laura Zombie

. At 25 years old, a native of Voronezh has more than fifteen solo and group exhibitions in Russia, the USA and Canada, as well as an army of Internet fans. She is defined both as a conceptualist and as a supporter of urban art. Laura herself identifies her style as grunge art - intuitive and impulsive drawing with a chaotic direction of color. However, her paintings are always harmonious. It is this extraordinary sense of color that helps the artist maintain a balance between order and its absence.

Laura's works captivate with their sincerity. The girl is not afraid to directly express her opinion even on such sensitive issues as politics and war. Carefully hiding the details of her personal life, the artist boldly opens her soul to the audience. The entire range of emotions and feelings expressed on the canvases is understandable and close to everyone.

Combined with the artist’s extraordinary and sometimes cruel sense of humor, the effect of such paintings is lethal. The girl has repeatedly admitted that she draws inspiration from the hallucinations that arise when listening to her beloved. It is not surprising that some performers take up residence on her canvases. Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Nirvana and the St. Petersburg group Billy’s Band are especially close to her. The artist collaborated with the latter in 2010, designing the cover of their CD “Flea Market” and creating a series of works dedicated to musicians.

Laura herself, her wardrobe and workshop are no less interesting than the paintings. The girl is not afraid of colors in her clothes, preferring shades of red and blue, and also mixes pop art with pin-up. And her large and bright studio amazes with the abundance of white: the floor, walls and ceiling are painted the same color, but there are some bright details. Pop culture is also reflected here: on the walls you can see American posters, on the table - figurines of Jessica Rabbit from the comedy Who Framed Roger Rabbit and the main character of the parody British horror film Shaun of the Dead (by the way, Laura considers this film ideal) .

Drops and smudges of acrylic left over from previous work coexist calmly with the whiteness of the floor. Instead of ordinary boxes for storing paint tubes, Laura uses old suitcases, and dries her brushes not in jars, like many, but in an enamel kettle.

To be continued.

* * *
Since all the songs fell silent,
Which I don't know, I can't calm down.
After all, before there was completely different music.
Where I am? Who am I? Where am I going?
I cut off parts of myself - it all beats helplessly on the floor.
I'm all about the music.
I look at her with all my eyes,
I listen to it with all my ears,
But I don't see her and I don't hear her,
Then why do I think that it exists?
(V. Butusov)

* * *
And the Sun had already risen, and the guests had left,
Pleasant fatigue, and we are alone again.
And look at what's left for us:

A little death and a little love.
(Billy's Band)

* * *
My creativity is the effect of hallucinations obtained from the sounds of my favorite music.
And the brain drain resulted in the effect of leaking paint.
(Laura Zombie)

It is very easy sometimes to admire the painters who lived in the 15th, 16th, 17th... centuries. Their talent can be attributed to the era.
It is easy to accept the art of crazy people, people with neurosyphilis, epilepsy, drug addicts, and alcoholics.
Their creativity can be explained and given a head start, that in my quiet life, and without psychosimulators...
But today we will talk about a girl whose paintings plunge me into emotional shock. She is not a master of the Middle Ages, she is five (!) years younger than me (especially with this fact I often give up),
According to legend, she never studied drawing anywhere, lives in St. Petersburg, hides her real name...
Everyone knows her as LORA ZOMBIE.

The style in which she works is GRUNGE ART. Although, literally from English, grunge is something repulsive and unattractive. And this doesn’t fit well with her paintings. But their roots are certainly in street art - some crazy mix of graffiti, punk, comics...
Her first works in this style were inspired by Jamie Hewlett (creator of images for Gorillaz).
Several of his paintings. Scrolling below you will understand how much they have in common with Laura. The same gentle childhood images combined with someone creepy...

Bird silhouettes...

And this is graffiti by the English artist Banksy. To this day no one knows his real name. You can find a lot about him on the Internet. Notice paint drips.

I learned about her work after I attended a Billy's Band concert. I was very interested in the drawings on their discs. There is a whole series dedicated to this group: discs, posters, sketches, paintings... She has romantic feelings with the lead singer of the group - Otherwise, where does so much inspiration come from?

And this painting shows the influence of Jackson Pollock (an American abstract artist, I will also talk about him).


I like how much subtle humor, irony, double meaning there is in everything... And the color scheme?

"I was here"

And here are the promised birds...

I especially like this picture. By the way, I also thought that she works in watercolors. You thought so, didn't you? But from the bottom picture you can see that it is acrylic.


Now for what we all love... The Process!
This is watercolor moleskine, isn't it? And ordinary acrylic from Sonnet?

She also makes prints on T-shirts:

And he paints the shoes by hand:

A couple of photos to understand that this is still our reality:

Links to find out more:
Deviantart: http://lora8.deviantart.com/
VKontakte group: http://vk.com/lorazombie1
Personal VKontakte page: http://vk.com/lorazombie
LJ (which she runs): http://lora-zombie.livejournal.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/LoraZombie
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LoraZombie

That's all for today, I hope it was interesting and you learned something new!

Of course, we associate painting with watercolors with childhood, with children’s themes: yellowing trees, pets and other nonsense that we drew in fine arts lessons at school. But it turns out that you can paint completely different, more real and even cruel things with watercolors. This is exactly what the Russian artist is doing, hiding under the pseudonym Lora Zombie.

Laura Zombie creates her paintings using ink and watercolors. Quite an unusual set for contemporary artists.

These works are completely different in theme and genre. But they are all united by common motives. This is the theme of loneliness, the theme of the contact of a naive, kind world with harsh reality.
All this is enhanced by multiple smudges of paint and ink, unclear contours and lines, and the lack of a clear composition.

“My work is the effect of hallucinations obtained from the sounds of my favorite music. And the brain drain led to the effect of flowing paint,” says Laura Zombie herself about herself and her work. There is no better way to explain the creative method of this original young artist!

Of course, this could not have happened without youthful maximalism. But this is the beauty and originality of Laura Zombie’s paintings! Naivety, honesty and talent always captivate the audience.

Laura Zombie was born in 1990 in Voronezh and painted from early childhood: there were always a lot of books on painting in the house - she studied from them. She did not receive a specialized art education “for technical reasons” - she became a professional before she graduated from school.

And it all started with the Gorillaz universe she loved, created by Jamie Hewlett. Having broken it down into pieces and atoms, Larisa began to try her hand at the same style, acquired an Internet page in the bourgeois internet and ran it exclusively in English. This confused her rapidly growing army of fans, and for a long time everyone believed that she was a foreigner.

Laura Zombie's creative biography dates back to 2006 - it was at this time that she began to have customers. And by the age of 19, the girl was already able to find foreign partners, and her first big exhibition was held in Toronto. Fame came to the young Russian woman. And in Hewlett’s company, Zombie Flesh Eaters, those who didn’t hire her are probably now biting their elbows.

Life in Color

A workaholic, a conceptualist, and simply an extraordinary personality - this is how one can describe the talented illustrator Lora Zombie. By the way, she would like to abandon the stuck nickname, since the afterlife theme has long ceased to be interesting. But now this is unlikely to succeed - after all, it’s a brand.

As an artist, Lora Zombie has already found herself - she paints in the spirit of urban art, but believes that the definition of “grunge” is more suitable for her work. Be that as it may, these works have a unique style. Of course, the author’s childhood love of American pop culture played a role, but her illustrations are easy to recognize by their characteristic features:

  • Bright, rich colors - the girl prefers acrylic paints and inks. However, watercolor is also not alien to her. She herself admits that in search of inspiration she pays attention not so much to images as to bold color combinations, certainly trying to convey them in her works.
  • Color drips and blots - the Russian illustrator practically does not have a single picture where these symbols do not appear. But such a gloomy and even slightly frightening contrast to her kind and naive world further emphasizes the purity and inner light of the main images.
  • In these paintings one can see the touching defenselessness of children's fantasies and a little sad Loneliness - the illustrator often depicts the inevitable clash of dreams with harsh reality. But don’t look for an epic struggle between Light and Darkness here—in Laura’s paintings, goodness and childhood simply continue to live their own lives. Despite everything.

Favorite projects

Today you can buy Laura Zombie’s paintings in the original if you go to her exhibition, or in the form of rich and spectacular posters. She has an amazing ability to work, and she still draws a lot. But the artist herself is increasingly looking at much larger-scale “canvases” than her favorite thick paper, enthusiastically painting the walls of houses or concert venues.

Recently, the girl has taken up lomography (photos and collages on film photographs). She also launched a line of clothing and fashion accessories with her drawings. The HEROTIME ink brand is still young, but it already has its own fans. However, it is currently possible to order the artist’s works, transferred to dresses and T-shirts, only on her foreign website.

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