The best from Rozhkov, watch everything. Personal life of Andrey Rozhkov

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« Ural dumplings ", showman, actor, TV presenter.

Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov/ Andrei Rozhkov was born in the spring of 1971 in Sverdlovsk. He tried three times to get a diploma as a welding engineer at the Ural Polytechnic Institute, but not a single attempt was successful. Rozhkov admits that the reason for this was very happy life, which took place in the construction team: student competitions, propaganda teams, getting to know other teams.

The creative path of Andrei Rozhkov / Andrei Rozhkov

In 1993, a humorous evening was held at the Rainbow sports and recreation camp, where a team of five people performed. After resounding success, they decided to try their hand at the KVN game and took original name « Ural dumplings».

In two years Andrey Rozhkov became team captain.

– I joined KVN in 1995, and then, of course, everything was much simpler: there were fewer teams, almost no competition. In my opinion, about fifty teams came to the festival then. And it’s easier to stand out among fifty than among four hundred and fifty, as it is now. Imagine: competition in KVN has increased ninefold!

The team " Ural dumplings“There is a special “Ural” flavor, and the host of the competition, Alexander Vasilyevich, immediately singled out the guys. However, after a wild party, which was usually accompanied by alcohol, they were almost kicked out before the start of the competition. After editor Mikhail Shats stood up for the KVN participants, “Ural Dumplings” celebrated their successful debut on stage.

Andrey Rozhkov became one of the authors of the script for the show “Big Difference”, presented several joint miniatures with Alexander Revva on the stage of the “Comedy Club”, took part in comedy programs “ Show News", "Ural dumplings" and " You're funny!", and also starred in several serial projects, including the film "Valera-TV".

Personal life of Andrei Rozhkov / Andrei Rozhkov

He met his wife Elvira through mutual friends. Six years later, they formalized their relationship; the lovers had a son, Semyon. Five years later, the couple had another boy - Peter.

Andrey Rozhkov stated that they are not going to stop there and really want to raise their daughter.

– The youngest and the oldest are completely different guys. Although they look like two peas in a pod. Our little one is a destroyer. He broke everything that could be broken at home. Four chairs, broke all the mugs. The last thing he made was a TV, a plasma. I took a child's hammer, hit it, and the screen cracked. That's it, it doesn't work anymore. So now we live without a TV. And good.

Andrey Rozhkov lives with his family in Yekaterinburg and builds Vacation home. Unlike his colleagues, he does not seek to move to Moscow.

“Rather than go kneading mud, it’s better to go to the sea and the sun, so that the children can eat fruit.” I realized that I really like the Ural pine forest. I miss it and want to go there all the time. In difficult moments of life, you want to sit under a pine tree. I even pick mushrooms sometimes. We have a lot of mushrooms. Come and we'll treat you!

Besides, Andrey Rozhkov gets carried away extreme species sports: kiting and windsurfing.

Many humor lovers are familiar with Andrei Rozhkov; his charm and charisma do not leave anyone indifferent. All the roles, and especially the grandmothers in his performance, are remembered for a long time by the viewer for their fun and sincerity.

Childhood and youth

Rozhkov Andrey Borisovich was born in the city of Yekaterinburg on March 28, 1971, into a simple family. WITH youth little Andrey was interested in technology; the boy’s favorite pastime was watching cars being repaired in garages.

Like all children of that time, Andrei Rozhkov went to high school at his place of residence, where he studied well and also attended a club young technicians. In addition, the boy loved sports, and especially judo. He practiced this sport for seven years and, as a result, became the owner of the sports category.

The love for mechanics and technology never left me young man, and he decided to enroll at UPI to become a welding technologist. Unfortunately, Andrei still does not have a diploma from this university, although there were three attempts to obtain one.

Andrey Rozhkov: “Ural dumplings”

The founding date of this humorous group can be considered the summer of 1993, when Andrei and four more of his friends teamed up for a performance.

Then, while still a student, young Rozhkov was vacationing in the south at a sports and recreation camp called “Rainbow”, where a regular humorous concert was held, and it was necessary to come up with a small performance for it. There were only a few takers - only five people, but their performance turned out to be very memorable.

This is how the Ural Dumplings team appeared, which began playing in KVN from their institute. Its main composition belongs to the same participants.

This team played its first game in KVN in 1995. She immediately won the sympathy of the jury and the audience, standing out for her special style of humor and even some color. At first, another participant was the captain of the team, but a year later it was Andrei Rozhkov who led it. “Ural Dumplings” broke into the Major League of KVN, participated in the musical version of this game - “Voting KiViN”, where they took first place more than once. For example, in 1999, at the festival in Jurmala, this team won the “KiViN in Light” prize, and in 2000 - the champion Major League, and in 2002 she took the “Golden KiViN” and won the KVN Summer Cup.

Meeting your future wife

Andrey Rozhkov, unlike his friends and teammates, does not seek to move to Moscow. He lives in two cities. He always spent most of his time in Yekaterinburg, and flew to Moscow to work. Maybe that’s why the young man’s personal life still didn’t work out.

It’s hard to believe that such a merry fellow couldn’t find a life partner on his own. His friends helped him in this matter, who introduced Andrei to a girl named Elvira.

Young people first for a long time They met, then lived in a civil marriage, trying to get to know each other better and understand whether they could get along together.

Family of Andrey Rozhkov

And now, six years later, the couple formalized their relationship. After a short period of time, the young people had a son, who was named Semyon.

After five years, married couple The Rozhkovs had a second child, also a boy named Peter.

According to Andrei himself, his sons are very similar in appearance, but the boys’ characters are completely different. Peter is an active mischief maker who has broken everything in the house that could be broken. He even smashed the TV with a hammer.

The children's mother, Elvira Rozhkova, became a housewife, began raising her sons, and was very successful. Since the age of five, Semyon has been reading fluently in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The youngest, Peter, is also precocious.

Now Elvira has decided to get down to work, or rather, making stained glass. During the process, you have to cut and solder glass, but it turns out very well - customer base growing.

Now the Rozhkov family lives in Yekaterinburg, Andrey is building a house outside the city. He still goes to Moscow to film. The comedian has plans to expand his family; the couple really wants a daughter.

Humorous activities

Andrei Rozhkov devoted a long period of his life to playing KVN and Ural dumplings. The biography of this man as a comedian began with a performance at the Club, and for many years Rozhkov has been the captain of a team of famous Yekaterinburg residents.

On given time the comedian co-hosts with his friend Alexander Revva humorous program called “You’re funny!”, was a member of the “Comedy Club” many times, and finally, together with other members of the KVN team, “Ural dumplings” created own program under same name, which is constantly shown on the STS TV channel.

Hobbies of a comedian

In his busy work schedule, which is filled with flights, rehearsals and performances, Andrei Rozhkov still makes time for family vacation. Recently, the family flew to the Sinai Peninsula, where they received a lot of positive emotions.

In addition to humor, this comedian has a couple of other favorite hobbies - mushroom picking and sports.

Moreover, Andrei prefers extreme sports: windsurfing and kiting. I even tried to teach my wife the first one while on vacation. Well, in future plans- introducing sons to any sports, possibly involving risk, at their request.

But today the main dream of the “Ural dumpling” remains a country house, where his children will grow up in nature in the lush greenery of the future garden, and a third child - preferably a girl.

Andrey Rozhkov combines several aspects - an exemplary family man, a merry fellow and creative person. Do you want to know where he was born and studied? What's it like Family status? We are ready to provide you with all the necessary information about the artist.

Andrey Rozhkov: biography

March 28, 1971 is the date of birth of our hero. Rozhkov Andrey Borisovich was born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). He comes from an ordinary working family. The parents tried to provide their son with everything he needed - clothes, toys, etc.

At school, our hero studied averagely. There were both A's and D's in his diary. Exact sciences It was hard for Andrey. But there were no problems with humanitarian subjects.


After graduating from school, Andrei Rozhkov went to enter the Ural Polytechnic Institute. He wanted to become a welding engineer. However, our hero failed the exams three times. And when Andrei finally entered this university, he lost interest in studying. He liked being cheerful. Rozhkov constantly ended up in construction brigades. There he acted as a joker. Not a single entertainment event was held without his participation.


In 1993, Andrei Rozhkov (see photo above) created the Ural Dumplings team to participate in a humorous evening. The guys went to the Rainbow sports and recreation camp. Their performance delighted the audience.

In 1995, “Ural dumplings” went to Moscow. They had to perform at main stage KVN. IN qualifying round 50 teams participated. The competition was high. But the team from Yekaterinburg managed to make it to the 1/8. From season to season, Ural Pelmeni strengthened its position. Charming guys got an entire army fans. It was a real success.

Personal life

Many women like the merry fellow and joker Andrei Rozhkov. Not all fans know about the artist. We hasten to disappoint them - the heart of the KVN member has been occupied for a long time. He is legally married to his chosen one, Elvira. Their wedding took place only after 6 years of dating. The couple lived in a civil marriage for a long time. Andrey and Elvira believed that the stamp was a secondary matter. The main thing is love and mutual understanding.

At some point, Rozhkov realized that he wanted to connect his life with Elvira. He proposed marriage to his beloved. The girl agreed. The wedding took place in one of the best restaurants in Yekaterinburg. The celebration was attended by close friends, relatives of the bride and groom, as well as Rozhkov’s colleagues. Soon the couple had their first child, son Semyon. After filming, rehearsals and performances, the young father literally flew home on wings. He enjoyed bathing and changing his son.

After 5 years, there was a new addition to the Rozhkov family. A second son was born. The boy was named Peter. The family currently lives in spacious house, located in the private sector of Yekaterinburg. Andrey Rozhkov literally has to be torn between two cities, because he works in Moscow.


Now you know what path to success and audience recognition Andrei Rozhkov took. Let's wish this artist family well-being and creative inspiration!

Born in March 1971 in Sverdlovsk in a family of workers. His parents had nothing to do with creativity. However, this did not stop Andrey from growing up interesting and talented person. He spent his childhood in complete freedom, the only things prohibited were truancy, smoking and alcohol.

At school I studied averagely, humanitarian sciences were easier for him than accurate ones. As a child, I was fond of sambo and technology. I really loved watching cars being repaired in the garage. After 3 attempts, I was still unable to obtain a higher engineering education. As the comedian himself admits, his fun life in a student construction team prevented him from studying. The joker and merry fellow was the initiator of all entertainment events.

Relationships with women

Things haven't been easy for the star in his personal life. At first he worked as a driver and was known as a seasoned bachelor. Already in mature age friends introduced him to Elvira. Now she makes stained glass and knows how to cut and solder glass. At first they lived in a civil marriage, trying to get to know each other better.

And after 6 years, Andrei proposed to his beloved. The wedding took place in one of the restaurants in Yekaterinburg, surrounded by relatives, friends and colleagues. Many women love Rozhkov, but he is an exemplary family man.


Now the couple is raising three sons Semyon, Peter and Makar. The second birth of the actor’s wife took place at home and he delivered it himself. Semyon has been reading Russian since the age of five and English languages, exhibits acting qualities. Peter grows up to be a little prankster and loves to destroy everything. The youngest is an inquisitive child beyond his years. Despite the fact that the brothers are very similar in appearance, they have different characters.


In his free time from work, Andrey simply rushes on wings to his wife and children in own house In Ekaterinburg. Rozhkov has no plans to move to Moscow. Far from home he always misses Uralic pine forest. In a busy schedule, the actor finds time to relax with his wife and children. Favorite activities of a comedian:

  • Windsurfing;
  • Kiting;
  • Football;
  • Mushroom picking;
  • Walking in the forest.

He also tries to get his boys interested in some kind of sport. The Rozhkovs have many friends; they are close friends with the family of Alexander Revva.


The comedian's first impromptu performance was in 1993 at the Rainbow camp. Five guys completely delighted the few spectators. This is how the idea of ​​creating a KVN team with the bright name “Ural Dumplings” appeared.

Thanks to his skillful organizational skills and excellent sense of humor, two years later Rozhkov became team captain. The guys performed in Moscow for the first time in 1995 and were immediately deservedly noticed by Alexander Maslyakov. Having celebrated their first success vigorously, the team almost lost their participation in the competition.

The Pelmeni show is still a huge success. All participants are loved and recognized by the audience. Andrey Rozhkov is most suitable female images, he especially succeeds in the role of an adorable grandmother. The most interesting programs“Dumplings” are “Weights from the Mind”, “Olivieda”, “50 Shades of Tanned”.


The creative life of Alexander Rozhkov is very diverse. Shows, humorous projects in which he is the scriptwriter, artist or presenter:

  1. "Ural dumplings".
  2. "A big difference".
  3. « Comedy Club».
  4. "Show News".
  5. "You're funny".
  6. "South Butovo".
  7. "Valera-TV".
  8. "Unreal story".
  9. “Outside the native square meters.”


According to the Express Gazeta publication, the Ural Dumplings show was twice recognized by readers as the best. The KVN team was included in Forbes magazine's list of rich celebrities - the participants were placed in 15th place with an annual income of $2.8 million, displacing other superstars.

How do you feel about Andrei Rozhkov? We are waiting for your comments.

If you ask any Ural Dumplings fan who is the best “grandmother” of the team, you will get a definite answer - Andrey Rozhkov. Probably precisely because he plays the roles of old women very well, all KVN fans sooner or later are puzzled by the question of how old Andrei Rozhkov is. It turns out that this man is much younger than his characters, although he has been with Ural Dumplings all the way, starting from the very foundation.

Andrey Rozhkov - biography

Answering the question how old is Rozhkov from “Ural Dumplings”, it is worth mentioning that he was born on March 28, 1971, that is, this year he turned only 46 years old, which is several decades younger than the characters he often plays.

The artist’s childhood and youth were spent in Sverdlovsk. After school he went to get higher education to the Ural Polytechnic Institute, however, he never managed to reach this height. After successful completion entrance exams Andrey Rozhkov from Ural Dumplings went to work part-time in a construction brigade, and this activity seemed more interesting to him than studying. After three unsuccessful attempts to obtain a higher education, the young man, with his characteristic humor and optimism, decided that life could be lived this way.

It was in the Horizon construction team that the career of the future successful comedian began. The nascent KVN team received its first standing ovation at a performance at the Rainbow camp, after which it was decided to organize a full-fledged team. Set in " Ural dumplings" lasted for two years from 1993 to 1995, after which Rozhkov was chosen as team captain and led his colleagues to the pinnacle of success at the festival in Moscow.

Then in the biography of Rozhkov from the “Ural Dumplings”, as well as in the history of the entire team, several turning points. Alexander Maslyakov noticed the team from Yekaterinburg among almost fifty other teams. However, the first success could turn into a crushing failure, when the team was almost expelled from the competition for celebrating the victory too wildly. Nose light hand Mikhail Shats, the guys were given a second chance, and, as we know today, not in vain, because the team successfully held five seasons of KVN, was able to enter a separate show and recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. “Ural Dumplings” became the first KVN team in history that has retained its composition through the decades, is still on TV screens and has the honor of celebrating its anniversary on the Kremlin stage.

But Creative skills Rozhkova is not limited to “Ural dumplings”. He could be seen in such television projects and humorous shows such as “Comedy Club”, “Southern Butovo”, “Unreal Story”, etc. In addition, there is a film with Rozhkov “Lucky Chance”, and his voice can also be heard in “Fairytale Patrol”, “Paper” and some other cartoons.

Hobbies and personal life

Personal life Andrei Rozhkov’s life is inextricably linked with family and sports. This successful comedian is a candidate master of sports in sambo, and also enjoys windsurfing, football and some extreme sports. By the way, contrary to popular belief, Andrei Rozhkov’s height is not as high as it seems to people with visual seats, because he doesn’t even reach 180 cm.

On the pages gossip columns you can find photographs of Andrei Rozhkov and his wife. In fact, the famous comedian is an exemplary family man. Andrei met his wife 6 years before the marriage was registered and was always kind to his beloved. After the wedding, the couple had their first child, Semyon, and five years later, their second son, Peter, appeared. Rozhkov’s wife from Ural Dumplings once mentioned that they are not going to stop there, because they want to become happy parents of their daughter. Famous Artist He is also a wonderful father - after each filming he rushes home to work with his children and devote all his free time to them.

Andrei Rozhkov’s entire family supports him both in his passion for sports and in creative development. Thus, Elvira Rozhkova creates stained glass windows and becomes famous in this field of activity. The couple's eldest son, Semyon, early age followed in my father's footsteps, because he had already written several humorous skits, which were successfully played at school evenings.

Where does Andrey live now?

Andrey Rozhkov and his family live in his native Yekaterinburg, which creates a lot of problems for the artist. After all, his main place of work is located in Moscow. Despite this, the comedian always insisted in interviews that Moscow is not “his” city. That's why he'll never move there permanent place residence. Andrei Rozhkov sees his old age in a house somewhere near Yekaterinburg, from the window of which a pine forest will be visible.

By the way, little-known, but interesting fact- the Rozhkov family is in close friendly relations with the family of another famous comedian Alexandra Revva. To confirm this friendship, the men once performed in a duet on the stage of the Comedy Club, as well as the popular show “You're Funny!”

The Rozhkov family is an example of a simple Russian family, in which love and mutual respect are of paramount importance. The famous head of the family does not hide his family from the press, but, unlike many show business stars, he does not make his personal life public. All the hobbies and interests of Rozhkov’s family are known only from a few interview responses. Otherwise, the comedian prefers to indulge in his quiet family happiness away from prying eyes in your home in the private sector of Yekaterinburg.

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