The best strings for an electric-acoustic guitar. What are the best guitar strings?

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This article will present the strings of the most famous brands, and which of them you will like - decide for yourself, but remember that in order to successfully master the technique of playing the electric guitar, it is important to learn not only the basics of this art, but also to clearly determine which specific strings suitable for you and your instrument. Below we will describe the main parameters that should guide your choice, as well as the characteristics of the brands of the most famous guitars.

Main criteria

Knowing the three main parameters that should guide your selection will help you determine which strings are best for an electric guitar. Here is a simple list of them:

  1. The material with which they are covered.
  2. Shape of string winding.
  3. Caliber.

Both the sound and ease of playing the guitar depend on the above characteristics.

Coating material

Electric guitar strings are made of either silver or steel. But the braid comes from different materials. Moreover, there are various techniques for applying it, which differ in the shape of the core weave.

But what should you choose among today's variety and which strings are best for an electric guitar? It’s up to you to choose, and you should start from the braid first. Here are her options:

  • Synthetic nylon coating that makes the strings comfortable for relaxed styles of guitar music. Professionals stretch them to the limit, and the sound is very clear, but this playing technique is not easy for beginners.
  • Nickel plated strings are very widely used for the most popular brands of electric guitars. They sound very warm and harmonious, but, alas, are very impractical, since nickel is a soft material. But they are easy and simple to play.
  • Steel coated strings are not as popular as they are slightly more expensive than nickel strings. But such a winding is the best option, since the sound is clearer, more voluminous and brighter, but the frets suffer much more from such proximity.
  • Nickel-plated steel strings combine the advantages of both. Therefore, they can be regarded as the best option for which electric guitar strings are best to purchase.

Winding shape

Each coating material is applied to the core of the string in a special way and directly affects sound production. Here are the four winding patterns:

  1. The flat shape is the most gentle on the fingerboard. It makes the string very smooth and easy to play. It also gives a dull, harmonious sound, devoid of the side effects of moving the fingers. Jazzmen love them very much.
  2. The round shape of the winding is classic, as it is very inexpensive and widespread (due to its simplicity). The downside is that the thresholds wear out much faster. The sound is characterized by a certain whistle from sliding fingers, which many musicians turn from a minus into a plus, as a kind of expression of the main musical idea.
  3. The semicircular shape of the winding may please fans of something new, since it includes elements of the two previous coating schemes. Initially, a round winding is made, which at the next stage is subjected to pressure, which gives the tactile sensation of a flat string.
  4. The hexagonal winding shape is also a combination of two styles and benefits from the beauty of sound thanks to the hexagonal profile. But nevertheless, the thresholds wear out much faster.

Additionally, some sets of strings are labeled FL, which means they have a Floyd Rose tremone system. They are characterized by the absence of special reels attached to the machine. Therefore (even though such strings can be found rarely), pay attention to this mark.


Often, when you find yourself in a conversation between two guitarists, you can hear something like: “No, the nine’s sound is not as cool as the ten’s! Take it - you won’t go wrong!” So what are they discussing? And they are talking specifically about the thickness of the string, that is, about its caliber, and in choosing a set you should be guided primarily by the diameter of the first and sixth, which are designated as 9-42. In inches this is stated as 0.009-0.042.

For beginners, thinner strings are suitable, since thick strings are difficult to master for unused fingers. But the sound of a thin string vibrates less intensely, and therefore is not so rich and bright. Most players use 10-46 or 9-42 calibers, but 8-38 is a good place to start. But you shouldn’t get carried away with playing the latter for a long time, because it is more advisable to switch to a thicker caliber and produce a more voluminous sound. To chop heavy metal, you can use strings with a diameter of 11 or 12. But in general, the choice should be made based on your own experience and playing style.

What calibers are there?

  1. Thin - from 0.008-0.009, ideal for beginner musicians learning the very basics of the art of playing the guitar. But over time, it is better to switch to thicker strings to improve the quality of sound production.
  2. Medium - 0.010, characterized by balance between the sound of the string and its thickness. This caliber is widely used by performers of various genres.
  3. Thick ones - from 0.011 to 0.013, are favorites for representatives of metal culture, since playing on such strings requires great skill and virtuoso skills. Sound production is very bright, rich and expressive.

To help you decide which strings are right for you, below is a list of well-known manufacturers, after reading which you will become much clearer about how to choose electric guitar strings based on your own preferences.

  • Elixir. The company produces high quality strings, which, unfortunately, are not cheap. The main advantages include a deep timbre of sound that envelops every note. The Elixir strings have a polymer winding applied to them, which is quite pleasant to the touch. And it is thanks to her that they do not become salty and last longer. In general, you will not be disappointed with your choice. After all, based on the above, they are practical and pleasant to the ear.
  • D addario. They are a real dinosaur of the instrumental market, since the strings of this manufacturer have proven themselves well a century ago. Moreover, “Dadario” is still widespread and loved by the people. Admirers can be found all over the world, which is not surprising, because D addario is time-tested and can be trusted. Moreover, they are more affordable in price than strings from other manufacturers.
  • Ernie Ball. They differ primarily in that they are sealed in foil packaging, and not in a plastic bag. The strings are created using the latest developments in this field. The outer coating is made of a special anti-corrosion alloy, which in itself is a huge plus. In addition, Ernie Balls are reinforced with special titanium wire, which allows them to better maintain tuning. They just cost significantly more than their competitors.
  • Dunlop. Strings for electric guitar, also distinguished by unusual VCI (Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor) packaging, which are special envelopes, the manufacturing technology of which allows the strings to be kept in the most favorable conditions. They are made in North America and are universal for any performance style.


The electric guitar from this Japanese manufacturer is known everywhere, since Ibanez became a pioneer on the way to the US music market. This brand has its own, very complicated history.

Initially, the company was engaged in selling Italian-made guitars. But in light of the tragic events (civil war) that occurred in Italy, the instrument workshop was destroyed, and the Japanese acquired the rights to produce guitars under their own name, setting up their production.

The specialty is horned guitars with deep cutouts. With the advent of the 80s of the last century, the Roadster Guitar and Roadster Deluxe models gained popularity, the tremolo of which is Floyd Rose, and the colors are very bright and fashionable.

Today, the Ibanez electric guitar is known everywhere and is quite affordable in price, which varies from $200 to $1,500. Therefore, you can safely choose it.


Electric guitars from this Japanese manufacturer have received recognition from a wide range of musicians. They are quite affordable in price, and in quality they can compete for first place among the most expensive brands. The history of their production began in the 60s, when the company's acoustic models created a serious sensation among guitarists around the world.

It is noteworthy that when creating the first electric guitar, Yamaha foresaw the increased interest of people in a new (at that time) type of instrument and they were right. Moreover, the price was affordable from the beginning, which is also a kind of marketing ploy.

Today, enterprising and practical Japanese have a fairly wide selection of models, and most likely, among them there will be “the right option” for you.


It is the most favorite brand among hard rock and heavy metal performers. It all started with the fact that back in 1946, Leo Fender founded a company producing this wonderful instrument. Nowadays, the factory produces personalized guitars, which are made individually, following all the wishes of the customer.

In addition, Fender is re-releasing old models that became hits for true music lovers. "Stratocaster" and "Telecaster" have long established themselves as excellent instruments, becoming the standard of sound.

Now the company has many models, including: Jaguar, Jazzmaster, Mustang, Roscoe Beck Bass and Prodigy. But, in addition to excellent ones, it produces various devices, amplifiers and other electronics for cool sound. The price of the instrument varies from $800 to $3000.

In general, when choosing which electric guitar strings are best, trust your hearing, tastes and preferences, and then your heart will tell you.

On any music forum, the same topic is always created. Every new guitarist asks us the same question. And every young musician always faces the same problem - choosing strings for his brand new acoustic guitar. And, indeed, today it’s easier to decide on a guitar than on strings! And everyone around just advises you to try, figure it out and choose the best option for yourself. But what about a beginner who is faced with such a problem for the first time?!

We would like to give new guitarists a helping hand and tell us a little about the different types of strings and their brands. And although the choice of strings really depends on the preferences of the musician, we will still share with you our personal experience and our opinion about certain manufacturers. Perhaps this will answer not only some of your questions, but also help you decide what you need.

Material bases

The key qualities of strings: sound, durability and playability depend on the material from which they are made. So the first thing you have to decide on is the winding material for your future strings. Go!

Variety of brands

There is no shortage of different brands of strings for acoustic guitars today. And it is not surprising that it is difficult for any beginning guitarist to make an independent choice for the first time. So let's look at the most famous modern brands in a little more detail and see what experienced people say about them.

  • Dean Markley. We have not yet encountered any negative reviews about these strings - they sound great and are reasonably priced. Their only drawback is their service life.
  • ErnieBall. Another string option that perfectly combines quality and price. They last a long time, sound good, have a pleasant tactile sensation, and they are not very expensive. In a word, also a good start!
  • Olympia. Another standard string option that combines an affordable price, good sound and reliability.
  • Rotosound. The strings of this brand can probably be described as follows: just strings. They do not have any outstanding qualities, nor do they have any particularly negative traits. Strings and everything.

So we went through all the famous manufacturers of strings for acoustic guitars and their products. And what conclusion can be drawn from all this?! Obviously, many strings from many brands represent a specific accessory, the choice of which is still worth growing up and trying a lot. So if you are purchasing replacement strings for the first time and are not yet in the mood for experiments, our advice to you is to take something simpler, such as D’Addario, La’Bella, Olympia or GHS of medium hardness. They will produce a fairly clear sound and will not create discomfort during the game.

As for the rest, the forums don’t lie - throughout your entire creative career you will have to try more than one set of strings and give your own assessment to many manufacturers before you find the perfect option!

Solve the system of equations:

Nylon strings >classical guitar

Classical guitar=nylon strings

Let us clarify for the humanities: the use of nylon strings is far from limited to the classical guitar. They give a soft, warm sound to acoustics and, due to greater sensitivity than metal strings, allow you to achieve better intonation, which is valuable in different styles of music - jazz, folk, country.

On the contrary, we strongly recommend using exclusively nylon strings on a classical guitar. This is due to the structural features of the classic: the neck glued to the soundboard experiences strong stress when the metal strings are tensioned, which can lead to damage to the instrument.

Below we will talk about the main characteristics of nylon strings, which we hope will help you with their choice.

Many beginners choose nylon strings because at the initial stage they are less harsh on rough fingers. Due to the softness of the material and weaker tension, this is indeed the case. But nylon strings should be chosen for their sound, and not for ease of play, because the sooner a guitarist gains firmness in his fingertips, the easier it will be for him.

Because nylon strings stretch more easily, they require more frequent tuning than metal strings, especially if installed recently. They are also more sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity.


The main characteristic when choosing nylon strings, which determines their sound, is Tension. There are strings of low tension - Low Tension (you can also find the markings Moderate or Light Tension), medium tension - Normal Tension (Medium Tension) and high tension - High Tension (Hard/Strong Tension).

Due to their greater pliability, low tension strings are easier to play, especially on guitars with more space between the strings and the neck. But their sound is not ringing, they lack depth and brightness, and it is difficult to change intonation when playing. These strings are well suited for playing in the Legato technique.

Strings with high tension, on the other hand, are less pliable; their sound is as close as possible to metal ones - ringing and bright. But their downside is the greater load on the neck, which is not always justified, especially on older instruments.

The golden mean is strings with medium tension; they combine all the advantages of the two previous categories.

Some manufacturers produce strings with very low tension (extra-light tension) and very strong (extra-hard tension); there are also average sets, for example semi-hard - medium-hard tension and sets with different tensions of 3 first and 3 bass strings. In any case, the division of strings by tension is arbitrary and may not be the same for different manufacturers. Therefore, first decide on the manufacturer and material and then experiment with different tensions.

A good way to reduce stress on the fretboard when strings are under high tension is to store the guitar with the strings slightly slack and tune them immediately before playing.

String material

Calling nylon strings “nylon” is only partly correct, since they differ both in the base material, that is, it may not be nylon, and in the material of the winding of the bass strings. By the way, until the 1940s, classical guitar strings were made from the intestines of cows and sheep. The unwound strings were simply gut strings, the bass strings were silk thread with a gut wrap.

The modern set of strings are first strings made of pure nylon, fluorocarbon or other synthetic material and bass strings having a core of interwoven nylon threads with metal or nylon winding.

Strings without winding can be directly transparent nylon fishing line cast in the desired caliber - this is the so-called Clear Nylon. These strings are the most common and give a clear and ringing sound. There are strings that, after casting, are additionally calibrated with a laser (Rectified Nylon), this allows you to achieve strict compliance with the diameter along the entire length of the string, the surface of the strings is slightly rough, and the sound is more velvety. Many manufacturers have models made of black nylon, they differ in color, and there is an opinion that the dye in their composition gives the strings a warmer sound.

Twisted nylon thread is sometimes used as a transition between unwound strings and bass strings as a G-string.

The bronze winding of the bass strings - an alloy of copper and zinc 80/20 - gives a bright, ringing sound. Some manufacturers label bronze wound strings “gold”.

The most common way to wind classical guitar bass strings is Roundwound. Many manufacturers sand the surface of the strings, making it smoother, which is more pleasant to the touch and reduces finger noise.

Most classical strings have straight ends and are knotted to the bridge. Balls at the ends, the so-called ball ends, are rare, so if this is not indicated on the packaging, consider the strings to have straight ends. There are tons of videos on the Internet on how to change nylon strings, and the process is actually quite simple, so we won’t dwell on it.

Nylon strings fail more often than metal ones - that's a fact. This is due to the fact that the steel base of metal strings is much stronger than nylon, and manufacturers do not add materials to the alloy winding of nylon strings that slow down its oxidation. If the guitar keeps in tune less and less well and is difficult to tune, the winding has changed color, the bass strings have delaminated where they are attached to the bridge and their base is visible, the sound has become flat and dull - these are signs that it is time to replace the strings. Dirty, sweaty hands, playing with a cigarette or in smoky rooms, frequent changes in tuning contribute to the rapid aging of any strings.

There is no single correct answer to the question of the best strings for a classical guitar - the choice is very individual! The only thing is that you should start with more universal nylon strings; there are manufacturers who call these lines “Student Classic”. With experience, you will understand what sound you are looking for and what string characteristics can give you it.

In this lesson we will look at 2 questions:

  • When should strings be changed?
  • What strings to put (choose) on an acoustic guitar?

The data is approximate, since the strings are different and the duration of training is also individual for everyone.

For intensive exercise (from 2 hours per day) - change once every 2-3 months

When practicing up to an hour a day - once every 3-5 months

If you rarely play, listen to the sound and check the wear of the strings. About once every 10 months. — 12 months

What strings to choose for an acoustic guitar?

You can’t say unequivocally: “These are the best strings for a guitar” - after all, everyone chooses their own sound, and selects it for themselves (for their playing, their style). But if you are a beginner, then you do not have experience yet, and we will recommend you popular brands of strings for acoustic guitar.

If you have a good guitar, a lot of money, some experience playing the guitar (at least half a year) and you plan to practice long and hard, then we recommend Elixirs ( Elixir). There are different elixirs in stores, with different alloys, coatings - each is good in its own way, read the descriptions and choose what you find interesting, you can start with bronze, as many do. Many guitarists opt for elixirs, but we do not recommend these strings for beginners, they are expensive, plus you will not feel the advantages of these strings over others. For beginners, we recommend that you try to play elixirs (if possible) a little later, as soon as you complete the entire acoustic playing course, which is posted on our website.

Here are two popular brands that will suit you perfectly: Dadario ( D"Addario) martin ( Martin) - also bronze ( phosphor bronze ). There are a lot of positive reviews for these strings. These guitar rigs are reasonably priced, sound good, and last a long time. A good choice for both experienced and beginners. We recommend buying your first strings at a regular retail music store; talk to the sellers - they will tell you a lot of interesting things and recommend them.

Which string gauge should I choose?

String gauge is the thickness of the strings in fractions of an inch. You've probably already heard such names as nines, tens - this is the caliber. It is always present on the package of strings. For example, in this form: 8−38 (eights - called by the thickness of the first string) - the thickness of the first and sixth strings is indicated here.

There are 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 gauges. Eights are the softest, thinnest strings. 13 - The hardest, thickest strings. The sound is also very different, for example eights sound quieter than others, their bass is less pronounced. But the next gauges are 9, 10 - here the sound is denser, louder, but it is also more difficult to clamp them, since the tension of the strings also increases with increasing gauge. Based on this, we recommend that beginners start with eights; with them you will quickly master the basics. Then after a few months you can try nines, then 10, 11 and from this choose what you like best, what suits you best. Listen to how the sound changes with gauge and how difficult it becomes to clamp the strings.

As soon as you switch from eights to larger calibers, it will be unusual, it will hurt - this is normal. It takes a few weeks for your fingers to get used to it. We recommend increasing the caliber gradually. Our final “average” recommendation is tens.

Kit String
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ultra soft 0.008 0.011 0.014 0.022 0.03 0.038
Super soft 0.009 0.011 0.016 0.024 0.032 0.042
Soft 0.01 0.013 0.017 0.026 0.036 0.046
Average 0.011 0.014 0.018 0.032 0.042 0.052
Medium hardness 0.012 0.015 0.026 0.034 0.044 0.054
Hard 0.013 0.016 0.026 0.036 0.046 0.056

We can say that the choice of a classical guitar as the main instrument is determined by the style of the music chosen for performance. And you can remember that the domestic school of guitar playing assumes the classical guitar as the instrument on which the guitar playing course in most educational institutions is based. It follows from this that the choice of strings for such a guitar is by no means an idle question.

Of course, even the best strings in the world will not make a low-quality guitar sound decent, but bad strings can ruin the sound of an absolutely magnificent instrument. No matter what your skill level, your guitar will sound better with the highest quality strings you can find. In fact, the best strings for classical guitar are those that are comfortable for you to play and will enhance the sound quality of your guitar. It is always more important to rely on your own feelings than on the recommendations of even venerable specialists and musicians.

When choosing strings for a classical guitar, you need to pay attention to three parameters - the tension force for which specific strings are designed, the material of the strings, and the actual quality of their manufacture. Guitar strings are known to be classified by their diameter in thousandths of an inch, but classical guitar strings are also classified by their tension. Unfortunately, a standard for this value has not been developed, so you need to experiment personally and select strings that are convenient for yourself according to this parameter. Low/Moderate/Light Tension strings make them easier to pluck, especially on guitars with more string spacing, but they tend to be quieter and have less attack. Strings with normal or high tension (Normal / Medium / High Tension) are somewhat more difficult to play, but they provide a loud and confident sound, emphasized attack and are generally the best for performing and recording rhythmic parts. It is recommended that after playing a guitar with strings with a similar tension force, you detune the instrument by releasing the strings, so as not to cause unnecessary damage to the structure of the guitar. But in order to understand which strings with what tension force are most convenient for you, you need to take at least two sets of strings from the same manufacturer and the same series - for example, D'Addario EJ45 Pro-Arte Nylon Normal Tension (by the way, it is this that is recognized by experts as one of best string sets for classical guitar for 2015) and EJ46 Pro-Arte Nylon Hard Tension. By changing sets of strings on your guitar over the course of several days, you will understand which one is best for you personally.

It's the same story with string material. As is known, in modern sets of strings for classical guitars, the three top strings are made of the following materials: pure nylon (Clear Nylon), purified nylon (Rectified Nylon - the term does not mean the chemical composition, but ultra-precise maintenance of the diameter of the strings through their processing after extrusion and cooling) , black nylon (Black Nylon is a different chemical composition of the fiber that provides a warmer and clearer sound) or composite fibers such as fluorocarbon. The lower strings are several nylon fibers in a metal or again nylon braid. The already mentioned D'Addario Pro-Arte Series strings are pure nylon on the top strings and 80/20 bronze wound nylon (80% copper and 20% zinc) on the lower strings. The D'Addario EJ50 Pro-Arte Black Nylon Hard Tension set has silver-plated copper winding on the lower strings, which provides comfortable playing and a warm sound - often strings with such winding are called silver. That is, in this case you need to select the strings for yourself, but now in terms of material - the comparison for the mentioned D "Addario sets will be between EJ50 and EJ45 / EJ46. And again you will need to change the strings on the guitar several times, listen to the sound of the instrument and analyze your own sensations from playing. Yes, choosing strings for a classical guitar is not done in ten minutes, but this long-term method will save you from any displeasure in communicating with your partner. personal tool.

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