Zelensky’s best friend, who left Kvartal, “surfaced” as the director of the scandalous video. Zelensky’s best friend, who left Kvartal, “surfaced” as the director of the scandalous video Kvartal 95 where Denis Manzhosov disappeared

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Denis Manzhosov is a Ukrainian comedian and TV presenter, a former member of the Kvartal-95 studio, who was remembered by the viewer for his charm and charisma from the time he played in KVN.


Denis Vladimirovich Manzhosov was born on April 5, 1978 in a Ukrainian city called Krivoy Rog. All family members were far from creative people. The father of the future actor, Vladimir Nikolaevich, worked as a military civil engineer, and his mother, Tatyana Valentinovna, worked as a teacher in the lower grades. Also in the Manzhosov family were born two twin sons - Vladislav and Stanislav, who are eight years younger than Denis.

Childhood and youth

Denis Manzhosov studied at Krivoy Rog gymnasium No. 95, which was aimed at learning English. Denis sat at the same desk with Vladimir Zelensky throughout his school years and has been on very good terms with him since childhood. The nicknames “Monya” and “Dinya” have stuck to the boy since those years. The guy showed creative abilities and artistry already at school; he actively participated in amateur performances at his gymnasium: he played the guitar in the school ensemble, performed roles in theatrical performances by Chekhov and Dostoevsky.

Together with his friend Vladimir Zelensky Manzhosov, Denis entered the student theater "Besprizornik", which specialized in pop miniatures. This is followed by years of study at the Krivoy Rog Economic Institute, where the guy became one of the founders and members of the KVN team “Narkhoz Team”. After some time, Denis and Zelensky came to play for the team “Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - Transit”. In 1997, this team, together with the “New Armenians,” shared the championship in the KVN Major League.

Denis Manzhosov, “Kvartal-95”: the beginning

In the same year, the guys decide to create the “95th Quarter” project and begin to participate in KVN games with this project. The performances of their team were always memorable and bright, thanks to which they more than once became prize-winners of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Denis worked very hard, simply disappearing at work.

In 2003, the Kvartal-95 studio was formed on the basis of the KVN team “95th Quarter”. It existed for about eight years. The list of the most popular humorous programs on television was headed by the Kvartal-95 studio. Denis Manzhosov, together with other participants, became very popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. They are called people's favorites.

The comedians' performances are mainly aimed at family, everyday and political topics, and recently relations between Russia and Ukraine have begun to be touched upon. Project participants sometimes joke very harshly and boldly. The humorous project brought enormous popularity and financial success to the young comedian.

Television activities

In addition to the above programs, Denis Manzhosov participated in the following television projects:

  • "Fort Boyard";
  • "Fight club";
  • “Worn in Ukraine.”

In addition, the young man, together with his colleague from “Kvartal” Elena Kravets, hosts the program “Family Size” on the Ukrainian TV channel “Inter”. In the “Battle of Ukrainian Cities” program, he was the captain of the team of the city of Kirovograd. Denis Manzhosov has repeatedly shown himself to be a good actor and played several roles in the musicals “The Three Musketeers” and “Like the Cossacks...”. The films in which the comedian participated include the following works: “A Very New Year’s Movie, or Night at the Museum”, “Police Academy”.

Leaving "Kvartal"

There is probably not a single person on the territory of Ukraine who does not know by sight all the participants of the “Kvartal”. After one of them did not appear on screen for several issues in a row, many questions and gossip arose about this. In 2013, Denis Manzhosov left Kvartal, as they said then, to start a solo career. But according to rumors, this happened because of a scandal with an old friend, Vladimir Zelensky. No matter how hard the journalists tried to find out the details of this story, they were unable to do so. We even got to the artist’s parents, who said that their son forbade them to comment anything on this matter.

As Denis himself stated, he has no complaints against the project participants and considers his hot-tempered character to be the main reason for leaving Kvartal. It was also known that the young man returned to his hometown of Krivoy Rog, where he opened his own event agency called Cotton. He tried to organize and conduct various celebrations and events. Denis is now in the USA, where he moved for permanent residence.

In an interview given to Arguments and Facts by Denis’s former colleague, Evgeny Koshevoy, the secret of Manzhosov’s departure from their team was never revealed. As Evgeniy stated, this is a personal matter for Denis himself. Koshevoy only noted that there are no irreplaceable people, and no one will be kept in the “Quarter”.

Little is known about Denis's personal life. According to the latest data, the artist lives with a girl named Anastasia.

Published: Today 29, 2018

Kvartal 95 is one of the most popular studios in Ukraine, and the most popular project at the moment.

There are so many series, films, shows, and all under the protectorate of the Kvartal 95 studio. All Kvartal residents are a big family, as Vladimir Zelensky himself has repeatedly noted, but do they come from the family?

In 2013, Denis Manzhosov, a fellow countryman and friend of Vladimir Zelensky, left the project. The comedian was born on April 5 in Krivoy Rog, and, oddly enough, received a lawyer’s education at the Kiev National Economic University. In the 11th grade, together with Zelensky, they performed at school and participated in various comedy events. According to acquaintances, they were good friends and colleagues.

Then why did Denis leave? What was the reason for leaving the already popular Quarter. In one of the interviews, Zelensky said that the comedian wanted to have his own face, to find himself in a solo project, but for Zelensky himself this is a heavy blow, and he has no desire to talk about this topic.

Koshevoy commented more sharply on the fate of Denis Manzhosov, saying that there are no irreplaceable people, and Kvartovo members do not communicate with Manzhosov, who now lives permanently in the USA. But Kravets regrets that Denis left and half confirmed in one of the interviews that Denis quarreled with Vladimir, and other participants were also drawn into the conflict.

What has Denis been doing all this time? In 2014, he opened his own event agency in Krivoy Rog, Cotton, which, judging by its social network page and website, is still operating. It is not known whether the artist himself runs it, or he simply has a person who does this.

They say that the comedian himself was repeatedly noticed at the castings of a new show, which could become a direct competitor for Kvartal 95, but this all remained at the level of rumors, as well as the fact that Denis left the studio only through Vladimir Zelensky. No matter how it was, something serious had happened if all the Kvartovites could so easily forget their friend and colleague.

Former participant of “Kvartal 95” Denis Manzhosov appeared in the Ukrainian media space five years after his absence. The artist directed and scripted a scandalous video dedicated to Defender of Ukraine Day.

Denis, like many of the Kvartal participants, is from Krivoy Rog. During his school years, he was Vladimir Zelensky’s best friend and sat at the same desk with him. In 1997, Manzhosov, together with Zelensky and Pikalov, created the KVN team “95th Quarter”. It was on its basis that “Studio Kvartal 95” later appeared.

The conflict occurred in early 2013. At the same time, Manzhosov left the “Kvartal” cast and disappeared from television screens. The press service of Studio Kvartal 95 then only reported that they were ceasing cooperation with the artist. The reasons for this decision were not commented on.

A year later, it became known that the artist had founded his own event agency and was organizing concerts and weddings. Then Manzhosov left Ukraine for some time and lived in the USA. Already in 2018, the artist tried to audition for presenters on some Ukrainian TV shows, but never appeared on TV.

And suddenly Denis became the director of a video called “Leaf to the Moscow Shaitan,” which appeared on YouTube on October 12, but was timed specifically for today’s date. It starred Vasily Virastyuk, Victor Bronyuk, Oleg Sobchuk and many others.

In the story, the Cossacks receive a letter from the Tsar of Moscow (meaning Russian President Vladimir Putin) and write their response to him.

21:06 | 28.01.2018

21:06 | 28.01.2018

According to the studio's official statement, Denis left the studio to pursue solo projects.

However, not all so simple. A journalist from an online tabloid described her conversation on this matter with the head of the Kvartal-95 studio, Vladimir Zelensky, as follows:

“During a break between filming, I approached the comedian. Volodya greeted me with a smile and still a sad look. There was little time, so I decided not to beat around the bush and asked the question specifically: “Why did Denis Manzhosov leave your studio?” In a split second, not a trace of joy remained on Vladimir’s face.

“What do you mean gone? He wants to look for himself, his face separately,” Zelensky explained.
“Did you somehow feel the loss of a fighter on your team?” I asked.

“Look, I don’t really want to discuss this topic, because such moments in life are quite difficult and do not go away easily internally. There’s a lot of stress in my life, and it’s hard for me to remember what happened again,” commented Vladimir.

The famous actor Yevgeny Koshevoy, who got the role of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the popular TV series “Servant of the People,” commented for the first time on the departure of Denis Manzhosov from the Kvartal-95 studio. In an interview with the publication “Arguments and Facts,” Koshevoy said that “there are no irreplaceable people.”

“We do not maintain relations with Denis, he lives in the USA. Manzhosov went there for permanent residence. I won’t tell anyone what happened, because it’s personal for every “Kvartal” member. There was a scandal, there is nothing more to say. He himself apparently wanted it that way. We don’t keep anyone, there are no irreplaceable people,” said Evgeniy Koshevoy.

It is worth noting that the Kvartal-95 studio is now fully staffed, and, according to Koshevoy, new actors are no longer required.

In February 2014, Ukrainian media wrote that Vladimir Zelensky’s close friend and classmate Denis Manzhosov, having left Kvartal-95, returned to his native Krivoy Rog, where he opened his own event agency called Cotton.

Back in March of this year, it became known that the Kvartal-95 studio, the founders of which are members of the former KVN team “95 Kvartal” (Krivoy Rog), is leaving one of its old-timers Denis Manzhosov.

According to the studio's official statement, Denis left the studio to pursue solo projects.

However, not all so simple. A journalist from the online tabloid Dusya described her conversation on this matter with the head of the Kvartal-95 studio, Vladimir Zelensky, as follows:

“During a break between filming, I approached the comedian. Volodya greeted me with a smile and still a sad look. There was little time, so I decided not to beat around the bush and asked the question specifically: “Why did Denis Manzhosov leave your studio?” In a split second, not a trace of joy remained on Vladimir’s face.

“What do you mean gone? He wants to look for himself, his face separately,” Zelensky explained.

“Did you somehow feel the loss of a fighter on your team?” I asked.

“Look, I don’t really want to discuss this topic, because such moments in life are quite difficult and do not go away easily internally. There’s a lot of stress in my life, and it’s hard for me to remember what happened again,” commented Vladimir.

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