Martynov Nikolay Solomonovich. Nikolai Martynov, who killed M in a duel

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The duel between Lermontov and Martynov took place during a thunderstorm in 1841. As a result, the poet was mortally wounded. What was the fate of the killer?

Historians put forward several versions that could have caused a conflict between Lermontov and Martynov. According to one of them, everything happened because the poet cruelly made fun of the poems and Martynov himself, and one day he could not stand it. Another option says that Lermontov was a most unpleasant person, and it was ordered “from above” to take his life, again for his long tongue and bad temper. Another reason could be certain letters from Martynov’s sister, Natalya, which Lermontov made public with ridicule. They say that Lermontov had access to the Martynovs’ house and was chasing after his sisters, which no one really liked. But let's get back to the topic of the post.

This was not Lermontov's first duel. But he shot wide, and was sure that Martynov would not shoot either, but he was mistaken. The tragedy occurred not far from Pyatigorsk, on the slope of Mount Mashuk.

After the murder of the poet, Martynov was demoted, deprived of his fortune and rights, and also imprisoned in a fortress located in Crimea. Later, the imprisonment was changed to a long-term (some sources mention 15 years) church service. After 4 years, the penance was canceled and Nikolai Solomonovich Martynov was released.

First of all, Nikolai Solomonovich married Sofya Proskur-Sushchanskaya, a noble marriage turned out to be for love. He and his wife first lived on his estate in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but there he was almost beaten by Lermontov’s fans, so he soon moved to Moscow. There is information that they had 11 children in their marriage. His wife died before Martynov, and he lived alone most of his life.

Martynov lived in prosperity on Leontyevsky Lane, surrounded by a large family. Died at the age of 60. He was buried with honors in the family crypt next to the Church of the Sign in the village of Ievlevo. However, his grave has not survived, since in 1924 it was plundered by schoolchildren from the Alekseevskaya MONO colony, drowning his remains in a pond.

Martynov's relatives and he himself repeatedly described the history of the duel, trying to shed light on the events of those days. They, of course, presented everything in a favorable light for themselves, but today - who will figure out how everything really happened? It was rumored that Nikolai Solomonovich was very worried about the death of Lermontov, and until his own death he ordered memorial services for the poet, and was also fond of spiritualistic seances, at which he asked Michel for forgiveness. It was as if all the people’s hatred fell on Martynov even for the death of Pushkin, and he became a kind of outcast. Whatever character Lermontov possessed, his killer will forever remain in the memory of the people as a man who harmed the classic of Russian literature, who could have become the new Pushkin.

In the spring of 2014, oil tycoon Nikolai Martynov was killed. The intended customer was found very quickly - he turned out to be capital businessman Anton Erokhin. The wife of the murdered oligarch, Nadezhda Martynova, became the legal heir to his entire financial fortune, but Lada Ryasnova entered the fight for the multimillion-dollar inheritance, claiming that she had an affair with Nikolai and in their love union, Yaroslav’s daughter was born. Watch the episode Let them talk - oligarch DNA: millions for an illegitimate daughter 11/01/2017

After two DNA examinations, it became clear that Lada Ryasnova’s daughter is the daughter of Nikolai Martynov, but the court made a completely different decision and now the girl does not have the surname of her natural father. Will Lada be able to defend her daughter's rights to inheritance? How to recognize paternity and is it worth pursuing? What does Ryasnova really want: to achieve justice or to get the huge fortune of an oil oligarch? In the “Let Them Talk” studio today we will have to answer these and some other questions.

Let them say - oligarch's DNA: millions for an illegitimate daughter

Lada Ryasnova came to the talk show Let them talk - oligarch DNA: millions for an illegitimate daughter to tell why she is trying to recognize paternity. The heroine comes out to the studio with a folder of documents:

— I am a lawyer by education. In order not to be unfounded, I decided to take all the necessary documents with me. First, I’ll tell you how I met Nikolai: I worked in a financial company and I had business meetings with him. One day he said that he really liked the way I worked and invited me to work for him.

— For about a year or so we worked only as a manager and a subordinate, but then we began to communicate more. Later we found out that we both loved skating, and so we gradually began a romantic relationship. Yes, I knew that he was married - his wife lived in France.

“Later I had a conflict with his wife. When my daughter was born, she claimed that Nikolai could not have children. Nikolai did not ask me to give birth to his child - everything happened by chance and it was a surprise for both of us. But I was not going to have an abortion and he didn’t mind - he promised to help us with the child. He kept his word: Kolya constantly provided for us.

— Kolya always looked after his health: he practiced fasting and went in for sports. At his age he was in excellent physical shape. No one expected that he would be gone...

DNA of oligarch Nikolai Martynov. Lada Ryasnova in Let Them Talk

— 3.5 years have already passed... Now I can smile, but at that time it was very difficult. For the first 2 months I lay face down on the pillow and didn’t see or hear anything.

The Let Them Talk program conducted its own investigation: it turned out that Nikolai Martynov had...another mistress! Olesya Manaeva came to the talk show to tell her story of her relationship with the oil tycoon:

— My story is a little different: we met, then broke up, but he invited me to his company. I am grateful to him for everything he did for me. And after me he began dating Lada.

Experts in the studio: model Alena Kravets, lawyer Alexander Treshchev, public figure Roman Khudyakov, writer Maria Arbatova, retired federal judge Elina Kashirina, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Pashutin, lawyer Vera Sevostyanova, journalist Leonid Mikulyak, etc. Watch the episode of Let Them Talk online for free — DNA of an oligarch: millions for an illegitimate daughter, broadcast on November 1, 2017 (11/01/2017).

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The success story of the owner of the shoe holding company “Marko”, or how big business is done in Vitebsk

The owner of the Marko shoe holding, Nikolai Martynov, is one of the wealthiest and most influential people in Belarus.

As Belorusskie Novosti reports, the businessman started out as a simple worker at the Vitebsk knitting factory "KIM". What was this path to the top of the shoe empire? And who helped a guy from a small village become such an influential person?

Reference. Nikolai Martynov was born on August 1, 1957 in the village of Gudovo-Zemyanskoye, Dubrovensky district, Vitebsk region. Graduated from the Institute of Political Science and Social Management of the Communist Party of Belarus (1991). Owner of the holding company “Belarusian leather and footwear company “Marko”, large owner of real estate in the Vitebsk region (“Marko-City”). It is included in the number and confidently takes first place in the ranking. Member of the Entrepreneurship Development Council. Married, has two children.

Origins: father is the best shapoval in the village

The village in which Nikolai Martynov was born has never been prosperous, and now it’s even more so: only a few people remain here for the winter. As he says sister of businessman Antonin Zaitsev:

In the Soviet Union, Belarus was the poorest. In Belarus, the poorest region is the Vitebsk region. Well, in the Vitebsk region the poorest is the Dubrovensky district.

Father of the family Vasily Martynov can rightfully be considered the founder of the shoe dynasty, because he was the best shapoval in the area and supplied the area with warm felt boots. According to the newspaper “Nasha Niva”, Martynov shoes were in high demand: villagers treasured leather ones and wore them exclusively on holidays, so in everyday life they used mainly felt boots. Mom worked on a collective farm and did not change her field of activity throughout her life.

Nikolai Martynov has three older sisters and a younger brother, who, by the way, at one time worked as a manager in the Marko business empire, and then started his own business.

The parents are no longer alive. Nikolai renovated his parents' house, and from time to time he comes there with his family.

The unfortunate fate of a teacher and academician

Nikolai Martynov studied at a village school, and after graduating he entered the Vitebsk Technical School. He was not drafted into the army due to health reasons.

In 1978, the future Vitebsk businessman began his career as an assistant foreman at a knitting factory. The next 10 years were not marked by anything: Martynov worked conscientiously for the benefit of the Vitebsk light industry, like thousands of other hard workers.

They say that the parents of his wife, who herself comes from the Tolochin region, contributed to the businessman’s getting on his feet.

Only in 1991 did Martynov receive higher education, when he graduated from the Institute of Political Science and Social Management of the Communist Party of Belarus. However, the profession of political scientist was not particularly useful to him.

Among Nikolai Vasilyevich’s “educational” achievements is the status of “corresponding member of the International Academy of Information Technologies.” This is a non-scientific public organization whose members give each other fictitious titles. By the way, the former Minister of Justice also became an “academician” at the same institution. Victor Golovanov.

The first step in the shoe business

In the 1980s, foreign joint ventures appeared in Belarus: one of the pioneers in the Vitebsk region was the local shoe factory “Red October” (55% of shares) and the German company Salamander (45%). It was this enterprise that gave rise to Martynov’s ascent: here the entrepreneur worked as an expert in the commercial department. That’s when the thoughts appeared that I needed to start something of my own.

The idea to start my own business came while on vacation in Abkhazia, says Nikolai Martynov. – We went as savages with children and, like many, counted every penny. It was the 1990s when cooperatives began to be created. We traded sugar and made blankets. Minimal processing of fur gave 200-300% profitability. It was a sin not to do this.

The idea was brought to life - and another shoe company “LM + MK” appeared in Vitebsk (the German company Evimex was a partner). Later, the company will expect many changes (in particular, a change of name to the more pronounced “Marco”), but what will remain constant is the director’s post, which will be occupied by Nikolai Martynov.

Up to the shoe stars

“Marco,” whose name consists of the first letters of the words “Martynov” and “company,” took some time to find its feet. However, the holding is now ahead of many competitors on the Belarusian market.

It now includes three enterprises that differ from each other in shoe production technology. "Marco" specializes in women's shoes using the glue method and men's injection molded shoes, "San Marco" produces children's and glued men's shoes, and "Red October" deals with house shoes.

Initially, raw materials for production were purchased abroad, but later it was decided to abandon this practice. The company has established independent production: the Vikop-Fabus company supplies Marco with shoe lasts, and Vitma with bags and haberdashery.

Martynov's holding annually produces, and this is a record figure among manufacturers in the CIS countries. Almost half of the products are exported - the main foreign buyer of the Vitebsk enterprise is Russia.

"Marco" cleans up the state

For a long time it was an example of a private business, but the scale that the enterprise achieved over the years of operation attracted the attention of the state. Providing the population with clothing and footwear is a strategically important area of ​​the economy, so it was decided to enlarge Marco and create on its basis a production holding with a complete technological chain.

The corresponding decree was issued at the end of 2013. To the question of who was the initiator of such a “unification,” Martynov answers as follows:

This was a counter movement of our enterprises and the state.

The same decree added one more unit to the list of enterprises privatized by Martynov - it was included in the holding, which went to the businessman for a symbolic price (one basic value).

The state promised Martynov support for the implementation of the investment project. It was assumed that within three years the holding would establish annual processing of 300 thousand sheep skins and 250 thousand raw fur skins, which in the future would lead to a reduction in the import component in footwear production from 64% to 31%. After this, the state would receive a share of shares proportional to the invested funds.

Support was to be expressed, among other things, from banks: 50 million dollars either in Belarusian rubles at a refinancing rate of + 3%, or in foreign currency for a loan taken abroad + 2%. However, the country's financial institutions ignored the state's wishes, and thanks to Martynov's persistence, the funds were allocated directly from the budget. The shoe holding received a loan of 200 billion rubles at 3% per annum.

Both businessman and philanthropist

Nikolai Martynov invested a lot of money in the improvement of the city of Vitebsk. Thus, he took a direct “monetary” part in the restoration, allocated funds for the casting of bells, and at his expense two historical houses on Tolstoy Street were also reconstructed. After this, however, one of the houses became the property of a businessman: now there is a Marko brand store on the ground floor, and several apartments above it.

Five-room apartment with an area of ​​about 250 sq. m went to Nikolai Martynov, and the four-room apartments went to his brother Victor and their business partner Nikolai Kovalkov.

Pyramid of Martynov

It is impossible not to note another element of the improvement of Vitebsk, which appeared with the light hand of Martynov - near the Blue House. This building evokes conflicting feelings among the townspeople: some admire its beauty and modernity, while others are surprised by its bad taste and vulgarity. By the way, a similar structure, only smaller, is installed at the entrance to the Louvre.

Martynov himself is so delighted with the pyramid that he decided to equip his office on its top.

Multi-profile “marko-business”

In addition to producing shoes, Martynov is also involved in the catering business: he owns the Dvinsky Brovar bar and the Golden Lion restaurant.

By the way, this is another privatized enterprise of Martynov (the former Vitebsk brewery), which, by analogy with the fur factory, went to the businessman practically for nothing. Let us note that Dvinsky Brovar never became a noticeable player in the market.

Among other non-core assets of Marko is the Khodtsy recreation center on Lake Soro in the Sennensky district.

In the footsteps of father and grandfather

Nikolai Martynov has two children, and both work in the family business, which is not at all surprising.

Son Paul, who graduated from Vitebsk State Technological University, now heads San Marco. He has two children.

Daughter Raisa also became a graduate of VSTU and currently works as deputy general director. Her specialization is foreign economic activity. Several years ago, she initiated the development of the European Union market - this is how “Marko” shoes began to be sold in Latvia. Raisa's family has three children.

Under the sign of happy Leo

Zodiac sign Nikolai Martynov is Leo. We mention this for a reason, because the king of beasts can rightfully be called the lucky talisman of a Vitebsk businessman. Lions adorn the coat of arms of the Marco company, and the lion also appears in the name of the above-mentioned restaurant.

The symbol for a long time was the lion Rigus. After his death, it was Nikolai Martynov who allocated 1,200 euros for the purchase of a lion cub, which was delivered to the city above the Dvina all the way from Kaliningrad.

The zoo's newest resident was named Mark after the shoe company. However, soon the name had to be changed: not a lion, but a lioness settled in Vitebsk! The public's favorite is now called Markusha.

Nikolay Solomonovich Martynov

Date of Birth October 9(1815-10-09 )
Place of Birth Nizhny Novgorod ,
Russian empire
Date of death December 25(1875-12-25 ) (60 years)
A place of death Moscow Uyezd, Moscow Governorate, Russian Empire
Nationality Russian empire Russian empire
Occupation retired major
Awards and prizes

Nikolai Solomonovich Martynov(October 9, 1815 - December 25, 1875) - retired major who killed M. Yu. Lermontov in a duel.


A representative of the wealthy Martynov family, which owned the Martynovo-Znamenskoye estate near Moscow (in the village of Ievlevo, now Solnechnogorsk district). Son of State Councilor Solomon Mikhailovich Martynov (d. 1839) and his wife Elizaveta Mikhailovna, née Tarnovskaya. The Martynov family was large, four sons and four daughters. Martynov's cousin is the author of historical novels M. N. Zagoskin.

Nikolai Martynov “received an excellent education, was a very well-read man and wrote poetry from his early youth.” Almost simultaneously with Lermontov, he entered the school of cadets, where he was the poet’s usual partner in espadron fencing. After serving for some time in a cavalry regiment, Martynov volunteered for the Caucasus in 1837 and participated in the expedition of the Caucasian detachment beyond the Kuban. He was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 3rd degree with a bow. At the time of the quarrel with Lermontov, he had the rank of retired major.

Martynov’s poetic and prose works of art are few: the poem “Gerzel-aul”, in which one can see an imitation of Lermontov’s “Valerik” and at the same time a polemic with him, the story “Guasha”, again with features of a polemic against Lermontov and his “Hero of Our Time” ", a number of poems - original and translated. “...His poems would have found a place among the mass of mediocre poems published at that time... He apparently wrote easily, the language was free, the rhythm and rhymes were almost always error-free... Sometimes Martynov was prone to serious reflection,” wrote researcher O. P. Popov. At the same time, Martynov is characterized (and manifested in his texts) by increased pride, intolerance of other opinions, and a certain cruelty of character.

According to recollections, Lermontov in Pyatigorsk sneered at Martynov’s romantic “prose” and his poems. Martynov, with resentment, considered himself (it is unknown how justified) the prototype of Grushnitsky in “Hero of Our Time”. Lermontov is credited with two impromptu poems from 1841 ridiculing Martynov: “” and “”, and Martynov is credited with a similar epigram “ Mon cher Michel" After this, according to Martynov, Lermontov more than once made him look like a buffoon and completely tormented him with ridicule.

Similar, but sharper mutual barbs and an accidental stop of the music, because of which the offensive ending of Lermontov’s remark could be heard by the entire hall, became the reason for Martynov’s challenge to Lermontov to a duel (July 13, 1841 in the Verzilins’ house); at 6 pm on July 15 (27), the duel took place, and M. Yu. Lermontov was mortally wounded.

The details of the clash and duel were largely hidden and mystified by Martynov and the seconds of both duelists before the military court, and not all of its details have been reconstructed reliably to date. The version that the poet was struck not by him, but by a shooter allegedly hiding in the bushes (this version existed in the 1950s-1970s) and based on the unusual angle between the entrance and exit holes of the through wound, has not been confirmed.

For the duel, Martynov was sentenced by a military court to demotion and deprivation of all rights of the estate, but according to the final verdict, confirmed by Nicholas I, he was sentenced to three months of arrest in the guardhouse and church repentance and served penance in Kyiv for several years. Subsequently he wrote memoirs about the duel.

N. S. Martynov died at the age of 60 and was buried in the family crypt next to the Znamenskaya Church in the village of Ievlevo. His grave has not been preserved, since in 1924 the Alekseevskaya school colony MONO moved to the estate, whose students, in a fit of revenge for the murder of Lermontov, destroyed the crypt, and Martynov’s remains were drowned in a nearby pond.

As Kommersant learned, a legal incident that threatened to turn into a judicial scandal occurred during the investigation of the murder of Nikolai Martynov, who worked in the oil and gas industry, committed in March 2014. The investigation identified retired GRU officer Gennady Korotenko, who was accused of carrying out the crime, largely thanks to the results of DNA examinations. Meanwhile, while the defendants in the case are waiting for the trial to begin, an ex-employee of the company of the deceased businessman, Lada Ryasnova, tried, using DNA samples obtained from the investigation, to achieve recognition of the businessman as the father of her daughter, born out of an official marriage. Despite the fact that experts confirmed paternity with an accuracy of more than 99.9%, the Zyuzinsky Court of Moscow was not convinced by their findings. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation should put an end to this issue.

As Kommersant learned, the reason for an unexpected civil trial arose after the murder of 56-year-old businessman Nikolai Martynov three years ago. Over the years, he worked for the largest Russian and international oil companies, and then organized his own business, becoming a co-founder of the Cyprus company Clinolina Holding Limited, which owns enterprises in Russia for the production of equipment for the oil, gas and chemical industries. Late in the evening of March 30, 2014, the businessman returned to his cottage in Iksha near Moscow. A killer was waiting near the businessman’s house and shot him several times. The bullets hit him in the chest and head, and the victim died in hospital six days later. The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region opened a murder case, but, as Kommersant said, it was possible to detain the alleged killer only in August 2015. Then FSB officers for the Nizhny Novgorod region discovered a garage literally filled with weapons and ammunition in the Avtozavodsky district of the regional center. The owner of the garage turned out to be Gennady Korotenko, a retired GRU colonel. He was detained, and during a personal search, a Makarov pistol was confiscated from him. According to him, he did not know about the weapons warehouse, since he rented the garage to another person (no tenant, however, was found). Meanwhile, the pistol found on Gennady Korotenko, based on the results of examination and examination of the bullet casing, was recognized as the very weapon from which Nikolai Martynov was shot. The retired colonel was charged with murder, and soon the alleged mastermind of the crime was also detained - according to investigators, he is another co-owner of Clinolina Holding Limited, 35-year-old Anton Erokhin. According to the investigation, he tried to buy out Mr. Martynov’s share in the company, but the businessmen did not agree on the price, and Mr. Erokhin hired him for 1 million rubles. killer to eliminate a partner. The investigation has already been completed, and the defendants are now familiarizing themselves with the case materials.

Meanwhile, Lada Ryasnova, who worked as an employee of the control and audit service in Mr. Martynov’s company, filed a civil claim with the Zyuzinsky District Court of Moscow. She stated that she was in a civil marriage with the businessman (the oilman’s official wife had already been living abroad for several years by that time) and gave birth to a daughter, Yaroslava, from him. Mrs. Ryasnova asked to establish Martynov’s paternity in relation to her daughter, which would give the right to give the child his last name and “realize the inheritance rights of the minor.” At the request of the court, investigators provided data on Mr. Martynov’s DNA profile, which was used during the investigation and filed as evidence in the case. It was the results of DNA examinations that became one of the key evidence of Mr. Korotenko’s involvement in the crime.

The court ordered an examination to be carried out at the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Experts have established the paternity of the murdered person in relation to the girl with a probability of more than 99.9%. They also compared her DNA with that of the businessman's 24-year-old son, establishing their paternal relationship with a probability of more than 99.7%.

For their part, the defendants in the case - relatives of Nikolai Martynov - rejected Ms. Ryasnova’s demands, and their lawyer Anastasia Tsvetkova, in the past, by the way, a judge of the same Zyuzinsky court, saw in her actions an attempt at fraud in order to receive part of the inheritance. They also stated that in the last years of his life the businessman was infertile, and when the girl was conceived, he was generally abroad. As a result, the court was presented with data from Aeroflot, Raiffeisenbank, medical institutions and the World Class fitness club, indicating that during the period of development of relations with Mrs. Ryasnova, the businessman was still in Moscow and did not contact doctors with complaints of infertility. It is interesting that during the trial, a certain fellow countryman of the accused Korotenko came to court, declaring that he was the father of the girl. True, he could not explain where and when he communicated with Ms. Ryasnova and incorrectly described her appearance eight years ago. The court ordered a DNA examination, which showed zero probability of paternity from Nizhny Novgorod, while re-confirming the relationship between Yaroslava and Nikolai Martynov’s son.

As a result, Judge Elena Safyan rejected Ms. Ryasnova’s claims in full. At the same time, the decision did not even mention the results of a genetic examination conducted using the DNA profile of the murdered Martynov and which confirmed his paternity with almost one hundred percent probability, although it was this DNA profile that helped the investigation bring charges against the alleged killer of the businessman. In their complaints against this decision, the applicant’s representatives indicated that the results of the DNA examination were recognized as one of the main evidence by the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The point in this case, where the evidence of the investigation is called into question by the court, must be put by the Supreme Court. Lada Ryasnova herself is reluctant to comment on the current situation. “Of course, I will go to the end. Yaroslava knew Kolya as a father until she was four years old, but here he turns out to be not the father - and this despite all the evidence,” she told Kommersant, explaining that she was very tired of the long legal proceedings.

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