Event with a presentation about F. Dostoevsky. Presentation on literature on the topic "F.M.

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V.G.Perov. Portrait of F.M. Dostoevsky, 1872

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    One of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world.

    Dostoevsky’s focus was on the theme of the struggle between “God and the Devil” in the human soul, for the artistic recreation of which he developed new methods of psychological analysis. The writer himself called his creative style “fantastic realism.”

    Russian prose writer, thinker and publicist, who in his work raised the most important problems of spiritual life and expanded the boundaries of a realistic depiction of man.

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    Biography in dates

    1837 - entered the St. Petersburg Engineering School. That same year, the writer’s mother died, and two years later, his father passed away under mysterious circumstances. After their death, Dostoevsky renounced the right to inherit land and serfs.

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    • 1843 - completed the full course of training in the highest officer class and was enrolled in the engineering corps at the St. Petersburg engineering team, but the following year he left military service and devoted himself to literary creativity.
    • 1845 - debuted with the novel “Poor People,” which was highly praised in literary circles.
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    • 1846 - met M. Petrashevsky, a follower of the teachings of the French utopian philosopher C. Fourier, and became part of a secret political circle, whose members set themselves the goal of carrying out a “coup in Russia” and were engaged in the distribution of illegal propaganda literature.
    • April 23, 1849 - for participation in the activities of this circle, Dostoevsky was arrested and sentenced to death as “one of the most important” conspirators.
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    • 1857 - the wedding of F. Dostoevsky and M. Isaeva took place. This marriage turned out to be unhappy and ended with the death of Isaeva in 1864.
    • 1859 - thanks to the efforts of friends, the writer got the opportunity to return to St. Petersburg and again engage in literary activity.
    • December 22, 1849 - in St. Petersburg, a staged procedure was held to replace the execution of the “rebels” with a less severe sentence: a minute before the execution, the writer and his comrades were announced that they were sentenced to four years of hard labor with further military service. The period of punishment, which lasted ten years, enriched Dostoevsky with invaluable spiritual and life experience, which subsequently fed all his work. His immediate impressions of his time in hard labor were reflected in his famous “Notes from the House of the Dead” (1862).
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    Dostoevsky's first wife

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    The first half of the 1860s - together with his brother Mikhail, he published the magazines “Time” (1861–1863) and “Epoch” (1864–1865). Journalistic work not only gave impetus to the development of the writer’s journalistic talent, but also inspired him to create “continued” novels that could be published in parts in periodicals. The first such work was the novel “The Humiliated and Insulted” (1861).

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    • 1866 - Dostoevsky married his secretary-stenographer A. Snitkina, who became a faithful companion until the end of his life
    • 1864 - the “paradox story” “Notes from the Underground” appeared, in which the type of “underground man”, iconic for Dostoevsky’s work, appeared for the first time. In the same year, the writer’s elder brother, whose debts he took upon himself, died.
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    Dostoevsky's second wife

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    • Throughout 1876 -1878. 
    • - published monthly his “Diary of a Writer”, in which he acted as a philosopher, moralist and preacher.
    • 1880 - at a meeting of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, he read Pushkin’s speech, which became a striking event in the cultural life of the country.
  • “Crime and Punishment” is dated the same year - the first in his five pinnacle novels, which also includes the novels “The Idiot” (1868), “Demons” (1872), “Teenager” (1875) and “The Brothers Karamazov” (1879– 1880).

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    The last minutes of life.

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    The great Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky expressed through his creativity the immensity of the suffering of humiliated and insulted humanity in an exploitative society and the immeasurable pain for this suffering. And at the same time, he fiercely fought against any search for real ways to fight for the liberation of humanity from humiliation and insult.

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    The impressions from his stay in hard labor were later reflected in the story “Notes from the House of the Dead.”

    From the beginning of 1861, Fyodor Mikhailovich helped his brother Mikhail publish his own magazine “Time”, after the closure of which in 1863 the brothers began publishing the magazine “Epoch”. On the pages of these magazines appeared such works by Dostoevsky as “The Humiliated and Insulted,” “Notes from the House of the Dead,” “Winter Notes on Summer Impressions,” and “Notes from the Underground.”

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    Six months after his brother’s death, publication of The Epoch ceased (February 1865). In a desperate financial situation, Dostoevsky wrote the chapters of “Crime and Punishment,” sending them to M. N. Katkov directly to the magazine set of the conservative “Russian Messenger,” where they were published from issue to issue. At the same time, under the threat of losing the rights to his publications for 9 years in favor of the publisher F. T. Stellovsky, he undertook to write him a novel, for which he would not have had the physical strength. On the advice of friends, Dostoevsky hired a young stenographer, Anna Snitkina, who helped him cope with this task. In October 1866, the novel “The Gambler” was written in twenty-six days and completed on the 25th.

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    Father, Mikhail Andreevich, from the clergy, received the title of nobility in 1828. Having acquired in 1831-1832. a small estate in the Tula province, treated the peasants cruelly; in 1839, he was rumored to have been killed by his serfs. It was with the death of his father that the first attack of epilepsy was associated, a disease that haunted Dostoevsky until the end of his life.

    Mother Maria Feodorovna, maiden name Nechaeva, from a merchant family, died in 1837.

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    1838 – Dostoevsky, together with his older brother Mikhail, enters the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School

    1843 - after graduating from college, Dostoevsky enlists in the drafting engineering department, but a year later he retires.

    1847 - Dostoevsky begins to attend the society of M.V. Petrashevsky. Political, socio-economic, literary and other problems are discussed at these meetings

    1848 – becomes an active participant in the meetings of Petrashevets N.A. Speshnev

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    1849 – Dostoevsky, along with other Petrashevsky members, was arrested. During the investigation, the writer denies all the charges brought against him. He does not betray any of his comrades, citing ignorance. But the military court recognizes Dostoevsky as “one of the most important criminals” and, accusing him of criminal plans against the government, sentences him to death.

    The mock execution took place on December 22, 1849. She was replaced by 4 years of hard labor followed by assignment to the rank and file.

    But Emperor Nicholas I personally adds:

    “Announce a pardon only at the moment when everything is ready for the execution.”

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    1850-1854 – Dostoevsky serves his sentence in the Omsk prison. Then he is enlisted as a soldier in the Siberian Line Battalion.

    At this time, Dostoevsky is a famous writer and thanks to this he becomes a friend of the regional prosecutor Wrangel, who was present at the execution of the Petrashevites in the winter of 1849. This gives Fyodor Mikhailovich the opportunity to visit high society (where he also meets Ch. Valikhanov, a prominent Kazakh figure with whom he maintains contact even after exile). Thanks to this acquaintance, private Dostoevsky received the rank of officer on October 1, 1856, and a little earlier his title of nobility was returned to him.

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    1859 – Dostoevsky receives permission to move first to Tver, then to St. Petersburg; Here he published the stories "Uncle's Dream" (1859), "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants" (1859), and the novel "The Humiliated and Insulted" (1861).

    1861-1862 - the largest work written shortly after hard labor and about hard labor appears - “Notes from the House of the Dead.”

    1862-1863 – Dostoevsky travels around Europe with Apollinaria Suslova. Soon she is forced to leave him due to Dostoevsky’s strong addiction to roulette (he lost everything, including her jewelry).

    Returning to Russia, Dostoevsky actively participates in public life. During these years, he became close to the literary critic A.A. Grigoriev and the philosopher N.N. Strakhov.

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    1861 – Dostoevsky, together with his brother Mikhail, publishes the magazine “Time”. In April 1863, the magazine "Time" was closed by censorship for the article "The Fatal Question" dedicated to the Polish uprising, written by employee N.N. Strakhov.

    1864-1865– Mikhail Dostoevsky manages to obtain a license to publish a new magazine, which became known as “Epoch”. One of the collaborators is again Fyodor Mikhailovich, who at the same time wrote “Notes from the Underground” (1864).

    Left without a livelihood due to losses at roulette, Dostoevsky enters into an agreement with the book publisher Stellovsky, according to which the writer undertakes to write a new novel by November 1, 1866 for the collected works of his works that are being prepared for publication. If this clause of the contract is not fulfilled, the writer loses ownership of all his works for nine years. When there is a month left before the deadline, Dostoevsky, on the advice of friends, hires stenographer A.G. Snitkina and dictates the novel “The Player” to her in 28 days.

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    1867 – Dostoevsky marries Snitkina (Dostoevsky’s first wife M.D. Isaeva, whom he married while still in exile, died in 1864 from tuberculosis).

    1867-1871 - the writer, together with his new wife, spends these years abroad, escaping from creditors, only occasionally coming to Russia. They alternately live in Dresden, Berlin, Basel, Geneva and Florence. Here he witnesses the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune of 1871. Only at the end of 1871, after the writer managed to partially pay off his debts, did he return to St. Petersburg

    1873-1874 – Dostoevsky edits the magazine "Citizen", where he begins to publish "The Diary of a Writer", which he continued to publish in separate issues monthly in 1876-1877, one issue in 1880, one in 1881.

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    Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich 1821-1881 Parents of Fyodor Dostoevsky

    Father - Mikhail Andreevich - doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor

    Mother - Maria Fedorovna, daughter of the Moscow merchant Fyodor Nechaev

    Parents have long thought about the future of their eldest sons. They knew about the literary hobbies of Fyodor and Mikhail and encouraged them in every possible way. Main Engineering School in St. Petersburg. On January 28, 1838, Fyodor Dostoevsky was enrolled in the school and moved to the Engineering Castle.

    From a friendly, loving family, Fyodor ended up in a military school, where newcomers were often tortured by high school students. Military service weighed heavily on the future writer.

    On August 5, 1841, an order was issued to promote Dostoevsky from conductor to the lower officer rank - field ensign.

    “Poor People” is the first novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, begun by him in 1844 and, after numerous alterations, completed in May 1845. Young Avdotya Panaeva was remembered by Dostoevsky for a long time. He would later reward the heroine of “Crime and Punishment” with one characteristic feature of her appearance, also Avdotya, Raskolnikov’s sister... “White Nights” is a story about the loneliness of a person who has not found himself in an unfair world, about failed happiness.

    In the spring of 1846, Dostoevsky met Petrashevsky, first borrowed books by utopian socialists from his library, and then became a frequent visitor to “Fridays” in his house.

    From his marriage to Anna Grigorievna, F. M. Dostoevsky had four children. The novel “Demons” is a formidable prophecy of the writer about impending catastrophes on the world, this novel is a warning. The pinnacle in the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”. Dostoevsky's swan song was his speech at the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow in June 1880.

    Dostoevsky's views, formed after hard labor, found a vivid artistic embodiment in Crime and Punishment.

    His smile - where did he get it? - Warmed all the painfully in love, Humiliated, sick and insulted, Nightmare earthly existence. Prepared by the teacher-librarian of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 4”, Chistopol RT
    Nikolaeva Elena Vladimirovna

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    “The stars that guided him shine for all mankind.” V. Shklovsky

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    The facade of the main building of the former Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, where the writer’s father M.A. Dostoevsky served as a doctor

    F.M. Dostoevsky was born in the left wing of the hospital in 1821, and in the right wing he spent his childhood and adolescence. Nowadays here is the Museum-apartment of F.M. Dostoevsky

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    Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky is the father of Fyodor Mikhailovich. He was a gloomy, nervous, suspicious man

    Maria Feodorovna Dostoevskaya is the writer’s mother. She was a cheerful, kind, religious person

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    MIKHAIL MIKHAILOVICH DOSTOEVSKY is Fyodor's older brother. They were united by common interests, both of them became familiar with literature early and often shared their impressions of what they read with each other. The brothers retained a sense of friendship and affection throughout their lives.

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    Engineering castle. Main Engineering School, where Dostoevsky studied after the death of his mother
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    Title page of the “Petersburg Collection”, in which the story “Poor People” was published

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    M.V. BUTASHEVICH-PETRASHEVSKY From the beginning of 1847, Dostoevsky became a regular visitor to Petrashevsky’s “Fridays” circle. In his apartment, political, philosophical and socio-economic issues were discussed

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    On the night of April 22-23, 1849. By personal order of Nicholas I, Dostoevsky and other Petrashevsky members were arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress

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    Omsk fort. View of the Irtysh Dostoevsky, as a member of the Petrashevsky circle, was declared a political criminal. Along with others, he was sentenced to death by firing squad. The execution was cancelled, but its ceremony took place on December 22, 1849. The ritual of execution of the Petrashevites on the Semenovsky parade ground

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    Dostoevsky was sentenced to hard labor for 4 years, which he served in the Omsk prison in 1850-1854.

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    Fence around the Omsk fort
    Siberian notebook

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    Arriving in Semipalatinsk to serve, Dostoevsky led a rather secluded life

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    Dostoevsky managed to achieve a mitigation of his fate and first received the rank of non-commissioned officer, and then promotion to officer F. M. Dostoevsky in the uniform of a non-commissioned officer

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    At the beginning of 1857 Dostoevsky marries the widow of a retired official, Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva
    The Lepukhins' house, where Dostoevsky lived with his wife after his marriage

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    Dostoevsky became close to the official A.E. Wrangel, who took a lively part in his fate

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    We decided to found a magazine completely independent of literary authorities - despite our respect for them...our magazine will not have any non-literary antipathies and passions...We will not shy away from polemics... F.M. Dostoevsky (“Announcement of subscription to the magazine “Vremya” "as of 1861")

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    The writer lived near the Catherine Canal several times in the 1860s. The editorial office of his magazines “Time” and “Epoch” was located here. The Catherine Canal is the focal point of action in some of Dostoevsky’s St. Petersburg stories and novels. Scenes in the story “White Nights” are connected with him. Many of the “addresses” of the heroes of the novel “Crime and Punishment” are also here: the house of Sonya Marmeladova, a pawnbroker, not far from Raskolnikov.
    Petersburg. Catherine Canal

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    My stenographer, Anna Grigorievna Snitkina, was a young and rather pretty girl, 20 years old, of good family, an excellent graduate of the gymnasium course, with an extremely kind and clear character... At the end of the novel “The Player” I noticed that she sincerely loved me, although she had never She didn’t say a word to me about it, but I liked her more and more... I asked her to marry me. She agreed, and now we are married...I am more and more convinced that she will be happy. She has a heart, and she knows how to love.

  • F.M. Dostoevsky - A.P. Suslova. April 23, 1867
    Mystical secrets of the mausoleum (1 photo) What is hidden under the mausoleum