I'm tired of my wife, what should I do? Why is my wife tired and what to do in this case? Reflection and repetition

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The fact that over time, love and infatuation turn into a habit is natural and nothing can be done about it. The months spent together reveal to the partner all the traits and habits that were not paid attention to during courtship and the honeymoon. The presence of one or more traits can provoke a man to break up, and also lead to some cooling towards his woman.


If a man notices that he serves only as a source of financial well-being for a woman, then this is already an opportunity to break off the relationship. The husband understands that without money and a stable income he is no longer needed - this is a good reason to have a woman on the side who will listen and understand, participate in his personal life, and deify him.

Excessive totalitarianism

The constant desire to tell what to do, the desire to command, to show one’s authority and character in every possible way - all this makes a man unsure of himself, his capabilities and masculinity. If a man is henpecked, then such a family can last for quite a long time, otherwise a mistress will appear for whom he will be the best, the strongest and the most courageous.


Constant monitoring, endless calls and SMS, daily studying of the husband’s mail and social networks, as well as the search for possible infidelity of a man - all this can drive even a very balanced person to white heat.


Hysterics, scandals with or without cause, breaking dishes, slamming doors, threats or attempts at suicide - all this can be experienced if the case is isolated. If such scandals are repeated day after day, then it is hardly possible to return love and such a family will most likely fall apart.


The inability to listen to an opponent, the habit of chatting all day long about everything, gossip and slander, unfounded criticism of others do little to decorate a woman, and here the husband has a logical question: If everyone is bad for her, then maybe it’s about her, and not about those around her?

Ungroomed appearance

Marriage is not a reason to exchange a beautiful dress for a washed out robe. Despite the fact that housework and childcare take a lot of energy, a woman should find time for herself, do her nails and hair, take care of her figure, and develop morally. If a girl turns from a beautiful swan into an ugly duckling, then her husband stops seeing her as the woman he loves, which over time can negatively affect the relationship.

Of course, over the years of marriage, scandals and scenes of jealousy and disappointment occur, but these should be isolated cases, and not a way of life.

Many women's magazines give advice on how to behave in order to keep your man. They try to please their husbands in everything, both in appearance and culinary masterpieces, and in his whims of an intimate nature. They study the Kama Sutra, study many culinary recipes, go on diets, systematically go to the gym and beauty salons. And all this in order to please your loved one, to always be the best and only for him. A woman makes many sacrifices in order to finally realize that she can no longer be with her man, she doesn’t want it, she’s tired of him.

And suddenly he realizes that the woman who loves him is suddenly leaving him. The one who did everything for him that he wished, forgave all his antics and obeyed him unquestioningly! From him, good, kind, bringing a salary into the house, not drinking and not partying!?

Why can a woman leave a man? Where to look for the reason that women are tired of men and how to understand it? Why does she start to want to go somewhere to the left? Are the fair sex really that unstable?

Let's start with the fact that only part of the blame lies with the woman in this situation. And, if a man knew about this, maybe he would be able to prevent such a situation as betrayal or the departure of his woman.

After all, men reason that he married her, which means that now she is obliged to do for him everything that he tells her or asks, and as for household chores, in general she should do everything, because it’s not a man’s job to vacuum or clean the dishes wash. After all, he brings money to the family, he is the breadwinner. And the fact that his wife also works and comes home just as tired as he is...who cares?! It is the wife who must manage to work and do everything at home, take care of herself and the children. And this is taken for granted! And now he can relax, because his wife has been won, there is work, and he can relax. He can afford to grow a belly, walk around the house with a fume or smell of tobacco or sweat, watch football while his wife tries to seduce him, etc.

And this is how days, weeks, months, years pass. She is still waiting for this to all pass, that he will finally want to go somewhere with her and spend a romantic evening, that at least sometimes he will say “thank you” to her for the cooked dinner, washed and ironed clothes, for warmth and affection. She tolerates his beer evenings with friends who always shout “goal!”, even when the child has already fallen asleep. She also endures the fact that he considers her stupider than himself. And it doesn’t allow her to communicate with the people she wants and wear the things she likes. A woman is a patient creature; she is ready to carry a lot of things on her fragile shoulders. For the time being.

Someday, the turning point will come when she can’t stand it all, pluck up courage, and won’t think for a very long time about the consequences of her actions. It will just go away and that's it. Most women, of course, will try to save their family, but this will be just a formal marriage, without love, warmth and affection.

A woman gets tired of being a free addition to his precious life for a man. She doesn’t want to be a food processor, she’s tired of acting as a rubber doll, pillow, furniture or anything else that makes her man feel comfortable. And every day and every night, the desire to prove to everyone that you are a living person flares up in her heart and soul more and more. That you also have feelings, emotions, dreams and aspirations. That you actually have a deep inner world, interesting and multifaceted. Or maybe you have a talent that was constantly muffled by your stupid phrases like: “you don’t sing, but quack”, or “your mother dances better than you”, “don’t even try, you won’t succeed anyway”, etc. d. And he does this in order to have power over you and not to lose you and your services when you develop your talent. And she’s tired of her man who doesn’t want to hear her and doesn’t take her conversations seriously. After all, he sees nothing and no one in the family except himself, his beloved and his needs.

A man just needs to become grateful to his woman for what she does for him. At least it will seem stupid to them to thank her for what she should do, which is her direct responsibilities. For example, for washed dishes, washed socks, for a cleaned apartment and everything else that she does for him and their family. After all, men think that it’s all so easy to do that they don’t need to be grateful for it, so they don’t say grateful words to their wives. And then they are also surprised that their wives are tired of being servants, and servants, as you know, have to pay for it.

When a man has stopped in his development, he becomes suspicious, quarrelsome, stingy and grumpy. He cannot clearly answer most questions, and begins to blame everyone except himself for his failures. He starts watching TV series, drinking beer in front of the TV, spreading and collecting gossip, and will become a frequent guest on porn sites. He stops caring about his appearance, and believes that his old, stretched out panties can arouse your sexual desire, and you simply dream of feeling his fingers, which always smell of tobacco, on your lips.

He does not want to do anything unless it concerns his own pleasure, comfort and ambition. He is only concerned with his own personality, no one else is important to him. And then, when a woman gets tired of all this, she will not interfere with him loving himself, nurturing and nurturing his EGO. She will simply leave him, perhaps to the man who will see a woman in her and will love and appreciate her. And live not only for yourself, but also for your beloved woman.

There are probably many more reasons why a woman can get bored with a man. But, I think that I have revealed the main aspects of the question of how to understand: when a girl is tired of her man. I believe that knowing these simple answers, you can think about how to keep your woman. And never get bored of her.

There are many reasons to start a family. But basically, family life is built on love and the desire to be together. Long years of living together, everyday life, and quarrels can lead to a loss of interest in your partner. What to do if you're tired of your wife? Is this a reason for divorce or can we try to “reanimate” feelings?

Why is my wife annoying?

In this situation, the woman is looking for the culprits. It is important to understand the essence of a man. He gets tired of monotony. By nature, men are polygamous. Therefore, if the partners do not try to refresh the relationship in any way, the man, in search of variety, goes deeper into work or looks for new emotions “on the side.”

Very often, after living for many years in marriage with one woman, men begin to “look to the left”

The main reasons why a husband is tired of his wife:

  1. The wife “drank.” Men do not like to be constantly reproached or taught about life. You want to run away from such a woman without looking back. Moreover, a woman in such a situation may think that the truth is on her side, and the reproaches are justified. But it’s worth thinking about whether the husband has really done something wrong that he needs to be nagged. So close to divorce. After all, every patience comes to an end sooner or later. Even strong love can be destroyed by constantly repeated reproaches.
  2. A woman’s perception of a man as a “wallet of money.” A man has always been perceived as a breadwinner, and a woman is a housewife, a mother, responsible for the comfort in the house. But if a woman asks her provider for money too often, he may get tired of it. The way out of this situation is to send her to work.
  3. Wife's misunderstanding. Lack of understanding between partners destroys relationships and marriages. You can discuss the accumulated problems over a calm dialogue, for example, during dinner with a glass of wine.

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These are the most common reasons why a man states that he is tired of living with his wife.

He doesn't pay attention to me!

Women like male attention when their problems are listened to and help is offered. But what to do if you come home from work tired, hoping to relax, and your beloved reproaches you for inattention? A man by nature does not focus on details.

He is attracted to more global affairs. He may not notice the changed shade of his favorite hair or a new blouse. This happens not because he doesn’t love her, but because he is tired, carried away by other thoughts, or perceives his woman as a whole, and not in terms of little things.

A lot of men admit that they are tired of their wife for the simple reason that she constantly nags them.

The nature of the female gender is different. The girl tries to look good for her man, but he did not appreciate her impulse. Selfish nature requires more and more attention; your thoughts should be occupied with it. But due to work and fatigue, you may simply not have time for this. Resentments arise, reproaches appear. And sooner or later the husband comes to the conclusion that his wife is tired of her grievances. The man feels trapped. He perceives love from the side of the result, not the process.

And a woman needs to constantly feel loved, to see that she is being paid attention to. The result is that the wife is tired of her grievances. It's better to show her that she is dear to you. Give her small gifts throughout the year, not just on special occasions.

My wife is fed up: what should I do?

Some simple tips will help you improve your relationship:

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  1. Accept her weirdness. Try to understand her real motives. For what reasons does she do this - selfish or for the good of the family? Women always try to push a man to activity. See the situation as an impulse for the benefit of your future.
  2. Speak with a future perspective. To reassure your wife, it is enough to convince her that new opportunities are opening up for you, and you will definitely take advantage of them. Such an optimistic forecast will reassure the wife. She will become kinder and more affectionate.
  3. Keep her busy. When a person has nothing to do, he looks for something to cling to. Try to keep your other half busy. Send them to work or ask them to pay more attention to their children and home. Just be sure to praise her. This way she will understand that you appreciate her work.

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To save your marriage, if you are tired of your wife's nagging, try talking to her about it. Try to describe the situation from your side, explain your feelings. A wise woman will hear you and try to change the situation to save the family. Perhaps she also has accumulated reproaches towards you. Through a constructive conversation, you can come to the right decision.

Perhaps the most important reason why a man says that he is tired of his wife is because the wife ceases to understand her husband

If a wife is tired of her husband, not everyone knows what to do in this situation. If you want to save your family, you can try to understand what each of you needs.

If the feelings are still there, you can add brightness to them and change something in your life:

  1. Communicate more with each other. You can solve any problem if you discuss it together. Be open about what irritates or worries you. In a conversation you can find the reason for the loss of mutual understanding. Think together about what you can change.
  2. Reminisce about the good times you had together. If you are tired of your wife and children, you can remember the happy moments together, when there were no everyday issues. By remembering a happy past, you can understand whether you want to be together further and improve your relationship.
  3. Free yourself from routine. Everyday everyday issues and stress, monotony can kill even the strongest feelings. Try to surprise your significant other, change your image, arrange a romantic date, spend a weekend away from home together. To get rid of routine, you need to constantly surprise each other.
  4. Add some adrenaline to your relationship. Extreme dates make a couple closer together. Ride horses together, try skydiving, ride a roller coaster.
  5. Engage your husband in something. You can give him a gym or swimming pool membership. Any activity will allow him to escape from the routine and relieve stress, get rid of the idea that he is tired of his wife.

About how a wife should not behave so as not to bore her husband

The statistics are impartial - almost all men, after a more or less long period spent in marriage, admit that their wife is simply tired of them. Not nonsense and betrayal - there is even a dubious opinion that this can “renew” and strengthen a marriage.

Habit and some cooling a few years after the wedding is a natural stage in the development of relationships. This is one of the challenges that must be overcome in order to continue to live together and maintain happiness and warmth in the family. To cope with routine, there are various ways. However, there are specific feminine traits that are difficult for a man to put up with. And if one of them is present, there is a high probability that the wife will get tired of her husband very quickly, and it will be extremely difficult to correct the consequences.


The task of “getting a mammoth” is traditionally male in the division of gender roles. However, the feeling that a woman is interested in a man serving as a source of financial well-being for her, but not in him himself, can quickly kill a relationship. A man who understands that without money his wife does not need him becomes uninitiated and apathetic, or begins to strive to end the marriage as quickly as possible.

Excessive authority

Constant grumbling that “there are no more normal men”, the desire to command, criticism, the habit of constantly questioning the masculinity of a spouse are characteristic of a certain type of woman. All this creates in a man a lack of confidence in himself and his strengths.

The desire to compete with her husband, to put pressure and criticize, soon begins to irritate him. Excessive authority is short-sighted. Constant “shoulds” and “musts” can destroy the best attitude. And the man will either turn into a weak-willed henpecked man, or will begin to seek recognition of his masculinity on the side.


Caused by emotional dependence and fear of losing. Jealousy is a pathological manifestation of addiction, and in some cases it arises out of nowhere. A woman is not only unable to imagine life without a man - she invents her husband’s intimate relationships with other women and plagues him with speculation.

Constant monitoring, calls several times during the day, checking your mobile phone, email and social media. Networks eventually begin to irritate even the most patient person.


Hysterical behavior with screaming, tears, breaking dishes and threats of suicide can scare away a man. And, if such a manner of communication becomes habitual, a man begins to associate his wife with a “bazaar trader.” Moreover, such behavior is tiring. Ultimately, he simply ceases to respect his wife, and sometimes even breaks off the relationship.


The inability to sincerely listen to a partner who talks about problems and worries, and at the same time the desire to chat incessantly about everything, also causes irritation. A woman’s tendency to slander and criticize others causes a particularly negative attitude in a man. The husband quickly asks: if his wife is unable to see anything good in anyone around her, maybe the problem lies with her?

Excessive seriousness or frivolity

Two extremes. On the one hand, the wife, who immediately after the wedding lost her lightness and ease, becomes boring. Too much seriousness can be tiresome. In the end, a stamp in a passport does not mean that youth is over, and there should be nothing interesting and fun in life.

On the other hand, marriage comes with a certain responsibility. A change of status imposes certain unspoken obligations. And neglecting household chores, talking on the phone for many hours or frequent get-togethers with girlfriends are rarely able to please your husband.

Shabby look

Stopping taking care of your appearance soon after marriage is a good way to quickly lose interest in a man's eyes. The notorious robe, smelling of borscht and hair curlers, is a grotesque stereotype, however, it happens that the appearance of a woman comes close to it. Of course, household chores take a lot of time and effort - but if the wife is unable to find at least a little time to look attractive, the husband ceases to perceive her as a woman. Men are annoyed by their wives who consider it necessary to look smart only when leaving the house, “in society.” In this case, the husband may suspect that his wife does not respect him as much if she does not consider it necessary to look good in his eyes.

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I'm tired of my wife, my wife is tired of me

Day after day, men hear the dissatisfied cries of their wives, who demand attention to themselves. Women express their dissatisfaction in a rather rude manner, and their annoying way of conveying this information is a real hard labor for a man’s head. And no matter how the man tries to protect himself from this, every day the attacks on his head become stronger and more violent. But the funny thing is that men sincerely believe that they give their wives enough attention. But no, women are still unhappy!

I can please you, you are not the only one who feels that he is tired of his wife with her eternal claims. This is a typical misunderstanding that exists between a man and a woman. I think most of us have experienced this kind of misunderstanding, no matter how much we love our wives. Now many books have been written that describe the psychology of interaction between a man and a woman. But behind the lines of the text there is a rather simple formulation: “Men and women are different.” Each problem and situation is perceived completely differently, and hence misunderstanding and annoyance.

If your wife is tired

By nature, men don’t need much to live a happy life. A place to sleep, food and a woman to procreate. He doesn’t care about little things like a tablecloth on the table or a clean rug at the entrance to the house. Its objectives are clear enough: shelter, food and security. Having received these benefits, a man relaxes and stops striving and taking risks.

Women are more calculating and pragmatic. They understand that raising children and their well-being requires much more resources than men bring. Therefore, they begin to inspire, demand and nag him until she gets up from her usual place and takes risks to get what he doesn’t need.

This is where a conflict of interest arises, which results in quarrels. The man understands that he is great and has achieved everything. And then his wife comes and starts demanding more and more. Since she is interested in being provided for, fed and clothed. And it’s not for nothing that men say that women are always dissatisfied with something. Because in fact it is so.

What to do if your wife bothers you

Understand her strangeness. The next time your wife starts annoying you, look at her true motives. You will see that she does this not only for herself, but also for you and your family. Women are designed to push you into action. So don’t take this as your wife’s desire to send you somewhere. She does this for your benefit.

Know how to talk about perspective. You don't have to go and move mountains. It is enough to convince your wife that great opportunities are now opening up for you, and you will definitely take advantage of them. And now you need to think about how to implement all this. This position will inspire your wife, she will become kind and affectionate, and you will get much-needed free time.

Keep her busy. It is well known that a tired and busy person is not very inclined to argue and make trouble. This means that your wife still has plenty of strength. So, it's time to find something for her to do to cool her ardor. Send her to work, bring her some of your work, hang her children on her. Do everything to make her tired. And in the evening after work, you should come like a real gentleman and thank her for this. So she will be tired, and you will show affection and care for her.

My wife says I don't pay enough attention to her

A woman is selfish by nature. Most often, it all comes down to the fact that she wants to know that you simply don’t have time to think about anything else but about her. But you are a busy person, you have business and business trips, and you simply don’t have time to call her every hour. She begins to panic and worry. And you feel like you've fallen into a trap from which there is no way out.

You need to understand that your wife will almost always need your attention. Although it is possible that you, as a man, know an approach that can calm her down for a while.

Men look at love from the side of the result (I gave her a gift, I called her, I said that I love her, etc.). A woman looks at love as a process. She wants to see and feel it all again and again. As a result, you think that she is too jealous, selfish and inconsiderate.

Your most correct reaction would be to show her once again that you love her and willingly spend time with her. She wants to hear your voice again and understand that she is loved and safe.

So remember: women definitely need a show of love. It is better to give several small gifts over time than one large gift every six months. These are such strange women, but fortunately they can be counted.

P.s. If your wife wants your attention, it means she cares about you, and that's great.

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