Loquat beneficial qualities. Loquat fruit: photo beneficial properties and contraindications

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The deciduous plant medlar (Mespilus), also called ezgil, or chishkova (cup) tree, is a member of the Rosaceae family. According to information taken from The Plant List, this genus includes only 3 species. The word “loquat” was borrowed from the Turkish language, but it came from Greek. Gardeners cultivate the common medlar or the German medlar, but the birthplace of such a plant is not Germany, but South-Eastern Europe and South-West Asia. This culture was brought to Germany by the Romans. Today, this plant can be found in nature in South Ossetia, Armenia, on the southern coast of Crimea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the North Caucasus and in the central regions of Ukraine. Medlar has been cultivated for more than 3 thousand years. The ancient Greeks were the first to grow it, and in the ancient Roman era and the Middle Ages this crop was already considered a very important fruit plant. But after a while, medlar lost its former popularity, due to the fact that it was replaced by other crops, including those brought to Europe from the New World. Today, such a plant is quite rare in gardens.

Medlar is an evergreen fruit tree; its bark is dark gray in color. In good conditions, the height of such a plant can reach 8 m, but as a rule, it does not grow higher than 6 m. The dark green leaf plates have an elliptical shape, their length is 8–15 centimeters, and their width is 3–4 centimeters. In autumn, the foliage changes its color to red. At the end of spring or beginning of summer, medlar begins to bloom. The five-petaled flowers have a white color and scent that attracts pollinating insects to the garden plot. The diameter of the fruit reaches from 20 to 30 mm, it has a spherical or pear-shaped shape. Its sepals are constantly unfolded, and it appears hollow. The color of the fruit is brown-red. The size of the fruit in garden forms can reach the size of an average apple. Even fully ripened fruits are distinguished by their hardness and sour taste; such fruits become edible only after prolonged storage or after frost, as a result of which they wrinkle, decrease in size, and become sweet and soft.

Growing medlar from seed at home

You can grow medlar from a seed indoors. After the seed is removed from the fruit, it can lie for no more than 3 days, and then it must be planted in the substrate. As a rule, seeds bought in a store grow into trees that cannot bear fruit. If you plant a seed that you personally removed from a medlar fruit, then the chances that the plant that grows from it will bear fruit are very high.

If you wish, you can buy a soil mixture for planting ready-made in a special store, or you can also make it yourself; to do this, you need to combine humus, peat, leaf soil and sand, which should be taken in equal parts. Take a pot that has holes in the bottom for drainage. At its bottom, you first need to make a good drainage layer from expanded clay, after which the remaining space must be filled with prepared soil mixture. The seeds are sown in a moistened substrate, and they need to be buried only 20 mm. You can sow up to 6 seeds in one container. The top of the container must be covered with glass or film. Crops are harvested in a well-lit and warm place, for example, on a windowsill. The first seedlings should appear after at least 4 weeks. The plant will need to be protected from direct rays of the sun, ventilated every day, and also remove condensation from the shelter in a timely manner, otherwise the seedlings may develop a fungal disease due to dampness. After the height of the plants reaches 20 mm, the cover must be removed from the container, and the container itself must be moved to a place where the air temperature is never less than 18 degrees. In the summer, containers with seedlings can be moved to fresh air (terrace or balcony), and the plants will need reliable protection from drafts, wind and scorching sun rays. The soil mixture in the container should be slightly moist (not wet) all the time; for this, the seedlings must be watered 2 or 3 times every 7 days.

The emerging seedlings are characterized by relatively rapid growth. So, after 4 weeks, the height of the plants can reach 15 centimeters. Grown plants must be planted in individual deep pots, which are filled with a substrate consisting of peat, coarse river sand and humus. It should be noted that transplanted weak plants most often die. But the transplanted powerful and large bushes will become even stronger over time. Flowering of a bush grown indoors will occur only in the 3rd year after transplanting into an individual pot, and this will happen in the last autumn or first winter weeks. Closer to the New Year, the first fruits may form.

You can start forming the crown only after the bush has faded, but you don’t have to do this. Some flower growers prefer that the medlar bush look natural; to do this, they need to cut out only weakened, injured branches that thicken the crown and are affected by disease.

Landing Features

Seedlings grown from seeds indoors after they are 3 years old can, if desired, be transplanted into open soil. The crop is undemanding in terms of soil composition, but it must be well-drained, slightly acidic or neutral. The suitable site is one where groundwater lies at a depth of no higher than 1.5 m from the ground surface. When planting several plants, a distance of at least 4.5 meters should be maintained between them.

Seedlings are planted in open soil only when they have a dormant period, namely, in spring or autumn. The area chosen for planting must be cleared of weeds and dug up with the addition of bone meal. Prepare an earth mixture, which should include turf and deciduous soil, coarse river sand and humus, taken in equal parts. Prepare a planting pit, the size of which should be 1/3 larger than the plant’s root system, taken together with the lump of earth. A stake must be driven into the middle of the pit; its height should be such that it touches the lower branches of the plant. Then plant the seedling from the container into the hole and fill it with soil mixture. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that after planting, the root collar of the plant should be flush with the surface of the site. The planted plant needs abundant watering, when the water is completely absorbed into the soil and the earth settles, the bush must be tied to a support. The surface of the soil should be covered with a layer of mulch (rotted manure or compost), its thickness should be from 7 to 8 centimeters. Make sure that the mulch does not come into contact with the loquat trunk.

You need to grow medlar in the garden in the same way as other fruit trees. The watering regime should be such that the soil in the tree trunk circle is always damp, but there is no stagnation of liquid in the root system. When the tree is watered or it rains, it is recommended to loosen the surface in the circle around the trunk and also pull out all the weeds.

During the season, the plant will need 2 or 3 feedings; for this, organic matter and mineral fertilizers are used. However, it should be taken into account that young trees need more fertilizing; fertilizers are regularly applied to the soil once every 20 days. Medlar responds well to fertilizing with mullein solution. In the spring, before sap flow begins, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning; to do this, you need to cut out all injured branches, damaged by frost or disease, as well as branches that thicken the crown. During the first three or four years, it will be necessary to regularly shorten the skeletal branches by 1/3 of the growth per outer bud. Those branches that intertwine inside the crown need to be trimmed to two or three buds. After 4 years have passed after transplanting the seedling into open ground, it is necessary to begin forming the crown. Once the crown is formed, it should be maintained by pruning.

How to propagate medlar by seeds is described in detail above. This crop can also be propagated by cuttings. To prepare cuttings, you should choose last year's growths. The length of the cuttings should be from 15 to 20 centimeters, and each of them should have 2 nodes. The lower leaf plates must be completely removed, and the upper ones must be shortened by 1/3. This will reduce the amount of evaporated moisture. The cut areas must be treated with wood ash. The cuttings should be planted, placing them strictly vertically. To do this, use pots filled with sand-peat soil and expanded clay. The cutting must be buried 40–50 mm into the soil mixture. Planted cuttings need plenty of watering. When caring for cuttings, they need to be provided with systematic watering, and they also need to be regularly moistened from a sprayer with pre-boiled water. The cuttings will take root within 4 weeks. After the roots grow, the plant is planted in a garden plot. After planting, the trees will grow relatively slowly, but there is nothing to worry about. If you do everything correctly and take good care of the medlar, then over time its growth and development will become normal.

Diseases and pests

Medlar has a fairly high resistance to diseases and pests. However, sometimes leaf-eating caterpillars can settle on a tree. To get rid of them, in spring you need to remove all spider nests from the plant and then destroy them. During bud opening, the tree and the soil surface around it should be sprayed with a solution of Chlorophos, Nitrafen (3%) or Karbofos (7%). For prevention purposes, the tree is treated a couple of times per season (at the beginning of spring and after all the leaves have fallen in autumn) with a solution of Insegar (5 grams per 1 bucket of water), Fitoverm (20 grams per 1 bucket of water) or Lepidocide (1 bucket of water 25 grams).

Types and varieties of medlar

There are only 3 types of medlar, while gardeners grow only one, called Caucasian medlar, or German medlar, or Crimean medlar. This species has been described in detail above.

There is also Japanese medlar, or loquat, or eriobothria, or shesek - this is a not very large evergreen ornamental plant, which is also a fruit plant, it is cultivated both indoors and outdoors. This plant is related to the genus Eriobothrya of the Rosaceae family, it is considered a relative of the German medlar, but it is not actually a loquat.

Loquat japonica

Japanese medlar (Eriobotrya japonica)- the height of such a tree is about 8 m. The inflorescences and stems of the plant are colored grayish-red, as they are covered with dense felt pubescence. The shape of the leathery leaf blades is oval, their upper surface is shiny. The leaves are short-petioled or sessile, they reach 25 centimeters in length and 8 centimeters in width. They also have dense pubescence on the lower surface. The paniculate terminal inflorescences consist of five-petaled flowers, reaching 10–20 mm in diameter; they are yellow or white in color. The tree is highly resistant to frost, which only increases over the years. Popular varieties:

  1. Champagne. Yellow fleecy fruits have delicate pulp.
  2. Morozko. This plant is intended for cultivation indoors or in a greenhouse. Its fruits lack astringency.
  3. Silas. The weight of fruits, similar in appearance to apricots, can reach 80 grams.
  4. Tanaka. The pear-shaped fruits are yellow-orange in color. The taste of the light pink pulp is sweet and sour.

German medlar has a lush, spreading crown, and it attracts designers with its brown-red leaves. Gardeners often plant two or three plants to the north of other crops, since mature trees provide an excellent barrier from the cold wind in winter. The medlar itself will not suffer from the cold, since the adult plant is very resistant to frost. Also, this crop is grown as a central point in a garden plot, which is relatively small in size. The fact is that the crown of such a tree looks very impressive even without foliage, and in spring it is decorated with fragrant, flat, saucer-like flowers, painted white or light pink. Repeated flowering of this plant is observed in August or September. In autumn, the foliage changes its color to yellow-red or brown-red. Unusual fruits make medlar even more spectacular. This plant retains its decorative value throughout the season, so it is recommended to plant it in a row along the path in the garden; the result will be a park alley created from trees with closed crowns and straight trunks.

Properties of medlar: harm and benefit

Useful properties of medlar

The composition of medlar fruits includes iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, sodium, fructose, sucrose, citric and malic organic acids, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, pectins, tannins and phytoncides that help get rid of gastrointestinal diseases, normalize intestinal function, and relieve pain from stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.

A decoction prepared from unripe fruits eliminates inflammation, and is also used to stop intestinal bleeding. A decoction is also prepared from the foliage collected during flowering, which has a strengthening, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. The fruits are used to prepare a tincture used in Japan during the treatment of asthma or bronchitis.

Such fruits are often included in the diet because they contain a lot of dietary fiber, antioxidants, citric acid and fructose, and they are also low in calories. Loquat helps cure diabetes mellitus, eliminate symptoms of kidney dysfunction, cleanse the body of toxins and waste, eliminate intestinal disorders (for example, constipation) and intestinal colic, strengthen the immune system, increase the filtering capacity of the kidneys, improve the functioning of the digestive organs and vision, normalize blood pressure , preventing runny nose.

Since the fruits contain a large amount of micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins, experts advise consuming them regularly during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only for those women who do not have an individual intolerance to this product. Loquat pulp is suitable for making masks that give the skin a healthy color, help smooth out fine wrinkles and eliminate age spots.

Such fruits are suitable for preparing various dishes, for example, jam, jam or compote. The juice obtained from them ferments quite quickly, and therefore it is used to make wine, liqueur or liqueur. The seeds of this plant are used to prepare a drink that is very similar to coffee.


Giving medlar to children should be done with great caution, as there is a high probability of an allergic reaction. Fruits, especially unripe ones, should not be eaten by those who have gastritis with high acidity, inflammation of the pancreas, or peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. Even with such diseases, you should refrain from drinking medlar juice and wine. It should be taken into account that jam and preserves from medlar have a beneficial effect even on a sick and weakened body.

Loquat is a subtropical plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. The two most common types are:

  • Medlar Caucasian (German).

In this article we will talk about medlar, the photo of which is presented below.

Caucasian and Japanese medlar differ significantly from each other. It reaches a height of six meters, but if grown at home, it can only grow up to two meters. It has sweet and tasty fruits that contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Caucasian medlar is a tree with a well-developed trunk, 20 centimeters in diameter, shedding leaves in winter. May be in the form of a bush.

It begins to bloom at the end of May. The fruits of this plant ripen in autumn, are red-brown in color and become edible after frost. The pulp tastes sweet and sour. The shape of the fruit is usually spherical or oval. One fruit has several seeds. They remain on the branches all winter.

The Caucasian medlar is a winter-hardy plant and can grow even in temperate latitudes. It has a long growing season, lasting until the first frost, so young shoots suffer significantly in the cold. A photo of the Caucasian medlar is shown below.

Features of Japanese medlar

The Japanese medlar is an evergreen tree. Its height is 3-5 meters. The leaves are quite large, reaching 25 centimeters long and 8 centimeters wide. They have an oblong-oval shape. The upper parts of the leaves are glossy and dark green, while the lower parts are greenish-gray and velvety.

Its main feature is that the period of flowering and fruiting occurs at completely different times than for all garden plants. The flowering period lasts from September to March, and the fruits ripen in late May - early June.

Shoots and inflorescences are covered pubescence. Its flowers have several shades, which depend on the variety; they are very fragrant, reminiscent of almonds.

The fruits are pear-shaped, spherical, flattened and oval. Their taste is pleasantly sweet.

Japanese medlar is a heat-loving plant. At temperatures below -15 it dies, so it is grown in the southern regions. A photo of the Japanese medlar is shown below.

Caucasian and Japanese medlars have common characteristics:

  • Shade-tolerant;
  • Drought resistant;
  • Undemanding to soil;
  • Self-fertile.

Taste of fruits and beneficial properties of medlar

The fruits of both types are used fresh for food. The fruits of the Japanese medlar are very amazing in taste and reminiscent of apple, strawberry and apricot simultaneously. German medlar has tart fruits, but with the onset of the first frost they acquire a very pleasant sweet-sour taste, similar to an apple.

The fruits of both types are used to make jam, jellies, marmalade and other sweets, and are also used as an additive to drinks. Japanese medlar has fermented juice, in which the alcohol content reaches four percent. If you distill it, you get vodka. The fruits of the Caucasian medlar are used for pickling, vinegar is made from them.

The chemical composition and properties of the fruits of these two varieties differ, but not much. They contain:

  • Sucrose;
  • Fructose;
  • Glucose;
  • Malic acid;
  • Vitamin C.

Young unripe fruits contain tannins in large quantities. They are used in folk medicine as a remedy for diarrhea. The bark and leaves of both species have similar medicinal properties, but ripe fruits, on the contrary, are used as a mild laxative. A tincture of the leaves is used to gargle for colds. A decoction of the leaves can stop bleeding.

Japanese medlar is used as an ornamental plant and is often grown indoors.


Reproduction occurs in different ways.

Seed method

Seeds are soaked for one day before planting. If this is a southern region, then the seeds are sown directly into the ground, and in regions with a temperate climate, the seedling method is used.

Sow seeds in the ground at the end of October- early November. If the seedling method is used, then the seeds must be germinated in a well-lit room with a temperature of about +10 degrees in soil mixed with humus, peat, turf soil, sand and deciduous soil in equal proportions. Seeds begin to germinate only after a year.

Vegetative method

Caucasian medlar reproduces by layering. Autumn is a favorable period for this. Reproduction occurs in the standard way, when branches for layering are bent and attached to the ground, making an incision in the bark.

To ensure that the plant takes root well, the soil is moistened. Within 2 years the cuttings should take root, during this time they should form a well-developed root system and several shoots. They are separated and replanted only after the leaves have fallen.

Japanese medlar propagates by cuttings. A cutting is taken from a branch of last year's growth with two developed nodes. The leaves are cut in half, which helps reduce moisture evaporation by dusting the cuts with wood ash. This helps avoid the formation of rot and protects against the penetration of pathogens.

When rooting a cutting in a pot, the bottom is sprinkled with a thick layer of drainage. Cuttings are planted to a depth of 4-5 centimeters strictly vertical. After this, it is moistened abundantly.

Garden varieties of both species are propagated by grafting onto quince, hawthorn and pear.

Planting and care

Growing medlar is not difficult, the most important thing is proper care, only then will you be able to get a good harvest. It is planted in spring or autumn in an area where it is necessary to destroy all weeds in advance. The soil is fed with bone meal and mineral fertilizers. A stake is driven into the ground, and a tree is subsequently tied to it.

A hole is dug of such a size that the roots can enter freely. The soil is tamped down and mulched with a layer of manure or compost. Under this cover the soil remains moist and cool. Medlar needs water generously, but only with settled water. During the first two years after planting, it is necessary to cut off the conductors of the skeletal branches by half. In the next two years, pruning is done to only a quarter of the length. A mature tree does not need to be pruned.

Such a tree can get sick from a lack of moisture or from its excess. In this case the leaves become covered in spots. Often the plant is affected by sooty fungus. They feed it in spring and summer with mullein infusion and other organic fertilizers.

By following all the necessary rules for growing medlar and its care, you can get a healthy fruit-bearing tree with an attractive crown in a short period of time.

Many lovers of gardening and floriculture know such an ornamental plant as the home medlar. This is a tropical crop, it is not suitable for the climate of mid-latitudes, but it is quite possible to grow an exotic plant from a seed in a pot on a balcony or loggia. What species exist, how to propagate and properly care for seedlings, what properties the fruits have - all the information about the plant is collected in the material.

What is medlar

An evergreen plant in the form of a tree or shrub from the Rosaceae family, a fairly close relative of the apple tree (subfamily Appleaceae).

The homeland of medlar is considered to be Southeast Asia - India, China, Japan. In these countries it grows on mountain slopes in the form of dense thickets.

It also grows well on the Black Sea coast - in the subtropical regions of the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Crimea, as well as in the USA, Italy, Australia, and Israel. In each locality and culture, the plant acquired its own name. So, medlar is also called ezgil, cup or chishkovo tree, shesek, eriobothria or Japanese winter flower.

Japanese medlar or loquat, which is an ornamental low fruit-bearing tree, is usually grown as a house plant. This unpretentious house plant is often found in offices, schools, and social facilities.

What does the plant and its fruits look like?

Under natural conditions, a chinese tree can reach 8 meters, but during breeding it is rarely possible to grow a specimen higher than 150–200 cm. Crown rounded, becoming tent-shaped with age. The twisted trunk is covered with brown, rough bark; in the natural environment there are thorns; ornamental plants do not have this rudiment.

Japanese lokva resembles apricot in appearance and taste.

Leaves oval or oblong, large (20 cm long and 7–8 cm wide), leathery, rich green in color. They have a short stalk or are sessile. The foliage is glossy on top and velvety on the back. The shoots are fluffy.

Flowers Both sexes can be white or creamy-yellow in color and have a pronounced aroma, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of almonds. The flower size is small - up to 2 cm in diameter. In one panicle-shaped inflorescence, similar to a bird cherry, there are up to 80 flowers. Eriobothrya blooms from November to December, and the fruiting period occurs in May–June.

Interesting. Cup tree flowers are used in perfumery to create citrus scents. Some of the most popular perfumes with notes of loquat include Missoni Colori Arancio, Lili Bermuda Calypso and Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers Sunlight Kiss.

Ovary formed by self-pollination and cross-pollination. The tree produces its main harvest between the ages of 6–7 and 40 years.

Fruit round or pear-shaped, the size of a five-kopeck coin, bright orange, depending on the variety, they look like apples or apricots, with several (usually three) large seeds inside. The pulp resembles an apricot in appearance, slightly sour, with a pear and pear flavor. Inside the fruit there are from 1 to 8 large brownish seeds.

Types of garden medlar

There are about 30 species of Eriobothria in the world, but the three most popular among indoor plant breeders are:

  • Japanese
  • Germanic
  • grayish (Sterna)

Japanese loqua

Japanese medlar or loquat (Chinese, Maltese plum) - grows naturally in China and Japan. It is quite problematic to grow in open ground conditions due to the high demands of the plant on temperature conditions and the frequency of watering. Withstands temperatures down to -20 degrees, then the above-ground part dies.

Every year, up to 30 thousand loquat fruits are harvested in Japan. Syrups and wine have been made from fruits in this country for 1 thousand years.

A characteristic feature of the species is larger, wrinkled leaves. The main flowering occurs from September to March. Fruiting occurs in June and, as a rule, is abundant - up to 8 large orange fruits in a bunch. Loqua fruits taste like a mixture of pear, cherry and strawberry with noticeable sourness.

Germanic eriobothrya

German or ordinary ezgil is considered an ornamental plant and grows no higher than 3 meters. The variety got its name because the Greeks brought medlar from Asia to German lands. This is an unpretentious and frost-resistant tree.

In May, white single flowers appear, then turn pink and begin to exude a persistent aroma that attracts pollinating insects. The leaves are bright green, changing color to burgundy in the fall. The species bears fruit in November. For comfortable growth of Eriobotria germanica, a warm winter and cool summer are needed.

This type of ezgil is also called Abkhazian or Crimean medlar according to its place of growth - Crimea, the Caucasus, the Balkan Peninsula, Iran, and the countries of Asia Minor.

The fruits are hard, brownish, and unlike other varieties, their appearance and taste are more reminiscent of a combination of apple and quince. The taste of ripe fruit is not very pleasant, but after storing in the freezer or refrigerator for 3-4 months, the taste improves noticeably.

Grayish variety of cup tree

Stern's loquat or grayish (discovered in 1990) is a large deciduous shrub, but can also take the form of a small tree.

The flowers are snow-white and appear in late spring. The fruits resemble leathery reddish apples measuring 3 cm.

Growing seedlings in open ground

German Eriobothrya is suitable for planting in open ground, as it is a more frost-resistant, tenacious and unpretentious species.

A significantly grown plant with a height of 30 cm or more should be planted. The location on the site must be chosen carefully - the survival rate of eriobothrya depends on this.

It is better to choose slightly acidic or alkaline soil, where groundwater does not approach the surface closer than 1.5 meters.

To properly plant winter flowers, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Dig a hole 1/3 larger than the volume of the seedling's earthen ball.
  2. Pour sand drainage into the bottom, then add complex fertilizers and a handful of bone meal.
  3. Place the seedling in the hole.
  4. Fill with a mixture of regular soil, peat, humus and sand, and water generously.
  5. Dig a support for the tree nearby.
  6. Flatten the soil under the trunk and mulch with compost or humus.

Seeds that have undergone the stratification process can also be planted in open ground, but in this case the first shoots will not appear earlier than in a few years.

Plant propagation

There are several main ways to reproduce eriobothrya:

1 Seed or using a seed. Under normal conditions, seeds germinate within 3 years. By accelerating the stratification process, it is possible to achieve seedling pipping within a few months. A plant grown in this way will be decorative and, most likely, will not bear fruit.

2 Cuttings. To do this, take the top or cut a branch of the plant at an angle of 45 degrees into pieces 12 cm long with 2-3 buds on each. The lower leaves are removed, and the cut site is treated with crushed charcoal to prevent rotting. The cuttings are planted in open ground or a pot and greenhouse conditions are created, maintaining high temperature and humidity. If all conditions are met, the branches will take root in 30–35 days. It is recommended to darken the cuttings, which will promote root formation.

3 Air layering. The method is used to accelerate the fruiting of eriobothrya. A ring of bark is removed from the tree trunk and a plastic bottle with soil is attached to the cut site so that the cut site touches the ground. The soil is regularly watered, and after the cutting takes root in the bottle, it is cut off from the trunk and planted like a regular cutting.

For rooting cuttings and layering, it is best to use a soil mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions, and carry out the procedure itself in August–September.

It will be possible to preserve the properties of a certain variety of cup tree only if cuttings are taken and layering is formed. In case of seed propagation there is no such guarantee. If you need to get cuttings for budding, you can grow a cheeshkovo tree on the rootstock of common quince, pear, hawthorn or rowan.

How to grow exotic from seed

To propagate medlar (it is better to take the Japanese variety) in an apartment, they use seeds extracted from ripe fruits.

They need to be planted in the ground immediately, because over time they lose half their ability to germinate. If it is not possible to place the grain in the ground, then it can be stored in a wet rag for 2–3 months before planting at a temperature of 4–5 degrees.

To increase the chances of seed germination, it is recommended to break the integrity of its shell by rubbing it with sandpaper or a file from different sides. Then the nucleolus is filled with clean water at a temperature of 20–25 degrees for exactly one day. If the seed floats up, it is thrown away - it is hollow inside and will not give life to a new plant. The seed can also be pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate. Each kernel must be planted in a separate pot with a diameter of the upper part of 8 cm - ezgil does not like transplants.

For planting, the usual mixture of high-moor peat with mineral additives and microelements is used for seedlings. It is very important that the pot has adequate drainage to allow excess moisture to drain away. The depth of immersion of the seed in pre-moistened soil is small - only 2 cm.

Then the container is covered with plastic film or glass to create a greenhouse effect. If condensation appears, the homemade dome is removed and the soil is ventilated to avoid mold.

The crops need to be watered once every two days, and the top layer should be sprayed daily from a spray bottle with pre-softened water at room temperature.

Caring for a plant indoors

Despite the fact that the plant is considered exotic, caring for it cannot be called very difficult, and the medlar itself is too capricious. It is important to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology, and the plant will delight the owner with a beautiful exterior and, over time, a good harvest.


  • The cup tree is unpretentious in choosing soil for growth; both loamy and sandy loam soil is suitable for it.
  • But eriobothria feels best in neutral soil, which you can prepare yourself using available ingredients:
  • plant humus mixed with soil
  • sand

leaf soil (compost from fallen leaves)

sod land

The basis of such soil is turf and leaf soil (the former needs to be taken twice as much as the latter), sand provides a drainage effect, and compost serves as a natural fertilizer. Under direct rays of the sun, the formation of flower buds of the cheeshkova tree occurs better.

Before the flowering period and during it, flower growers recommend increasing the daylight hours for medlars to 12 hours, illuminating it with a fluorescent lamp. One adult individual will need two additional light sources. Additional illumination can be stopped at the end of January.


The tropical ornamental tree loves a moderately warm climate and therefore is optimally kept at a temperature of 18–20 degrees.

During the hot summer period, decorative medlar should be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden. Air baths promote the growth of seedlings, so you can also ventilate the room more often.

As soon as the night temperature drops to 7-8 degrees, the pot needs to be brought back into the house. Although an adult plant can withstand sub-zero temperatures, sudden temperature changes should not be allowed; the tree may die.


The watering schedule for an adult plant depends on the season: in winter - twice a week, in summer - more often, depending on the rate of moisture evaporation. It is recommended to cover the soil surface with a layer of moss to prevent rapid drying.

It is best to water with settled, clean water slightly warmer than the room temperature.

It is not recommended to spray the plant due to the pubescence of the crown. To remove dust from the foliage, you can wash the tree in the shower once a month.

If ezgil overwinters on the balcony, then watering should be stopped completely until the ambient temperature increases. From time to time, a pot of Japanese winterflower should be placed on a mat with moss, expanded clay or small pebbles.

Top dressing

The cup tree responds well to fertilizing, which is best done in the off-season: in spring or autumn with an infusion of organic fertilizers.

One of the acceptable feeding options is an infusion of cow manure in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water. The decorative properties of eriobothrya can be improved by adding a little crushed dried plaster to the soil.

During the flowering period, phosphorus fertilizers should be used, and potassium fertilizing should be postponed during active growth., when other ornamental and fruit plants have already bloomed and bear fruit. During the cold season, the plant does not need to be watered or fertilized; dormancy for winter flowers during this period is the basis for future abundant flowering and harvest.


The chishkova tree produces its first fruits already at 4–5 years of age, with the peak occurring at 10–15 years. If the first fruiting is too abundant, it is better to remove some of the fruits, then the fruits will be larger and the load on the tree will be reduced.

The Abkhaz writer and poet Fazil Iskander in the story “House in the Lane” described the period of fruiting of the cup tree: “At the beginning of summer, the medlar lanterns began to light up with yellow lights, then they turned orange and did not change for a long time after that...”


The cup tree does not require mandatory pruning, but if such a procedure is carried out, the yield of the exotic tree will increase.

Cut branches are used for cuttings.

The plant perceives all manipulations with the crown painlessly, which is successfully used in landscape design. At home, the traditional spherical shape of the deciduous part looks best.

In the first years of the plant's life, experts advise cutting off half the length of the branches of the seedlings.

The branches are pruned immediately after the end of fruiting so that the plant has time to lay buds for a new harvest. Sanitary removal of dry and damaged sprouts occurs regardless of the season and period of medlar development.


Ezgil tolerates replanting quite hard and stops bearing fruit during this period, however, for young plants this procedure must be carried out annually. For adult plants, the growing medium and pot should be changed less often - once every 3 years, but the top layer of soil should be updated regularly.

When replanting, we must not forget about creating a high-quality drainage layer from small stones: expanded clay or gravel; the use of sand is allowed.

Transplantation is carried out by transshipment, so as not to damage the delicate roots, into a container slightly larger than the previous one. The Japanese winterflower will best tolerate the “relocation” after the end of the fruiting period.

Crown formation The owner of the ezgil needs to decide on the shape of the crown at the stage of formation of 3 leaves.

If the preferred option is a bush, then the sprout needs to be pinched. When choosing the shape of the tree, at the age of 7 months, the lateral shoots begin to be removed.

At home, plants rarely grow above 1.5-2 m, so in any case there should be no problems with care and harvesting.

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Diseases and pests

Under natural conditions, medlar can only be affected by plant diseases such as rhizoctonia and dry top.

The cultivated cup tree is resistant to various types of diseases and pests, but for prevention, the plant in the open ground can be treated with broad-spectrum preparations twice a year. The most effective insecticides:

Fitoverm (20 ml per 10 l of water), Insegar (5 g per 10 l of water) and Lepidocid (30 g per 10 l of water). Natural remedies can be treated with infusions of tansy, wormwood and nettle.

The most common problems that gardeners encounter when breeding eriobothrya, and methods for eliminating them, are presented in the table.

At home, the main pest for the plant is earthworms, which make tunnels in the ground and form voids. To get rid of them, you need to place the container with eriobothria in water for several minutes.

The scale insect, which appears when the plant is poorly cared for, can provoke the spread of a fungal infection. You need to fight it by wiping the leaves of the bush with tobacco infusion and treating it with insecticides.

Different varieties of chinese trees have different organoleptic properties The varietal diversity of medlar is very rich.

Depending on the variety, Japanese or German, the fruits can be divided into two types: large pear-shaped ones with soft juicy pulp and small hard, apple-like fruits with noticeable sourness.

The most popular varieties of cup tree are presented in the table.

Among the varieties loved by gardeners are also: Monreale (Italy), Thales, Tams Pride (Australia), Advance, Uze-fangzhong (China), Early Red (USA).

Fruits of any variety tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time, and the fruits of German eriobothria even need to be frozen to improve their taste.

Chemical composition of ezgil fruits Medlar fruits are consumed both raw and processed.

These aromatic fruits contain 10% sugars and 7% malic acid, citric acid, vitamins A, C, almost all B nutrients, folic acid, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, selenium, zinc, calcium, aromatic and tannin substances, phytoncides.

The benefits and harms of eating an exotic fruit

In addition to their pleasant taste, winterflower fruits have healing properties. In folk medicine, fruits are used to treat:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • dysfunctions in the endocrine system
  • urolithiasis
  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  • renal colic and kidney disease
  • diabetes mellitus

A decoction of the fruit has an antitumor, antioxidant, hemostatic and anti-cold effect on the human body, and removes mucus from internal organs and cavities. Loquat is also used as a fixative for indigestion, to strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Japanese winterflower flowers are used to treat anxiety, depression and even alcohol addiction. The effectiveness of using loquat leaves to treat candidiasis and suppress the human immunodeficiency virus has not been fully confirmed.

The use of medlar is contraindicated for people diagnosed with:

  • pancreatitis
  • gastritis
  • stomach ulcer
  • duodenal ulcer
  • individual intolerance to the product

Caution should be exercised when giving the fruit to young children, as well as to pregnant and lactating women.

Loquat seeds and leaves contain cyanide glycosides in small quantities, during the decomposition of which the poison cyanide is synthesized. This gives Eriobothrya seeds a bitter taste. Symptoms of poisoning with alkaloids from loqua seeds: shortness of breath, vomiting, dizziness.

The strong aroma of Japanese winterflower flowers can provoke headaches, so people prone to migraines should avoid growing the evergreen shrub.

Uses of cup tree fruits In cosmetology, medlar is often used as a component of anti-aging masks, as well as tonics and serums.

The minerals and trace elements that make up eriobothria promote the synthesis of natural collagen and elastin in skin cells to increase elasticity and turgor. In dietetics, the fruits of eriobothrya are used as a low-calorie product to reduce body weight.

Loquat, canned in syrup, is one of the most significant exports from Taiwan.

The bark, leaves and unripe fruits of Eriobothrya contain a lot of tannins, which is used in the leather industry for tanning; the wood is often used for decorative and applied arts. Cup tree flowers are a good honey plant.

The fruits of the Japanese medlar variety, as well as other tropical fruits, are used to make preserves, jams, compotes, desserts, and candy fillings.

Winterflower seeds are used in many countries as a coffee substitute due to their similar taste.

Eriobothrya is an ornamental evergreen plant with a pleasant aroma and tasty fruits - an excellent choice for growing at home. The advantageous exterior, as well as the agrotechnical characteristics of the shrub, make it one of the desired specimens in the collections of amateur flower growers. Moreover, with moderate effort and compliance with simple conditions, anyone can easily grow a beautiful exotic plant in their apartment from a seed.

Medlar is a Japanese relative of our hawthorn, quince, and also pear.

Externally it looks like a plum or peach. It tastes like something between a pear and quince.

It has the same juicy, crispy flesh with 3 or 4 seeds. If you eat carelessly, you can even splash yourself with ripe pulp.

Description of loquat fruit

Medlar is a fruit that came to Europe from China. But before Europe, he managed to visit Japan. Therefore, the full biological name is Japanese medlar. In the Caucasus it is simply called “cones”.

The fruit is bright orange. Ripe fruits are easily peeled. Medlar is very meaty, juicy, sweet and sour, but low in calories and high in fiber and potassium.

The fruit is very popular in Italy. There, medlar is eaten raw, and also made into jam, marmalade, and added to various culinary products. Yogurt with its flavor is very popular among Italians.

Even when it’s hot, the medlar juice inside the fruit remains pleasantly cool. On hot days they are cooling. And if you eat 1 - 2 fruits before the beach, you will be provided with an even tan.

The fruits have always been very popular, but in the past they were eaten mainly for medicinal purposes. Medlar is very rich and diverse in beneficial properties. The fruit was used to improve the health of the whole body, but especially for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

The trees are excellent honey plants. The flowers are fragrant, their smell reminiscent of bitter almonds.

Medlar: beneficial properties

This fruit, exotic in appearance, according to chemistry. The composition is similar to the usual apple. The majority are malic and citric acid - up to 70%. As well as sugar, vitamin C, aromatics, phytoncides, etc.

The uniqueness of medlar is its high content of beta-carotene. By breaking down, one molecule of beta-carotene turns into two molecules of vitamin A. And this is our good vision. Vitamin A is necessary for the formation of rhodopsin, and it is thanks to it that we can see. Vitamin A is especially important for twilight (night) vision. The vitamin A content in medlar is simply huge - 1.5 mg per 100 grams. For example, carrots contain 0.9 mg per 100 grams.

Medlar contains fiber. It improves food digestion. Promotes proper absorption of food. Reduces the feeling of hunger due to swelling in the stomach.

Medlar fruits contain almost all B vitamins. These are water-soluble vitamins that are not synthesized by the body itself. Their daily requirement must be obtained from outside. By and large, they all take part in cellular metabolism. Medlar contains thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, nicotinic and folic acids. And this is the correct growth and development of red blood cells, normal functioning of the nervous system, good metabolism, or rather the synthesis of proteins and fats.

Medlar has a high potassium content. And this is the contraction of muscles, including the heart, as well as the transmission of nerve impulses. Regulates acid-base balance.

To eliminate diarrhea, green medlar fruits are suitable. The unripe product has an astringent taste, but at the same time holds feces together well.

For prolonged constipation, colitis, bloating, gas formation, on the contrary, ripe medlar is suitable. In addition, it improves liver function and helps eliminate bad cholesterol.

Medlar has strong bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antipyretic properties. Ripe berries are very useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. Medlar improves heart function, lowers blood pressure, and cleanses blood vessels. It also helps remove salts, sand or stones from the kidneys.

Loquat leaves are very valuable. They contain a natural adsorbent - amygdoline. This substance cleanses the body of harmful substances: toxins, heavy metals, waste. Pectins contained in medlar remove radionuclides. A decoction of dry bark is an excellent antibacterial agent for treating the oral cavity. A decoction is indicated for gumboils, bleeding, paradentosis, and sore throat.

Like any berry or fruit, medlar is a dietary food product. 100 grams contains 44 kcal, but thanks to the fiber, the feeling of hunger does not occur for a long time.

Thanks to vitamin C, medlar helps improve immunity. The fruit is indicated in the autumn-winter period to combat colds. Ripe pulp removes phlegm from the lungs, soothes a lingering cough, and reduces shortness of breath. The fruit is useful for bronchial asthma.

Alcohol tincture of medlar

The most effective way to treat colds is an alcohol infusion made from medlar.

To prepare you will need:

  • 7 - 8 ripe fruits
  • 100 gr. vodka

Remove the seeds from the fruit and cut into slices. Break the seeds and place them together with the pulp in a glass jar. Pour the contents with vodka and leave in a dark place for 3 days. Store in the refrigerator with the lid closed. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.

Especially useful for bronchitis, asthma, cough, etc. Combine internal reception with rubbing.

Medlar is a powerful natural antioxidant. All thanks to vitamin A, C, as well as the flavonoids contained in it. Excessive oxidation of the body is a big problem. An acidic environment is the basis for the development of various foci of inflammation, a paradise for the development of diaphoretic microorganisms.

In addition to all of the above, medlar is rich in minerals: calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper.

Daily consumption of juicy fruit protects us from a serious disease - diabetes. Because it stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.

Loquat pulp is very useful for facial skin, for maintaining its youth and elasticity. It’s not for nothing that vitamin A is called the vitamin of beauty. And medlar is the record holder for its content.

Fresh pulp is a natural face cream. Loquat gruel will moisturize the face, remove dryness, nourish, relieve puffiness, improve the passage of oxygen, and rejuvenate the cells.

Medlar contraindications

  • Increased stomach acidity.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • An allergic reaction is possible.

Beneficial properties of loquat leaves and bark

Leaf tea is very popular in Japan and China. This is all due to the fact that this tea is a good antiviral agent. It is a good expectorant and treats coughs, and helps with sore throats.

Preparing tea from medlar leaves is as easy as shelling pears. As usual, they are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for a while. If desired, you can add honey.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to find yourself near a medlar tree, do not be lazy to pick the leaves and dry them for the winter. This is an amazing cold remedy.

Medlar leaves can be brewed in a mix with other ingredients, for example, ginger root, licorice root, mint, basil, raspberry leaf, etc.

The fact is that the phytoncides contained in medlar leaves promote the production of antibodies. Therefore, the body heals itself.

Tea from the leaves also cleanses the blood of sugar and cholesterol. Improves its composition and liquefies the structure. Loquat leaves help preserve minerals. This is very important in the summer. If you have “soft” bones or a lack of minerals, tea from medlar leaves is what you need. In addition, it relieves inflammation in the joints.

If you are lucky enough to get your hands on medlar bark, don’t be lazy and make a decoction. This is an excellent oral care product.

Medlar compote: recipe

  • 4 ripe fruits.
  • 1 l. water.
  • 1/3 lemon.
  • 150 g sugar.
  • mint.

Bring water to a boil. Add 150 gr. Sahara. Meanwhile, cut the medlar in half. We do not remove the bones. Add the fruits to boiling sweet water.

After boiling, squeeze out the lemon juice. Boil for 5 - 10 minutes and turn off. After this, transfer the medlar fruits into a prepared jar and fill them with syrup. Place 3-4 mint leaves with a stem on top. Cover the container with a lid.

After cooling, you can drink. And if you use a sterile jar, you can prepare it for the winter. Then the mint is thrown into boiling compote for a couple of minutes to sterilize.

Loquats grow primarily in warm climates. The fruit bush not only has a beautiful appearance, but also delights with delicious fruits. The harvest is usually harvested in the fall, in October. Loquat is incredibly useful. It is eaten raw and jam is made from the fruit. The shrub is also used in folk medicine.

Medlar: how to eat?

Medlar fruits are somewhat similar to apricots. They are spherical in shape and yellow-orange in color. The surface of the fruit is covered with a small fluff. Under the skin there is sweet pulp and several seeds. Unripe berries usually have a sour taste, which goes away as they ripen. The taste of medlar is reminiscent of passion fruit. The pulp is eaten and the seeds are thrown away. The most delicious fruits are obtained if they are kept on the tree longer. They become reddish in color. The pulp of such fruits becomes sweeter, and the aroma is even more pronounced.

By the way, medlar can be stored for a long time. To do this, it is washed in a saline solution and thoroughly dried. The juice of medlar berries is quite concentrated. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute it a little with water and add sugar to taste.

However, not everyone can eat medlar. Unripe berries are contraindicated for people with digestive problems, ulcers, gastritis and high stomach acidity. Berries should be given to young children with caution. Possible allergies. Therefore, medlar should be gradually included in the diet of children.

Medlar: beneficial properties

  • Medlar has many beneficial properties. Its chemical composition is similar to apples and zucchini. The fruits contain malic acid, pectin, and vitamin C.
  • The composition of medlar allows it to be eaten by diabetics. It can also help with indigestion. This effect is explained by the presence of tannins in the fruit, known for their fixing effect. If you have diarrhea, just eat a few berries, and after some time the problem will be solved.
  • In folk medicine, there are many recipes for treating health problems with loquat juice. It has a good effect on the nervous system and blood vessels. Berries normalize blood pressure.
  • These are not all the beneficial properties of medlar. The leaves of the bush also have a medicinal effect. A decoction is most often prepared from them. It helps fight colds and coughs. Also, a decoction of medlar leaves can stop bleeding.
  • For medicinal purposes, the leaves are harvested from spring to late summer (May-August).
  • The healing decoction is easy to prepare at home. For this, 1 tbsp. raw materials must be brewed with 250 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew.
  • Medlar is low-calorie (about 45 kcal per 100 grams), so it can be eaten during a diet.
  • Berries are actively used in cosmetology. They are included in cosmetics for sensitive skin. The extract of the fruits of this tropical shrub moisturizes it, makes it radiant, fresh and well-groomed. Usually medlar is contained in lotions, creams, and tonics. You can add extract from the leaves of the bush to the cream yourself. To prepare it, dry leaves are poured with hot water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes. The broth is cooled and filtered.
  • Marmalade, compotes, and juices are made from medlar. For the winter, berries are prepared in the form of preserves and jams.

Loquat jam


  • Medlar berries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 350 gr.
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick


  1. The berries are sorted, doused with boiling water and the seeds are removed. Peel the fruits and place them in pots.
  2. Boil until softened. Add sugar, stirring and bring to a boil. Add cinnamon to the jam.
  3. Cook over low heat until thickened. Transfer the jam into a glass jar. Close the lid.

Loquat juice


  • Medlar fruits - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1l.
  • Sugar - to taste


  1. The seeds are removed from the berries, placed in a saucepan and filled with water. The mixture is brought to a boil, sugar is added.
  2. Boil the berries until soft over low heat. Next, the mass is filtered through a sieve.
  3. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and poured into glass containers. Medlar juice with pulp is ready!

Medlar seeds: application

Loquat seeds are said to contain small amounts of cyanide. Therefore, it is not recommended to store jam with the seeds of these berries for too long. This does not mean that they themselves are deadly.

Loquat seeds are similar to persimmon seeds. They are often used to make a coffee drink. It tastes quite pleasant and is somewhat reminiscent of real coffee.

Medlar is a delicious berry. When ripe, it has a sweet taste and juicy flesh. It is eaten not only because of its wonderful taste, but also because of its beneficial properties. The fruits normalize blood pressure, help with diarrhea, and are used to improve skin condition and moisturize it. Compotes, preserves and jams for the winter are made from medlar.

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