A museum where you can touch everything. Museums that will be interesting for both children and parents

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Experts in early childhood development unanimously repeat: the more a child learns about the world by “touching and feeling,” the brighter and more complete the picture of the surrounding reality he will form in his head.

Photo: AiF / Valery Khristoforov

This applies not only to kids - remember, for example, how you forever imprinted Crimea in your memory by smelling cypresses and magnolias or touching a boulder heated by the sea with your hand. In general, there is still time until the end of the “summer release” from kindergartens and schools, so choose interactive museums in Moscow and go there with your children. Believe me, after touching a dinosaur tooth, they will learn and remember much more about its predatory owner than just looking at a picture in an encyclopedia.

Feel everything!

Darwin Museum (Vavilov St., 57, metro station "Akademicheskaya") ➊.

Remember how, as a child, in natural history museums, you painfully wanted to touch the tail of a stuffed fox, but the vigilant grandmother-keepers stopped any research impulses... Our children were much luckier. For example, in the Darwin Museum you are allowed not only to look at stuffed animals of all types and sizes, but also to go through the “Path of Evolution”, during which you not only can touch everything, but you must.

What if they... are alive? Photo: AiF / Valery Khristoforov

Together with your children, you will travel back 3.5 billion years, touch the fossilized imprints of plants and the first living organisms, touch shells and weigh a mammoth tooth in your hand, sit in the site of a primitive man. By answering questions, you will go through the entire evolution of the flora and fauna of the Earth - in just a few hours! And at the end you can climb the ladder onto the trunk of an old oak tree and find out who lives in it.

“Experimentanium” (Butyrskaya st., 46/2, metro station “Savelovskaya”) ➋.

Having visited the Experimentanium, your child will never in his life associate the word “museum” with something dusty, austere and monstrously boring (and, to be honest, this is exactly what many of us thought about museums in childhood). Because there is everything that children love and respect as adults: soap bubbles, a mirror maze, optical illusions. A child can launch a Foucault pendulum, play with patterns made of magnetic dust, pick up any musical instrument, visit the darkest room in the world and sit behind the wheel of a giant truck. Adults, looking around guiltily, also secretly try to create a cloud or look into a model of the human eye - because it is impossible to resist. It is important that all this is not just “entertainment” - while playing and laughing, children learn and remember the basic laws of physics, chemistry, etc.

Photo: AiF / Valery Khristoforov

“Lunarium” (Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 5, building 1, metro station “Barrikadnaya”) ➌.

It is better for children to go here with their mothers. Why? Because women who watch their kilograms (and, according to statistics, 99% of them) can find out their weight here on... other planets, and it is this that, if the cosmic scales have played in your favor, indicate, for example, on dating sites. “Lunarium” is two-story, divided into two departments - “Astronomy and Physics” and “Comprehension of Space”. Here, too, as in the Experimentanium, you can create tornadoes and clouds (it seems that this is becoming a typical Moscow entertainment - Ed.), consider the Black Hole, the Ferrofluid Hedgehog and the Magic Hyperboloid Wand, and also visit in the lunar laboratory, look at stars and planets through a telescope, shoot at asteroids and even launch a rocket. In addition, your children can send a message to aliens - this will greatly stimulate literacy and the desire to write in general... outside of the school year!

Be surprised and touched

"Innopark" in Sokolniki Park (PKIO "Sokolniki", metro station "Sokolniki") ➍.

After having a blast on the rides, Sokolniki is a good place to have a snack and unobtrusively take the children to Innopark. In just 30 minutes, your child will be able to blow a giant soap bubble, control a robot and take part in gravity races. The guides guarantee that 90% of children who have been on “foreign excursions” show an increased interest in physics and chemistry, which is understandable: scientific experiments begin right at the entrance, and it is impossible not to participate in the process. An explosion in a flask, a robot - a friend for watching cartoons, a soap bubble that does not burst for 3 hours and even made it home - prepare your child for the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University!

Museum of Soviet slot machines (Baumanskaya str., 11, Baumanskaya metro station) ➎.

Even the “tablet generation” likes slot machines. Photo: AiF / Valery Khristoforov

Nowadays, you must admit, it is very difficult to tell modern children about your childhood: stumbles begin with the USSR and end with pioneer ties. The best way to immerse your beloved child in nostalgia is to take him to an interactive slot machine museum.

You can't light a lantern without a ladder. Photo: AiF / Valery Khristoforov

It is unrealistically difficult for 5-10 year olds with their daily available computer games to imagine how we begged our parents for 15 kopecks for months to fight in “Battleship”, but here they can really feel it! “Safari”, “Basketball”, “Highway”, “Winter Hunt” plus soda from the machine - a rare chance to plunge into retro childhood and colorize modern childhood, because the children of 2014 in this museum are first surprised and then touched.

“Lights of Moscow” (Armeniansky lane, 3/5, building 1, metro station “Chistye Prudy”) ➏.

You and your child can be a lamplighter, make and paint a candle, learn how to light a fire, attend a candlelight ball and walk around the center of Moscow at dusk with a special lantern. You can move back to 1812, try yourself in the role of a dispatcher at the lighting control panel, or touch the “vegetator with a torch.” Another option (these are additional programs) is to learn to write with a quill pen, play Cossack robbers (with an unobtrusive study of the history of Moscow streets) and even find a treasure! Apogee - tea from a coal samovar. Children squeal with delight and look at electric kettles at home with contempt.


A place where feelings are heightened, vivid impressions are born and amazing abilities are discovered awaits you in the Riviera shopping center. Take a dark dive for a unique experience.

st. Avtozavodskaya, 18

Lomakovo Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles 0+

There are many ways to travel back in time. The Lomakov Museum invites visitors to appreciate a large collection of retro equipment. Each car has its own story, and each of them is interesting in its own way. And after the excursion, it’s worth taking a ride in the rare Antelope convertible!

st. Krasnodarskaya, 58

Museum "Lights of Moscow" 6+

If you are interested in the history of the capital, then this museum is definitely worth a visit. Here, old Moscow opens up from a completely unusual side - lighting fixtures of all kinds and stripes tell about its past and present. Lanterns, lamps, lamps, kerosene stoves - at first glance, these are just museum exhibits. But during excursions, objects “come to life”, and visitors, as one, succumb to the charm of the night lights of Moscow. The interactive collection of the museum stores many household items that you can try out in action with your own hands.

lane Armenian, 3-5, building 1

This museum is like traveling back in time. It is interesting to be in a hall where almost the entire arsenal of the entertainment industry of the Soviet era is presented. Adults will enjoy being nostalgic. Kids will love old-school toys just as much. Despite the fact that the modern generation is spoiled by computer games, old machines almost always seem more “alive”. It’s rare that a child will be able to quickly be pulled away from the exhibits - there are practically no emulators for computers with such games, so they will all seem new and entertaining.

ave. Mira, 119, building 57, first floor, st. Rozhdestvenka, 12

Paleontological Museum 6+

You can trace the evolution of the organic world and see dinosaurs not as monsters from horror films, but as reptiles in the Mesozoic era at the Paleontological Museum. Schoolchildren attending the paleontological club are offered to go on excavations together with professionals and even participate in the creation of full-fledged exhibits.

st. Profsoyuznaya, 123

Polytechnic Museum at VDNH 0+

While the Polytechnic Museum is being reconstructed, its exhibition “Russia Does Itself” is located in pavilion 26 of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (“Transport”). Here visitors can not only see the achievements of science, but also test them in action, as well as conduct exciting experiments and experiments on their own.

ave. Mira, 119, ave. Volgogradsky, 42, building 5

Moscow Planetarium 0+

Since ancient times, people have been fascinated by the sight of the night sky strewn with flickering lights. You can guess constellations, look at planets and even observe comets in the artificial sky of the Moscow Planetarium. So, let's fly to the stars!

st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1

Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Experimentanium" 6+

The wonderful world of physics and natural sciences opens up to visitors at the Experimentanium Museum. Show programs, master classes and exhibitions on various topics - here “why” kids of any age will be able to find out the answers to their questions.

Leningradsky Ave., 80, bldg. eleven

Darwin Museum 0+

In this place you can get knowledge from “A” to “Z”. Here you will learn how life began on planet Earth, the laws of biological development, and even the secrets of indoor plants. Excursions will satisfy the thirst for knowledge of both the youngest visitors and adults.

st. Vavilova, 57

Cold War Museum "Bunker-42" on Taganka 16+

Former military site from the Cold War. Now there is a museum here, which is famous for its unusual excursions. In addition to excursions, at the museum you can order a non-children's quest for a large group, including an overnight one. Find out all the secrets of the dungeon!

lane 5th Kotelnichesky, 11

Museum of Nomadic Culture 6+
A place where geography lessons won't be boring.

Have you always dreamed of seeing the inside of a yurt? In the museum created by Konstantin Kuksin, you can not only see the culture and life of nomads, but also immerse yourself in it - try national dishes, ride horses, do archery, listen to folk songs and fairy tales.

st. Aviamotornaya, 30a

Animation Museum 0+

Who invented Cheburashka and how? Why is the cat Matroskin so wise and how are cartoons created in general? If the world of animation has not yet revealed its secrets to you, then it’s time to visit this museum. Here you will get answers to many questions, and as a bonus you will be able to make your own cartoon.

Close contact with animals and observing them in specially created habitats can give a child much more than reading books about their behavior and habits or a regular trip to the forest. Some “islands” of wildlife in the concrete jungle are located in Moscow. To get to others, you need to travel outside the city - to the Moscow region and nearby territories.

Where can you go to see representatives of the fauna in all their glory? And where does acquaintance with the animal world take place in the form of an excursion?

The traditional place for children and adults to interact with animals is, of course, the Moscow Zoo - the oldest in our country. Its collection includes several thousand representatives of the animal world. Recently, the country's main zoo not only takes an active part in official holidays, but also organizes its own events.

Unfortunately, you cannot pick up animals in the capital's zoo. Almost all of its inhabitants have to be viewed from afar. And this is probably a minus. However, there are many places in the capital where you can not only touch our little brothers, but also feed them.

One of these places is, for example, the “Forest Embassy” petting zoo. Its peculiarity is that the animals here do not sit in cages, but live in the wild and enjoy freedom. Hedgehogs, rabbits, chickens and ducklings, colorful parrots, guinea fowl, guinea pigs, minipings and kangaroos literally follow on the heels of visitors. Animals are allowed to be treated to vegetables and fruits.

Feeding, petting and picking up animals is also allowed in the “Animals as toys” petting zoos.

Their territory is home to raccoons, guinea pigs, dwarf rabbits, squirrels, long-eared hedgehogs, and budgies. Zoo staff are happy to give tours and talk about the pets.

You can get to know the representatives of the fauna better and learn about their life during an excursion at the contact mini-zoo "Gorki", which is located in the Kolomensky district of the Moscow region.

The zoo contains llamas, camels, ponies, musk oxen, Vietnamese pigs, horses, cows, raccoons, Alaskan malamutes, rabbits, and porcupines. In the poultry yard you can see various chickens, peacocks, guinea fowl, ducks, and cranes. Moose and sika deer live in a small forest in a fenced area.

There are similar places for parents with children in other areas of the capital and in some towns near Moscow. These are, in particular, the contact zoos "Raccoon Country" and "White Kangaroo". Their inhabitants also happily allow themselves to be petted and allowed to scratch their back or belly.

Another, no less interesting place is located in the village of the state farm named after Moscow. Lenin. We are talking about the “Contact Village” - a place where children learn about the life of a peasant and his way of life, where you can feed birds and animals, play and communicate with them.

Excursions are organized here that introduce the history of people’s labor on earth, centuries-old Russian traditions, and the warmth of village life. Children milk a cow, interact with rabbits and chickens, goats and a foal, calves, chickens, ride a horse and a cart with a heavy truck, and learn to make wax candles.

Another corner of wildlife is the zoo in the Otrada country complex. Its exhibition includes more than 150 representatives of the bird world, which you can feed and pet. There is a herd of sika deer, rabbits, squirrels, goats and mini pigs.

Touching raccoons are of no less interest to visitors. A special pride is the large poultry yard. The zoo offers guided tours. There is a rope park and a children's playground with a sandbox, slides, a gymnastics complex and a carousel.

You can get to know falcons better and even attend a falconry lesson at the Museum of Nature and Falconry, which is located in the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region. Children from 6 years old and adults can take part in excursion and game programs, quests, and master classes. Program participants will have a tour of the museum's exhibition and get acquainted with different types of birds of prey.

Other birds are always ready for closer communication with children and adults, although they are larger in size. We are talking about ostriches that live in the Serpukhov region on the ostrich farm “Russian Ostrich”.

You can take a tour, during which you will learn about the life of the inhabitants of the farm, or you can take part in a tasting excursion, during which you will taste ostrich meat kebab and an ostrich egg omelette. The youngest visitors will love the mini zoo.

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