Musical and didactic games. Didactic game "Musical ladder" Musical didactic game "Musical ladder"

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From the editor. With this material, the editors tried to answer numerous search queries from Internet users related to visual aids on solfeggio for children's music schools. The most popular manuals in teaching practice are needed both by the teachers themselves and by the parents of students, whom teachers usually ask to produce some of them. The material may also be useful to students of music schools who are starting to teach solfeggio in the sector of teaching practice. For ease of use by young teachers, all manuals are briefly described and attached in PDF format for downloading.

E. Copiy

In solfeggio lessons, various visual aids are of great importance in mastering theoretical material. From the first lessons in the preparatory class, it is proposed to use the “buttons” manual. These are two staves with treble and bass clefs. Lines are stretched vertically on them. Two buttons are put on each line - white and black. As a result, a row of white buttons is lined up at the top, and a row of black ones at the bottom. The buttons move freely along the fishing line, short sounds are indicated in black, long sounds are indicated in white. This manual first helps you study notes, and in both keys, then with the help of buttons you “record” the simplest and even more complex melodies. Since there are many forms of work in a solfeggio lesson, and small children write notes poorly and slowly, this manual saves time.

It is well known that the use of manual cards greatly enlivens solfeggio lessons. In preparatory, first and even second grade, it is advisable to tell children small, exciting stories, the heroes of which are musical terms. The fairy tales of V. Kiryushin are very suitable for this purpose. You can introduce children to different intervals and give them a bright emotional coloring using the example of “Tales of the Stupid Giraffe Octave” and “Tales of Two Brothers Consonance and Dissonance.” On the other hand, no one is stopping a creatively oriented teacher from composing his own fairy tales and suggesting another character, depicting him on a card. With the help of fairy tales, children easily remember the names of intervals. Of course, the teacher must accompany his story with music. After mastering the material, children like to play “interval tracks” using cards, “riddle” intervals on the piano, and the whole group demonstrates the answer cards.

The manuals help in the development of modal, harmonic, inner hearing, and promote pure intonation. We can offer three more manuals that are used from the preparatory class onwards in subsequent years of study.

The first manual is LADDER. The ladder is offered as a manual in the textbook for the preparatory class by M. Kotlyarevskaya-Kraft. It is based on a relative method of studying the relationship between steps and sounds in a scale, which has proven itself very well for the development of pure intonation, helping to expand the range of a child’s voice. It is proposed to accompany the study of the ladder with hand signs. It is recommended to start the first intonation exercises on the ladder with chants and songs on two steps III-V (VI-ZO), then the VI-step RA is added to these chants, only then step I (Y), the concept of tonic is given, then all the rest. It is proposed to differentiate the steps of the staircase in terms of color and associate the color of the staircase with fairy-tale characters. The LADDER we use is painted in the colors “favorite” of the main characters of V. Kiryushin’s fairy tale “In the Land of Harmonic Functions”. It is better to tell the tale when the stage E (I) is introduced - Tonic, according to the fairy tale by V. Kiryushin - the Queen of the Country of Harmonic Functions, who lives in an eight-story palace, on the first floor there is her throne room, and on the eighth there is a rest room. There is another main character in the fairy tale - the Dominant - the chief minister of the Country of Harmonic Functions, who wears a red cloak and a red hat. The fourth step is painted yellow, since the main cook of the Country, the Subdominant, “lives” on this floor in the palace, preferring yellow in her outfit. The rest of the coloring of the steps of the staircase is also associated with the characters of the fairy tale. Thus, already in the preparatory class, you can introduce children to the names of the III stage - Mediants, VI stages - Submediants, connecting them with the heroes of the fairy tale and giving a certain functional affiliation of these stages. Using the example of the LADDER, it is advisable to study the structure of the major scale, and with the help of the extended LADDER - the minor one. It is suggested to sing songs, showing the movement of the melody along the Ladder.

The second manual, well known to solfeggio teachers, is the Bulgarian Column. It is recommended to present the main degrees of mode I, IV, V in the same color scheme as on the Ladder, that is, use blue, yellow, and red. On the Column, it is advisable to use arrows to show the gravity of unstable steps into stable ones. It is very useful to duplicate the resolution of steps with manual signs in intonation exercises. With the help of the Column, it is convenient to fix in the minds of children the structure of major and minor scales. Even the designations of steps in Roman numerals can be studied well using the Column. According to the Column, you can conduct chants when the student acts as a teacher, improvise, sing familiar songs, “make riddles” from the melodies, thus developing children’s inner hearing. With the help of the Column, students are clearly introduced to intervals, chords and their deeper study in high school. To study chromaticisms, types of minor and major, it is recommended to put sharps and becars on the right side of each step, and flats and becars on the left side.

The third proposed manual is the KEYBOARD OF SOUND CHORDS. In this manual, the main steps of the mode are very clearly highlighted, and in the same color scheme as in the Ladder and Stolbitse. Since the black keys are not painted in the required colors, children are asked to figure out the key signs on their own.

It is common knowledge that learning all scales, intervals, chords is important in connection with the PIANO KEYBOARD. It is often impossible to call all the children to the instrument during a group solfeggio lesson. Therefore, this manual is extremely useful in all classes of children's music schools during solfeggio lessons.

These are exciting and, at the same time, useful children's games. To carry them out, certain didactic materials are required to help the child better assimilate the information. It’s not difficult to make these materials yourself, because all you need is paper or cardboard, scissors and pencils. Be sure to involve your child in this process, it will certainly interest him.

This article presents several musical and didactic games for children of primary preschool age. These musical children's games will help your baby develop his hearing, musical inclinations, and teach him to feel the mood of music and its character.

Sunshine and cloud

This musical children's game will teach your child to capture the mood of the sounding music.

Three picture cards: bright sun; the sun, slightly covered by a cloud; cloud with rain.

As mentioned above: you can prepare the necessary teaching materials together with your child in advance. Invite him to engage in arts and crafts, and then start music lessons - both are very useful for the development of children. On our website you can find ready-made cards; you just need to print them out and ask your child to cut them out.

Carrying out
It is necessary to select three different musical works (or excerpts), it is better to use classical works, they are very easy to find on the Internet. For example, you can use Kabalevsky's "Rondo March", Prokofiev's "The Month Walks in Circles", Krutitsky's "Winter" - teachers often use them during musical children's games.

Next, you need to turn on the pieces one by one and ask the child to show a card that conveys the character of the music; kids really like this game. You can also ask your child to describe the music in his own words, while telling him new, unknown adjectives, this will help increase his vocabulary. Of course, after a couple of lessons you need to change the fragments; gradually complicate the task, choose works whose character is not so obvious.

"Color" music

Many musicians believed that music and color are inextricably linked, for example, Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin. In our article we have already talked about the method of color assimilation; this musical and didactic game for children is based precisely on it; it, like the previous one, helps the child learn to capture musical moods.

Squares cut out of cardboard in different colors.

Cardboard cards can also be prepared in advance with your child, it is very simple, you just need to cut out multi-colored squares of any size, for example, 7 by 7 centimeters. You can choose any colors to your taste, we offer this option:

  • Red - bright, energetic, decisive, victorious, inviting, grandiose, spectacular, optimistic.
  • Yellow - joyful, sunny, radiant, sparkling, cheerful, dazzling.
  • Pink - tenderly, softly, calmly, good-naturedly, affectionately, “transparently”, at ease.
  • Light blue - light, weightless, contemplative, dreamy, sublime, inspired, enchanted.
  • Blue - hard, sad, strict, serious, cumbersome, weighty, tense.

These are just some of the options. The main thing is to discuss with the child in advance all the “properties” of colors, their “character”, ask what he thinks: what “qualities”, in his opinion, certain colors have. Over time, you can expand the color range by adding other shades; they will allow you to convey the character of the music in more detail and capture the nuances.

Carrying out
For one musical children's game, you need to select only three or four excerpts, some of them may be similar in character, some, on the contrary, may be different. Turn on one fragment or another to your child one by one and ask him to show a card with a color; perhaps he will choose several cards, ask him to justify his answer, to describe the mood that he caught.

Musical ladder

This musical and didactic game for children, first of all, teaches the child to hear a melody, to catch its movement (up or down the sound range). It develops hearing well in children.


  • -Gammas - they can be found on the Internet, it won’t be difficult. You need a passage in which the melody moves up (the key is not important in this case) and then down. I think everyone is familiar with the C major scale: do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-do - and in the opposite direction.
  • -A ladder cut out of cardboard, along which a girl (or any other character) climbs up.
  • -The ladder along which the girl goes down.

Again, prepare materials in advance with your child. You can print out the ready-made options that are presented below, or you can ask your child to draw everything himself, then color and cut out.

Carrying out
It is necessary to turn on the child either a melody moving down or moving up, while asking him to show one or another card.

Musical instruments

This musical children's game will teach your child to distinguish the sound of one musical instrument from another. We have already written about the benefits of children's musical instruments-toys; this game will help the child learn how instruments ideally sound.


  • -Sounds of musical instruments. To begin with, take something simple and in small quantities, for example, the sounds of a guitar, trumpet, violin, accordion, balalaika and drum.
  • -Cards with images of selected instruments: you can print ready-made pictures, in addition, bookstores sell special educational cards.

Carrying out
Tell your child that now he will hear fairy-tale musicians play, each of them plays only one instrument, the child’s task is to understand which one. Of course, in advance, some time before the quiz, you need to introduce the child to the sound of instruments; he cannot guess what he does not know. When your child guesses, ask him to choose the right card. If the task causes difficulty, try asking leading questions, ask what the sounding fragment reminds him of, is it the beats or, for example, the sound of the strings? Never scold a child if he does something wrong, all children need a different amount of time to remember information, if he makes a mistake, play the fragment again, tell him what instrument it sounds, and come up with an associative series. For example: “This is a violin. A violin is a stringed instrument. The musician strokes the strings with a bow in order to get a sound, which is why it turns out drawn-out, sometimes plaintive.” You can also draw a parallel with color.

Didactic game "Musical ladders". Equipment: 3 sets of ladders:. red, yellow and green. The set includes a ladder and a card with circles of the same color. A total of 2 cards each with 3 steps and 3 circles going up and down; 2 cards each with 4 steps and 4 circles going up and down; 2 cards each with 5 steps and 5 circles going up and down. A metallophone and a screen are required for the game.

Children must learn to distinguish certain sequences of zouks by ear and sing them.



Didactic game “Musical ladders”

Goal: Develop perception and discrimination of sequences

Of the three, four, five steps of the fret, going up and down:

  1. Do-re-mi, mi-re, do. The steps are sung with the words: “I’m going up”, “I’m going down”
  2. Do-re-mi-fa, fa, mi, re, do. The steps are sung with the words:

"up I'm going", "down I'm going"

3) Do-re-mi-fa-sol, sol-fa-mi-re-do. The steps are sung with the words: “here I go up,” “here I go down.”

Progress of the game:

Any number of children can take part in the game. Musical hand-

The driver is the leader. The cards with circles and the metallophone are covered with a screen. The presenter shows the children one by one the ladder cards, as well as the circles. Then the children are asked to sing the corresponding sequences of musical sounds.

The presenter takes the top card (with a pattern of circles), a certain color, plays the corresponding sounds and asks: “What kind of musical ladder is this? Where are they going?”

Its sounds: up or down? The player who has a card of the same color and with the corresponding sequence of circles answers. If the child answered correctly, he receives a card with circles, shows everyone both paired cards: with the image of steps, and circles corresponding to the ladder .

The musical and didactic manual “Ladder” is aimed at distinguishing in preschool children some properties of musical sound: “pitch”, “duration of sound”, “direction of movement of the melody”.

Brief description of production:

To make a teaching aid, you will need wooden blocks that are folded like a ladder, connected with glue, and varnished; The tabletop theater "Turnip" is made of colored pictures pasted onto caps, forest animals are crocheted.


Develop the perception and discrimination of sequences of three, five, and seven scale degrees, going up and down.


1. Teach children to correlate their actions with music (the movement of the toy) by auditory perception.

2. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, voice skills.

3. Support children's experimentation with non-musical subjects.

4. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Olga Timofeeva

In modern pedagogy, visual aids are understood as teaching aids that create visual representations in children for better assimilation of educational material. Visualization not only facilitates children’s cognitive activity, but also organizes their perception and activates the memorization process.

IN musical In the education of preschoolers, the use of visual aids is of particular importance. Using visual aids in musical education of children allows, in a simple, playful form accessible to children, to give an idea of music. Thanks to the use of visual aids, children develop more actively musically– sensory abilities.

With the help of visual aids, the child’s mental activity is activated, his independence develops. musical activity which takes on a creative character. The benefit can be used on musical classes and independent musical activity

Dear colleagues, I offer to your attention musical ladders(three, five, seven speed).

Material used: toothpaste boxes, parchment paper, white sheets of paper, glue, scissors, self-adhesive paper.

They turned out like this musical ladders.

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