Musical examples of the comprehensive development of a child. Comprehensive development of the child through musical activities

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additional education "Children's Music School named after. K. N. Igumnova"

G. Lebedyan. Lipetsk region of the Russian Federation

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On the topic “Music as a means of comprehensive development of the child.”

Prepared by: teacher

Yakovleva M. V.

Lebedyan, 2016

The main task of shaping a child’s personality is the comprehensive and harmonious development of the child. This task is performed by musical education. N.K. Krupskaya characterizes the importance of art in the development of a child’s personality in the following way: “We must help the child through art to become more aware of his thoughts and feelings, to think more clearly and feel more deeply...” Pedagogy, based on these provisions, defines the concept of musical education and development.

Musical education for a child is the purposeful formation of a child’s personality through the influence of musical art, the formation of interests, needs, and an aesthetic attitude towards music.

Musical development in a child is the result of the formation of the child’s personality in the process of active musical activity. Many scientists and teachers believe that the sense of musical rhythm cannot be trained and developed (L.A. Brenboim, K. Seashore, N.A. Vetlugina, etc.).

The tasks of musical education, the formation of the child’s personality, are subordinated to the general goal of comprehensive and harmonious education of the child’s personality and are built taking into account the originality of musical art and the age characteristics of preschoolers.

1. Cultivate a love of music. This task is solved by developing receptivity and musical ear, which help the child to more acutely feel and comprehend the content of the musical works he hears.

2.Summarize children’s musical impressions, introduce them to a variety of musical works.

3. Introduce children to the elements of musical concepts, teach the simplest practical skills in all types of musical activities, sincerity in the performance of musical works.

4.Develop emotional responsiveness. Sensory abilities, sense of rhythm, forming a singing voice and expressiveness of movements.

5. To promote the emergence and initial manifestation of musical taste on the basis of received impressions and ideas about music, first forming a visual and then an evaluative attitude towards musical works.

6. To develop creative activity in all types of musical activities available to children: conveying characteristic images in games and round dances, using learned dance movements, improvising small songs, singing, initiative and the desire to apply learned material in everyday life, and playing music. Sing and dance.

Musical education is important in the aesthetic and moral formation and formation of a child’s personality. Through musicality, children become involved in cultural life and get acquainted with important social events. In the process of perceiving music, children develop cognitive interest, aesthetic taste, and broaden their horizons.

Children who play musical instruments are usually more literate than others. Music gives both imaginative thinking, spatial awareness, and the habit of daily hard work.

You should start working with children from the age of four. Regular music lessons improve memory and stimulate the mental development of children, say Canadian scientists. They were able to obtain the first evidence of the existence of a connection between music lessons and the ability to concentrate.

But, despite all the inconveniences that the initial stage of teaching children to play musical instruments brings, previous generations of parents tried to give their children a musical education. Since music lessons require not only the constant work and willful efforts of children, but also the indestructible parental patience, only a few of them became professionals, but they still taught all or almost all of them and considered it necessary.

It is already known that musical abilities are revealed earlier than many other human abilities. Two main indicators of musicality, emotional responsiveness and ear for music, appear in the very first months of a child’s life. The baby is able to respond emotionally to cheerful or calm music. He concentrates, calms down if he hears the sounds of a lullaby. When a cheerful, dancing melody is heard, the expression of his face changes and becomes enlivened by movement.

Research has established that a child is able to distinguish sounds by their pitch already in the first months of his life. This fact is especially obvious among those who have become professional musicians. Mozart showed amazing abilities at the age of four; he played the organ and violin; at the age of five, he created his first compositions.

The purpose of the influence of music on the upbringing of children is familiarization with musical culture as a whole. The influence of music on the formation of a child’s personality in the development of children’s creative activity is very great. Music, like any art, is capable of influencing the comprehensive development of a child’s personality, inducing moral and aesthetic experiences, leading to a transformation of the environment, and to active thinking. General musical education must meet the basic requirements: to be universal, covering all children and comprehensive, harmoniously developing all aspects of the formation of the child’s personality.

Children's musical experience is still very simple, but it can be quite varied. Almost all types of musical activities are available to children in their very basics, and proper education ensures the versatility of their musical and general development on the child’s personality. Through the cultivation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding life, through the development of abilities to empathize emotionally, through the variety of feelings and thoughts expressed in works, the child enters into the image, believes and acts in an imaginary situation. The influence of music encourages him to have a “wonderful ability to rejoice for others, to worry about someone else’s fate as if it were his own.”

A child interacting with music develops comprehensively, the child’s physical appearance improves, and harmonious connections are established. In the process of singing, not only the ear for music develops, but also the singing voice, and, consequently, the vocal motor apparatus. Musical and rhythmic movements encourage correct posture, coordination of movements, their flexibility and plasticity.

A child is able to feel the character and mood of a musical work, empathize with what he hears, show an emotional attitude, understand a musical image, notice good and bad, and thereby become involved in various types of artistic activity. Children are also able to listen, compare, and evaluate the most striking and understandable musical phenomena.

The influence of music directly affects the child’s feelings and shapes his moral character. The influence of music is sometimes stronger than persuasion or instructions. By introducing children to works of various emotional educational content, we encourage them to empathize. A song about the native land inspires a feeling of love for the Motherland. Round dances, songs, and dances of different peoples arouse interest in their customs and foster international feelings. The genre richness of the music helps to perceive heroic images and lyrical mood, cheerful humor and lively dancing. The varied feelings that arise when perceiving music enrich the experiences of children and their spiritual world.

Solving educational problems is greatly facilitated by collective singing, dancing, and games, when children are overwhelmed by common experiences. Singing requires a united effort from the participants. Common experiences create fertile ground for individual development. Example comrades. General inspiration and joy of performance activate timid, indecisive children. For someone spoiled by attention, changing the self-confident, successful performance of other children serves as a known inhibitor of negative manifestations. Such a child can be asked to help his comrades, thereby instilling modesty and at the same time developing individual abilities. Music lessons influence the general culture of behavior of a preschooler. The alternation of various activities, types of activities (singing, listening to music, playing children's musical instruments, moving to music, etc.) requires children's attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, organization, and the manifestation of volitional efforts: when performing a song, start and finish on time her; in dancing and games, be able to act, obeying the music, refraining from the impulsive desire to run faster, to overtake someone. All this improves inhibitory processes and influences the child’s will.

That is why music and art, by virtue of their internal nature, must be an integral part of any education, and for this they must become part of the education of every individual.

In connection with the identification of the important role of music in the formation of a child’s personality, the advisability of using music in education and training for the harmonious development of the child and as an aid for the development of memory, imaginative thinking and concentration of attention becomes obvious. To identify the specific influence of music on the development of children with hearing impairment, it is necessary to first study the influence of music on the development of children with normal hearing in order to identify differences.


    Vetlugina N.A. Child's musical development. – M.: Education, 1968.

    Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. – M., 1991.

    Goryunova A.V. Children's musical education as a means of aesthetic education // Art and aesthetic education. – M., 1973.

    Kabalevsky D. B. The beautiful awakens the good. – M., 1973.

    Krupskaya N.K. Ped. soch., vol. 5. – M., 1959.

A harmonious combination of mental and physical development, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and art are necessary conditions for the formation of an integral personality. The achievement of this lofty goal is greatly facilitated by the correct organization of musical education of children.

Music is a means of aesthetic education of a child

Aesthetic education is aimed at developing the abilities of preschool children to perceive, feel and understand the beautiful, notice the good and the bad, act creatively independently, thereby becoming involved in various types of artistic activities.
One of the brightest means of aesthetic education is music. In order for it to fulfill this important function, it is necessary to develop the child’s general musicality. What are the main signs of general musicality?
The first sign of musicality is ability to feel character, the mood of a musical work, empathize with what is heard, show an emotional attitude, understand the musical image.
Music excites the little listener, evokes responses, introduces life phenomena, and gives rise to associations. The rhythmic sound of the march makes him happy and uplifted, while the play about a sick doll makes him sad. Hearing a sad song on the radio performed by an adult, the boy said: “My uncle is singing about his grief.” This means that the child felt the mood of the song, conveying the person’s state of mind.
The second sign of musicality is ability to listen, compare, evaluate the most striking and understandable musical phenomena. This requires elementary musical-auditory culture, voluntary auditory attention aimed at certain means of expression. For example, children compare the simplest properties of musical sounds (high and low, the timbre sound of a piano and violin, etc.), distinguish the simplest structure of a musical work (song lead and chorus, three parts in a play, etc.), note the expressiveness of contrasting artistic images (the affectionate, drawn-out nature of the chorus and the energetic, moving nature of the chorus). Gradually, a stock of favorite works accumulates, which the children listen to and perform with great desire, and the initial foundations of musical taste are laid.
The third sign of musicality is manifestation of a creative attitude towards music. Listening to it, the child imagines the artistic image in his own way, conveying it in singing, playing, and dancing. For example, everyone is looking for expressive movements characteristic of cheerfully marching pioneers, heavily walking bears, moving bunnies, etc. Familiar dance movements are used in new combinations and variations.
With the development of general musicality, children develop an emotional attitude towards music, their hearing improves, and their creative imagination is born. Children's experiences acquire a unique aesthetic coloring.

Music is a means of shaping a child’s moral character

Music, directly influencing a child’s feelings, shapes his moral character. The influence of music is sometimes stronger than persuasion or instructions. By introducing children to works of various emotional and figurative content, we encourage them to empathize.
Songs about Lenin, about the Kremlin chimes, about Moscow awaken a feeling of love for our Soviet Motherland. Round dances, songs and dances of different nations arouse interest in their customs and foster international feelings. The genre richness of the music helps to perceive heroic images and lyrical mood, cheerful humor and playful dance melodies. The variety of feelings that arise when perceiving music enriches children’s experiences and their spiritual world.
The solution of educational problems is greatly facilitated by collective dancing, dancing, and games, when children are overwhelmed by common experiences. Singing requires a united effort from the participants. A person singing inaccurately interferes with good sound and performance, and this is perceived by everyone as a failure. Common experiences create fertile ground for individual development. The example of comrades, general inspiration, and the joy of fulfillment activate the timid and indecisive. For someone spoiled by attention and overly self-confident, the successful performance of other children serves as a known inhibitor of negative manifestations. Such a child can be asked to help his comrades, thereby instilling modesty and at the same time developing his individual abilities.
Music lessons influence the general culture of behavior of a preschooler. The alternation of various tasks and activities (singing, listening to music, playing children's instruments, moving to music) requires children's attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, organization, and manifestation of volitional efforts: when performing a song, start and finish it on time; in dancing, games, be able to act, obeying the music, refraining from the impulsive desire to run faster, to overtake someone. All this improves inhibitory processes and develops will.
Thus, musical activity creates the necessary conditions for the formation of the moral qualities of a child’s personality and lays the initial foundations for the general culture of the future person.

Music is a means of activating mental abilities

The perception of music is closely related to mental processes, that is, it requires attention, observation, and intelligence. Children listen to the sound, compare similar and different sounds, get acquainted with their expressive meaning, note the characteristic semantic features of artistic images, and learn to understand the structure of the work. Answering the teacher’s questions, after the work has finished, the child makes the first generalizations and comparisons: he determines the general character of the play, and notices that the literary text of the song is clearly expressed through musical means. These first attempts at aesthetic appreciation require active mental activity and are guided by the teacher.
Like other forms of art, music has educational value. It reflects life phenomena that enrich preschoolers with new ideas. Listening, for example, to the song “This is our Motherland” by E. Tilicheeva, they feel the solemnity, uplift, and jubilation of the people glorifying our Soviet Motherland! When developing a child aesthetically and mentally, it is necessary in every possible way to support even minor creative manifestations that activate perception and presentation, awaken fantasy and imagination.
When an adult sets creative tasks for a child, a search activity arises that requires mental activity. For example, when singing, a child improvises, creates his own version of the melody, and tries to find a correspondence between the literary text and expressive intonations.
In musical-rhythmic activities, children with great pleasure invent and combine dance movements, singing and moving to the music. Dance, folk dance, pantomime and especially musical and playful dramatization encourage children to depict a picture of life, to characterize a character using expressive movements, facial expressions, and words. In this case, a certain sequence is observed: the guys listen to the music, discuss the topic, assign roles, and then act. At each stage, new tasks arise that force you to think, fantasize, and create.

Music - a means of physical education

Music perceived by the auditory receptor affects the general condition of the entire human body, causing reactions associated with changes in blood circulation and breathing. V. M. Bekhterev, emphasizing this feature, proved that if you establish the mechanisms of the influence of music on the body, you can cause or weaken excitation. P. N. Anokhin, who studied the influence of major and minor modes on the state of the body, concludes that the skillful use of melodic, rhythmic and other components of music helps a person during work and rest. Scientific data on the physiological characteristics of musical perception provide a materialistic justification for the role of music in raising a child.
Singing develops the vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, improves speech (speech therapists use singing in the treatment of stuttering), and promotes the development of vocal-auditory coordination. The correct posture of singers regulates and deepens breathing.
Rhythmic classes, based on the relationship between music and movement, improve the child’s posture, coordination, and develop clarity in walking and ease of running. The dynamics and tempo of a musical work require movements to change speed, degree of tension, amplitude, and direction accordingly.
Music lessons contribute to the overall development of a child’s personality. The relationship between all aspects of education develops in the process of various types and forms of musical activity. Emotional responsiveness and a developed ear for music will allow children to respond to good feelings and actions in accessible forms, help to activate mental activity and, constantly improving movements, will develop preschoolers physically.

Methods of music education in kindergarten: “Preschool. education”/ N.A. Vetlugina, I.L. Dzerzhinskaya, L.N. Komissarova and others; Ed. ON THE. Vetlugina. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Education, 1989. - 270 p.: notes.

Ekaterina Spirina
The influence of music on the comprehensive development of personality

Joining music- one of the most important ways of aesthetic education of a child, because music has a particularly strong effect on feelings, and through feelings on attitudes towards surrounding phenomena. D. Shostakovich in conversation with young people said: “Love and respect the great feeling music. It opens up to us a whole world of great feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer, purer, more perfect. Thanks to music you will find new, previously unknown strengths in yourself. You will see life in new tones and colors.”

Really, music brings to life still unconscious thoughts and feelings, cleanses them of everything small and accidental, strengthens a person’s dignity, his faith in his inner strengths, in his calling.

Musical art, reflecting life, affirms the moral beauty of a person, the value of friendship, fidelity to duty, and reveals the wealth of the spiritual world.

Under musical education implies the process of transmitting socio-historical experience to children musical activities in order to prepare them for upcoming work in any area of ​​life.

In the process of transferring this experience, a system of targeted and organized influences on the child is used, shaping him personality. N. A. Vetlugina writes: “Interconnection presupposes the relationship between the objective, social, public musical environment with the subjective experience of a child introduced to music».

In our society, the preconditions have been created for comprehensive development of the child’s personality through musical art.

Children feel beauty very keenly and are drawn to it. Perception of works musical art presents unlimited possibilities. In the process of systematic work, children acquire the ability to listen music, remember and recognize it, begin to enjoy it; they are imbued with the content of the work, the beauty of its form and images. In children developing interest in music, and subsequently love for her. Through musical Through images, the child learns the beauty in the surrounding reality.

Beauty of artistic form, child-friendly content musical works evoke a certain attitude towards the artistic image and through it to life, influence for the development of artistic taste.

The tasks of aesthetic education require attitude towards any piece of music, even to the simplest, as a work of art. Therefore, every song and dance should be performed by children emotionally and expressively, causing them joy. A carelessly performed song or dance loses its aesthetic value and negatively influence the process of musical development. Expressive performance makes children want to repeatedly repeat songs, dances, games, and also introduce something new into them - they contribute to development of children's creativity. In addition, a child’s knowledge of beauty music, its rich imagery, means of expressiveness introduces him to the world of beauty, evokes the need to bring music into your life. Music develops aesthetic properties child's personality.

The child's empathy for the feelings expressed in music, - the path to the formation of his morality. Addressing the child's feelings, music sometimes has a stronger effect on him than persuasion and punishment.

Domestic composers S. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich, D. Kobalevsky, M. Krasev, V. Gerchik, M. Rauchweger, E. Tilicheeva, A. Fillipenko and many others created a gold fund musical works for children, varied in genres and themes, musical imagery.

Kobalevsky D. B.: students of primary school age have access to the highest examples of serious music. Turning to the classics is not accidental. The works, selected by time and history, touch upon the fundamental moral and aesthetic problems of life. And if we are talking about their replacement, then it should be taken into account that the most significant works require a long, so to speak, "germination", which will contribute to the ripening in the child’s soul of understanding and feeling captured in music life problems and attitudes towards them.

Musical works evoke in children a certain attitude towards social phenomena. Through their content, children learn about the life and work of their people, getting acquainted with the characters of Russian history, the concept of Motherland, i.e. music, contributes to the development of a sense of patriotism. In the process of communicating with music the child is required to submit to the interests of the team - coordination of actions, feelings of friendship and camaraderie are cultivated, such qualities personalities like self-control, endurance, discipline, are developing responsiveness and initiative.

Singing together musically– rhythmic movements embrace children with common experiences and require united efforts from them. The failure of one is perceived as a general failure. Example of comrades, general inspiration, joy from performing positively influence the timid, insecure children, create a fertile atmosphere for individual development. At the same time, the obvious achievements of their comrades serve as a brake for overly self-confident, spoiled children.

On musical In classes, children gain skills in cultural behavior.

Constant change in the nature of tasks, alternation various types of activities require them to quickly react, be organized, and have strong willpower.

Speaking about raising a child by means music, we must not forget that we are dealing with a growing organism. On musical lessons develop dexterity, coordination and beauty of children's movements. Under influence music movements become more precise and rhythmic. The quality of walking and running improves, and correct posture is developed. Dynamic and tempo changes in music also cause changes in movements, affecting their speed, degree of stress.

Singing improves pronunciation develops coordination of voice and hearing, strengthens the vocal apparatus - is a kind of breathing exercises. Music evokes positive emotions in children, which have a beneficial effect on their nervous system. Music influences not only on the auditory analyzer, but also on the general condition of the whole organism, the state of excitation increases or decreases due to reactions associated with changes in breathing and blood circulation. Hence, musical education promotes physical child development. And finally, music has a beneficial effect influence on their mental development. In the process of acquiring new knowledge in children thinking develops, memory, a system of concepts is formed. Direct and close connection music with the surrounding reality makes it possible to develop in children the ability to compare and contrast phenomena, and, therefore, contributes to development their cognitive interests.

Variety of content musical works determines developing curiosity, imagination, fantasies of a child. Upbringing music requires observation and intelligence. Listening to music, the child compares sounds by similarity and contrast, learns their expressive meaning, follows development of musical images, has a general understanding of the structure of the work, pays attention to the connection between the text of the song, the title of the play and the content music, determines its character. His primary aesthetic assessments are formed. In the process of creative tasks, children are involved in search activities that require mental activity: operates with sounds, combines dance movements, looks for expressive means to convey game images. Based on existing experience, children plan their course music game, the behavior of the character in the sketch. They make value judgments about their actions and the actions of their comrades.

Music is art"intonated meaning"(B.V. Asafiev, which determines the richness of emotional and semantic content musical works. Thanks to music the child awakens an idea of ​​the sublime, the beautiful, not only in the world around him, but also in himself. Music helps children to understand the world, develops not only their artistic taste and creative imagination, but also their love of life, attention to other people, nature, interest in the peoples of their homeland and other countries. This is how a full-fledged personality, a person capable of feeling and compassion.


1. Zimina A. N. Fundamentals musical education and development younger children age: Textbook. For students higher uchkb. establishments. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS Center, 2000

2. Education and training program in kindergarten / Under. ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. – M.: Publishing House "Raising a preschooler", 2004

3. Tyutyunnikova T. Program “Elementary music playing for preschoolers”/ Preschool education No. 5. 2000

4. Shkolyar L., Kadobnova I., Usacheva V. Program musical education. /Preschool education No. 6.1993

5. Aesthetic education and development preschool children age: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / E. A. Dubrovskaya, T. G. Kazakova, N. N. Yurina, etc.; Ed. E. A. Dubrovskaya, S. A. Kozlova. – M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002

1.1 Music as a means of all-round development of a child

The great Soviet composer D.D. Shostakovich noted “In sorrow and joy, in work and in play, music is always with a person. It has entered into life so completely and enormously that it is taken for granted, like the air that one breathes without thinking, without noticing... How much poorer the world would become if it were deprived of a beautiful, unique language that helps people understand each other better.” The composer emphasized that lovers and connoisseurs of music are not born, but rather become. These words of D. Shostakovich are about the enormous importance of cultivating in a person a love for music and the ability to perceive it. And the sooner music enters a person’s life, the deeper and more precise this art will take its place in his soul. Everything that a child receives during preschool childhood largely determines what he brings to society in the future. It is in this early period of life that the foundations of various qualities and properties are laid in the formation of the child’s personality, her interests and abilities. Psychologists note that most of what is acquired during this period is absorbed extremely quickly and is remembered for many years, sometimes until the end of life.

It is already known that musical abilities are revealed earlier than many other human abilities. Two main indicators of musicality, emotional responsiveness and ear for music, appear in the very first months of a child’s life. The baby is able to respond emotionally to cheerful or calm music. He concentrates, calms down if he hears the sounds of a lullaby. The cook even hears a cheerful, dancing melody, the expression on his face changes, and his movements become more animated.

Research has established that a child is able to distinguish sounds by their pitch already in the first months of his life. This fact is especially obvious among those who have become professional musicians. Mozart showed amazing abilities at the age of four; he played the organ and violin; at the age of five, he created his first compositions.

The goal of the influence of music on the upbringing of children is to introduce musical culture as a whole. The influence of music on the formation of a child’s personality and the development of children’s creativity is very great. Music, like any art, can influence the comprehensive development of a child’s personality, induce moral and aesthetic experiences, and lead to the transformation of the environment to active thinking. General musical education must meet the basic requirements: to be universal, covering all children and comprehensive, harmoniously developing all aspects of the formation of the child’s personality.

Adults often ask the question: “Why should we introduce a child to music if he doesn’t have strong manifestations?” Answer: positive. Conclusions about a child’s musicality can be made only after he receives correct and appropriate musical education and training.

The comprehensiveness of musical education acts as one of the effective ways of moral enrichment and the formation of a child’s personality. Activation of his mental activity, increase in vitality. The influence of music unites children in a single experience and becomes a means of communication between children.

Children's musical experience is still very simple, but it can be quite varied. Almost all types of musical activities are available to children in their very basics, and proper education ensures the versatility of their musical and general development on the child’s personality. Through the cultivation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding life, through the development of abilities to emotionally empathize with the feelings and thoughts expressed in works, the child enters into the image, believes and acts in an imaginary situation. The influence of music encourages him to have a “wonderful ability to rejoice for others, to worry about someone else’s fate as if it were his own.”

A child interacting with music develops comprehensively, the child’s physical appearance improves, and harmonious connections are established. In the process of singing, not only the ear for music develops, but also the singing voice, and, consequently, the vocal motor apparatus. Musically rhythmic movements encourage correct posture, coordination of movements, their flexibility and plasticity.

A child is able to feel the character and mood of a musical work, empathize with what he hears, show an emotional attitude, understand a musical image, notice good and bad, and thereby become involved in various types of artistic activity. Children are also able to listen, compare, and evaluate the most striking and understandable musical phenomena.

The influence of music on the diverse development of a child’s personality is ensured due to the close relationship between aesthetic education and moral, mental and physical education.

The harmony of musical influence on the formation of a child’s personality is achieved when all forms of organizing children’s musical activities are used.

1.2 The influence of music in classes, holidays, and in the everyday life of kindergarten

The main form of educational work with children is music classes, during which systematic, purposeful and comprehensive education of preschool children is carried out, and the musical abilities of each child are formed.

Classes include alternation of various types of activities: (entrance, greeting, musically rhythmic exercises, listening to music, development of hearing and voice, singing, playing children's musical instruments, familiarization with the elements of musical literacy, musical didactic games, outdoor games, dancing, round dances, and etc.). Thus ensuring the versatile development of children's musical abilities. Musical classes contribute to the development of the influence of many positive qualities on the formation of a child’s personality. They unite children through common joyful actions, teach a culture of behavior, require a certain concentration, manifestation of mental effort, initiative and creativity. Musical classes in kindergarten influence the formation of the child’s personality on other forms of children’s organization. Children's independent musical activities will be more active based on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in classes. Holidays, entertainment, and leisure activities will be more successful and interesting if children perform songs, dances, round dances, and games learned in classes expressively and at ease.

Music is perceived by the auditory receptor, affects the general condition of the child’s entire body, causes reactions associated with changes in blood circulation and breathing. V.M. Bekhterev, emphasizing this feature, proved that if you establish the mechanisms of the influence of music on the body, you can cause or weaken excitation. P.N. Anokhin, who studied the influence of major and minor incense on the state of the child’s body, concludes that the skillful use of melodic, rhythmic and other components of music helps and shapes the child’s personality during work and during rest.

Scientific data on the physiological characteristics of musical perception provide a materialistic justification for the role of music in the development of a child’s personality.

Singing develops the vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, improves the child’s speech (speech therapists use singing in the treatment of stuttering), which contributes to the development of vocal-auditory coordination. The correct posture of singing children regulates and deepens the child's breathing.

Practicing musical rhythmic exercises is based on the relationship between music and movement, such exercises improve the child’s posture, coordination of movements, the child develops the development, clarity of walking and ease of running. The dynamics and tempo of a piece of music are also present during movements; accordingly, the child changes the speed, degree of tension, and directional amplitudes.

I would like to especially emphasize the role of music in everyday life. The musical education of a child’s personality is especially carried out during holidays and entertainment. Entertainment is an important means of deepening the comprehensive development and formation of the personality of preschool children, promotes the manifestation of the positive qualities of the child’s personality, increases the interest and activity of children in everything that is offered to them, also helps to create a joyful atmosphere, promotes the formation of positive qualities and emotions in children, expands the scope of their feelings, introduces to collective experiences, develops initiative, creative invention. Systematic entertainment in kindergarten enriches the child’s life and contributes to their more complete and harmonious development.

Matinee performances in kindergarten occupy a special place in the system of musical education and the formation of a child’s personality. They combine various types of art and artistic activity as means of influence.

It is at matinees that children’s artistic activities are varied: solemn processions, formations, round dances, singing, dramatizations, games, dancing, expressive reading of poems, performance of musical works, bright, colorful design of the music hall, creates an uplifting mood in children, arouses emotional feelings. Musical art plays a special role at matinees. Possessing great power of emotional impact, it influences children and creates the appropriate mood: solemnly upbeat, calm, cheerful. Music at matinees deepens artistic images, poetic text, and evokes in children a feeling of empathy for the content of the song. During holidays and entertainment, children engage in various types of musical activities. Children perform songs, dance, play children's musical instruments in small ensembles, play musical games, conduct round dances, and the musical repertoire at holidays and entertainment is used in quite a variety of ways.

Music in kindergarten is heard not only at matinees and classes, but also in the daily life of the kindergarten. Music that accompanies morning exercises, as well as physical education classes, activates children, significantly increasing the quality of the exercises they perform, and organizing the team. It is known that the sound of musical works affects the performance of the cardiovascular, muscular, and respiratory systems of the body. When performing exercises with musical accompaniment, pulmonary ventilation improves and the amplitude of respiratory movements increases. At the same time, we can talk about the development of musicality in children, its main composers, emotional responsiveness, and hearing.

Here, too, the child learns to perceive music, to move in accordance with its character and means of expression. And so, the use of music in physical education classes, morning exercises, affects the strengthening of the body and the development of musicality, further shaping the child’s personality.

The influence of music on preschoolers also occurs in the everyday life of kindergarten. The use of musical works during children's reception hours, leisure time, on walks, classes, enriches children with new impressions, which contributes to the formation of the development of independent creative initiative. The influence of music in the everyday life of children in a kindergarten is determined by clear guidance from the teacher, as well as the capabilities, inclinations and interests of the children, with the help of a music director and independently selecting a musical repertoire, suggesting its inclusion at different moments in the child’s life. Let's consider some of the possibilities for the influence of music during leisure hours, during children's games, on walks, and in various activities related to children's artistic activities.

Children love to listen to music not only during music lessons. With great pleasure they listen to songs and instrumental music on disks and cassettes. During leisure hours, children sing songs familiar to them together with the teacher; the teacher also works with individual children, helping them master playing children's musical instruments or a complex element of dance.

In their free time, children often play games in which the influence of music plays a significant role. For example, while playing “concert”, “musical lessons”, “birthday”, children remember and perform musical works, dances, round dances, improvise, compose their own songs, selecting them on a metallophone or other musical instruments. Children are also influenced by musical didactic games, which develop an ear for music and the child’s creative abilities, and help them learn the elements of musical notation in a playful way. Musical didactic aids, which influence the child’s personality in a comprehensive manner, cause visual, auditory, and motor activity in him, thereby expanding his musical perception as a whole. For example, the musical didactic game “Song, Dance, March,” where children perceive cheerful, cheerful, active, energetic music, walk clearly and rhythmically to it, and determine the genre of a musical work using pictures of symbols.

Music has its educational influence and influences during children’s walks, stimulating their activity, independence, causing various emotional experiences, creating a good mood, reviving accumulated impressions. The most suitable period for children's musical expressions during walks is the summer. At this time, interesting games are organized at the sites. Children can sing their favorite songs independently or together with a teacher and dance in circles. The success of all this work largely depends on the teacher, on the establishment of close contact in the work of the teacher and the music director. In classes to familiarize oneself with fiction and visual arts, the influence of music can also be widely used.

Children will perceive a fairy tale much faster and more interesting if musical works and children's musical instruments are used during its initial retelling. This allows children to understand the character of the heroes, the characteristics of the characters in fairy tales. The influence of music also helps to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of an artistic image and enriches children's impressions. For example, children in the older group draw an autumn landscape, how autumn leaves fall slowly and swirl. And by playing the musical work “Autumn Song” by P. Tchaikovsky for children, the teacher creates a certain mood for work.

The influence of music in various types of activities of a preschooler should be used thanks to the active organization of the teacher’s activities in the formation of the child’s personality.

Chapter 2. The influence of music on the moral character of a child and his intellectual development

The influence of music directly affects the child’s feelings and shapes his moral character. The influence of music is sometimes stronger than persuasion or instructions. By introducing children to works of various emotional educational content, we encourage them to empathize. A song about the native land inspires a feeling of love for the Motherland. Round dances, songs, and dances of different peoples arouse interest in their customs and foster international feelings. The genre richness of the music helps to perceive heroic images and lyrical mood, cheerful humor and lively dancing. The varied feelings that arise when perceiving music enrich the experiences of children and their spiritual world.

Solving educational problems is greatly facilitated by collective singing, dancing, and games, when children are overwhelmed by common experiences. Singing requires a united effort from the participants. Common experiences create fertile ground for individual development. Example comrades. General inspiration and joy of performance activate timid, indecisive children. For someone spoiled by attention, changing the self-confident, successful performance of other children serves as a known inhibitor of negative manifestations. Such a child can be asked to help his comrades, thereby instilling modesty and at the same time developing individual abilities. Music lessons influence the general culture of behavior of a preschooler. The alternation of various activities, types of activities (singing, listening to music, playing children's musical instruments, moving to music, etc.) requires children's attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, organization, and the manifestation of volitional efforts: when performing a song, start and finish on time her; in dancing and games, be able to act, obeying the music, refraining from the impulsive desire to run faster, to overtake someone. All this improves inhibitory processes and influences the child’s will.

Thus, musical activity influences and creates the necessary conditions for the formation of the moral qualities of a child’s personality and lays the initial foundations for the general culture of the future person. The perception of music is closely related to mental processes, i.e. requires attention, observation, and intelligence. Children listen to the sound, compare similar and different sounds, become familiar with their expressive meaning, distinguish the characteristic semantic features of artistic images, and learn to understand the structure of the work. Answering the teacher’s questions after the piece has been played, the child makes the first generalizations and comparisons: he determines the general character of the plays.

In musically rhythmic activities, children with great pleasure invent and combine dance movements, singing and moving to the music. Folk dance, pantomime and especially musical dramatization encourage children to depict a picture of life, to characterize a character using expressive movements and facial expressions. In this case, a certain sequence is observed: the guys listen to music, the music influences them, then they assign roles, then they act. At each stage, new tasks arise that force you to think, fantasize, and create.

To the surrounding reality, deeply connected him with it. 2. Experimental part to study the influence of music on the formation of environmental consciousness in preschool children 2.1 Various forms and methods of using music in environmental education classes in preschool educational institutions There are various forms of conducting environmental classes. We will look at two classes completely different in form...

An increase in the number of generous people by reducing the number of soulless, indifferent, and cowardly people - these should be the results of this purposeful work." 2.4 Research on the role of a music lesson in the formation of an environmental culture among schoolchildren In the course of working on this topic, we conducted a study on the role of a music lesson in the formation of an environmental culture schoolchildren in 5th grade...



The theory and methodology of musical education of children is one of the academic disciplines in the faculties of preschool education of pedagogical institutes that train specialists in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology. This course is primarily based on aesthetics (one of the areas of study of which is the artistic activity of people), musicology (the science of music, considering it theoretically and historically, as a special form of artistic knowledge), music psychology (studying the development of musicality, musical talent) , musical sociology (exploring specific forms of existence of music in society). It is closely related to general and preschool pedagogy, psychophysiology. All these sciences are the theoretical foundations of music education, which are discussed in the subjects that make up the general course and its electives.

In this chapter we will dwell on the subject of the methodology of musical education of preschool children.

The methodology of music education as a pedagogical science studies the patterns of introducing a child to musical culture, the development of musical abilities in the process of teaching various types of musical activities (perception, performance, creativity, musical educational activity). In this regard, the goal of this course is to equip students, on the basis of personal musical culture, with professional musical knowledge, skills, and various methods and techniques of musical education and training of early and preschool children.

3 A d a h and the course consists of the following:

To give students an idea of ​​the possibilities of musical education of a child from birth to entry into school;

To reveal the patterns of development of musical abilities and the foundations of musical culture of children in a preschool institution and family;

Determine methods and techniques, organizational forms of musical education and training of children in various types of musical activities in kindergarten;

Describe the functions of the teaching staff

kindergarten for organizing musical education of preschoolers.

The methodology of this course, like other private methods studied at the preschool faculty, is designed to answer the question: how and on what material to raise a child in kindergarten in accordance with the set goal of developing his personality?

The content of musical education in kindergarten is reflected in the relevant programs in the form of requirements for the development of musical abilities, the formation of musical knowledge, skills and abilities in children and a recommended list of repertoire for all types of musical activities in various age groups of a preschool institution. Program requirements are the most stable part of the content of music education, but they are also adjusted in connection with new approaches to child education and taking into account the results of research conducted in this area. For example, on the basis of new concepts for organizing the educational process in kindergarten, the educational and disciplinary model of education is being replaced with a personality-oriented one, which should become decisive when drawing up program requirements for the musical development of children." Based on existing programs, the teacher should make wider use of works of folk and classical music, when selecting a repertoire, take into account the specific conditions of the age group of children, the “individuality factor” of pupils (B. M. Teplov), the material and technical base of the institution, one’s musical and pedagogical abilities, etc. But the main thing is - a teacher, knowing about the ability of music to reveal the best in a person, to glorify the beauty of the world around him, must always remember the importance of forming an aesthetic principle in a child, understanding beauty and developing the spirituality of his personality

One of the main objectives of the methodology is to combine the student’s theoretical knowledge with practical skills and abilities, applying theory to “action”.

Thus, the content of the course includes, on the one hand, the mastery by students of special musical knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of classroom theoretical and practical classes, on the other hand, their testing in kindergarten during laboratory classes and teaching practice in order to ensure full-fledged musical professional training of preschool education specialists.

It is important for the future teacher to understand that the effectiveness of musical training is largely determined by his personal example and culture. When organizing listening to music, learning a song, etc., he must not only ensure the artistic performance of the work (in a “live” performance or recording), vividly talk about its content and character, but also show personal interest, passion, and, to a certain extent, artistry , without which students will not be able to feel the appropriate mood and emotionally empathize with musical images. The teacher’s personal attitude to music, his taste, and performing abilities greatly influence the level of musical development of his students. That is why the music director and teacher must constantly improve their musical culture. This is largely facilitated by the study of musical disciplines (elementary music theory and solfeggio, musical literature, choral singing, rhythm, playing musical instruments). But this is not enough. To maintain good professional shape, including musical shape, you need to take care of it systematically, actively engaging in your improvement. Only a teacher with a high level of general and musical culture can become a role model for his students. Only under this condition will children be able to acquire the spirituality that is so necessary for personal development.

Disclosure of the subject of this course requires consideration of the concepts of upbringing, education, training and development in the context of its specifics.

Musical education in kindergarten is an organized pedagogical process aimed at nurturing musical culture, developing children's musical abilities with the goal of developing the child's creative personality.

Music education in kindergarten means the “first steps” in this area, which reveal to children the content of basic information and knowledge about music, types, and methods of musical activity.

Education is considered as the main way and means of musical education of children, ensuring effectiveness in the development of their musicality, musical and aesthetic ideas, musical culture, artistic and creative abilities, with the aim of forming a full-fledged personality of the child.

Musical development is the process of formation and development of musical abilities based on natural inclinations, the formation of the foundations of musical culture, creative activity from the simplest forms to more complex ones.

All these concepts are closely interrelated. Their connection is also expressed in the fact that the effectiveness of the musical development of a preschool child depends on the organization of musical education, including training. Education should be developmental in nature based on a deep study of the child, his age and individual characteristics and knowledge of the patterns of musical and aesthetic development of children of early and preschool age.

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