Natalie divorced Alexander Rudin. Biography of singer Natalie: creative path and personal life

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Natalya Minyaeva was born in provincial town Dzerzhinsk in a family of ordinary workers. But this not only interfered with his path to fame, but also encouraged him to gain recognition on the big stage. From childhood, Natasha showed organizational skills and could keep not only herself busy, but also those around her. School amateur performances revealed the talent of a singer and informal leader. Friendliness, pleasant facial features, and musical abilities set Natalie apart from other children.

In 1983, the singer entered a music school to study piano and at the same time received practical knowledge of vocal skills. Natalie actively participated in competitions, and her talent did not go unnoticed: she was invited to voice a documentary about Dzerzhinsk.

Of course, Natalie dreamed of fame, but she understood that it was difficult to break through in a small town. That is why she chose a down-to-earth profession and worked as a teacher at a local school.

The desire to become popular reappeared after marriage. Together with her husband, producer Rudin, the future star moved to Moscow.

He paved the way for Natalie into the capital's show business. The first album, “The Little Mermaid,” with a circulation of two thousand, became a musical breakthrough, but the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea” brought real popularity. Everyone knew this hit in the 90s, it was he who made Natalie a star. At concerts, at the request of fans, this light song was performed as an encore.

Natalie has an incredible talent for blowing up the audience with one song. In 2012, after many years of silence, the single “Oh God, what a man” was released. A creation about a man brought Natalie back to the top of the charts and gave her a second chance at a professional singing career.

The composition received awards at the “Comeback of the Year” and “Sometimes They Come Back” awards.

Singer Natalie before and after plastic surgery (photo)

When looking at photos of Natalie before and after, many fans think that the singer is timeless, even her clothing style has remained unchanged.

Natalie speaks openly about plastic surgery and does not consider it a dark spot on her reputation.

Natalie does not hide the fact that she had mammoplasty - changing the shape and size of her breasts. According to the singer, a public woman who wants to remain attractive and please her fans always needs to be on top. After the birth of two sons, plastic surgery to correct her breasts was simply a salvation for Natalie. Natalie's goal was to tighten her breasts, and not increase them to enormous sizes.

The singer does not deny Natalie’s lip augmentation, which is actively discussed on social networks. The singer minimally pumps up her lips with Botox, trying to maintain natural contours. The singer is sure that the main thing is to find a doctor who can correct the situation and not cause harm.

The artist is sure that for a public person, plastic surgery is a way out. To look good, you don't have to diet and spend hours in the gym.
The blonde “turtle” admitted that at 42 she looks brighter and younger than at the beginning of her career. She is happy with her appearance and does not regret plastic surgery.

Natalie also takes care of the condition of her facial skin. She had cheekbone contouring done at an expensive clinic in the capital in order to restore the “triangle of youth.”

Natalie noted that all the “beauty injections” that she does regularly are quite painful, but the result is worth it. The set of procedures to maintain the beauty of Natalie’s face includes mesotherapy, injections of hyaluronic acid and vitamin cocktails, and laser peels.

The singer claims that diets are not the most effective way to lose weight and look fit. Her secret to staying slim lies in proper nutrition and constant activity.

Natalie's plastic surgeries helped her gain self-confidence and maintain excellent natural characteristics.

Singer Natalie, whose biography is probably known to many fans, is adored by more than one connoisseur of Russian pop music.

For those who listen to her work, every stroke of the idol’s life is of undoubted interest.

Of course, the name Natalie is a stage name behind which hides the famous Russian pop singer Natalya Anatolyevna Rudina, who before her marriage had the surname Minyaeva. She is not only a performer of songs, but the author of many of them.

Like many famous Russians, Natalie’s biography began in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, where she was born on March 31, 1974. Her parents, Lyudmila Pavlovna and Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, worked at a chemical plant. The family also has younger twin children, Anton and Olesya (born in 1978).

Since 1980, Natalya studied at secondary school No. 37, where she received a certificate of secondary education. School teachers and classmates still remember her restless character, organizational skills and enormous popularity among her peers.

Despite all her restlessness, she studied well. After accidentally visiting a music school, the girl persuaded her parents to send her to study music. Since 1983, Natasha studied piano for 7 years at a music school, which developed her musical abilities.

1990 was also an important period, when the future singer caught the eye of Lenfilm filmmakers who were filming a film in Dzerzhinsk dedicated to the city’s anniversary. Natalya passed the appropriate selection and played the main role in the film.

To voice the role, the girl went to the Leningrad film studio with her mother, where for almost the first time she felt the real breath of a big city.

Gaining popularity

Natalie became a singer during her school years. The first vocal and instrumental ensemble with her participation was the school ensemble “Chocolate Bar”, where she became a soloist in 1990 and where she was brought by her brother, who participated in it as a drummer. At numerous concerts and rock festivals, the girl performs her first own songs. Even before completing her studies at school, the singer recorded her first magnetic albums “Superboy” and “Pop-Galaxy”.

After graduating from school, Natasha enters the pedagogical school in Dzerzhinsk, where she receives further education. Until 1993, she managed to work as a high school teacher, and in 1993 she moved to Moscow with her husband. Husband Alexander Rudin played an important role in the development of the young singer.

It was thanks to him that the first albums were recorded. Upon arrival in Moscow, Rudin was able to meet with music producer V. Ivanov, to whom he gave recordings of his wife’s songs. The producer liked the young singer and agreed to work with her.

Already in 1994, the singer Natalie first appeared: under this name the first official professional solo album “The Little Mermaid” was recorded. Although the album's circulation was not large (only 2000 copies), it did not go unnoticed and found its admirers. At the same time, the basis of the girl’s performances for a long period was the so-called warm-up - performing songs at the beginning of concerts of other famous singers.

Natalie gained popularity after singing the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea,” which was conceived at the age of thirteen, but with the participation of composer A. Shulgin, it became a real hit. In 1998, Natalie recorded an album with this song and became famous.

The popularity continued with the hit “Turtle”, which gained numerous fans. The singer began actively recording new albums and videos. However, there was a lull in creativity for several years.

Rise of popularity

The return to the peak of popularity for Natalie began in 2012 with the release of the hit “Oh God, what a man!” (words by R. Siemens). Natalie herself wrote the music for the song almost as soon as she read the words. The composition instantly broke through into all Russian charts. The singer received the “Comeback of the Year” and “Sometimes They Come Back” awards.

In 2013, the song “Nikolai” thundered, performed in a duet with N. Baskov. This work was awarded the "Best Video Clip" award.

As a result, Natalie became a frequent guest at various television concerts, which increased her popularity. Many people remember the singer’s performance in the show “Exactly”, where she captivated the audience by creating the image of V. Tolkunova.

In March 2014, a new video “Scheherazade” was released, which was appreciated by listeners. The popularity of singer Natalie is at a well-deserved, very high level.

Family life of the artist

When a biography is described, fans are especially interested in the personal life of a star.

The singer met her husband, Alexander Rudin, as a schoolgirl, and the wedding took place when she was 17 years old.

Like her entire biography, Natalie’s personal life is stable. The singer’s entire career took place in front of her husband’s eyes and with his active participation. He contributed as much as possible to her popularity and did everything to make it possible to move to Moscow.

Children did not appear in their family for a long time, but finally, in 2001, the first-born, son Arseny, appeared. In 2010, the number of children increased to two: a son, Anatoly, was born.

Natalie is rightfully considered a popular Russian pop singer. She has a huge number of fans. Of course, her biography is far from complete, and she will definitely delight her listeners with new hits.

  1. The star's real name is Natasha Minyaeva. She was born in a small town in the Nizhny Novgorod region on March 31, 1974. The professions of the girl’s parents were far from creative: they worked at a local chemical plant. In addition to Natasha, two more children were growing up in the family - Olesya and Anton.
  2. From an early age, the girl showed creative inclinations: she liked to be the center of attention, from the first grade she actively participated in all school events and delighted the audience with her performances. Thanks to her light and bright character, the girl was loved by both her peers and teachers. She was a trouble-free child, her behavior at school was often set as an example.
  3. The bright third-grader accidentally ended up in a music school, and she liked it so much that she became one of its best students. In addition to playing the piano, which so delighted the schoolgirl, she also learned vocals. For all her restlessness and hyperactivity, Natasha graduated from both schools with good grades. Having independently mastered playing the guitar, she participated in many competitions and festivals, and composed songs and poems.
  4. Thanks to her active social life, the girl was noticed by directors who were filming a documentary about her city. And Natasha, who received the role in this program, took this matter extremely responsibly. With all her love for music, Minyaeva planned to become a teacher and entered a local pedagogical school, after which she returned to her native school as a teacher. True, she did not work in her specialty for long: after getting married, the girl moved to Moscow.

Music career

  • Natalya took her first steps towards a musical career while still at school. Together with several friends, she manages to record two tiny music albums with songs of her own composition. It must be said that these songs quickly made her a star in her hometown;
  • After graduating from school, the girl sang in a local music group, with whom she participated in various competitions. But, realizing that in the provinces she will have to work at school all her life, doing what she loves only as part of local city events, she decides to try her luck in the capital;
  • The girl moved to Moscow in 1993, already being a family lady. Having barely celebrated her majority, she marries Alexander Rudin, who is in love with her. The husband supports Natasha in every possible way on the path to fame, believing in her lucky star. In the capital, a man finds an interested producer who liked his wife’s compositions and begins to promote the aspiring singer;
  • Natalia’s debut official music album was released a year later, it was called “The Little Mermaid”. Its circulation was very small, but they still began to pay attention to the young soloist. In addition, the album was worth the investment in it, which was already nice. At first, the girl had to perform at concerts in front of more eminent colleagues, warming up the audience. The young vocalist didn’t really like this, but it brought her the necessary experience. A year later, a second album called “Snow Rose” was released, followed by the first music video


  1. It would have taken a long time for the young singer to work as a backup singer, but luck finally smiled on her. Natasha performed the composition “The Wind Blowed from the Sea,” which instantly made her popular and famous. The text was composed by the girl when she was still at school, but the song was recorded only in 1997. At the same time, an album of the same name was published, which sold out in large quantities.
  2. This event became a turning point in Natalie's life and career. She gained numerous admirers and admirers not only in Russia, but throughout the entire post-Soviet space. Her songs sounded from many windows, and her concerts attracted thousands of listeners.
  3. At the beginning of the 2000s, her husband became her producer and director, who took full responsibility for her career. Thanks to his support, the girl can devote herself only to creative activities, without being distracted by organizational issues. The singer writes and performs new songs and publishes new albums.


After great fame and colossal popularity, a period of calm began. Many were perplexed: where did their favorite performer go? In fact, she did not leave the stage far: during the fifteen-year stagnation, the singer released several albums.

  1. Natalya owes her loud return to the big stage to the song “Oh, God, what a man.” At first she didn’t even believe in such success. The very fact that after so many quiet years, the former glory would once again fall on the shoulders of the star was surprising. The lyrics of the song do not belong to the performer herself; they came to her by mail from a poetess from Germany. In the simple rhymes, Natalie was able to discern the full potential of the song, and she was not mistaken: it rose to the top of the charts.
  2. The success was consolidated by two subsequent compositions: “Nikolai” (its star performed together with Baskov) and “You are like that”, which Natasha sang with the rapper Dzhigan. In addition, the singer is recording a new album, “Scheherazade.”
  3. The vocalist, who has returned from oblivion, is often invited to participate in various television shows. So, in 2014, she performed several songs by various artists as part of the musical project “Exactly the Same”, and participates in the “Hit” program. He appears as a guest in the popular program “Battle of Psychics”, and becomes the TV presenter of the program “People Will Judge”.

Personal life of the artist

  • The charming and smiling pop star is a happy wife and mother of three sons. But, if she was immediately lucky with her marriage, then the birth of children, especially her first-born, was very difficult for her;
  • For nine long years, the couple was unable to become parents: several of the girl’s pregnancies ended involuntarily. The singer was so desperate that, according to her, thoughts even flashed about suicide. For a long time, Natalya could not get pregnant at all;
  • The desperate woman did all kinds of things: she ran to doctors and healers, stood through long church services. And, in the end, her prayers were heard: they soon had a boy named Arseny. Nine years later, the family’s second child, Anatoly, was born. The couple became parents for the third time in 2017; a boy, Evgeniy, was born.


  1. “The Little Mermaid”, debut album -1994.
  2. "Snow Rose", released in 1996.
  3. “The Wind Blew from the Sea”, published in 1998.
  4. "Counting", published in 1999.
  5. "First Love", released in 2000.
  6. "Don't Fall in Love", published in 2002.
  7. “Everything I need”, release 2004.
  8. "17 Moments of Love", released in 2009.
  9. "Scheherazade", published in 2014.
  10. “Oh, God, what a man”, published in 2016.

  • according to the singer, Saint Panteleimon, whose relics she venerated, helped her become a mother;
  • the modest singer once took part in the filming of an erotic photo shoot;
  • Natalie does not go to gyms, but owes her good physical shape to household chores;
  • the star does not hide the fact that the shape of her breasts and lips was surgically corrected.

What do you think of Natalie? We are waiting for your comments.

The songs of this performer are sung by the whole country. And most of the fans of this gentle and fragile singer are men who see Natalie as an ideal woman, and the words of her song are the dreams of many men who dream of both a son and a daughter. But not everyone knows that under this exciting, bewitching and fragile appearance hides a young woman with a strong character, who boldly walks through life and has a great understanding of this life. Hence her decisions that were so true and correct in the most difficult moments of her life.
The real name of the singer is Natalie Minyaeva. This is her maiden name, which was given to her at birth on the last day of the spring month of March 1974. Natalie's parents were simple factory people who were able to move up the career ladder a little and were no longer working as workers, and her father was a deputy in the electrical department, while her mother worked in the factory laboratory. There was always a lot of trouble with little Natasha, as the girl was active and restless. But surprisingly, Natasha did not have any problems with her parents or friends at school, and she studied very well.
In addition, the girl easily and quickly found a common language with any children, so she was a leader in all children's groups. She was also a role model in the eyes of teachers, who could not get enough of her diligence and desire for knowledge. At school, she began to attend the local music school, and soon she impressed the teachers at the music school with her diligence and thirst for study. The girl quickly mastered a new instrument for herself - the piano.
Soon, seeing her craving for music, her parents find her a teacher who also teaches her vocals. But the girl tried to realize herself in different ways: she wrote poetry, played the guitar, and participated in various competitions. But at the same time, she has a place to become a teacher and teach children. Therefore, as soon as his school years are left behind, he immediately enters the pedagogical school of his hometown of Dzerzhinsk. And after graduation, he begins his teaching career. At the same time, she gets married, and her husband, seeing her strong passion for music, becomes her producer.
But so that Natalie can continue to sing and develop, they move to the capital. Thus ended the teaching career of the beautiful and ethereal singer Natalie and began her solo career. Alexander Rudin continued in Moscow and helped his wife build a solo career. But at first her songs were not of particular interest to fans, until the music video for her song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea” was released. After this, the whole country sang Natalie’s songs.
Natalie met her husband very early, at the age of sixteen. And at seventeen she was already the wife of Alexander Rudin. Having become popular, one day she disappears from TV screens. But after two years he returns. It’s just that the married couple didn’t have children for a long time, and then a miracle happened: Natalie gave birth to sons. Less than a year has passed since Natalie gave birth to her second child, but now young and happy people dream of a little daughter.

After thirteen years of calm in the singer’s career, she again burst onto the airwaves with her new hit “Oh God, what a man!”, which broke popularity records for several months in a row. Natalie herself says that she never felt forgotten - she tried to get into various shows and performed in clubs. Her work never stopped, except for the time when Natalie gave birth to first one and then a second son. Singer Natalie's husband Alexander Rudin was always there and helped her raise her sons and combine the role of a mother with a career.

In the photo is the husband of singer Natalie

They met when Natalie was a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl, and her future husband was twenty years old. Natalya does not hide the fact that she was always committed to a serious relationship, and therefore, after meeting Alexander, she firmly decided that he would be her husband. Rudin approached her at a rock festival, of which Natalie was a participant, and offered to record songs, and that’s where their romance began. Before meeting Alexander, Natalie became a member of a pop group - she was musically savvy, having received a piano education at a music school and independently learned to play the guitar.

In the photo - Natalie and her husband

Alexander took the cassettes with Natalie’s songs recorded on them to the capital, and there they fell into the hands of Valery Ivanov. Having heard them, he decided to start promoting the young singer and became her producer. A year later, Alexander Rudin became the husband of the singer Natalie, but their family happiness was overshadowed by the fact that Natalya could not give birth to a child. First she had a miscarriage, then another, and only after ten years of marriage they finally became parents.

All this time, while Natalie’s career was at the very beginning, she lived with her husband in her native Dzerzhinsk, and came to Moscow only to record new songs, and on these trips she was always accompanied by her husband. Natalie is eternally grateful to Alexander for believing in her as a singer and composer and helping her throughout her life to make a career.

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