They are called gopniks. Gopniks and their concepts

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Gopniks (also gopi, gopari, collectively - gopota, gopoten, gopyo - a slang word in the Russian language, denoting representatives of the urban stratum of low social status, poorly educated and without moral values, aggressively minded youth (teenagers), possessing criminal behavioral traits (less often close to the criminal world), often coming from dysfunctional families, and uniting along the lines of counterculture ( informal subculture). The term is widely used in Russia and other countries former USSR(since the end of the twentieth century).

Origin of the word

There are several versions of the origin of the word “Gopnik”

  1. According to one, it comes from slang for a robber. Dahl's dictionary mentions the word "Gop" expresses a jump, jump or blow; | interjection knock, splash. Tell the lad when you jump! not before. Gop, jump, gallop, jump; stomp, jump or hit. -sya, flop, fall. Hop or gopki! will command jump, jump. Since street robbers used to suddenly attack (“jump, pounce”) on their victim, often hitting him in order to stun him and deprive him of the opportunity to escape/resist, their crime began to be called gop, gopstop or gop-jump in the criminal environment , and themselves - gopniks or gopstopniks. It is not surprising that over time this began to be called representatives of the criminalized part of the Soviet and then post-Soviet youth, for whom gop-stop, i.e. sudden attacks on random passers-by for the purpose of robbery were common practice.
  2. There is another version. Back in the 19th century in Russia there were “City Prize Societies” (GOP), i.e. care, care, in which there were shelters for the homeless, cripples, orphans, etc. Those who were kept in these shelters began to be called gopniks. The contingent of GOPs was prone to committing crimes, incl. the words “gop” and “gopnik” quickly acquired a negative connotation. Gopniks began to be called flophouses or being in a flophouse, and by gopniks they meant degraded people from the lower social classes, prone to vagrancy and committing crimes. Among those held in the GOPs there were many teenagers and young people. It is not surprising that the word gopnik gradually became associated with the criminal part of young people.
  3. Version three. Linguists who study thieves' traditions are sure that a “gopnik” is a person who makes a “gop-stop.” What it is? This is what the “hairdryer” calls a lightning-fast street robbery, when the victim is “taken out of fear.” Hence the “thieves” idiom – “take it to the gop-stop.” It is interesting that “gop-stop” was called “gop with a stop” back in the 19th century. “Gop” means a jump, an unexpected blow, and “smyk” comes from the verb “smyknut” (“shmygnut”) - “to move quickly.” In other words, the “gopnik” tactic consists of an unexpected raid on the victim and a quick escape.
  4. Another option is a degenerate drunkard or bootlegger. However, there are facts that in some communities of thieves back in the 20-30s of the last century, gopniks were not called street robbers at all, but degenerate drunkards. Supporters of this version claim that the word “Gopnik” comes from the word “Gop”, which imitates a snap on the neck. Every Russian knows this gesture - it means “put it by the collar.” Interestingly, this gesture was used by speculators in alcoholic beverages during the Prohibition Law, which Nicholas II established in Russian Empire in 1914. A number of linguists are sure that initially they were called “gopniks”, and then the word spread to their “clients”.

Where did you come from?

It’s not too difficult to understand - just remember that a significant percentage of Russian residents have at least once visited places not so remote. Now think for yourself what a “wonderful” upbringing the children of these people receive. In combination with the atmosphere of the outskirts of cities, the soil is created for more and more generations of hereditary punks and criminals. When the economy and system began to rapidly collapse in the late 80s public values, this resulted in increased crime, including street crime. Until the mid-90s, in the ex-USSR there was an intensive redistribution of property and power, including through organized crime groups, which carried their “culture” to the masses and trained personnel, many of whom managed to undergo internships in prisons and colonies. A significant part of these bandits, scammers and their protégés subsequently became businessmen, government officials, and deputies, which led to high corruption in Russia and the criminalization of entrepreneurship. Having undergone socialization, received administrative resources and wanting to preserve their “honestly acquired” and reduce the population of competitors, former scammers further contributed to the suppression of crime, especially small-scale and young crime, which led to its decline by the end of the 90s. Television, which shows “The Brigade” and other “Sonka-Golden Hands”, also contributes a lot to the increase in rabble-rousing. In particular, in one of Pimanov’s programs they showed how in the early 90s in the Agievskaya organized crime group the film “The Godfather” was used to train personnel.

Characteristics of the subculture

Researcher of the “Gopnik” subculture - employee of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Management of Kazan State University technical university them. A. N. Tupolev notes:“The City Center for the Prevention of Neglect and Drug Addiction of Minors of St. Petersburg designates gopniks as “informal associations” and includes them in the “aggressive” section. Discussions on Internet forums speak about the level of development of these informal associations as follows: “... from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, gopniks are to this day the most common form of youth associations,” and all the sources used emphasize the pronounced criminal and group nature of this subculture: “These are mainly fights, robberies, and assaults , who are aimed at making money..., alcohol and cigarettes.’” Unlike most informal youth associations (for example, hippies, punks, role-players), gopniks did not assign any names to the rest of the population and did not identify themselves as a separate group relative to the entire population, from which it follows that they did not recognize themselves as a subculture. In the majority youth subcultures Characteristic is aversion to gopniks, reaching the point of extreme antagonism.

Stereotypical appearance

Thus, the following features are noted:

  • A tracksuit is the most common clothing in summer period, and including pants and a jacket made of synthetic material. As he notes, most often these are counterfeit products purchased on the clothing market. famous brands(eg Adidas or Puma). Less commonly, classic black trousers, often a little larger than necessary;
  • A short jacket made of leather, leatherette or fabric, or a vest made of the same materials over a tracksuit. The collar is often set in a stand-up manner, and it is also often tucked into the pants;
  • Among the headdresses, preference is given to a “tablet” cap (an “eight-piece cap” or a baseball cap). The following peculiarity is noted: the hat is not removed indoors, but is worn on the top of the head in such a way that it rests on the back of the ears and does not cover them.
  • A typical haircut is “bald” or very short, sometimes with bangs (“half-box”). · Wearing a “borset” is also typical. Often representatives of the subculture are associated with a bag of seeds, rosary beads and a balisong knife.

Other distinctive features

There are many dedicated to Gopniks musical works. One of the first mentions of Gopniks was recorded in Leonid Utesov’s song “Gop with a bow” from his repertoire 1929–1933. The most widely known song is “Gopniki” by Mike Naumenko and the group “Zoo” (1984). One of the verses of the song characterizes the behavior of Gopniks:

Who drinks port wine in the heat, who doesn’t warm beer in winter, who spits like a camel, who laughs like a whippoorwill? Who shits in our front doors, who vomits in subway cars, Who is always ready to black out our eyes and stab a feather in your side? These are gopniks! They interfere with our lives! »

Subsequently, several cover versions of the song “Zoo” were recorded by a variety of performers: “DDT”, “The Last Tanks in Paris”, “ Different people", "Az", "FRONT" and others.

Among the songs of famous performers telling about Gopniks:

  • "Children of Satan" Bad bands Balance
  • “Go to the swing” by the group “Lumen”
  • “Street Fight” and “To the Last Drop of Blood” by the group “Nothing Good”
  • “Dogs from the city outskirts” by the group “Chaif” (the name of the song is often used as a common noun to refer to youth street crime)
  • "Gop-stop" group "Gas Attack Sector"
  • "Gopnik" by Ben Gunn
  • “Down with Gopota” by the group “Brigade Podryad” and a cover version of this song recorded by the lead singer of the group “King and the Jester” Mikhail Gorshenev (album “I am an Alcoholic Anarchist”). On the other hand, in the genre of thieves' songs, gopniks and their activities are described with sympathy. Among such songs one can highlight “Gop-stop” (known by Alexander Rosenbaum) and “Gop with a bow” (known by Andrei Makarevich and Alexei Kozlov).

In the 2000s, artists appeared whose entire work was devoted to parodying typical devils and their hooligan behavior in the style of so-called “boy rap”: the groups “Gopota”, “Gopnik” (Ukraine), “Black GUN Dons”, “a.b.i.b.a.s”, “Night Dogs”, as well as rapper Syava. David Brown dedicated new album Brazzaville group “Teenage Summer Days” to Russian gopniks.

Why do Gopniks sit on their haunches?

The “squatting” pose, like many other attributes of the gop style, comes from prison customs and has been known since the times pre-revolutionary Russia. When transporting prisoners, the guards, in order to prevent unwanted actions on the part of the prisoners, traditionally commanded: “Hands up the hill! Everyone hunker down!” It is easier to predict the intentions of a person squatting, but this position gives prisoners the opportunity to rest, since during the short minutes of a cigarette break it is more comfortable to squat than to sit on the frozen ground or in the mud.

In a crowded pre-trial detention center cell, it can also be difficult to find a seat, so the prisoner has no choice but to spend his time squatting. Very soon this position becomes so firmly a habit that it can be difficult to get rid of it even in freedom. Former housemates often recognize each other from afar precisely by their habit of squatting.

The slang word “gopnik” came into use at the beginning of the last century. Over its almost century-long history, it has sharply lost its criminal connotation. If once upon a time young people associated with the world of crime were classified as gopniks, today they may well be classified as gopniks for the unfortunate combination of a tracksuit and shoes.

Dormitory residents

At the end of the 19th century, the State Prize Society was organized in the premises of the Oktyabrskaya Hotel on Ligovsky Prospekt. Orphans from poor families, juvenile delinquents and all minors who found themselves at the very bottom were sent here. However, they did not have time to help everyone, as the revolution broke out. However, after 1917, a use for the building was found. Its purpose has not changed much - the State Hostel of the Proletariat (GOP) is located there. Its residents began to call themselves Gopniks. Residents of the GOP from Ligovka were immediately singled out for their specific appearance and far from law-abiding lifestyle. For example, it was believed that a Gopnik could be identified by his red socks. And if some kind of crime occurred on Ligovka, then the culprit could well be sought among the residents of the hostel.

The 1920s saw the peak of homelessness. As a result, the dormitory of the proletariat was populated not by workers and peasants, but by minors who led an almost asocial lifestyle. Petty theft, hooliganism, fraud were commonplace in such an environment. Soon, residents of Petrograd began to use the expression “Do you live on Ligovka?” in relation to rude, ill-mannered people.

Street children. Photograph from the 1920s. Photo: Archive photo

Imperial legacy

It is believed that the City Hostel of the Proletariat was located not only in the Oktyabrskaya Hotel, but also in the Evropeiskaya Hotel on Mikhailovskaya Street. However, the first one received the greatest fame, including because of its criminal tenants - Gopniks. Meanwhile, the building on Ligovsky Prospekt was not initially conceived as a place for marginalized sections of society.

Once upon a time, Nicholas I personally became concerned with the appearance of the square at the intersection of Nevsky and Ligovsky Prospekts. He issued a decree according to which this city was to be built up with “decent buildings.” So, in 1851 the Znamenskaya Hotel appeared. Its opening attracted attention, since this hotel turned out to be the most modern. During the construction of the building, they decided to make maximum use of various technical innovations. As a result, pneumatic stoves, fans and “talking pipes” were installed in the rooms. The hotel was constantly rebuilt and supplemented with innovations, and in the twentieth century it was here that one of the largest restaurants in the city appeared, with a capacity of 500 seats.

After nationalization, the State Hostel of the Proletariat was to be located in such a once luxurious place.

Until 1918, Vosstaniya Square was called “Znamenskaya”, which was associated with the Znamenskaya Church that was here until the end of the 1930s. Photo: Archive photo

Criminal elements

Residents of the GOP with their gangster antics annoyed law enforcement agencies not only in this part of the city, but also far beyond its borders. However, their main habitat remained Ligovka, which was considered one of the most dangerous areas of Petrograd.

In order to show his criminal talent, Gopnik didn’t have to go far. One of the favorite places of marginalized individuals was the Moskovsky Station located opposite the hostel. In addition to committing petty pickpockets, juvenile criminals worked as a whole gang, involving their girlfriends. For example, the girl herself met some citizen, made eyes at him, hinting at a pleasant pastime. The man’s evening walk ended in the Ligov courtyards, where the accomplices of the insidious seductress were already waiting for him. If everything ended only in robbery, then one could consider that the victim was lucky, since often such greedy young girls were even killed.

One of the favorite places of the criminals was the Moskovsky railway station located opposite the hostel. Photo: Archive photo

Quite high-profile crimes are also associated with Gopniks. At the beginning of the 20th century, Leningrad was shocked by the Chubarovites’ case. This was the name of the gopniks from Chubarov Lane (note - today it is Transport Lane). In 1926, a 20-year-old girl was gang-raped in the garden of San Galli. 30 people took part in the crime, who were convinced that they had not committed anything criminal and even sent the victim home. The attackers proved their innocence in court, telling in detail about what happened. The verdict was unexpected for the Chubarovites; seven people were sentenced to death.

The accused in the “Chubarov case” in court. Photo:


There is also another version of the origin of the word “Gopnik”. So, Russian writer Alexander Sidorov, known for his research into thieves' jargon, suggests that the word "gopnik" (or "gopstopnik") means a street robber. He came to this conclusion, referring to Vladimir Dahl, in whose dictionary the word gop “expresses a jump, jump or blow..., gopnut, jump or hit.”

The history of the origin of the concept of “gop-stop” causes a lot of controversy, but most people have associations with it at lightning speed: street twilight, a company of tipsy punks and the signature request for a light. However, she has many options: from “let me call” to “borrow two rubles.” The request is usually followed by demands to give up money, wallet, phone or other valuables. If a person does not agree, then fists, bats, and sometimes edged weapons are used. Sometimes marginalized people strike without any preliminary discussions, take the money and disappear. The association is absolutely correct. Gop-stop is a robbery, theft, armed attack with the aim of stealing someone else's property, often accompanied by causing physical harm to the victim. There are several versions of the origin of this concept. Let's take a short excursion into history and trace its etymology.

Prerequisites for the emergence

One of the versions of the emergence of the concept of “gop-stop” calls us to go to Petrograd late XIX century. It was there, at the intersection of Nevsky Prospekt and Ligovskaya Street, that a shelter appeared, which was popularly called the GOP. Nowadays, few people know what this means. The abbreviation stands for “Urban Ghost Society.” Beggars, tramps, cripples, and teenagers were sent there. Many of them were already engaged in various kinds of marginal activities. The state did not have enough money to fully maintain the shelter. Over time, it turned into a simple shelter, and attacks on people and robbery finally became the norm. Criminal activity in the area of ​​Ligovskaya Street, due to the large concentration of criminal elements in the shelter, has increased many times over. Its inhabitants were already called gopniks back then. But the word has not yet become widespread. These events may have later become a prerequisite for the emergence of the concept of “gop-stop.”

Origin story

After October revolution In 1917, the shelter was transformed into the “State Hostel of the Proletariat.” However, the internal political situation in the country is coup d'etat And Civil War- made this building a much more dangerous place than before. The level of juvenile crime has increased. The criminal apparatus as a whole became more active. The city was filled with visitors. Many of them, as well as marginalized people and lumpen people, settled in the GOP. It was then that Ligovka found notoriety. Crime and prostitution flourished there. It was dangerous for more or less wealthy people to appear in this area: they could not only be robbed, but also killed. At that time, the word “gopnik” became widespread. It acquired a sharply negative connotation and became associated with people from the lower classes, vagabonds who rob the civilian population. Simultaneously with this word, the concept of “gop-stop” appeared. It was perceived by society as a “street robbery”, a sudden attack followed by theft of money. Based on the foregoing, we can assume that the words “Gopnik” and “Gop-Stop” are related.


Although this version of the origin of the concept of “gop-stop” seems quite convincing, not everyone supports it. There is another assumption regarding the origin of this jargon. It is connected primarily with the word “gop” and its original meaning. V. Dahl interpreted it as a “jump” or “blow.” And in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov it is indicated that “gop” is an encouraging exclamation when jumping. According to thieves' jargon, a “gop-stop” is a lightning-fast attack with the goal of robbing a person. Indeed, street punks used to jump on people, disorient them, and then rob them. At the same time, one could often hear the cry: “Gop-stop!” The first part of the word meant an attack, the second - a demand to stop. In support of this interpretation of jargon, one can point out the somewhat related expression “gop with a bow”. It appeared much earlier and meant “to attack, steal and disappear.” The term “gop-stop” is also associated with the verb “gopat”. What does this mean? The word is interpreted by the authors of dictionaries as follows: “jump”, “gallop”, as well as “loiter, wander aimlessly”, “spend the night on the street”. Such a connection can confirm both versions of the origin of the concept of “gop-stop”.

Further history

Each version has the right to exist. The interesting thing is that they are not mutually exclusive, but rather can be seen as complementary. A lot of time has passed since the concept of “go-stop” arose. And the border between versions has practically disappeared. The word “gop-stop” itself never completely disappeared from the urban environment, although the number of gopniks either decreased or increased. This is primarily due to the socio-economic conditions in the country. The lower the standard of living, the more gopniks there are. Along with the 20s, the 40s and 90s are considered the heyday of the subculture. During these years, the concept of “gop-stop” also became relevant. Its meaning remained unchanged. The word came into mass use thanks to the press and everyone famous song A. Rosenbaum “Gop-stop, we came from around the corner,” published in the 70s. There is also a point of view that thanks to the mentioned work, the concept leaked from the environment of thieves into the world of mere mortals.


Now the exclamation “Gop-stop!” You won't hear it almost anywhere. It is rarely used, and then only to attract attention. However, theft on the street is still called “gop-stop.” This word is part of some phraseological expressions. “Go to the gop-stop” means “to find a victim and rob,” and “to take to the gop-stop” means “to rob.” From this lexical unit new verbs and nouns are formed. Thus, a thief can be called not only a gopnik, but also a gopstopnik, and his actions can be characterized by the verb “gopstopnut”.

Who goes to the gop-stop?

People who engage in gop-stop are considered to have their own distinctive characteristics. They wear branded sportswear and often have their hair cut short.

There are a great many subcultures in our society. Each of them has its own specific characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, and behavior. Today we will talk about gopniks.

The term itself comes from the slang word “gop”, which means “kick, jump”. Russian language dictionaries say that a gopnik is a street robber, a hooligan.

Gopniks, they are also gopas, gopota, gopori - the designation of some representatives of the youth. They are close to the criminal world, sometimes with traits of criminal behavior. Most often these people come from low-income families. Have low level education. According to statistics, gopniks study or have graduated from vocational schools and technical schools. But you can also find them in schools.

Most often you can meet gopniks at entrances and stalls. Especially favorite place- benches in the yard. Here they are discussing various topics, for example, who has the coolest car or details last fight. Communication is emotional, there is a lot of obscene language. Often communication takes place while listening to chanson playing on a mobile phone. Gopniks love to squat. They often drink beer from plastic cups and nibble on sunflower seeds.

How do Gopniks dress?

Any informal culture can be distinguished by its appearance. Gopniks also have their own distinctive features. Here are some of them:

  • sneakers counterfeited by famous brands such as Adidas, Reebok, Puma;
  • tights-type sweatpants, usually with one or two stripes along the seams;
  • Leather Jacket, usually open, or a tracksuit jacket;
  • an eight-piece cap, a baseball cap or a black winter hat (popularly “Chechen”).

Gopniks have a very short haircut, sometimes leaving a small bang. It’s interesting how the Gopniks wear their hats. It is put on the top of the head. In this case, the hat should not cover the ears, but, on the contrary, rest on them from behind.

In general, these people dress in a very specific way. Complete incompatibility and extreme cheapness of clothing are the main criteria for a Gopnik’s wardrobe.

How to deal with gopniks

If you meet a company on the street that matches the above description, then you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Try to pass by without turning around;
  • You should move quickly, along a broken path (through courtyards, for example);
  • Staying close to passers-by will make it appear that you are not alone;
  • Avoid dark, deserted places;
  • Try not to start a dialogue with them.

If you do start a conversation with a gopnik, then you need to know how to talk to him.

How to talk to gopniks

The conversation usually takes place on their initiative. They may ask you for a cigarette, ask you to make a phone call, or ask where you are going and why. One can only guess about their intentions. However, the consequences are often unpleasant. Gopniks - aggressive people. Therefore, it is important to understand how to communicate with gopniks. Here are tips for dialogue with gopniks:

  • smile, kindness is always useful;
  • It is advisable not to answer questions, and if you have to, then speak briefly and to the point;
  • do not comply with any requests;
  • remain polite and calm;
  • Don’t speak in terms or fancy words.

Many people are interested in the question of how to deal with gopniks. The fact that there are more and more such people is an indicator of the level of development of the state. Naturally, there is no point in physically destroying them. After all, if you attack Gopniks in a crowd, you can make enemies for yourself. Therefore, the fight against gopniks is a rhetorical question. But don't forget about your safety. You need to keep yourself physical fitness. If you do not know any type of martial arts, then classes in gym once or twice a week will help you stay in good physical shape. In addition, strength and endurance will increase. It is also useful to know street self-defense techniques. They are easy to find on the Internet and practice with a friend.

And if you are attracted by the romance of hooliganism, simplicity of speech and thoughts, you like cheap sportswear and chanson? How to become a gopnik?

It's very easy to become a Gopnik. We go to the market and buy the clothes mentioned above. Download compositions of modern thieves to your phone. We get dressed and go to the nearest yard. We approach any company of gopniks. They will definitely take you for one of their own.

So, I hope now you will know who the gopniks are. Be careful!

Probably, any person living in the post-Soviet space has heard the word “Gopnik” at least once. The subculture appeared in the twentieth century and became extremely widespread after the collapse Soviet Union.

Most often, young people are called gopniks, but the noticeable features of this social group can be observed in more age categories. Due to the lack of clear self-identification and the Gopniks themselves’ denial of belonging to a particular subculture, it is quite difficult to name the number of “Gopniks” in the CIS countries. Some Russian politicians It has been suggested that a quarter of Russia's youth are gops.


Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the subculture was not yet clearly formed and was used only within St. Petersburg. In the 20s, on the outskirts of the city (which was already called Leningrad) there was an area for street children and teenage hooligans. The "city hostel of the proletariat" among city residents was called by the abbreviation GOP. This is where the name came from, which gradually spread throughout the Soviet Union.


Already in the late 80s, Gopniks began to clearly stand out among the youth of large cities. The subculture was the most widespread among youth movements. However, the difficulty of studying it in detail lies in the fact that the gopniks themselves do not associate themselves with belonging to a particular social group. Moreover, such a generalization causes aggression in them. The appearance of gops is associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Along with the severe economic crisis, there was also dramatic change value systems. In the 90s, it deteriorated sharply. Many people preferred to earn money illegally. And most often they were related to the criminal world, living according to the so-called Zonov concepts.

The desire to assert themselves caused the less-educated and poor sections of the population to strive to be like the “authorities”; this is how Gopniks appeared. The subculture immediately acquired certain features. Most often, all youth movements have certain external signs that set them apart from other members of society. This is primarily the style of clothing, hairstyle, slang, manners.

Who are Gopniks: appearance

Gopniks have a certain style of clothing. Due to the mass nature and lack of self-identification as a member of a certain social group, there are no special stores or brands for gopniks (as in the situation with punks, rappers and other cultures). Clothing is a contrast between neatness and “intelligence” - the canons of clothing accepted in society. Any person dressed in what Gopniks consider to be excessively stylish clothes causes aggression in them. The gopas themselves wear mostly sports clothes. These are pants and a sweatshirt (sometimes with a hood). As shoes - sneakers or (often under a tracksuit). Due to low financial situation they cannot afford expensive clothes from famous brands. Therefore, most often they wear fake items from brands such as Adidas, Nike, Reebok and others.

A symbol of "crispness" is also the classic black leather jacket worn over a tracksuit. This style came from the criminal circles with which gops associate themselves. Gopnik denies and despises any fashionable hairstyles. Therefore, they choose simple hairstyles as a haircut. Most often it is “boxing” or simply Girls, on the contrary, dress in an excessively contrasting and provocative manner in order to emphasize their gender.


Who Gopniks are became known thanks to their behavioral traits. Most often they are on the street within their area. IN major cities Often there were fights between representatives of different regions on far-fetched reasons. Gopas walk in groups of several people. Favorite places are poorly lit areas with benches or tables. Gopniks use as entertainment alcoholic drinks and smoke cigarettes. Plastic bottle cheap beer, a pack of sunflower seeds and a cigarette behind the ear are the invariable attributes of a typical Gopnik.


A special type of pastime is fights and petty robberies. Gopas attack in a group the so-called suckers (non-marginal members of society) in order to appropriate their property - mobile phones, pocket money, precious jewelry. Most often, attacks occur not for profit, but for the sake of self-affirmation. Unstable emotional condition Among Gopniks it often leads to conflicts within their own group. The main thing for gops is imaginary respect, which, in their opinion, can be achieved by demonstrating their physical superiority over other people.

The way of life of Gopniks is reflected in First of all, this is music in which Gopnik jargon is present. Favorite genres are chanson, “boyish” rap, primitive pop.

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