Neutralization of negative programs. How to neutralize bad omens and avoid troubles

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Folk signs are different. You probably know both good and bad folk omens. Good omens make life more pleasant, but what about the influence of bad ones? And is it necessary to blindly believe these ancient (or not so ancient) wisdom?

I suggest you today try to neutralize the influence of bad omens. Let's consider the most common misconceptions, called bad folk omens and superstitions, and how you can reduce the harm from them, or even get rid of their bad influence.

You probably know about everyone’s least favorite number “13”. They say that Americans don’t even have 13 floors in high-rise buildings, they are so afraid of this number. Should we be afraid of him? Let it be known to you that the number “13” was endowed with bad qualities by the ancient priests who knew about its magical most positive influence. Well, so that “mere mortals”, that is, ordinary people, do not take advantage of its best sides, the easiest way is to say: “Fear the number 13. This is such a bad number that it must be avoided at all costs.” The people were gullible and did not even want to doubt the “truthfulness” of the priests’ words.

Maybe this is a legend, or maybe it’s true, but when I read about it, I changed my attitude towards this number (even though I wasn’t very afraid of it before). And somehow life became more pleasant, the days became brighter. And what can we say about Friday the 13th... It’s nonsense to be afraid of this day. This is the day before Saturday, and Saturday is a day off. So Friday the 13th should be a very pleasant day.

By the way, how do you feel about the 13th salary? Positive? That's the same... And you say a bad number... It's good. Very good. Let's change our attitude towards this number from today, and until you get used to its new “role”, then repeat to yourself: “I love the number 13, and Friday the 13th is just a great day” or something like that. After some time, you will be looking forward to the most positive and excellent news on the 13th, and on Friday the 13th even more so. So throw this superstition out of your life.

Well, okay, this is clear. I’ll tell you about another neutralization of a bad folk omen. How do you feel about salt? Yes, you probably understood that I mean the sign of spilled salt. I don’t know where the roots of this superstition come from, but I can assume that from the time of the “pilgrimage” of the Chumaks to the Crimea for salt. In those days, salt was very expensive. And just imagine: mom and dad bought expensive salt, and you took it and scattered it on the dirty floor, for example. Do you think they will praise you for this? That's right, in this case a quarrel is inevitable. They saved and saved money for salt, and then a son or daughter did this.

But how much does salt cost now? A lot of? Of course not! So why do we quarrel with our relatives over a scattered pile of salt? Is some salt worth a penny more valuable to you or family relationships?

By the way, do you like cats? What about blacks? Why don't you love it? Are you afraid of them too, just like the number 13? In general, they are very cute animals. Remember the Bravo song about an unlucky black cat? He, poor thing, was constantly unlucky. Probably because of our superstitions and another folk sign.

Well, what did a black cat do to you personally? In fact, they themselves did nothing, and only your thoughts are to blame for everything. You thought about bad things and attracted them into your life. Here you need to work, as with the number 13. You need to prepare yourself that if a cat crosses the road, even a black one, then something very good will DEFINITELY happen in your life. It may not work at once, but after some time you will tune in to the positive and when you see a black cat you will ask: “Kitty, cross the road so that I can have a successful and happy day.” And now another bad folk omen has been neutralized.

Well, you can go on as much as you like about turning bad omens into good ones, but I generally wanted to convey the following. ONLY FROM YOUR MOOD AND ATTITUDE towards this or that folk sign or superstition, they become either negative or positive.

Folk omens are not the ultimate truth. You have the right to create your own rules of the game, and not blindly follow all popular superstitions. Just live, enjoy life, and take anything bad as a small test of your personal strength.

I wish you good luck and maximum positivity from life!

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Hello my friends!

In this article, we looked at what sources of negative energy there are in and outside the house. And, as I promised you, today we will touch upon such an important topic as neutralizing negative energy. For any source of “poisonous arrows” there is a way to neutralize it. We'll talk about them.

Neutralization of negative energy coming from outside

So, what to do if you find a source of negative energy in the immediate vicinity of your home (or within view from the window)? The most powerful remedy
to neutralize its harmful effects - a Bagua mirror. This is a special octagonal mirror that can be purchased at any store that sells Feng Shui related products.

How to use it? It’s very simple - you hang it or place it on the window, pointing it towards a dangerous object. And that’s it – the negative impact of harmful energy is neutralized! But there is one serious limitation! The Bagua mirror should never be pointed at people!!! As much as you like on inanimate objects (pipes, guns, etc.), but not on living ones! This is dangerous, first of all, for yourself - if you do this, a very severe “rollback” will follow.

Therefore, in cases where a dangerous object is associated with people (a hospital or a residential building), you can simply use an ordinary mirror (not Bagua). It will, as it were, “mirror” negative energy from you, preventing it from passing into your home.

We had a very interesting case involving the use of a mirror in this way. We have new neighbors at the dacha. They immediately began to behave very noisily and uncivilized - they played “thieves” songs at full volume, shouted, quarreled, etc. Well, you understand that there was little pleasant from such a neighborhood - our site was separated from their site by just a street.

And so, tired of this behavior, my mother took an ordinary small mirror and attached it to our fence so that it was aimed at the new neighbors’ property. And what do you think - they calmed down, as if by magic! Every time my parents came from their dacha after the weekend, I asked: “Well, how are the new neighbors?” And my mother answered: “Completely quiet! This is a miracle!

And this is not a miracle at all, just Feng Shui in action! This reception did not bring anything bad to those neighbors, they just calmed down and began to live peacefully, like all the other summer residents. This is how this simple but very powerful technique works!

But what to do in the case of a straight road leading to the house, on which the energy “accelerates” and becomes destructive? If you have the opportunity (for example
, you live in a private house and can change something at will in the area in front of the house), then create objects near the house that will “distract” the energy and thereby slow it down. For example, a bright flowerbed in front of the entrance. Go for a fountain (by the way, if placed correctly, it will also enhance your money luck!).

If this is not possible, then the “wind chime”, which should be hung at the entrance, will save you from the harmful effects. It dispels the harmful effects of “poison arrows” and makes your home safe.

Neutralizing negative energy inside the home

The same rules apply inside the house. Sharp edges and corners of furniture, from which negative energy “bleeds,” can be neutralized with special overlays, which can now be easily purchased in stores or online. Initially, as I understand it, they were intended to protect small children from sharp corners of furniture, but for our purposes they are perfect!

“Wind chimes” work in exactly the same way here if you hang it in a long corridor or between rooms opposite each other (I wrote about the dangers of this in a previous article).

The negative impact of ceiling beams can be neutralized by placing a mirror facing upwards on a cabinet or other flat surface. By the way, this technique generally greatly enhances the energy in the area in which you place the mirror. It lifts energy up, strengthening it, thereby activating the desired zone!

Well, now you know how to protect your home from the harmful effects of negative energy. I hope that you will use the tips that I have given you in this article and neutralize all the “poison arrows”!

Your Ekaterina :))

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How to neutralize bad omens. Broke a mirror or spilled salt? There will be no trouble. Signs and superstitions are closely related to everyday life. Like beacons they signal good news or approaching danger. Even those who do not believe in magic try to avoid meeting a black cat and worry about a broken mirror. Subconsciously, we understand that the knowledge that has reached us did not appear out of nowhere. Each sign has its own justification.

How bad omens appeared The sign about a black cat has taken root in many countries. The main version of its appearance dates back to the times of the Inquisition. It was believed that these animals are closely connected with the Dark Forces. Some witches were even credited with the ability to turn into black cats. Unlucky animals were burned at the stake, as were women suspected of witchcraft. The sign about the woman with an empty bucket also did not appear out of nowhere. In ancient times, people returned with unfilled vessels if the well dried up. And the lack of water did not bode well for the villagers. The sign about spilled salt also has a everyday basis. In Rus', this food product was very expensive. If a guest dropped a few grains past, it was believed that he was expressing disrespect for the owner of the house. And an overturned salt shaker could provoke a major quarrel and scandal. Another common superstition is that you should not take out the trash after sunset. According to one version, the belief was firmly established among our ancestors. It was believed that prosperity and good luck could be taken out of the door along with rubbish. This superstition also has an everyday explanation: since there was no electricity before, at dusk it was possible to accidentally throw away the necessary thing. The threshold has always been considered a special place in the house. It symbolized the border between our world and the other world. And in ancient times there was a custom of burying the ashes of ancestors under the threshold. These reasons are associated with prohibitions on passing anything across the border at home, pregnant women sitting in this place, and much more. Many superstitions are associated with the mirror. It is no coincidence that this item is considered a magical tool with which you can influence a person’s destiny. The first mirrors were very expensive, so their damage brought a big loss. There were a variety of rumors about the reflective surface, which gradually grew into stable beliefs. Esotericists are convinced that the mirror accumulates energy, including negative energy. When it breaks, the entire accumulated charge is instantly released and causes a series of misfortunes.

How to neutralize bad omens Not all bad omens portend imminent disaster. Some of them come true only because a person has set himself up for failure in advance. In any case, it will not hurt to use simple tips: 1. If you have spilled salt, take a pinch from the scattered grains and throw it over your left shoulder. Repeat the action three times. Among the advice of esotericists, there are other ways to neutralize this sign. For example, sprinkle a little sugar on top or draw a cross on the scattered salt. After that, everything can be swept onto a dustpan and thrown out the door. 2. If you put your clothes on inside out, quickly take them off and trample with your bare feet (1 circle counterclockwise). After that, you can put it back on without fear of problems or conflicts. 3.You cannot look into a broken or cracked mirror. But to completely neutralize one of the worst signs, this is not enough. After all, such a sign portends great grief in the family, misfortune for several years, and even the death of a loved one. The first thing you should say is: “The mirror breaks, it doesn’t concern me.” Next, remove the fragments with a broom on a dustpan (if the mirror fell and broke) and wrap them in a dark-colored fabric. Take the package outside immediately; under no circumstances store it at home. You can dispose of a dangerous item in different ways: throw it in water, bury it in the ground, or throw it in a trash can. At home, wash your hands thoroughly with running water. 4.If a bird purposefully knocks on the window, troubles and trials await the family. To avoid this, place a wooden board on the street side and leave the house for a couple of hours. When you return, remove the board and tie a red ribbon or woolen thread to the doorknob. 5. It is considered a bad omen if a sparrow, crow, pigeon or forest bird flies into an open window. To ward off trouble, catch the feathered guest and release him with the words “As he flew in, he flew out.” Next, throw in a handful of cereal, and the next day feed the birds on the street away from the house. 6. Meeting with a funeral procession is a bad omen. You cannot cross her path or overtake her in a car. It is recommended to stop and wait for the procession to pass by. Men need to remove their hats. 7. Losing your wedding ring doesn't bode well. The sign speaks of an imminent divorce and major family troubles. If this happens, buy new rings as soon as possible and put them on each other’s fingers as when registering. A single old ring should be held under running water, then removed away or sent for melting. 8. A wristwatch that suddenly stops portends the owner a serious illness and the onset of a dark streak in life. You need to take them to the workshop immediately. If the mechanism has been repaired, upon your return, wrap the item in a dark cloth and put it away for a day. If the watch cannot be restored, place it in a container of water for 24 hours. Then pour out the water in a deserted place, and bury the clock in the ground. Remember that you cannot touch them with your bare hands. 9. If you hear a knock on the door, but there is no one behind it, do not open the door and do not look through the opening. It is believed that this is a sign of impending trouble. By opening the doors, you let grief into the house. The most terrible omen is considered to be a knock after sunset - this foreshadows the death of a loved one. Light a candle and walk around each room clockwise, reading any protective spell or prayer. If possible, hang an amulet above the door (horseshoe, eye of Fatima, Slavic amulet, etc.). 10. The howl of a dog has long been considered a harbinger of misfortune (theft, fire, death). But even this bad omen can be neutralized. To do this, our ancestors went out of the gate and said a short spell three times: “Go away, trouble, not through these gates!” The dog howls and the wind blows!” If you do not live in a private house, go out of the entrance and say the same words. When you hear a dog howling at night (from your neighbors or from the street), say: “On your own head.” If such a situation occurs on the street, go through three intersections before going home. It is believed that in this case trouble will not follow.

It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. Someone constantly interferes in our lives, as a result we lose strength, energy, quarrel with our family and friends, etc. Magic will help neutralize the negative influence of others.

Recovery after energy outflow

Sometimes we don’t feel any strength at all, as if someone had sucked it out of us in the literal sense of the word. And we are not necessarily talking about intentional energy vampirism, when a person realizes that he lacks “native” energy and takes it from his colleagues, loved ones and relatives.

The process of transfer of forces can begin regardless of the will of the “recipient”. As such, energy vampirism can be divided into two types: forced and intentional.

Forced energy vampirism affects people either born with this feature or older people. Also, short-term forced vampirism is characteristic of those who have been under the influence of a serious illness for a long time.

This happens primarily because the human body produces less energy than it needs to function, or the body’s cells simply do not know how to accumulate the energy they generate, giving too much of it to the environment.

Forced vampires often simply do not realize that they feed on the powers of those around them. There are also people who have specifically developed the quality of an energy vampire in themselves in order to deliberately steal strength and health from others.

As such, energy vampirism cannot be considered a purely negative quality, especially if the property was given to a person from birth.

The thing is that in addition to “vampires” there are two more energy types of people. Ordinary people, that is, those whose body produces and can retain as much vital force as is necessary for a normal life. Energy donors are those whose body produces much more energy than it itself needs. Such a person, with proper training, can become a good magician. But if such a person does not know how to control the huge flows of energy constantly emanating from him, like an energy vampire, he can bring a lot of trouble. The simplest example of this is the evil eye - an unconscious negative influence on others.

Moreover, uncontrolled energy bursts can seriously ruin the life of the donor himself. I wished something bad for myself in the heat of the moment, and failures flow like a river. For such people, friendship with energy vampires is simply necessary. Needless to say, an energy donor can become either an ordinary person or a vampire by leading a certain lifestyle.

Here is perhaps the most elementary of examples. In some cases, we ourselves share strength with our loved ones to support them in difficult times. Of course, which of the three categories each of us belongs to ultimately decides for himself, choosing one or another way of life. Any of the categories in a certain situation can bring both harm and benefit. However, you must definitely restore yourself, otherwise the matter may “end” in the hospital. To do this, read: “I will be baptized with the cross, I will gird myself with the cross. I will go out, bowing, I will go, blessing myself, from the yard into an open field, beyond the road, to the ocean-sea. On the Okiyan Sea stands the island of Kadoylov, on it there is a scarlet elm, from under that elm, from under a rakitov bush the river Sila flows. Whoever drinks from that river will have his strength returned. I drink from that river, I take strength. The strength-veins are brave, brave, just as the water in the Sila River will not dry up, so my strength will not drown me. Amen". Note that this spell needs to be recited until you really feel how full of strength and energy you are again.

How to remove interference in your privacy

A fairly common occurrence is that someone else interferes in the relationship of two people who love each other. This could be a family friend, best friend, lover, or parents. It is impossible to protect yourself from all the dangers on your life's path. However, it is possible and necessary to neutralize third-party interference in your personal life. We offer you a magical ritual, which must be performed in the evening or at night, on the waning moon. Before the ceremony you need to stock up on some things. You will need:

  • a blank white sheet of paper and a pen;
  • Postal envelope;
  • medium-sized clove of garlic;
  • a small wax candle from the church.

The entire ritual is performed in an open space. You need to light a candle, write with a pen on paper the name of the ill-wisher who is ready to destroy your love relationship. Next, take the garlic and grind it by name. If a person is unpleasant to you, rub garlic with all the anger you can muster. Place the paper in an envelope and seal with candle wax. After that, take the envelope and raise it to the sky.

Say the words of such a conspiracy: “The Lord God Himself said: “Whoever asks in my name will be given according to his request.” Lord Almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ I ask you to help me free me and my beloved (name) from (name of the person who interferes in your relationship), let him not be an obstacle to our happiness, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The spell must be pronounced three times, and the envelope must be burned with a candle. Take the resulting ashes away from your home and bury them deeper into the ground.

To be successful in life, both personal and professional, you need to be able to achieve what you want and attract the right events and people. If you cannot achieve what you want, it means that internal barriers, that is, mental-emotional programs, are interfering. Negative programs consist of wrong thoughts, beliefs, false ideas and motives that cause negative emotions. These formations settle in a person’s aura and, on the one hand, interfere with the flow of energy from higher planes, and on the other, they attract troubles. Therefore, if you cannot succeed at work, improve your material well-being, or find your other half, then you should analyze your internal state for the presence of these very negative programs.

The very first step you need to take is to find the program that is poisoning your life. It is easier to solve a problem when you know the cause, but to find the cause, you need to work hard. First, the initial condition for discovering the causes of your troubles is being truthful with yourself. Often people consider themselves truthful if they tell others the truth. But being truthful with yourself is much harder, because you have to admit that you thought and acted wrongly. If this condition is not met, nothing will work. A person who does not admit his mistakes and blames others for his troubles is doomed to defeat in advance, and nothing in his life will change. To be the master of your destiny, you need to stop thinking that someone is to blame for your problems, and take responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

To detect a negative program, you need to carefully examine the motive of your actions and aspirations. Ask yourself - why do I need this? What do I want to achieve with this? Why am I doing this? Who will win as a result? If, as a result of such an analysis, it turns out that you were striving for something not from good intentions, but from selfish ones, then this is a negative program. This is where awareness of the problem lies. You found the negative, pulled it to the surface, and now you need to work with it, remove it, neutralize it.

Awareness itself half solves the problem. Next, you should pray or in some other way switch your attention and raise it upward. In religion this is called repentance. That is, you realized that you acted, thought, and reacted incorrectly, and now, realizing this, you decided to improve. I want to note that repentance is not blaming yourself, you don’t need to scold yourself for being such a bad sinner, otherwise your repentance will turn into a program of self-destruction, which can lead to various diseases. It is better to focus on solving the problem and changing yourself. We are all imperfect. And they were born just to become better.

To remove the program, you can also replace the motive from negative to positive after its detection. The essence of each program, motivation, is captured, and subsequently the internal motive of actions, desires and thoughts when interacting with the outside world is tracked. And if a false, negative motive is detected, it is replaced with a positive motive.

For example, you strive for material well-being. Analyze why you need this. Think about what you will do when you receive the money. If you seek money to rise above others, to prove your uniqueness and talent, or to gain self-confidence, this indicates that you have the wrong motive. Next, you need to change the motive from false to true. For example, you may strive for money in order to achieve a higher goal - to help people, invest in the development of something, build something new, etc., or you want to have a beautiful wife or husband. If you strive for this in order to impress your friends and acquaintances, so that everyone will gasp and respect you more, then this means that the desire for a love relationship is motivated by the desire to increase your status. In this state of affairs, you need to understand that this is wrong and replace the false motive with a positive one. For example, you can also want a beautiful spouse, but be guided not by the desire to gain prestige, but by the desire to make him happy and give him everything you can.

Another fairly common situation is the desire for knowledge out of fear. A person is afraid of unforeseen events and wants to gain as much knowledge as possible in order to manage the situation and the world around him. The more knowledge is gained, the more a person knows how to avoid conflicts. From this it is clear that the desire for self-improvement is motivated not by the divine essence, not by love for the world, not by the desire to serve others, but by personal selfish motive. This is the problem of many advanced people. To solve this problem, constant monitoring of the motive of your actions, feelings and thoughts and discarding those that imply the priority of personal gain will help. It will also help to realize oneself as a soul in emergence, where the physical body and personality are seen as a tool for practical interaction with the material world. Then maintaining good health, striving for knowledge and developing abilities will be considered as improving this tool for more successful work.

Negative programs can be represented as a kind of false personality living in a person. Maybe you've noticed that sometimes you have thoughts and emotions that you don't want to experience. This is the manifestation of false personalities, or negative programs. They exist as if by themselves, forcing a person to react incorrectly, condemn and criticize. And to get rid of them, you need to be aware. Being mindful means constantly observing yourself, your thoughts and emotional reactions. Observing yourself, track your false states and, with the help of your will, replace negative programs with positive ones.

With awareness, you deprive them of energy supply and thereby cleanse your subtle bodies. If you constantly inhibit the manifestation of false personality programs, they will gradually become exhausted and disappear. And the fewer negative programs you have in your aura, the higher your energy. And, accordingly, you can realize your goals faster and attract only positive events. Therefore, awareness is the most important quality of a person who has decided to follow the path of perfection and control his own destiny. When communicating with people, doing higher work or any other action, try to observe your inner state. And when you react to something, ask yourself: “What is happening to me?” By doing this you will bring your negativity to the surface. And once you pull it to the surface, it will be easy to deal with.


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