Night of Museums. History, reasons for appearance and prospects

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"Night of Museums".

“Night of Museums” is an international cultural and educational event, during which museums and other cultural institutions are open until late in the evening or even at night, and visitors have the opportunity to view exhibitions using a single city ticket, often free of charge. In many countries, the event is held several times a year; there are no general regulations for its implementation.

History of the promotion

The first "Long Night of Museums" (German: Lange Nacht der Museen) was organized in 1997 in twelve museums in Berlin. In 1999, similar events were organized by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. In 2005, the Council of Europe approved the idea put forward by France to hold an annual international event, in which over 3,500 museums from more than 40 countries currently participate. The pan-European event is being held under the patronage of the Council of Europe and the International Council of Museums (ICOM) on the weekend closest to International Museum Day on May 18.

"Night of Museums" in Russia

Russia joined the action on April 20, 2002 - then the Krasnoyarsk Museum Center held the “Museum Night” for the first time, which was visited by 5 thousand people. In 2006, St. Petersburg and Kazan held their “Night of Museums”; in 2007, the event was held for the first time in Moscow (in the capital it was called “Night at the Museum”) and Yekaterinburg. Many cultural institutions prepare exhibition and excursion programs specifically for the date of the event, but a significant part of Russian museums are open on this day until 21:00 or 23:00 and still close for the night.

In 2015, the “Night of Museums” event received federal status and began to be held centrally, with the support of the Ministry of Culture. The event was attended by federal, departmental and private museums across the country.

In 2016, the event took place on May 21-22, and its main theme was the Year of Russian Cinema. As part of the event, with the support of the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO), a “Night of History” was also held, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the RVIO. In addition, the Ministry of Culture recommended that museums hold “The History of One Exhibit” events. In St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Kaliningrad (in this city it is called “Museum Night”), venues participating in the federal action on May 21 worked on a single ticket.

In 2017, the main theme in the Russian Federation was the 200th anniversary of the revolutionary events of 1917, while in a number of museums events were dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia. The campaign covered over 2 thousand museums in more than 80 regions of the country. With a single entrance ticket you could visit the museums and galleries participating in the “Night...” of St. Petersburg (110 sites), Yekaterinburg (five of 29 sites to choose from the ticket holder) and Kaliningrad (seven of 15 sites to choose from).

"Night at the Museum" in Moscow in 2017

On May 20, more than 300 venues, including the capital’s museums, galleries, art schools, art centers and exhibition halls, were open in the evening and at night; admission to most events was free (with pre-registration). According to information from the head of the Moscow Department of Culture, Alexander Kibovsky, in total, more than 2 thousand 100 events in the Russian capital were attended by over 520 thousand people.

The most visited were the Kolomenskoye Museum-Estate (68 thousand 420 people), the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve (66 thousand 200 people), the Museum of Moscow (13 thousand 900 people), the State Historical Museum (10 thousand 300 people ) and the Darwin Museum (9 thousand 900 people).

Promotion 2018

This year's theme is formulated as “Masterpieces from the Vaults” - museums will show unique exhibits, many of which have never been shown to the public before. According to the Ministry of Culture, all regions of the Russian Federation are participating in the event. More than 200 sites will operate in Moscow, 118 sites in St. Petersburg. The grand opening of the All-Russian event "Night of Museums" will be held at the branch of the State Literary Museum - the Museum of the Silver Age. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky will take part in it.

On May 18, the world celebrates International Museum Day. This day was established in May 1977 at the XI General Conference of the International Council of Museums in Moscow on the initiative of the Soviet delegation. On the eve of this day, in many countries of the world and throughout Russia, the event “Museum Night” or “Night of Museums” is taking place (in Moscow it is called “Night at the Museum”).

Back in the 1970s. In Europe, in May, museums traditionally opened their doors for free visits, and sometimes, when people did not have time to view the exhibition, they even extended their opening hours. Then this action was called “Spring of Museums”.

In 1997, the first official event took place in Berlin, which went down in history as the “Long Night of Museums” (Lange Nacht der Museen). This artistic and educational event takes place in Berlin twice a year on the last Saturday of January and August.

The Berlin city administration decided to allow visitors into museums for free on this day, and conduct excursions all night long. The idea was a great success and the following year another 20 cities in Germany joined the action.

The history of night museum festivities dedicated to International Museum Day in Europe began in 2001 in Paris and quickly gained popularity in all major European capitals.

To unite and structure the action, they began to give themes for it - “Five Senses”, “Secret Revelations” or “History and Stories”. Museums in Europe organized exhibitions and fairs, theatrical performances, performances, masquerades and concerts.

Thus, in 2003, in Austria, as part of the holiday, the collection of Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein, who exhibited Rubens’s paintings, including the famous painting “Venus in front of a mirror,” aroused great interest.

In 2004, the most popular and visited museum in Germany was the Berlin Cathedral, with more than 22 thousand visitors. In 2005, during the "Long Night of Museums" you could visit more than a hundred Berlin museums over the course of an evening and night with one ticket.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

This article is about an international museum action. About the film, see the article Night at the Museum

Night of Museums- an international event dedicated to International Museum Day, during which you can view museum exhibitions at night. On this night, many museums are open to visitors after sunset until almost morning. The main goal of the action is to show the resource, opportunities, and potential of modern museums, and to attract young people to museums.

The first “Night of Museums” was held in Berlin in 1997.


In 2010, the action was held on the night of May 15-16.

In 2011, the action in Moscow took place on the night of May 14-15, and 159 city museums took part in the action. In addition to going to the museum, Muscovites were able to go on bus excursions around the city that night. 40 exhibition organizations took part in Yekaterinburg, opening 58 venues in the city. In total, the project “European Night of Museums in Yekaterinburg - 2011” was visited by 67,000 people.

In 2011, on the initiative of the Patron Foundation and the Living Water company, the leading museums of Orenburg joined the action for the first time, managing from 19:00 to 00:00 to receive a total of an incredible number of visitors for their history - about 3,000 people per day.

In 2012, the action took place on the night of May 19-20.

In 2013, the action took place on the night of May 18-19.

In 2014, the action took place on the night of May 17-18. There were 73 sites in Yekaterinburg (in 2011 - 58), which were visited by 95 thousand people (in 2011 - 67 thousand). Thus, we can state that the popularity of the campaign is growing in the fourth largest city in Russia.


In 2015, the action took place on the night of May 16-17. Its main theme was a line from the work of Alexander Tvardovsky: “We fell for our Motherland, but it was saved.” The action will be timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.


More than 250 cultural institutions (museums, galleries and art clusters) were opened.

For the ninth time, the initiator and organizer of “Night at the Museum” was the Moscow Department of Culture, which pays special attention to citywide events that shape the image of the capital and transform its sociocultural landscape.

The owl was chosen as the symbol of the museum night - the night bird calls for a look at the “museum” life at dusk, outside the usual framework of perception of culture and time. Her special “Night Vision” allows you to see even the most hidden details and objects.

This year, “Night at the Museum” coincides with the Day of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Moscow - these events demonstrate new approaches to holding events in the field of culture. Day and night programs unite the cultural space of the capital - in addition to museums, galleries and art clusters, ancient estates, ministry buildings and other architectural monuments, usually inaccessible to the public, were opened to everyone from 10.00 (list of historical places participating in the project, available on the official website

According to established tradition, art will take to the streets. On the territory of three pedestrian zones in Moscow, “Night Stations” will be organized - open multi-genre spaces, where events of the parallel cultural and educational program “Nights at the Museum” will take place. The central themes are the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Year of Literature. These same sites will become a platform for open communication between cultural institutions and guests of the event: the information centers of the “Night Stations” will talk about the most striking projects of museums, exhibition halls and other institutions over the past year. “Night stations” were open from 12:00 to 23:00 - a series of special events were provided for the youngest residents of the city.

For the first time, business spaces are involved in the context of “Night at the Museum” - on the eve of the event, special information stands will be installed in the largest business centers of Moscow, announcing the events of the event.

This year, “Night at the Museum” will offer a new opportunity for dialogue between citizens and cultural figures: for the first time in the history of the event, artists will invite guests to their workshops (the conditions for visiting the “Museum Apartments” will be announced on the official website of the event

As part of the “Night at the Museum”, the “Night Guide School” will be opened for everyone who wants to become art volunteers and take direct part in the museum life of the capital. Applications for “admission” will be accepted on the official website of the promotion. Amateur night guides will be prepared by the winners and finalists of the Moscow Department of Culture competition “Best Museum Tour Guide.”

The “Nights at the Museum” excursion program will continue with walks in the company of famous cultural and artistic figures through Moscow museums. Unusual tours will be held in the format of conversations with authoritative journalists - the voices of “star guides” can also be heard using special audio guides.


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Excerpt characterizing the Night of Museums

“I know this, and I will prove it,” said Rostov.
- I…
Telyanin's frightened, pale face began to tremble with all its muscles; the eyes were still running, but somewhere below, not rising to Rostov’s face, sobs were heard.
“Count!... don’t ruin the young man... this poor money, take it...” He threw it on the table. – My father is an old man, my mother!...
Rostov took the money, avoiding Telyanin’s gaze, and, without saying a word, left the room. But he stopped at the door and turned back. “My God,” he said with tears in his eyes, “how could you do this?”
“Count,” said Telyanin, approaching the cadet.
“Don’t touch me,” Rostov said, pulling away. - If you need it, take this money. “He threw his wallet at him and ran out of the tavern.

In the evening of the same day, there was a lively conversation between the squadron officers at Denisov’s apartment.
“And I’m telling you, Rostov, that you need to apologize to the regimental commander,” said a tall staff captain with graying hair, a huge mustache and large features of a wrinkled face, turning to the crimson, excited Rostov.
Staff captain Kirsten was demoted to soldier twice for matters of honor and served twice.
– I won’t allow anyone to tell me that I’m lying! - Rostov screamed. “He told me I was lying, and I told him he was lying.” It will remain so. He can assign me to duty every day and put me under arrest, but no one will force me to apologize, because if he, as a regimental commander, considers himself unworthy of giving me satisfaction, then...
- Just wait, father; “Listen to me,” the captain interrupted the headquarters in his bass voice, calmly smoothing his long mustache. - In front of other officers, you tell the regimental commander that the officer stole...
“It’s not my fault that the conversation started in front of other officers.” Maybe I shouldn’t have spoken in front of them, but I’m not a diplomat. Then I joined the hussars, I thought that there was no need for subtleties, but he told me that I was lying... so let him give me satisfaction...
- This is all good, no one thinks that you are a coward, but that’s not the point. Ask Denisov, does this look like something for a cadet to demand satisfaction from the regimental commander?
Denisov, biting his mustache, listened to the conversation with a gloomy look, apparently not wanting to engage in it. When asked by the captain's staff, he shook his head negatively.
“You tell the regimental commander about this dirty trick in front of the officers,” the captain continued. - Bogdanych (the regimental commander was called Bogdanych) besieged you.
- He didn’t besiege him, but said that I was telling a lie.
- Well, yes, and you said something stupid to him, and you need to apologize.
- No way! - Rostov shouted.
“I didn’t think this from you,” the captain said seriously and sternly. “You don’t want to apologize, but you, father, not only before him, but before the entire regiment, before all of us, you are completely to blame.” Here's how: if only you had thought and consulted on how to deal with this matter, otherwise you would have drunk right in front of the officers. What should the regimental commander do now? Should the officer be put on trial and the entire regiment besmirched? Because of one scoundrel, the whole regiment is disgraced? So, what do you think? But in our opinion, not so. And Bogdanich is great, he told you that you are telling lies. It’s unpleasant, but what can you do, father, they attacked you yourself. And now, as they want to hush up the matter, because of some kind of fanaticism you don’t want to apologize, but want to tell everything. You are offended that you are on duty, but why should you apologize to an old and honest officer! No matter what Bogdanich is, he’s still an honest and brave old colonel, it’s such a shame for you; Is it okay for you to dirty the regiment? – The captain’s voice began to tremble. - You, father, have been in the regiment for a week; today here, tomorrow they have moved somewhere to the adjutants; you don’t care what they say: “there are thieves among the Pavlograd officers!” But we care. So, what, Denisov? Does it matter?
Denisov remained silent and did not move, occasionally glancing at Rostov with his shiny black eyes.
“You value your own fanabery, you don’t want to apologize,” the headquarters captain continued, “but for us old men, how we grew up, and even if we die, God willing, we will be brought into the regiment, so the honor of the regiment is dear to us, and Bogdanich knows this.” Oh, what a road, father! And this is not good, not good! Be offended or not, I will always tell the truth. Bad!
And the headquarters captain stood up and turned away from Rostov.
- Pg "avda, chog" take it! - Denisov shouted, jumping up. - Well, G'skeleton! Well!
Rostov, blushing and turning pale, looked first at one officer, then at the other.
- No, gentlemen, no... don’t think... I really understand, you’re wrong to think about me like that... I... for me... I’m for the honor of the regiment. So what? I will show this in practice, and for me the honor of the banner... well, it’s all the same, really, it’s my fault!.. - Tears stood in his eyes. - I’m guilty, I’m guilty all around!... Well, what else do you need?...
“That’s it, Count,” the captain of staff shouted, turning around, hitting him on the shoulder with his big hand.
“I’m telling you,” Denisov shouted, “he’s a nice little guy.”
“That’s better, Count,” the headquarters captain repeated, as if beginning to call him a title for his recognition. - Come and apologize, your Excellency, yes sir.
“Gentlemen, I’ll do everything, no one will hear a word from me,” Rostov said in a pleading voice, “but I can’t apologize, by God, I can’t, whatever you want!” How will I apologize, like a little one, asking for forgiveness?
Denisov laughed.
- It's worse for you. Bogdanich is vindictive, you will pay for your stubbornness,” said Kirsten.
- By God, not stubbornness! I can’t describe to you what a feeling, I can’t...
“Well, it’s your choice,” said the headquarters captain. - Well, where did this scoundrel go? – he asked Denisov.
“He said he was sick, and the manager ordered him to be expelled,” Denisov said.
“It’s a disease, there’s no other way to explain it,” said the captain at the headquarters.
“It’s not a disease, but if he doesn’t catch my eye, I’ll kill him!” – Denisov shouted bloodthirstyly.
Zherkov entered the room.
- How are you? - the officers suddenly turned to the newcomer.
- Let's go, gentlemen. Mak surrendered as a prisoner and with the army, completely.
- You're lying!
- I saw it myself.
- How? Have you seen Mack alive? with arms, with legs?
- Hike! Hike! Give him a bottle for such news. How did you get here?
“They sent me back to the regiment again, for the devil’s sake, for Mack.” The Austrian general complained. I congratulated him on Mak’s arrival... Are you from the bathhouse, Rostov?
- Here, brother, we have such a mess for the second day.
The regimental adjutant came in and confirmed the news brought by Zherkov. We were ordered to perform tomorrow.
- Let's go, gentlemen!
- Well, thank God, we stayed too long.

Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, destroying behind him bridges on the rivers Inn (in Braunau) and Traun (in Linz). On October 23, Russian troops crossed the Enns River. Russian convoys, artillery and columns of troops in the middle of the day stretched through the city of Enns, on this side and on the other side of the bridge.
The day was warm, autumn and rainy. The vast perspective that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood protecting the bridge was suddenly covered with a muslin curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun objects as if covered with varnish became visible far away and clearly. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge, on both sides of which masses of Russian troops poured, crowding. At the bend of the Danube one could see ships, an island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the Ensa confluence with the Danube; one could see the left rocky bank of the Danube covered with pine forests with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges. The towers of the monastery were visible, protruding from behind a pine forest that seemed untouched; far ahead on the mountain, on the other side of Enns, enemy patrols could be seen.

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