Moral quests in dead souls. Moral and philosophical issues of N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”

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1-6 In the evening everyone gathered at Steers's to play cards. Among the other guests was Thomas Harvey. This young man stayed in Lissa due to a serious illness. While playing, he clearly heard female voice said: “Running on the waves.” And yesterday Thomas watched from the window of the tavern a girl who had just gotten off the ship. She behaved as if she could subjugate both people and circumstances. In the morning, Harvey learned that the stranger who amazed him was called Biche Seniel. For some reason, it seemed to him that the girl and yesterday’s voice were somehow connected. When he saw a ship in the port with the inscription “Running on the Waves,” his guess only grew stronger. Captain Ghez, a harsh and not very friendly person, agreed to take Harvey as a passenger only with the permission of the owner of the ship, a certain Brown.
When Thomas returned with the note, the captain became friendlier. He introduced Harvey to Butler and Sinkwright, his assistants. The rest of the crew did not resemble sailors, but different rabble.
13-18 Already during the voyage, Thomas learns that this ship was once built by Ned Seniel. On the captain's desk was a portrait of his daughter. When Ned went bankrupt, Gez bought the ship. At Dagon, the captain took three women on board for entertainment. But soon Harvey heard one of them screaming, and Ghez threatening her. While defending the woman, Thomas hit the captain in the jaw so hard that he fell down. The enraged Gez ordered Harvey to be put in a boat and put into the sea. When the ship was about to set sail, a woman, wrapped from head to toe, jumped into it. The girl’s voice was the same as the one who uttered the mysterious phrase at Steers’s party. She said her name was Frezi Grant and told her to sail south. There he will meet a ship heading to Gel-Gyu, which will pick him up. At the girl’s request, Harvey promised not to tell anyone, not even Beach Seniel, about her. Then Frezi Grant stepped onto the water and was carried away by the waves. By lunchtime, Thomas actually met the ship “Nyrok”, which was heading to Gel-Gyu and picked him up. There Harvey once again heard about Frezi Grant. Her father had a frigate. One day, a wave in a completely calm sea dropped him next to an unusually beautiful island, to which it was not possible to land. Frezi, however, insisted on this. Then the young lieutenant noticed that she was so light and thin that she could run straight across the water on her own. The girl actually jumped off the ship and easily walked across the waves. The fog immediately fell, and when it cleared, there was no longer either Frezi or the island. The fact that Thomas listened to the legend especially attentively was noticed only by Proctor’s niece, Daisy.

Alexander Stepanovich Green

Running on the waves

Novel (1928)

In the evening they played cards at Steers's. Among those gathered was Thomas Harvey, a young man stranded in Liss due to serious illness. While playing, Harvey heard a woman's voice clearly say:

“Running on the Waves.” Moreover, the other players did not hear anything.

The day before, from the window of the tavern, Harvey watched as a girl came off the ship, acting as if she was gifted with the secret of subjugating circumstances and people. The next morning, Thomas went to find out where the stranger who had amazed him was staying, and learned that her name was Biche Seniel.

For some reason, he saw a connection between the stranger and yesterday’s incident behind the cards. This guess became stronger when in the port he saw a ship with light contours and on its board the inscription: “Running on the waves.”

Captain Gez, surly and harsh person, refused to take Harvey as a passenger without the permission of the owner, a certain Brown.

With Brown's note, the captain received Harvey almost kindly and introduced him to his assistants Sinkwright and Butler, who produced good impression, in contrast to the rest of the crew, who look more like rabble than sailors.

During the voyage, Thomas learned that the ship was built by Ned Seniel. Seniel Harvey had already seen the portrait of his daughter Bice on the table in the captain's cabin. Gez bought the ship when Ned went broke.

At Dagon, three women boarded. Harvey did not want to take part in the fun that had begun with the captain, and he stayed at his place. After some time, hearing the screams of one of the women and the threats of the drunken captain, Harvey intervened and, in defense, knocked the captain down with a blow to the jaw.

Enraged, Ghez ordered to be put into a boat and launched into the open sea. When the boat was already drifting away from the side, a woman wrapped from head to toe deftly jumped over to Harvey. Under a hail of ridicule, they set sail from the ship.

When the stranger spoke, Harvey realized that it was this voice that he had heard at Steers’s party. The girl called herself Frezi Grant and told Harvey to head south. There he will be picked up by a ship heading to Gel-Gyu. Having made him promise not to tell anyone about her, including Beach Seniel, Frezi Grant stepped onto the water and swept away along the waves.

By noon, Harvey actually met the “Dive” going to Gel-Gyu. Here on the ship, Harvey again heard about Frezi Grant. One day, when the sea was completely calm, a rising wave lowered her father’s frigate near the extraordinary beauty of the island, to which there was no possibility of mooring. Frezi, however, insisted, and then the young lieutenant casually noted that the girl was so thin and light that she could run on water. In response, she jumped onto the water and easily ran through the waves. Then the fog descended, and when it cleared, neither the island nor the girl was visible. They say she began to appear as a castaway.

Harvey listened to the legend with special attention, but only Daisy, Proctor’s niece, noticed this. Finally, “Dive” approached Gel-Gyu. The city was in the grip of a carnival. Harvey walked along with the motley crowd and found himself near a marble figure, on the pedestal of which was the inscription: “Running on the waves.”

The city, it turns out, was founded by Williams Hobbes, who was shipwrecked a hundred years ago in the surrounding waters. And he was saved by freesia Grant, who came running along the waves and named a course that led Hobbes to the then deserted shore, where he settled.

Then some woman called out to Harvey and said that a person in the theater was waiting for him. yellow dress with brown fringe. Having no doubt that it was Bice Seniel, Harvey hurried to the theater. But the woman dressed as said turned out to be Daisy. She was disappointed that Harvey called her by Beeche's name and quickly left. A minute later Harvey saw Bice Seniel. She brought money and was now looking for a meeting with Gez to buy the ship. Harvey managed to find out which hotel Ghez was staying at. The next morning he went there with Butler. They went up to the captain. Gez lay with a bullet through his head.

People came running. Suddenly they brought Biche Seniel. It turned out that the day before the captain was very drunk. In the morning a young lady came to him, and then a shot rang out. The girl was detained on the stairs. But then Butler spoke up and admitted that it was he who killed Gez.

He had his own account with the scammer. It turns out that the “Running on the Waves” was carrying a cargo of opium, and Butler was owed a significant part of the income, but the captain deceived him.

He didn’t find Gez in the room, and when he appeared with the lady, Butler hid in the closet. But the date ended in an ugly scene, and in order to get rid of Gez, the girl jumped out of the window onto the landing, where she was later detained. When Butler got out of the closet, the captain attacked him, and Butler had no choice but to kill him.

Having learned the truth about the ship, Beach ordered the desecrated vessel to be sold at auction. Before parting, Harvey told Beach about his meeting with Frezi Grant. Beach suddenly began to insist that his story was a legend. Harvey thought that Daisy would have taken his story with complete confidence, and remembered with regret that Daisy was engaged.

Some time passed. One day in Lega, Harvey met Daisy. She broke up with her fiancé, and there was no regret in her story about it. Soon Harvey and Daisy got married. Doctor Filatr visited their house on the seashore.

He spoke about the fate of the ship “Running on the Waves,” the dilapidated hull of which he discovered near a deserted island. How and under what circumstances the crew left the ship remained a mystery.

I saw Filatr and Biche Seniel. She was already married and gave Harvey a short letter wishing him happiness.

Daisy, she said, expected the letter to recognize Harvey's right to see what he wanted. Daisy Harvey speaks for everyone:

“Thomas Harvey, you are right. Everything was as you said. Frezi Grant! You exist! Answer me!”

“Good evening, friends! – we heard from the sea. “I’m in a hurry, I’m running...”

I. G. Zhivotovsky

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  19. Running on the waves

Alexander Stepanovich Green

"Running on the Waves"

In the evening they played cards at Steers's. Among those gathered was Thomas Harvey, a young man stranded in Lissa due to serious illness. During the game, Harvey heard a woman's voice clearly say: “Running on the waves.” Moreover, the other players did not hear anything.

The day before, from the window of the tavern, Harvey watched as a girl got off the ship, acting as if she was gifted with the secret of subjugating circumstances and people. The next morning, Thomas went to find out where the stranger who had amazed him was staying, and learned that her name was Biche Seniel.

For some reason, he saw a connection between the stranger and yesterday’s incident behind the cards. This guess became stronger when in the port he saw a ship with light contours and on its board the inscription: “Running on the waves.”

Captain Guez, an unfriendly and harsh man, refused to take Harvey as a passenger without the permission of the owner, a certain Brown.

With Brown's note, the captain received Harvey almost kindly and introduced him to his assistants Sinkwright and Butler, who made a good impression, unlike the rest of the crew, who looked more like rabble than sailors.

During the voyage, Thomas learned that the ship was built by Ned Seniel. Seniel Harvey had already seen the portrait of his daughter Bice on the table in the captain's cabin. Guez bought the ship when Ned went broke.

At Dagon, three women boarded. Harvey did not want to take part in the fun that had begun with the captain, and he stayed at his place. After some time, hearing the screams of one of the women and the threats of the drunken captain, Harvey intervened and, in defense, knocked the captain down with a blow to the jaw.

In a rage, Guez ordered to be put into a boat and launched into the open sea. When the boat was already drifting away from the side, a woman wrapped from head to toe deftly jumped over to Harvey. Under a hail of ridicule, they set sail from the ship.

When the stranger spoke, Harvey realized that it was this voice that he had heard at Steers’s party. The girl called herself Frezi Grant and told Harvey to head south. There he will be picked up by a ship heading to Gel-Gyu. Having made him promise not to tell anyone about her, including Beach Seniel, Frezi Grant stepped onto the water and swept away along the waves. By noon, Harvey actually met the “Dive”, going to Gel-Gyu. Here on the ship, Harvey again heard about Frezi Grant. One day, in a completely calm sea, a rising wave lowered her father’s frigate near the extraordinary beauty of the island, to which there was no possibility of mooring. Frezi, however, insisted, and then the young lieutenant casually noted that the girl was so thin and light that she could run on water. In response, she jumped onto the water and easily ran through the waves. Then the fog descended, and when it cleared, neither the island nor the girl was visible. They say she began to appear as a castaway.

Harvey listened to the legend with special attention, but only Daisy, Proctor’s niece, noticed this. Finally, “Dive” approached Gel-Gyu. The city was in the grip of a carnival. Harvey walked along with the motley crowd and found himself near a marble figure, on the pedestal of which was the inscription: “Running on the waves.”

The city, it turns out, was founded by Williams Hobbes, who was shipwrecked a hundred years ago in the surrounding waters. And Frezi Grant saved him, running along the waves and naming a course that led Hobbes to the then deserted shore, where he settled.

Then a woman called out to Harvey and said that a person in a yellow dress with brown fringe was waiting for him at the theater. Having no doubt that it was Bice Seniel, Harvey hurried to the theater. But the woman dressed as said turned out to be Daisy. She was disappointed that Harvey called her by Beeche's name and quickly left. A minute later Harvey saw Bice Seniel. She brought money and was now looking for a meeting with Guez to buy the ship. Harvey managed to find out which hotel Guez was staying at. The next morning he went there with Butler. They went up to the captain. Guez lay with a bullet through his head.

People came running. Suddenly they brought Biche Seniel. It turned out that the day before the captain was very drunk. In the morning a young lady came to him, and then a shot rang out. The girl was detained on the stairs. But then Butler spoke up and admitted that it was he who killed Guez.

He had his own account with the scammer. It turns out that the Wave Runner was carrying a cargo of opium, and Butler was owed a significant portion of the income, but the captain deceived him.

He didn’t find Gyoza in the room, and when he appeared with the lady, Butler hid in the closet. But the date ended in an ugly scene, and in order to get rid of Guez, the girl jumped out of the window onto the landing, where she was later detained. When Butler got out of the closet, the captain attacked him, and Butler had no choice but to kill him.

Having learned the truth about the ship, Beach ordered the desecrated vessel to be sold at auction. Before parting, Harvey told Beach about his meeting with Frezi Grant. Beach suddenly began to insist that his story was a legend. Harvey thought that Daisy would have taken his story with complete confidence, and remembered with regret that Daisy was engaged.

Some time passed. One day in Lega, Harvey met Daisy. She broke up with her fiancé, and there was no regret in her story about it. Soon Harvey and Daisy got married. Doctor Filatr visited their house on the seashore.

He spoke about the fate of the ship "Running on the Waves", the dilapidated hull of which he discovered near a deserted island. How and under what circumstances the crew left the ship remained a mystery.

Saw Filatr and Bice Seniel. She was already married and gave Harvey a short letter wishing him happiness.

Daisy, she said, expected the letter to acknowledge Harvey's right to see what he wanted. Daisy Harvey speaks for everyone: “Thomas Harvey, you are right. Everything was as you said. Frezi Grant! You exist! Answer me!”

“Good evening, friends! - we heard from the sea. “I’m in a hurry, I’m running...”

Among those gathered at Steers's card table was young Thomas Harvey. While playing, he heard the phrase clearly pronounced in a female voice: “Running on the waves.”

The day before, Thomas saw a girl getting off the ship. The stranger struck him by the fact that she seemed capable of subjugating people and circumstances. The young man learned that the girl's name was Biche Seniel and found out where she was staying. It seemed to Harvey that there was some connection between yesterday’s incident and the mysterious stranger. He was convinced of this when he saw the ship “Running on the Waves” in the port.

The captain of the ship, Guez, accepted Thomas as a passenger. The usually harsh captain even treated him kindly and introduced him to his two assistants, Butler and Sinkwright. They made a pleasant impression on Harvey. The rest of the crew looked more like rabble than sailors. The ship was built by Beach's father, Seniel, Ned. He went broke and Guez bought his ship.

Because Harvey hit the captain while standing up for a woman, he ordered him to be sent to sea in a boat. The boat was already sailing away from the ship when a woman deftly jumped into it. The stranger spoke, and Harvey realized that he had already heard this voice behind Steers’s cards. The girl said her name was Frezi Grant and ordered her to head south. Harvey will be picked up there by a ship bound for Gel-Gyu. She made him promise not to tell anyone about their meeting and quickly swept away across the waves.

As the stranger said, Harvey met the ship “Nyrok”, which was heading to the port of Gel-Gyu. Here he heard the story of Frezi Grant. According to legend, the ship of the girl’s father ended up near an unusually beautiful island. There was no way to approach him. But Frezi Grant insisted, and then one of the team members noticed that the girl was so light and thin that she could run to the island on the water. Frezi jumped onto the water and ran across the waves. The fog fell, and when it cleared, neither the beautiful island nor the girl was visible. Since then it has been said that Frezi Grant was a castaway.

The attention with which Harvey listened to the legend was noticed by Daisy, Proctor’s niece. "Dive" arrived at the port of Gel-Gyu. While walking around the city, Harvey saw a marble statue. On its pedestal was written: “Running on the waves.” This city was founded by Williams Hobbes. A hundred years ago, he was shipwrecked and was rescued by FreziGrant. She appeared to him and suggested a course that led Hobbes to a deserted shore. This is where he settled.

Some woman told Harvey that a certain person in a yellow dress was waiting for him at the theater. Thomas was sure that it was Bice Seniel. But Daisy was waiting for him. She was upset that Harvey called her by the name Beach, and hurried away. He immediately met with Bice Seniel. She wanted to buy the ship from Guez and was looking for a meeting with him. Thomas Harvey found out where Guez was staying and went to him in the morning along with Butler. They found the captain with a bullet through his head.

People gathered. They brought in Biche Seniel, who was detained on the stairs in the morning immediately after the explosion. Butler admitted that he killed Gyoza. The captain deceived him and did not want to share the income from transporting opium.

Biche, having learned the truth about the ship, decides to sell it at auction. Saying goodbye to Beach, Harvey told her about Frezi Grant. But Beach did not take his story seriously and began to insist that it was just a legend. Harvey decided that only Daisy would believe him. But then he remembered with regret that she was engaged.

After some time, Desi and Harvey met again. Daisy broke up with her fiancé and didn’t regret it at all. Soon Thomas and Daisy got married and moved to a house by the sea. There they were visited by Dr. Filatre and handed over a letter for Harvey from Bice Seniel. She got married and wished Thomas happiness.

In the evening they played cards at Steers's. Among those gathered was Thomas Harvey, a young man stranded in Liss due to serious illness. While playing, Harvey heard a woman's voice clearly say: "Running on the waves." Moreover, the other players did not hear anything. The day before, from the window of the tavern, Harvey watched as a girl came off the ship, acting as if she was gifted with the secret of subjugating circumstances and people. The next morning, Thomas went to find out where the stranger who had amazed him was staying, and learned that her name was Biche Seniel. For some reason, he saw a connection between the stranger and yesterday’s incident behind the cards. This guess became stronger when in the port he saw a ship with light contours and on its board the inscription: “Running on the waves.” Captain Guez, an unfriendly and harsh man, refused to take Harvey as a passenger without the permission of the owner, a certain Brown. With Brown's note, the captain received Harvey almost kindly and introduced him to his assistants Sinkwright and Butler, who made a good impression, unlike the rest of the crew, who looked more like rabble than sailors. During the voyage, Thomas learned that the ship was built by Ned Seniel. Seniel Harvey had already seen the portrait of his daughter Bice on the table in the captain's cabin. Gez bought the ship when Ned went broke. At Dagon, three women boarded. Harvey did not want to take part in the fun that had begun with the captain, and he stayed at his place. After some time, hearing the screams of one of the women and the threats of the drunken captain, Harvey intervened and, in defense, knocked the captain down with a blow to the jaw. Enraged, Ghez ordered to be put into a boat and launched into the open sea. When the boat was already drifting away from the side, a woman wrapped from head to toe deftly jumped over to Harvey. Under a hail of ridicule, they set sail from the ship. When the stranger spoke, Harvey realized that it was this voice that he had heard at Steers’s party. The girl called herself Frezi Grant and told Harvey to head south. There he will be picked up by a ship heading to Gel-Gyu. Having made him promise not to tell anyone about her, including Beach Seniel, Frezi Grant stepped onto the water and swept away along the waves. By noon, Harvey actually met the “Dive”, going to Gel-Gyu. Here on the ship, Harvey again heard about Frezi Grant. One day, in a completely calm sea, a rising wave lowered her father’s frigate near the extraordinary beauty of the island, to which there was no possibility of mooring. Frezi, however, insisted, and then the young lieutenant casually noted that the girl was so thin and light that she could run on water. In response, she jumped onto the water and easily ran through the waves. Then the fog descended, and when it cleared, neither the island nor the girl was visible. They say she began to appear as a castaway. Harvey listened to the legend with special attention, but only Daisy, Proctor’s niece, noticed this. Finally, “Dive” approached Gel-Gyu. The city was in the grip of a carnival. Harvey walked along with the motley crowd and found himself near a marble figure, on the pedestal of which was the inscription: “Running on the waves.” The city, it turns out, was founded by Williams Hobbes, who was shipwrecked a hundred years ago in the surrounding waters. And Frezi Grant saved him, running along the waves and naming a course that led Hobbes to the then deserted shore, where he settled. Then a woman called out to Harvey and said that a person in a yellow dress with brown fringe was waiting for him at the theater. Having no doubt that it was Bice Seniel, Harvey hurried to the theater. But the woman dressed as said turned out to be Daisy. She was disappointed that Harvey called her by Beeche's name and quickly left. A minute later Harvey saw Bice Seniel. She brought money and was now looking for a meeting with Gez to buy the ship. Harvey managed to find out which hotel Ghez was staying at. The next morning he went there with Butler. They went up to the captain. Gez lay with a bullet through his head. People came running. Suddenly they brought Biche Seniel. It turned out that the day before the captain was very drunk. In the morning a young lady came to him, and then a shot rang out. The girl was detained on the stairs. But then Butler spoke up and admitted that it was he who killed Gez. He had his own account with the scammer. It turns out that the Wave Runner was carrying a cargo of opium, and Butler was owed a significant portion of the income, but the captain deceived him. He didn’t find Gez in the room, and when he appeared with the lady, Butler hid in the closet. But the date ended in an ugly scene, and in order to get rid of Gez, the girl jumped out of the window onto the landing, where she was later detained. When Butler got out of the closet, the captain attacked him, and Butler had no choice but to kill him. Having learned the truth about the ship, Beach ordered the desecrated vessel to be sold at auction. Before parting, Harvey told Beach about his meeting with Frezi Grant. Beach suddenly began to insist that his story was a legend. Harvey thought that Daisy would have taken his story with complete confidence, and remembered with regret that Daisy was engaged. Some time passed. One day in Lega, Harvey met Daisy. She broke up with her fiancé, and there was no regret in her story about it. Soon Harvey and Daisy got married. Doctor Filatr visited their house on the seashore. He spoke about the fate of the ship "Running on the Waves", the dilapidated hull of which he discovered near a deserted island. How and under what circumstances the crew left the ship remained a mystery. Saw Filatr and Bice Seniel. She was already married and gave Harvey a short letter wishing him happiness. Daisy, she said, expected the letter to acknowledge Harvey's right to see what he wanted. Daisy Harvey speaks for everyone: “Thomas Harvey, you are right. Everything was as you said. Frezi Grant! You exist! Answer me!” “Good evening, friends! - we heard from the sea. “I’m in a hurry, I’m running...”

In the evening they played cards at Steers's. Among those gathered was Thomas Harvey, a young man stranded in Liss due to serious illness. While playing, Harvey heard a woman's voice clearly say: "Running on the waves." Moreover, the other players did not hear anything. The day before, from the window of the tavern, Harvey watched as a girl got off the ship, acting as if she was gifted with the secret of subjugating circumstances and people. The next morning, Thomas went to find out where the stranger who had amazed him was staying, and found out that her name was Biche Seniel. For some reason, he saw a connection between the stranger and yesterday’s incident behind the cards. This guess grew stronger when in the port he saw a ship with light contours and on its board the inscription: “Running on the waves.” Captain Guez, an unfriendly and harsh man, refused to take Harvey as a passenger without the permission of the owner, a certain Brown. With Brown’s note, the captain received Harvey almost kindly , introduced him to his assistants Sinkwright and Butler, who made a good impression, unlike the rest of the crew, who looked more like rabble than sailors. During the voyage, Thomas learned that the ship was built by Ned Seniel. The portrait of his daughter BeeceCeniel Harvey had already seen on the table in the captain's cabin. Ghez bought the ship when Ned went broke. In Dagon, three women boarded. Harvey did not want to take part in the fun that had begun with the captain, and he stayed at his place. After some time, hearing the screams of one of the women and the threats of a drunken captain, Harvey intervened and, in self-defense, knocked the captain down with a blow to the jaw. In a rage, Ghez ordered to put him in a boat and launch it into the open sea. When the boat was already drifting away from the side, a woman wrapped from head to toe deftly jumped over Harvey. Under a hail of ridicule, they set sail from the ship. When the stranger spoke, Harvey realized that it was this voice that he had heard at Steers's party. The girl called herself Frezi Grant and told Harvey to head south. There he will be picked up by a ship heading to Gel-Gyu. Having made him promise not to tell anyone about her, including Beach Seniel, Frezi Grant stepped onto the water and swept away along the waves.
By noon, Harvey actually met the “Dive”, going to Gel-Gyu. Here on the ship, Harvey again heard about Frezi Grant. One day, when the sea was completely calm, a rising wave lowered her father’s frigate near the extraordinary beauty of the island, to which it was not possible to land. Frezi, however, insisted, and then the young lieutenant casually noted that the girl was so thin and light that she could run on water. In response, she jumped onto the water and easily ran across the waves. Then the fog descended, and when it cleared, neither the island nor the girl was visible. They say that she began to appear to the castaways. Harvey listened to the legend with special attention, but only Daisy, Proctor’s niece, noticed this.
Finally, “Dive” approached Gel-Gyu. The city was in the grip of a carnival. Harvey walked along with the motley crowd and found himself near a marble figure, on the pedestal of which was the inscription: “Running on the waves.” The city, it turns out, was founded by Williams Hobbes, who was shipwrecked a hundred years ago in the surrounding waters. And he was saved by Frezi Grant, who came running along the waves and named a course that led Hobbes to the then deserted shore, where he settled. Then a woman called out to Harvey and said that a person in a yellow dress with brown fringe was waiting for him at the theater. Having no doubt that it was Bice Seniel, Harvey hurried to the theater.
But the woman dressed as said turned out to be Daisy. She was disappointed that Harvey called her by the name Beeche, and quickly left. A minute later Harvey saw Bice Seniel. She brought some money and was now looking for a meeting with Gez to buy the ship. Harvey managed to find out which hotel Ghez was staying at. The next morning he went there with Butler. They went up to the captain. Gez lay with a bullet through his head. People came running. Suddenly they brought Biche Seniel. It turned out that the day before the captain was very drunk.
In the morning a young lady came to him, and then a shot rang out. The girl was detained on the stairs.
But then Butler spoke up and admitted that it was he who killed Gez. He had his own account with the fraudster. It turns out that the “Running on the Waves” was carrying a cargo of opium, and Butler was owed a significant part of the income, but the captain deceived him. He did not find Geza in the room, and when he appeared with the lady, Butler hid in the closet.
But the date ended in an ugly scene, and in order to get rid of Gez, the girl jumped out of the window onto the landing, where she was later detained. When Butler got out of the closet, the captain attacked him, and Butler had no choice but to kill him. Having learned the truth about the ship, Beach ordered the desecrated ship to be sold at auction. Before parting, Harvey told Beach about his meeting with Frezi Grant. Beach suddenly began to insist that his story was a legend. Harvey thought that Daisy would have taken his story with complete confidence, and remembered with regret that Daisy was engaged. Some time passed. One day in Lega, Harvey met Daisy. She broke up with her fiancé, and there was no regret in her story about it. Soon Harvey and Daisy got married.
Doctor Filatr visited their house on the seashore. He spoke about the fate of the ship “Running on the Waves,” the dilapidated hull of which he discovered near a deserted island. How and under what circumstances the crew left the ship remained a mystery. Filatr and Bice Seniel were seen. She was already married and gave Harvey a short letter wishing him happiness. Daisy, according to her, expected that the letter would recognize Harvey's right to see what he wanted. Daisy Harvey speaks for everyone: “Thomas Harvey, you are right. Everything was as you said. Frezi Grant! You exist! Answer me!” “Good evening, friends! - we heard from the sea. “I’m in a hurry, I’m running...”

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