What is Marya Morevna's fairy tale about? Summary. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Marya Morevna"

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"Marya Morevna" summary Russian folk tale You can remember in 3 minutes.

“Marya Morevna” brief retelling

Ivan Tsarevich had three sisters Marya, Olga, Anna. Once a year a special bird would fly in and turn into a handsome man. So Marya, Olga and Anna got married. He married a falcon, an eagle and a raven.

Ivan Tsarevich got bored and went to visit his sisters. On the way, he met Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, and fell in love with her. They got married and lived happily.

Marya Morevna, going to war, forbids her husband to look into one of the closets. But he, having disobeyed, looks - and Koschey the Immortal is chained there. Ivan Tsarevich gives Koshchei something to drink. He, having gained strength, breaks the chains, flies away and carries Marya Morevna along the way.

Ivan Tsarevich grieved and went to help his wife out. On the way, he visited all three sisters and left them a silver spoon, fork and snuff-box for communication. He reached Koshchei's castle and kidnapped Marya Morevna. But Koschey caught up with him easily, and forgave him the first time, because Ivan Tsarevich got him drunk in the basement. Three times Ivan Tsarevich tried to take Marya Morevna away, and the third time Koschey cut him into small pieces, filled a barrel with them and sent it into the sea.
The sisters’ silver became cloudy and they realized that there was trouble with Ivan Tsarevich. The falcon, eagle and raven find the severed body and sprinkle it with dead and living water. The prince comes to life.

Koschey the Immortal tells Marya Morevna that he took his horse from Baba Yaga, across the river of fire. The princess steals from Koshchei and gives her husband a magic handkerchief, with which you can cross the fiery river.

Ivan Tsarevich went to Baba Yaga, and on the way he made friends with an overseas bird, a queen bee and a lioness.
Baba Yaga gave the task to Ivan Tsarevich to guard the herds for three days. And the horses ran away, on the first day, on the second, on the third. But each time they were driven first by birds, then by lions and animals, and then by bees. Well, Ivan was crying at that time.

Ivan secretly took the foal, but Baba Yaga found out and gave chase. Ivan crossed the bridge over the fiery river, and he waved his handkerchief twice and the bridge became very thin. He could not bear the weight of Baba Yaga and she fell into the fire.

Ivan Tsarevich raised a beautiful horse from a foal and was still able to kidnap Marya Morevna for the fourth time. Koschey gave chase and was about to catch up with Ivan Tsarevich, but Ivan’s horse kicked him with its hoof and killed him. And Ivan Tsarevich added it with a club, and then burned his remains and scattered them.
And Ivan Tsarevich and Marya Morevna began to live and get along, and Ivan Tsarevich did not cry anymore.

“Marya Morevna” summary for the reader’s diary:

  1. Ivan Tsarevich gives his sisters in marriage to Falcon, Raven and Eagle, and he himself meets Marya Morevna.
  2. Ivan Tsarevich accidentally frees Koshchei, and he carries away Marya Morevna.
  3. Three times Ivan tried to free his wife, and last time Koschey chopped him into pieces.
  4. Ivan's sons-in-law gathered him up and revived him, and he went to Baba Yaga for a good horse.
  5. With the help of a lioness, birds and bees, he saved the horses and took the foal.
  6. Baba Yaga, in pursuit of Ivan, dies on a bridge over a fiery river.
  7. Koschey, in pursuit of Ivan, dies from a hoof and a club.
  8. They lived happily ever after.

Marya Morevna belongs to the category of female warriors, which is not uncommon in Russian epics. This type includes unearthly beauty, fortitude and military training. A fairy-tale state rests on the shoulders of a fragile girl, so even own wedding will not be a reason to cancel the campaign or postpone the battle. However, such a heroine also chooses a husband to match herself, even if this is not noticeable to the reader at first glance.

History of creation

The warlike maiden Marya Morevna is present in many Russian folk legends, but often the heroine is presented under other names. Sineglazka, White Swan Zakharyevna and Usonsha the hero are not different characters at all; one image is hidden under various names.

Researchers claim that Marya Morevna is inextricably intertwined with another bright heroine -. But the characteristics of the fighting Morevna differ from the quiet and economic Vasilisa. The only thing that unites the girls is the groom.

More similar images are found in Romanian, Hungarian, German and Italian legends. The heroines of fairy tales take on the role of great intercessors and represent a striking example of the inhabitants of a matriarchal society.

Likely prototype fairy tale heroine They consider Mara to be the goddess of death and decay. The description of the deity matches the princess from the legends. Mara was friends with, possessed magical powers and captured Koshchei with chains.

The author of fairy tales about the mysterious beauty is the Russian people, but the character became widespread thanks to folklorist Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. In the collection " Treasured tales» collected popular tales that also affect Marya. The book includes the three most common tales about the girl: “ Rejuvenating apples", "The Tale of Three Kingdoms" and "Marya Morevna".

Marya Morevna in fairy tales

Nothing is known about Marya’s parents and close relatives. However, the nickname “Morevna” suggests that the girl is in a close relationship with Sea King. The hero lives a secluded life in a mansion located in a fabulous land.

One of the features home Marya, in addition to its distant location, is the absence of men. Both the tower and the princess’s garden are under the protection of girls. Representatives of the opposite sex in the country of Morevna can be met either during battle or outside the gates beautiful home.

The girl’s main occupation is war and protecting the borders of her own state. The heroine does not waste time on the usual women's work and is not looking for a groom. Fate itself finds Marya a husband. For example, in the fairy tale “Rejuvenating Apples,” Ivan Tsarevich sneaks into the princess’s house for magic fruits. And in “Marya Morevna” the same Ivan Tsarevich accidentally comes across a girl’s house on the way to his sisters.

The steppe warrior agrees to marry a man only after Ivan defeats the girl in a fair fight. Having submitted to the winner, the girl voluntarily enters into marriage and invites the Tsarevich to live in her own mansion.

Even after the wedding, the heroine does not leave her military post. Getting ready for her next duty at the border, Marya asks her husband not to open the closet. Curious Ivan does not keep his promise and finds him in the forbidden room. Having believed the villain, the prince presents the enemy with three buckets of water, thereby replenishing the prisoner’s strength.

Having escaped from captivity, Koschey kidnaps Marya Morevna and disappears in an unknown direction. The villain is not going to kill the girl at all. Koschey wants to marry Marya, which the beauty does not like.

After a short time, Ivan finds the heroine, but all three attempts to hide from the tyrant do not end in success. The last escape carries tragic consequences. The wife of the steppe warrior was chopped into pieces and thrown into the sea. Now Marya has no one to rely on.

Ivan owes his miraculous salvation to his own sons-in-law. The objects left for the sisters' husbands (a silver spoon for the falcon, a fork for the eagle, a snuff-box for the crow) turned black. The newly-minted relatives caught the remains of the Tsarevich from the water and saved the man.

Realizing that his beloved cannot be saved just like that, Ivan goes in search of a special horse. Having overcome all obstacles, the man returns to Koshchei’s castle and takes his wife away from the villain’s house for the fourth time. This time the escape again ends in battle, but the forces are now on the side of Ivan Tsarevich. The enemy is defeated, the heroine is again in the arms of her legal husband.

Despite the fabulousness of the characters, the plot raises quite serious psychological questions. For example, Ivan Tsarevich’s faith in victory allowed the man to overcome difficult obstacles. Main idea works dedicated to Marya Morevna is simple. Only a whole person gets victory over the villain and the girl’s heart. After all, the union of Marya and Ivan represents precisely unity. The unity of strength, spirituality, wisdom, ingenuity and patience.

Film adaptations

Marya Morevna's first appearance on movie screens took place in 1944. The main characters of the film “Kashchei the Immortal” are noticeably different from the original prototypes. The place of Ivan Tsarevich was taken, and the heroine is an easygoing beauty, devoid of an independent character. The role of Morevna was played by actress Galina Grigorieva.

In 2012, the story of the hero was told in an unusual genre. The anime “Marya Morevna - the Beautiful Princess: Demo” was created by director and producer Konstantin Dmitriev. The actress Lyudmila Guskova gave the princess her voice.

  • In the fairy tale “Rejuvenating Apples,” Marya Morevna leaves her lover for three years, during which time she manages to give birth to two sons. And the first wedding night of young people takes place long before the official ceremony in both stories.
  • Despite the loud word “hero,” the process of Marya’s battle with her enemies is not described anywhere.
  • The costume of Ivan Tsarevich’s wife is presented in most detail in Vasnetsov’s painting “Marya Morevna and Koschey the Immortal.”


In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived Tsarevich Ivan. He had three sisters: Marya Tsarevna, Olga Tsarevna, Anna Tsarevna. Their parents died, and before their death they ordered their son to marry his sisters to those who would be the first to woo.

One day Ivan Tsarevich and his sisters were walking in the garden. Suddenly a black cloud appeared in the sky and a terrible thunderstorm began. Ivan Tsarevich and his sisters hurried home. They returned to the palace, and suddenly a falcon flew into the room. He hit the floor and turned into good fellow. And he asked Princess Marya to marry him. Ivan Tsarevich asked his sister if she liked younger people. Princess Marya agreed. Soon she married a falcon and flew away to his kingdom.

A year has passed. Ivan Tsarevich and his sisters went for a walk. A terrible thunderstorm began again. They had barely returned home when an eagle flew into the palace. He hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. Orel asked Princess Olga to marry him. She agreed and soon flew away to his kingdom.

Another year has passed. Ivan Tsarevich set off with younger sister for a walk. A terrible thunderstorm began. They had barely returned home when a raven flew into the room. He hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. The young man was even more handsome than the previous two. Raven asked Princess Anna to marry him. Ivan Tsarevich did not interfere, Anna Tsarevna also agreed. Soon she became the raven's wife and flew away to his kingdom.

For a whole year, Ivan Tsarevich lived alone. He became bored and decided to visit his sisters. He walked for a long time. And I saw a beaten army in the field. Ivan Tsarevich asked who defeated the army. And they answered him that Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, did it. Ivan Tsarevich went further, there were white tents. Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, came out to him. She asked where Tsarevich Ivan was going and invited him to stay. Ivan Tsarevich spent some time with her, the beautiful princess fell in love with him, and she became his wife.

They began to live and live. But Marya Morevna again began to get ready for war. She left Ivan Tsarevich to manage the house, and strictly forbade him to look into one closet. As soon as Marya Morevna left, Tsarevich Ivan opened the closet. Koschey the Immortal was there, chained. Koshey asked for a drink and said that he had not eaten or drunk for ten years. Ivan Tsarevich gave him a bucket of water. Koschey drank and asked for more. So Ivan Tsarevich brought him three buckets. And Koshchei regained his lost strength, he broke the chains and carried away Marya Morevna.

Ivan Tsarevich cried bitterly and went in search of his wife. He walked for a long time and saw a wonderful palace. The falcon lived here with his wife, the eldest of Ivan Tsarevich’s sisters. They warmly welcomed his brother, fed him and gave him something to drink. Ivan Tsarevich stayed with them for three days. At parting, they asked Ivan Tsarevich to leave a silver spoon so that they would know how he was doing.

Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey again. He walked for a long time. And I saw a palace even better than before. An eagle and his wife lived here. They joyfully greeted their brother. At parting, they asked us to leave a silver fork. Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey again. On the way, Ivan Tsarevich saw a palace even more beautiful than the previous ones. A raven lived here with his wife. They greeted their brother cordially. He stayed with them for three days; at parting, they asked him to leave a silver snuff box.

Ivan Tsarevich walked forward again. Finally he found Marya Morevna. She was very happy about him. And she began to reproach why he did not listen to her and released Koshchei the Immortal. Ivan Tsarevich decided to free his wife.

In the evening Koschey returned home. His magic horse said that Ivan Tsarevich had come. And Koschey galloped after him. He quickly caught up with him.... Koschey said that he forgives him for the first time. He will forgive the second time, but the third time he will kill Ivan Tsarevich. Koshey took Marya Morevna away and took her to his place. Ivan Tsarevich grieved for a long time. Then he returned for his wife. Again he tried to take her away. But Koschey caught up with them.

Ivan Tsarevich returned again for Marya Morevna. Koschey caught up with them. He chopped Ivan Tsarevich into small pieces and put them in a tar barrel. He secured the barrel with iron hoops and threw it into the sea. Ivan Tsarevich's sons-in-law's silver turned black. They realized that something bad had happened to him. The eagle pulled a barrel out of the sea. The falcon brought living water, the raven brought dead water. They cut the barrel and laid down the chopped-up Ivan Tsarevich. Raven sprinkled it dead water, and the body grew together, the falcon splashed living water, and Ivan Tsarevich came to life. His sons-in-law told him everything. Then they went and asked Marya Morevna to find out where Koschey found such a magical horse. Marya Morevna seized the moment when Koschey was kind and began to question him.

Koschey said that he received a foal from a magic mare that belongs to Baba Yaga. In order to get a foal, Koshchei had to be a shepherd for three days. Baba Yaga lived far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, beyond the river of fire. Marya Morevna asked how Koschey got across the fiery river. Koschey said that he uses a magic scarf for this. It is enough to wave it three times, and a high bridge will be made across the fiery river.

Marya Morevna remembered everything and passed it on to Ivan Tsarevich. She stole a handkerchief from Koshchei and gave it to Ivan Tsarevich. Ivan Tsarevich crossed the fiery river and went to Baba Yaga. On the way I saw an overseas bird with chicks. He wanted to eat one chick. But the bird asked not to touch her children and promised to help if necessary. Tsarevich Ivan went further and saw a hive of bees. He wanted to take some honey. But the queen bee asked not to touch the honey and promised further help. Tsarevich Ivan went further and met a lioness with a lion cub.

And again he did not touch the lion cub, for which the lioness promised him help.

Finally, Ivan Tsarevich came to Baba Yaga. He asked her for a heroic horse. Baba Yaga said that for this you need to become a shepherd for three days. And if even one mare disappears, Ivan Tsarevich’s head must not be cut off. The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich drove the mares into the field. They immediately ran away and disappeared. Ivan Tsarevich cried for a long time. Then an overseas bird appeared and said that the mares were already at home.

Baba Yaga was very unhappy; she shouted at her mares why they had returned. The mares said that birds flew at them and almost pecked out their eyes. And they had to return. Baba Yaga told them to hide in the forests the next day.

The next morning, Tsarevich Ivan again drove out the mares. They fled through the dense forests. But the lioness helped Ivan Tsarevich, and all the mares returned home. Baba Yaga shouted at them. But the mares replied that all sorts of animals ran at them and almost tore them to pieces. And they had to return home. Baba Yaga told them to hide in the blue sea the next day. The next morning, Tsarevich Ivan again drove out the mares. They ran into the sea. But a bee flew in and helped Ivan Tsarevich. The mares returned home and told Baba Yaga that bees had flown on them and began to sting them.

At night Baba Yaga fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich took the foal, saddled him and rode off. He took Marya Morevna and they went together. Koschey caught up with them and wanted to kill Ivan Tsarevich with a saber. But Ivan Tsarevich’s heroic horse hit Koshchei with its hoof and crushed his head. After this, Ivan Tsarevich finished off Koshchei with a club and burned him at the stake.

They returned to their kingdom. And they lived happily ever after.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived Tsarevich Ivan. He had three sisters: Marya Tsarevna, Olga Tsarevna, Anna Tsarevna. Their parents died, and before their death they ordered their son to marry his sisters to those who would be the first to woo.

One day Ivan Tsarevich and his sisters were walking in the garden. Suddenly a black cloud appeared in the sky and a terrible thunderstorm began. Ivan Tsarevich and his sisters hurried home. They returned to the palace, and suddenly a falcon flew into the room. He hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. And he asked Princess Marya to marry him. Ivan Tsarevich asked his sister if she liked the kind young man. Princess Marya agreed. Soon she married a falcon and flew away to his kingdom.

A year has passed. Ivan Tsarevich and his sisters went for a walk. A terrible thunderstorm began again. They had barely returned home when an eagle flew into the palace. He hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. Orel asked Princess Olga to marry him. She agreed and soon flew away to his kingdom.

Another year has passed. Ivan Tsarevich went for a walk with his younger sister. A terrible thunderstorm began. They had barely returned home when a raven flew into the room. He hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. The young man was even more handsome than the previous two. Raven asked Princess Anna to marry him. Ivan Tsarevich did not interfere, Anna Tsarevna also agreed. Soon she became the raven's wife and flew away to his kingdom.

For a whole year, Ivan Tsarevich lived alone. He became bored and decided to visit his sisters. He walked for a long time. And I saw a beaten army in the field. Ivan Tsarevich asked who defeated the army. And they answered him that Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, did it. Ivan Tsarevich went further, there were white tents. Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, came out to him. She asked where Tsarevich Ivan was going and invited him to stay. Ivan Tsarevich spent some time with her, the beautiful princess fell in love with him, and she became his wife.

They began to live and live. But Marya Morevna again began to get ready for war. She left Ivan Tsarevich to manage the house, and strictly forbade him to look into one closet. As soon as Marya Morevna left, Tsarevich Ivan opened the closet. Koschey the Immortal was there, chained. Koshey asked for a drink and said that he had not eaten or drunk for ten years. Ivan Tsarevich gave him a bucket of water. Koschey drank and asked for more. So Ivan Tsarevich brought him three buckets. And Koshchei regained his lost strength, he broke the chains and carried away Marya Morevna.

Ivan Tsarevich cried bitterly and went in search of his wife. He walked for a long time and saw a wonderful palace. The falcon lived here with his wife, the eldest of Ivan Tsarevich’s sisters. They warmly welcomed his brother, fed him and gave him something to drink. Ivan Tsarevich stayed with them for three days. At parting, they asked Ivan Tsarevich to leave a silver spoon so that they would know how he was doing.

Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey again. He walked for a long time. And I saw a palace even better than before. An eagle and his wife lived here. They joyfully greeted their brother. At parting, they asked us to leave a silver fork. Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey again. On the way, Ivan Tsarevich saw a palace even more beautiful than the previous ones. A raven lived here with his wife. They greeted their brother cordially. He stayed with them for three days; at parting, they asked him to leave a silver snuff box.

Ivan Tsarevich walked forward again. Finally he found Marya Morevna. She was very happy about him. And she began to reproach why he did not listen to her and released Koshchei the Immortal. Ivan Tsarevich decided to free his wife.

In the evening Koschey returned home. His magic horse said that Ivan Tsarevich had come. And Koschey galloped after him. I quickly caught up with him. Koschey said that he forgives for the first time. He will forgive the second time, but the third time he will kill Ivan Tsarevich. Koshey took Marya Morevna away and took her to his place. Ivan Tsarevich grieved for a long time. Then he returned for his wife. Again he tried to take her away. But Koschey caught up with them.

Ivan Tsarevich returned again for Marya Morevna. Koschey caught up with them. He chopped Ivan Tsarevich into small pieces and put them in a tar barrel. He secured the barrel with iron hoops and threw it into the sea. Ivan Tsarevich's sons-in-law's silver turned black. They realized that something bad had happened to him. The eagle pulled a barrel out of the sea. The falcon brought living water, the raven brought dead water. They cut the barrel and laid down the chopped-up Ivan Tsarevich. The raven sprinkled him with dead water, and the body grew together, the falcon sprinkled living water, and Ivan Tsarevich came to life. His sons-in-law told him everything. Then they went and asked Marya Morevna to find out where Koschey found such a magical horse. Marya Morevna seized the moment when Koschey was kind and began to question him.

Koschey said that he received a foal from a magic mare that belongs to Baba Yaga. In order to get a foal, Koshchei had to be a shepherd for three days. Baba Yaga lived far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, beyond the river of fire. Marya Morevna asked how Koschey got across the fiery river. Koschey said that he uses a magic scarf for this. It is enough to wave it three times, and a high bridge will be made across the fiery river.

Marya Morevna remembered everything and passed it on to Ivan Tsarevich. She stole a handkerchief from Koshchei and gave it to Ivan Tsarevich. Ivan Tsarevich crossed the fiery river and went to Baba Yaga. On the way I saw an overseas bird with chicks. He wanted to eat one chick. But the bird asked not to touch her children and promised to help if necessary. Ivan Tsarevich went further and saw a hive of bees. He wanted to take some mod. But the queen bee asked not to touch the honey and promised further help. Tsarevich Ivan went further and met a lioness with a lion cub.

And again he did not touch the lion cub, for which the lioness promised him help.

Finally, Ivan Tsarevich came to Baba Yaga. He asked her for a heroic horse. Baba Yaga said that for this you need to become a shepherd for three days. And if even one mare disappears, Ivan Tsarevich’s head must not be cut off. The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich drove the mares into the field. They immediately ran away and disappeared. Ivan Tsarevich cried for a long time. Then an overseas bird appeared and said that the mares were already at home.

Baba Yaga was very unhappy; she shouted at her mares why they had returned. The mares said that birds flew at them and almost pecked out their eyes. And they had to return. Baba Yaga told them to hide in the forests the next day.

The next morning, Tsarevich Ivan again drove out the mares. They fled through the dense forests. But the lioness helped Ivan Tsarevich, and all the mares returned home. Baba Yaga shouted at them. But the mares replied that all sorts of animals ran at them and almost tore them to pieces. And they had to return home. Baba Yaga told them to hide in the blue sea the next day. The next morning, Tsarevich Ivan again drove out the mares. They ran into the sea. But a bee flew in and helped Ivan Tsarevich. The mares returned home and told Baba Yaga that bees had flown on them and began to sting them.

At night Baba Yaga fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich took the foal, saddled him and rode off. He took Marya Morevna and they went together. Koschey caught up with them and wanted to kill Ivan Tsarevich with a saber. But Ivan Tsarevich’s heroic horse hit Koshchei with its hoof and crushed his head. After this, Ivan Tsarevich finished off Koshchei with a club and burned him at the stake.

They returned to their kingdom. And they lived happily ever after.

In this fairy tale, Koschey the Immortal personifies Evil. Ivan Tsarevich personifies Good. It is no coincidence that Ivan Tsarevich has many helpers throughout the tale, because he is kind in himself, he does not offend defenseless animals, and treats everyone well. Ivan Tsarevich made a mistake only once when he did not fulfill Marya Morevna’s requests and looked into the forbidden closet. That is why he had to overcome many obstacles in order to rescue his beloved from the captivity of Koshchei the Immortal. However, Ivan Tsarevich endured all the trials with dignity. And he defeated Evil in a fair fight.

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  • summary of the fairy tale Marya Morevna
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  • Marya Morevna fairy tale summary

In a certain state there lived Ivan Tsarevich, he had three beautiful sisters. When the time came, the prince gave his sister in marriage to an eagle, a falcon and a raven, and he himself began to rule in the kingdom. One day the prince decided to come to visit his sisters, but on the way he met a huge army in the field, but Ivan Tsarevich did not have to fight with him, brave warriors had already been killed by someone, and only one remained alive. He then told the traveler that Marya Morevna defeated such a large army.

The prince became curious to look at the warrior, and he went in the direction where the traveler had shown him; the prince reached beautiful palace and saw a lovely girl there. The prince fell madly in love and immediately married Marya Morevna. As soon as the young couple celebrated their wedding, the wife went on a hike, and ordered the prince to stay at home and look around his new possessions. The princess allowed her husband to walk everywhere, and only did not order him to go into one room.

The prince disobeyed his wife, could not resist, opened the forbidden room, and saw Koshchei the Immortal chained to the wall there. He began to beg Koschey to untie him, but Ivan refused to do this, bringing the prisoner only one cup of water. As soon as Koschey drank the water, his strength returned, he broke the bonds that bound him and kidnapped Marya Morevna, dragging him to his castle.

Ivan bitterly regretted what he had done, but he could not fix anything; he went to his sons-in-law, but did not find them at home. Then he left each of them a silver fork, spoon and knife, instructing them, if the silver turned black, to go in search of his dead body.

After staying with his sisters for a while, Ivan Tsarevich went further, he quickly found the house of Koshchei the Immortal, saw his beloved wife there and tried to take her away. But Koshchei had a magic horse, no one could outwit or outrun this horse. As soon as the prince and Marya Morevna ran away, Koshchei’s horse began to shout loudly and stamp its hooves, and he instantly caught up with the fugitives.

Koschey wanted to punish the prince, but he took pity on him and only threatened him not to return. Ivan could not leave his wife in the clutches of Koshchei, he did not listen to him and returned, only this time they could not escape. Koschey caught up with Ivan and Marya Morevna, he cut the prince into hundreds of pieces and scattered him all over the world, and took his wife away and put him in prison.

Ivan Tsarevich died, and the objects left in his sisters’ house turned black. The falcon, eagle and raven realized that trouble had happened, they flew halfway around the world, collected pieces of Ivan’s body and sprinkled them with dead and living water. Ivan Tsarevich came to life and became even more beautiful and healthier. Again he wanted to set off on the road to Koshchei’s palace and kidnap his wife, but his sons-in-law did not allow him to do this, they could not revive him a second time.

This time Ivan sneaked unnoticed into Koshchei’s garden, met Marya Morevna there, and she advised him to find Baba Yaga’s house and ask her for one of her magic mares, but only choose the one that would look the worst.

This is what Ivan Tsarevich did, the path turned out to be not close, and on the way he really wanted to eat, but the prince did not meet a single living creature. He completely despaired, when suddenly a little lion cub ran out to meet him, the prince wanted to kill the lion cub, but he just felt sorry for the animal, he did not do this and moved on. Ivan wanted to eat even more, he saw in the grass bird's nest, and there are little chicks, he wanted to eat them, but again he felt sorry for them, he did not do this, but moved the nest to a tree, where predators could not reach it.

The prince continued his way, he was very exhausted, completely exhausted, and a beehive caught his eye, and there was honey in it. The prince wanted to enjoy the honey, but the bees began to ask him not to do this, because they could not survive the winter without this honey. The prince took pity on the bees and came to Baba Yaga hungry.

She saw the guy and wanted to eat him right away, but decided to fatten him up first, promising to fulfill his request and give him one of her horses. In the meantime, the prince had to gain fat, the evil witch entrusted him with grazing a herd of horses, ordering him to look after them with both eyes.

The prince was delighted at such an easy assignment, but it was not to be, as soon as he drove the herd into the field, the horses lifted their tails and ran away, the prince searched for them all day, but could not find them. He knew that death awaited him if he did not drive the horses home in the evening, the prince lay down on the grass and began to cry. Suddenly he heard horses neighing and stomping, horses were running home, and hundreds of birds were flying behind them.

The next day Ivan again went to graze the herd, and again the horses ran away, this time the lion cub he saved helped the prince. On the third day the horses were driven by the bees. So the prince held out, and then the term of the agreement expired, Yaga was forced to give Ivan the most pitiful foal in her herd. She did this with great reluctance, because she knew that she was losing a strong horse, but she could not do anything.

As soon as Ivan sat on the foal, he instantly shook himself off, jumped over his head and turned into a handsome horse. In an instant the prince's horse rushed to Koshchei's house, he placed Marya Morevna behind him and they ran away from Koshchei. He became angry and gave chase, but could not catch up with the magic horse, and when he caught up, he became so weak that Ivan Tsarevich easily killed him.

The prince and Marya Morevna returned to their kingdom and they began to live amicably and richly.

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