Three-dimensional pencil graphics. How it's made, how it works, how it works

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I pulled out this 3D drawing from this picture.

Using my technology, you can pull out and convert almost any images and pictures into 3D. Who wants to learn the same way, click here and get it. And we move on to the topic of our article - 3D drawing.

And so we will draw it with you in several steps, for this we will, as always, need a piece of paper, simple pencils, preferably one “soft” and the other “medium” (whoever wants can use colored pencils) and ten minutes of free time. Go.

STEP No. 1. Translate.

First, we need to transfer the finished 3D drawing (which I have already converted into 3D for you) onto our piece of paper. Here he is.

This is the easiest way to do it! Everything is very simple. You take your piece of paper and lean it against the finished 3D drawing (which I gave you above) on your monitor screen. You lean it against it, the sheet shines through, and you can easily trace the main contours of our drawing.

There are straight lines, so you can use a ruler for convenience. I got it roughly like this.

STEP #2. Let's decorate.

Next we look at the original and shade the shadows in the same way as on it. By the way, I didn’t make the stack curved, I erased everything and made it straight (I simply connected the sides using a ruler). We shade the shadows, and also decorate the stack somehow. I did it like this.

You can do it your own way, you can further embark on a flight of fancy, because you already have the 3D drawing on paper. Our 3D drawing is almost ready. Now we outline it with a simple “soft” pencil. This way our 3D drawing will look more expressive.

Now let's see how this drawing looks in the photograph.

And this is what the same drawing looks like, just in a printed version (printed on a color printer).

STEP #3. Adding volume.

In order to give our stairs even more volume, we cut off the excess part of the sheet, leaving only a small platform at the bottom. So it will look like our staircase protrudes above the plane of the sheet and the drawing will be more voluminous.

And this is what the printed version looks like.

This is where I end my article, I hope it was useful to you. If you still decide to learn how to draw such 3D drawings yourself and use them for various purposes, then I recommend it to you.

With its help, I drew about 1000 3D drawings of varying complexity and purpose. So go for it. And good luck to you in your endeavors, bye.

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  1. Leave a comment. Just write whether you liked the article or not. Write what kind of drawing you would like to draw in the following articles.
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  3. Subscribe to blog updates and my YouTube channel.

Good luck to you all, good drawings, bye...

Before studying draw 3D drawings you need to understand that the 3D effect is achieved by volume and shadows, so for those who want to learn how to draw objects so that they seem real, you must first work hard! The very first thing before learning is to learn how to draw a volume, try to draw a cube, ball or cone. This may take you quite a bit of time, but in the future it will get faster and faster. Next after volume come shadows and light. 3D objects cast shadows at locations that define the light source. Before you start creating a 3D drawing, you will need some time to study the object you are going to draw - its shape, volume, shadows.


The first step to drawing a three-dimensional image is creating a sketch. Once you're satisfied with simply creating it, you need to decide where the items will be on your sheet. After this, the object should be given a certain shape. Then you need to determine the light source in order to correctly display the shadows.

I’ll say right away that it’s better to apply shadows in layers. First create a shadow mask (light sketches) and then you can refine it as you need. Where the shadows are very dark, try to make their outlines less clear, this will give the drawing more reality.

Use the eraser to create additional highlighting. Carefully avoid dark areas of the shadow so as not to hit them with the eraser - you will only smudge the drawing.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Rustam Zakirov is in touch again, and I have another cool article for you in which I will show you how to draw 3D drawings step by step for everyone and absolutely everyone. This method is unique (despite the fact that it is the simplest), I doubt that they will tell you about it anywhere else (I personally have not seen it), so read the article to the end and very carefully. Today we will draw these realistic matches.

I pulled out this drawing from this picture that I found on the Internet. This way you can convert almost any pictures into 3D (I’ll be happy to share my technology).

Your 3D drawing (if you do everything correctly) should look approximately the same in the photo. For our 3D drawing, as always, we will need a piece of paper, simple pencils (one “medium”, the other “soft”)

STEP #1. We translate.

It’s simple, I’m giving you our ready-made (translated into 3D format) drawing. Here he is stretched out.

And you lean your piece of paper against the finished 3D drawing on the monitor screen, the piece of paper shines through and you calmly transfer the finished 3D drawing onto your piece of paper (we use a pencil of “medium” hardness).

To begin with, we translate only the main contours of our 3D drawing. Something like this.

STEP #2. We finish drawing and adding flowers.

Next we finish all the other small elements of our drawing and shade all the shadows. Our 3D drawing should look approximately like the original, there should be no unpainted elements (we do all this with a pencil of “medium” hardness). Our 3D drawing is almost ready.

STEP #3. Let's circle.

At this stage, we take a “soft” pencil (well, you understand what I mean) and outline the main elements of our drawing. This will make our 3D drawing seem more expressive.

STEP #4. We take a photo.

Now let's see how our 3D drawing looks in photographs. When you take photographs, select the angles so that the 3D drawing matches the original (picture from the Internet) as closely as possible.

And this is what the version I just printed on a color printer looks like.

By the way, if you want your 3D drawing to be smaller (I understand, not everyone wants to bother with a 3D drawing that covers an entire A4), you simply reduce the screen scale to the size you need.

If you want your drawing to be even more voluminous, cut out part of the sheet.

Printed version.

All our 3D drawing is ready. Be sure to share your opinion about the drawing in the comments. This is where I end my article, I hope it was useful to you. If you want to learn how to create such 3D drawings yourself and use them for various purposes, then I recommend it to you.

Personally, with its help I drew drawings of varying complexity and purpose. So go for it. Good luck to you all, good drawings, bye...

If you liked the article, please do the following:

  1. Leave a comment. Just write whether you liked the article or not. Write what kind of drawing you would like to draw in the following articles.
  2. Share this article with your friends.
  3. Subscribe to blog updates and my YouTube channel.

Good luck to you all, good drawings, bye...

Three-dimensional paintings on asphalt and house walls have long become part of modern fine art. For beginners to master the technique of 3D drawing, plain paper is suitable.

Rules for drawing 3D drawings on paper

A leaf is characterized by two dimensions - length and width. To give depth and volume to an image drawn on this flat surface, you need to understand what linear perspective, chiaroscuro and foreshortening are. It is difficult to create the appearance of a third dimension in a drawing without taking into account the position of the depicted object in space in relation to the viewer.

To create the illusion of volume in modern art, the effect of anamorphosis is often used - a distortion of the projection of an image, which becomes proportional at a certain viewing angle. However, this is not a new technique at all. A good example of perspective anamorphosis is the skull in the painting “The Ambassadors,” painted in 1533 by the German painter Hans Holbein.

Contemporary Italian artist Alessandro Diddi uses anamorphosis in his works.

He adds real objects to the photos with his drawings - a pencil, an eraser or his own hand, which gives the pictures even more realism. To see the shape of an object, the correct angle alone is not enough; sufficient lighting is necessary.

Under the bright light of a spotlight, the volume of surrounding objects is smoothed out, they are visually “flattened”, and in the dark it is simply impossible to see anything. Only in the combination of shadows and light does the volume of things around us appear, which is why the logical transmission of light and shade is so important for drawing 3D pictures. Another principle of drawing in three dimensions is linear perspective.

The basic rule for conveying volume in 3D drawing: the closer the depicted object is to the viewer, the larger it is in relation to those located further away. This also applies to individual parts or sides of the object. To see how this rule works in real life, just stand at the beginning of a long straight street and look in the opposite direction.

Having mastered the concepts of perspective, foreshortening and light and shade, you can begin to create a 3D drawing on paper.

For beginners, it will be useful to use the following algorithm:

  • how light and shadow fall on him,
  • what are the characteristic features,
  • how the outlines change when the angle changes,
  • What simple shapes (cube, cone, ball) are its parts similar to?
  1. First draw the main details of the drawing. After this, you can begin shading to reflect light and shade.
  2. It is important to break the process into small steps. Upon completion of each, check how the drawing looks from the angle of view chosen at the beginning of the work. It is easier to erase a dozen extra or incorrect lines than to look for an error and ways to correct it after finishing the work.

What you will need

For drawing, in addition to a table, hands and inspiration, you need:

  • Thick light paper and something that can be used to secure it on the table - weights, pushpins, tape, a tablet with clothespins.
  • Graphite pencils (hard and soft), plain and colored, markers.
  • Eraser or knead.
  • Ruler.
  • Desk lamp.

Sketch a drawing

A preliminary sketch is equally important for any image, be it a comic book or a decorative panel. The main task of the sketch is to outline the basis of the future work and determine the position of the figures.

For the sketch, it is better to use light strokes with a hard pencil (T or H), so that they can be easily erased if necessary. At this stage, you need to draw the main lines outlining the boundaries of the main elements of the drawing and give them a predetermined shape. After this, you can begin to apply shading to convey light and shade.

How to convey light and shadow correctly

Logical rendering of shadows is the key to a realistic image of a three-dimensional object. The closer the light source, the lighter the surfaces of objects and vice versa, and the darkening of individual parts of the object varies significantly depending on the shape.

For example, a cube illuminated from the left will have a light left side and a gradually darkening right side. In this case, the border of the transition from light to shadow will be similar to a straight line parallel to the left edge of the figure. If you replace the cube with a ball, the edge of the shadow will take the shape of a semicircle.

  • Carefully study the object before creating its three-dimensional image, determine its features.
  • Apply hatching lines in accordance with the shape of the objects and the intended lighting.
  • Apply shadows little by little, consistently. You should increase the darkening carefully; subsequently, applying an additional shadow is much easier than removing an existing one.
  • There is no need to make clear boundaries in dark places; it is better to blend them using a special shading or simply a piece of paper to a single smooth shade.
  • You can use an eraser to further brighten elements.

Master classes for beginners

Knowing the theory, you can try to create your own 3D drawings on paper. For beginners, the best practice is to repeat other people's work. Master classes will help you understand the logic of constructing three-dimensional images.

3d Hand

To draw a voluminous hand, the “ruling” technique is used. This method is ideal for initial tests in creating 3D illusions on paper.

What do you need:

  1. Trace the outline of your palm with your fingers spread out on a sheet of paper.
  2. Line the page like a student notebook.
  3. Leave the lines straight to the right and left of the hand borders.
  4. “Above” your hand, bend the lines away from you, repeating the convex shape of the back of your hand and fingers.
  5. Make all the lines brighter, color the resulting “lines” in contrast.
  6. If desired, you can add a small shadow on one side.

When looking at such a picture, you get the impression that the sheet lies on top of a voluminous hand, covering it like a thin fabric.

3d Heart

To depict a voluminous heart, a ruler will also be useful.

Step by step:

  1. Draw the outline of a heart in the center.
  2. Line the entire sheet, excluding the outlines of the central image.
  3. Curve the lines around the picture, creating the illusion of “indentation”.
  4. Make the lines brighter; if desired, you can color the “lines”.
  5. Apply shadows, emphasizing the volume of the heart and the recess in which it lies.

If everything is done correctly, the drawing will be perceived as if a voluminous heart is lying on a soft striped pillow.

3d Hole in paper

Contrasting stripes will make a hole drawn in the page look realistic. You will need a pencil and a ruler, since all the lines of the drawing are straight. Draw a rectangle of the correct shape closer to the center of the sheet. If you place the future “hole” end-to-end with the edge of the canvas, the effect will be less noticeable.

Let's draw:

  1. Connect the straight lower left corner of the figure with the upper right.
  2. Draw lines parallel to two adjacent sides of the rectangle with a crease along the intended diagonal. It turned out to be one large rectangle with several small ones, as if nested inside each other.
  3. Make the auxiliary diagonal brighter. The image is similar to the inside corner of an open box, striped on the inside.
  4. Paint the stripes one at a time, starting with the smallest area in the corner of the figure.
  5. Decide where the light source will be. Apply a light shadow on the light stripes from the corner of the crease to the edge of the picture, reducing the length of the darkening from the “bottom” to the “top”.
  6. Blend the shadows. The drawing is ready.

3d hole in the ground

As always, you should start with a sketch of the future hole. The more bends, the more interesting the result looks.

Let's draw:

  1. The contour should be elongated, since the perceptual angle of the illusion is about 30 degrees, visually the image will look at least a quarter shorter than the true one.
  2. Draw lines along the entire contour of the hole from top to bottom, outlining the internal “folds” in accordance with the shape of the hole.
  3. Draw all the lines brighter, eliminating possible flaws along the way.
  4. Choose where the light will fall from and, accordingly, apply a shadow on the “inner” surface of the hole, emphasizing the roundness of the vertical creases.
  5. Taking into account the expected lighting, darken the pattern additionally diagonally from bottom to top, from a solid shadow at the bottom to a slight “twilight” at the surface.
  6. If desired, you can draw the texture of the ground around the hole, add cracks, stones and grass.

You should look at the finished drawing at an angle, along the internal creases, the dark “bottom” part is closer to the viewer.

3d Steps (stairs)

Stairs are an excellent subject for three-dimensional images.

Let's draw:

  1. Draw a rectangle in the center of the page. This is the opening into which the steps will go down.
  2. Mark a point in the middle of the right side.
  3. Connect the upper left corner of the rectangle with the mark using an auxiliary line. This is the conventional edge of the stairs.
  4. Draw a vertical parallel from the bottom edge to the auxiliary line. The stripes should vary in width. The end side of the steps is narrower than the top.
  5. Now you can form the staircase. To do this, close the wide stripes with segments from the auxiliary line parallel to the bottom edge of the main frame. Close the narrow strips at an angle to create a broken edge.
  6. It's easy to shade narrow stripes.
  7. Completely paint over the top part of the drawing from the edge of the steps to the top and right borders of the opening. This part depicts an unlit wall surface.
  8. Mark a point on the right side of the figure approximately ¼ from the bottom edge and connect it with an auxiliary straight line to the upper left corner.
  9. Part of the steps from the new line to the unlit surface should be slightly darkened. Apply thicker shadows closer to the wall.
  10. Shade the edges of the shadows so that there are no clear lines.

How to draw a drop of water 3D

You will need pencils, white paper, and skillful hands.

You can draw a drop as shown in the video:

  1. First a sketch.
  2. Details of the drop pattern (shimmer, reflection of light, shadow, trace of water).

3d Doorway (or Dungeon)

To create the illusion of a vertical image of the opening, you can add walls and floors:

  1. Unfold the sheet with the wide side. In the lower right part, draw a rectangular part about a third of the entire area. Connect the upper left corners of the page and the rectangle. This diagonal is the junction of the walls, the rectangle is the floor.
  2. Line the walls finely parallel to the edges of the sheet. The left side of the diagonal is vertical, the right side is horizontal. The walls are ready.
  3. Draw a doorway with a rounded top in the left wall, almost in the corner, so that the threshold is at the junction of the wall and the floor.
  4. The angle between the walls and the floor is a guide for the logical placement of the door. It should be slightly elongated along the left edge so that when viewed at an angle along the diagonal, the proportions are aligned.
  5. Shade the opening parallel to the threshold, more on the right side.
  6. Add hinges and a door that opens to the right. The right edge of the door should be parallel to the joint of the walls.
  7. Detail the door. “Vertical” boards look good.
  8. Apply shadows. Be sure to shade the borders of the ruling by 2-3 cm around the opening and door to hide the irregularity of the shapes.

Look at an angle of about 30-45 degrees from the lower right corner of the sheet.

3d Butterfly

One of the secrets to the illusion of volume is the cast shadow. The second is changed proportions. The part of the drawing further from the viewer should extend along the line of sight.

The wingspan is not important, but for beginners mastering 3D drawings on paper, it is better to choose the profile option in order to draw one wing instead of two.

The initial sketch of the butterfly is proportional, the bottom edge corresponds to the final location. From here the viewer will see it.

Let's draw:

  1. Now you need to stretch the image vertically. To do this, divide the sketch vertically into 4 equal parts. Temporary auxiliary lines can be drawn in these places.
  2. The proportions of the bottom piece do not change. You need to stretch the picture starting from the second part - lengthen it by a quarter, the third by half, and the fourth should be three quarters longer than the original.
  3. Draw the outline of the drawing, remove everything unnecessary - auxiliary lines and the remains of the first sketch.
  4. Detail the picture, indicate the pattern of the wings, the fibers on the body, draw the antennae. You can also color it if you wish.
  5. Add a shadow symmetrically diagonally from the bottom edge of the picture. Darken it completely, feather the borders.
  6. You can enhance the illusion by cutting off the top of the sheet at about ¾ of the way through the drawing, leaving a piece of the wing protruding beyond the edge of the page.

3d eraser

An eraser is a small object; its 3D copy on paper can be copied literally from life. First you need to arrange your workplace. Secure the sheet so that it does not move during the drawing process, install a lamp so that the light falls from the left.

Let's draw:

  1. Place the rubber band where it will be drawn. Trace the outline.
  2. View from the viewpoint chosen for the audience. Mark three points behind the eraser so that they are above its top three corners.
  3. Remove the eraser. Using the marks, draw the “upper” contour of the elastic band. In this case, the edges will narrow from the foreground to the background. Erase the auxiliary lines inside the figure.
  4. Put the eraser in place and see how the light falls on it. Outline the cast shadow and move the sample to the side.
  5. Darken the edges of the drawn eraser, shade it in the right places and enjoy the result.

3d falling man

A very simple 3D illusion - a picture with a man holding on to the edge. The trick is that the character is located on both sides of the sheet at the same time.

How to draw:

  1. First, draw a figure of a person stretching upward closer to the right edge of the sheet. The upper part of the figure is almost 2 times longer than the lower part, as seen from above. Hands up to the wrists, no palms.
  2. Measure the distance between the ends of the figurine's arms.
  3. Turn the paper face down, draw palms with fingers holding the edge of the left side of the sheet approximately in the middle.
  4. Bend the piece of paper into a semicircle so that the pictures match. If everything worked out, work out the details and paint the little man.

How to draw in 2 planes

3D pictures executed in two planes are very impressive. The illusion of volume is manifested by distorting the image at an angle to the fold line of the sheet and changing the proportions.

3d staircase

You will need fairly stiff paper or thin cardboard.

3D drawings on paper for beginners should be done strictly following all parameters and calculations.

Step by step:

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to indicate where the fold will be.
  2. On both sides of this line, draw a ladder with rungs at a mirror angle.
  3. Connect the ends of the ladder with straight lines, repeat the crossbars between them - this will be a shadow.
  4. The staircase should be brighter than the shadow!
  5. Bend the sheet and find a viewing angle at which the stairs will appear level. In this case, the shadow will remain on the “wall” and “floor”.

Volumetric house

Step by step:

Step by step:

  1. The biting mouth is drawn on one (vertical) half of the sheet. The pattern is stretched along the fold line and from bottom to top.
  2. The teeth hold a straight object, such as a pencil.
  3. On the horizontally located part you should draw a shadow cast by the object holding the mouth.

A drawn man does not allow you to fold a piece of paper

Step by step:

Crawling snake

Step by step:

Secrets of drawing in 3d for beginners


  • In order to correctly calculate image distortions, taking into account perspective and angle, in the process of creating a drawing with a 3D effect, novice artists are recommended to apply a guide grid to the paper.
  • For a successful 3D photo, the light source in the picture must match the real lighting.
  • Anamorphoses look more impressive through the camera than in real life
  • It's best to start with simple shapes such as a cube, cone and sphere. It is difficult to create a realistic three-dimensional drawing without understanding how shadows fall on these figures.

To start mastering drawing in 3D on paper you need desire, patience and time, and ideas can be gleaned from great artists and simply enthusiasts who exhibit their works on thematic sites on the Internet. Studying this technique will allow you to create interesting pictures and postcards with unexpected content to the delight of the author and his loved ones.

Video: 3D drawings on paper for beginners

3D drawings for beginners, watch the video tutorial:

How to draw a 3D drawing using cells, watch the video:

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