Common and different characteristics of a tribe, nation, nationality. Nation, people, nationality: a brief explanation of the concepts

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We took two of these 5 concepts into brackets, since they have practically no scientific meaning and are the results of numerous layers, convergences and divergences of the meanings of the main 4 terms, which, on the contrary, denote rather specific, but different realities. The differences in meaning among the main members of the chain - ethnicity-people-nation-race - will lead us to a clearer understanding of each term and to an understanding instrumental meaning intermediate concepts taken in brackets.

Scientific definition of ethnos
The term “ethnos” was introduced into scientific circulation in Russia by a scientist who found himself after October revolution in exile, Sergei Mikhailovich Shirokogorov(1887-1939). What has become belongs to him classic definition"ethnos".

"Ethnicity" is a group of people


Recognizing their common origin

Possessing a complex of customs and way of life, preserved and sanctified by tradition and distinguished by it from those of other groups.”

This definition emphasizes the linguistic community (it is not by chance that it is put in first place), the community of origin, the presence of customs and traditions (that is, culture), as well as the ability to clearly distinguish these traditions and customs from the customs and traditions of other ethnic groups (differentiation).

A similar definition of “ethnic group” (more precisely, “ethnicity” - Ethnizitat) is given by Max Weber- “ethnicity is membership in an ethnic group united by cultural homogeneity and belief in a common origin.” Shirokogorov's definition is more complete, as it emphasizes the commonality of the language.

The most important thing in the concept of ethnos is the affirmation of its basic reality at the basis of the entire structure of society. Every person has a language, culture, knowledge about origins and customs. And this complex varies significantly from society to society. The fundamental matrix of such a complex (that is, the combination of all elements - sometimes collectively called “culture”) is ethnos.

The people are a community of fate
Shirokogorov proposes not only to separate the Russian term “people” from the concept of “ethnos”, but also not to use it at all in scientific constructions due to its “vagueness” and “ambiguity” (we saw what a complex hierarchy of the word for “people” existed in ancient Greek) . And yet, for a more precise understanding of the term “ethnic group”, you can try to define it. A people is an ethnic group that brings into the structure of its society highest goal, strives to surpass the usual framework of ethnic existence, consciously expand the horizons of culture and the scale of social structures. We can also say that a people is an ethnic group in an upward movement, on the rise, in the dynamics of expansion, growth, takeoff (3).

A people, in contrast to an ethnos, which is focused on a common origin, is focused on a common destiny, that is, not only on the past and the present, but also on the future, on what needs to be accomplished. The people are connected with the mission, project, task. It is organized along the lines of force of realizing the unrealized, discovering the undiscovered, and creating the uncreated.

At its core, a people remains an ethnic group and has all the properties of an ethnic group, but to this set - language, origin, custom, awareness of difference from others - a new component is added - mission, goal, purpose.
Not every ethnic group is a people in this scientific definition, but every people is, at its core, an ethnic group.

Soviet ethnologist Julian Bromley(1921-1990), studying ethnicity, tried to emphasize this same difference. He contrasted "ethnicity in in the narrow sense"(that is, the actual "ethnic group" as such) "ethnic group in in a broad sense", which he called an "ethnosocial organism" (4). By “ethnosocial organism” Bromley understood approximately the same thing as we by “people”. But, in our opinion, such a definition is extremely unfortunate, since any ethnic group necessarily carries sociality within itself, moreover, it is the matrix of sociality, its original and fundamental form (and in this sense, any sociality is always ethnic in its origins, at least) , and any ethnic group is an organism, that is, it corresponds to an organizational code, is organized according to a certain paradigm, which may change or stagnate, but is certainly present.

It is much more constructive to use the term “people”, each time emphasizing and keeping it in mind scientific definition. When translating the pair “ethnos” - “people” into European languages, you can use the Greek form “ethnos” (in French - l "ethnie) and the most accurately corresponding term “people” - the people, das Volk, le peuple, el pueblo and etc. As a last resort, if this is not enough, it can be introduced into scientific circulation. Russian word“narod” - if only because this concept lies in the center of attention of Russian philosophy, which, starting from the era of the Slavophiles and right up to the populists, devoted it the most important place in philosophical, historical and social theories and systems.

Nation as Nation-State.
In contrast to the organic and always factually given, original “ethnic group” and from the “people” that create religions, civilizations or states, a nation is an exclusively political concept and associated with the New Age.

In Latin, “natio” means strictly the same as “people”, that is, “birth”, “clan”, as well as “Motherland”, the place where a person was “born”. The Latin word contains a reference to place, but this is not expressed semantically, but rather associatively - based on their typical use of this term in Latin texts. This “natio” differs from “populus”, which is more associated with “genus”, “origin”.

In political and scientific language, the term “nation” has acquired a stable meaning in connection with the concept of the state. There is an important French phrase - Etat-Nation, literally “State-Nation”. It emphasizes that we're talking about not about an empire where there is one politic system could include various ethnic groups, but about such a formation where the state-forming ethnic group completely turns into a people, and the people, in turn, embodies themselves in the state, turns into it, becomes it. A nation is a people that ceases to be an ethnic group and becomes a state.

The state is an administrative apparatus, a machine, a formalized body of legal norms and institutions, a rigidly structured system of power and management. A nation is what this mechanism consists of - a set of parts, atoms, elements that allow this mechanism to function.

Nations appear only in modern times, in the era of modernity, together with modern states - moreover, these are not two separate phenomena; one brings to life the other: modern state entails the emergence of a modern nation. One is unthinkable without the other.

The nation is in logical sense the product of the completed implementation by the people of the task of building a state, and the reverse gesture of the state to establish a nation in the place of the people and instead of the people. The people create the state (in modern understanding), and this is where its function ends. Further, the state begins to act according to its own autonomous logic, depending on what idea, paradigm or ideology is embedded in it. If at the first stage the people create a state, then later, having taken place, the state itself artificially gives birth to a certain analogue of the “people” - this analogue is called a “nation”.

In a Nation State, by definition, there can only be one nation. This nation is determined primarily by a formal criterion - citizenship. At the heart of a nation is the principle of citizenship: nationality and citizenship are identical.

In the Nation-State there is

One (less often several) official language,
obligatory historical episteme (narration about the stages of formation of a nation),
ruling ideology or its equivalent,
legal legislation, compliance with which is an indisputable duty.

We see in the “nation” certain elements of both “ethnicity” and “people”, but they are transferred to another level, they do not represent an organic whole, but an artificially constructed rationalistic mechanism.

The nation is based on the transformation of the main people and the suppression (sometimes destruction) of small ethnic groups that fall within the zone of state control. In essence, everything ethnic, original, basic, traditional (which was also preserved among the people) disappears in the nation. The people who build the state and become the core of the “nation” lose their own ethnicity, since living connections, the processes of evolution of language, customs, and traditions acquire a fixed form in the state once and for all; social structures turn into legal codes; only one of the possible ethnic dialects is taken as a normative language, fixed as universally binding, and the rest are eradicated as “illiteracy”; and even the implementation of the goal, mission, the state rationalizes and takes responsibility for its achievement.

Subject of ethnosociology. Types of ethnic groups - tribe, nationality, nation. Signs of a nation.

Ethnic communities occupy a prominent place in social life. Ethnos - is a historically established stable set of people who have general features and cultural characteristics, social psychology, ethnic identity. External shape expressions of ethnicity is ethnonym , ᴛ.ᴇ. self-name (Russians, Germans).

Ethnic communities are also called consanguineous . These include clans, tribes, nationalities, nations, families, and clans.

Family- the smallest consanguineous group of people related by common origin (grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, children).

Several families entering into an alliance form genus. Clans were united into clans

Clan- a group of blood relatives bearing the name of an alleged ancestor. The clan maintained common ownership of the land, blood feud, and mutual responsibility. As relics of primitive times, they remained in some areas of Scotland, among the American Indians, in Japan and China. Several clans united to form tribe.

Tribe- a higher form of organization, covering big number genera and clans. Tribes have own language or dialect, territory, formal organization (chief, tribal council), general ceremonies. Their number reached tens of thousands of people.

In the course of further cultural and economic development tribes transformed into nationalities, and those - at higher stages of development - in the nation.

Nationality- ethnic community occupying the stairs social development place between tribes and nation. Nationalities emerge during the era of slavery and represent a linguistic, territorial, economic and cultural community. A nation is larger in number than a tribe; consanguineous ties do not cover the entire nation; their significance is not so great.

Nation- an autonomous political grouping not limited by territorial boundaries, whose members are committed to common values ​​and institutions. Representatives of one nation no longer have a common ancestor and common origin. They do not necessarily have to have a common language or religion.

So, the following ethnic communities have emerged in history: tribe, nationality and nation.

Prerequisite The formation of an ethnic group is a common territory, which creates conditions for close communication and unification of people. At the same time, diasporas (dispersion) are then formed, although ethnic groups retain their identity. Another important condition for the formation of an ethnic group is a common language. But highest value has a unity of spiritual culture, values, norms, patterns of behavior, traditions and associated socio-psychological characteristics of consciousness.

Ethnic groups self-replicate through internal marriages and through socialization and creation national statehood. In other words, society is individuals taken in stable, regular and institutionalized connections and interactions. Οʜᴎ united unified system social institutions and communities that provide satisfaction vital interests of people.

Subject of ethnosociology. Types of ethnic groups - tribe, nationality, nation. Signs of a nation. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Subject of ethnosociology. Types of ethnic groups - tribe, nationality, nation. Signs of a nation." 2017, 2018.

There are about 2 thousand nations, nationalities and tribes in the world. Most often, one country includes several nations; such states are called multinational, and these concepts are studied in detail in the 8th grade. Now let’s try to figure out what the concepts of clan, nationality, ethnicity, nation, tribe, nationality mean, and identify their similarities and differences.


Ethnicity is a general collective name for numerous consanguineous groups of people who form a tribe, nationality or nation.

A person can be assigned to one or another ethnic group depending on his biological and social characteristics.

Each ethnic group has features that are characteristic of its representatives. They are formed over a long period of time and under the influence various factors: natural and climatic conditions, territory of residence, historical past.

On appearance and the character of people influence natural conditions, in which for a long time their people lived. For example, strong winds and sandstorms determine such a feature as narrow eyes, and a hot, sunny climate has led to the appearance of people with dark and black skin. The remoteness of the place of residence and isolation affected the way of life and relationships with other people.

So, let's highlight a number of ethnic characteristics as a stable community of people:

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  • consanguinity;
  • common historical development;
  • general area of ​​residence;
  • common traditions;
  • common cultural heritage;
  • unity of life and language.


This is the most early form ethnicity. Its appearance was preceded by the unification of people into families, clans and clans.

The family is the smallest of the groups, based on consanguinity. It brings parents and children together. The union of several families forms a clan. Several clans that enter into an alliance become a clan. An association of several clans is called a tribe.

The tribes had their own language and lived in the same territory. In addition, at this time, the management system was already emerging. Each tribe had its own leader, as well as a special council in which the most important matters were discussed. important questions. Traditions and ceremonies were formed.

Ethnicity: nations and nationalities


It's more developed form ethnic group that replaced the tribe. Its main differences is that:

  • it included a larger number of people;
  • its appearance was associated with the emergence of states that united large territories into one whole;
  • The unification of people now took place not only along blood lines, but along linguistic, territorial, economic and cultural grounds.


This is a type of ethnic group, the largest group of people united by common institutions and values.

Signs of a nation:

  • single territory;
  • a single language;
  • commonality of the economic system;
  • single national character, a sense of solidarity.


People tend to constantly move due to natural disasters, military operations, and the development of new territories for farming. Some peoples were forced to move from their homeland, as a result of which they became familiar with another culture, territory, established connections with other ethnic groups, and adopted their features. The place to which they moved became their historical homeland.

Social communities of people were historically preceded by ethnic ones, on the basis of which they emerged in the process of development and complication of human relations.

In social philosophy the study ethnic communities people began to be implemented much later than many other things, but in terms of its importance and significance it ranks leading place. To date, there is no common point of view among scientists on this issue.

- This large groups people united by a common language and cultural and historical identity. These usually include tribes, nationalities and nations.

Such communities take shape in a certain territory during joint activities. Their members have common psychological traits, and are also clearly aware of their unity and difference from other similar communities. For a group to be recognized as an ethnic community, at least one of the following conditions must be met:

  • members of the community are aware of their belonging to it;
  • the common origin of members of the community is assumed;
  • members of the community have linguistic and cultural unity;
  • there is an internal social organization, normalizing relationships within the community and contacts with others.


Historically, the formation of ethnic communities can be counted from the moment of the collapse of the primitive human herd. Initially occurs genus- a group of people united by blood. Members of the clan were aware of their kinship and bore a common family name. The genus included several or many families.

The emergence of the genus was facilitated by the emergence primitive community, economic basis which was communal property. Joint farming on the basis of communal property, natural-equal distribution of things, primarily food, common life and entertainment contributed to the formation of such a community as a clan. It can be said that the genus acts as the very first industrial, social and ethnic group of people, united into one joint whole labor activity, consanguineous origin, common language, general religious and mythological beliefs, customs and features of life.

Several genera could be combined into clans - tribal unions. The unity of the clans was based on the belief in a common origin.

Several clans could make up tribe. The basis of the unity of the tribe is blood ties; in addition, a tribe lives in a certain territory, its members have a common language or dialect, their own customs and cult, joint economic activity, the beginnings of internal organization (tribal council).

The appearance of the tribe is explained primarily by the need conservation and protection of habitat(territories of residence, hunting and fishing areas) from encroachment by other human associations. More numerous composition population greatly facilitated the task of resettlement and establishment of life in new territories. Of no small importance was also the protection against the degeneration of the race, which threatened it due to sexual relations between consanguineous Homosapiens.


Nationalities begin to consist of tribes after the appearance of the first states. The nationality is characterized by a territorial community united by economic and cultural activities, as well as a common language. Belonging to a nationality is no longer determined only by blood ties.


Nation - the highest form of socio-ethnic community. And this is not surprising, because namely the unification of people nationality creates the best preconditions for people to live, organize production, economic, socio-political and cultural life. Community economic life, a single language, a common territory, some features of the mental make-up of people, manifested in the specific features of culture - these are the main features of a nation.

It can be said that nation is a stable association of people connected by a common language, common territory, the commonality of economic life and some features of the mental makeup of people, expressed in the specific features of the culture of a given people.

The unity of the nation is promoted by:

Historical memory - this is knowledge of the past, the best achievements of national culture, outstanding representatives of the nation in the field, as well as the desire to act in accordance with the best examples presented in history.

However, since in the history of every nation there were not only heroic pages, but also unpleasant ones, historical memory also suggests that a nation must admit its guilt for the mistakes it has made and draw conclusions from the lessons of the past.

National identity - a sense of belonging to a nation, identifying its interests with your own.

These interests imply, on the one hand, the desire to preserve national culture and protect its identity, and on the other, the desire to enrich one’s national culture best achievements.

Off the top of my head, this is a rhetorical question. It seems that everything here is absolutely clear and understandable.

A nation is people unitedby its origin, language, general views, one place residence.

A people is people united not only by one history, land and common language, but also unitedstate system.

It is from the identity of worldviews that such phrases as “the great American nation,” “Russian people,” and “the people of Israel” arose.

It must be said that the words “nation” and “people” are closely related to the concept “ nationalism" And there are plenty of stories when liberal nationalism (protecting the interests of each people separately) can easily turn into extreme nationalism (chauvinism). Therefore, the issue under consideration requires an attentive attitude.

Foundations of Russian statehood

In the opinion of the progressively thinking part of the population, the question of peoples and nations should, first of all, be based on Constitution the country in which the person lives and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The first article of the founding document of the United Nations explains clearly and simply that human beings are “born free and equal” in both “dignity” and “rights.”

People living on the territory of Russia and using a single state language (Russian) proudly call themselves Russians.

It should be noted that the Constitution of the Russian Federation begins with words that reflect the essence life principles Russians: “We, multinational people Russian Federation..." And in Chapter 1 of the “Fundamentals of the Constitutional System” Article 3 explains that “the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinationalpeople».

Thus, the concept of “people” means all nations and nationalities living within one state.
And Russia is no exception. This is the homeland different nations speaking different languages who profess different religions, and, most importantly, they differ in the originality of cultures and mentality.

But the question posed in the title of the article excites the consciousness of the public and gives rise to many completely different opinions to this day.

One of the main and state-supported opinions is the assertion that “ in the friendship of peoples - the unity of Russia" And “interethnic peace” is the “basis of life” Russian state. But this opinion is not supported by radical nationalists who, because of their beliefs, are ready to blow up political system Russian Federation.

Therefore, issues of tolerance, patriotism, interethnic conflicts, active life position, are brought up for wide public discussion not by chance.

After all, it’s no longer a secret that in interethnic relations The problem of not only cruelty, but also real aggression has become very acute. This is due, first of all, to economicproblems(competition for jobs), and then with the search for those responsible for the current economic situation in the state. After all, it’s always easier to say that if “not for these...”, then we would have butter on the table.

Scientific understanding of the terms “people” and “nation”

Let us consider the concepts of “nation” and “people” more specifically. Today there is no single understanding of the term “nation”.
But in the sciences that deal with development issues human society, two main formulations of the word “nation” are accepted.
The first says that this is a community of people who it worked outhistorically based on the unity of land, economy, politics, language, culture and mentality. All this together is expressed in a single civic identity.

The second point of view says that a nation is a unity of people who are characterized by common origin, language, land, economy, perception of the world and culture. Their relationship is manifested in ethnicconsciousness.
The first point of view states that a nation is democraticco-citizenship.
In the second case, it is argued that a nation is an ethnic group. This point of view exists in the universal human consciousness.
Let's consider these concepts as well.

It is believed that ethnicity is historicallystable community of people living on a certain land, which have features external resemblance, general culture, language, a single way of thinking and consciousness. A nation was formed on the basis of associations of clans, tribes and nationalities. The creation of a cohesive state contributed to their formation.

Therefore, in the scientific understanding, a nation is considered as a civil community of people. And then, as a community of people of a certain state.

Civil and ethnocultural nations

Despite the different approaches to the concept of the word “nation,” all participants in the discussions are unanimous in one thing: there are two types of nations – ethnocultural and civil.

If we talk about the peoples of Russia, then we can say that all the small nationalities inhabiting the North of the Russian Federation are ethnocultural nations.
And the Russian people are a civil nation, since it was practically formed already within the existing statehood with a common political history and laws.

And, of course, when it comes to nations, we should not forget their fundamental right - the nation’s right to self-determination. This international term, which is taken into account by representatives of all states, gives a nation the opportunity to secede from one or another state and form its own.

However, it must be said that during the collapse of the USSR, the Russian people, who were in large numerical superiority in most republics, were unable to take advantage of this right and practically remained most divided nation in the world.

On the main differences between a people and a nation

Based on all of the above, we can safely say that the nation and people are conceptstotally different, but having a single root of formation.

The people are culturalcomponent, that is, these are people connected not only by blood ties, but having a single state language, culture, territory and a common past.

Nation – politicalcomponent of the state. That is, a nation is a people who have managed to create their own state. Without it, the nation does not exist. For example, Russians who live abroad are among the Russian people, but not the Russian nation. They are identified with the nation of the state where they live.

Citizenship is the only criterion by which a nation is defined. In addition, we must take into account such a concept as a “titular” nation. Their language is most often the official language, and their culture becomes dominant. At the same time, other nations and nationalities living on their territory do not lose their individuality.


And there’s one more thing I’d definitely like to say. There are no nations, good or bad, there are people, good or bad, and their actions. This is always worth remembering. After all, Russia has many nationalities. And knowledge of the concepts of “people” and “nation” will help to accept and understand the ethnic diversity of the country with the proud name of Russia.

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