Lush pancakes with sour cream recipe. Kefir pancakes with sour cream

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One very important detail: all ingredients for sour cream pancakes should be at room temperature. The amount of salt and sugar makes the pancakes versatile. And such “flatbread” can be calmly and harmoniously complemented with cheese, onion confiture, pate or berries. So, let's get started! Wash the eggs in warm water, break them into a work bowl, pierce the yolks with a fork and beat well, but without fanaticism.

Mix beaten eggs with sour cream. Add salt, sugar, beat until smooth. And also without fanaticism, because intensive beating “introduces” active oxygen into the mass. Because of this, the pancakes can rise abundantly in the pan and “fall” in the same way. Therefore, for “stable” fluffiness, the dough should not be “beaten”.

Add sifted flour to the homogeneous sour cream and egg mixture and use a spoon to knead into a smooth dough without lumps.

Quench the soda in lemon juice. This will give the pancakes a barely noticeable citrus trail, which is pleasantly refreshing.

Stir slaked soda into the dough. And immediately start frying in hot oil, calibrating the pancakes with a tablespoon. For frying, I always use rice oil or grapeseed oil. As nutritionists assure, this oil is very healthy - suitable for frying and does not produce harmful and dangerous carcinogens at high temperatures.

If you suddenly want a nice variety on your plate, and you have an extra 15-20 minutes to stand on the stove, you can fry the pancakes in special silicone molds.

“Proper” pancakes, like the French macarons, have their own special feature. These “foreigners” should show a porous “skirt” when baking. And the pancakes have an even rim around the edge, as if imitating a saucer.

Another feature of “correct” pancakes is their light porous structure, which resembles yeast bread.

Pancakes with sour cream are ready. Place them immediately on a plate if you do not overuse the amount of oil. If you think it’s too much, then after frying, place the pancakes on paper towels to remove excess fat. Serve the pancakes with your favorite topping. I have different ones, but this time I served with frozen candied berries - they just “finished off” the missing sweet note.

If on Saturday morning you smell the wonderful smell of pancakes steaming in a delicious heap on a plate, then the day will certainly go great! Pancakes made with sour cream or kefir, sweet and salty, pleasantly sour and fresh, with various toppings and fillings, soft and crispy - cook and add your favorite recipes to your treasure chest!

Pancakes prepared with sour cream go with everything, so the recipe can be called classic. It is without any flavoring additives, and the sweetness and saltiness are regulated independently: some people like it sweeter, while others will prefer a salty taste.

You will need:

  • thin sour cream about 300 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • odorless vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Scramble the eggs and season to your taste.
  2. Add sour cream. The more sour it is, the more the pancakes will rise in the pan. A thick composition is not recommended for the recipe, so if necessary, it can be diluted with kefir.
  3. Add baking soda.
  4. Add sifted flour little by little until the dough stops dripping from the spoon. You may not need all the flour.
  5. Spoon the dough into the hot oil, making sure the heat is not too high. The finished fluffy pancakes with sour cream look evenly browned.

Cooking with sour food

The basis of the recipe is a liquid fermented milk product. The more sour it is, the more magnificent the pancakes will be. Therefore, kefir is often used that has been in the refrigerator for several days and is no longer suitable for drinking. Liquid sour yogurt, fermented baked milk, Varenets, and snowball are also suitable. Each product will add its own interesting flavor to the dish.

You will need:

  • half a liter of fermented milk product;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • salt and sugar;
  • 1.5 cups white wheat flour;
  • refined vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Warm the kefir a little and season according to your preferences.
  2. Beat two eggs in a separate bowl; strong foam is not required. Add to kefir.
  3. Add baking soda and stir. There is no need to extinguish it first.
  4. Add flour one spoon at a time, achieving a medium-thick sour cream consistency. It is important not to over-mix the flour, as this will make the pancakes too dense and heavy. Leave the dough to rest in a warm place for 15 minutes.
  5. Fry in oil heated to medium temperature in a frying pan with an open lid until golden brown.

With the addition of apples

You can always add variety to a traditional pancake recipe with the help of seasonings - flavoring additives. One of the most popular is apples. This is a rather delicate product, so the fermented milk base should not be too sour so as not to interrupt the delicate sweetness of the apple.

You will need:

  • 300 g light sour cream or kefir;
  • salt and sugar;
  • 1 cup wheat flour, you can use half each of finely ground wheat and corn flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 apple;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Peel and chop the apples.
  2. Mix the fermented milk product with the beaten egg.
  3. Stir in baking soda and season to taste. There is very little salt, and the amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the apple.
  4. Stir in the flour gradually so that the apples are completely covered with the dough and it does not drip off the spoon.
  5. Fry the pancakes in oil, slightly lowering the temperature under the pan at the beginning of the process so that the apples have time to bake.

Pancakes on sour cream dough without eggs

Do you want pancakes, but don’t have eggs at home, or don’t eat this product for various reasons? The dough for pancakes can be made without them.

You will need:

  • 300 g sour cream or thick kefir;
  • a glass of flour;
  • sugar and salt;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • refined vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Add soda, salt and sugar to sour cream or kefir.
  2. Stir in flour little by little until a medium thick dough is obtained.
  3. Fry in hot oil until it looks appetizing with the lid closed.

With banana pieces

To diversify your breakfast or children's afternoon snack, you can prepare delicious pancakes with bananas. By the way, this fruit binds the dough perfectly; you don’t have to use eggs.

You will need:

  • 1 banana;
  • 250 g of non-acidic kefir of medium thickness;
  • sugar and salt to taste;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • a glass of white wheat flour;
  • refined vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the banana into small pieces.
  2. Pour salt, sugar and soda into kefir.
  3. Add flour little by little until you get a medium-thick dough that barely falls off a spoon.
  4. Gently stir in the banana pieces.
  5. Fry in hot oil on both sides.

Yeast pancakes with sour cream

There are many recipes for pancakes using yeast, which give the dish fluffiness and lightness.

You will need:

  • 250 g liquid sour cream;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • egg;
  • 50 g heavy cream;
  • 2/3 teaspoon dry yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar, a little salt;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make a dough by mixing warm milk, sugar, yeast. Within 20 minutes, bubbles will form on the surface in a warm place. The dough is ready.
  2. Place the fermented milk product, beaten egg, salt, cream into the dough, stir in the flour. The dough should be moderately thick.
  3. Let the dough rise well.
  4. Cook in a frying pan in oil. These pancakes expand in size as they cook.

Many different recipes for this affordable dish will allow you to feed your household without repeating it.

Sour cream pancakes are great for a quick and easy breakfast. The beauty of this dish is that even after several hours they remain soft and airy. Next, we will share with you several accessible step-by-step recipes for fluffy pancakes with sour cream with photos.

Pancakes with sour cream and soda

We need: frying pan, whisk.


Sour cream with different percentages of fat content is suitable for the dough. You can even cook pancakes with sour cream.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Combine 3 eggs with 300-310 grams of sour cream in a bowl. To make mixing easier, you can lightly beat the eggs first.
  2. Add 90-100 grams of sugar to the resulting mass and mix, trying to dissolve the grains as much as possible.

  3. Pour salt to taste and ½ gram of vanillin into the egg-sour cream mixture.

    Instead of vanillin, you can use vanilla sugar or vanilla essence.

  4. We extinguish 15-20 grams of soda with 5 milliliters of vinegar and add to the dough.

  5. Stir everything thoroughly until a light foam appears on the surface of the mass.

  6. Gradually add 260-270 grams of sifted flour into the resulting mass and knead the dough. The result should be a mass with a smooth texture without lumps.

  7. Heat 25-30 milliliters of sunflower oil in a frying pan, spoon out the dough and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

  8. We recommend serving the finished pancakes while still hot.

Video recipe for making pancakes with sour cream and soda

To see in detail the entire recipe for fluffy pancakes with sour cream described above, we recommend that you carefully watch the following video.

Pancakes with sour cream and corn flour

Cooking time: 30-35 minutes.
We need: spatula, frying pan.
Number of servings: 4.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • We recommend choosing the finest corn flour.
  • It is better to use butter with a fat content of 82.5%, since it does not contain dangerous trans fats.

Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for making pancakes with sour cream and corn flour

If you want to clearly see how to fry fluffy pancakes with sour cream without yeast, be sure to watch the following video.

Pancakes with sour cream without soda

Cooking time: 30-35 minutes.
We need: whisk, frying pan, spatula.
Number of servings: 4.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for making pancakes with sour cream without soda

The video below will help you fully understand the process of preparing fluffy pancakes with sour cream.

  • If you decide to make pancakes from sour sour cream, then please note that it should be no more than a day out of date.
  • You can add fresh or frozen berries to the dough. Raspberries, currants or blueberries are best.
  • You can adjust the amount of sugar and salt to your taste. If you want to serve pancakes with creamy or tomato sauces, it is better to add no more than 15-20 grams of sugar.
  • We recommend serving sweet pancakes with sour cream, jam or condensed milk.

Helpful information

  • You can replace boring oatmeal for breakfast with aromatic oatmeal, to which you can add mushrooms or berries.
  • White cabbage makes delicious. You can prepare them with the addition of low-fat cheese and carrots.
  • prepared from grated potatoes or mashed potatoes with the addition of various vegetables.
  • It is difficult to deny the benefits of cottage cheese. A real find for those who don’t like it in its pure form will be. They are especially tasty if served with honey.

Thank you for your attention to our recipes! If you liked the proposed dish, be sure to share your impressions with us. Enjoy your meal!

Dairy and fermented milk products have a short shelf life. What if it comes to an end? Prepare sour cream pancakes for breakfast or dinner. They often think that there is only one recipe and they are mistaken.

Let's start with the most common recipe, which is used by almost all housewives.

  • 3 eggs;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • salt;
  • 1.5 cups each of flour, sugar and sour cream.

In a separate bowl, add soda to the sour cream.

Remember! In order to properly extinguish the soda and make the pancakes fluffy with sour cream, the fermented milk product must be at room temperature.

While the reaction is taking place, whisk the eggs with salt and granulated sugar. Add sour cream, and then flour, which may need more, since the dough should not be too liquid. Pour a small amount of sunflower oil into a hot frying pan, wait for it to boil and use a large spoon to spread it in the form of a circle or oval. Once one side is browned, use a spatula or fork to flip.

It's better when the pancakes are served hot. They go well with honey, jam or condensed milk.

Try adding berries or fruits to the dough, which will fill the baked goods not only with aroma, but also with great taste. The beauty of this dish is that it reduces the number of calories. This is a powerful argument for people watching their figure.

Let's add to the main recipe described above:

  • 300 g apples (or choose your favorite filling);
  • add 130 g flour.

Let's start making the dough as always. Only add flour after adding washed, peeled and grated apples, so as not to overdo it. Baking is prepared in the same way as in the recipe above.

Place additional sour cream on the table for tea or sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

Buy slightly unripe fruits to feel the full aroma and taste of the finished dish.

Finely chop the bananas and add to the prepared pancake batter. If the mixture turns out a little liquid, add flour. Bake as usual.

Even sour sour cream is suitable for such a dish. The main thing is that there is no musty smell. Try adding different berries and fruits to diversify your menu.

Pancakes with sour cream and kefir

By adding a product such as kefir to the regular recipe, the pancakes will become even fluffier and their density will increase. Try it and perhaps you will use only this recipe forever.

The ingredients will remain almost the same, with only a slight change in quantity.

For 180 ml of fresh kefir product you need:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • the same amount of sour cream;
  • a little salt and soda;
  • vanillin if desired;
  • 1.5 (sometimes more is needed) cups of flour.

Step-by-step recipe for pancakes with kefir and sour cream:

  1. We extinguish the soda by putting it in sour cream.
  2. Beat the eggs with salt, sugar, and add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Stir the dough until all the lumps are gone.
  4. Leave the mass to “rest”.
  5. Fry in a small amount of vegetable oil over medium heat.

Both children and adults will really like this rosy pastry.

With greens

Let's complement the above recipe and you will get magnificent fluffy pancakes with a spring taste. They will brighten up the early morning while drinking tea.

Addition to the previous option with kefir:

  • 4 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • greens to your taste.

Finely chop the washed greens and eggs. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater and mix everything. We prepare the milk-egg mass, add our products, and then the required amount of sifted flour. The consistency of the dough is normal.

Fry. Do not serve sweets with them.

With cottage cheese

We change the filling and get a new taste. Such pastries will resemble cheesecakes.

Let's prepare:

  • 200 g cottage cheese (fat content is not important);
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 4 tbsp. flour;
  • salt;
  • Art. l. Sahara.

Let's make the curd mass, which needs to be mashed with a fork and adding an egg. Then add sugar and sour cream, and at the end there is baking powder, previously sifted with premium flour. When the mass becomes homogeneous, proceed to frying.

Pancakes with cottage cheese may stick a little to the pan, so it is better to use a Teflon coating or lift the round wood with a spatula so that the oil gets under it again.

Pancakes with sour cream and milk

This recipe will come in handy when there is clearly not enough fermented milk product, but you really want baked goods. It’s good if the sour cream is fatty.


  • 260 g flour;
  • salt and soda;
  • 200 ml fresh milk;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • 3-4 tbsp. Sahara;
  • flavoring (you don't have to add it);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g soft butter.

Add soda to sour cream, wait a little and pour in milk. Separately, beat the eggs and sugar with a whisk or mixer and mix everything. Add warm melted butter and flour. Leave the resulting dough for 10 minutes and, using a large spoon, fry.

Delicious and fluffy pancakes made with milk and sour cream are ready.

Yeast recipe

You can make a small change to the recipe given just above. Believe me, you will get a new taste and more tender baked goods. Just be prepared to spend more time.

So, we remove soda from the ingredients. Instead, put 10 g (1 small bag) of dry yeast.

Yeast must be diluted in warm milk, adding a little flour, and left to rise for a while. This method is called sponge.

In a bowl, mix sugar, butter and eggs. Pour the dough here, add flour and make a dough. Watch, it should turn out thinner than for pies, so that you can take it with a spoon and put it in the pan. Leave for another half hour to increase the volume.

Mix again and begin cooking.

Set the heat on the stove to medium, as on low the pancakes will turn out to be quite greasy, and on high the baked goods will remain raw inside.

Without using soda

For people who are prohibited from eating foods containing sodium bicarbonate, this recipe will come in handy. Of course, the consistency will be denser, but the taste will remain.

Prepare the following products:

  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • salt.

To achieve at least some fluffiness, you need to beat the eggs and sugar well into a foam and sift the flour, saturating it with oxygen. Mix the dough and start cooking immediately.

To prevent the whipped mass from losing volume, flour should not be mixed in using a mixer. Better take a whisk.

No eggs

Such pancakes with sour cream also won’t turn out quite fluffy, but some people will still like it.

Here, too, everything is simple and there is no point in describing all the ingredients. Just omit the eggs from the recipe and prepare the dough as before.

Bon appetit!

All children in the world love pancakes, all adults share this love. One has only to imagine a huge dish of lush, rosy, flavorful pancakes, and one’s mouth immediately begins to water. And, if you also serve them with milk or aromatic tea, jam in rosettes or honey, or pour chocolate on them, you can promise anything for such a treat.

Below is a selection of the best recipes for this generally simple dish, the preparation of which, however, has many features and secrets.

Lush and delicious pancakes with sour cream - step-by-step photo recipe

The question often arises of what to cook for breakfast. The dish should be satisfying, healthy and take little time to prepare. Pancakes with sour cream will help out. Sour cream contains a lot of proteins and fats. After such a breakfast, the feeling of hunger will not come soon. It will give baked goods a particularly delicate taste. Cooking will not take much time. Every housewife always has the ingredients for this dish.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Sour cream: 200 g
  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Sugar: 50 g
  • Flour: 1 tbsp.
  • Soda: 1/2 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar: 1 sachet

Cooking instructions

How to cook pancakes with sour cream and milk

The first recipe for your favorite pancakes includes two dairy products at once - sour cream and milk. It is good for those cases when you really want to serve something baked for evening tea, but sour cream or milk is clearly not enough. On the other hand, thanks to the combination of these products, the pancakes are tender in taste and very fluffy.


  • Fresh milk – 1 tbsp.
  • Sour cream (15%) – ½ tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken eggs – 1-2 pcs.
  • Butter – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour – 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • Salt - on the tip of a spoon.
  • Vanillin (natural or flavoring).
  • Vegetable oil (for frying).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The first stage is beating liquid products, it is best to start with an egg, adding sugar to it. You can grind it with a tablespoon or beat it with a whorl.
  2. Then add melted, but not hot butter, milk, sour cream to the sugar-egg mixture.
  3. The second stage is to mix the dry ingredients for pancakes in a separate, also fairly large container - flour, vanillin, baking powder and salt.
  4. Now you need to combine the contents of both containers together. You can make a hole in the flour and pour in the liquid part, or, conversely, pour flour into the liquid part. The main thing in both cases is to mix thoroughly until a uniform mass is obtained.
  5. The dough must stand for at least 15 minutes to allow the gluten contained in the flour to swell.
  6. Fry in a regular frying pan using the traditional method, that is, heat it up, pour in vegetable oil, and let it warm up well.
  7. Place approximately equal portions of the dough with a tablespoon, giving them the shape of your favorite pancakes.
  8. Fry one side until golden brown. Turn over with a special spatula (so as not to spoil the surface of the pan) to the other side. Fry it.

Serve on a large platter with jam. You can pour maple syrup into a bowl and declare a Canadian holiday.

Recipe for pancakes with sour cream and kefir

The following recipe for making pancakes is in many ways similar to the previous one; almost the same products are used and in approximately the same proportions. There are several differences: firstly, the sour cream is accompanied by kefir, which makes the pancakes fluffy and quite dense. Secondly, it is suggested to use not baking powder (which you may not have on hand), but regular soda; it is always in the house.


  • Wheat flour (high grade) – 1.5 tbsp. (or a little more).
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Salt – ½ tsp.
  • Soda – ½ tsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream – ½ tbsp.
  • Kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Flavoring: vanillin.
  • For frying - refined vegetable oil.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The first step is to beat the eggs with salt and sugar until foam appears.
  2. Add kefir and sour cream to the mixture, stir until smooth. Add flavoring.
  3. Sift the flour so that it is saturated with air, then the dough will turn out more fluffy. Add flour to the milk-egg mixture, stirring thoroughly. A mixer or food processor with the appropriate function helps to do this very well.
  4. Rest for 15 minutes (and let the dough rest). Fry in hot oil over low heat.

Of course, the dish turns out to be high in calories, but who will count calories when it is so delicious. They are good with coffee, tea, and milk!

Pancakes with sour cream

A good housewife will never waste a single product, and slightly acidified sour cream becomes a wonderful ingredient for baking pancakes. Its sour taste disappears during frying, and the pancakes turn out fluffy, rosy and very appetizing.


  • Sour sour cream – 2 tbsp.
  • Premium wheat flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs – 1-2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 1-3 tablespoons (depending on the preferences of home tasters).
  • Salt ½ tsp.
  • Soda – ½ tsp.
  • Flavoring.
  • Vegetable oil in the dough - 2 tbsp. l.
  • For frying - refined vegetable oil.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a deep container, beat eggs with sugar, salt, soda, vegetable oil and vanilla (or other flavoring used) in it.
  2. Then pour sour cream into the mixture and mix thoroughly again. You can make the process easier by using a mixer with appropriate attachments.
  3. Add flour in small portions, stir until smooth.
  4. Place in boiling oil (you will need much less of it, since it is already present in the dough) and shape with a tablespoon.
  5. Turn over with a fork or a special spatula (for those who take care of the Teflon coating of the pan).

And the sour cream was used, and the treat was great. There is no shame in inviting relatives and friends to a tasting of such a dish.

Pancakes with sour cream without eggs

Many housewives think that pancakes cannot be made without eggs, but here is one recipe that perfectly demonstrates that eggs are not at all necessary. The finished pancakes surprise you with their splendor and delicate taste.


  • Sour cream – ½ tbsp.
  • Kefir – ½ tbsp.
  • Soda – ½ tsp.
  • Sugar - from 2 to 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp. (with a slide).
  • Vegetable oil (for frying).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The cooking process begins with extinguishing the soda. To do this, pour kefir and sour cream into a large container and mix. Add baking soda and leave for a while. Bubbles forming on the surface will indicate that the process has begun.
  2. Add salt and sugar. Stir.
  3. Add flour little by little, preferably sifting it first.
  4. Fry in the traditional way in a heated frying pan, adding a little oil.

You can safely treat these pancakes to your household and friends who are allergic to chicken eggs. You can serve them with maple syrup or jam, chocolate or condensed milk.

The pancakes have a simple recipe, but leave room for experimentation. You can use one fermented milk product or mix several, for example, kefir and sour cream, milk and sour cream.

  • Flour is of the highest grade, pre-sifted.
  • Chicken eggs must be fresh; the process of kneading the dough must begin with them.
  • But the sour cream can be sour, this does not affect the final result.
  • You can add flavorings to the pancake dough, including vanillin and cinnamon.
  • Pieces of dried fruit or raisins, or confectionery chocolate are good.

Using various options and recipes, you can treat your family for several days. The pancakes will have different tastes and aroma, but will disappear from the plate equally quickly.

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