Olga Larina description. How love changes a person

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Roman I.A. Goncharova “Oblomov” reveals the problem social society those times. In this work, the main characters were unable to deal with with your own feelings, depriving yourself of the right to happiness. We will talk about one of these heroines with an unfortunate fate.

The image and characterization of Olga Ilyinskaya with quotes in the novel “Oblomov” will help to fully reveal her complex character and better understand this woman.

Olga's appearance

It seems difficult to call the young creature a beauty. The girl's appearance is far from ideals and generally accepted standards.

“Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty... But if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony.”

Being vertically challenged she managed to walk like a queen, with her head held high. There was a sense of character in the girl, of becoming. She didn't pretend to be better. She didn’t flirt, she didn’t ingratiate herself. She was as natural as possible in expressing emotions and feelings. Everything about her was real, without a drop of falsehood or lies.

“In a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of look, word, action... no lies, no tinsel, no intent!”


Olga was not raised by her parents, but by her aunt, who replaced her father and mother. The girl remembered her mother from a portrait hanging in the living room. She had no information about her father since he took her away from the estate at the age of five. Having become an orphan, the child was left to his own devices. The baby lacked support, care, and warm words. The aunt had no time for her. She was too immersed in social life, and she did not care about the suffering of her niece.


Despite her eternal busyness, the aunt was able to find time for the education of her growing niece. Olga was not one of those people who was forced to sit down for lessons with a whip. She always strived to gain new knowledge, constantly developing and moving forward in this direction. Books were an outlet, and music served as a source of inspiration. In addition to playing the piano, she sang beautifully. Her voice, despite its soft sound, was strong.

“From this pure, strong girlish voice, the heart beat, the nerves trembled, the eyes sparkled and swam with tears...”


Oddly enough, she loved privacy. Noisy companies, cheerful gatherings with friends are not about Olga. She did not strive to acquire new acquaintances, revealing her soul to strangers. Some thought she was too smart, others, on the contrary, stupid.

“Some considered her to be narrow-minded, since wise maxims did not come out of her tongue...”

Not very talkative, she preferred to live in her shell. In that imaginary little world where it was good and calm. The external calm was strikingly different from internal state souls. The girl always knew clearly what she wanted from life and tried to implement her plans.

“If she has any intention, then things will boil over...”

First love or meeting Oblomov

My first love came at the age of 20. The meeting was planned. Stolz brought Oblomov to Olga’s aunt’s house. Hearing Oblomov’s angelic voice, he realized that he was lost. The feeling turned out to be mutual. From that moment on, meetings became regular. The young people became interested in each other and began to think about life together.

How love changes a person

Love can change any person. Olga was no exception. It was as if wings had grown behind her back from the overwhelming feelings. Everything in her was seething and seething with the desire to turn the world upside down, changing it, making it better, cleaner. Olga's chosen one was from a different field. Understand your lover's emotions and ambitions too difficult task. It was difficult for him to resist this volcano of passions, sweeping away everything in its path. He wanted to see in her a quiet, calm woman who completely devoted herself to home and family. Olga, on the contrary, wanted to shake up Ilya, change him inner world and the usual way of life.

“She dreamed of how she would “order him to read the books” that Stolz left, then read newspapers every day and tell her the news, write letters to the village, complete a plan for organizing the estate, get ready to go abroad - in a word, he would not fall asleep with her; she will show him a goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving.”

First disappointment

Time passed, nothing changed. Everything remained in its place. Olga knew perfectly well what she was getting into by allowing the relationship to go too far. It was not in her rules to retreat. She continued to hope, sincerely believing that she could remake Oblomov, adapting a man ideal in all respects to her model, but sooner or later any patience comes to an end.


She's tired of fighting. The girl was gnawed by doubts whether she had made a mistake by deciding to connect her life with a weak-willed, weak person incapable of action. Sacrifice yourself all your life for love, why? She already spent too much time marking time, which was unusual for her. The time has come to move on, but apparently alone.

“I thought that I would revive you, that you could still live for me, but you died a very long time ago.”

This phrase became decisive before Olga put an end to her relationship that ended so early with the person she thought she loved.

Stolz: life vest or attempt number two

He was always for her, first of all, a close friend, a mentor. She shared everything that was going on in her soul. Stolz always found time to support, lend a shoulder, making it clear that he was always there, and she could rely on him in any situation. They had common interests. Life positions are similar. They could well become one, which is what Andrei was counting on. Olga decided to lick her emotional wounds after breaking up with Oblomov in Paris. In the city of love, where there is a place for hope and faith in the best. It was here that her meeting with Stolz took place.

Marriage. Trying to be happy.

Andrey surrounded me with attention and care. She enjoyed the courtship.

“The continuous, intelligent and passionate worship of a man like Stolz”

Restored injured, offended pride. She was grateful to him. Gradually my heart began to thaw. The woman felt that she was ready for a new relationship, that she was ripe for a family.

“She experienced happiness and could not determine where the boundaries were, what it was.”

Having become a wife, for the first time she was able to understand what it means to be loved and to love.

A few years later

The couple lived for several years in happy marriage. It seemed to Olga that it was in Stolz:

“Not blindly, but with consciousness, and in him her ideal of male perfection was embodied.”

But everyday life became boring. The woman got bored. The uniform rhythm of gray everyday life was stifling, giving no outlet for the accumulated energy. Olga missed the vigorous activity that she led with Ilya. She tried to attribute her state of mind to fatigue and depression, but the situation did not improve, becoming increasingly tense. Andrei intuitively felt changes in mood, not understanding the true reason for his wife’s depressed state. Did they make a mistake, and the attempt to become happy failed, but why?


Who is to blame for what happens to us at this or that stage of life. For the most part ourselves. IN modern world Olga would not be bored and would not focus on problems. At that time women with masculine character there were only a few. They were not understood and not accepted in society. She alone could not have changed anything, and she herself was not ready to change, being selfish at heart. Family life was not for her. She had to accept the situation or let it go.

In the work “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov, the most fascinating is the image of Olga Ilyinskaya. The author masterfully combined in it the most valuable character traits and souls of not just a Russian woman, but a Russian person as a whole.

Olga is a young, but at the same time smart, proud and proud girl. The writer only needs a few phrases to describe her, but the reader already sees before him a living, sincere, charming person, devoid of all affectation, lies, artificial tinsel and intent.

Having a passionate and decisive nature, which is characterized by openness and freedom of views and actions, not aimed at generally accepted norms and secular conventions, Olga is a stranger to her environment. It was for these qualities that Stolz valued her so much, and Oblomov saw in her the embodiment of that feminine perfection that he so dreamed of.

An active and inquisitive heroine lives life to the fullest and strives to learn everything new. Olga enjoys reading, loves music and sings excellently. She invades Oblomov’s life as a life-giving source of strength, vigor and energy. A noble and decent girl, carried away by the idea of ​​saving Ilya, stirring him up and returning him to normal life, unexpectedly falls in love with the simplicity and gullibility of the hero, feeling that there is no cynicism in Ilya, but there is an indispensable craving for excitement and sympathy.

The heroine’s perseverance, strength, clear mind and knowledge contribute to Oblomov’s transformation. It was as if he had woken up from a long sleep. I began to dress carefully, visit museums, theaters, visit people, sleep less and spend more time in the fresh air.

The desire to change Oblomov transforms Olga herself. Constantly thinking not only about feelings, but also about the influence on Ilya, about her accepted role, Olga grows spiritually, becomes wiser and more restrained. Love for her becomes a duty, which means that all touchingness, all recklessness and naturalness of feelings are lost. Olga fell in love with the Oblomov whom she herself created in her imagination. She expects from him strong-willed actions, energy, and the desire to act. While Oblomov dreams of reckless and selfless love. The heroes' expectations are unrealistic, and therefore the end of their love is inevitable.

Internally, the matured Olga, having once recognized the dignity and rights to herself in the chosen person, believed in him, and therefore loved, and when she stopped believing, she stopped loving, as happened with Oblomov.

The wise and strong-willed heroine, realizing the impossibility of changing a person if he himself does not want it, coped with disappointment with dignity and found well-deserved happiness in marriage with Stolz.

Option 2

Olga Ilyinskaya is one of central characters novel "Oblomov" by Ivan Goncharov. The author endowed her with the best qualities of a Russian woman in classical understanding, described as a complex and multifaceted personality.

Olga is 20 years old, she is an orphan noble origin, after the death of his parents, he lives with his aunt. The girl is young, full of strength, naive, inexperienced and sincere. Olga has good upbringing, educated, understands art. The girl has an exaggerated sense of self-esteem and pride, but this does not spoil her at all. Throughout the novel, the reader observes her maturation and transformation into a balanced, calm and wise woman.

Outwardly, Goncharov describes Olga Ilyinskaya as an attractive, even beautiful girl with her inherent natural grace. She has gray-blue eyes, a gentle and inquisitive look, thin lips and thoughtfully arched eyebrows, an easy gait and a slender physique. As for her hobbies, she loves to read, embroider, play the piano and sings beautifully. Olga is timid, shy and silent, but at the same time she is persistent and not without pride. She also has kindness and outstanding fortitude.

It allows you to get a more complete picture of the girl’s character story line Olga's relationship with Ilya Oblomov. Unfortunately, they never managed to become happy, because both demanded the impossible from each other, did not want to put up with shortcomings and inconsistencies with expectations, illusions built in the imagination. Olga needed support and reliability, and Oblomov wanted to receive selfless, reckless love from her. Ilyinskaya wanted to turn Ilya into the embodiment of her own ideals, guided by her selfishness and frivolous ambitions.

At the end of the novel common sense and sobriety of mind free the girl from torment and she decides to marry Stolz, who could guarantee her a calm and measured future, but some part of Olga’s soul always continued to love Oblomov. In Andrei Ivanovich she received not only a husband, but also a wise mentor, friend, and teacher. They had similar views on life, goals and ideas about happiness and family well-being. But, over time, Olga becomes disillusioned with her relationship with Stolz, he no longer inspires her and the couple gradually moved away from each other. The author does not describe future fate Andrei and Olga, but it can be assumed that they either broke off the relationship or lived an unhappy family life together.

Olga Ilyinskaya is a truly interesting and versatile person. Goncharov presents her character as a strong and independent person.

Essay Characteristics and image of Olga Ilyinskaya

Olga is one of the main heroines of the work and in her image the writer depicts the features of modern Russian women of that time, who have a strong-willed character and are capable of influencing changes in the world around them.

Olga appears before the reader in an image that is not entirely beautiful girl, but at the same time possessing natural grace with a proud posture and inner harmony. She has a good education and education, purposeful, constantly in the process of self-development and learning new things. Olga is inquisitive and enjoys art and reading, as well as various natural sciences.

Her life is radically changed by the sudden feeling of falling in love with the main character Oblomov, which from the first minutes is doomed to parting, since young people cultivate love in themselves, idealizing each other.

Oblomov expects from Ilyinskaya feminine softness, meekness, tenderness, and for Olga the only goal is to change Ilya’s inner world and the possibility of creating an ideal member of society from him. These girl’s feelings are based on Olga’s ambitious character, striving to achieve the heights set before her and constantly thinking about how she can influence Oblomov, deceiving herself.

The painful separation of the lovers leads to Ilyinskaya marrying Oblomov’s friend Stolz, who becomes a good support for her and a real husband. Telling about later life heroine, the writer believes that the woman is experiencing tragedy in her personal life and in her soul still loves Oblomov, but mental doubts and suffering are beyond her control. The only thing Olga feels is melancholy, since the active Stolz does not allow her to develop. female soul, the spouses gradually move away from each other.

Focusing on the tragedy of Ilyinskaya’s image, the writer illustrates the state of society during that period of state development, when even the emerging strong female personality, capable of achievements on an equal basis with men and thirsting for positive changes, would still expect a monotonous family life with housekeeping and raising children.

Option 4

“Oblomov” is a legendary work of Russian literary figure I. A. Goncharova. Each of us gets acquainted with this novel at school. The surnames Oblomov and Stolz are on everyone’s lips. real world. And along with these heroes, Olga Ilyinskaya is also considered a very interesting figure, with whom every reader should get to know each other better.

Goncharov put everything into the image of the girl best qualities smart person with a beautiful soul. Olga Ilyinskaya is a young but very wise person, although she is somewhat proud and even proud. But even from the beginning of the description of her character, every reader understands that this heroine is devoid of any evil intent, lies and pretense. She is a lively, energetic personality with excellent qualities an honest and decent person.

Olga boasts the freedom of her own thoughts and views; she is very determined and open to new knowledge and hobbies. The girl has a big vital energy and a craving for an active lifestyle, an active pace and numerous interactions with the world. Alien to her surroundings, she thinks differently than others. It is for these qualities that Andrei Stolts values ​​her so highly. And Oblomov saw in Ilyinskaya the embodiment of his feminine ideal, which he had always dreamed of.

Olga invades the life of Ilya Ilyich, filling his existence with energy, strength and a thirst for new knowledge. Great curiosity makes the girl read many fascinating books and admire music. She teaches all this to Oblomov, inspired by the idea of ​​his moral salvation.

Charged with Olga's potential, Oblomov manages to get off the couch and start living life to the fullest. He reads books, attends various social events, and becomes interested in things that he previously did not attach any importance to. And Olga herself, seeing such changes in Ilya Ilyich, blossoms even more and develops spiritually.

But interest in the life provided by Ilyinskaya is not maintained for long by Oblomov. He still likes a calm, measured life without fuss and unnecessary movements. But Olga Ilyinskaya had already managed to create an illusion in Ilya Ilyich, the fruit of her imagination, and fell in love with him. She expects strong-willed aspirations, some great deeds, and energy from Oblomov, but the hero himself does not like this. Their desires are different, they strive for different worlds, and therefore their love comes to an end.

But this only benefits Olga. Having become even wiser, having matured and getting rid of vain disappointment, she finds her salvation in Andrei Stolts, with whom the girl plays out serious romance. Subsequently, it will grow into a real strong family.

Characteristic 5

Alexander Ivanovich Goncharov in his works managed to create a number of captivating female images, one of which is the heroine of the novel “Oblomov” Olga Ilyinskaya.

At the beginning of the novel, the reader is presented with young girl, not sparkling with special beauty, but attracting attention with its naturalness, sincerity and simplicity. Despite her ordinary appearance, the girl was distinguished by her stature and grace.

Raised by her aunt, who replaced her parents, Olga received a good education. An inquisitive girl, trying to learn as much as possible, reads a lot, is interested in science, plays the piano beautifully and has a strong, clear, musical voice. Smart and determined, knowing what she expected from life and going towards her goal, Olga was alien to society. But this did not bother her; she avoided noisy companies, preferring solitude.

Olga’s sudden feeling for Ilya Oblomov played important role in her life, making her look at many things differently.

Despite the fact that Olga and Ilya’s feelings were mutual, they were not destined to stay together due to the difference in nature and outlook on life.

Ilya wanted a quiet one nearby, calm woman, who devoted herself to her family and husband. But Olga dreams of something else. Her active nature requires movement forward, constant development, and she expects the same from her chosen one. Having created perfect image her hero, the girl tries to change Oblomov, but fails.

Disappointed in the young man, Olga breaks up with him.

Unsuccessful first love changes Olga. Her old friend and good friend Andrei Stolts, having met her abroad, is surprised at how much this woman has matured young girl. Gradually, the friendship between them grew into love, and they decide to get married.

The similarity of characters and life goals makes the life of young people for the first few years cloudless and happy.

But gradually the heroes begin to move away from each other. Olga's active, inquisitive nature made her strive forward. This began to weigh heavily on Andrei, who preferred a calm, measured life.

The heroine, who did not want to put up with the fate destined for her from birth to be only a wife and mother, striving for something unknown, will face another disappointment. But in her soul there is still hope that her love with her husband will become support even in the most difficult times.

The novel “Oblomov” is the main work in the work. The novel was created over several years, from 1847 to 1859. Its main character was the landowner. Educated person spends his life indulging in bliss and laziness. He is not fit for work and, despite his potential, has no interest in any type of activity. Olga Ilyinskaya, whose character turns out to be the complete opposite of Oblomov’s image, the author assigned the role of the main motivator actor.

The novel demonstrates character development. Having met Olga as a young girl, the reader observes her development as a person, growing up and changing status. Constantly striving for self-development, ambitious Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya awakens in Oblomov a love that is not destined to continue.

Biography and plot

Olga Ilyinskaya is an attractive girl living in St. Petersburg. She is positive, optimistic and not prone to mannerisms, traditional for the era described. The girl's family is noble. Her parents died early, and as a child the heroine ended up in the house of her aunt, Marya Mikhailovna. There she was given an upbringing and was allowed to openly express her opinions. Olga’s self-sufficiency can also be explained by the fact that her close friend was. The girl is a fan of his views and brings to life the ideas that his friend favors.

Olga's image is not typical for a woman of the 19th century. Her characteristics exclude a tendency to coquetry and affectation, secrecy and greed. The girl cares little about decency and other people's opinions. Ilyinskaya’s society is avoided by champions of the traditional social system and etiquette. Olga is educated and sensible. Describing the character, the author does not pay attention to appearance, noting that the heroine lacks white skin, blush and refined outlines. Graceful and elegant Ilyinskaya turns from a good-natured child into a woman whose face loses its carefree expression and takes on a painful thoughtfulness.

The feelings that Olga awakened in Oblomov’s heart ennobled the hero and allowed him to begin new stage life. The hero was unable to match the girl, and they had to break off the relationship. The breakup devastated both of them. Ilya Oblomov fell ill with a fever, and Olga Ilyinskaya went to Paris to heal broken heart. For six months spent in France, she maintained close contact with Stolz and came to her senses. Having accepted a marriage proposal from Oblomov’s friend, Olga married him.

Combining simplicity and naturalness, Olga Ilyinskaya differed from the fair sex in St. Petersburg. , which occupied Oblomov’s thoughts after Olga’s departure, was not distinguished by its breadth of views or lofty ideals. Her simplicity and desire to lead familiar image life made the hero think that similarity provides grounds for the emergence of feelings.

Olga’s personal growth, described on the pages of the work, occurs at a rapid pace. This captivated Oblomov. Later, realizing that he was not ready for such a rhythm of life and had other ideals, the hero gave up trying to be on a par with Ilyinskaya. The love story didn't happen.

In comparison with Olga Pshenitsyna looks modest. Her main concerns are running the household and finding opportunities to please Oblomov. For her, he acts as Ilyinskaya, so it seems to the lazy landowner that marriage with Pshenitsyna is a good option for the development of events.

Accustomed to home life, generous feasts, the quiet fluidity of time, Oblomov and Pshenitsyna are content with what fate gives them. At the same time, Ilyinskaya and Stolz are accustomed to creating their lives despite the circumstances. The plan for Oblomov’s re-education, which Ilyinskaya developed, would never have occurred to Pshenitsyna, who believed that her husband was an ideal man. The feelings that Olga mistook for love were rather pleasure from the results demonstrated by Ilya. Olga’s main purpose is to constantly search for herself and improve herself, which is impossible next to Oblomov.


The novel "Oblomov" was filmed. The audience remembered two films that were worthy of analysis and distinguished themselves by interesting acting work. In 1966, a series created by Italian directors was released. The role of Olga was performed by Juliana Logiodice, and Alberto Lionello acted as Oblomov.

The Soviet audience was able to appreciate the director's interpretation in 1979. Feature Film“A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov" was received warmly and kindly. Critics praised the performance that Ilyinskaya brought to life on the screen.

The meek and sophisticated actress authentically portrayed the features that the author described in the novel. The actress's appearance gracefully complemented the image she created. The role brought the performer big success in cinema. In a duet with Elena Solovey she presented a unique tandem extraordinary personality and her ward.

Literary scholars are looking for the prototype of Olga Ilyinskaya, noting her resemblance to the main character of the novel "". reminds me of Ilyinskaya. Writers characterize girls as simple characters who have no interest in social life modern society. In working on the image, Goncharov went further, depicting a woman attracting natural beauty and serious requests. It is not enough for Olga to be a happy lady; she feels the need to show character.

Ilyinskaya is one of the classic female images of Russian literature. Olga is an authentic heroine, a whole person who has no equal.


The author puts into the mouth of the main character the words that he expects to hear from the public. The middle of the 19th century was troubled times, when there were no numbers of people like Oblomov. Few people wanted to leave their comfort zone in order to take decisive action, and in the image of a woman, the writer gives the strongest motivation to Oblomov and others like him. Feminine is collectively reachable height:

“I am your goal,” you say, and you walk towards it so timidly, slowly; and you still have a long way to go; you must become taller than me. I expect this from you! – Olga says to Oblomov.

Despite her prudence, Olga is no stranger to impulses of the heart:

“The heart, when it loves, has its own mind... it knows what it wants and knows in advance what will happen.”

This is how the girl explains, who does not fully understand that, without wanting it, she replaced love with excitement. Deep down, Olga understands that the feelings she experiences do not stand a chance:

“Yes, in words you punish yourself, throw yourself into the abyss, give up half your life, and then doubt comes, a sleepless night: how gentle you become towards yourself, careful, caring, how far you see ahead!..”

The girl sees who Oblomov is and understands that he will never decide to take a serious action and will not change his essence.

In the novel “Oblomov” I.A. Goncharov's main female character is a young girl named Olga Ilyinskaya. This is an extraordinary woman with a complex, strong character and destiny. Her image is a bright and at the same time complex character.

The description of Olga’s life in the work “Oblomov” begins with early age. Throughout the novel, the main character grows and develops her personality. A young girl becomes mature and strong spirit a woman, she has children, her view on many moments that occur throughout her life changes.

Olga was raised by her aunt, who replaced her parents. She is well-mannered, educated, well versed in art, and is constantly engaged in self-development and learning new things. Olga Ilyinskaya with early childhood has a strong Assertive character. If she sets a goal for herself, then, no matter what, she achieves success. The girl loves books and is drawn to various sciences.

Her appearance consists of piercing blue-gray eyes, eyebrows that are constantly drawn together to the bridge of her nose, which is why she has a small crease between her eyebrows, and thin, pursed lips. A girl's gait speaks of her self-confidence and inner strength spirit. Olga has slim figure, with a straight, proud posture, every step girls easy and weightless.

The turning point that changed the view on many things was a sudden and strong feeling for a young man named Ilya Oblomov. Their feeling was strong and deep, but due to their own character and life position, it did not find continuation. Young people, due to their ardor and different views on life, did not want to accept each other with all their shortcomings. Each of them had their own image" ideal hero of its time."

Oblomov wanted Olga to treat him with all her feminine softness and tenderness. Olga, on the contrary, considered her goal to change Ilya’s inner world, make him more decisive, overcome laziness and get him addicted to reading and science.

In fact, Olga did not love young man Having set a goal for herself, she tried to achieve a positive result at all costs. Ilya’s feelings were not as important to her as her own self-affirmation from what would eventually happen. As a result, not having achieved what she wanted, the girl broke up with the young man.

A completely different relationship arose between Olga and her friend Andrei Stolts. At first they were just friends, their relationship was tender and reverent. Andrei was a teacher and mentor for the girl; he admired her sharp mind and strong character. Marriage helped Olga overcome her crush on Oblomov and survive a painful separation. At first, their happiness was calm and cloudless, since the young people had similar views on life and characters in general. But gradually, after several years of living together, they began to move away from each other.

Stolz began to notice that it was difficult for him to keep up with his wife’s activity; for him, marriage was something calm and measured. Olga, on the contrary, began to feel burdened by the routine life with Andrey; she wanted knowledge and development. Olga did not want to come to terms with her destiny as a faithful and calm wife; she began to doubt the correctness of her choice. How did the fate of this strong and smart woman unknown. It can be assumed that Olga still left her husband, or maybe, regardless of her judgments and views, she remained close to him.

Olga Ilyinskaya is unusual woman which leads constant struggle inspired by the centuries-old way of life that a woman’s purpose is to raise children and run a household. Olga’s position is constant self-improvement, knowledge and development of one’s own personality. Love for her is a secondary, insignificant feeling, for the sake of which one cannot compromise one’s inner world.

Option 2

In the novel by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov there are two female characters, one of the characters is Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga is a girl of ordinary appearance who does not have graceful, beautiful features. Ilyinskaya knows what she wants from life, so she tries in every possible way to achieve it.

When Olga meets Oblomov, it seems to her that she can fall in love with him and wake him up from his many years of hibernation. Ilyinskaya tries in every possible way to stir up Oblomov and for a while she even succeeds. Olga asks the impossible from Oblomov, he is a homely man, and she strives for the light.

Olga appreciates that there is no cynicism or pretense in Oblomov, but she wants him to be like Stolz. Ilyinskaya even acts more as a teacher for Oblomov than as a beloved woman. She tries in every possible way to remake him, not realizing that then it will no longer be Oblomov.

She is assertive and stubborn and always knows what she wants; Ilyinskaya does not want to sit at home next to Oblomov and devote her whole life to him. On the contrary, she wants them to go together towards the same goal, but, alas, this is not allowed to happen. Olga Ilyinskaya created for herself the image of Oblomov, whom she would like to see, but she did not take into account that then Ilya would have to sacrifice himself, and he is also not ready for this.

Olga Ilyinskaya is demanding of those around her, but she herself is ready to put a lot of effort into her self-development. A very smart and self-sufficient woman who believes that everyone should get the most out of life. Ilyinskaya never wasted her time and strived for comfort and coziness for herself.

Realizing that she and Oblomov are too different, she without a doubt decides to break up with him, but soon realizes what he is like good man. Olga Ilyinskaya is marrying Oblomov’s best friend Andrei Stolts, she chose the right man. Stolz, like Olga, knew what he wanted and his life was like a stormy river, so they got together. In her marriage to Stolz, Olga finds the happiness she dreamed of so much; finally, she and her beloved look in the same direction and he can become the head of the family and take responsibility for her, which Oblomov could not give her.

It cannot be said that Olga was calculating and cold, it’s just that every person has their own views on life and priorities in life.

Essay Characteristics and image of Olga Ilyinskaya

The famous Russian critic N.A. Dobrolyubov believed that a writer like Goncharov is an expert women's hearts. Goncharov successfully created the image of Olga in his creation “Oblomov”. According to the description, Olga was not beautiful. She did not have white skin, scarlet cheeks or lips. She had no inner fire. She combined harmony and grace. According to the critic, Olga had all the qualities that attracted other writers. The heroine had a natural, lively beauty. Olga was simple and had her own outlook on life.

In society, Olga was perceived as a stranger. Due to her intelligence and determination, the girl defended her rights to behavior, life position. The girl did not adhere to generally accepted norms. Main character Oblomov considered Olga a real ideal of a female image. In relationships, Olga saw in Oblomov gullibility, simplicity and the absence of all conventions. She does not see cynicism in Ilya and finds in him a constant desire for sympathy. The heroine constantly thought about how she influenced Ilya. Love became for Olga the most main goal in life. For the sake of love, Olga was ready to sacrifice everything. Olga and her lover demanded too much from each other. Olga wanted Oblomov to be like Stolz. The heroine deceived herself and knew that their relationship would soon come to an end.

Olga loved the Ilya she created in her thoughts and diligently tried to change him. Goncharov portrayed the end of the relationship between Olga and Oblomov as a tragedy. The heroine married Stolz. After marriage, Olga realized that reason and common sense are the most important in life. She was happy. Stolz became a real support for her and good husband. In her marriage, Olga began to feel melancholy. The business life and activities of the spouse did not provide opportunities for the development of the soul. Olga still loved Oblomov in her heart. She was often tormented by mental suffering.

If the author continued the novel, then at the end because strong character Stolz, Olga would have divorced him. Russian critic described Olga as modern woman and emphasized in the heroine the desire for selfish and noble goals. Olga always strived for the ideal. The girl did not particularly like her husband. The heroine could fall in love with a person if he developed every day and pleased her with something new. And Stolz chose a measured, calm and stable life. Without the female image of Olga, the book “Oblomov” would not be so bright. The image of Olga completely complements the main character of the novel.

Option 4

From the pen of Alexander Ivanovich Goncharov came many excellent works, which even after so many years remain recognized as Russian literary society. One of them is the novel “Oblomov”.

Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya - main character novela, the young beauty who will now be discussed.

At the beginning of the novel, Olga is a twenty-year-old noblewoman, landowner and orphan. She lives with her aunt on a small estate. The author speaks openly about Ilyinskaya as a person with far from perfect appearance: tall, without white cheeks and with uneven eyebrows, because of which a wrinkle appeared on the forehead, but with such a sparkle in the eyes that the first beauties do not have. This is what distinguishes her from other girls and this is what Oblomov liked, as well as her simplicity, sincerity and inexperience. She's also smart. She received a good education and does not stand still. Olga is engaged in self-development, reads books and has a passion for science. In the novel she turns from a young naive girl into an adult lady with her own point of view and attitude to life. Always bringing what is planned to the end is a trait that does not leave Ilyinskaya with age.

The love she felt for Ilya Ilyich turned out to be a key moment in Olga Sergeevna’s life. This feeling arose in one moment. She learned about Oblomov from the stories of her friend, Stolz. Ilyinskaya imagined herself as a savior, an angel who would direct Ilya Ilyich on the right path of self-development and eternal movement along which she walked, she made Oblomov himself believe in it, and she almost succeeded. They called it love. However, the man's nature defeated his love for her. For the first time in her life, she gave up.

Later, Olga finds the ideal man in Stolz. He became her friend, mentor and husband. And he saw in her a partner and student, a wife who also loves to learn and discover something new. Andrei Stolts proposes to Olga immediately after breaking up with Oblomov. Largely thanks to new love she quickly forgot Ilya Ilyich.

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is something new and unusual, not fitting into the ideal of a woman of that time. She is not used to closing herself off from the world and sitting quietly at home, taking care of the children and baking pies; Olga is not her husband’s shadow. She's on her own. Smart and independent. For her, love does not come first and comes from friendship. Unfortunately, 19th century society was not ready to accept the image of such a woman.

Image 5

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is one of the central female images of the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharova.

At the beginning of the novel we see her very young. Goncharov draws a portrait of Olga with warmth, noting that she is not a beauty, but she can be compared to a statue of grace and harmony. Olga attracts with her simplicity and naturalness. She is educated, well-mannered, versed in the arts and sciences, reads a lot and is constantly developing. She has a constant desire to be active.

Love for Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the main character of the novel, arose from the desire to re-educate Oblomov. Stolz pointed him out to her and at the same time revealed his merits. Oblomov has enough positive qualities: he is smart, educated, kind. If it were not for Stolz, Olga would not have paid any attention to Oblomov. She decides to experiment, hoping to awaken Oblomov from his laziness. Olga likes the role of a “ray of light” for Oblomov. Very quickly the game becomes true feeling. Love filled Olga's life with new content.

Olga thoughtfully fights Oblomov’s habits. She always knows exactly what she wants. Olga did a lot to change Oblomov, and achieved some success. She did not take into account that she was fighting against traditions that had developed over many generations. Oblomov is incapable of taking care of himself or others. When he pushes back the question of the wedding, Olga stops believing him. Oblomov’s soul does not belong to the life that Olga offers him. She understands that his laziness has won.

Olga is growing up and gaining experience after the story with Oblomov. Abroad, where she goes for treatment, she meets Andrei Stolts. Stolz does not recognize her as the same young girl. She is very changeable, but is always frank with Andrey. He falls in love with the “new” Olga, she becomes his wife. Stolz corresponds to her ideals of a husband; he created a comfortable life for her. But Olga is not satisfied with calm personal life. She dreams of a different life and almost repents of her choice; she misses Oblomov. According to the critic N. Dobrolyubov, Olga will leave Stolz when she stops believing in him.

In the image of Olga Ilyinskaya Goncharov solved the problem of women's equal rights with men. Dobrolyubov saw in her an advanced Russian woman.

Essay 6

Goncharov wrote a large number of different works. But the most interesting is the work “Oblomov”. There is one fascinating hero here and he is a girl named Olga. Many men like her, but she doesn’t want to give her heart to the first person she meets, and he must first achieve her. The author managed to fit into this image the most beautiful and valuable features that a person has.

Although Olga is very young, God has not deprived her of intelligence and beauty. In addition, she is also a proud and proud girl. In order to describe it, just a few phrases will be enough. There is no lie in her, which many other people have, she also sincerely worries about every person and always tries to help him in everything, even if he does not ask for it. But, despite all this, she appears in this world extra person. And this is not considered a negative point, but rather a positive one, because it was precisely such a woman that the author of the work dreamed of, and Stolz always admired such women.

More than anything, she likes to study something that has not yet been studied by her. If she has a free moment, the girl will either read some new book, or listen to songs and sing along with the singers. Never formerly Olga I didn’t feel the feeling of love, but then one day it covered her completely. She fell in love with Ilya. She so wanted to change everything in his life and return him to normal life, and for him to understand what it means to live normal life. If others saw him as a cynical person, then our main character did not see anything like that or simply did not want to see.

Of course, it is very difficult to change a person and she will need to expend not only energy, but also show perseverance, but nothing is impossible for the girl, and after some time she still manages to do it, and Olga is very pleased with herself. Oblomov suddenly realized that there was another world and it was much more interesting to live in it than in the one he had invented for himself. Now he doesn’t just sit at home, but visits not only museums, but also theaters. And the clothes now correspond to where he decided to go. In addition, Olga always thinks about how Oblomov is changing and at the same time growing spiritually. Gradually, there is practically nothing left of that Olga, because love completely changes her. Now she is not sweet and touching as before. She created for herself ideal man, which would suit her perfectly and would do everything not to be disappointed in him.

As long as the girl believed in him, there was love between them, but one day she was disappointed in him, because he did not live up to her hopes and the love disappeared somewhere.

Now she realized that if a person does not want to change, then it will be very difficult or almost impossible to change him. And then the girl found herself another ideal man, who was real and loved her very much.

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Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya - ex-fiancee Ilya Ilyich Oblomov from the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

Later she became the wife of the main character’s best friend, Andrei Stolts.

The mother of the latter's children.

Olga is one of the central characters of the entire work.

Characteristics of the heroine

Olga Ilyinskaya strived to act and live full-blooded life. She sought the same from her ex-fiancé, Oblomov. However, the sofa turned out to be more expensive for the man he loved. He loved to dream about changes in life and in Oblomovka, but was not capable of action. After all, to do this you had to leave your comfort zone...

As a result, the “Ilyinskaya young lady,” as she was called in the novel, married the active A. Stolz. However, if Olga’s love for Ilya Ilyich was sincere and selfless, then her feeling for her husband was different. He was more suitable for a proud woman in terms of inner qualities: “I love Andrei Ivanovich... it seems because... he loves me more than others; you see where pride has crept in!”

The author also notes that Ilyinskaya “was not without guile.” In this respect, the heroine is the complete opposite of Oblomov’s wife, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. And if the latter was a widow at the time of her meeting with Oblomov, then for Olga her first and only husband was Andrei Stolts.

She's happier in family life. And, although it is not easy for men to communicate with a vitally active and demanding woman, her marriage turned out to be happy. This is noted by Ilyinskaya’s husband, Andrei Ivanovich Stolts: “... By God, I’m not joking. I’ve been married to Olga for another year... And the children are healthy...”

(Active and high-minded Olga)

Olga also differs from Oblomov’s chosen one in that she loves books and theater and strives for self-improvement. Seeing a book from Oblomov or Stolz, she shows interest in it keen interest: "Have you read this book - what is it?"

Moreover, according to the plot, she owns French and can read newspapers on it, and can play the piano. And she chose an equal in intelligence as her wife. After all, Andrei Stolts was bilingual - his second language was German, the language of his father. Fluency in two languages ​​was less common in those days than in the 21st century. The author and other characters note that Olga has a “smart, pretty head.”

Despite her demanding nature, Ilyinskaya is able to sympathize: “...Then, she is so accessible to feelings of compassion and pity! It’s not difficult to make her cry; access to her heart is easy...” The author notes that the heroine is “in a hurry to live,” which can be explained her orphanhood. After all, Ilyinskaya was raised by her aunt, therefore, her parents were not alive. Since childhood, she felt that life was short and she needed to do as much as possible.

The image of the heroine in the work

(Olga's meetings with Ilya Oblomov)

At the time of her meeting with Ilya Ilyich, Olga was only twenty years old. However, for I. A. Goncharov, as a man of the 19th century, the young lady is already an adult: “Why does he consider her a girl?”

Stolz and Oblomov admire her: “My God, how pretty she is! There are such people in the world!” But, despite the fact that both fell in love with her, feelings for Olga did not become the cause of enmity between friends. Just like the heroine herself did not hate her wife ex-lover- Agafya Matveevna. The ladies were simply completely different, although they were united by their love for Ilya Ilyich.

And, despite the contrast with Pshenitsyna, Ilyinskaya also has “gray-blue, affectionate eyes.” However, it is elegant and subtle. The author is probably hinting: Pshenitsyna was also once a demanding and active woman, but for some reason she became an overweight lady and lost interest in self-development. And Stolz’s wife, unlike his friend’s wife, loved to travel. So, the husband sent Ilyinskaya to the resort to “restore her health, which was upset after childbirth.”

(Interpretation - Olga and Stolz)

Unlike Agafya, Olga managed to maintain the desire for self-improvement. This was the secret of the well-being of her marriage with Stolz. They understood each other perfectly. That's why this couple was given quiet family happiness. I. A. Goncharov believes that happy life Only those who act and encourage those around them to act deserve.

And using the example of two main female characters You can notice one more thought: first of all, a woman must work on herself and on her man. IN otherwise love ends tragically (in in this case- death of Oblomov).

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