Olga Seryabkina VKontakte official page. Olga Seryabkina: biography, photo, personal life

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The family called baby Olya very cutely - Lelya.

In the photo: Olga Seryabkina in childhood

Among Olga’s relatives there were no people working in the field of art. It is known that Olga Seryabkina’s father is a military man. She was brought up quite strictly. For example, a girl was not allowed to come home later than 10 pm, and dad would pick up his daughter from any parties. Olga's mother is an engineer by profession. According to the daughter, the mother is not at all embarrassed by what her daughter does and how she presents it to the audience. Olga’s grandmother lived all her life in Moscow, on Taganka.

But since childhood, the girl was very flexible and sang beautifully, so her parents took the 6-year-old girl to a music school and a ballroom dancing section.

At the age of seventeen, Seryabkina became a candidate for master of sports, since over many years of ballroom dancing Olga won more than once at international competitions. The parents did not know what their daughter’s fate would be in show business, so they advised her to get another, basic education. Therefore, Olga Seryabkina, in addition to a diploma from the art school, where she studied in the pop singing department, has a diploma as a translator - she is fluent in English and German.

Olga is a professional synchronized swimmer. Her thesis was translating a film from French. By the way, according to the singer, the institute was upset when they found out that the brunette did not stay in the field of translation, but chose show business.

Olga Seryabkina's career in the SEREBRO group

The creative biography of Olga Seryabkina dates back to 2002. For two years, the girl worked as a backing vocalist and dancer for singer Irakli Pirtskhalava.

A miniature but very bright girl was noticed. In 2004, Olga met Elena Temnikova. It was she who brought Olga to the “Silver” group. From that moment on, the singer’s rapid career growth began.

In the photo: the first line-up of the group Serebro (SEREBRO)

Seryabkina with her seductive parameters was also noticed by fashionable men's magazines, where Olga's rather revealing photo shoots soon appeared. Seryabkina's photographs in magazines such as MAXIM brought her fame.

But in the group where Olga Seryabkina came, relations with other participants were not always good. Rumor has it that conflicts often arose between Olya and Lena Temnikova.

It got to the point that the singer was even planning to leave the Serebro group.

Producer Max Fadeev even stated that he had already found a replacement for Olya, but at the last moment Seryabkina changed her mind and stayed.

Conflict: Lena Temnikova and Olga Seryabkina

Now the whole country knew the girls by sight. From this year, Olga began writing songs for her band.

In 2009, the group released their first album, “Opium Roz,” and in 2012, the presentation of the second album from “Silver,” “Mama Lover,” took place.

In addition, Seryabkina’s songs began to appear in the repertoires of such famous performers as Glyuk’oZa and Yulia Savicheva and the group “China”. However, Olga does not consider herself a songwriter; she did not study this anywhere.

Project by Olga Seryabkina: Holy Molly

At the beginning of 2015, Olga Seryabkina decided that it was time for her to pursue a solo career. However, she is not going to leave Silver. The girl took the pseudonym Holy Molly and began performing her pop-hip-hop compositions. Olga writes English songs for her own performance. The first composition was called "Holy Molly" and was created together with Fadeev.

Soon the premiere of another video clip for Holy Molly together with DJ M.E.G. took place. The composition is called “Kill Me All Night Long”. The song first appeared on the official YouTube channel of Maxim Fadeev.

Film role: Olga Seryabkina in the film “The Best Day”

In the summer of 2015, Olga Seryabkina starred in the karaoke comedy “The Best Day,” in which the main role was played by actor Dmitry Nagiyev. Olga played the role of one of Dmitry’s partners; she honestly passed the audition and received this role.

In the film, Seryabkina performed several songs, including a cover of the famous composition “Green-Eyed Taxi.”

Olga continues to write songs not only for herself and the group, but also for other performers. In 2016, Seryabkina, for the first time, according to the press, wrote poetry intended to be performed by a man. A new song composed by Olga, “Let's find each other,” was recorded by the famous musician Emin.

Now Olga Seryabkina has concentrated all her attention and energy on her solo career and is working on a solo album. The “Molly” project already has seven songs from 2014-2017, it includes such compositions as “For Ma Ma”, “Zoom”, “I Just Love You” and “If You Don’t Love Me”, recorded together with Egor Creed. Fans of Serebryakova's music are waiting for the presentation of her solo record.

However, the singer continues to pay attention to the affairs of the group. In 2016, the third album of the Serebro group, “The Power of Three,” was released. After this, the group underwent some changes: vocalist Daria Shashina was replaced by Katya Kishchuk.

New composition of “Silver”

In the same year, four music videos were shot for the group’s songs, three of which already featured a new member. In total, the videography of “Silver” currently has 21 clips. Olga Serebryakova also participates in solo music videos - so far the singer has only five videos: in 2016, videos for the songs “I Just Love You” and “Style” were released, and in 2017, for “If You Don’t Love Me.”

Olga announced the release of a collection of her poems called “A Thousand “M”. The presentation of the book is scheduled for April 2017; the collection will include 54 poems written by Olga.

Personal life of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina's personal life is full of secrets. During the period of time when Olya worked as a backing vocalist for Irakli Pirtskhalava, she was very often noticed with the singer at various public events and musical parties. The press started talking about the relationship between Olga and Irakli. But the rumors remained rumors.

Later, the singer again began to be credited with an affair with her stage colleague. While working on her solo project, Olga began to communicate closely with DJ M.E.G., with whom she recorded a joint track. A large number of joint photographs of Olya and M.E.G. sparked rumors of their romance.

But the DJ is married, and Seryabkina herself claims that they are just friends.

In 2015, the singer fulfilled the dream of many of her fans and opened an official account on the popular social network VKontakte.

In the same year, Olga told the press that for some time she dated a famous, cheerful and cool, as the singer herself put it, musician, but her lover literally tortured the girl with claims, and the couple broke up. Seryabkina did not reveal the name of her ex-boyfriend; according to her, the former lovers agreed not to tell anyone about their relationship, but the singer’s fans are sure that Olga’s mysterious ex is the rapper Oksimiron.

Olga Seryabkina about leaving the group SEREBRO: “Everything comes to an end someday”

Olga Seryabkina is a singer, dancer, poetess, songwriter of Lolita Milyavskaya, Nargiz, Emin Agalarov and, of course, hits of the group SEREBRO, many of which have become the hallmark of the group. Olga has been in the group for more than 10 years, and it’s hard to imagine SEREBRO without her. It is not surprising that when a couple of years ago Olga began developing her own solo project, in which she performs under the pseudonym Molly, fans of the group became worried: was she planning to leave SEREBRO? This year, Olga released a new song, “If You Don’t Love Me,” which she performed in a duet with Yegor Creed, and in June she presented the English-language single Fire, which successfully launched on iTunes. Deciding that such a focus on a solo career could still mean Seryabkina leaving for solo sailing, HELLO.RU asked Olga a question that was of interest to her fans directly.

Olya, tell us about your plans. Are you planning to leave SEREBRO?

A question that is quite popular now. I can say for sure that one day this will happen - one hundred percent, because everything comes to an end. But I don't know when exactly. I can say that I am not one of those people who is in a hurry. I like not to think ahead now. And I don’t have the feeling that I want to be alone. On the contrary, I really value the time I spend in the group - despite all the talk and rumors that something is wrong with us, that we have hazing... In fact, all this is nonsense. For me SEREBRO is not work, it is life. SEREBRO is a living organism and a large part of my heart. Therefore, I don’t know when my departure will happen, when I will pursue an exclusively solo career, and I don’t want to think about it. At the moment, I am not touring fully as a solo artist. But I’m thinking about starting to combine them after some time. I'm interested in trying to perform both as Molly and as the lead singer of the group.

Once Maxim Fadeev noted on his Instagram that a group of three soloists is the most unstable, in such groups the composition certainly changes. How do you feel about such changes?

A team of three people is really difficult. When there are three of you, you need to take into account the opinions of all three, compromises are necessary. But everything depends on the human factor: in one version of the composition it is unstable, not strong, and in another the group can exist for quite a long time. I love our team. And it's incredibly interesting. Being a musician is an absolutely creative profession; life is inevitably oversaturated with events. For me, every new round of life in SEREBRO is always an adventure, and I really love these adventures. Now we have a very well-coordinated team. The girls and I understand each other perfectly, and this is exactly the state of stability that I was talking about. The three of us are comfortable and, I hope, this state will last long enough.

It seems that in Maxim Fadeev’s music label all the artists are friends. At the MUZ-TV award, the SEREBRO soloists were noticeably happy for Nargiz, who received the award, and she - for you. Is it corporate consciousness, or are you so close to each other?

This is not happening on purpose - we really are friends. We are friends simply because we are all united by our love for Max’s music, our love for our team, and we always treat each other with warmth. Max often gathers us together for some joint barbecues or picnics when he has free time from touring. And this is for real. When Nargiz won, I was incredibly happy for her, because I know how important it is for her, because I feel like this is my victory, because we are one team. Moreover, our company is now expanding, there are more and more artists, and I have already become friends with many. For example, Yura Semenyak is the lead singer of the group KET MORSI. I adore him, a talented musician! And Tumar from the CARTEL group. In general, we are all a great force and practically one family.
Olga Seryabkina (MOLLY)

In February you released a collection of poems. What was the impetus for their publication?

I periodically published my poems on Instagram, read comments from people who wrote: they like what I do, it’s close to them. I wanted to share this further, and at some point I decided that it was time to release a book. I admit, I’m incredibly pleased that I even had to print an additional edition, because the first one was quickly sold out. This suggests that the book needed to be released. In general, poetry for me is such a subtle art, my favorite. I like to find an exact definition of some barely noticeable inner state. At this moment, you feel as if you couldn’t take a deep breath for a long time, but suddenly you did it. When I write, I definitely need to be alone so that no one disturbs me, and this is an amazing state.

Let's get back to your solo career. The song "If you don't love me" can also be performed by the group SEREBRO. But Fire is something completely new, more reminiscent of the music of Ayo, Asa or Imany. What key will the first solo album be in, if it is planned?

"If You Don't Love Me" Max and I wrote a few years ago. I remember I was flying to Chita and it was then that I wrote one verse and chorus - “If you don’t love me, then I don’t either, if you forget me, then I will too.” I showed the lines to Max, and for a long time we didn’t understand what to do with this song. I don't agree that this song is in the SEREBRO style - in my opinion, it's just the opposite. We didn't think it was right for the band, so we didn't release it. The song just lay there and waited in the wings. The text of the chorus is similar to a children's rhyme. That’s what Maxim told me: “You wrote a children’s song.” And this song was lying “on the shelf”, and then we somehow met on tour with Yegor Creed, I intuitively gave him a demo, and, apparently, Yegor realized that he should not miss this song.

I can say one more thing about the Fire track: it’s a confession to a man. I really like the song, I like to confess to people how I feel. At this moment some kind of magic happens, I call this state deep sea - deep sea. I like to confess my feelings to a person, I like to talk about everything openly. Even though there have been situations in my life where I have been hurt because I have an open heart, I still believe that this is the best and most indescribable state - when you can talk about what you feel.

Returning to the topic of the solo album, I won’t hide: I’m really working on it and on songs - both for the SEREBRO group and for the MOLLY project. At the same time, a solo album is not an end in itself for me. You can have 155 albums, but they will be just a number that will mean nothing to anyone, or you can write one, but people will listen to each song separately and all the songs together for at least another 100 years. So, this is exactly the kind of album I want. That's why I need more time. I already have a lot of songs that are ready for an album, but I’m in no hurry. I want something whole to come out, and it shouldn’t be thoughtless. I am against empty, empty songs. I am against action for the sake of action, without meaning.

The most popular question, but it’s impossible without it: what’s going on in your personal life?

I went through very different periods in my personal life. Now is the time when I like someone, but he doesn’t know about it. Usually I take the initiative myself: if I like someone, I go forward, and the man, as a rule, is the first to know about it. I'm not arrogant, but active. And now I like the person, but he doesn’t know about it, maybe he doesn’t even know, and I don’t want him to know. This is very different from how I behaved before. In general, this is my kind of game. She inspires me and let it be that way for now. I want this person to notice me and take the first step, if it is mutual. Maxim Fadeev and Olga Seryabkina

You are surrounded by fans and fellow musicians, but you have said more than once that Maxim Fadeev is a special person for you, more than a producer. What did you mean?

He's my best friend. At the same time, I separate friendship and work. When Maxim makes a remark to me or voices some request, I always make sure that he does not repeat it twice. Max is an absolute authority for me, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s just great love, respect for the person who did everything for me. There were situations when I acted differently - not as he told me, but then every time I regretted it, I thought that I should have done as he advised. Max can always count on me in any situation - this applies to both work and human communication. We are friends, we have been working for more than 10 years, and, so to speak, we live as our big creative family, and that means a lot.

I hope that I will never let Max down. And what I say now, I also openly say to him. He changed my life. Every time I write a song with him as a co-writer, I approach it with the same reverence as the first time. It still seems incredible to me, and I am very grateful for the opportunity he gave, for what we create together and for the fact that he always hears me. I am very grateful to him for raising me to be a person who thinks and feels music.

Olga Yuryevna Seryabkina is a popular singer, lead singer of the famous Russian group Serebro, songwriter and actress. Lately she has been known to the public as Holy Molly or simply MOLLY. The young singer does not like to reveal her feelings to journalists or advertise her relationship. Therefore, very often her personal life is the subject of speculation and new rumors.


The future singer Olga Seryabkina was born in Moscow on April 12, 1985. The girl’s parents had nothing to do with art, but still decided that they were raising a creative child. Therefore, from the age of 6, they sent their daughter to a ballroom dancing school. And it was these activities that became Olya’s main hobby. The flexible and graceful girl moved perfectly to the beat of the music. She had a great sense of melody and put a special meaning into her movements. It is not surprising that her diligence and love for dancing later bore fruit. Olga has repeatedly taken part in international competitions, where she received honorary awards. And when Seryabkina turned 17, she was deservedly awarded the title of Candidate Master of Sports of Russia. In parallel with ballroom dancing, she also managed to attend classes at the art school in the pop singing department.

All photos 13

Having graduated from high school, the young girl did not yet count on a successful career in ballroom dancing. Therefore, on the advice of my parents, I entered a university at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, where I received my basic education and a diploma as a translator. And as life showed, in the future she found a worthy use for her knowledge. Since Seryabkina’s favorite hobby was dancing, her career began with them. Since 2004, she began performing in ballet with the popular performer Irakli, and also sang along with him as a backing vocalist. The graceful and graceful Olga Seryabkina was immediately noticed. And they invited me to join the Serebro group, founded by Max Fadeev. However, at the very beginning of the work, internal disagreements began to arise in the group. Olya could not reach an understanding with Elena Temnikova, another soloist, thanks to whom she got into the team. They often argued, and these conflicts greatly interfered with work. To save the group, Fadeev even invited Olya to leave. But soon the disagreements ended, the relationship between Olga and Elena improved over time, and they subsequently became best friends.

2007 brought the Serebro group a prize-winning third place in the annual Eurovision Song Contest. In this regard, the popularity of the group began to increase sharply, the girls became famous, and they gained many new fans.

During the same period, Olga Seryabkina began writing lyrics for her band. And later her compositions began to be performed by other pop singers - Glukoza, the group "China", Yulia Savicheva.

For about 10 years, the singer worked in Fadeev’s project, delighting listeners with new songs. However, in 2015, she became bored within the same group. Therefore, she began a solo career under the pseudonym Holy Molly. In addition, Olga began to write and perform songs in English.

Despite the latest events in her life, the popular singer is in no hurry to break off business relations with Maxim Fadeev. And Seryabkina wrote her first composition, Holy Molly, together with the producer. And the presentation of the sensational Kill Me All Night Long video on YouTube was also presented on Fadeev’s official channel.

At the same time, a new round in Seryabkina’s career began. She participated in the filming of the film “The Best Day,” where her partner was the famous film actor Dmitry Nagiyev. In 2016, Seryabkina released a collection of her own poems called “A Thousand “M””.

Throughout her solo career, the singer successfully collaborates with such artists as Yegor Creed, rapper Gnoyny, and tops the ITunes and VKontakte charts.

Interesting facts from the singer’s life:

    as Seryabkina says about herself: “I am an avid car enthusiast!” She loves cars and one of her hobbies is traveling around the capital at night;

    the singer also likes to experiment with her own appearance. Proof of this are numerous photos of Seryabkina on Instagram;

    The singer’s biography also notes some strange facts. She suffers from a rare disease called pediophobia - an unreasonable fear of dolls.

Personal life

Singer Olga Seryabkina tries not to advertise her personal relationships, but devotes all her energy and strength to work.

When she danced in ballet with Irakli, they were often seen together at public events and various celebrity parties. Journalists have already begun to talk about a love relationship between Seryabkina and the popular singer, but these rumors were ultimately not confirmed.

After the premiere of the Kill Me All Night Long video clip, many photographs of Olga with DJ M.E.G appeared in the media, which caused gossip about their love affair. Although the singer states that she has only friendly relations with DJ M.E.G, especially since he is married.

At one time, Internet pages were full of information that Seryabkina was pregnant. At the same time, journalists voiced several candidates for the role of the father. However, the singer said that there was no pregnancy and she simply gained weight over the winter.

The peculiar relationship between Olga Seryabkina and Elena Temnikova was the focus of media attention. They often publicly showed each other unusual signs of attention and kissed. Which, naturally, shocked those around them and caused jealousy among their men. But a couple of years later, Elena Temnikova got married and left for the Maldives. And it turned out that they were connected with Seryabkina only by strong female friendship.

Recently, the unmarried beauty has become more relaxed and relaxed, and on the Internet you can find photos of her with a variety of men. The media constantly report about Seryabkina’s love affairs with one thing or another, but in reality, the heart of the popular singer is not yet occupied by anyone. Thanks to her perseverance and determination, Seryabkina made a successful career. She only needed three years to become the impeccable leader of the Silver group. The talented girl speaks three languages ​​perfectly and writes texts for her repertoire. And in order to always look slim and beautiful, the singer spends a lot of time in the gym. That is why her seductive forms are so loved by fashion glossy magazines.

Account: serebro_official

Occupation: Russian singer, soloist and songwriter of the pop group Serebro

Olga Seryabkina uses Instagram to immediately and quite definitely declare to everyone: this is a profile with a photo of the most beautiful girl in Russia! And Olga does everything to ensure that her photographs confirm what was stated, and no one has any doubts about the correctness of her words.

Olga Seryabkina’s Instagram is, first and foremost, a singer’s Instagram. Numerous photographs capture different moments of the creative process, rehearsals and performances of Olga Seryabkina and her group. Emotions overwhelm her every photo; the young singer generously shares them with visitors to her page.
Olga Seryabkina photo from Instagram confirms: this is not an ordinary singer, this is a truly frontwoman of the group. And Olga clearly enjoys being the center of attention. The singer demonstrates careful makeup, a beautiful figure, and bright outfits. He is not afraid of candid photos. She knows: she likes herself and others! Sometimes a young woman diversifies her page with photographs in which she can be seen at home or on a walk, but, without a doubt, the main thing for her at the moment is the stage.

Biography of Olga Seryabkina

The biography of Olga Seryabkina began in Moscow. Her life developed in such a way that it would be difficult for her to escape the scenes.
At the age of 6, Olga began ballroom dancing. At the age of 17 she received the title of candidate master of sports. At the same time, she studied at the art school in the pop singing department. She graduated from the institute and received a qualification as a translator in English and German.
At the age of 19 she began performing on stage, first with the singer Irakli, then in the group “Silver”.
Highlights of Olga Seryabkina's biography:

  • 2004 – 2006: backing vocalist and ballet dancer for singer Irakli;
  • 2006: start of work with the Serebro group;
  • 2007: performance with the Serebro group in the Eurovision Song Contest (3rd place);
  • 2007: creating songs for the group “Silver”;
  • 2015: participation in the filming of the Russian “karaoke comedy” “The Best Day” (in the role of pop star Alina Shepot).

Olga Seryabkina whose biography is constantly being updated , in 2015 she began her solo career, initially performing under the pseudonym Holy Molly, which she then changed to MOLLY.
The singer is in constant creative search, which allows fans to expect her new successes.

Molly is a singer who recently appeared on our stage and captivated many listeners. Do you want to know who is hiding under this sonorous pseudonym? Are you interested in the details of the biography and personal life of the singer? We are ready to satisfy your curiosity. We wish you pleasant reading!

Molly: biography of the singer

Take a close look at the photo posted above. Don't recognize anyone? That's right, this is Until recently, an attractive brunette was part of the Silver group. And now she performs under the pseudonym Molly.

Our heroine was born on April 12, 1985 in Moscow. Olga's father and mother have nothing to do with art. But they always knew that they had a future artist growing up. After all, from an early age the girl demonstrated creative abilities. She liked to sing, dance and parody Russian pop stars.

School and student years

At the age of 7, Olya’s parents enrolled her in a ballroom dancing studio. Teachers noted the girl’s plasticity and artistry. She was predicted to have a brilliant future. At the age of 17, Seryabkina received the title of “candidate master of sports.” Father and mother were proud of their daughter's success.

Olga has studied at an art school (pop singing department) and graduated from a prestigious Moscow university. The girl received the specialty “translator from German and English”.

Creative biography: the beginning

In 2002, Olya Seryabkina got a job in the dance team of Irakli Pirtskhalava. The famous graduate of “Star Factory-2” saw great talent in her and appointed her as his backing vocalist.


In 2004, our heroine met with She was the one who invited Olga to the “Silver” group. It would be stupid to refuse such an offer. As a result, Seryabkina joined the team. Later, a blonde joined them. The girls began recording songs and rehearsing.

In 2007, the Serebro group represented our country at the Eurovision Song Contest. The beauties performed the song Song #1. They managed to take third place. And this is a good result.

After success at Eurovision, the band's career took off. The girls recorded songs and released one video after another. They went on a tour of major Russian cities. And everywhere they were received with a bang.

Solo career: Molly, singer

Let's start with the fact that Olga Seryabkina did not leave the Serebro group. But at the beginning of 2015, the girl wanted to create her own solo project. Producer Max Fadeev met her halfway. Olya started preparing musical material. She took herself a sonorous pseudonym - Molly. The singer also changed her musical direction. From now on, the girl will work in the pop-hip-hop style.

Molly is a singer whose songs were written by herself in English. At the moment, the lead singer of the group “Silver” has presented four compositions to the audience - Zoom, Holy Molly, Kill Me All Night Long and For Ma Ma. Her first solo album will go on sale very soon.

Personal life

(Olya Seryabkina) is not married. She has no children. Over the years, the beauty was credited with having affairs with such famous personalities as Dmitry Nagiyev, Irakli Pirtskhalava, Oksimiron and Oleg Miami. But all this turned out to be the machinations of representatives of the yellow press.

In conclusion

Now you know who Molly is. Singer Olga Seryabkina has such qualities as hard work, dedication, ingenuity and artistry. Thanks to this, she achieved everything she has now. Let's wish her a successful solo career and lots of love!

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