Excuses for Munas and the abandoned Cherkasov? What is the situation with the regime? Whether, for example, participants are woken up at a certain time.

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Let us remind you that Stella joined the team of the television project as the girlfriend of Andrei Cherkasov, with whom she made a spectacular couple. But then something went wrong. “When Andrei told me,” he shares with the Siberian woman, “that he couldn’t imagine life outside the perimeter of Dom-2 at all,” I put an end to our relationship. In general, it’s possible to build love there, that’s what I went there for.”

The reason to leave the show was not only the different views on the future of Stella and Andrey, but also some features of the “Dom-2” project.

“The cameras didn’t bother me, I got used to them a long time ago,” says the brunette beauty, “I just don’t pay attention. The only thing that infuriated me was that I couldn’t go to the toilet or shower in peace. I had to cover myself with towels.”

Stella was also annoyed by the need to constantly idle: apart from being within the perimeter of the “construction site,” the participants were not busy with anything. The main thing is to promote and advertise products. “I don’t want to advertise something that I don’t use, and in “House-2” I had to drink coffee to lose weight and wash my hair with their shampoo,” Stela Munas complains. “It was annoying.”

Relations with all participants in the project were more or less normal, the girl says, but there were moments when they tried to piss her off. “Dom-2 is a place where there is no script, but there are a bunch of different provocations that I, an open and straightforward person, constantly encountered,” Stella shares. - I didn’t want to play some games to take up airtime. I can’t stand the duplicity of people when they are alone on camera, but completely different in life.”

The girl has grandiose plans for the future. The girl is not going to return to her native Novosibirsk from Moscow in the near future, but she intends to soon open her own club-restaurant here.

“Many people come to Moscow, they are embarrassed, ashamed that they are from the provinces,” continues Stella. - I proudly declare that I am from Novosibirsk. I’m now trying to absorb all the cool ideas in terms of entertainment to the maximum and will definitely bring them to my homeland.”

According to the girl, she now has many offers for cooperation; world-class companies are calling her to become the face of the company. Stella is also persistently attacked by numerous fans. According to her, the other day someone gave her 101 roses through the concierge. The key to such popularity is the external characteristics of the Siberian. Thanks to healthy eating and self-care, she weighs only 52 kilograms, not 17 more than before. The parameters of the Novosibirsk beauty are 90 – 63 – 90.

“My heart is free now, but I’m not looking for love. I think that everything should go the way it is. I’m ready for a family, but not for kids yet,”- says the Siberian woman.

In a conversation with us, Stella noted that she really misses home. “I miss my sister, she’s only 11 years old,” says the girl. - She looks a lot like me, many people think that this is my daughter, and that I abandoned her in Novosibirsk. Of course that's not true."

The television project “Dom-2” was a continuation of the show “Dom”, which aired on the TNT channel in 2003. There have been many scandalous moments in the history of the project. Thus, in May 2005, deputies of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Health and Public Health, headed by Lyudmila Stebenkova, prepared an appeal to the Prosecutor General, in which they demanded to close “Dom-2” and bring the then presenter of this program, Ksenia Sobchak, to criminal responsibility for pimping.

For so long, Andrei Cherkasov was looking for a girl suitable in all respects. What loud statements, what promises of the future. Once, and after a trip home, when her favorite television project House 2 is not in the clearing, Stella Munas leaves. Right before the next round of the competition and audience voting.

If Andrei Cherkasov had not yet managed to figure out how to explain this demonstrative departure, then the girl did it for him. She explained very beautifully that she wants real life and love. More than a hundred participants have already told us about priorities and self-development, so Stella presented this part as if it were a carbon copy. At the same time, she kicked the advertising department and the products that had polluted the audience. But such a demarche can cost Cherkasov dearly, especially about free food; the advertiser may be offended and the TV project will suffer damage. And the girl claims that Cherkasov will not leave for her.

Is the demobilization chord breaking?

Is Andrey losing his demobilization chord? He tried so hard to look different, sincere, calm, but here he was completely exhausted for the cameras. In order to manipulate the audience's reactions, not only Monica is important, but the twisting of information.

Now Cherkasov will have a new role - meanly abandoned by his beloved girl?

When she appeared on the project, the girl did not give her last name. Munas is a pseudonym, and the real name of the new participant is Munasypova. She appeared on this television project on June 13, 2016 and immediately announced that she had come to Andrei Cherkasov, which the former paratrooper announced before her appearance during a broadcast on Periscope.

Life before the project

The spectacular brunette was born in 1993 on February 4 into a poor family. Among her sisters, Stella is the eldest. The girl had to learn independence early; according to her, the last time she took money from her parents was at the age of 15, after that age she helped them, and not vice versa. She was able to earn money for graduation herself. She was able to go to university on a budget because she had no money for education. The girl spent her entire childhood in her hometown - Novosibirsk. There she began to take her first steps towards building a career. Her vocation was organizing various events, holding holidays, and working as a host of celebrations. She could also be seen as a TV announcer on the Rossiya 1 TV channel; the girl gave a weather forecast. In general, she is a very positive, bright and interesting girl, which allowed her to get close to Cherkasov.

  • Read also: Complex for weight loss.

Project Dom-2

On the television project, the girl became known even before her actual appearance thanks to Cherkasov’s Periscope. At first, his statements about Stella’s arrival were treated with skepticism, because the young man had no luck with passions, because no one could make the right impression on him.

Stella and Andrey met about a year ago at a celebration, after which they actively continued their friendly communication, which turned into a romantic one. The unexpected appearance of the couple at the wedding of Igor Tregubenko and Ella Sukhanova made a great impression on everyone present. Such a beauty became the subject of heated discussion in Cherkasov’s society.

First of all, they began to compare the beauty with Andrei’s ex-girlfriend, Victoria Romanets, and not always in favor of Stella. Critics found reason for condemnation in the girl’s behavior, appearance and manners.

Munas takes the former officer very seriously. She wouldn't mind starting a family with a young man. According to her, the project does not have much meaning for her, because if her relationship with Andrei does not work out, the girl plans to leave the television set.

Cherkasov himself highly praises his current passion, claiming that she meets all his preferences: she is smart, beautiful, has an athletic figure, and is simply very bright. positive and positive person.
Time will tell where her stay on a television show will lead the girl.

Stella Munas, who lived for a month on the Dom-2 project with Andrei Cherkasov, spoke about life under the gun of television cameras and why she decided to leave.

Photo personal archive of Stella Munas

But was there really love? And what features of life in the project could not the ex-participant come to terms with? Stella Munas told the Woman's Day portal about what was left behind the scenes.

Stella, now many people do not believe that you and Andrey had a sincere relationship. Is this really PR?

Of course not! It was an absolutely serious relationship, and we had big plans for each other, but it didn’t work out. I constantly want to move forward, grow, develop. Andrey doesn’t see himself beyond the project.

Do you communicate with Andrey after the project?

No. After leaving, I stopped communicating with him. He tried to get in touch for some time, but I cut off all the ropes.

Tell us how it all began, how you met?

We met a year and a half ago, when I invited him to Novosibirsk to hold an event. For a number of reasons the event did not take place. Later, when I moved to Moscow and became the manager and art director of a karaoke bar in the center of the capital, I wrote to Andrey again and invited him to visit. For some time he pursued me, constantly paying attention to me. One day my heart melted and I realized that I wanted to be with him.

How did your family and friends react to your decision to take part in the project?

My parents and grandmother, of course, reacted negatively to my decision. Over the 12 years of their existence on the project, they saw different things and, of course, they developed their own attitude towards the project. They understood that these were constant intrigues and provocations.

Before participating in the project, did you follow its events?

No! That is why I had to face all the difficulties and provocations while on the perimeter.

How were your relationships with the project participants?

Relations with almost all participants were good. Some opened up to me from a completely different side; in life they turned out to be different, less shocking and more sincere than their on-screen image. The exception is two adult women who were on the project without pairs. I encountered constant provocations from them. Their main task was to shine on the screen, so they did everything.

Many people write that all events take place according to the script, is this true?

Are there many places where you can hide from cameras?

The entire territory is bugged in any case. But the cameras are in certain places. None of the cameramen follow the participants in the house and film you close-up.

Is it true that you need to have a bunch of documents with you, including certificates from a psychiatrist, narcologist and venereologist, in order to be allowed onto the site?

They didn’t ask me for any information. Moreover, I even became a participant without a passport! The fact is that a few days before joining the project, I lost my passport and SNILS, and the documents took some time to be restored.

What is the situation with the regime? Are participants, for example, woken up at a certain time?

Yes, at about 10 am a voice is heard from the control room. We go to wash up and then go about our business. Some go dancing, some go to vocal classes, some spend time with each other. As for lights out, there is no clear time. You can go to bed at any time.

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