Basic movements used when warming up strip plastic. The dance movements are based on

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Is it possible to learn to dance strip dance at home? Yes! Is it easy? No! But don't look for easy ways. There is nothing that a person who has set a goal for himself cannot cope with.

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Of course, if you want to learn strip plastic, then start with the video lessons that are presented at the end of the article, but we also recommend reading useful recommendations which are proposed in this article.

Start with stretching

You should choose a set of stretching exercises. If, suddenly, you have previously been involved in yoga, fitness, dancing, then you should start with a more advanced course of stretching, which consists of various dynamic elements (bending, swinging, etc.) and static ones (in which you linger in certain positions for a while ). If you decide to do it for the first time physical activity, you should choose exercises for beginners that will consist of moderate stretching elements followed by increasing the load. Our recommendation: if stretching causes muscle pain, you should consult a doctor.

How often should you stretch? Everyone will unanimously say: “The more often, the better!” But this is true. Only regularity can guarantee results. This is due to the structure of the muscle structure human body. If you have done one lesson a week, you will feel strong (this is normal condition, muscles stretch and “ache”). Now you will wait until the body stops “aching” and then start training again - believe me, the previous lesson has been multiplied by 0 - the muscles have returned to their normal position. But on the contrary, when you stretch your muscles, you need to consolidate the result - carry out it in time. next lesson. Therefore, we recommend stretching at least twice a week for an hour each day. But if you want quick results (3 to 6 months), you need to train at least three times a week.

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Work on your coordination

After you understand that the first steps have already been taken - you have started stretching - you can continue learning strip plastic at home - add movements that develop coordination. To control your body, you need to do regular lifts of your arms, legs, bends, rotations, walks - you can learn all these elements from video lessons. Repeat these movements as often as possible, you can perform them not only at a specific allotted time - you can walk around the apartment, from room to room, using a “dance gait”. During your work break, you can get up and do a couple of tilts left and right, a couple of rotations. Be sure to stretch your arms and neck. If you're feeling self-conscious, this may be your first step in overcoming your fear of public speaking! Prove to others and yourself that you are confident.

The result of coordination classes will be confident body control. People learn this throughout their lives - the more you do, the more more complex movements you will be able to perform. But the basics: balancing on one leg, lifting your legs, spinning in a straight line or on one point, jumping with a clear landing, transferring weight to your heels, the ability to stand on your toes, transferring weight from one leg to another - all these and other simple elements should be the ABC of your self-learning.

Develop plasticity

Naturally, the most striking skill of all strip-dance dancers is excellent plasticity. This should be 50% of your training. Special exercises that are easy to find on the Internet will help you take your first steps. After you have a certain course of exercises that you put together yourself, and you have made the first progress, you will be ready to come up with your own plastic exercises, and then your own dance elements for your dance.

Listen to music

And the last thing, which is quite difficult to learn, but still possible, is to listen and hear music. To make the dance organic, musical and graceful, you need to select the appropriate music, you need to listen to the rhythm, use different movements at certain moments. They will help to beat and complement musical composition, and won't just bump into her and seem out of place. It should be understood that dance is not an ordinary set of movements, it is an art accompanied by music. Especially in strip-dance, where it is important for a dancer to be seductive, smooth, graceful, gentle - you should become musical.

Let's summarize.
You can learn stripdancing at home. Video lessons on strip plastic and various tutorials can help you with this. You need to pay attention to musicality, coordination, plasticity and stretching. You should exercise regularly. You should practice speaking in front of an audience. But don't forget that everything is fine in in the right place and on time - there is no need to show elements of strip plasticity where it would be “inappropriate”, and also in front of those who will not like it or find it “vulgar”!

Video lessons

There are a great variety of dance styles in the world different styles and complexity. One of the fairly new directions is strip plastic. This direction is a type of aerobics that imitates plastic sensual dance. Strip plastic teaches you to move beautifully, smoothly, showing female body and curves in all their attractiveness.

Today on the site website we will show video lessons of strip plasticity for beginners from the best trainers of this type of dance.

The dance in this style is filled with sensual plasticity and femininity, simply mesmerizing the audience, especially men. The girl performing the dance is very attractive and seductive. Of course, this dance allows you to reveal yourself as a desirable woman.

Practicing strip plastic surgery has a very good effect on your figure and health. Allows you to keep your body in good shape and your mood at its best. Main secret of these dances is that any girl, regardless of age and physique, can feel desired and liberated, and give aesthetic pleasure to her man.

Now strip plastic is very popular and in every city you can definitely find a school and a trainer who will teach plastic movements. But many trainers give initial techniques and share secrets in videos for beginners who decide to try it at home first and then enroll in a school to bring the enchanting movements to the highest level of mastery.

After practicing strip plastic, your figure noticeably improves, excess weight is lost, muscles are worked out and your overall appearance becomes even more feminine. The movements change, the gait becomes easy and the girl feels more confident.

All the muscles of the body are involved in the dance: buttocks, legs, abs, muscles of the arms and legs, so after classes the figure becomes slim and toned.

A series of video lessons on strip plastic for beginners

Video lesson of strip plastic for beginners. Breast

Video tutorial on strip plastic surgery. Movement of the hips

Video tutorial for beginners

Video lesson for beginners to practice stripplasty

Video lesson. Dance

Today, elements of stripplasty are deservedly popular among many girls and dance teachers. Until recently, this technique was associated only with the movements of naked strippers in nightclubs, but now most people are beginning to understand that this direction and striptease are not the same thing at all.

In this article we will tell you what the elements of this dance style are, and whether you can learn them yourself at home.

Stripplasty: characteristics and types

All elements of strip plastic together represent an extremely beautiful and bewitching erotic action. The girl who performs this dance is an incredibly attractive sexual object for the opposite sex.

Despite this, not a single type of stripplasty requires exposure. Dancers drive men crazy solely with their plasticity, light and sexy movements, and not with exposed parts of their bodies.

This modern direction dance art differs from other dances in the following characteristics:

  • looseness;
  • sophisticated sexuality;
  • complete emancipation;
  • sensuality;
  • smoothness of movements;
  • strict adherence to a clear rhythm;
  • pleasant and enchanting music.

Many may notice that precisely in its characteristics this dance resembles a striptease. This is indeed so, since these two directions have common roots. At the same time, they also have significant differences. Elements of professional stripplasty cannot be obscene, lascivious or too explicit.

In essence, this type of dance represents the art of seduction, but the performer plays not with her body, but with the feelings of the viewer.

Often even married young girls choose this dance. There is absolutely nothing reprehensible in this, because among all the dance styles, it is strip plastic that more than others helps a woman to liberate herself and diversify her family and sex life. In addition, some elements of strip plastic surgery allow you to tighten your figure, get rid of a couple of extra pounds, strengthen your muscles and correct your posture.

Today there are several types of stripplasty, among them every girl will definitely choose the one she likes, for example:

  • classic stripplasty;
  • strip latina;
  • strip-R
  • strip cardio.

As is clear from the names of the second and third types, they are a mixture of stripplastics and other dance styles. Cardio-striplasty, in turn, is a combination of aerobics, choreography and lungs physical exercise.

Moreover, this includes both dynamic elements, for example, swinging legs, bending over, squats, and so on, as well as slow and smooth erotic movements. This type of dance, more than other types of strip plastic, is suitable for those women who want to lose a little weight and improve their health.

How to learn to dance elements of strip-plasticity at home?

Learning to dance various elements of any type of strip dance is not at all difficult, and this can be done without special labor at home. To do this, you need to choose a suitable video tutorial, many of which can be easily found on the Internet, and try to follow all the instructions contained in it.

Before you start exercising, you need to do some stretching. IN otherwise your unprepared body will make itself felt with a mass of painful and uncomfortable sensations the next day.

You should start with the simplest elements for stretching muscles, such as bending, turning and swinging, gradually increasing the load and intensity. While performing various movements, you need to remain in the same position for some time, that is, changing elements should not occur abruptly. Stretching exercises should be carried out 2-3 times a week, and the duration of the exercises should be at least an hour.

After some time, when you realize that your muscles have sufficiently adapted to grueling stretching exercises, you should add movements that develop coordination in space. These are raising arms and legs, rotating limbs in different directions, all kinds of turns, balancing on one leg, jumping, transferring body weight to the heels, the ability to stand on heels and toes, and so on. Also at this stage you can begin to practice the well-known “dance” gait.

Most dynamic physical exercises, among other things, develop the plasticity of the torso. It is worth noting that a flexible and plastic body is half the success in mastering various elements of stripplasty.

Finally, already on last stage, when your muscles get used to regular exercise, your body becomes dexterous, flexible and skillful, and you yourself can liberate yourself so much that you are not afraid to demonstrate your skills in front of other people, you can turn on the music.

Stretching and all previous gymnastic exercises should be performed in complete silence, so as not to be distracted, but to fully concentrate on what exactly you are doing.

Stripplasty for beginners at home is the topic of the article. How does this type of dance differ from striptease, what is stripplasty on the pole.

Is it possible to lose weight from regular classes. Selection of basic exercises.

Exists great amount types of dances: from classical to ultra-modern. A trend called stripplasty is gaining great popularity.

This type of dance is a manifestation of sensuality, individuality and openness of the soul.

Stripplasty refers to a type of aerobics in which the performer imitates an erotic dance. The performance is truly exciting and mesmerizing.

Dance presupposes freedom of expression, clear body plasticity, manifestations of sexuality and sensuality.

The main difference from striptease is the degree of intimacy.

“Strip” means to demonstrate, undress, “tease” - to tease, to seduce, that is, “striptease” is a demonstration of the naked body for seduction.

Stripplasty is the ability to move beautifully and plastically with elements of sensuality.

If the goal of the first is undressing, then for the second this is unacceptable.

The dancers do not expose themselves and do not perform overly revealing movements (they always keep the line).

Stripplasty does not mean some meaningless rotations and squats around a pole (or even without it), it collects many dance styles: jazz, ballet, tango, flamenco, modern, and contemporary.

It is important to skillfully combine this, add more sensuality and tell your story. All this is only slightly hinting, but without vulgarity.

What does stripplasty give to a woman?

So, dance will teach you to control your body, understand and accept yourself, see your beauty and uniqueness.

After the first lesson, it will become clear that this type of dancing requires maximum tension and effort.

There is not a single muscle group that will not be used during exercise.

Regular exercise will work all muscle groups - your tummy will tighten, relief will appear on your arms and legs, your butt will become more elastic, a proud posture will appear and a confident gait will begin to form.

Beautiful and erotic movements will give you self-confidence (you will feel like a woman - beautiful, seductive and attractive, your movements will become smooth and measured).

Stripplasty will help you open up to a man (even in ordinary life and with other people you will begin to feel completely different, more confident).

Dance classes will relieve stress after a hard day at work, both mentally and physically - muscle stretching will relieve internal tension.

Over time, the woman acquires the flexibility and sensuality of a cat (you yourself will notice that they begin to walk softly and gently).

Movements and behavior in general will be filled with grace (you will even wear clothes and makeup differently, not to mention self-presentation).

If you exercise regularly, you can lose excess weight, because exercise requires enormous amounts of energy and effort. The deepest muscles are worked.

Stripplasty helps not only to lose weight, but also to sharpen your figure. Just look at professional athletes.

If you need information about losing weight, read.

First steps into the world of erotic dance

First of all, it is important to understand for yourself that this is really interesting. You need to do stripplasty with desire and inspiration.

There are several ways to learn dance.

Sign up for courses at a fitness club (today almost everywhere there are classes on strip plastic).

If you are shy about explicit movements or the schedule does not suit you, then you can hire a personal trainer and attend individual classes.

Study at home on your own (today there are a huge number of videos on the Internet and educational CDs).

If the latter option suits you best, then a large mirror that reflects you from head to toe will come in handy.

This is one of the most important things, since only the ability to see yourself will allow you to control your movements and body.

A spacious and private room (no one will disturb you during class; there should be enough space to do any exercise).

Comfortable clothes (it all depends on your preferences, but more often you choose something tight and with good stretch).

Exercises for stripplasty at home

To study at home, you need to remember some exercises. Stripplasty consists of a set of specific actions: warm-up, ligaments and stretching.

For warming up. First stage reminiscent of aerobic exercises.

Take 4 steps forward, then back (start with right leg). At the same time, make circular movements with your shoulders.

“Draw” the number eight with your hips, that is, moving up and down and left and right. As you lift your knees, stroke them towards your hips.

Tilts: feet shoulder-width apart, clasp the left shin with your left hand, then right hand- right shin, lower your head, and then slowly rise, keeping your back straight.

Spread your arms in different directions, and then hug yourself by the shoulders, while your legs bend slightly at the knees (now you need to slightly sway your hips).

Each exercise must be done eight times.

Types of ligaments. All of the exercises below are suitable for beginners, so as soon as you no longer have difficulty performing them, increase the difficulty.

Place your feet one meter apart and slowly lean forward. Run your hands along the inside of your legs to your thighs and slowly return to the starting position.

The legs stand together, the center of gravity is shifted to the left, and the right is on the toe. Bend at the waist and move your hands up your body, tracing its contours.

Then use your hands to imitate the movement of throwing your hair behind your back and, sliding along your neck, raise your arms up.

Starting position sitting. Spread your legs and knees to the sides, move your hands from your knees to your waist.

Starting position with emphasis on the left thigh.

Make a circular motion with your right foot, then the starting position changes to resting on the right thigh and a circular motion is made with your left foot

By doing all these exercises, you will use all muscle groups, and your movements will become smoother.

For stretching. These exercises are needed to strengthen the basic ones and prevent muscle pain after exercise. In addition, they contribute to the development of body flexibility.

For support, you can choose a wall or some piece of furniture that will not move.

You need to imagine that you are a wave and move your body from head to toe. Then perform a reverse wave-like action.

This exercise is exactly the same as the previous one, only it is performed sideways to the surface. It needs to be done on both sides.

These exercises sharpen your waistline, strengthen your abs and remove fat on your stomach and thighs.

When doing stripplasty, do not forget to fantasize and apply the acquired knowledge together.

Invent your own dances, express yourself. If your goal is to lose weight and improve the contours of your figure, then you need to work for at least 30-40 minutes a day.

At first, you can do this every other day.

Home pole for stripplasty

You can dance with various items or without them. The most popular is a pole or a metal vertical tube.

Stripplasty on the pole is half-dance, or rather independent direction. What is the difference between stripplasty and half-density?

The main difference is that the first one is performed only without a pole. And in the second, he plays main role, serves as the background and support for all acrobatic tricks in dance.

Poldens is more related to sports and aerobics than to seductive dancing. The movements are practically devoid of any hint of sexuality or sensuality.

Even men do it, while stripplasty is only for women.

Pole exercises develop the muscles of the arms, torso and legs. The sense of balance and equilibrium is also perfectly adjusted.

Emotions and artistry are not the main components.

If you engage only in middance, then sensuality develops poorly. Of course, there are some similarities: developing flexibility, the ability to control your body, improving posture, promoting weight loss.

However, to learn half-dance you will have to go to a fitness club, since few people can afford a home striptease pole in an ordinary apartment.

Contraindications for practicing stripplasty

Dance classes - which may be more suitable for women. Unlike other types of dancing, you do not need to look for a partner.

There is no need to buy special, special clothes; what you like and what is comfortable and comfortable to work in will easily fit (the main thing is that it does not interfere and stretches well).

Any music at your discretion is suitable.

And another point in favor of dancing is the fact that absolutely any woman can practice. Neither age nor chronic health problems can become an obstacle to exercise.

For many ailments, exercise will improve your well-being. After all, there is no frantic rhythm here, the movements are smooth. Everyone chooses the degree of difficulty of the exercises for themselves.

Even the features of your figure cannot interfere; they will improve after regular exercise.


So, today you learned that stripplasty for beginners at home is a great opportunity to try to tighten your figure without visiting fitness clubs.

Now, watching a dancer, you can easily determine whether she is demonstrating a frank striptease or whether it is still a strip plastic surgery.

How do you feel about stripplasty? It's something exotic and too daring or interesting to try.

If anyone is involved in dancing, share your experience in the comments, what changes and improvements you have noticed.

Best regards, Tina Tomchuk

Lately increasingly, among the fashionable dance styles offered by various dance schools, you can find strip dancing. Not every woman will decide to sign up for such lessons, because the name itself speaks of explicit elements, but is this so? Let's figure it out.

What is strip plastic

This type dancing is not at all what many imagine. There are no overt moves, pole dancing or other elements that come to mind. Strip plasticity is a dance style that successfully combines flexibility, plasticity, smooth movements and freedom of expression. Basically, this is a kind of gymnastics in which they work on psychology. Masters teach you to love your body, feel it, and develop sensuality in yourself.

Strip plastic surgery for weight loss

Increasingly, dances are advertised as independent species fitness, and strip plastic surgery for weight loss is no exception. Overall, it can really help get rid of excess weight and tighten up, because some ligaments are very complex. True, it is not recommended to get carried away with the strip for people who are very overweight, because... dynamic loads can lead to injury.

This type of dance is not a panacea for extra centimeters or cellulite. Without proper nutrition and regularity you will not see any result except strengthening the muscles. Therefore, evaluate your strengths rationally, set goals thoughtfully, and don’t expect a miracle. Even the simplest elements require hard work on yourself and your body. No dance teacher will help you lose weight quickly without your own efforts and work.

Strip plastic for beginners

If you are thinking about learning how to dance a striptease and have chosen the strip plastic direction, start simple. Watch the strip-plasty lessons for beginners, try combining several simple elements, and think if it’s worth it. Girls want a beautiful waist, a toned stomach, beautiful hands and elastic buttocks, they want to learn how to do the splits. However, not everyone can master stripdancing due to the lack of a sense of rhythm and stretching.

Don't be upset if nature hasn't endowed you with slimness, flexibility and sexuality. If the desire is really strong, then everything can be learned in dance studio. Go to a trial lesson, do a warm-up, try to follow the teacher’s recommendations, learn a simple modern dance. Liked? Then go ahead and get a strip dance subscription for beginners in dance school or watch online videos for learning at home.

Find out at home.

Music for strip plastic

In any dance direction important right choice musical accompaniment. Strip dance is no exception, he is even more demanding. Music for strip dancing should be soft, smooth and mysterious, but this does not mean that you cannot dance to your favorite fast song. In this direction of dance there are many interesting combinations of elements that are suitable for rhythmic movements at home and for performing on stage.

Clothes for strip plastic surgery

Many beginners have a question about what clothes to choose for strip plastic surgery, because the right suit and shoes are half the success. If you have just started learning how to properly dance a striptease or strip dance, it is better to give preference to comfortable clothes rather than spectacular ones. High-quality leggings and a T-shirt are perfect for working out at home. For shoes, it is better to choose Czech shoes or exercise in socks. When you develop a style, learn how to dance with a chair correctly, how to stay on stage, you can think about buying a special costume.

Male strip plastic surgery

Lately, video tutorials have begun to appear more and more often, showing male strip plastic surgery that captivates the hearts of women. But men are skeptical about these videos; few would dare to openly declare that they are engaged in this type of dancing, but there are benefits from such dance aerobics for guys too. It strengthens the hips, improves general state health and benefits.

Price for strip plastic lessons

Good news for those who think dancing is expensive. You were wrong! Today in any district of Moscow you can find a dance studio that offers this direction, and at a very affordable price. You can choose free trial lesson, if this is practiced in your studio, or pay for a one-time lesson, the cost of which ranges from 300 to 600 rubles.

It is most profitable to take a subscription for 10-20 classes; their cost can be from 4 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on the time and level of training. Before purchasing a subscription, carefully read the description and reviews of the chosen school and teacher, because not only the quality of education, but also your safety depends on this. A good teacher will not have large quantity free seats.

Find out without leaving home.

Video: strip plastic - movements

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