From sold out to Full House. It seems to me that a strong foundation for a family is a sense of humor

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Evgeniy Kryzhanovsky is a talented artist, humorist, and also the chief director of the Minsk Theater of Humor and Satire “Christopher”. Born in the city of Nikolaev in Ukraine in 1955. After graduating from school, he tried to enter Moscow theater schools, but failed the entrance exams. He worked as a stagehand at the Tula Drama Theater and eventually entered the Belarusian Theater and Art Institute to study acting.

After some time, he became a member of the troupe of the Academic Theater. Yanka Kupala, and almost 10 years later he created his own theater of humor and satire, for which he came up with the name “Christopher”. He starred in Andrei Malakhov’s program and even became deputy chairman of the LDP party in 2008, responsible for propaganda and agitation.

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In his autobiography, Eugene emphasized that he did not like humor and satire, did not recognize them and considered them inferior genres, but he himself always dreamed of becoming a dramatic actor. Life decided differently. It was in the genre of musical comedy that his talent was able to fully reveal itself. He starred in more than ten films, made his debut in the film “The Stork”, besides this he starred in the films “Come and See”, “The Lokhovsky Case”, “Assassination”, etc. I also tried my hand at film voice acting in the film “Fidget.”

Filigree acting and acting talent are still in demand today. Fans of his talent and lovers of fun holidays invite Evgeny Kryzhanovsky to events, concerts, openings, presentations and other celebrations. Don't forget, every minute of laughter prolongs your life. Large companies are fighting to book Evgeny Kryzhanovsky for a corporate event. The talented Belarusian actor will set the mood for any celebration, and his jokes and spontaneity will give every guest a year's supply of good mood.

You don't know how to meet an artist? You can place an order for Evgeniy Kryzhanovsky with us. Nothing is impossible for our concert managers. You name the day, time and occasion of the celebration, we take on all the organizational concerns. The actor and presenter is suitable for events of any size and format, from cozy birthdays or anniversaries to large concert programs, presentations and mass celebrations.

Comedy Club in Barvikha (broadcast from 09/15/2017)

Pavel Volya and the fat Garik Kharlamov opened the Comedy Club in Barvikha, there were many guests - eminent, famous and just spectators. Among them were Ksenia Borodina with a quiet Kurban Omarov and the famous diva Olga Buzova.
Buzovoy Pavel Volya devoted a huge part of his precious and expensive time to the Club - I briefly convey his speech:

Maybe Buzova should host “Comedy”?
The whole world is against her, but Pavel Snezhok Valya is FOR! Because everyone envy Olga, and Buzova is POWER!
At the VK Fest Festival there were many venues in a huge park, everyone brought the best - each structure was laid out, something was shown, attracting and enticing spectators, but suddenly...

Suddenly, somewhere in the distance, Buzova’s concert began.
EVERYONE rushed there! Like in American films, when everyone has gone crazy and is rushing... no, not to escape - everyone was running to the epicenter of the tragedy!
Pavel Volya also ran. From your concert straight to the concert of Velikaya Buzova!

Everything Buzova touches becomes an INDUSTRY! Clothes are selling, songs are in great demand, videos are being filmed, the book exists - read it! smell it!
Buzova needs to expand! We need to open a chain of pharmacies “It doesn’t hurt me anymore”, drug treatment clinics “I’m getting used to it”, antenatal clinics “I’m opening up the world of other men”!

Buzova will soon become President - she and Putin are similar! She is already being “led” from the Kremlin! Judge for yourself:
Both are from St. Petersburg.
Both came to Moscow to work.
Both of them have a weak partner in tandem - Ksenia Borodina, sorry!
Both are divorced.
Both worked under Sobchak!

But at the very beginning of “House-2” they wanted to kick Buzova out!
Humanity had a chance............
One day, all participants voted to expel Buzova from the Project! Imagine if the audience had sent an SMS for 50 rubles back then, had not been stingy, had joined the participants - now their children would not have paid 5,000 rubles for a ticket to her concert!
Nothing would have started! We screwed everything up…………..

However, then Buzova was not kicked out - then everything went wrong: one of the participants supported the unfortunate Buzova and even decided to leave after her!
HE SAVED Buzova, you scoundrel! He is the ENEMY of the state!

(On the screen they showed the ancient Lobnoye, where the plump, disheveled blonde Olyushko was crying from the resentment of being expelled. The sleek, beautiful Olyushko of today grabbed her heart and burst into laughter!
A friend-participant was named Evgeny Kryzhanovsky, although Alex Materazzi was on the screen - but what does that matter?... The essence is important!)

And now songs... videos... shops... books... performances...
By the way, why in the video where “I wake up alone again” and where Buzova is lying freely in bed with a pipe, Olga is wearing a man’s shirt?.... She woke up ALONE?....
Or is her little man running somewhere nearby in her playful top with the inscription “Dom-2”?

Olga recently recorded a video, a duet. With Nastya Kudrya.
True, the couple brazenly stole the melody from an American group... However, this is patriotic: this is what the Americans need!!
But since Buzova steals, Pavel Volya will go further: he will steal from Buzova!
He creates the Project “Will of Kharbuzov”!
Have you seen the premiere work of “Will”?.....

The famous Belarusian humorist Yevgeny Kryzhanovsky has been married five times. The age difference with my last wife is almost 20 years. Despite this, the family lives amicably. He never calls his ex-wives ex-wives and celebrates all holidays with them.

In an interview the artist told how his current wife did not know until the last moment that they would get married, how to interest a young girl whose father you are old enough to be, and what profession his four daughters chose.

Evgeniy, there are legends about your family. Do you really keep in touch with all your ex-wives?

We have been living with my current wife for 21 years. Remember the movie “White Sun of the Desert”? There was a phrase: “The master appointed me as his beloved wife.” That's how it is for me. I appointed Anya as my beloved wife.

The other day we celebrated the birthday of one of my daughters. All the children, wives, mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law gathered. I am proud that this unique vessel did not break. Despite the fact that there are divorce stamps in our passports, we are all together.

Evgeny Kryzhanovsky and his beloved women

I believe that I owe it to my wives for who I have become. It is their merit that I did not drink myself to death, did not smoke, and that I could do what I loved. They were my rock wall. This is very important for a creative person. Therefore, I treat all my women with great respect.

I left like a man. I left apartments to all my wives. I myself spent the night in a car, in hotels, with friends. He also gave money to his wives. I remember being at the same concert with Zhvanetsky. During the banquet I ask him: “Michal Mikhalych, do you earn a lot?” He says: “A lot. But when you divide it into five equal shares, it turns out to be quite a bit.” I do the same. To this day, all the money I earn is not my personal, but common. I help wives and children. For me, the worst holiday is March 8th. I must congratulate my 11 women - after all, I not only have wives, but also mothers-in-law and four daughters. And I must not forget about the women who help me throughout my life - from the tax inspector to doctors. In general, when I hear that March 8 is a red day on the calendar, I always say that red is the color of my blood.

In America there is no such thing as an ex-president; there they even call ex-presidents “Mr. President.” I also don’t have any ex-wives. We agreed with them this way: those with whom I have already separated are spouses. And my current chosen one is my wife.

-What did your wives do?

My wives are creative people: a teacher, a librarian, an artist, and these are not the highest paid professions, so I have always been the main breadwinner. I have a rather modest family. Nobody complains about not having the latest iPhone or a holiday to Goa. We have a small dacha near Zaslavl - one for everyone, we love to spend time there.

One of the first wives hoped that since I was a popular and famous artist, it meant that we would bask in luxury. This was one of the reasons for the divorce. And this wife does not communicate with us, she has other interests.

- How are responsibilities distributed in your family?

I believe that a man should earn money. But if a woman wants and can work, why not. The economic situation is difficult now. If the husband has difficulties, and the wife can back him up, this is the right approach.

In my family, farming has always been on the women's shoulders. If the need arises, I can cook myself lunch or dinner, something primitive: chicken broth, dumplings. But I wasn’t single for long, so I didn’t have time to get used to the kitchen. I feel sorry for bachelors. I have friends who are already 36-40 years old. It is clear that they will never marry again and will not be able to experience this happiness. What is happiness? Favorite family and favorite job.

- Tell us how you met your current wife?

I met Anya when she was four months old. I lived on Zakharova Street, I was 23 years old, and I was married. Every day I ran to the Kupala Theater past Gorky Park. I always saw young mothers with strollers on Voyskovy Lane. Of course, I didn’t know then that one of these young women would become my mother-in-law. By the way, she is younger than me! When Anya and I were already together, my mother-in-law said: “Evgeny Anatolyevich, the girls and I saw you in the park. You ran by, and we said after him: look, this is a theater artist!” Therefore, when Anya and I walk past the playground, I tell my wife: “Anya, be careful with me! Maybe my next wife is digging in the sandbox.”

- How important is the stamp in your passport for you? Or was it the brides who pulled you to the registry office?

I am a supporter of civil marriages. This is a test that must be passed. Moreover, now there is such free time. There is an expression: to know a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him. A pound of salt is 16 kg; a person eats 7 grams per day. If you divide it, it comes out to three years. The couple must live for three years, only after that can they go to the registry office.

I have officiated weddings myself. There were newlyweds whom I called sparrows. The guy’s thin neck can be seen from behind his collar, and he’s already sitting as a husband. And the wife is the same - the children are 18-19 years old. It is clear that in a few months this love boat will crash into everyday life. Today we have 50% of divorces. Why? Because the bride and groom did not recognize each other.

Anya and I lived for nine years before we got married. There is an old Belarusian joke. Two men meet, one asks the other:

- Listen, you have a wifehonest?

- Well, hello, we’ve lived for nine years, we haven’t stolen anything.

So, when I saw that Anya had not stolen anything, I stole her passport and went to the registry office. I wrote two statements with my left and right hands, but didn’t say anything to her. I'm good at surprises.

- So she didn’t know anything about the wedding?

Exactly! On October 4 she took the exam. I suggested we sit in a cafe in Trinity Suburb. And so we drink coffee, and I say: “Listen, Anya, today Sasha Khomich, my friend, is getting married.” She didn't even realize it was Monday. And of course, I agreed on everything. And so we go to the registry office. Sasha Khomich is standing there with her friend, our other friends who were supposed to play along. Anya congratulates the “newlyweds”, they thank her. And we are all invited to the marriage registration hall, where everyone disperses to the sides, and we find ourselves in the center. My Anya doesn’t understand anything. When it came to the question of whether you agree to become Kryzhanovsky’s wife, she, of course, began to shed tears of surprise. In general, that’s how we got married.

“My fourth-fifth.” So says Kryzhanovsky himself

- You still have a big age difference. Were there any disagreements?

When we met, Anya was only 19 years old, I was almost 40. Little by little, little by little, I molded her into what I needed. To begin with, he gave her a list of 200 books that an intelligent person should read. I admit, I then lied to her that I had read all these books myself, although in fact I had only completed half of them. Therefore, when she sometimes quoted one of the classics to me, I had to pretend that I knew perfectly well what she was talking about. But I hope I still have time to catch up. But my wife read all these books.

In addition, I contributed to her graduating from Narxoz. And the most important thing is communication. The art world is very interesting, the people here are unusual. Today, Anya can be proud that she not only knows Semyon Altov, they have friendly relations. My wife helped me publish the book, she teaches the roles with me. So we already understand each other perfectly.

- Does she have her own business?

She now has the most difficult task - she is caring for my mother. This is hard work, because my mother is a very elderly person and cannot walk on her own. Anya left her job as a teacher to help her. The state pays her “huge” money - 120 rubles a month. And caring for a sick person, according to our laws, is not included in the length of service. So my wife still has to work and work so that she can count on her pension.

Anya recently developed a hobby that she has infected all of us with - our whole family makes ceramics. We make dishes from clay, it’s an amazing thing. Even food tastes different when you eat from a plate you made with your own hands.

We also love to travel together. Anya traveled half the world with me during the “Christopher” tour. By the way, I don’t understand when family people say that they need a break from each other. I can’t even imagine this! You are walking around the city, in a museum, and there is no loved one next to you. Who then should you tell about your impressions? Who to rejoice with?

Evgeny and Anna Kryzhanovsky

- Do you discuss politics? This is also part of your life as deputy chairman of the LDPB.

Of course, this is a big part of my life. Anya supports me. Typically women are not interested in politics. How was it with the Germans? Child, kitchen, church. This is how it works in life. But my wife can carry on a conversation about politics, although she is not a member of the party.

- Does your wife always agree with you?

Any man wants to be the king of the family, to be listened to and to have the last word. I'm not an exception. But life has taught me that you also need to listen to other people’s opinions. Therefore, sometimes I obey my wife, but more on domestic issues. On global issues, our opinions most often coincide. There is no civil war in our family, there will be no Maidan.

- Who is responsible for the family budget?

The main earner, of course, is me. But in terms of money distribution, we have complete democracy. Of course, we approve expensive purchases. But my wife has no whims like buy me a fur coat and diamonds here and now. Of course, like any woman, she likes all these attributes, and I try to please her, but Anya comes from a very simple family, she knows the value of money. Even as a child, she earned money with her grandmother in the village by picking blueberries. So we all know how to live within our means.

- How did life turn out for your ex-wives?

Unfortunately, they were unable to find a replacement for me. I say “unfortunately” because I believe that next to any woman there should be a strong man’s shoulder. Of course, I help as best I can, but I would be happy if everything was fine in their personal lives.

- How did your current spouse perceive the fact that you communicate with your ex? She had no jealousy, no protest?

No, we really have a big friendly family. When I met Anya, the relationship with my previous wife was already over, she did not take me away from the family, no one has any complaints against her. I am very grateful to my mother-in-law from my third marriage. She saw how I was torn between my current family and the past, because there was a child left there. And one day she told me: “Zhenya, don’t worry. Take us Anka!” At first Anya was shy, of course. But she was well received. And now, when we need to leave Belarus somewhere, we leave our youngest daughter with one of our ex-wives. I am calm that they will look after her and that everything will be fine.

- You took part in a television project "Wife Exchange". How did you decide to take on such an adventure?

I am a public person, this is part of my profession. But I didn't take into account all the points. I thought they would tell us in advance where my wife would go. I thought, well, it will be a different city, but that’s okay. I was sure that there would be normal conditions there. In fact, my Anya found herself in the most terrible conditions in the entire history of this show. She lived in a village where the toilet was outside, where there were rats in the house, where there was a terrible smell of urine. When she went to bed, she laid orange peels around her to somehow kill the stench.

I don't know how she survived. We could not refuse during filming, because, firstly, according to the contract, a fine of 30 thousand dollars is required for this. And secondly, I’m still a man of my word and I understand that once the filming process has started, we need to go to the end. I still remember how she cried upon her return. Of course, if I had known in advance that this would happen, I would never have subjected her to such suffering.

Evgeniy Kryzhanovsky with his daughters

During the previous parliamentary campaign, you said that if you become a deputy, you are ready for a fifth child. Are your plans still in place?

I have four beautiful daughters. The eldest lives in Germany, works as a radio journalist. The second daughter is a photographer, the third is a director, the youngest is still only a schoolgirl. As you can see, everyone has chosen a creative path for themselves, this makes me very happy. And we don't plan to stop there. Even though I am almost 62 years old, I would like to become a father again.

Photo by Sergei Satsyuk and from the personal archive of Evgeniy Kryzhanovsky

In Belarus, on average, every second marriage breaks up [according to statistics, there are 506 divorces per 1000 marriages]. However, comedian Evgeny Kryzhanovsky is setting a record - he already has his fifth wife and, accordingly, four divorces!

In the studio "Privata" together with Valerina Kustova - the history of marriages and divorces of the Honored Artist of Belarus Evgeny Kryzhanovsky.

Seven bright quotes from Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

“I’m an honest person: if I kissed, I immediately got married!”

“My second wife was sick with a terrible disease. Now she’s gone... She knew that she was sick, and in order to deprive me of this suffering, she disappeared..."

“And once I got married because of drunkenness. I went out drunk and looked: my legs were walking like that! And got married!”

“Men are the real bulls! That’s how I was removed from my family!”

“I have a huge age difference with my last wife because I met her when she was a baby! She was lying in a stroller... And then, when we met in adulthood, she was 19 years old, and I was 40-something!”

“Not a single wife could find a replacement for me.”

“I am a good father, but perhaps not a good husband for wives.”

“One day I was offered a divorce. At first I didn't understand what they wanted. They came together. I see they are adults. I thought maybe it was a wedding anniversary. And they say: divorce! It was so interesting. When she raises her glass and says: damn you! And he: the same to you, dear! They were simply creative people. But I didn’t, every time it was painful, there was no time for humor,” says the honored artist.

The TV channel announced the filming of a new season of a successful television project. If in the first season its participants were ordinary families who agreed to exchange wives for a week (there is nothing vulgar about this - we are just talking about living under one roof and doing everyday life together). Everything else is monitored around the clock by channel representatives who are in the house or apartment of the show’s characters. This year they decided to add intrigue to the show and invited families of famous people. A famous person will have to live for a week with a woman from an ordinary Belarusian family.

I've already married five times. “I finally have a wife who is not afraid to let go for a week - I am confident in her,” says future participant in the show, artistic director of the Christopher Theater Evgeniy Kryzhanovsky. - Well, then, according to the terms of the contract, an editor is with the show participants around the clock. You won't be spoiled! I actually asked for a younger female editor to be assigned to me, so we'll see! I immediately liked the idea of ​​participating in the show - I didn’t watch the last season, but I know that the project was successful in 50 countries. But my wife Anya watched last year... And, of course, it was immediately a categorical no and three nights of tears, scandals up to and including divorce. She remembered the hero of last season, who poured his new wife’s delicious borscht down the toilet - simply because it was too high in calories for him. But if you hammer at one point, as you know, you can teach even a hare to smoke. I convinced her and promised that if Anya was offended, I would spit on the contract and fines and come to save her, and then I would punch the offender in the face!

But you won’t know anything until the end of the project!

This is in our age of communications and I don’t recognize it! It’s okay, she’ll send me a dove. Filming in our family will begin on September 23. But Anya has already prepared - she has cleaned out the apartment and is going to take her favorite toy - a multi-cooker - with her to her new family. She is a good housewife, an excellent cook, and also a very sociable person. After she lived for 17 years with Kryzhanovsky - and we don’t even give that much for murder - she is no longer afraid of any sentence. Plus, don’t forget that we have a 23-year age difference. If anything, she will remain a rich widow (laughs - author's note).

Aren’t you afraid that they’ll put a milkmaid in your place for a week?

So I want a milkmaid! I know how to communicate with ordinary people, I myself come from a completely ordinary family, not bohemian. These are all Russian stars and Solodukha, who joined them, telling how well they live. Let the milkmaid come to Kryzhanovsky and look at his three-room apartment, his dacha on five hundred square meters, his sick mother who needs to be looked after, his daughter who needs to be taken to school... In general, life is not easy with me.

Of course, not everyone took the prospect of exchanging wives with humor, like Kryzhanovsky. Producer Vladimir Kubyshkin was shocked when he learned that he would not have to film for 2-3 hours a day, as he had planned. All week, almost around the clock, he will be under the guns of cameras - as if behind glass. Moreover, Kubyshkin does not currently have a wife, but he has a fiancée, Erzhen, who is much younger than him. “Don’t worry, I won’t fail, I can handle it,” laughs the beautiful Erzhena.

I'm afraid she is not ready for these tests. I tried to persuade her, and Erzhena refused at first. We have areas where she is the main one, but here I turned out to be the main one,” says Kubyshkin. - We watched last season, laughed and didn’t think that we would have to find ourselves in the same conditions. And when we found out, we watched the episodes again to be safe from unpleasant moments. And we realized that this is impossible, because everything depends on the specific people with whom we will have to live.

In general, there is nowhere to retreat; consent to participate in the show has been submitted.

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